View Full Version : Suggestions for a character with this group setup plz

2019-01-27, 03:22 PM
Looking for class suggestions to compliment my group. Level 8. All books and dragon magazines are available.

Group make up:
A Ranger that went Master of Many Forms.

Monk going to go towards drunken master.

Wizard focuses on summoning and big AOE spells.

2 Clerics: One Cloistered and one is a Servant of Pelor


Uncle Pine
2019-01-27, 04:58 PM
It's a big group with the potential to become even bigger thanks to summons, so a dragonfire inspiration bard could shine quite a bit.

2019-01-27, 05:00 PM
they need a rogue of some sort

2019-01-27, 08:25 PM
I recommend a binder. They have great fluff and are fun to play. They also can fill in any needed party role and are good for rounding out a party. They also have the advantage that they can change up their powers a fair bit from day to day, so if a player doesn't make it, the binder can help fill in their role for that session. Also, the mid levels are really great for a binder and are one of the points where they are strong and fun to play, so level 8 is a good place for a binder.

2019-01-27, 08:43 PM
Denthor is right. There's a distinct lack of skill-monkey in that set. If you wanna try something different, incarnate is fun. If you go that way, go for good or evil. Law is weaker and chaos is just... no.

That out of the way, I'm worried about that monk. Stacking up next to ranger MoM is a hell of a tall order. I really hope he knows what he's doing.

2019-01-27, 09:02 PM
I'll second the idea of going Bard. Bards shine in large groups, and they have special buffs and effects only they can create. Also, there's a lack of skills in place here, so Bard can substitute the Rogue's skill buckets by picking the less popular skills. With all those full-casters running around together, you'll never have to roll Spellcraft, Decipher Script, Knowledge(Arcana/Religion/Nature) and a couple others, so you can focus on social skills and Perform. It's honestly the best way you can contribute in a team with three full-casters.

2019-01-27, 09:12 PM
My character now is actually a rogue. But he is falling off super hard.

I could see how a Dragonfire bard could be useful with this many people.

The monk is actually going to be moving to Japan in about 3 weeks so I guess the monk is pretty irrelevant anyway.

Everyone in the party is pretty Knowledge heavy when it comes to there skill points so I was thinking maybe some intimidate, diplomacy or bluff.