View Full Version : Last Voyage of the Omen IC

2019-02-01, 12:52 PM
It is a time of peace in the Galaxy.
Under the wise leadership of Emperor Palpatine,
the galaxy prospers. Only the few remnants
of the old, outlaw Jedi Order pose
a threat to the Emperor's law and order.
But not for long. The Emperor sends his
Inquisitors after any sign of Jedi activity
and not even the Outer Rim can remain
safe for long...

The events of the past are immutable, set in stone, and none can change it no matter how hard they try. Yet to understand the present, you have to know the sequence of events that led to it.

The Omen is a venerable Imperial I Star Destroyer. It was among the first of its kind that issued forth from the shipyards of Kuat and has served long and well in patrols along the Outer Rim. Wherever it flies, it brings a reminder of the Empire’s reach to the scattered worlds of that vast region of space. To those who would oppose the will of Coruscant, its many scars bear proof of battles already won and dares them to try and do better.

Its crew are well disciplined, but have developed a bleak sort of humor that bleeds over into their normally professional attitudes. Being, more often than not, the only representative of Imperial power within days of travel has given rise to a number of in-jokes that sound fatalist to the outside ear and superstitions that others might scoff at. For example, no Stormtrooper will eat in Mess Hall 3, though the other crewmembers will. This stems from the time when an overcharged heating unit experience catastrophic failure and killed two troopers, but left everyone else unharmed. When a similar, but unrelated, incident happened a month later, the crew decided to play it safe and shifted schedules around to allow the troopers time to eat at a different hall.

The Inquisitorial party receives a formal welcome and, after the usual exchange of regulation-required pleasantries, a sergeant and his squad show them to their quarters. They are neither cramped nor spacious, but serviceable for the agents’ needs. The sergeant assures them, without prompting, that this part of the ship is the least likely to explode, except for all the others.

The entire party is invited to dine with captain that evening, which is when the first sign that things aren’t going smoothly appears. The Omen, they learn, has another passenger: the soon-to-be governor of the Norrik System, Silas Creed.

The man blunders into dinner, a sour look and a day’s worth of beard on his face. His uniform is wrinkled, he wears his coat over his shoulders, and his insignia of rank is crooked. And he is, probably, very, very drunk.

“Well, well, well,” he slurs with a sardonic grin at the dinner party, “So you’re the ones they got to cart ole’ Silas out where he can safely be forgotten, eh?”

We're going to be breezing through a few scenes here until we get to the 'present'. After all...

...Lon Que is most certainly dead.

2019-02-01, 02:34 PM
Velvet attends the dinner dressed in his formal attire, because what else is there to do for dinner? The white coat flows quite nicely off of his hips, while tapering up the rest of his slender torso, and he takes off the matching cap when he's seated. It's not the most common thing, to be invited to dinner with higher-ranking officials, and genuine Inquisitors no less, but he had enough dinners with Edmure to know how to handle himself at one.

He makes small talk with the other until Silas arrives and quickly earns his disfavor. A sot is more suited to the Silent Palace than a dinner table, and somebody like that sitting in the seat of a Governor...he can only assume the man is having a very bad day, or there was some mixup when it came to assignments.

"I'm not aware of any escort mission." Velvet says, his voice as soft as ever, and he glances at the other members of the Inquisitor squad as though asking if they know something he doesn't.

2019-02-02, 02:54 AM
Zhanty declines the offer to dine with the captain with a simple No thank you Sir. and letting their imaginations fill in the blanks.

The first few times she accepted similar offers ended badly. The awkward staring, ill considered questions, or just pretending she is not in the room. Now she relies on her armor to protect her from more than physical harm, it protects her form a humans unique ability to trip over themselves for no reason that she can understand.

She has learned the hard way that it is best to earn the respect of Imperial humans before letting them know that she is fact a Cathar. It works slightly better then having to claw her way past prejudice and preconceived notions in order to be recognized as something more that a trained animal. Also the looks on their faces when they discover the truth is amusing.

After having a simple dinner in her quarters Zhanty puts on her standard issue service uniform (to give the subtle impression that she is also one of the imperial military masses) with the addition of her helmet and a pair of gloves so none of her fur is exposed and heads out to inspect the ship.

2019-02-02, 07:10 AM
Darren Korr

Darren showed up to the dinner on time and wearing his dress uniform per protocol. No need to rock the boat needlessly or insult anyone before the mission even started.

2019-02-02, 10:20 PM
https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/127594/4407636-455.png Ronan Jax

His quarters were sparse as his belongings were many. Furnished with a degree of luxury above that of the common soldier, the officers room had space for a single bed, desk and small wardrobe, but little beyond that. Having stashed his meager possessions away and donned his armor once more, Ronan had tersely and politically declined the invitation to dinner. He wasn't the socialite dining sort.

Free from his duties for an evening, Ronan, in full armored regalia, took to moving throughout the halls of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, his supernatural senses detecting the curious looks and hushed whispers of the crew as he walked by. If he was being honest, it did give him an odd satisfaction, as his mystique was only enhanced by the black armored, red-visored helmet that completely obfuscated his features from those around him. Encased in a mobile, private room within his armor, Jax roamed the halls in a impromptu inspection of his new vessel and measurement of the crew.

2019-02-02, 11:15 PM
The senior staff glower at Silas, though he is begrudgingly given a seat. The details come out over dinner. As well as hunting down the Jedi, the Omen is installing Silas as the Imperial governor of Norrik. This will be the public reason for their arrival and, hopefully, will not scare the Jedi into hiding immediately. Silas wastes no time in letting everyone know that he considers this assignment a banishment and, well, it's easy to see the man has reached rock bottom. He thinks he's fallen as far as he can.

As for the two actual Inquisitors, they pass the evening in their own ways. Ronan is a little bewildered. The men here are not like the ones who served in the palace. Their minds are filled with things beyond duty and loyal service, though those are near the forefront. Sparring marches in the port cargo hold, gambling in the pilot's barrack, and which holo-vid stars were up and coming. There is a wealth of knowledge and feelings he's never had the chance to experience before.

But the evening ends. Everyone goes back to their quarters and, overnight, the ship arrives in the Norrik System.

"The Norrik," the ship's database reports, "Is unique in that, when first charted, two of the three inhabitable planets were already colonized. Each planet has it's own entry. Would you like to continue?"

Norrik I contains the ‘Grand Empire of Norrik’, a planet-spanning government, and has had some space-faring capabilities for a long time. Centuries ago, they tried to invade Norrik II, but were repelled. This event sparked animosity between the two worlds that has not faded since.

The natives look to be a larger, hardier offshoot of the Amarans, raising questions about their origins and if they truly are natives of Norrik.

Their moon is a prison colony, though it is currently undergoing a ‘rebellion’ and threatening to bombard the planet’s surface if they do not receive increased rights.

Norrik II is a fragmented planet made of many nations, which function as ‘states’ in the Grand Assembly of Zabe (their name for their world), which functions on a similar system to the old Galactic Senate. They are an alien race that has remained fairly isolated. Appearance-wise, they appear to be roughly humanoid ants. An eternal storm circles their planet, moving opposite of its rotations, and forces them to build their civilization underground.

Their society is split up into a countless number of cults, alliances, houses, and bloodlines. Fiery tongued preachers spew forth prophecies foretelling the coming of the ‘Black Wind’, which will sweep away all life in the system. The details and ways to forestall it vary from sect to sect, but all of them agree that it is a cataclysm of untold proportions.

Their planet is notable for its rich wealth of metals close to the surface, due to the storm stripping away most plants and soil except what’s in the ocean. They have no ship-building industry, though they do have some spaceports for visitors and traders.

Three has been colonized by humans and other mainline species and the main tie to the outside galaxy. Has the best spaceport and a traffic control station for larger vessels. A few minor corporations have some interests here. The Armitage Free Company, an Outer Rim security company, has a branch office here and provides most of the firepower and escort vessels. Their flagship, the ‘Equalizer’, is an old Dreadnaught-class ship and has the heaviest firepower of any vessel in the system. Three is the closest of any of the worlds to the rest of the galaxy at large, however many of the inhabitants have gone local and follow one of the local religions.

Here is where Silas will be setting up Imperial governance of the system.

The Omen 's arrival goes well. The inhabitants of Norrik III welcome Silas, who cleans himself up a little, and he goes about setting up his 'palace', installing his troopers, and taking control of the largest spaceport on the planet. In the background, the Inquisitors get to work.

The Force assures them that Lon Que is on Norrik III, with this in mind, they reach through the underworld of the planet, seeking out anyone who paid to be smuggled off planet now that the Imperials have arrived in force. After tearing through several gangsters and other criminals, they find their target. With a detachment of troopers and an AT-ST, which through some fluke Velvet ends up co-piloting, they surround the Jedi's home and close in for the kill.

