View Full Version : Multiclass Spellcasting: Spells Per Day Tracking

2019-02-01, 03:25 AM
If I am a multiclass spellcaster, do I track my spells per day separately?

For example, a Sorc 10/Wiz 10. I would assume that they are tracked separately due to the progressions being different.

Basically, I come from 5e, and I would like to know what the differences in multiclass casting are from 5e to 3.5. I know in 5e it is kind of broken in that you can take a 1 level dip into Cleric as a Wizard 19 and get all the Cleric spells, I would assume the 3.5 system prevents this.

2019-02-01, 03:35 AM
Yeah, you track them separately.

2019-02-01, 03:44 AM
If I am a multiclass spellcaster, do I track my spells per day separately?

For example, a Sorc 10/Wiz 10. I would assume that they are tracked separately due to the progressions being different.

Basically, I come from 5e, and I would like to know what the differences in multiclass casting are from 5e to 3.5. I know in 5e it is kind of broken in that you can take a 1 level dip into Cleric as a Wizard 19 and get all the Cleric spells, I would assume the 3.5 system prevents this.

That in't how 5e works. Your spells known/prepared are still based on your individual class level. Its spell slots that are shared. A Wizard 19/Cleric 1 only has access to the same spells any other 1st level cleric has (plus his wizard spells). He just has the ability to use them in any of his spell slots, not just the 1st level ones.

And 3.5 works differently. No spellcasting abilities stack in any way unless they specifically say so (like some prestige classes do). Spellcasting abilities from different classes are totally separate. Caster level, spell slots, spells known, etc are all separate. A Sorcerer/Wizard, despite both pulling from the same spell list, can't use slots from one class to cast spells from the other. So if you know fireball as one of your sorcerer spells, you can't use your wizard spell slots to cast it unless you also know it as a wizard spell.

2019-02-01, 08:03 PM
It is a house rule to use the 5e like system from players that want to have some aspect of spellcaster similar to base attack bonus. However, some extremist would try to allow access to higher level spells and that only makes the game more imbalance.