View Full Version : Allip as a neutral NPC?

2019-01-28, 07:13 PM
I'm sending my party into an arcane vault, whose owner has been long gone. Yesterday I read about an Allip, and I thought it'd fit perfectly in the story revolving around this quest. The thing is that I just can't seem to figure out the bugger.

My idea is to have it encounter the party as a neutral NPC (aka the aforementioned owner of the vault), with whom they can talk to gain some insight in what happened to him - and perhaps get some important information (not the cursed lore, ofc) or even a sidequest. They could attack him if they'd like to, but he won't initiate a fight.


Its speech and mumbling warps the mind and can torment anyone who hears it. Judging by its stat block, all its utterances do psychic damage. In the presence of other creatures, it seeks to dump some of his burden on them to lighten the weight. Yet it knows all languages it knew in life. So... what happens if it tries to communicate? Is it possible for someone to hold a somewhat coherent conversation with an entity whose speech drives you bonkers? Or will it just use its formerly known languages to drive you insane in a language you can understand?

I'm not a fan of the "because I'm the DM, that's why" answer to any fallacies in a story, so I'm trying to find a way to figure out what an Allip can/can't, would/wouldn't, so I can properly add it into my story and do it justice. Or just decide the whole thing won't work and scrap it entirely.

Therefore, any insight the playground could give me on Allip behavioural patterns would be duly appreciated. Especially since either the internet is severely lacking, or my Google skills need some serious brushing up. :)

2019-01-29, 10:47 AM
Not all Allip will want to scramble people's brains all the time, and even if you rules out they can't speak at all without it being harmful, they can still write. Or use sign language.

2019-01-29, 11:21 AM
Consider Cantrips.

As Unoriginal noted, they may not be able to speak, but they can write... have it write in ghostly letters that fade as it speaks further.

Or, have it speak VERY SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. You play it speaking with exaggerated care. If people get it excited, it starts to lose that control... and begins the mind-eroding mumbles.

2019-01-30, 02:55 PM
Not all Allip will want to scramble people's brains all the time

I must admit, it hadn't crossed my mind that the tormenting aspect could be of a voluntary nature. I thought it'd be more akin to a permanent state like the medusa's gaze, but I suppose it may very well be an ability with an off switch.

they can still write. Or use sign language.

Oh boy. Now I have this image in my head of an Allip playing charades. Or pictionary.

have it speak VERY SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. You play it speaking with exaggerated care. If people get it excited, it starts to lose that control... and begins the mind-eroding mumbles.

Oooo, this is quite a nice approach. Seeing as how the Allip in my story used to be a gifted and accomplished Wizard, it could very well be possible his mind was strong enough to ensure he didn't become fully submerged. He'll need all his wits in order to keep it on the surface, meaning that speaking proves to be quite a strain. Especially when you need to speak to beings several leagues below your own, whose simple minds barely grasp even the most banal of arcane theorem...