View Full Version : Short modules in PF

Plus one
2019-01-26, 04:34 PM
Hi, looking for some quick 1 hour short kid friendly modules. New DM looking to practice without creating new content first. Trying to avoid compiling errors with more firsts than necessary.
Thanks for any help.

2019-01-26, 11:28 PM
Pathfinder Society modules are quite short and fit into one of your regular con slots. Shorter than that? I don't know any.

Plus one
2019-01-28, 09:38 AM
Thanks, I’ll look into those though may try to skip or amalgamate parts if possible to shorten things.

2019-01-30, 04:50 PM
I would suggest the PF Beginner Box if you can nab one, as both the adventure and mechanics within it are greatly simplified compared to handing your kid the CRB.