Lon Que comes out to face them. An elderly man now, he looks like he may have been attractive at one point. He ignites his yellow saber and the battle begins. It is short. In the end, Lon Que falls to the ground, two red sabers at his throat and a blaster wound through his shoulder. His lightsaber clatters away and lands ten feet out of his reach.

"You have...no idea," he gasps, "The horror...you will unleash on the galaxy."

2019-02-03, 09:36 AM
With Lon Que on the ground and quite thoroughly defeated, at least by appearances, Velvet takes the chance to catch his breath and leans back in the seat of his AT-ST. He goes through a few checks of the various buttons and sensors to his side, the monitors in front of him, readjusts his grip on his controls and quietly wonders whether this was all a bit too easy.

It was only to be expected that a single soldier, even one like a Jedi, wouldn't be able to stand up to all the force they brought with them. But he was alone. He had to have been doing something over the years, had to have made allies, or have a plan, or...something that made it even worth the credits to fuel the AT-St. Perhaps something to do with the fact that they even needed a new governor on Norik III...

Velvet sets his eyes back on the monitor to watch what his colleagues are going to do with Lon Que.

2019-02-03, 07:22 PM
Darren Korr

“Wouldn’t be worse than the Clone War,” Darren thought to himself as he strode over.

Their orders were clear, kill the Jedi.

If nobody stops him, he steps up behind the old man and unceremoniously delivers a coup de grace before holstering his pistols.

“Mission accomplished, can we go home?” he asked.

If someone speaks up or stops him, he will switch to stun first.

2019-02-03, 08:28 PM
At the last second Zhanty holds up a hand and says "Hold ... You fought well old man and for that we will give you a clean death. These are your last words, speak clearly."
After Lon Que says anything he might have to say, she will say under her breath with her comm off "May you find peace in death Lon Que." Then will drop her hand and give a nod to Darren Korr.

2019-02-05, 12:23 AM
https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/127594/4407636-455.png Ronan Jax

And just like that, it was over.

Tracking down this Jedi's padawan had been the long part. Once he had made the connection and boarded the Omen, then had come crossing the t's and dotting the i's. In a way, Ronan was...disappointed. He'd expected more from Lon Que, a Jedi Knight of the Clone Wars and one of the last remaining members of his order. His padawan had certainly put up a better fight, anyway.

When the old man collapsed and his compatriots moved in to deliver the final blows, Ronan glanced over and stretched out his arm. Fingers splayed, he reached forward with the Force and drew Lon Que's lightsaber through the air and into his waiting palm before inspecting it through his crimson visor. The Emperor would want this, Ronan knew. He had a collection of them. It seemed almost fateful that Lon Que's would find a place among them.

Disengaging his own blood-red blade, Ronan stood upright and considered the corpse of the fallen Jedi once last time. To end up like him, dying a feeble, old sweaty man...the Shadowguard pursed his lip within his helmet and subtly shook his head. No thank you.

Turning away from the corpse, Ronan sent a silent message from his helmet to whatever air support they had in the area.

'Ready for retrieval'

2019-02-05, 12:54 AM
Zhanty finds the ship more welcoming than many Imperial ships she's been on. It feels like more than just a ship of the line, manned by faceless soldiers just doing their duty. The crew know every inch of her and can tell a story behind every stain or scorchmark. It feels like a home to them, one in which the Inquisitors are mere visitors.


Velvet's companion in the cockpit doesn't relax, but he does crack a smile. "Take it from someone who's survived several brief campaigns now," he says, "There's no kill like overkill."

At the invitation, Lon Que's head drops back. He pants and reaches out a trembling hand. "Do not..." He swallows. "Do not punish the people of this planet on my account. They are...they are good at heart. They do not deserve your wrath."

"The Empire doesn't answer to you, traitor," a trooper sergeant snaps.

Lon Que's eyes fall on the Imperials around him. His last words before Darren shoots him are, "I wasn't talking to you."

"Copy sir," the shuttle pilot replies to Ronan, "We are on...approach." The last word drops off a little bit, tinged with concern. "Sir? Can you see that?"

The wind picks up. It can be ignored, at first, until it begins to swirl around tugging at the edges of uniforms and long, dark cloaks. Black mist flows by them, swirling around the body of Lon Que and forming a whirlwind that makes it hard to stand. An inhuman wail rends the air and the wind stops. The mist vanishes. Everything is normal once more.

On the ride back to Norrik III's capitol city, an odd quiet settles over the troops. The world, however, does not mirror it. Panic seizes the citizens. Prophets cry out on street corners that the 'Black Wind' has come and will sweep away all life in the system. Silas' troopers spill forth from his complex, trying to maintain order by force. It is not enough and he calls upon the Omen itself, which finds itself obligated to provide support. The captain declares a system-wide quarantine, but it is not enough to stop many of the believers from taking their chances and fleeing in whatever ships they can cobble together. In two days, the orbit of Norrik III is littered with the wrecks of ships from single-person fighters to large freighters. Calls for support are ignored. Command bluntly informs that captain that if he cannot keep order in a single system, then he will need to resign his command.

On the third day, the stars begin to disappear from the sky. The captain holds out for as long as he can, but when he learns that a nearby nebula is moving at an incredible rate and enveloping the system like a giant amoeba, he agrees that it might be time to retreat.

All forces are withdrawn. Silas is left to his own devices and barricades the palace. The Omen prepares to jump to hyperspace. The world slips away for a moment, and then everything explodes. TheOmen reels, buckles, and shipwide failures cascade one into the other. It falls out of hyperspace, adrift at the edge of the system. All of its crew, those that survive, fall unconscious, and awake to a world of horror where screams echo from hidden places and dark things stalk the decks. The lights flicker, the life support slowly begins to fail, and power ebbs.

For the Inquisitors, their entourage, and their allies, a new series of challenges arise. First, restore power and repair the life support. Second, secure the ship against any hostile invaders. Third, repair the ship and get it ready to face whatever threats come from the outside. Fourth, figure out what in the name of the Force just happened.

Where were you when the Omen jumped to hyperspace and what do you do upon waking up?

2019-02-05, 02:45 AM
Darren Korr

Darren has been in mess hall 1 to get some well deserved food when everything went dark. Had they simply left when their mission was accomplished, they wouldn’t be in his mess. Command didn’t have any problem saying ‘deal with it’ to them, they should have let that idiotic governor to his own devices.

Now whatever those locals were running away from had done in their ship, most likely, and he had a headache.

It was dark. He pulled out his low light targeting scopes to get a better view of what was going on in the mess hall.

2019-02-05, 08:41 AM
Velvet flashes a smile at his pilot companion, because he can't think of something to say to that sudden banter. Said smile is soon washed away by the black wind and the panic that follows on Norrik III. Silas' command proves as lackluster as he might have expected, but it's the captain's quarantine and the destruction of ships that sets his teeth on edge. There was no apparent point to it, no reason to actually stop people leaving, but that was why colonies had competent governors instead of sots and ship Captains.

He passes his days by going through familiar things to calm him; there's nothing he can do for the panic below. Working on the finger, going over routine maintenance with the other engineers, and planning the requisition form for his bonus for the mission - it mostly consists of something light and sabery.

He's near the engines when the Omen goes to Hyperspace. He doesn't need to be there, but if something were to go wrong, that was where it was likely to be. Little did he know that where everything was going wrong...was everywhere. When he pulls himself up from the floor and leans against the nearest wall to recover his senses. He sees the lights flickering, the sensors informing him on the status of the life support, and hears the whispers carried through the corridors. Only two of those he knows how to deal with.

Velvet starts walking to life support as he activates his commlink, reaching out for anyone on the Omen who might have theirs or at least a comm station, "This is Starling, of the Inquisitorius. Is anyone out there?"

2019-02-05, 02:53 PM
Zhanty spends the time in her quarters meditating. There is so much pain, fear, and death in the system and she struggles to keep herself centered amidst it. She is torn up with the internal conflict to storm up to the bridge and demand an end to the quarantine (which would probably land her in the brig or worse), and just sitting by letting the situation play out.

After regaining her senses she suits up in full combat gear and puts on her helmet in time to hear Velvet's call. Answering "I read you Starling, This is Zhanty. What happened?" as she goes to leave her quarters to investigate.

2019-02-06, 01:20 AM
The mess hall was, fortunately, mostly empty when the ship was struck. Now, it is a mess. Trays and utensils lay everywhere along with the remains of the meal. It looks as though the galaxy's worst food fight took place here. A few off-duty cadets and troopers lie scattered about. Some of them don't seem to breathing at the moment.


