View Full Version : Door Kickers

2019-01-30, 06:57 PM
Have any of you tried this game?

It's an older game, from around 2014 that I recently stumbled upon. A top-down tactical shooter, I guess- Where you control a SWAT team and run them through different scenarios, like hostage rescue, bomb defusal, etc. You can play it on the fly, with pause-able real-time commands; or you can play it like I do, mapping out the movements of each team member in detail, then letting the dice fall how they may.

There is an inventory system, with several pieces of kit to choose from, which you can choose to unlock via points gained based upon your in-game performance. Each trooper can pick one of five different classes, which determines what equipment is available to each. As your troopers conduct operations, they level up and their skills increase. You don't get to direct how they increase, as they generally just all increase across the board, but based upon their initial stats, each trooper will have roles that he is better or worse at.

Here is a link to its Steam page (https://store.steampowered.com/app/248610/Door_Kickers/), and if you are interested in seeing the game in action, at least the way I play it- I've got a video up here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLBuh0-iK_o) (I am embarrassingly bad). Or you can just search Door Kickers on Youtube, and you'll get a lot of hits from players much better than myself.

If you've tried it, what were your impressions? Personally, I'm having a great time with it. So much so that I even tried it on mobile; though I couldn't get the hang of playing it on there.

Kaptin Keen
2019-02-01, 07:28 AM
It's heavily inspired by Frozen Synapse, in case that's of any interest. Frozen Synapse (https://store.steampowered.com/app/98200/Frozen_Synapse/) is a better game, IMO, but it has far more simplistic graphics. There's a sequel too, which should have the kinks ironed out of it by now =)

2019-02-01, 06:56 PM
I've played a ****-ton of Frozen Synapse. I even worked with the developers in order to adapt the game engine as a visual aid to real-life mission briefings. Something to which the minimalist art style was ideally suited.

That said, Door Kickers is by far the deeper game. It has greater mission variety and enemy types. An inventory system with weapons, body armor, breaching tools, throwables, etc, which Frozen Synapse completely lacks; and a flexible class system which enhaces this further. A healthy selection of mods and a built-in mission editor are also a plus.

I also greatly enjoy the Ironman feature available in the campaigns. With your troopers gaining experience as you progress, you have a real sense of loss when one of them dies, and a sense of relief at the close shave you had when one has to sit out a mission after being wounded. You don't get this with the "shapeforms" (I think that's what they called them) in Frozen Synapse.

Frozen Synapse does have a destroyable environment, and has excellent head to head multiplayer. Both of which are super-cool.
Door Kickers only has online co-op. Which is a lot of fun; but head to head would be nice to have.

If you enjoyed Frozen Synapse, you're likely to enjoy Door Kickers.

Kaptin Keen
2019-02-02, 04:20 AM
I've played Door Kickers, and Breach and Clear, and Frozen Synapse. I do not agree that having more stuff makes a game deeper. That would mean that chess was an incredibly shallow game. And of the three mentioned, Frozen Synapse is by far my favourite.

2019-02-02, 05:49 AM
The depth of Frozen Synapse is only realized when you play the head to head multiplayer. That is FS's wheelhouse. As far as gameplay goes, both do essentially the same things. Just in different formats.

You plan your moves, and take your turn. FS turn length is specified. DK turn length is entirely up to you.

Chess is an apt comparison for FS. FS is made for multiplayer, and it really shines there; but a lot of it's depth evaporates when you play it in single player. Combat resolution is dealt with by a very specific set of rules. What you can do in a turn is dictated by a finite period of time. Both players abide by these same rules. Combat vs AI becomes highly predictable.

Meanwhile Chess is not a good comparison for DK. Doorkers is designed around single player. Combat is resolved by rules which are modified by your chosen equipment and trooper skills, as well as some random elements. What you can do in a turn is dictated by how long you want that turn to be and what tools you have chosen. You have great flexibility as there is no other player which the game needs to be balanced for.

Frozen Synapse is a game of chess. Door Kickers is a puzzle constructed on a waterbed.

There is nothing wrong with preferring chess.
I love Frozen Synapse too. But DK isn't chess.

2019-02-02, 09:02 AM
I do not agree that having more stuff makes a game deeper. That would mean that chess was an incredibly shallow game.

Not incredibly, but go is definitely deeper.

2019-02-11, 07:34 AM
Played that game a lot when it came out, but without worrying much about tactics and succeeding mostly by trial and error.

Reading about it here made me start it up again. Sadly all of my progress is gone so I have to unlock all the classes and weapons again.

Since you guys seem to have a lot more experience than me:

Is there any point to buy other pistols than the 1911? Going by the stats, it is hands down the best secondary for a mere 5 stars.

2019-02-11, 02:35 PM
Played that game a lot when it came out, but without worrying much about tactics and succeeding mostly by trial and error.

Reading about it here made me start it up again. Sadly all of my progress is gone so I have to unlock all the classes and weapons again.

Since you guys seem to have a lot more experience than me:

Is there any point to buy other pistols than the 1911? Going by the stats, it is hands down the best secondary for a mere 5 stars.

If you're using a Pointman (which you should be, at least have one), the limited ammo capacity can make itself known at a bad time if you're not careful about planning in reloads.

There is also the issue of armor piercing. As far as I know, only one pistol has AP, the 5.7. At close range you can get around it with the Mozambique doctrine, but at longer ranges the pistol will be ineffective against armored targets without any AP.

2019-02-11, 07:16 PM
Ah right, didn't check for magazine size. Running out in critical situations did not come up so far.