View Full Version : Pathfinder Evangelist (prestige class) of Mammon vs Druid Code

2019-01-23, 12:55 PM
Lets say you have 3 characters who are all druids. The three druids are LN, LE, and NE. Assume the LE druid takes the planar extremist (and the law domain Planar Bond) archetype, while the LN and NE druids take the Blight Druid (with the death domain) archetype.

Only changing alignment, what would you expect the differing philosophies of these druids to be?

2019-01-25, 07:12 PM
Is being a druid even compatible with mammon?

2019-01-25, 09:45 PM
From the core rulebook:
Druids worship personifications of elemental forces, natural powers, or nature itself.
Mammon is none of those. I suppose the planar extremist could work; with that interpretation it seems like it would be functionally identical to a cleric of a Lawful Neutral or Neutral Evil deity who got corrupted by Mammon--the ex-druid's former druidic faith would be, like actually being a druid, entirely former.

2019-01-26, 12:18 AM
From the core rulebook:
Mammon is none of those. I suppose the planar extremist could work; with that interpretation it seems like it would be functionally identical to a cleric of a Lawful Neutral or Neutral Evil deity who got corrupted by Mammon--the ex-druid's former druidic faith would be, like actually being a druid, entirely former.

I’m going for an antidruid, basically. Just as opposite to a druid as an antipaladin is to a paladin.

2019-01-28, 04:35 PM
Might be a bit unusual, but there is some common ground. Mammon's favored animal is rightly a rat, and druids into the skittering chittering vermin have something in common right there. Mammon is greed embodied, and nature tends to favor those with the most. The animal that eats more now survives the famine later. The tree that gets more light grows bigger. The life that kills the competition has more pie to eat. A lot of animals steal and horde, a classic example being birds nests. Living off the scraps and the "one man's trash is another man's treasure" is how a lot of life not only survives, but thrives.

A druid of Mammon could be the fictional junkyard owner, A shady business with a 100% legitimate and reputable front. Your fantasy pawn shop owner type.
Alignment determines methodology: An LN druid finds, an NE druid steals, and an LE druid "finds". In this example, it is possible the NE does not operate in the open and instead exclusively deals in the black market. LE deals in both, and LN probably has limits on how grey/black of a market they will touch.