Velvet's request for the lightsaber is, for one reason or another, not answered immediately. Mostly because of its current owner, who has a red lightsaber of his own and might take exception to the request.

However, such concerns are for another time. As Velvet makes his way through the maintenance tunnels of the ship, he swears he can hear skittering in the vents, following him. He sees other members of the crew, stunned or unmoving, but this seems to be following him and wants him to know it. Who knows what it could be?


Zhanty steps out into the dark hall to find a bulkhead has blocked one of her paths, leaving only the right hand side. The body of a trooper lies under the collapse, though he is not dead. Not yet. His hands move feebly to try and shift the massive weight off his lower body.

2019-02-06, 02:25 AM
Darren Korr

Darren quickly tried to rouse the individuals who weren’t dead, and get them to start finding others who were alive. He’d also see if there was any obvious reason why those who were deceased didn’t make it.

2019-02-06, 08:10 AM
Velvet decides that, whatever the skittering is, it isn't going to be good for his health. And he needs to get life support on. And too many people are unconscious. Zhanty's voice in his ear is the only thing stopping him from thinking he's trapped in a nightmare.

"I...don't know." Velvet confesses. "I don't know if we made it to hyperdrive. I'm making my way to life support." He saus, as he seals vent access along his way and sets them to manual override. Things that skittered generally aren't clever enough to figure that out.

2019-02-06, 12:40 PM
Into the comm to Velvet "Good, see what you can do, I will head to the bridge."

Zhanty walks over to the trooper.
"I am going to help get you out. What is your designation trooper?"
She examines the situation, the cold metallic floor will provide nothing for him to grab onto so he can pull himself free.
Pulling out her sabers (they are connected together so they can be carried in a single sheath)
"Hold still, I am going to make some hand holds."
She ignites a single crimson blade and proceeds to score several slots in the floor on ether side of the trooper.
"I am going to try to lift this, get ready to move."
She puts her sabers away as she takes a few steps back, holds up her arms and reaches into her connection with the force and attempts to shift the bulkhead.

Using Move Object Force Power
Going to try to hold the bulkhead up for several turns if necessary so the trooper has time to get out.
Character has +16 to Force Checks
If I can take 10 then I will, otherwise feel free to roll for me to keep things going.

2019-02-07, 06:13 AM
https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/127594/4407636-455.png Ronan Jax

Jax awoke to the baritone wail of Klaxon alarms, as he pushed the lethargy from his bones and rubbed the tired strain from his eyes. No sooner had he awakened than did the wave of Force wash over ever nerve in his body, like the lash of a whip before the smothering of a wet blanket.

Something was wrong.

Quickly getting out of his cot, Ronan drew his armor across his body, helmet and all, and gripped the hilted of his saber as he pushed himself into the hallway. There he witnessed the flickering of lights casting living shadows across the sterile, grey hallways of the Omen's insides, as the Shadowguard drew himself up and ready and opened a comm through his helmet.

"Ronan to Captain; do you read?"


Ronan was in his quarters.
His helmet has the helmet package build in, so it has low-light vision and his armor is vacuum sealed, in case there are any gas leaks.

2019-02-08, 12:28 AM
Ronan is able to rouse himself a squad of troopers fit for battle. Even better, they are all from the same squad and have trained together extensively. Their sergeant introduces himself as Lorne. He takes quick stock of the others. Some are merely injured, others are in critical condition, and ten are dead of blunt force trauma sustained when the Omen was knocked out of hyperspace.

"Shall we tend to the injured, sir?" Sgt. Lorne asks, "Trooper Cass has some medical experience and the rest can assist."


Velvet hears scratching at the sealed vent. Scritch, scratch, scritch, scratch. But, to his relief, that seems to have done it. He soon leaves the sound behind and arrives in the Life Support module.

The room is dark, lit only by a flickering screen that should show the readouts from the ship's various vents, oxygen purifiers, gravity generators, and everything else needed to keep the crew alive and healthy. Instead, the words 'Was it worth it?' flicker and fade in and out. As Velvet looks, they fade away and the screen resumes its normal function. There is a lot of red. This will take some fixing. But first, it needs a complete shut down and reboot.

Can I get a roll for Computers, please?


The trooper's breathing is heavy and labored. "TK...TK 679," he says, "Is...is that thing still around? Is it..." He coughs. "Urgh...my leg."

Zhanty's efforts take only a short while and the trooper is free. He pulls himself out with his hands, letting out a cry of pain as his right leg catches on something. The foot is twisted, though the armor kept it from completely twisting sideways.


Ronan's call to the captain receives only static as a reply, though the connection reads as open. The static grows louder and louder and louder until...

"Inquisitor Ronan," the captain's voice says, coming through loud and clear, "I read you. What seems to be the issue?"

2019-02-08, 12:57 AM
Darren Korr

assume you meant Darren and not Ronan.

“Let’s stabilize the injured first,” Darren said, “I have training as well, so two with trooper cass, two with me. We’ll set triage over here.”

He gestured to a relatively clean area of the floor.

“Sergeant, delegate one trooper to keep trying to raise the infirmary or the bridge, and you take the rest to secure our position and then see if there are any medical supplies or other survivors in the kitchen.”

treat injury 11 take 10 for 21 plus whatever assist from the other two.

2019-02-08, 01:48 AM
After freeing his leg, Zhanty helps the trooper up and loops one of his arms over her shoulders.
"Okay TK 679, lets get you to the infirmary. What is this 'thing' are you talking about?"

2019-02-08, 07:41 AM
Velvet lets out a sigh of relief when the scratching is stopped. Some small part of him worries that it could have been a person...but surely they'd have talked, or tapped if they couldn't talk, or something... He shakes his head and gets on his way, only to end up in the company of a computer throwing more doubts in his face. Either that, or he's gone mad. He silently makes a note to get a medical exam once he's done, as he focuses on what he does know: Slicing.


If this is to Improve Access, I can reroll it and keep the better of the two rolls. But, I'll only do that if this roll sucks.

2019-02-09, 11:14 PM
Yes I did.

Sgt. Lorne salutes. "Sir."

All of them work together to set the triage up, then leave Trooper Cass and Darren to treat while they secure the area. Lorne himself goes to the kitchen and recovers a few more patients, but no more battle-ready personnel.

With the few medical supplies in the kitchen, they are able to treat most of the injuries. The patients are stable and will survive until better treatment becomes available.

"Sir!" the trooper on the comms calls, "The medical bay reports that they are under attack. Their medical droids have gone berserk!"


The trooper takes a shuddering breath as his leg shifts. "Some sort of...some sort of squid, sir. I felt it...I felt it wrap around my neck. Almost got me until the explosion took out the ceiling."

He grunts as they begin walking. "If you don't mind me asking, sir, what in the galaxy happened?"


Velvet easily gains access. This is an almost routine task. All he has to do is get the ships' protocols to recognize his clearance and it opens up before him nice and easy. The reboot starts up and the computer whirs contentedly in the background, setting about its assigned task with the single-minded dutifulness of a machine.

Still, Velvet is alone, alone and unprotected. He has never felt this more keenly than now. The dark shadows press in on him, the threat of them promising to conceal any number of eyes and other, less pleasant but far sharper things. But just as his imagination begins to run wild, the sound of metal footsteps approaches from the corridor behind him. A protocol droid rounds the corner and pauses, looking at him questioningly.

2019-02-10, 02:56 AM
Darren Korr

“Leave some weapons with the wounded so they can defend themselves, the rest of us are headed to Medical, double time,” he said, taking point.

2019-02-10, 09:11 AM
Shadows around every corner, eyes on him wherever he goes, isolation from anything that might give him comfort...it might as well be the Silent Palace all over again. His hand shakes for a moment as he waits for the computer to finish rebooting, then he rubs his temple with it. He can't remember that time, he can't let a few dimmed lights get to him, and he can't expect those footsteps coming up behind him are there to hurt him.

"Hello." Velvet smiles warily at the droid, as he casually pulls the computer chair between him and the protocol droid. "Report your status and function." He says, as he inches closer to the door controls so that he can seal them just as quickly, should the Droid keep approaching.

2019-02-10, 02:14 PM
Zhanty wonders how some sort of creature got on board the Omen, after getting the main systems online a full sweep of the ship will be in order.
"Apparently there might have been some problem with the hyperdrive. I intend to look into it."

2019-02-12, 12:02 AM
"Sir!" the sergeant says with a salute. In short order, the squad forms up behind him and they rush for the medical bay.

