View Full Version : It's Dangerous To Go Alone [IC]

2019-01-26, 03:44 PM
Karina stands in front of the goblins brandishing spears. There are two at her feet, but five more still standing. She's hurt-bleeding a little, and winded.

But she glances back to the village behind her, and steels her resolve. She won't let them hurt these people any more!

You walk along the road, feeling the creak in your bones. As you see the village come into sight around the bend, you also see a lone woman-a young one, without even a weapon in her hands-holding off five goblins.

2019-01-26, 04:43 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14

Andrei was sitting on his horse, moving at a steady place towards a village. He occasionally muttered, still cursing himself for being such a fool, for starting this journey, for ever trying to be a hero. Much of his grumpiness today was caused by a bad night, as he had had to sleep outside. It had been cold and damp. After so many years of sleeping on a nice, solid, warm bed, he'd forgotten how rough it sometimes was on the road. His mount, seemingly a sturdy, brown destrier, occasionally flicked its ears in annoyance. Unfortunately for the equine, it wasn't an ordinary beast and was fully capable of understanding Andrei's grumbling.

The old knight grunted almost happily when he saw a village. Maybe he might even be able to sleep somewhere that was at least dry tonight. But then his mood was immediately soured as he witnessed something that wasn't going to make his day any better, a scene of a young girl facing off five goblins. Of course he now had to deal with this. Good tactic would be riding in their midst, and strike quickly before the cretins had a chance to react. But the damn oaths... He should at least try something non-violent at first. So inconvenient.

Andrei swung himself down from his saddle. "Stay here. Watch. If something hostile shows up, make noise." Then he started briskly walking towards the scene, strapping his shield to his hand as he moved, hands going to his hammer.

"Now then!" he bellowed, looking at the goblins with a cold look on his face. "Unless you have a damn good explanation, I see two choices. Leave now, or prepare to face whatever gods it is that you worship."

Damn goblins. He hadn't fought for real in ages, but he knew he could take on some damn goblins.

Intimidation: [roll0]

2019-01-26, 04:47 PM
The goblins laugh, with their leader, standing the same height as the others but with a nicer-looking spear, saying in poor Common "You two, stay on the girl. The rest of us will handle this fool!"

Roll initiative!


And the boss: [roll4]

2019-01-26, 05:10 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Grasping her staff with all her strength, Karina strikes it at the ground in front of her and looks at the handful of creatures in front of her with a desperate, but determined expression. When the villagers told her about the goblin raiders, she herself offered to help them... she hoped - she was sure - where would be some kind of diplomatic solution. But the goblins didn't want to talk in the first place... with the first spear thrust, Karina realized just how wrong she was.

She wasn't quite sure how she dealt with the first two. Some kind of glow seemed tu burn them... and at least bought her a little time while the rest gathered bravery to approach her again. But fow, it seemed her time was at the end... but she wasn't going to surrender. Not that it looked like goblins were interested in that, either way...

Initiative [roll0]

2019-01-26, 05:40 PM
One of the goblins focuses on Karina before the new arrival gets a chance to respond, while one is just a hair too slow.

Karina goes down, a solid stab to her gut leaving her on the ground.


The other two and the boss mob up on Andrei, jabbing out with their spears.

However, none of them manage to punch through his armor, leaving him unscathed.




[roll9] Disadvantage, since the boss has multiattack, but a poor version.

2019-01-26, 06:02 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14

"Damn it!" Andrei swore. He had spent the last years commanding an occasional farmhand, and it looked like he was a tad rusty at intimidating monsters. He swore again as he spotted the girl going down.

He let out a guttural yell, swinging his hammer at the one who seemed to be their leader. He had another weapon besides the hammer, a sword hilt that was tucked into his belt, but it was so damn flashy, he hadn't wanted to pull it out on just any occasion.

Andrei growled in frustration, as he inefficiently swung his weapon. Too out of practice... He drops the thing, and makes a quick gesture towards the girl, muttering a quick prayer. With some luck, she wasn't dead yet.

Attack the goblin boss.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

I'll use divine smite with the first attack that hits the boss [roll4]
If the first attack kills the boss, use the 2nd one on a random goblin.

EDIT: as a bonus action, drop the hammer, and cast Sanctuary (https://dnd5e.fandom.com/wiki/Sanctuary) on Karina

2019-01-26, 07:48 PM
The last of the goblins looks at Karina, but feels the magic weigh on his mind, and turns to challenge the Andrei.

He joins the rest, as does the other one who was focusing on Karina, as the boss yells "Get 'em, lads! His armor will make a fine prize!"

That very armor keeps Andrei safe from all their attacks.






[roll11] Disadvantage

2019-01-27, 04:26 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14

The goblins blows harmlessly bounce from his armor, and he uses his shield to divert the boss' spear. Now the goblins seemed to at least want the girl alone. Good. He should still get to her quickly, but it would be easier if he got rid of some of the pests. "My armor? I've got a better prize for you." Andrei says and reaches to his belt, pulling out the sword hilt. He concentrates, and brilliant blade of light bursts from it. "So damn flashy..."

Wasn't that last attack at disadvantage, so the result was 19? Andrei's AC with shield is 20, so I think the boss hit either.

Attack the boss (and a random goblin if the boss happens to die from the 1st attack).

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-01-27, 10:33 AM
Ah, so he did! I missed the 20 in parentheses.

Andrei cuts down the leader in two quick slashes, and the other goblins, seeing their boss downed, turn tail and start to flee.

Disengage on all of them, and run as fast as they can.

2019-01-27, 11:14 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei scoffs as the goblins turn the tail, but lets them go. He extinguishes the glowing blade and tucks it back into his belt before kneeling in front of the girl, laying his hand on her forehead.

Fortunately, she still seemed to be hanging in there. Without much ceremony, he concentrates, letting the divine energy flow through his hand. "Wake up kid."

Shoulda probably clarified what I even meant by the parentheses :smalltongue:

Use six points from the lay on hands pool to heal Karina.

2019-01-27, 11:45 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Just as Karina was going to chant a prayer that would, at least, buy her a little time, nearest goblin got brave enough to stab the spear right into the girl's belly... it was the last thing she remembered. But... the next thing she heard, was the gruff, but concerned voice.
Opening her eyes, the girl saw an unfamiliar face... a flash of memory flashed in her mind, and Karina tried to shout - though it really came out as more of a whisper, in her current condition, "Goblins! Take care, there's goblins nearby!"
At the very least, she won't let another life be lost just like her was...
(With all that was happening, she didn't quite realize her life was safe for now)

2019-01-27, 12:10 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei shook the girl lightly, sounding mildly amused when spoke. "Relax, kid. Didn't seem to be interested in fighting once the leader was down and ran away quickly enough. Nothing to say they won't come back, but I figure we're safe for now."

The paladin stands, and holds out a hand to help her up. "I know getting stabbed hurts, but you should be able to walk on your own."

