View Full Version : Roleplaying Oath of the Ancients backstory idea

2019-01-31, 12:12 PM
The Dankleafs of Thunder Tree were well known for their success with cultivating some of the best herbs in faerun. Thunder Skunk Funk along with various other strains of herbs and mushrooms alike, they used for generations to make salves, teas, and smoke. What people didn't know and what many people were surprised to learn that the Dankleafs are a clan dwarves.

A dwarf who once found himself in the forest that surrounds Thunder Tree, long before Thunder Tree stood. While wondering he stumbled into a grove of beautiful herbs. He was in aw of the smells and beauty. After a loud crack of thunder. Then he looked ahead he saw a large tree smoking from the blast with a dire skunk writhing in pain near the bottom.

Feeling sorry for it he said some words and placed his hand upon the creature. In that moment something that had never happened before came to be. He felt his hands warm and watched as they glowed with radiant light. It came to and looked at him for a brief period of time. Then transformed into a beautiful Fey lady. As a reward she offered that he lived in the grove along side herself and the dryads that resided there.

Just like that the first Dankleaf to serve the Archfey of The Grove came to be. He's self and his decendents were trained to defend the grove as well. They all swore oaths to the ancients to protect the grove, and its tenants.

The Grove of the Thunder Skunk as they joking called it went unsullied for quite a great many years. Until the inhabitants of Thunder Tree and the area were set upon by a war band of orcs and desecrated the grove, and unleashed the primordial that cause the eruption of Mt. Hotenow. Yorrumli and a few remaining survivors went to live with elves in The High Forest. Now they seek to recover seeds of their precious strain to preserve it, and return the grove to its natural beauty.

I really just wanted to hear anyone's opinions. Thoughts. I plan now doing a fey pact in the future. Using a battle axe and shield and having a dire goat as a mount.

2019-02-01, 05:10 AM
The Dankleafs of Thunder Tree were well known for their success with cultivating some of the best herbs in faerun. Thunder Skunk Funk along with various other strains of herbs and mushrooms alike, they used for generations to make salves, teas, and smoke. What people didn't know and what many people were surprised to learn was the Dankleafs were a family dwarves. Not many dwarves have been known to find their way outside of the traditional ways of the dwarf, mining and smithing, smithing and crafting, crafting and building, and so on, and so on. The other thing that folks dont know is that it happened completely by accident. A dwarf who once found himself in the forest that surrounds Thunder Tree. Long before Thunder Tree or Phandelian stood. He was unhappy with the way life was going. A meaningless life of toil, with out much time to enjoy life. While wondering he stumbled into a grove of beautiful herbs. He was in aw of the smells and beauty that surrounded him. It started to darken then a burst of lighting and a loud crack of thunder. Then he looked ahead he saw a large tree smoking from the blast. Near the bottom of the tree he saw a skunk writhing in pain. Feeling sorry for it he said some words and placed his hand upon the creature. In that moment something that had never happened before came to be he felt his hands warm and watched as they glowed with radiant light. The skunk came to and looked at him for a brief period of time. It then transformed into a fey and said on to him. "You have found yourself in my grove and shaved me from death." She placed her hand on the dwarves head and recoiled from him. "You have no in enjoyment in life. Come live in my grove. I will show a new life." Just like that the first Dankleaf to cultivate the herb was born. They were trained to defend the grove as well. They all swore oaths to the ancients to protect the grove, and its tenants. The Grove of the Thunder Skunk as they joking called it went unsullied for quite a great many years. Until the inhabitants of Thunder Tree and the area were set upon by a war band of orcs and desecrated the grove, and unleashed the primordial that cause the eruption of the near by volcano that heated the river around neverwinter. Yorrumli and a few remaining survivors seek to recover seeds of their precious strain to preserve it and return the grove to its natural beauty.

I really just wanted to hear anyone's opinions. Thoughts. I plan now doing a fey pact in the future. Using a battle axe and shield and having a dire goat as a mount.

A few paragraph breaks would help.

2019-02-02, 12:41 AM
I think it's pretty funny and creative, but I know certain DMs that would roll their eyes at the drug references.

2019-02-02, 05:48 PM
This is awesome. I halfway hope he gets a skunk familiar at some point.