It is a dangerous path. The troopers know the way, of course, but the lifts are out and the halls are dark. The troopers, after some scouting, determine that there are two possible routes. The first is to grapple up the lift shafts and reach the level that way. The second is to take the stairs, which have a few holes in them and would take longer.


The protocol droid lets loose a string of several different languages, all jumbled together. Velvet picks up the words, 'Run', 'Help', and 'Doomed'. It lurches forward, stumbling forward as fast as it can, eyes aflame and locked onto his.


"That would...that would explain it," the trooper says with a cough, "Just don't...don't...oh sark! There it is!" He points forward, right at a very large corridor filled with absolutely nothing except for air.

2019-02-12, 12:09 AM
Darren Korr

“We’re taking the stairs,” Darren said, “let’s go.”

If anyone asks for justification:
1. We don’t know when the power will come back on, and could be killed by a turbo lift if we’re in the shaft when it does.
2. If we’re attacked, we’ll actually be able to fight off an attack on steps rather than on rappel lines.

2019-02-12, 02:40 AM
https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/127594/4407636-455.png Ronan Jax

"Shall we tend to the injured, sir?" Sgt. Lorne asks, "Trooper Cass has some medical experience and the rest can assist."

As he waited for the reply, Ronan turned to face the Sgt who had posed the question, and gave only a curt, simple nod in response.

Then, the Captain came through on the comms: "Inquisitor Ronan, I read you. What seems to be the issue?"

Ronan gritted his teeth silently at being called an 'Inquisitor', but in the wake of more pressing matters he let it slide. For now.

"What seems to be the issue?" Ronan posed rhetorically, almost mocking the Captains words.

"I want a status report on the damage sustained by the ship and what caused it," his words slid through the coms, surprisingly devoid of...menace, but rather simply asking for something with the 100% confidence that he was going to get it.

As he asked this, Ronan moved his shoulders about so that he would look up and down the corridor, his senses on alert for any incoming danger or survivors requiring assistance.

2019-02-12, 09:25 AM
Velvet doesn't have time to ponder on his actions. He boots the rolling chair at the Droid as he draws his Ion Pistol from his side and aims it for center mass.

Move to draw, Standard to fire Ion Pistol.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-02-12, 11:26 AM
Zhanty puts her free hand on her saber, inside her helmet her eyes track back an forth between the empty corridor and the trooper.
"I do not see anything TK 679. If you have a head injury it would be best for you to lay down."

2019-02-12, 09:22 PM
Darren and the troopers run up the stairs and reach their destination level winded, but ready to fight. They run, fast as they can, until the medical bay is in sight. Blaster shots and metallic screams come from within. The rescue squad bursts inside to find two medical staff running away from four droids while a fifth rhythmically stomps on a third doctor's chest, chanting in a low, monotonous tone, "Die. Die. Die."

One of the doctors has a blaster pistol and takes over-the-shoulder shots at his pursuers, which do nothing but damage the medical room.

The troopers take aim and fire.



A sound like low, moaning wind fills the comms for a second. "Damage?" the captain repeats, "I...suppose there is some minor scouring to the hull that we could do away with at our next docking, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

The wind whistles over the comms again, but Ronan feels it tug at his cloak. "Are you feeling alright?" the Captain asks.


The ion blast hits the droid full in the chest and it staggers back, the lights in its eyes flickering for a moment. But it comes back online and limps towards him, clearly damaged and near destruction. It enters the room and runs into the chair, tripping over it. However, it continues to pull itself forward using its arms.

"Was it...worth it?" it speaks in Huttese.


The corridor remains empty, but the trooper continues to scream and tries to pull away. Suddenly, the screams cut off and are replaced with choking sounds. The trooper claws at his throat and Zhanty sees him begin to rise into the air, suspended by an unseen force.

2019-02-12, 09:42 PM
"I don't understand the question." Velvet replies in Huttese, as he finishes disabling the Droid with one last shot and glances over at the computer, to see if it's finished rebooting. If it even would reboot, with protocol droids going crazy and the computer flashing words. Mad droids was just another problem to add to the list. Life support, droids, lights. Those are his priorities. The ones he knows about, anyway.

2019-02-12, 10:44 PM
Darren Korr

”Damn clankers,” Darren thought.

“This way!” Darren shouted to the fleeing doctors, “is there anyone else in the med bay?”

Blasters appeared in his hands almost on their own and he laid into the droid stomping on the doctor first, then on the nearest one pursuing the fleeing doctors.

Full attack:

Atk: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Atk: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Edit: oops: those modifiers should be attack +16 and damage +11.
So... atk/dam = 28/22 and 22/21.

2019-02-13, 01:05 AM
Zhanty lets go of the poor trooper and drops into a fighting crouch backing off slowly, eyes darting back and forth, fir trying to stand up inside the armor.
She draws her interlocked sabers with one hand and is prepared to light one of the blades. Having spent plenty of time with dark side users she has seen a force choke before, this looks much the same. Reaching out with the force she tries to feel what is causing this.
Use the Force check 1d20+16
Edit: the dice roller does not appear to like me.

2019-02-13, 11:40 PM
The droid does not reply and falls over with a loud 'clang!' that echoes through the darkness like a gong.

As Velvet looks over, the computer cheerfully finishes rebooting and the interface, made in the familiar, safe imperial-style, pops up before him. A lot of areas marked non essential are completely offline due to low power, such as the hangars and some of the maintenance tunnels. He can only hope anyone down there remembered to seal their suits. However, from here, he can budget out what little remains until the main reactors can be brought back online.


The droids fall in screaming wrecks before Darren and the trooper's assault. The two being chased rush to their downed companion and immediately lift him up onto a table for treatment. The man's face is a mess. "We locked the patients in the recovery ward!" one shouts as he reaches for a medical tool Darren doesn't know the exact name for, which is saying something, "Through there! They should be fine, but check. Here." He tosses his identity stick Darren's way. "You'll need that to undo the lock, but I want it back afterwards."


Zhanty senses a strong presence, a very strong presence close by. In her mind's eye, a vision forms of a dark figure hidden behind a dark cloak and hood, both like and unlike the ones worn by those close to the Emperor. But in this one's hand is a yellow blade.

"Was it worth it?" a voice asks her.

The trooper suddenly collapses, coughing and gasping for air, and the vision fades.

2019-02-14, 01:23 AM
Darren wordlessly caught the card and moved to open the recovery ward door.

2019-02-14, 01:38 AM
Zhanty is on edge, she slowly eases towards the trooper still on guard in a fighting crouch, waiting to see if the presence returns.

2019-02-14, 11:19 AM
Velvet diligently sets about balancing the power to restore life support, doing what he can with the systems to ensure everything is just so.

I don't know how much can be done from here, but I'll take 10 for 28 regardless, if this needs a role.

2019-02-14, 10:51 PM
Darren opens the medical ward and stares into utter blackness. A wall of nothing looms before him, threatening to swallow him up. He blinks and it's gone, replaced by the sight of several soldiers and a technician resting on a set of ten beds. The awake ones half-rise as he enters. The faster thinkers of them have the presence of mind to snap a quick salute.

"Sir?" one of them asks.


The presence does not return. The trooper pushes himself upright. "That...that was the thing from earlier," he says, "The thing that...got buried with me under the rubble."


Velvet's work goes without a hitch. The computer hums diligently. At its current setting, the Omen has twenty four hours to restore power to the main reactor before gravity shuts off, followed by water and then air.

He hears more footsteps out in the hall. Uneven, cautious footsteps. "Hello?" a voice calls, a man's voice, "Hello? Is someone there?"

2019-02-14, 11:35 PM
Darren Korr

”that was weird,” he thought.

“Need some volunteers,” Darren said, “We’ve got injured in mess hall 1, we’re going to bring stretchers and a few strong hands to transport them here for treatment and recovery. Turbolifts are down so we’ll need to navigate some stairs. Any takers?”

Darren emerged to where the doctors were working on their colleague’s face.
“We have injured in the mess hall, I’m going to ask one of you to come with us with a kit to help treat the most serious injuries there and then we’re going to move the survivors here,” Darren said, “once he is stabilized.”

“Trooper, keep watch in the hallway, keep the door open,” Darren said, “Cass, help me put together a supply case for the docs to use when we get to the mess hall.”

Darren made sure they brought an extra couple of stretchers to put weapons and supplies on for the return journey.

“Sergeant Lorne, stay here and keep a small force to defend the med bay, this is a critical job,” he said, “The injured are counting on it still being here so they can get treated and recover. We’ll be back soon, comlink if you come under attack.”

He left 1/4 of the troops at the medbay to defend it and took the rest and the supplies and the stretchers back to the mess hall.

2019-02-15, 01:56 AM
"I think it would be best to pick up the pace."
Zhanty hefts the trooper into the fireman's carry and proceeds to the infirmary.

