View Full Version : Optimization Help with a Darkness using Dragonborn?

2019-01-26, 04:03 AM
Hello all, my party recently had a horrible setback with 2 players being killed off of which I am one. Now I have been interested in trying to use the darkness spell to grant advantage, now I know this can be done through either Warlock with Invocations or a Sorcerer with the Shadow magic origin so you get Eyes of the Dark. However, I am having trouble figuring out how to best fit my race IE Dragonborn into this style, it should be noted I will be starting at level 5.

Do any of you have any suggestions? My current breakdown of the pro's/con's (I will be adjusting this according to replies).

+Access to multiple ranged attacks with Eldritch Blast.
+Hexblade for Armor/Weapons, or Fiend for nasty fire based spells which works well for fluff.
+Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Tome are great.
-Kind of repetitive due to Warlock for this being almost mandatory.
-Dragons Breath as a spell is not available, I love that spell.

+Dragons Breath is great
+Hound of Ill Omen available at level 6...
-Lower AC & Weapon Proficiencies unless I multi-class
-No Bonus attack
-Eyes of the Dark is kind of expensive as it costs 2 sorcery points.

2019-01-26, 06:33 AM
Pro-tip if you go Shadow Sorcerer: NEVER cast Darkness using a spell slot. If you need it, sack a 2nd level slot to get 2 sorcery points to use the feature instead, and be able to see through the Darkness.

2019-01-26, 09:48 AM
I'm not saying warlock is the weaker option, but your reasons for picking him aren't very strong. Hexblade with darkness is trolling the party and a tomelock with fiend IS pretty boring. There are much more fun ways to play a fiendlock IMO. Sorcerer fits what you want much better.

So, lets talk shadow sorcerer.

Metamagic- You want empowered and subtle by a mile. These are cheap and effective metamagics that you can use often with out crowding out your shadow sorcerer abilities. Darkness and the hound are both expensive, so you don't want to pick options that compete with these. But that's fine because these metamagics are really good for you anyway.

You have access to lots of advantage with darkness, advantage means more crits. What if you crit but roll a bunch of low numbers? Empowered can turn your sad crit into a super crit for 1 metamagic. IT will do wonders on all your fire- spells too, like fireball. It makes you a blastier blaster for the cheap.

But blasting is not always the option and subtle happens to be the premier out of combat metamagic allowing you to cast spells without anyone knowing. Casting spells in the public eye can be pretty suicidal, especially if the enemy succeeds in the save, but not with subtle. With all the risk gone you are free to mettle with social encounters at your whim with a well-placed spell that no wizard would dare do.

Limited spell slots so consider your options carefully.
Level 1 Spells- Shield is a must. You can pick whatever for your second option. Mage armor is probably not necessary because you can cast darkness on yourself.
Level 2 Spells- Phantasmal force is a nasty spell to subtle cast and I highly recommend it. PF is flexible and that is what you want because you have limited spell slots. When blasting is not an option you can mess with people's minds. Scorching Ray is a ranged attack spell, so each ray has advantage while you are in darkness and you can empower it to ensure that its always hitting like a truck. Hold person works really well with Hound of Ill omen, but don't pick it until you have the hounds for advantage.
Level 3 Spells- Fireball and counterspell need no introductions.

At level 6 I'd pick up Hold person for the hounds. Use hounds, cast hold person, and automatically crit with Scorching Ray. This is a really nasty combo and worth only having 1 4th level spell IMO.

I can't help you too much here as I don't think I understand how a dragonborn needs special treatment in order to fit. Dragonborn already make natural sorcerers, so you should be good to go. I think its a great fit.