View Full Version : Marking Minis?

2019-01-24, 10:41 PM
My DM has trouble with larger fights keeping track of minions and who’s taken what dmg, etc. He’s taken to just using D6s to distinguish but I want him to be able to use his minis at the table. I’ve seen mini markers specifically for other board games but I wonder if they’re sold separately anywhere?

It’s like a base that clips on to the base of the mini in different colors so you can easily distinguish between minions or duplicate npcs. No idea of a name for the product :(

2019-01-24, 10:51 PM
I've seen DMs use even simpler solution, like miniature wooden clothespins with numbers on them clipped to the top of each enemy mini.

2019-01-24, 10:59 PM
What do they call those little adhesive book tabs that stick like tiny Post-it Notes? Get a pack of those and a marker and your DM is all set.

2019-01-24, 11:06 PM
What do they call those little adhesive book tabs that stick like tiny Post-it Notes? Get a pack of those and a marker and your DM is all set.

Omg binder tabs is a great idea!

2019-01-24, 11:17 PM
I just put the damage taken in percentile dice next to the mini's or off to the side in the same formation. In more mundane fights (no resistance etc), I usually enlist one or two of the players to help me keep track of the damage taken which greatly increases combat pacing especially in larger groups. Once the foe gets to their hp total, or more commonly exceeds that total, I remove them. As a side benefit it helps keep those tracking the damage engaged, even if they have a good wait between turns.

It takes away some of the mystery, but none of that is unknown to players if they pay enough attention. It also saves time from the inevitable players asking, "Who's most hurt?" or "Who are we focusing?" Just look at the dice in plain view and do what you will. I'd imagine that some groups might find that a bit too board-gamey.

2019-01-25, 07:43 AM
If only Wizkids could have license to incorporate patent #6899332 to their Icons of the Realms line. Alas, no D&DClix.:smallfrown:

2019-01-25, 08:03 AM
Just paint a couple of color dots on the back of the mini base. Red/red, red/yellow, red/white, etc.

Green Leviathan
2019-01-25, 09:07 AM
My DM uses the rings that come on gallons of milk and draps them over the minis. You could either get a collection of different color rings or put different marks on each of the rings.

2019-01-25, 09:09 AM
This isn't quite as helpful for someone who already has miniatures but I use monster tokens I bought from Game Mash. They are relatively cheap and you can get them numbered. I find it very easy to run large fights when the players can announce, "I attack Goblin 11".

2019-01-25, 09:11 AM
Wine charms can go around mini, poker chips of different colors can go under them, bongo chips can go under the base to mark color, colored yarn "necklaces", or yarn with numbered beads on them.

2019-01-25, 09:20 AM
Office supply stores have little colored dots and tabs that you can put a number on then stick to the mini. You can paint a number directly on the base, or into the model's actual outfit - putting a 1, 2, 3... on shields doesn't look out of place.