2019-02-15, 09:12 AM
"Starling, of the Inquisitorius." Velvet answers the voice, as he sets a message to the other sections of engineering informing them of life support's state. "And you?" He asks, as he casts his eyes back to the door.

2019-02-17, 01:41 AM
A few of the troopers rise from their beds. They have less serious injuries, mostly sustained during the training sessions down in the ship's gym. They will be good to go for carrying the injured and will leave the fully healthy and armed troopers for actual battle, if there is one.

The doctors look up. "He will recover now," the first and eldest says, "We might need a little reconstructive surgery, but I can tend to him alone." He nods to his younger partner, who falls in behind Darren.

In short order, Darren's plan comes into being. With extra stretchers and a crate of supplies, they descend back to the mess hall to find it much the same as they had left it, save for a thin mist that covers the floor.


Zhanty makes good time and arrives at the infirmary to find a trooper with a sergeant's insignia standing outside. He raises his weapon. "Halt," he says, "And identify yourself."


"The Inquisitorius? Thank the stars!" the voice replies. A man stumbles out from behind the wall, an older gentleman with a bit of a stoop in his back and an engineer's uniform on. He pauses when he lays eyes on Velvet and frowns. "Not meaning any disrespect, but...aren't you a bit young for the position?"

2019-02-17, 02:15 AM

“Never seen this mist before, anyone else?” Darren asked.

Assuming nobody has.

“Nothing for it, let’s get the injured loaded up and get out of here. Try not to breathe this stuff in,” he said.

2019-02-17, 02:58 AM
"I am Inquisitor Zhanty, TK 679 here needs medical attention."

2019-02-17, 08:23 AM
"I'm old enough to buy us twenty four hours of life support before we get the main reactor online." Velvet coolly informs the older man. The implication doesn't really annoy him - confusion is much better than the judgment he often finds from Stormtroopers. "I would like to take a look at this Droid before we go there. It attacked me, and I'd like to see if there's some way to stop it happening all over the ship." He gestures at the disabled machine on the floor. "Can you keep watch while I do?"

2019-02-18, 10:49 AM
One of the troopers studies the mist and stiffens. "There's a coolant leak somewhere in the room," he says, "Not immediately fatal and can be filtered out by our helmets, so we should prioritize those who are not wearing them."

However, nothing else prevents them from loading up the injured and taking them to the infirmary. Darren estimates it will take two trips total to transport all the remaining wounded upstairs.


The sergeant lowers his weapon again. "679?" he repeats, "That's Bilew's squad. Did that old coot make it?"

"Don't know, sir," the trooper replies.

The sergeant sighs and nods. "Story of the day." He jerks his head towards the door. "Get inside. There's plenty of room right now."


The engineer rubs the scruff on his chin. "Twenty four hours, eh?" he says, "Backup battery's only rated for twenty. Good work, that. Bought us some extra time." He extends a hand permanently stained by working in the bowels of the ship. "Warrant Officer Marl."

"Oh sure. Sure, I can keep watch." He readies his pistol and stands by the door, peering out into the darkness.

2019-02-18, 11:00 AM
Velvet glances at the man's hand before realizing it's meant for a shake, then does so. "Starling. Have you seen anything odd, Officer Marl?" He asks, as he crouches beside the Droid and starts to set about its programming, its memory banks, for any abnormalities.

I guess this would technically count as Reprogram Droid? I can do those things with taking 10 for 28 (Unless this is an amazingly Willful droid), so I'll do that.

2019-02-18, 11:25 AM
Darren Korr4

"Leave the helmets for those coming on the second trip," he said, "let's go."

2019-02-18, 11:53 PM
Zhanty lowers TK 679 onto a bed.
To the sergeant "I am headed to the bridge, but before I go do you know anything about our status?"

2019-02-19, 12:20 AM
"I've seen plenty of odd things. For one, the ship registered an impact just before we fell outta hyperspace," the engineer replies, "Then, there's this dark shape scuttling about. Gives me the creeps looking at it."

The droid's brain reports no faults, which is an abnormality because there were definitely some faults there. Accessing its memory banks shows a perfect record of all events up until it was disabled, but therein lies the only fault, if you can call it that. The events it seems to have experienced don't match what really happened.


The troopers and Darren return to the infirmary just in time to see a black-robed figure lower a wounded trooper onto the bed. Sergeant Lorne stands beside her. "Of course, sir," he says to the figure, "We're under orders to guard this area, but I am sure we can find you an escort if you want it. I'm afraid we don't know much about what's going...Ah! There's our commanding officer." He salutes Darren.

2019-02-19, 12:41 AM
Darren Korr

“Oh good, you’re alive,” Darren said to Zhanty after returning the salute, “any idea what’s going on? Seen anyone else from the team? We’ve been busy transporting wounded from mess hall 1 to the infirmary, still have another trip to go.”

2019-02-19, 02:36 AM

"I spoke with Starling on the comm, last I heard he was working on the life support. Haven't heard anything from Ronan. Encountered a strong presence on my way here. I was planning on heading to the bridge to get a direct report ... but it would be best to stick together, let's get everyone from the mess hall first."

To the Sergeant "No, you stay here."

2019-02-19, 03:46 AM
Darren Korr

“I figure we need to make sure the infirmary is secure, and anyone injured will come here and be able to let us know what’s going on and where,” Darren said, “and I agree, let’s get the injured here first and then we can take a group and head up to the bridge, sending any wounded we find on the way back here.”

Once the injured were offloaded he set off with the same group (plus Zhanty) back to the mess hall to retrieve the rest of the injured.

2019-02-19, 09:25 AM
"I heard something like that..." Velvet says, as he copies the Droid's recollection. "This Droid's memories don't match what happened. I don't know what to do with that information, so we should continue to the main reactor."

2019-02-20, 12:35 AM
Sergeant Lorne stays in the infirmary, as ordered, while the others go and retrieve the last of the patients from down below. Upon stepping back into the room, they find that the fog has grown incredibly thick, obscuring sight beyond fifteen feet. As they make their way inside, Zhanty and Darren see a dark figure hunched over a fallen trooper. It looks up at them and fades away into the mist.


Marl chews at his cheek. "Hmm. Somethin's not right about all this." He looks out into the dark hallway. "If it's all the same to you, we might put in a call to the security station and see if there's anyone left standin' there before we set off again."

Time for everyone's favorite roll, Perception.

2019-02-20, 12:55 AM
Darren Korr

Pistols leapt almost on their own into Darren’s hands as he dropped the empty stretcher he was carrying. Before he could shoot though, the figure was gone.

“Something’s here, hiding in the mist,” he whispered, “we’re going to get the men out, into the hallway. Then we’re sealing the door. Blasters up, four men moving stretchers, everyone else stay close and cover. Zhanty do you sense anything?”

2019-02-20, 02:36 AM
Zhaty draws her sabers and reaching out with the force she tries to sense the presence of the dark figure in the mist.
Avoiding dice roller and taking 10 if possible for a 26 Use the Force check

2019-02-20, 08:35 AM
"If you insist." Velvet nods.


2019-02-21, 12:54 AM
It's...all around her. It's in the mist, it's in the ship, it's in the men themselves. It's vast as an ocean. And in this exact moment, it's looking right at her.

The moment passes and it's gone. She senses only the men, making their way through the mist and retrieving their fallen comrades. In mere moments, they will be ready to return to the infirmary.


Scratch scratch scratch...

There's that sound again. In the vents and drawing closer.

Marl nods and reaches for his comlink. "Hallo? Deck Officer Borne? Are you there? This is Warrant Officer Marl. We're in life support." He waits a moment and frowns. "I can't hear you. Are you holding the mic away from your face for--" A piercing, electronic squeal comes from his comlink and he drops it, cursing loudly.

2019-02-21, 09:03 AM
"Careful now." Velvet says, as he makes sure each vent's exit is sealed as he continues to head towards the main reactor. Scratches are just scratches.

2019-02-22, 11:05 PM

"I feel we are in grave danger Lt Korr, it is like nothing I have ever sensed before, but it is gone for now. I suggest we get this ship underway as soon as possible."

2019-02-22, 11:51 PM
Darren nodded.

The Force could be a big help he knew, from what little experience he had with the Jedi during the war before they turned against the Republic, but it was a hit or miss kind of thing.

“Let’s pick up the pace then,” he said, keeping watch in the mist and encouraging the men to get everyone outside the mess hall.

Once there he did a head count to make sure everyone made it out and then he closed and locked the door.

“Back to the infirmary,” he said, holstering his pistols again and picking up the stretcher with the spare equipment on it.

