View Full Version : Help me decide on a Barbarian Subclass

2019-01-28, 10:29 AM
So, I'm playing a Thogaturge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?195049-Help-Me-Be-Annoying-with-a-Barbarian-Wizard). But not just any Thogaturge. No, I just had to make it weird by giving it the Noble's background feature (which may or may not ever come into play). Our party (my Thogaturge, our Stoic Dwarven Bard who constantly facepalms at my Thogaturge, and our Eladrin Ranger who eggs my Thogaturge on) have hit level 3. The Bard is going Valor, and the Ranger is going Hunter (with plans to multiclass Rogue eventually).

My original plan was to go Berserker, because we've thus far only had one encounter per day, and exhaustion is a good way of roleplaying my character being "out of spell slots". Plus, lacking magic makes sense for the theme. However, I've sort of already broken that last one, since our characters have gotten a plot-related power to control our dreams.

Another option is Zealot, which does largely the same sort of thing Berserker does, but with easier resurrection and no exhaustion. Our characters have already met with and received their mission from the head deity of the setting, so it's easy to justify (especially since my character was ironically the most respectful during their meeting).

Then there's Ancestral Guardians, which would represent a completely different sort of magic that doesn't come from the Barbarian himself and would enable my character to do more than just hit things. On the minus side, it wouldn't do anything to help his saving throws against fear or charms (he has a wisdom penalty). On the plus side, though, it could be justified on the basis of various spirits just finding his antics so hilarious that they choose to help him (this is basically the Ranger's reasoning for sticking with the party). It also eventually gains two spells at level 10, which would represent my character's lies finally becoming truth (faking spellcasting so many times he accidentally succeeds).

Any thoughts or advice?

2019-01-28, 10:47 AM
Totem Warrior is another way to get a few animal-based ritual spells. (If you want "real" spells on top of fake spells.)

They get Beast Sense and Speak With Animals at 3rd, and Commune with Nature at 10th.

2019-01-28, 10:50 AM
I kind of feel like 3rd level is a bit too early to get real spells, though. That should be near the end of the campaign, as a capstone.

2019-01-30, 12:18 AM
I would pick Ancestral Guardians. If it were me, I would make at least one of the spirits be as dumb, if not dumber, than your Barbarian and be INCREDIBLY proud of their great grandson the master of the arcane.

2019-01-30, 02:00 AM
Zealot would allow you to go full-on ham sandwich with the roleplay. I think it'd be a blast.

2019-01-30, 03:50 AM
What is the source of your barbarian's rage?

2019-01-30, 07:25 AM
What is the source of your barbarian's rage?

Magic, duh!

2019-02-04, 11:21 PM
I ended up deciding to go Berserker, because the party is pretty unoptimized, and we have so few encounters per day that the exhaustion shouldn't pile up too much.

Interesting thing I discovered about Frenzy last session while we were fighting a particularly quick enemy: Frenzy allows you to take the dash action and still make an attack on your turn. It's not an efficient use of Frenzy, but if you're already frenzying and an enemy decides to dash away from you, you can still catch up to them and smack them.