2019-01-27, 03:01 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Ah..." Karinareaches with her hand and touches the place goblin's spear pierced just earlier, that slowly, listening to her body, raises to her feet, "It... it doesn't hurt at all! Did you save me, Mister... Mister... Oh, I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself first! My name's Karina, and I was going to the [nearest large-ish city], but then I overheard the villagers talking about the goblin attacks, and... I hoped to convince them to leave the village alone, but..."

2019-01-27, 03:16 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Andrei Tybalt. That's where I was headed too." he responds, going to pick up his hammer. Even the short fight had him breathing faster, but he'd managed to steady himself now.

Andrei calmly collects his fallen weapon, and puts his shield away. Then he turns, looking at her with a grim expression. "Now, I'm not saying it's not good to try words before swords. I did. But if that fails, you need something else to back it up, either swift feet or a strong arm. Though by the looks of it", he glances at the two goblins that had died before he arrived, "you seem to have some power, even if you were over your head. You a mage or something, kid?"

2019-01-27, 03:39 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"I'm not really sure myself", Karina shakes her head, "But I could heal people since I was little, and just now, when the goblins attacked, I got really scared, and then there was a bright flash, and two of them got burned, so... I guess I do have some kind of magic, I just don't know anything about it. That's why I went to the city, to find someone who could teach me to use it properly... I'll be able to help much more people then", she smiles widely, "So thank you, Mister Tibalt!"

2019-01-27, 04:09 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei grunts. "Just fended off some goblins. It's... not the first time."

"A sorceress? Well just keep away from people and anything flammable when practicing. Now, I'm going to go to the village and have a mug of ale and something warm to eat. You should go too, someone needs explain the situation. Someone should also bury these corpses, unless their companions care enough to actually fetch them while I'm gone. I'd do it myself, but... Well I don't have a shovel." Andrei starts walking towards the village, glancing at his horse who immediately starts sauntering after him.

2019-01-27, 08:46 PM
The nearest city is Indos.

As Andrei starts walking in, his horse catching up in short order, the people of the village (some of whom have been watching through their windows) come out-or, at least, a few do.

An older woman, perhaps in her late sixties, is the first to reach Andrei. "Thank you, sir," she says, her voice a little nervous. She glances behind him, towards Karina, and seems to relax a little when she sees the other woman healthy.

2019-01-28, 02:00 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Sure!" Karina hurries after Tibalt, then, with the vigor of youth, overrtakes him towards the tavern. "Hey mister!" she waves to the owner, reaching into her dress for the few coins she have left, "A mug of ale, please, and whatever you would recommend for a meal! And... some water and a loaf of bread for me", she adds, trying to stretch her already modest finances. But, well, even if she'll have to starve for a couple days afterwards, treating Sir Tibalt for a dinner is the lweast she can do for him for saving her life...

2019-01-28, 04:20 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

"No problem, just have someone to bury the corpses. Their leader's dead, so I figure it'll be a while before they try anything", Andrei responds to the woman, then continues nodding to Karina "You should thank her too, even if she seems to have more courage than wits."

He goes with the girl to the tavern. He frowns as he notices the girl obviously doesn't really have enough money to be buying anyone meals. "Put that away. If you'll starve to death, it was just a waste of time saving you." He sighs, taking out his coin pouch "She'll have the meal as well."

Andrei goes to sit, not really caring to listen if the kid had any objections. He starts stuffing his pipe, waiting for the meal. "If you want to pay back, just be be less foolish in the future. And if you've heard of any strange happenings, I'm all ears."

2019-01-28, 06:22 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"I can earn my living, you know", Karina blushes, looking down, "But... Thanks, Sir Tibalt... and..."
She takes a pause, taking a deep breath and gathering courage, then says quickly, "Sir Tibalt, maybe we could go together? To Indos, I mean... it's more fun to travel together, right?" she looks up with a smile, "and I'll be sure to ask around for anything unusual in every village on the way. Are you looking for something in particular?"

2019-01-28, 08:00 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei grunts. "Kids need to eat."
In response to her question he takes a long pull from his mug, considering. Traveling with an energetic youngster sounded tiring. But she would travel there anyway, and the roads didn't seem all that safe at the moment. He had planned to spend a little time in the city searching for hints, and it would be useful to have someone who could run errands for him. And now that he was about to eat a warm meal, he was feeling almost content.

"I'm not certain about 'fun'. I like quiet." he took another gulp. "But fine. Suppose it's safer for everyone that way. But you'll listen to me. I hate arguing."

Karina's question made Andrei go quiet again. What was he after exactly? "World's growing darker..." he muttered. He cleared his throat. "Rumors. Strange happenings. Omens. Figure there's some learned folk in the city who might know something."

2019-01-28, 08:52 PM
The innkeep provides for you, ladling some hearty, meaty stew into wooden bowls, with some bread and cheese on the side. "I've got some fruit, if you want-dry, but good," he adds.

A few other people are inside, and while they all offer thanks at one point or another to Andrei (and, to a lesser extent, Karina) there's a general air of nervousness that doesn't go away. People just aren't as trusting of strangers as they used to be, no matter what they've had done for them, it seems.

Near the end of the meal, a younger woman, carrying a baby, approaches your table. "Excuse me... Sir Tybalt? Are you... The Sir Tybalt? We saw your sword, and..."

2019-01-29, 02:36 AM
Karina looks at the woman curously. She noticed, of course, that Andrei was not quite a simple traveler; the confidence he talked about driving goblins off with was a proof of the man's significant combat experience, and then... he did heal her, right? The, she turns towards Anrdei, waiting for his answer... the man made it clear he doesn't appreciate her impulsiveness, so... let him answer himself.
Of course, should Tibalt send the woman away - unlikely, in her expectations; for all his gruff appearance, she was completely sure he was a kind man - but if, she'll go and talk to the woman herself...

2019-01-29, 03:23 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei mutters his thanks to the innkeep, also asking them to bring some travel rations. He brushes off the compliments with annoyed grunts, and is actually thankful for their wariness.

When the woman with the child comes, Andrei doesn't look away from his meal as he answers, just soaking his bread in the remaining broth. "Unfortunately. What do you want?" He knew he'd gathered some fame previously, but had figured people would already have forgotten him after so many years. He'd considered going with another name, but that would have been even more annoying. He had all the right to use his birth name, and not get bothered over it, damn it all. Using that ridiculous sword had been a bloody stupid idea.

2019-01-29, 10:49 PM
"I..." she says, looking around. "We want you to leave. My family, and some of the others-it's not that we don't appreciate what you did!" she adds hurriedly. "Both now, and then, but... Being here makes us a target. The longer you stay, the more likely something bad is going to learn you're here and attack us. I'm sorry."

2019-01-30, 04:10 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei keeps looking at his meal. "Fine." Why couldn't they have just forgotten about him? But maybe it was better this way, even though Andrei had been looking forward to sleeping in a bed, or even under a roof. He wasn't sure if anyone would be after him, but he wanted to avoid any fuss. If people here recognized him, better to just leave right away.

