View Full Version : Our Sorceress cannot cast spell

2019-01-31, 06:40 PM
OK so there was a thread called "Our Sorceress cannot cast spell" it involved a player who had been restrained until she managed to aquire the old gods "bodily fluid" the admin said the thread was closed because of beligerence between members, I call for the sensibility of good players and DMs to discus this issue honestly and with honour and respect towards one another. It is obvious that in gaming we as a group have plenty of social problems with race and gender but perhaps, we can collectively improve offer a quiet voice and help each other overcome their prejudices.

These subjects can be difficult but they are esstential to overcoming our prejudices.

From my female mountain dwarf barabarian level 6 player

"It seems like one of those things that won't resolve: it's hard to convince people that they're wrong, they just argue harder and become more entrenched in their views until they're not even being covertly discriminatory any more
People only change their minds if they're prepared to accept their imperfection, people with superiority complexes don't think they need to change"

2019-01-31, 06:51 PM
OK so there was a thread called "Our Sorceress cannot cast spell" it involved a player who had been restrained until she managed to aquire the old gods "bodily fluid" the admin said the thread was closed because of beligerence between members, I call for the sensibility of good players and DMs to discus this issue honestly and with honour and respect towards one another. It is obvious that the USA has plenty of social problems with race and gender but perhaps, we, The Europeans, can offer a quiet voice and help each other overcome their prejudices.

These subjects can be difficult but they are esstential to overcoming our prejudices.

From my female mountain dwarf barabarian level 6 player

"It seems like one of those things that won't resolve: it's hard to convince people that they're wrong, they just argue harder and become more entrenched in their views until they're not even being covertly discriminatory any more
People only change their minds if they're prepared to accept their imperfection, people with superiority complexes don't think they need to change"

I mean, you have every right to start up a new thread in the hopes that things get better, but...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you made the new thread not to continue the conversation, but to rip on Americans?

2019-01-31, 06:54 PM
I mean, you have every right to start up a new thread in the hopes that things get better, but...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you made the new thread not to continue the conversation, but to rip on Americans?

I didnt mean it that way, I will reword it

2019-01-31, 06:55 PM
I mean, you have every right to start up a new thread in the hopes that things get better, but...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you made the new thread not to continue the conversation, but to rip on Americans?

Done, is this better?

2019-01-31, 07:03 PM
Done, is this better?

I mean, sure, I really just meant it doesn't carry over much of what you wanted addressed from the prior conversation.

The post could be summarized down to "People can be jerks".

Sure, that's better than "Americans can be jerks", but I'm not sure where the conversation can go from here that doesn't lead to people just talking about how everyone are jerks and end up like the last thread. Give it a little more direction, I guess?

2019-01-31, 07:03 PM
I'm not well enough versed in forum rules to know if you can just return the thread. I kind of hope you can. My curiosity has got the better of me and I look forward to hearing about the next session to see what the DM and player actually had in mind.

... Well, mostly the DM. I've luckily never tried a DM doing that to a player and hence would like to see what the point was.

2019-01-31, 07:07 PM
Done, is this better?

I didn't get to see the original post, but if that is 'better' probably glad I did not
Coming in with the premise that people are wrong and need correction is pretty pretentious...

Of the original post, I only read the 1st and a few of the ending to see the rapid derail.

But going with the original post, seems like a **** move on the GM's part
The character is totally gimped. If I was her, I'd be suiciding the character

2019-01-31, 07:14 PM
I didn't get to see the original post, but if that is 'better' probably glad I did not
Coming in with the premise that people are wrong and need correction is pretty pretentious...

Of the original post, I only read the 1st and a few of the ending to see the rapid derail.

But going with the original post, seems like a **** move on the GM's part
The character is totally gimped. If I was her, I'd be suiciding the character

You all have a good point, but to be honest I couldnt put into one post the whole situation, I tried to boil it doewn to what I saw to be the eseentrial issue, relying on the popularity of the original post ands assuming you would all know and remember.

2019-01-31, 07:23 PM
Yea, well I have no idea what question you are asking, or what point you are trying to make. So your re-wording certainly didn't help. I get that English is probably not your native language, but how about you start with one or two sentences that state what you want to discuss?

2019-01-31, 07:33 PM
Yea, well I have no idea what question you are asking, or what point you are trying to make. So your re-wording certainly didn't help. I get that English is probably not your native language, but how about you start with one or two sentences that state what you want to discuss?

TBH There was a topic I was keen on following, which has been closed, the reason why I was keen is because I wanted to express the quote of one of my female player, we love DnD, and although I did word my original text on this thread there was mention of the disparity between the USA and Europe when it came to treatment of equality, I wished to quote my female player in the original thread because only male ad so far commented, according to the voluntary glyphs this forum uses, I suspect many true females will selecteither a male glyph or no gender glyph because there is a quiteseerntial problem with male/females interaction in games, and i get why the admins closed it, its uncomfortable to admit that you are prejudiced. But this is an essential step towards total geneer inclusion and there is a glaring difference between american attitudes and european ones, I didnt want to make this a nationalist argument do I reworded my original text to not include natioalities.

But I suspect I have failed, this issue wont be solved here, and not by us, the admins will just close it, and I suspect I'm about to get banned.

Roland St. Jude
2019-01-31, 07:33 PM
OK so there was a thread called "Our Sorceress cannot cast spell" it involved a player who had been restrained until she managed to aquire the old gods "bodily fluid" the admin said the thread was closed because of beligerence between members, I call for the sensibility of good players and DMs to discus this issue honestly and with honour and respect towards one another. It is obvious that in gaming we as a group have plenty of social problems with race and gender but perhaps, we can collectively improve offer a quiet voice and help each other overcome their prejudices.

These subjects can be difficult but they are esstential to overcoming our prejudices.

From my female mountain dwarf barabarian level 6 player

"It seems like one of those things that won't resolve: it's hard to convince people that they're wrong, they just argue harder and become more entrenched in their views until they're not even being covertly discriminatory any more
People only change their minds if they're prepared to accept their imperfection, people with superiority complexes don't think they need to change"Sheriff: Please do not restart locked threads. Check the Forum Rules for more information.

I mean, you have every right to start up a new thread in the hopes that things get better, but...Sheriff: This is bad advice. People should not restart locked threads.