View Full Version : Merge Psicrystal/Companion?

Ranged Ranger
2019-01-23, 02:46 PM
So the Devoted Tracker feat combines your Animal Companion and Special Mount into a single creature with both benefits... The Arcane Hierophant Prestige Class combines the Animal Companion with a Familiar in a similar way... Is there any feat/prestige class that will do something along those lines for an Animal Companion and a Psicrystal?

2019-01-24, 09:35 AM
Take a dip in Windrider PrC - choose your Psicrystal as your Mount; then take the Devoted Tracker feat - it will allow to designate your Psicrystal (which is also your Mount) as your Animal Companion. Done!

2019-01-24, 12:36 PM
Get DR 1, designate your psicrystal as your familiar, give away your DR and do similar as above with familiar/companion.

But to do so directly, I don’t think there’s an option like that. Psi crystals are potent enough IMO, they don’t need to really be made better.

2019-01-24, 12:39 PM
Get DR 1Well, Damage Reduction won't do much for a familiar. :smallconfused:

Divine ranks (DvR), however...


Ranged Ranger
2019-01-29, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the suggestions... Unfortunately, neither of them really work for me... I guess I didn't give enough information about what I was needing in the original post... I have an idea for a gestalt Spell-less Ranger/Ardent character and was looking for a way to allow him to share powers with his Wolverine so that his self only buffs can also help the wolverine the way a normal ranger's would help their companion...

2019-01-29, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the suggestions... Unfortunately, neither of them really work for me... I guess I didn't give enough information about what I was needing in the original post... I have an idea for a gestalt Spell-less Ranger/Ardent character and was looking for a way to allow him to share powers with his Wolverine so that his self only buffs can also help the wolverine the way a normal ranger's would help their companion...Metamorphosis it into an animal, make it your companion, and hope for the best?

Once you have a psychoactive skin of proteus on it, you can make it permanent.

2019-01-29, 02:34 PM
If you have the magic mantle oh, you might be able to argue that you can share spells with your psiCrystal.

There is a first level Ranger spell called aspect of the Wolf, this will give your PSI Crystal the animal type. It also makes the crystal a wolf. So... you could permanency that...

There is a 2nd level ranger spell called leap into animal, which could allow your Psy Crystal to inhabit your animal companion.