He stands up, leaving appropriate amount of coin on the table. "Well, I promised I'd escort you to Indos. I'll camp somewhere near the road, and wait for you until noon. Figure you can talk yourself some place to sleep here, after what you did with the goblins. If you want to avoid trouble and travel alone, won't blame you for that though", Andrei says to Karina. He gathers his things, and starts walking towards the door.

2019-01-30, 07:30 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Well, that's just rude! It's not that Karina couldn't see the point in woman's words, but... Sir Tibalt saved them all!
She gets up from her seat, leaving - admittedly mostly finished, near-death experience apparently did wonders to one's appetite - meal at the table nad, picking her bag and the staff, heads after Andrei, only wasting time to turn around in the doors and bow and thank the owner. Just because the people here weren't nice to them, didn't mean she shouldn't be polite in return.
"It's OK, Mister Tibalt", she says merrily, catching up to the paladin, "Don't worry, I might be inexperienced in a fight, but I have slept in the field before."

2019-01-30, 12:10 PM
The woman looks considerably guilty for getting Andrei to leave, and Karina following doesn't do anything to assuage her feelings. But she doesn't say anything to change her mind.

The two of you head out of the village, Andrei's mount coming to join you. The horse, sensing Andrei's emotions, nickers quietly and rubs his head against Andrei's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

The sun is setting now.

Two things! One, Andrei: What is your horse's name?

Two: What preparations are you going to make for camping? The roads are a good deal safer than the woods, but still not perfect.

2019-01-30, 04:37 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

"Good", the paladin grunts,"I don't want to hear any grumbling.". So the girl had decided to follow. Hopefully the woman in the inn was just paranoid, and that wasn't an omen.

Andrei pats his horse. "Same old, same old..." he mutters, responding to something unheard. "This is Maksim. Smarter than he looks. If he tries to tell you something, listen."

"Speaking of which, I assume you've traveled on foot?" Andrei muttered a curse in dwarfish. He hadn't considered this. He didn't want to loiter too much, even if he wasn't sure he was in a hurry. But he'd already promised to travel with her, and promises were something he took seriously. Still muttering, he counts several coins into a smaller pouch. "Here. Don't think it'll buy you a horse, but try to get something four-legged that can carry you." Andrei shoves the pouch to Karina. Then he pointedly ads "And don't think it's a gift. When we get to Indos, you'll sell it for me."

Andrei leans on tree and lights his pipe, taking small puffs and blowing the smoke towards the darkening sky while he waits for Karina to return.

He gives Karina coins worth of 10 gp.

2019-01-31, 08:30 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Sure, but..." It's hard to say what 'but', as, right after saying that, Karina runs away, only to return barely minuts later leading a donkey beside her. "But", she says, handing the paladin a couple of coins in return, "I can't sell him to you. I bought him with your money, so he's yours already... But I certainly won't mind you letting me use him for now, thank you, sir", she smiles and, with a graceful leap, jumps onto the animal's back, sittinf on it sideways. "Let's go, then?"
Karina might have never nad practiced riding, but keepink on the back of a donkey melacholically trudging forward doesn't take much skill.
Returning the change - 2GP, it should be? - to Andrei

2019-01-31, 11:29 AM
The two of you travel out a short distance from the village. It's quickly becoming night, so camp would be a good idea, but you can press on if you want.

Perception checks from everyone on watch, or declare you're using your Passive score.

Also, list what times you're keeping watch.

2019-01-31, 02:05 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei isn't eager to make a lot of small talk, giving Karina short replies if she asks any questions.

"Hmm. Getting dark. Better to camp out for the night, don't want the donkey to misstep and break its leg." Andrei stops and swings down. He was also getting tired, the day of traveling starting to feel. He wouldn't say it aloud though.

The paladin walks a little farther from the road, until he finds a suitable place for a camp, some sort of small clearing. "It hasn't been that restless, but I still think we should keep watch at least for a while. You can take the first, and wake me in a couple of hours." He starts setting the camp and doffing his armor. He'd still sleep with his weapons next to him though.

Maksim will take a watch after Andrei.

I'll use passive score for Andrei.

Horse's perception: [roll0]

2019-01-31, 02:44 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina does try to start a conversation a couple of times, but eventually understands that Andrei isn't really inclined to talk, so she passes most of the day looking around and quietly whistling a tune.

As Andrei starts setting camp, she jumps down from her donkey, strokes the animal and exclaims, "Sure! You can count on me, sir!"

If Andrei worried whether she'll be able to keep awake - or attentive - he really shouldn't have: full of excitement from being trusted with such an important task, the girl won't be able to sleep if she wanted; as is, she spends the two hours of her watch - a bit more, in fact - without sitting down once, pacing back and forth across their small camp all the time.

2019-01-31, 08:27 PM
The night passes without any particular event. Karina manages to spot a bird's nest, but nothing hostile approaches in the night.

Come the morning, the sun crests over the horizon, illuminating the land. The day's travel awaits.

2019-02-01, 02:41 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei wakes up, blinking a couple of times before sitting up groaning. The girl's patrolling threatened to keep him awake, but if he had learned anything during the years of traveling, it was falling asleep. His belongings seemed to be where they left, and no one had tried to stab him while he slept, so a good night overall. Andrei didn't take the girl for a thief or a cutthroat, but he'd been wrong before.

He walks around the camp, stretching, and nudges Karina with his foot. "Wake up. We eat, then continue."

After putting on his armor, Andrei sits down, rummaging his bag for rations. "Help yourself if you don't have any." After a moment of silent eating, he continued. "So... Your parents. They know you're galloping across the countryside, fighting goblins?"

2019-02-02, 04:30 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

~Yawn~ Karina gets to her feet and starts stretching, trying to wake up her body. "Of course they do!" she bends down, touching her toes, "You think I run away from home? I mean... they know I'm going to Indos. Not about goblins, of course... not like I planned to fight them, you know. But, I can't just go past someone who's in trouble and do nothing to help, and..." she does a couple of cartwheels, "I don't think Mom and Dad would want me too."

"I'm ready", she declares, gettin on the donkey and reaching into her bag for the bread and cheese. Not like the animal needs much guidance... she might as well ear while moving.

2019-02-02, 05:25 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei merely scowled at her energetic display. "Well, at least you weren't foolish enough to run away. I've known plenty of 'adventurers' who've done just that" Himself included. "And I'm not saying that attitude's not admirable, but one should always temper their actions with wisdom."

Andrei gathers his stuff, and gets on Maksim's back, starting to make his way to Indos. He kept his shield strapped on, and his weapons in easy reach in case there were more goblins nearby. He figured an armored warrior wouldn't be the most tempting target for bandits, but then again there was only two of them.

2019-02-02, 07:08 PM
You mount your animals, and start on your way.

The sky darkens just as the sun is starting to reach its highest point, dark clouds rolling in. A storm's approaching, though it doesn't look TOO bad. Unfortunately, the road is not covered, so as the rain starts to fall (perhaps around 2 o' clock) you get wet.

