View Full Version : I need puns for a Tempest Cleric

2019-01-31, 04:35 PM
“That was.... shocking”
“You’ve been... Thunderstruck!”

Hit me with ‘em. ALL THE PUNS!

2019-01-31, 04:58 PM
"I'll blow you away!"
"Hold fast, we're in the eye of the storm."
"I'm gonna rain on your parade!"

2019-01-31, 05:34 PM
Name a mount Thunder. Then "Ride the Thunder!" into battle. Have the mount in a campaign of my own, now to actually ride it once.
This scene is electric!
You're always positive when you're sure.
"Are you a bug?" *cunfused* "No, why?" "Because you're about to get ZAPPED!"

.....darn, no other ideas atm. the obvious ones are taken.

2019-01-31, 05:49 PM
"Let's storm the castle!"

"Guys, this isn't going well... I think it's time to bolt!" (Up to you whether that's fleeing or casting a spell ;) )

2019-01-31, 05:53 PM
"I'm not shocked, but you will be".
Not a pun, just snark: "Sorry, I've gone deaf from kicking your ass, could you say that again?"

2019-01-31, 06:37 PM
"I wasn't sure how to kill you, but then I got spark of inspiration."

"Time to shatter your expectations."

I feel like this is basically Dad Joke Tempest Cleric at this point.

2019-01-31, 06:46 PM
"i wasn't sure how to kill you, but then i got spark of inspiration."

"time to shatter your expectations."

dad joke tempest cleric at this point.

damn i’ve been found out

2019-01-31, 07:08 PM
"Here I am! Rock you like a hurricane!"
"Time to time travel because here comes 1.21 Gigiwats!"
"Then to the elements be free!"

2019-01-31, 07:33 PM
Combo with your Wizard for a magical blockbuster: Grease lightning!

"Lightning never strikes twice. I do"
"I've an enlightening comment to add"
"Civil war? It was a minor problem... A stroll in a glass of water".
"You ride rainbows, I'll ride thunder"
"I'll call you Wind. All you do is blow"
"The young Knight was called the Monsoon of the ballroom, if y'know what I mean"
"I like my armour heavier than the air before a storm"
"I heard your recent exploits are making waves, but what we are about to do will be a tsunami"
"No more wind in your sails?" (Out of luck/energy)
"My brother is dam good with money. I'm a maelstrom."
"He used to be on the strait and narrow, now he's a shipwreck"
"Smart? There's more activity on a dead wind mountain lake than in the kid's head"
"I need that problem like hail in my eye"
"Howl like the wind, I'm not changing my mind"
"In like my art loud and poignant" *thunderbolt*
"Let's not be splittin' trees over this"

To start a bar fight "You know how you can know how far away the lightning bolt struck?"
*Cast light, knock him out*
"I've a stormy temper. She keeps me grounded"

*Hardcore dad jokes warning*

"The storm will be over soon... It's a hurry-kane"
"If a kiss were a snowflake, I'd send you a blizzard"
"The Duke had a fun party, but the king's was thun-der".

2019-01-31, 08:13 PM
*on escalating a scenario to a more dramatic direction* "Time to put a storm in this teacup!"

2019-01-31, 09:30 PM
Probably not the tone you're looking for, but "You ain't ready for this thunder-clapback!", immediately before using Wrath of the Storm.

2019-01-31, 09:43 PM
"Ice to see you."
"HAIL, friend!"
"That's a load of sleet."
"We should leave.. in a flurry!"
"Should we wait for dinner, or avalanche now?"

2019-01-31, 10:05 PM
"Charge!" In any and every circumstance.

2019-01-31, 10:40 PM
Time to lower the Boom!!

Let’s get “crackling”!

2019-01-31, 10:44 PM
I'm so Amped.
This one won't survive the Arc.
If he looks like he was hit by a vehicle it was a Volts wagon.

2019-01-31, 11:08 PM
"Do you know what happens to a(n) X that gets struck by lightning?"
"The same thing that happens to everything else!"

I'll see myself out now... I'm honestly surprised it hadn't been done yet.

2019-02-01, 12:03 AM
Random stuff I used for my Tempest Cleric.

Tempest in a teapot.
Worry clouds your face.
A watched cloud never rains.
It is far better to lower the mainsail than curse the squall.
Halcyon days daze.
The clouds lay heavy.
Don't hertz me.
Wrecked ohm? Damn near killed ohm.
I liked to throw "weolcan" (cloud) in every so often.

2019-02-01, 12:25 AM
My name is Tim, and I'm your pest!"

2019-02-01, 11:15 AM
If you don't inform your adventuring party that you'll call down the thunder while they reap the whirlwind, I will be totes disappointed.

2019-02-01, 04:03 PM
"I'm thundering and lightning, very very frightening."

Chaos Paladin
2019-02-01, 05:06 PM
"Leaving so monsoon?"
"Quit your squalling!"
"Allow me to regale you..."
"Time to forecast the weather!"
"You can call yourself a leader, but I'm the one raining over this land."