2019-02-23, 09:53 PM
Marl picks up his comlink with a doubtful look at it. "Darn thing must be malfunctioning again," he mutters. A quick look around his him frowning. "Say, I know a shortcut, if you're up for it."


The door safely locked and all heads accounted for, they make their way back to the infirmary and drop off their precious cargo of human lives. The doctors are hard at work and have little time to spare, but snap off a thanks and get back to work. Sergeant Lorne offers to accompany them up to the bridge with half his men, but ultimately it is up to Darren and Zhanty to decide how to proceed.

2019-02-24, 12:56 PM
"I think the usual way will suffice." Velvet says. "We might meet others. And our time is not so limited." Also, he doesn't trust shortcuts to be as spacious or safe - if the shortcuts were reliable, they wouldn't be shortcuts, but the main path.

2019-02-24, 05:06 PM

"Sergeant Lorne, we will be heading to the bridge. I would like four troopers to come with us, everyone else should stay here."

Into comm "Starling, we have secured the infirmary, Lt Korr and I are headed to the bridge, what is your status."

2019-02-24, 06:54 PM

"Sergeant Lorne, we will be heading to the bridge. I would like four troopers to come with us, everyone else should stay here."

Into comm "Starling, we have secured the infirmary, Lt Korr and I are headed to the bridge, what is your status."

Darren Korr

“It’s critical this infirmary remain safe, we’ll be in touch by comlink and will send relief when we can,” Darren said
“Until then sergeant,” he said with a salute.

2019-02-25, 12:30 AM
The officer shrugs. "As you say, as you say," he says and follows along behind, blaster drawn and ready to fire. The scratching in the vents continues, slowly following along behind them. However, Marl doesn't seem to notice. If he does, he doesn't comment on it. He keeps his eyes on the path ahead, grim but showing no signs of fear.

"We'll get there in...well, we're walking, so five minutes," he says, "So...if you don't mind me askin', how'd you wind up in the service?"


"I'll send my best," Lorne promises and picks four troopers to accompany them. They fall in, blasters at the ready, and march on behind the two.

Once again, there are two routes forward. It's a long climb up the maintenance shafts to the bridge, but that is the direct route. Likely, it will take some effort though and could leave everyone winded before they even arrive. Second is to reroute power to a lift somehow, but there are many, many ways that could go wrong.

2019-02-25, 02:25 AM
Darren Korr

“Anyone have mechanics training?” Darren asked, “otherwise we’re climbing a couple hundred meters up a maintenance shaft.”

2019-02-25, 09:18 AM
"I was purchased as a slave, freed, and enlisted into an Imperial Academy." Velvet says to the older officer. It's not the first time he's been asked the question, and he's learned to answer it so as to avoid all the parts he'd rather not share. "I would still be there, were it not for the Empire."

2019-02-25, 11:58 PM

"Considering what I have seen so far today, I would rather make the climb then risk getting trapped in a small metal can."

2019-02-26, 10:15 PM
"I was put through the vehicle repair course, sir," one of the troopers offers, "I can have a go at it."

The other troopers remain professional, but Zhanty can sense some dread radiating off them at the mention of climbing up the ladders. Of course, being trapped on a ladder has its own dangers. At the end of the day, they will just have to come to a hard decision.


The man nods. "There are some similar stories among the crew. We find humans way out in the Outer Rim, you see. Offer them a chance to join up, train 'em, and make 'em part of the crew."

The scratching pulls ahead of them and stops right at the vent they are about to pass, one they will have to step right under.

2019-02-26, 10:27 PM
"It is a good thing to do." Velvet concurs. He knows it sounds lame, but there's no other reply that he can think of quickly enough. The scuttling overhead gives him a moment of pause and he holds a hand out before the older officer. "Can you give me a boost?" He asks, gesturing to the vent as he pulls out his liquid cable dispenser. If the man consents, he quickly stretches out a liquid cable, then another, to form a cross over the vent.

2019-02-27, 12:04 AM
Darren Korr

“Get started on the lift, if you can’t fix it we don’t have a choice anyway,” Darren said.

He motioned Zhanty over a few feet away from the others?

“What have you seen?” he asked quietly, “just asking because maybe you’re okay climbing up 150 meters through an open shaft but that’s a pain in the rear for an old fart like me so I’m not real keen on doing it unless there’s a good reason. That and if we end up having to fight something in the shaft it’s going to be real tough. Not saying fighting out of a turbolift is easier but at least if one of us gets shot in a turbolift it doesn’t mean a fall to our deaths.”

2019-02-27, 12:59 AM
Zhanty moves off with Darren Korr.

"There is a presence in the ship, possibly surrounding the ship. I do not know what it is but from what I can sense it is strong, very large, and I think it might be watching us. It attacked TK 679 twice, almost crushed him with a bulkhead and performed something like force choke near as I could tell. Asked me 'Was it worth it?'"

2019-02-27, 01:37 AM
Darren Korr

Darren grunted.

“Hopefully it’ll die when we shoot or stab it,” Darren replied, “meantime, are you able to sense danger like the Jedi before they turned bad? For example if the lift is repaired can you say whether we’ll all be turned into red paste if we get into it?”

2019-02-28, 01:22 AM

"Assuming that there is something that we can shoot or stab." *Shrugs* "While sensing potential danger is possible, it is typically a general sense of impending danger. Right now there is a chance that this presence will drown out any reading I try to make on something as subtle as a lift. I can feel a constant aura of danger emanating from it without even trying."

2019-02-28, 03:16 AM
Darren Korr

“Well, since we’re hosed either way, I say we take the lift because why climb when you don’t have to,” Darren replied.

2019-02-28, 02:12 PM
"Sure thing," Marl says and boost Velvet up to the vent. But, at the first contact of the cable to the vent, something heavy bangs on it, denting it downwards. The cable holds, put in place just in time. The second reinforces it. Whatever is in the vent lets out a long, electronic screech of rage. A sharp, metal blade stabs through the grille, trying to tear it apart.

"Time to go!" Marl says and begins to run.


While Zhanty and Darren confer, the trooper kneels down and quickly reroutes a bit of power to the lift. It whirs to life. He stands up and dusts off his armor. "There you are, sir."

The lift is now open. It can be used to travel to any level on the ship, but most importantly the bridge.

The group crowds aboard and heads on up. The elevator opens into darkness. A few console lights provide the bridge's only illumination. The gravity is out too and everything not nailed down floats in a slow-moving spiral around the center, where the room is darkest. In the corner, the comm console spews out a steady stream of static.

2019-02-28, 07:58 PM
Darren pulled out a pistol and checked the low light scope to see if there was anything moving.

“This is lieutenant Darren Korr, anyone alive up here?” he asked.

Assuming there was no answer, Darren moved into the room and checked the corners nearest to the lift before motioning to the others.

“Secure the perimeter first, make sure there are no hostiles hiding behind the consoles or around the edges. Zhanty, any idea what’s going on in the center of the room over there?” he asked, “Last time I checked stuff doesn’t nornally float in a circle in zero G.”

2019-02-28, 08:30 PM
Velvet's eyes go wide at the sound of the electronic screech. He's been putting whatever's crawling around was some kind of...Force, thing, or the kind of things you'd hear in a cantina. Not a robot. But those worries don't stop him from running along with the older man, as fast as his legs will carry him.

2019-03-01, 02:42 AM

"I am not much of a scientist, but it could be a problem with the gravity generators, the result of airflow, or the presence is using the force to mess with us. Lets see if we can the gravity generates working first after we sweep the room."

Zhanty uses handholds to scout the room.

2019-03-02, 12:27 AM
Darren receives no answer, but in the corners of the room, the grisly remains of part of the bridge crew lie in piles, flesh fused with one another as if exposed to horrific acid. The troopers fall silent, but use the magnets in their boots to move into the room and secure the edges, though the darkness in the center remains impenetrable, no matter what instruments try to read it.

"Area...secure," one of the troopers says with some hesitancy. They keep their rifles pointed at the center of the room.

A low hiss comes from the darkness. Animal, feral, and very angry.


They run, the sounds of the droid's pursuit echoing through the vents behind them. They fortunately round a corner before the sound of the vent slamming down on the floor behind them. "We can make it," Marl says, huffing a bit, "Just one more corridor. Follow me!"

He heads off, but not quite in the direction that Velvet thinks they should be headed.

1 Will Save please.

2019-03-02, 01:56 AM
Darren shoots the darkness.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-03-02, 04:22 PM
"Wrong way!" Velvet calls out to his companion, as he himself turns to follow the correct route.

2019-03-03, 12:06 AM
Zhanty draws her sabers and ignites the blades while taking up a defensive stance.

Lightsaber defense talent.