It's near the end of the day when you run into something of note. "Help..." a weak voice comes from a ditch in the side of the road. Looking there, you can see what appears to be a crashed cart wedged into the ground.

2019-02-03, 02:53 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei grumbles about the rain. but it's not enough to make him want to stop. Hopefully this wasn't going to be a thunder storm, because riding in a metallic armor while lightning rained from the sky was a foolish way to go.

Andrei's head turned sharply when he heard the plea. He hopped down, mentally commanding the horse to keep watch in case this was a trap.He quickly moved to the cart, looking for the source of the voice. "Hello? Just stay put."

2019-02-03, 12:37 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina, hearing the plea, commands the donkey to stop and jumps down, ready to rush to help... though with no clear idea on how exactly is she going to do that... but then, noticing Andrei doing the same, keeps close behind, hoping to witness an example of tempering one's actions with wisdom. She'll be of limited use for moving heavy things anyway, and if the person underneath is wounded, well, she'll be there in a moment...

2019-02-03, 07:32 PM
"In... Here..." the voice comes from under the cart.

Stepping closer, you can both see the water has begun to fill in the ditch, with the person within barely keeping their head up. You don't see any signs of injuries, but then again, most of their body is underwater.

Just gonna roll for their gender, since that's not an important detail.


2019-02-04, 02:39 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

The man was trapped. Andrei carefully lowers himself into the ditch, and grabs the cart's edges. With a grunt, he attempts to lift the thing enough to allow the man to move out, without falling down himself. "Be ready to help him up!"

Strength(Athletics): [roll0]

2019-02-04, 03:35 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Ready, sir!" Karina kneels next to the cart, preparing to immediately summon a healing light... something she can do rather reliably, by now...

It's just, the man doesn't seem to be injured - not in the way that needs urgent healing, at least, so, instead, she reaches towards him. "Grab my hand mister, I'll try to pull you out!"
Athletics as well, [roll0]. Healing can wait six seconds.

2019-02-04, 10:24 PM
Andrei, digging his heels into the soft ground, manages to push the cart part of the way out. You can both hear the sound of wood cracking as he does, and Karina reaches down. The man seems weak, his grasp faint as Karina pulls him up. It takes a few minutes of struggle, during which Andrei can feel his muscles start to ache worse than before, but finally, the man is laying on the ground, safely out of the ditch.

The cart drops back down as Andrei lets go, and the man rolls over, laying on his back. "Thank... You..." he manages to get out, before letting himself fall unconscious.

2019-02-06, 03:01 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Hey, don't you dare dying right after we saved you!" Karina concernedly bends over the unconscious man and places her hands over his chest, summoning holy light into her palms. It won't do a thing if the man's just tired, but if there's any hidden injuries... healing will at least let him wake up after.

Cure Wounds for [roll0]

edit: OK, I don't know why or how I typed 8. It should be 1d8+3, of course, meaning 9.

"We can't leave him here, Sir", she addresses the paladin immediately, "Let's get him onto the donkey... until the nearest village, at least. It's OK, I can walk!"

2019-02-06, 02:06 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei leans on his horse, breathing heavily. What did they make carts out of these days, lead? At least the man was breathing, and the kid seemed to actually know a healing spell, so he should be just fine.

"Good job. If he doesn't wake up, suppose we've no other choice. Wonder what he was carrying..."

After catching his breath, Andrei peers in the ditch and at the cart. If if wasn't broken, they could try pulling it out. If his horse was nearby, they should try catching it as well.

Perception: [roll0], checking the surroundings.

2019-02-07, 07:50 PM
The man comes to, looking quite a bit invigorated. "What... What the hell just happened?"

The cart is, however, broken-first by the fall into the ditch, then by Andrei's forcing it to retrieve the man. Looking into the watery ditch, though, Andrei can see the remnants of some broken bottles.

2019-02-08, 02:48 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei shakes his head, turning away from the ditch. Hopefully whatever was in the cart wasn't too expensive. "We found you in the ditch. Pulled you out, then the girl healed you. 'fraid your cargo seems to be wasted. How'd you end up in there? Horse get spooked?"

2019-02-08, 04:54 PM
"Healed me? How?" he says, backing away from Karina, fear in his eyes.

2019-02-09, 12:33 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"It's... something like a gift I have..." Karina says humbly, summoning light in her hands - much too weak to heal anyone, just as a demonstration of her power.
light cantrip

2019-02-09, 02:28 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

"Just say 'thank you'!", Andrei snapped at the man, his voice tight and impatient, and his expression darkening. "Now were you attacked, or was ending up in that ditch accident?"

Maybe magic wasn't that ordinary here, but Andrei didn't have much patience for superstitious fools afraid every hedge mage was out to steal their souls.

Intimidate, if needed: [roll0]

2019-02-09, 08:53 PM
You're in a position of power.


The man takes a look at Andrei, then at Karina. "If... If they catch you with magic, you won't want to live," he says. "I... I appreciate it. But I can't be caught with you. Good luck," he says, before turning tail and fleeing towards the city.

2019-02-10, 02:14 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Won't want to live?" Karina gives a fleeing man a loo of confusion, but doesn't attempt to stop him. "Mr. Tibalt, do you know what he's talking about? I mean, I heard some places don't really trust mages, but..."

2019-02-10, 03:27 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei scoffs, but lets the man go. Bullying someone you just saved just wasn't very becoming. "Beats me, kid. Haven't been traveling much lately, but this sounded like something specific. Suppose it's better not flaunt your powers to strangers for now. We can learn more once we get to the city, discreetly."

Andrei gets on his horse, ready to move on. Damnation, my boots are soaked..."

2019-02-10, 11:37 PM
The rain continues as you march onwards.

Night falls again, leaving you with one more night of watch before your last day of travel.


2019-02-11, 01:32 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"No magic, got it", Karina nods readily, "Still, I wonder what happened that made them hate magic that much..."

"Eh... take a rest, then?" she suggests, "If we can't use magic..." we, since she's bright enough to realize she didn't get away from these goblins with not even s scar by virtue f luck only, "then we need to be extrra careful to not get sick. I'll take the first watch again..."

Wisdom (Perception): [roll0]

2019-02-11, 03:56 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

"Hmmh. Figure we'll find out sooner than we'd like. Magic's not out of the picture, as long as nobody sees, or it's absolutely necessary", Andrei says, scratching his beard in thought. Sounded like it was some group... Hopefully not some annoying zealots, who'd decided magic users were a blight on the land. He really wouldn't care to deal with them.

Well, sickness wouldn't bother him, no matter how wet his boots got. It would still be nice to dry them. "Let's. It's getting late in any case. I'll make a small fire to dry my clothes." Andrei gathers some dry twigs to make a fire, before going to sleep.

Andrei uses passive perception.

Maksim's perception: [roll0]

2019-02-11, 10:46 PM
You spot, in the distance, some flickering flames. They don't seem to be spreading, but they're there.

Nothing eventful.

