View Full Version : How does one go about running a successful GoFundMe campaign?

2019-01-25, 08:22 PM
Title pretty much says it all. Long story short (and I'm intentionally being vague so I don't get in forum trouble by promoting my own interests*), but I'm in a situation where I could use some extra capital to get out of said unpleasant situation. Based on what I've heard GoFundMe (or similar crowd funding methods) might be the best/only route about raising said income. I'm just not sure how I would go about creating a campaign that would be successful. I realize publicity is a major factor, but I don't that many people, and I also don't really know how to get word out about it.

So that basically sums it up. Any advice would be appreciated.

*Sidenote: could I advertise said campaign on these forums once I do eventually create it?

2019-01-25, 09:34 PM
I assume this is for some sort of personal need medical/job sort of thing so you're asking for donations rather than trying to launch a business or product. That is going to be a lot different than trying to get someone to buy into a project, but probably easier rather than harder, at least depending how much you need to raise.

I think in that case just be very honest and up front about what you need and why you need it. Explain your situation as best you can and be realistic. Actually getting people to know about it can be a lot harder. I would imagine local news (be it traditional news like TV/radio/print, or the various versions of digital news that basically only exist on FB) would be your best bet because locals are probably more likely to help, and anything more regional or national is not likely to pick it up (unless you have a really good story/need, but either way, you've got to start small/local).

I know there are threads here to post about crowdsourcing projects, I'm not sure if that also covers personal things like that. Have to check the first post in those sticky threads and see. My guess is a signature link is ok, and a post in the specific crowd source threads (if allowed) but probably not more. But that would be a question for the board rules question section, and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't already asked and answered there.

2019-01-26, 03:41 AM
Come up with a plan to get out of/remedy your situation using your own resources and effort first. Then use GoFundMe to augment that. Come up with plan that will (eventually) result in the resolution of your situation, even if it is a long road; as if your Funding campaign were going to be a complete failure. Then treat anything earned by the campaign as progress toward the existing plan. I don't know what your situation is; but resorting to handouts is bad for your personal development as a human being.

Sort it out. It's going to be hard. You're not the first to go through it.

Not what you wanted to hear; but nothing I post here is what people want to hear.

2019-02-10, 08:40 AM
I assume this is for some sort of personal need medical/job sort of thing so you're asking for donations rather than trying to launch a business or product. That is going to be a lot different than trying to get someone to buy into a project, but probably easier rather than harder, at least depending how much you need to raise.

I think in that case just be very honest and up front about what you need and why you need it. Explain your situation as best you can and be realistic. Actually getting people to know about it can be a lot harder. I would imagine local news (be it traditional news like TV/radio/print, or the various versions of digital news that basically only exist on FB) would be your best bet because locals are probably more likely to help, and anything more regional or national is not likely to pick it up (unless you have a really good story/need, but either way, you've got to start small/local).

I know there are threads here to post about crowdsourcing projects, I'm not sure if that also covers personal things like that. Have to check the first post in those sticky threads and see. My guess is a signature link is ok, and a post in the specific crowd source threads (if allowed) but probably not more. But that would be a question for the board rules question section, and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't already asked and answered there.

Cool! Thanks for the good advice!