View Full Version : Items for Mounts?

2019-02-01, 12:22 AM
I managed to capture and tame a Wyvern. I was wondering if there are any magical items that are specifically for mounts: or if anyone had any recommendations for what items to give a Wyvern mount.

3.5 all first party material Current ECL 12

2019-02-01, 05:56 AM
There are plenty, in addition to normal items that can be worn. In particular, Arms and Equipment Guide has some in the mount section (and more in the wondrous item section, annoyingly). But they aren't very applicable to Wyverns.

Wyverns have more AC than most mounts, but you always want more, so barding, obviously. Con bonus for hp and poison DC. They have a ton of natural weapons so a proper Amulet of Mighty Fists is good to have, even though anything more than +1 is probably way too much money. And they can speak, so basically any useful defensive item that requires a command word works just fine. The Saddle of Weather Protection (AaEG) is a handy 1/day Protection From Elements, good for dealing with energy damage if your caster can't Resist Energy for you. Feeding a predator that big is also a pain, though if you stuck a Ring of Sustenance on there I'd expect that the evil dragon that sleeps less than you and doesn't even get to look forward to eating anymore, might be displeased.

Don't forget to boost your own ride check to account for the -5 penalty for riding something weird, unless you've been taking ranks in Ride (dragon) since 1st.

2019-02-01, 07:17 AM
I'll second Arms and Equipment Guide. It also has the Saddle of Size Change, which can let your mount go up or down one size category. Larger would be better for battle, smaller would be better for fitting inside more confined places (the Shrink Collar from the same book is even better at this).

As a dragon, your mount can use items from the Draconomicon as well.

Dragon 335 has 'Claw Extenders' as well (increased base damage), which would go better with the Jaws of the Dragon from Draconomicon than the Claws of the Ripper from the same book.

2019-02-01, 02:22 PM
Additionally, there's not much in the MIC, but I'll point out the relevant ones.
Battle Bridle (9,000g) is worth it.
Riding boots (12,000g) overlap with the bridle but are an item for you and not the wyvern. Not worth unless you already have mounted combat capability.
Unfortunately, your wyvern is not (called out by you here as) a special mount or animal companion, or I'd recommend a Collar of Healing (5,000g). Ask if your DM will allow it anyway; it's good.

Somewhat off-topic, but I hope you harvest your wyvern's poison (if your alignment allows) for personal use on your weapons (or for sale on the black market).

2019-02-01, 02:56 PM
Having played enough Dynasty Warriors has lead me to want some sort of "+x horseshoes of [insert ability]" — like the mount is charging across the battlefield and their hoof stomps/attacks are sending forth/raining down bursts of electricity.

2019-02-01, 03:04 PM
Having played enough Dynasty Warriors has lead me to want some sort of "+x horseshoes of [insert ability]" — like the mount is charging across the battlefield and their hoof stomps/attacks are sending forth/raining down bursts of electricity.

Well, there are the Horseshoes of Flame from Savage Species... those turn your mount into a flying nightmare with flaming hooves.