Nothing eventful.

Standard procedure is gonna be, I'll detail what happens in each watch-however, should an earlier watch interfere with the events of a later watch, it'll just be retconned.

2019-02-12, 03:37 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

Andrei wakes up a little sore, thanks to his stunt with the wagon and its ungrateful owner. "Damn... Hope I won't have to do any more heavy lifting today..." he mutters, putting on his armor.

"Take it nothing happened last night either? If there's some group after mages, we can't be certain that... ditch person isn't going to tell someone."

Andrei takes a small walk around the camp to see if there's anything odd, and then gets ready to leave.

Investigation, maybe? [roll0]

2019-02-13, 12:44 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"There were some flickering lights, but... they didn't come close, so I didn't get a good look on them. Everything's calm otherwise. And... I don't think. He looked grateful... scared, but grateful."

2019-02-13, 10:47 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 19/25

"Well, that could be just about anything... If you see them again though, that could mean something."

Andrei shrugs. "Either way, doesn't mean he won't do something foolish. Best case, he'll remain quiet about the whole ordeal. A good tip is to never give out your name if they don't ask, because if people hear you helped someone, they'll think you want to solve their petty problems, or just think you're a troublemaker. Either way, you'll get a headache."

After he's done with his grumpy advice, Andrei starts getting ready to travel again.

2019-02-13, 12:38 PM
Morning comes, and the rain has been reduced to a drizzle. You mount up and set off.

Nothing much happens till near nightfall, though around two o' clock you do see the first lights of the city in the distance. As night approaches, you see the city's outermost wall. It's a hastily constructed kind of wall, clearly been made recently, but seems sturdy enough. The gate is a simple wooden one, not even banded with iron, and guarded by two people, dressed in chain.

2019-02-14, 07:49 AM
[/COLOR]Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"What about those who would ask our names, though?" Karina nods towards the guards, "I mean, we don't know if this town hates magic, but... maybe it'll be better not to tell them I want to learn it... for now, at least. What did you came here for, Mr. Tibalt? Oh, I know! I'll say I want to sell a donkey... it won't even be a lie, anyway!"

2019-02-15, 02:21 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Do what you will. I hate lying, so I'll just give a first name, if anyone cares to ask. And keep that damn flashy sword tucked away. Hmm. I'd refrain from any spells if I were you, until you've made sure. From what I'd heard before, this city should have been a good place to find an instructor, but seems things might have changed."

"I'm... I think I'm doing something foolish. This city seems like a good place to gather some intelligence, make everything less foolish."

Andrei examines the wall. Recently made... "Well met! You've been having troubles?" he said to the guards, gesturing at the wall.

2019-02-15, 02:29 PM
The nearer guard, a tall man who's leaning on his spear, nods a little. "We've heard some horror stories. Luckily, we've been spared anything too awful so far, but better safe than sorry, right?"

The other guard, a man of average height who holds his spear a little more comfortably, chimes in. "We've seen some things on guard duty, though. Things you wouldn't like. What's your business here, travelers?"

2019-02-15, 03:19 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Hmmh. Had fight off some goblins, just a couple days from here. Any trouble with mages? Heard someone mention some trouble with them."

"Nothing special, won't be staying long. Just here to meet some people. I'd like to know more about these problems though, since I'll be traveling. Anything dangerous I ought to watch out for?"

2019-02-15, 03:38 PM
"No sir-no trouble with mages since the Absolutionists showed up!" the taller guard says. "But goblins, yeah, I heard they were pestering some local villages. Be on the eye out for anything out of the ordinary, I suppose. You can come on in, and-"

The other guard interrupts. "Wait a minute-is she with you? Daughter or something? We need to know-records and all. A formality, but in these times... it matters."

2019-02-15, 04:18 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei glanced at Karina. He'd wanted to get through with as little talk as possible. The guard offered a nice out, but... his oaths really discouraged lying. He preferred to just omit things, if possible. "Her? No, I've just been traveling with her. The road's have been dangerous lately, after all. She's here to sell the donkey."

"Now, son, may we enter? Seems being on the road doesn't agree with me anymore, and I really would like to find some nice inn and enjoy a mug of cold ale and warm food."

These 'absolutists' sounded troublesome... They might even be related to his own quest, but he didn't want these guards to be anymore suspicious than they already were. If he found some nice tavern, there would likely be a drunkard or two who would be more than eager to talk.

2019-02-16, 12:36 PM
"Yeah, I suppose," the shorter one says. "Just gotta listen to a quick talk about the laws of Indos-I'm hopeful it's not needed, but policy is policy."

The talk is a brief one, with mostly common sense laws that you'd find anywhere. The only thing of note is that magic is entirely outlawed-absolutely none allowed. With that done, the gate grinds open, and you're welcomed into the city.

2019-02-16, 04:10 PM
"Well, that would mean I don't really have anything to do here..." Karina sighs, "Well, other than selling a donkey, I mean; I'm not trying to go back on my promise, don't think that! Ehh, I think I'll go then? Where do we meet, so I could give you the money back? Oh, and thank you, Mr. Tibalt!"

2019-02-16, 04:53 PM
As you enter the city, there's a few people about. Most of them are moving quickly-they have a destination in mind, it seems. In this area of the city, there's a lot of boarded-up buildings, but surprisingly, no beggars.

2019-02-17, 02:54 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei doesn't immediately respond, just looking at the town in silence, his frown deepening. This town... seems like things had gone south. If these Absolutionists were harming innocent people, he couldn't just walk away.

"Hmmh. Keep the donkey." Andrei keeps talking to Karina in a low, casual voice, not wanting to draw anyone's attention. "I agree you won't find out what you were looking for here. Can't tell you what to do, but it might be wise to leave as soon as possible. I'll stay here for a while... Look into this odd group."

2019-02-18, 01:54 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Thank you, Mr. Tibalt, but... I think I'll stay for a couple days. I want to know about those Absolutionists as well... what if they come to our village one day? Not that we have any mages, of course..." Karina adds quickly, "I'll find a job in the tavern, or something... somewhere people are likely to talk? After all, some people who might think twice about talking to you, might drop their guard around someone young, naive and harmless..."

2019-02-18, 11:56 AM
You have, at this point, passed a few taverns. Most in this part of town are of no small disrepute, but perhaps that's exactly what you're looking for.

2019-02-18, 01:49 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

That wasn't a bad idea exactly, but Andrei hadn't planned to drag anyone else into his quest. Then again, he really didn't too many resources...

"Hmmh. Fair point. I suppose you have a stake in this. But if you hear anything, come straight to me", Andrei says and gives Karina a stern look. "I'll be doing my own research in the meanwhile."

2019-02-19, 03:30 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Sure, Mr. Tibalt! But... how do I find you? You have a place to stay around here?" Karina asks, slightly confused.
After getting the answer, she nods, "Got it", and heads to the nearest tavern... her heart beating fast. It would be wrong to say she's not afraid at all, but... hse'll handle it somehow. Probably. Just have to believe and hope for the best...
Opening the door, she enters the tavern and heads towards the bar... in her experience - admittedly, exclusively gathered from tales and stories - the one who tends the bar usually happens to be the most important person in such an establishment.

