View Full Version : Character advice - Carrion Crown - no spoilers please

2019-01-31, 06:31 AM
Hello folks,
Just looking for a spot of advice. I have been playing some variation of TTRPG for 15 years, and it’s my first time playing a caster, and I’ve only been playing PF for a couple of years.
We’re in CC, at lvl 2, I’m Playing a repeating Xbow inquisitor, because flavour. I’m already finding the dmg a little lacklustre, and I feel like I should pull my weight a little more. Is it worth a dip for one level of Zen Archer at level 3?
The bang for buck seems pretty good, but I’m having trouble predicting what this will do at later levels.
Will it totally handicap me with regard to casting?

All of us have 20 point buy.
Current party composition is an inquisitor Desna Travel domain, alchemist bomb thrower, and a brawler based around grappling. Just the three of us.

The DM has said that we’re going to struggle with our builds and party size, but we’re enjoying the challenge so far.

Also, please, no spoilers, but I probably didn’t need to say that.

