View Full Version : Cheap Item to Boost Spell Penetration checks

2019-01-24, 01:38 AM
I know the majority of items that boost caster level are normally pretty expensive, but I was wondering if there was a cheaper item that would boost only Spell Penetration checks. Specifically checks for Necromancy spells, I would prefer something reusable not a single use or charged item. (Charges per day would be okay)

To make a long story short I have a character with Spell resistance(= to HD+11), who will eventually have a cohort looking at a death master for now. Said character will be able to be healed by negative energy, I want the cohort to be able to heal the character in combat in case of emergencies. Cohort currently has 1 open feat in the build at level 6 I was going to use on Arcane Mastery, but that still leaves a 3 level difference in caster level vs Spell Resistance. (2 levesl if I take a trait for Spellgifted: Necromancy) I would prefer not to take the trait if I can help it.

Was wondering if there was a magic Item I could pick up for a +2 or +3, until the cohort got to a level where he could take spell penetration as a feat.

The main character has no open feats and cannot take the feat to lower his spell resistance as an immediate action.

2019-01-24, 02:10 AM
One of the special holy symbols in CC boosts necromancy CL by 1. It's only 350gp so it's definitely worth picking up if you're specializing.
There's also a reserve feat that boosts necromancy CL by 1 iirc.

2019-01-24, 02:28 AM
Going by the guidelines in the DMG and A&EG an item that provides the effect of spell penetration that you can apply twice per day should cost about 4k. 10k for a feat item of a feat with no prerequisites, times 2/5 for 2/day. However, extrapolating from the price of the robes of the archmage suggests that about 6400 would be more appropriate to a +2 enhancement to spell penetration checks.

I'd go with the latter.

If that's still too high, you might consider taking spell penetration before arcane mastery. If you're going to have to roll anyway, may we well have the extra bonus.

2019-01-24, 02:44 AM
Found Third Eye Penetrate in MIC +2 to overcome Spell resistance for 8000 gp.

And the Tomebound Eye of Boccob for 7000 gp, but is limited in uses per day.

2019-01-24, 03:12 AM
Arcanist's gloves are only 500 gp for a +2 bonus to CL 1/day. The catch is they only work on 1st level arcane spells.