2019-02-19, 11:40 AM
Andrei heads to where the good scholar Reinhardt is-or, at least, where he was, last time Andrei was in town.

The Academy of Living Art has seen better days, but it's still standing, at least, and the doors are open. He heads in, and after a little asking, finds Reinhardt's office. It's a small room, with books and documents lining the walls. The dwarf has his glasses on, and is reading through some old tome when Andrei enters. He looks up, and says "Andrei? Is that you? Good gods, it's been how long? I'd half-thought you were dead! Your race doesn't live that long, after all, heh. What brings you round here?"

Reinhardt is a more mercenary sort, or at least he was when you last dealt with him. But, you did save his life, all those years ago, so if his heart has stayed stony, at least you've got leverage.

Karina, meanwhile, heads to a nearby bar. It's a run-down affair, with one of the windows missing, and a dark, gloomy atmosphere when she walks in. The patrons consist of three burly men in the center, playing some dice game, and about half a dozen other men scattered about the room. The bartender is a tall human, thick with muscle and with a glower on his face.

As she enters, all eyes turn to her. It's not a comforting look.

2019-02-19, 03:44 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Not yet. I'll meet you at that tavern tomorrow, midday", Andrei says, pointing at the place.


"Reinhardt. Been a lifetime, I suppose. No offense, but I was hoping I didn't have to meet you again. Retirement suited me well." Something resembling a smile flashes on his face. "But, here I am. And not for the pleasure of meeting you. I'm here to call in a favor."

Andrei pulls himself a chair, sitting down. He eyes the dwarf, still wondering if this had been a smart decision. The dwarf was much too opportunistic for his taste. But, he knew a lot, and more importantly owed Andrei.

"Like you said, I won't live long, so I'll try to get to the point." Andrei still hesitated before continuing. He had a hard time putting his feelings about this into words. "There's something wrong with the world. Everything's just growing darker... In my gut I know I'm right, though I haven't managed to find out anything concrete. I've been rather isolated for the past years, but I know you've always kept your ears open." Andrei looked expectantly at the dwarf, watching for his reactions.

2019-02-19, 10:35 PM
"Andrei. If you want my advice..." Reinhardt says, trailing off a little. "Stay retired. The world's moved on from people like you. Or, I suppose," he adds, looking around a touch furtively, "You're too late. I'd bet money on the Absolutionists having some darker cause, at the higher ranks, and they've taken over damn near everything here. If you really wanted to relive the glory days, you should've stopped them from ever taking charge in the first place. Now... It's you alone against the world, basically. And that's not something I'd put money on."

"That was free, by the way. If you really want to stick your nose in places it doesn't belong, I'll see what I can provide you with. For a small fee, of course-but I won't get on their bad side. That's a short road to disaster," he says. "They own everything here, Andrei. The people's buildings, their homes, their bodies, their minds, their souls... All in the name of peace and a greater good. Maybe you're lucky. Maybe my gut and yours are wrong. Maybe they really mean well."

2019-02-20, 04:43 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"That might be smarter... But I've already set my mind on completing this foolish task. The world will just have to deal with it." Andrei scoffs and shakes his head. "Maybe I did stay out of it too long. Maybe Helm brought me back at just the right time. Who knows. I'm here now, and can't really just turn my back on this. You know that."

"Not asking you to stick your neck out for me, just point me in the right direction. If it turns out this whole bad feeling just something imagined and these loons really have everyone's best interests in mind, I'll be happy to go home and bury my armor. By what I've seen or heard, I don't think that's the case though. If they're hurting people, I will put a stop to it." Andrei's expression darkens. "I know going at it alone isn't smart, but I don't really have many options. And if this is my last adventure, so be it."

"Now, I'm not exactly rolling in gold, but I do hope you still remember I've helped you in the past. Name your price, and tell me more. What do you think these Absolutionists are really after? Other than power and control. I've also heard they've got something against magic."

2019-02-20, 04:53 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Looking over the tavern uneasily, Karina still approaches the bar. "Good day, mister! Do you need any help, by chance? I can wait the tables, I can wash the dishes and clean the room..." she pauses for a moment, as if not sure whether to continue, "I can dance and juggle... a bit..." blushing slightly. It was nothing more than a hobby, to be honest, but she did practice almost daily... of course, entertaining kids in the vilage was completely different from this place. "And I only ask for a meal and a bed... for a start."

2019-02-20, 07:18 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"That might be smarter... But I've already set my mind on completing this foolish task. The world will just have to deal with it." Andrei scoffs and shakes his head. "Maybe I did stay out of it too long. Maybe Helm brought me back at just the right time. Who knows. I'm here now, and can't really just turn my back on this. You know that."

"Not asking you to stick your neck out for me, just point me in the right direction. If it turns out this whole bad feeling just something imagined and these loons really have everyone's best interests in mind, I'll be happy to go home and bury my armor. By what I've seen or heard, I don't think that's the case though. If they're hurting people, I will put a stop to it." Andrei's expression darkens. "I know going at it alone isn't smart, but I don't really have many options. And if this is my last adventure, so be it."

"Now, I'm not exactly rolling in gold, but I do hope you still remember I've helped you in the past. Name your price, and tell me more. What do you think these Absolutionists are really after? Other than power and control. I've also heard they've got something against magic."

"Ah, yes, the magic bit," he replies. "I wouldn't say they have anything against magic, actually-at least, not in their hands. The feats I've seen them pull, claiming 'divine providence', are nothing short of magic. But the people lap it up."

Reinhardt looks out the window, and eyes the sun. "That's all for now. Gather your coin, and come back tomorrow. I can't name prices yet-I don't know what I'd be willing to share, and I won't get a reputation as a cheat. I'll put feelers out tonight, see what I can learn-and more importantly, what won't get me killed if they capture you. For now, it'd be best to leave."

Just before you leave, your back to Reinhardt, he does say "One last thing. Erm... Thank you. I've... No, never mind."

Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Looking over the tavern uneasily, Karina still approaches the bar. "Good day, mister! Do you need any help, by chance? I can wait the tables, I can wash the dishes and clean the room..." she pauses for a moment, as if not sure whether to continue, "I can dance and juggle... a bit..." blushing slightly. It was nothing more than a hobby, to be honest, but she did practice almost daily... of course, entertaining kids in the vilage was completely different from this place. "And I only ask for a meal and a bed... for a start."

The man leers over at Karina. "Pretty young thing, aren't you?" he says, snickering a little. "For meal and a bed... Here," he adds, tossing a dirty rag her way. "Start cleaning."

Let me preface this with saying I do NOT want to make any uncomfortable or skeeved out or anything.

But, the situation set up is pretty obvious here. It could develop in several ways, but I want to know before anything happens: Does anyone have anything they do NOT want to say? Anything that I absolutely should NOT do?

