View Full Version : Multi-armed Insanity Build - Assistance Requested

Iak Kereshna
2019-01-29, 10:09 PM
Ok, for background info: this is a character I want to build for a campaign that I am running as DM. This campaign will make use of ALL official 3.0, 3.5, and Pathfinder books (as well as Book of Erotic Fantasy because it actually has some features I like so I consider it officially allowed), as well as all 3.0/3.5-relevant Dragon and Dungeon magazines, AND any 3rd-party books so long as I'm provided with a pdf or physical copy of it. So right off the bat, you know this is a campaign where everything is insanely OP and basically breaking the system. The only thing off the table is 3.0/3.5 Psionics because I don't understand it enough to run it properly but do understand it enough to know I don't like it. The official Pathfinder Psionics equivalents are allowed, though (but 3rd-party books that re-introduce 3.0/3.5's psionic power points system are not). This can be undone if a compelling enough argument is made.

Second: I made a version of this character a number of years ago, but have since lost the character sheet, thus leaving me with only what I remember as my starting point here.

Finally: the point of this exercise is seeing how broken a character I can make WITHIN THE RULES (and even with some willful misinterpreting of the rules - I'll clarify what I mean later). I would prefer to avoid Homebrew or just "DM Ruling" to make it happen - this should be something a player should be able to make (if they have as insane a DM as I'm going to be).

The end result I'm looking for is a Large (or larger) character with 10 or more arms (I can already get to 10, possibly 12? within the rules, that I've seen) who wields Katanas that are sized for a character one (or more!) category larger, attacking by throwing them, and getting as many attacks as possible within a round. Part of this had included using the Perfect Multiweapon Fighting Feat, "misreading" it to mean that, at level 20+, each arm gets 4 attacks (even though I know the way it reads means that I'm supposed to have my BAB of 20/15/10/5, and each additional arm would get one attack at BAB 20 - this is the "willful misinterpreting" part I mentioned before)... and I recall having a combination of Feats and Class Features that allowed thrown weapons to count as BOTH ranged and melee attacks, though that may have more been unintentional misinterpreting of the rules.

I would like assistance in finding similar/equivalent Feats/Class Features/Racial abilities!, etc, from any source I've allowed (so, basically all sources). Even if it's not for finding the exact abilities I've mentioned; any features and abilities that would complement this kind of character would be appreciated. I'd also like to see if anyone could find an in-rules way to have a Katana count as a Monk weapon; if we can, I have a way I can make it so that it utilizes the 3rd edition rule for monk classes to have extra attacks just from BAB (i.e. every +3 rather than every +5) instead of using the 3.5/Pathfinder Monk with Flurry of Blows. Again, the goal is to make it as broken as possible.

Important caveats! The character would be a custom race built with the Pathfinder Race Builder (from the Advanced Race Guide sourcebook) - any compatible/relevant racial features introduced after the ARG was released would be appreciated - as the CORE RACES (and Orcs) ARE BANNED. This includes any race directly descended from any of the core races - so any variety of Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Orcs themselves (it's a big campaign point - long story short, **** happened a long time ago and those 8 races no longer exist, nor any other race whose blood can be traced back to any of those 8). As such, any Race-locked Feats requiring any such race is not allowed.

I thank you in advance for your assistance. I hope we can make something truly amazing. :D

2019-01-29, 10:30 PM
First off, the printed Perfect MWF feat from the Epic Level Handbook gives you your 4 full attacks with every arm, so that should not be a problem.

Well, you can cherrypick this old chassis of mine if you like: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23130077&postcount=2. It was intended to abuse the old 3.0 Scourge as part of a Kensai Variant Fighter Trisalt based around on-striking effects and flat damage bonuses, but there are some good ideas there for general MWF.

Thri-Kreen is a reasonable base race if non-Psionic for only LA +1; it is also a viable option for the Half-Minotaur template from Dragon #313. That gets you Large with 4 arms; Obah Blessed from Dungeon #136 can net you 4 more permanent arms for LA +3, alongside substantial stat boosts. 9 Levels in Fang of Lolth from Song and Silence will net you 4 more permanent arms capable of wielding weapons, and these ones are retractable; 12 arms without spells, magic items or Incarnum right there. If you are running Gestalt/Tristalt with RHD/LA on single stack, Multi-Headed from Savage species replaces the entire MWF feat line while also giving you full strength bonus with every attack; saving that many feats alone could make it appetizing.

Mix and match with whatever other contributors come up with.

Iak Kereshna
2019-01-29, 10:50 PM
First off, the printed Perfect MWF feat from the Epic Level Handbook gives you your 4 full attacks with every arm, so that should not be a problem.

It does?! :O All this time I thought I'd been using it "incorrectly" - thanks for clarifying that!

And I will look into some of those - I knew about Obah-Blessed and a couple other bits. Thank you for your help. :)

Oh, and yes, definitely gestalting...

2019-01-30, 01:50 PM
The multiheaded template from Savage Species gives perfect MWF without having to go epic at the cost of 2RHD and 2LA (though it does give two very good feats in Combat Reflexes and Improved Initiative as well so it may still be worth it). You should be able to oversized MWF with this version of MWF as well without the additional feat investment.

There is the insectile template from the same book as well that gives 6 additional arms. Paired with Obah-Blessed, this should be +10 arms at +5LA for both templates. Note that while the insectile template says it doesn't grant any additional attacks, this is to be taken as it doesn't grant any claw/natural attacks, but nothing is said about being unable to wield weapons using those arms.

The unorthodox flurry feat can be used with feycrafted bastard swords but you need to be proficient with them (I hope you are).

If you have a tail attack the prehensile tail feat gets you another appendage that can wield a sword.

Iak Kereshna
2019-02-01, 12:32 AM
The multiheaded template from Savage Species gives perfect MWF without having to go epic at the cost of 2RHD and 2LA (though it does give two very good feats in Combat Reflexes and Improved Initiative as well so it may still be worth it). You should be able to oversized MWF with this version of MWF as well without the additional feat investment.

There is the insectile template from the same book as well that gives 6 additional arms. Paired with Obah-Blessed, this should be +10 arms at +5LA for both templates. Note that while the insectile template says it doesn't grant any additional attacks, this is to be taken as it doesn't grant any claw/natural attacks, but nothing is said about being unable to wield weapons using those arms.

The unorthodox flurry feat can be used with feycrafted bastard swords but you need to be proficient with them (I hope you are).

If you have a tail attack the prehensile tail feat gets you another appendage that can wield a sword.

Neat. Yeah, definitely looking like the character will be insect-based... I'll have to look into Unorthodox Flurry, which sourcebook is it in?

2019-02-01, 01:25 AM
Unorthodox flurry is from dragon compendium but i misread feycrafted. It only lets the weapon count as light for the purposes of weapon finesse. So this combo is broke anyways sorry.

2019-02-01, 01:51 AM
What you want is a Multiheaded Insectile Anthropomorphic Giant Squid. 14 arms with perfect multiweapon fighting, large size.

2019-02-01, 11:06 AM
If you decide that the extra arms from Insectile template apply to weapons as well natural attacks, that's just fine.
You can use those arms to help wield weapons for a 'good' hand. Each extra hand used to wield a weapon adds 0.5 Str to the damage, though the weapon must be designed to be wielded by multiple hands.