2019-03-03, 12:39 AM
The hiss becomes a screech of pain. The black mist explodes outwards, forming writhing tendrils and revealing a core of flesh and warped metal where the captain's chair once was. The stormtroopers open fire immediately.


However, the mass of flesh doesn't seem down for the count only from that. The misty tendrils whip around, striking at everyone in the room in a furious flurry of lashes that move too fast to track with the eye.





Trooper 1


Trooper 2


Trooper 3


Trooper 4



Meanwhile, Marl keeps moving in the direction he's been going. "What're ya talking about, kid! This is the way!" He shows no sign of stopping, so the question is whether Velvet prefers to go the right way or stick with his companion.

2019-03-03, 12:57 AM
Darren Korr

Darren twisted as best he could, narrowly avoiding being struck.
He even managed to get a shot off while whatever it was attacked the others before lining up both pistols again.

“Keep firing!” he shouted.

Advantageous opening free attack:
Atk: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Full attack: Atk: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]
Atk: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

2019-03-03, 12:59 AM
apologies for the double post: fortune favor free attack from the crit:
[roll0] (should be +16 so 26 total)

2019-03-03, 12:49 PM
Velvet knows one thing for a fact: His ability to ground himself has never let him down. Marl is helpful and a good man to have around...but he has to think about the reactor, and getting there is more important than escorting the officer. So, he goes down the correct path.

2019-03-04, 02:13 AM
Several tendrils whip towards Zhanty but she is able to dodge out of the way. She separates her interlocking sabers and having minimal zero gravity combat training begins cautiously moving towards the monster ready to take a swing at anything that comes near her as she closes the gap.

Readied attack at any tendrils that come within range.
+13 to hit, 2d8+5 damage GM can make the roll.

2019-03-05, 04:59 PM
Under the hail of blaster fire, the creature shrieks and withers, but it has some fight left in it yet. It focuses a bit, striking out at the one who is doing it the most injury... Darren. Though it does not forget the others.

However, some of the troopers took some heavy hits. They fall back, pressing themselves to the wall and take a more defensive stance this time around. But no place in the room is truly safe.

Troopers: [roll0]





Wounded Troopers


But of course, Zhanty is ready for this. And as the tendrils lash out, she strikes on more time!


And slices the tendrils clean off. With that and one more successful shot from a trooper, the monstrous mass lets out one last howl and turns to ash, which fades away in moments.


Velvet charges onwards, now alone and with only his own senses to rely on. But something's obviously not right. Corridors don't connect like they should, doors are shifted around, and everything starts to take on a slightly bent angle. But he can't afford to stop. Whatever it is chasing him, it left Marl alone and pursued Velvet. He could turn and fight, or he could run and try to make sense of a world gone wrong around him.

What he knows for certain, though, is that some force is trying to trick him. Lead him somewhere that he doesn't want to go.

2019-03-05, 07:53 PM
Darren Korr

After ducking and twisting out of the way of the stepped up tentacled slapping attacks, Darren had both blasters lined up for another pair of shots each but a trooper beat him to it.

He inspected the center of the bridge to make sure whatever it was was dead. He then checked to see if the severed tentacles didn’t turn to ash.

“Clear,” he said, “anyone have any idea what in the galaxy that was?”

2019-03-05, 10:09 PM
Velvet takes a moment to collect himself as he still finds the corridors twisting around him. He has to find a solution and fast - so he thinks of two, so that he can only trust what both tell him. He checks the nearest marker of his location, then calls up the local schematics on his portable computer - so that he can trust in its position on the map to take him where he needs to go. He also pulls out his survival knife and drags it along the wall, leaving a gouge wherever he walks to prevent himself from doubling-back.

2019-03-05, 10:58 PM
Zhanty wearily approaches the center and examines the ash between two fingers.
"Any serious injuries?"

2019-03-07, 12:10 AM
"Nothing serious," the first trooper replies, "Minor bumps and some bruises." The others echo the sentiment. But they too move forward to examine the dust. One of them pokes it with his rifle. It does not react.

"No clue, sir!" he says, "Some sort of monster."


As Velvet suspected, the map has changed. It keeps trying to flicker back to the original layout that he knows and wishes for, but he cannot be fooled. The marker tells him that he is in the right place, but the map says that the marker has been moved and can't be trusted. He finds that, of the two, the map is the most trustworthy. With this, he should be able to plot a course to safety.

Then, a metal hand reaches out and tries to smash at his leg.



2019-03-07, 12:58 AM
Darren Korr

“At least we know why we weren’t able to raise the bridge,” Darren said, “let’s see if we can get these consoles working, maybe get a damage report and repair communications. At least we can find out who else on the ship is still alive.”

2019-03-07, 02:13 AM
Zhanty says into her comm "Starling, Lt Korr and I have secured the Bridge, what is your status?" as she walks over to look out the window.

2019-03-08, 11:19 AM
"Getting to the reactor. Being attacked by shadows and robots and, apparently, the walls." Velvet recites into his comm. Protocol is the last thing on his mind as he takes out his ion pistol to shoot the arm.

Damage: [roll1]

2019-03-08, 04:24 PM
The troopers spread out and apply their limited knowledge to get the bridge consoles working. Which, well, isn’t much to be honest. They press a few buttons, hem and haw over the results, and look over at Darren Korr. “Power’s been cut,” one says, “Comm console’s working, though.”


The arm’s grip loosens and lets go of Velvet. Some garbled sentence comes from the vent and Velvet gets to run away. It’s only a short turn and a quick jog to his destination now. The pursuit seems to stop too. No further signs of any mad droids.

However, the moment he arrives, he sees Marl already there, standing around and muttering to himself. “Go back? Look for him? What am I supposed to sarkin’ do! He’s just a…” He spots Velvet and his face brightens. “Oi! There ya are.”

2019-03-08, 09:12 PM
Zhanty says into her comm "Understood Starling, do you require assistance?"

To the trooper working on the comm station "Work through the command structure and see if you can get in contact with a bridge officer."

2019-03-08, 11:43 PM
Darren contacted the infirmary to see if anyone new had arrived since they left.

2019-03-09, 07:45 AM
"It's just me and an Engineering Officer." Velvet says into the comms.

"Here I am." Velvet agrees with Marl. "Shall we go in?"

2019-03-10, 12:30 AM
The soldiers salute and begin operating the comms console, going down the list. That will take a while, but they will give regular reports. In the meantime, there is plenty of other things to do around the command center. Examining the bodies in the corner, restoring power to the other consoles, etc.


"O' course," Marl says with a grin, "Was worried I wouldn't see you again."

He inserts his security clip into the reader and the door opens a fraction of an inch. A voice calls from the other side. "Who is it? Who's there?"

Marl looks over at Velvet, eyebrow raised, quietly asking if he wants to answer.

2019-03-10, 02:50 AM
Darren inspected the bodies, first to find out who was there was who wasn’t, and to procure their IDs, keys, or other useful items they might have on them.

He’d also take note if it looked like the tentacle shadow thing killed them or if they were killed by something else.

2019-03-10, 08:39 AM
"Velvet Starling, of the Inquisitorius. I'm here to fix the reactor." Velvet answers.

2019-03-10, 01:55 PM

"While getting the bridge up and running is important, engineering is just as vital. I think I should head down and help secure engineering."

2019-03-10, 11:22 PM
The bodies are a lot of the bridge crew. Ensigns, pilots, engineers, fighter command staff. All of them lie piled in the corners. Well, not all of them. Most of the second shift, though. The captain, however, is not present. No sign of a corpse, a uniform, or even an ID for him. He could still be out there somewhere.

"Should we send for another squad to keep the bridge locked down?" one of the troopers asks.


Silence answers Velvet. "Put your ID chip into the panel again," the voice answers suspiciously.

Assuming he does so, it whirs for a good four seconds longer than normal. "Alright," the voice says, "I'm opening the door."

Inside, Velvet finds several engineers all near each other in a huddle. Four of them are low-ranking officers, but the one nearest the door is on equal rank with Marl. They scrutinize the two of them. "They look real," one of the junior officers mutters.

2019-03-11, 01:25 AM
Darren Korr

“Now that the turbo lift is running shouldn’t be too much of an issue,” Darren said, “I think we should get a few more up here too. I also think we should get down to engineering, link up with Velvet.”

He turned to Zhanty.
“Can you sense that thing lurking around here anymore, or do you think we’re okay to leave the Bridge unattended for a few minutes? I’d like to get down to engineering without delay.”

He contacted the infirmary.
“Sergeant, we’ve secured the bridge,” he said, “send half the troops up here to hold it while we proceed to engineering.”