This is, after all, a game for fun. If doing something here would make the game no longer fun, I don't want to do it.

2019-02-21, 02:10 AM
In general, I susally don't mind, ahem, "adult" directions in my games, but Karina is not really a character I want these things to happen to :-)
That said, I ask to be given a fair fighting chance - she won't submit unless beaten unconscious, and in that case, I'd rather her end up on the streets, robbed of few valuables she left... that said, I hope to get a chance to endear myself to the man before anything can happen... that +7 Persuation should count for something :-)
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina grabs the rug, looks at it in disgust, then... "That won't do! Do you have any water around here? Clean, preferably, but at this point, most any will do! If not, where's the nearest well! I said I'll clean this place up, and, by Milil, I will do it properly!" she declares, rolling up her sleeves.
Charisma (Persuation) to give Karina a chance to prove she'll be more useful as an actual staff: [roll0]

2019-02-21, 02:51 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Hmmh. Figures. These sort of folk just want to have the power all to themselves." Andrei shakes his head, grimacing.

"You do what you can. Won't mention your name if I can help it..."

Andrei smiles wryly as he hears the dwarf's stutter. A thank you, without a charge. Maybe Reinhardt had gotten softer. "Until tomorrow, then."

The knight leaves. He still couldn't be sure if the Absolutionists were connected to his bad feelings, but it wasn't like he had any other leads. Damn this investigative stuff, it had all seemed to be so much clearer back then.

Next Andrei goes to find an inn, something on the cheap side, and spends time in the common room to listen to the chatter, and if nothing special happens, goes to bed early.

2019-02-21, 11:41 AM
In general, I susally don't mind, ahem, "adult" directions in my games, but Karina is not really a character I want these things to happen to :-)
That said, I ask to be given a fair fighting chance - she won't submit unless beaten unconscious, and in that case, I'd rather her end up on the streets, robbed of few valuables she left... that said, I hope to get a chance to endear myself to the man before anything can happen... that +7 Persuation should count for something :-)
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina grabs the rug, looks at it in disgust, then... "That won't do! Do you have any water around here? Clean, preferably, but at this point, most any will do! If not, where's the nearest well! I said I'll clean this place up, and, by Milil, I will do it properly!" she declares, rolling up her sleeves.
Charisma (Persuation) to give Karina a chance to prove she'll be more useful as an actual staff: [roll0]

Yeah, okay. Just checking.

The bartender raises an eyebrow. "You're really gonna-"

"Can it, Marcus!" one of the patrons says, coming over to Karina. He's a tall man, easily standing at six feet, with muscles to match. "Listen, you ain't gonna get a fair deal here. He'll work you to the bone and give you scraps, and the only bed he'd offer someone like you is his own."

Marcus looks offended, but when he opens his mouth, the bigger man shoots a glare at him, silencing him. "If you're looking for work somewhere, head deeper into the city. There's a place, what was it... The Constable's Tabernacle, yeah. Head there, and they'll treat you right. They'll work you hard, if they need help, but you'll be actually paid. Tell 'em Arnold sent you, if you need to."

Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Hmmh. Figures. These sort of folk just want to have the power all to themselves." Andrei shakes his head, grimacing.

"You do what you can. Won't mention your name if I can help it..."

Andrei smiles wryly as he hears the dwarf's stutter. A thank you, without a charge. Maybe Reinhardt had gotten softer. "Until tomorrow, then."

The knight leaves. He still couldn't be sure if the Absolutionists were connected to his bad feelings, but it wasn't like he had any other leads. Damn this investigative stuff, it had all seemed to be so much clearer back then.

Next Andrei goes to find an inn, something on the cheap side, and spends time in the common room to listen to the chatter, and if nothing special happens, goes to bed early.

Andrei finds himself at the Constable's Tabernacle, being a nearby inn with good drink at reasonable prices. There are a few other people there, three men and two women as patrons and a man behind the bar, as well as a grey-and-white robed figure who simply stands near the door, surveying the room.

2019-02-22, 02:17 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina looks at Arnold, than at Marcus, and back, for a while; not because she doesn't trust the man - honestly, it didn't take much to realize this tavern was not the place she would really want to be in - it's just... technically, she did promise... oh well.
"You know", she says to the owner, "You do need to clean this place up... and I did promise to help. So, once I get a day off, I will. Thank you for your advice, Mr. Arnold..." she nods to the man, stepping outside, her heart beating hard. Well, it did end well, didn't it?

After some time spent wandering the city, getting almost lost no less than twice, she does find the tavern she was recommended, after all - and, upon entering, notices the familiar figure sitting at the table. Still, she doesn't show that, heading straight to the barman - and being significanly less pushy this time. "Good day, mister... Eh, I'm new to the town, and... Mister Arnold said I might find a work here..."

2019-02-22, 03:48 AM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Greetings, innkeeper", Andrei says, nodding to the man behind the counter. "I need a room, food and drink, in whatever order. I'll be staying in the city for a while, not sure how long yet."

If there's nothing special, Andrei goes to sit on the common room to enjoy a drink. He is a bit surprised when sees Karina enter.

2019-02-22, 02:40 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Greetings, innkeeper", Andrei says, nodding to the man behind the counter. "I need a room, food and drink, in whatever order. I'll be staying in the city for a while, not sure how long yet."

If there's nothing special, Andrei goes to sit on the common room to enjoy a drink. He is a bit surprised when sees Karina enter.

Nothing too special happens. Food and drinks are gotten without any particular hassle, and other than the robed figure, no one catches your eye.

Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

Karina looks at Arnold, than at Marcus, and back, for a while; not because she doesn't trust the man - honestly, it didn't take much to realize this tavern was not the place she would really want to be in - it's just... technically, she did promise... oh well.
"You know", she says to the owner, "You do need to clean this place up... and I did promise to help. So, once I get a day off, I will. Thank you for your advice, Mr. Arnold..." she nods to the man, stepping outside, her heart beating hard. Well, it did end well, didn't it?

After some time spent wandering the city, getting almost lost no less than twice, she does find the tavern she was recommended, after all - and, upon entering, notices the familiar figure sitting at the table. Still, she doesn't show that, heading straight to the barman - and being significanly less pushy this time. "Good day, mister... Eh, I'm new to the town, and... Mister Arnold said I might find a work here..."

"Arnold, Arnold... Hm..." the bartender says, tapping his chin. "Big guy? Looks like a bit of a thug?"

Karina affirms that, and the bartender continues, saying "I know him. He used to help out, back when this place was a little rougher. Kept people from causing too much damage. Let's see-you can start by clearing off some of the tables," he says, gesturing to the plates and bowls scattered across the various tables. "Usually I have someone to do that for me, but the little ass is a flake, as of late. Once you get all the dishes back here, we can talk a little more about pay and such."

2019-02-24, 02:11 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

From the corner of his eye, Andrei observes the robed figure, not looking directly at him. He was willing to bet this was one of the Absolutionists. The figure certainly stood out, and seemed to be observing the room. He also notes Karina seemed to have managed to get a job like she planned. Good for the kid.

