View Full Version : DDAL: Season 7 death curse and season 8 ... how to get rid of the death curse?

2019-01-25, 11:53 AM
Hi All,

This is aimed at Adventurer's League experts since it depends on how some DDAL rules are interpreted.

Season 7 content introduced the death curse. This made it impossible to revivfy, raise, resurrect, reincarnate or any way return a dead character to life while playing season 7 tier 1 and 2 content and the ToA HC. If your character died, you could continue playing a pregenerated surrogate character (provided by WoTC) and the rewards earned by the surrogate transferred to your original character if they survived to be resurrected when the curse ended). However, for long rest or module played by the surrogate, a d20 was rolled to determine whether the original character was permanently killed.

The situation we are considering is what happens NOW when a character dies playing season 7 DDAL content .. in particular the hardcover being played under DDAL rules.

The curse can be ended by defeating the final encounter in the ToA hardcover or by "Waiting it out".

During season 7 the text for waiting it out was the following:

"Waiting It Out. Alternatively, characters can wait until others have done their dirty work by retiring from adventuring until the release of Season 7’s Tier 3 adventures (January 2018), or by starting any Tier 3 or 4 non-hardcover (non-DDHC) adventure, and resuming adventuring following Acererak’s defeat."

In this case, if your character died, you could take a surrogate and simply not play that surrogate until the Tier3 content was released, the death curse ended, and your character could be raised. This avoided the risk of having the character permanently killed. Many players chose to do this.

HOWEVER, :) ... we now move into season 8 of DDAL and the text for "Waiting it Out" has changed.

"Waiting It Out. Alternatively, characters can start any Tier 3 or 4 non-hardcover (non-DDHC) adventure, and resuming adventuring following Acererak’s defeat."

No longer can characters just choose to "Wait it out" until Tier 3 content is released. The only way for the death curse to be ended is for the character (or presumably their surrogate) to START any Tier 3 or 4 non-hardcover adventure. Since the character is dead and under the death curse they can not be raised until the death curse ends. The only legal way to "Wait it Out" appears to be continue playing surrogates until they reach tier 3 .. however, this incurs the significant risk of permanently losing the original character.

The question is can the player STILL choose to "Wait it out" by simply deciding not to play any further ToA content using that character as was previously available or are they now forced to play a surrogate to tier 3 in order to recover their original character?

I don't have access to the DDAL DMs group on facebook or I would have posted the question there ... but hopefully some folks here have some DDAL experience and some idea of how it should be interpreted during season 8.

2019-01-25, 02:34 PM
I believe it is covered in the Content Catalogue, but:

The death curse only applies to characters running the TOA hardcover. To remove the death curse that character or its surrogate must:

complete the TOA hardcover
permanently exit the TOA hardcover

at that point the surrogate is destroyed and gold/gear/AP/TP is transferred to the dead PC (if not soul sucked) or transferred to new level 1 PC.

2019-01-25, 05:28 PM
I believe it is covered in the Content Catalogue, but:

The death curse only applies to characters running the TOA hardcover. To remove the death curse that character or its surrogate must:

complete the TOA hardcover
permanently exit the TOA hardcover

at that point the surrogate is destroyed and gold/gear/AP/TP is transferred to the dead PC (if not soul sucked) or transferred to new level 1 PC.

Thanks very much for the comment. The second quote I cited above IS from the content catalog (8.07) which is why there is some ambiguity. They deleted the option to "permanently exit" in order to remove the death curse that was in the earlier material and only left the "start to play a tier 3 or 4 module" as the only condition to wait out the curse.

"Waiting It Out. Alternatively, characters can start any Tier 3 or 4 non-hardcover (non-DDHC) adventure, and resuming adventuring following Acererak’s defeat."

However, the death curse still applies if you are playing season 7 tier 1 and 2 DDAL modules as well as the hardcover. It no longer applies in CCC's though.

"Now that the Adventurers League has moved on to season 8, the Death Curse is only in effect for Season 7 adventures that are played at tier 1 or tier 2 (see Season 7. Adventure List for a full listing)."