View Full Version : Things Your Party's Done While Broke

2019-01-27, 10:42 PM
What are the funniest/most ridiculous things your groups have done when they were really lacking in gold?

After commissioning a guildhall to be built, my players had effectively no money, and so decided to make money via pit-fighting. There was a LG Dwarven Fighter who was using the Magitech Hero subclass from MFoV, and without his armor, which was basically a mecha, he was honestly very scrawny. The plan was to have the fighter challenge people to duels while in civvies, then transform to thrash his enemies easily, after the CE Paladin had bet heavily on him. The thing was that his opponent was honestly broken, as well as absurdly lucky, causing her to basically thrash him, bringing him down to half, while he had only dealt 16 damage to her. Then, the Paladin decided to attempt to Lay on Hands, in order to give her ally the chance to win. She got an 11 on her Sleight of Hand check, causing them to be caught cheating and thrown out of Fight Club.

The Werebear Bard Bearbarian, on the other hand, stayed behind and managed to earn quite a bit of money from betting.

2019-01-28, 11:06 AM
When we were given the task to guard a town on the outskirts of the kingdom from raiding goblins but given no real support to do so. So our scout stole the gold claw feet off the bathtub in the lord's castle before we left in the morning. We did use the funds to shore up the town's defenses.

2019-01-29, 10:00 AM
My rogue kept the captain of the guard distracted by flirting with him at the tavern while the other rogue snagged his coin, I stayed to continue the act while the other rogue made it out to an alleyway near by. When the captain of the guard finally rejected my character, I went onto the alleyway to meet with the other rogue and see that there were 50pp.

Immediately we heard the clamor of guards and the other rogue ran through the alleyways to escape while my rogue confidently walked out to meet the dozen guards who had been summoned and the captain who was shouting "That's her." After offering to let them search me and berating the captain they finally left me alone and later I met with the other rogue who had gotten it all changed out for gold and silver.

2019-01-29, 10:11 AM
Last rogue I played never had much money, but he was never broke since anything he wanted was his, you may just be holding onto it for a while for him...

2019-01-29, 10:16 AM
I'm currently playing a campaign where our party has been utterly broken from the start, but we discovered relatevely eraly that we had been marked by gods as potential champions, and if we proved ourselves they would take us to their planes, gods know for what. A little gathering taught us that previous potential champions had been called or release by the gods within the year, so we took turn taking loans at different places for the most we could get, after all we would end up dead or champions of a god within a year, money wouldn't be a problem in either case :P

The funny part is, each loan would get us thru 1 or 2 sessions at most, last one was spent repairing equipment, healing ourselves, restocking, and a lil bit partying because we had defeted an enemy claimed. The loan was literally gone within minutes of having gotten it, and we were once again counting our coins lol.

2019-01-29, 10:29 AM
We hired on as sailors, and when we got attacked we boarded the pirate ship, barely won the battle, and then sailed the pirate ship into port and sold it.
Broke no more.