At some point, he starts chatting with other patrons, just chitchatting about weather, business and the like. At one point he'll innocuously ask "So you know who the robe is? This place have special bouncers?" He'd hopefully be getting some concrete info from Reinhardt the next day, but he was interested how the common folk reacted to these people. That is, if his hunch was correct in the first place.

2019-02-24, 04:27 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Thank you, mister!" with a cheerful - and genuine - smile, Karina heads - almost runs - to the nearest table and starts picking up the plates, stacking them in a precariously looking tower as she visits table after table, spending just long enough at each one to hear a couple of words...

2019-02-25, 09:15 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

From the corner of his eye, Andrei observes the robed figure, not looking directly at him. He was willing to bet this was one of the Absolutionists. The figure certainly stood out, and seemed to be observing the room. He also notes Karina seemed to have managed to get a job like she planned. Good for the kid.

At some point, he starts chatting with other patrons, just chitchatting about weather, business and the like. At one point he'll innocuously ask "So you know who the robe is? This place have special bouncers?" He'd hopefully be getting some concrete info from Reinhardt the next day, but he was interested how the common folk reacted to these people. That is, if his hunch was correct in the first place.

"Ah, him? He's Earl," the bartender replied. "He was one of the first to join the Absolutionists, so they've got him keeping an eye on the bar. Been loads of help keeping the troublemakers out. Shame he doesn't order drinks any more, though-well..." he continues, but stops. "I shouldn't say. Not my place. Suffice to say, I'm glad for the change."

Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Thank you, mister!" with a cheerful - and genuine - smile, Karina heads - almost runs - to the nearest table and starts picking up the plates, stacking them in a precariously looking tower as she visits table after table, spending just long enough at each one to hear a couple of words...

The conversations Karina overhears aren't of much importance-at least, not at first. Mostly just idle conversation-the weather, how's your kids, wife treating you good, that sort of thing. But as Andrei talks to the bartender about Earl, she does overhear this snippet.

"Ooh, he's talking about Earl's old drinking problem. Glad they got him sorted out!" a woman says, quietly, to the man she's sitting with. The man responds, but Karina can't dally at the table too much longer.

2019-02-27, 01:27 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

Andrei grunts, taking another sip of ale. It seemed people actually liked the Absolutionists. That might make things harder, though they also sounded fearful. Order seemed to be something most people liked, and as long as everything worked, ignoring a couple of unseemly things was easy.

Nothing else to do in the tavern for Andrei, I think.

2019-02-27, 03:27 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"They" sorted him. Well, it wasn't hard to guess who "they" referred to, but than again, that didn't necessarily mean anything... in fact, fixing someone's drinking problem was a good thing? Well, not for a barman, obviously, but still.

Anyway, Karina couldn't waste time; she had to make a good impression on the owner... so, withput listening any further, she placed the stack of plates onto the bar and, smiling, waited for further instructions.

2019-02-27, 03:34 PM
It's late now, and people are starting to turn in. The bartender directs Karina to, when most of the patrons are gone, clean teh tables more thoroughly, which he helps do, and generally tidy up the bar for the next morning.

Once the duties are done, he offers her some stew, bread, and cheese. "Thanks for your help-I'll dig into the coffers tomorrow for a few silver, but for now, enjoy the food, and you'll have a warm bed tonight."

Out and about at the moment, so won't get a better update till later tonight.

2019-03-01, 12:08 PM
Come morning, you both feel well-rested. The beds, while not of the highest quality, are suitable, and the pillows are easy to fluff.

When you come downstairs, you see the bartender (who, at some point last night, introduced himself as Callum to Karina) is working with a young woman. Callum is visible periodically in the back, cooking the day's food, while the woman is cleaning mugs and readying the bar. "Good morning!" she calls out whenever someone comes down. "I hope you slept well."

Earl continues to stand at his post. If he slept, it was after you two had gone to bed, and he was there before you came down.

2019-03-02, 11:47 AM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Good morning!" Karina enthusiastically replies, "My name's Karina, I just started working here yesterday -" she makes a pause, hoping the woman would introduce herself in turn, "And thanks, it was very nice - anything I can help you with?"

2019-03-02, 03:13 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Much better than the side of the road... Almost forgot your back doesn't have to hurt." He'd removed his armor for the moment, though would put on when went to talk to Reinhardt. He didn't think the dwarf would try anything, but better safe than sorry.

Andrei glances at the hooded man. Had he stayed there for the whole night? "Son, it looks peaceful at the moment. Think you can rest your legs for a moment", Andrei says to him in amicable tone. He was curious to see the Absolutionist's reaction.

2019-03-02, 05:21 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Good morning!" Karina enthusiastically replies, "My name's Karina, I just started working here yesterday -" she makes a pause, hoping the woman would introduce herself in turn, "And thanks, it was very nice - anything I can help you with?"

"Abigail," she replies. "And no-we really only have two people working the bar at a time. If you want to work more permanently, I'd talk to Callum when he's done making breakfast."

Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Much better than the side of the road... Almost forgot your back doesn't have to hurt." He'd removed his armor for the moment, though would put on when went to talk to Reinhardt. He didn't think the dwarf would try anything, but better safe than sorry.

Andrei glances at the hooded man. Had he stayed there for the whole night? "Son, it looks peaceful at the moment. Think you can rest your legs for a moment", Andrei says to him in amicable tone. He was curious to see the Absolutionist's reaction.

Peace can be broken at any moment, Earl responds. There's an ever-so-slight resonance in his voice. Just the vaguest hint of something more than normal.

2019-03-02, 06:03 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Really? Well, it sure is good to have such a vigilant watcher. Myself, I'd take a break. Maybe have a nice drink." Andrei watches for his reaction. Definitely something wrong with him. "I've done some guarding myself, and there's nothing like a cup of dwarven brandy after a shift, don't you agree?"

Andrei felt a bit guilty for tempting an alcoholic to to drink, but it was for a good cause.

2019-03-02, 06:18 PM
I don't need to drink, he responds. I'm better than that.

Total stoicism.



There's a hint-maybe just a glimmer-of desire in his response.

2019-03-03, 03:34 PM
Andrei Tybalt (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1812796)
HP: 44/44, AC: 18 (20), Passive Perception: 15, Save DC: 14, Lay on Hands: 25/25

"Well, that's good and all, but if you get thirsty, come and share a drink."

Maybe he'd through to Earl, maybe not, but it was good to know there was still some personality left.

If nothing else happens at the bar, Andrei dons his armor and goes to meet with Reinhardt. Before he leaves, he quietly says to Karina "Keep an eye on the hood."

2019-03-03, 03:40 PM
Karina Wynn (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1813542)
HP: 6/6; AC: 12; Perception 11; Save DC 13

"Oh, sure, I will - but, what about Mr. Earl?" Karina nods towards the hooded figure, "Doesn't he work here? I thought he's a guard here, or, what's the word, bouncer?"