2019-03-11, 10:24 AM
Velvet nodded to the collective engineers. "Is there anything preventing me from fixing the reactor?" There had to be some reason they hadn't started already.

2019-03-11, 11:36 PM

"We should have a full squad stationed here as a protective detail even after we locate some bridge officers."

She reaches out with the force in an effort to check to see if there is still a presence in the vicinity of the bridge.

Lets see if this works this time.
Use the Force [roll0]

2019-03-12, 02:24 PM
“Sir!” the sergeant replies, “Sending them now. The elevator is secure?” After receiving the affirmative, he will send up half his remaining squad to secure the bridge and hold it against anyone that doesn’t have direct orders from Darren or Zhanty. After all, they don’t know who or what they can trust on the ship.

In the meantime, Zhanty reaches out and sense that the presence she felt earlier has diminished quite a bit. The loss of the shadowy monster seems to have had an adverse effect on it. Yet it still has a hold on the ship, somewhere.

The comms console lights up, indicating an incoming hail.


The engineers grimace. “Yeah. There is.” Their commanding officer beckons Velvet over to one of the many consoles that regulate and monitor the ship’s massive reactor system. “Main one’s offline, but diagnostics say it will start up again without too much trouble and should be stable unless we try and push it up to 100%. But the backups we’d use to kickstart it are either damaged or...well...inhabited.”

He points to one of the holoscreens, which shows a layout of one of the backup reactors. Everything looks normal except for a swarm of creatures crawling all over the components, devouring any spark of power that comes from it. “We’re on battery for now, but that’s due to run out here within the day. We either need to clear that one or fix one of the other backups quick. And with the droids gone haywire, we’ll have to do it ourselves and fend them off at the same time.”

2019-03-12, 07:37 PM
Darren Korr

“Lift is clear, send them up,” Darren said to sergeant (Lorne?)
“We’re on our way to engineering,” Darren replied to Velvet.

“Please be Imperial command,” Darren muttered at the console.

He flicked on the switch to accept the hail.
“This is Imperial Star Destroyer Omen, go ahead,” he said.

2019-03-12, 10:08 PM

"The presence is no longer in the vicinity of the bridge"

2019-03-13, 04:13 PM
"I see." Velvet says, as he considers his options. He's carrying an Ion Pistol, but he can't guarantee how much else there is. "Are the droids connected to the network? Do we have any Ion equipment? How many droids will we be dealing with, and of what kind?Do you know anything about the creatures on that one battery?"

2019-03-13, 11:55 PM
"Well whaddya know? Someone's still alive on that hulk!" a rough voice says. Coarse laughter breaks out, coming from many different sources. "Right then. Guess we get t' do this all proper-like. Surrender yer ship and I swear on me mother's grave we won't put a bolt between your eyes after we've gone and looted it."


"Service pistols only, I'm afraid," the engineer says, "We've unfortunately no idea how many droids are still active. Some are still on the network, but we've encountered others that were not. The ones off the network were very hostile, the ones on the network were only hostile if we tried to interact with them."

"I think the creatures are Mynocks," one of the others says.

"Shut up. That's ridiculous. They are way too big."

"Super-Mynocks, then."

2019-03-14, 01:00 AM

“If we’re going to do this proper-like, you’ll need to identify yourself first,” Dax replied.

2019-03-14, 11:48 AM
"Is there a console where I can connect to the network? If we can shut down the droids still there, that's one less problem." Velvet says. He doesn't know what a mynock is...so he has nothing to add ot that particular point. "What about cameras, security? Are they active?"

2019-03-15, 12:49 AM
Zhanty contacts Starling and the troops in the infirmary "Sounds like we might be having company, pirates or some such."

2019-03-19, 09:13 PM
"Well how do you like that? We got a stickler for pro-ter-call," the man laughs, "Well, this is Captain Spleanne o' the good ship Demolishment. I'll be accepting yer surrender or I'll be taking the ship over yer cold, dead bodies. Yer choice."

The troopers reply with a grim copy. Lorne asks, "Have we got any defenses online? Anything that we can use to fend them off at all, sir?"


The ranking engineer points towards a flickering console in the corner of the room. "We shut the others off to save power while we secured the room. We can reroute it and turn them on, if you want. Some might still be able to access things on the network remotely, though it might take some doing to get the security system rebooted."

2019-03-19, 09:47 PM
Darren Korr

“Greetings Captain Spleanne, this is lieutenant Darren Korr,” Darren replied, “we’re pretty blind here, what’s the class of your ship, can it fit into our hangar? I’ll meet you there to formalize the surrender. It might be a while before we can get there; most of the crew are dead and there are hostile aliens that have infested the ship, just sit tight and we’ll open the doors for you, over.”

Assuming the pirates agree, Darren will end the call, then brought up Lorne and Velvet on comlink.

“Alright I bought us some time,” Darren said, “depending on what they’ve got, we might be able to man the vehicles in the hangar and kill them when they exit their ship, or storm their ship and take it for ourselves, or worst case destroy their ship.”

“Sergeant Lorne, how many able bodied soldiers do we have down there?” he asked, “Velvet, what’s your situation in engineering?”

How close is engineering, the hangar, the bridge, and the infirmary? Does the turbolift go all around?

2019-03-20, 12:49 AM
Zhanty heads over to the windows to take a look for the other ship the old fashion way.

2019-03-20, 08:54 AM
"The same as it was a couple of minutes ago." Velvet answers over the comms, as he heads to the console to check things out.

2019-03-20, 10:50 AM
Darren Korr

"Copy that. You might be on your own for a little while," Darren replied to Velvet, "we've got to make sure the pirates who are trying to board us don't loot anything vital."

2019-03-22, 09:26 PM
"Heh. A Dreadnought, that's what! Why don't ya see for yourself? Look out yer window."

Looking out the front viewscreen reveals the truth of the situation. The pirate ship was one a Dreadnought, but the back half seems to have been blown off and replaced with a smaller engine, cutting the overall ship length in half. It might be able to fit in the hangar, but it would be a tight fit.

Lorne reports, "We've managed to bring the total up to nineteen troopers and twenty four auxiliaries, sir!"


The console is just as described: powered off. However, with a simple flick of a switch, Velvet could turn it back on.

2019-03-23, 11:23 AM
Darren Korr

"Might be a tight fit, up to you if you'd like to try and squeeze in, Captain," Darren replied.

He tried to recall what kind of equipment they had in the hangar.

2019-03-23, 02:36 PM
Velvet performs a simple flick of the switch.

2019-03-24, 11:22 AM

"I am going to the infirmary for some more volunteers and then proceed to the hanger to start getting ready, keep me filled in."

2019-03-25, 12:45 AM
There were a few AT-ATs on standby in the hangar while they were orbiting Norrik III. The captain had wanted them ready to deploy at a moment's notice. Of course, any Star Destroyer worth its salt has Ties in abundance, but the AT-ATs would make for a very nice welcoming party.

"Ye'll be seeing us presently," the Captain replies and terminates the connection.

Lorne says to Zhanty, "I'll have them assembled and ready when you arrive, sir."


The station powers on and gives Velvet a full readout on the current status of the reactor in one corner and the power usage of all the other systems in the other corner. Currently, the ship's network is drawing minimal power, but that could be boosted easily enough. From there, it should be a simple matter of Computer Use to shut down all the droids still connected to it.

2019-03-25, 02:04 AM
Darren Korr

“Velvet, you’re going to be on your own for a while,” Darren said, “everyone else, get ready to move out; we’re coming to the infirmary to pick you up and then we’re heading to the hangar. Let’s see if we can find a desk and some imperial flags on the way, roll out the red carpet for our guests. Then we’re gonna let them in, lock the doors, and shoot them.”

He turned to Zhanty and the crew on the bridge.
“The idea is to man the AT-AT’s and use them as a surprise attack,” Darren said, “we might even be able to storm the Dreadnought.”

He led the way back to the infirmary.

2019-03-25, 11:44 AM
"Can you seal the entrances to this area?" Velvet asks the other engineers, following Darren's information. "There is a pirate attack and being disturbed will not make this any easier." He explained, as he temporarily boosted the network so he could shut down the active droids. He didn't want to take up any more power than necessary.

I'll take 10 for 28.

2019-03-26, 01:17 AM

To the troopers:

"We want at least two people to remain on the bridge, it should not be left unattended. Do we have any charges or mines in the armory that can be remote detonated?"

She looks at Darren Korr:

"I am thinking of dropping onto the back of their ship and planting a charge, just in case."

2019-03-26, 01:54 AM
Darren Korr

“Generally speaking, blowing up a ship while we’re inside our own ship and all squeezed into the same hangar isn’t advisable, but if they think we’re crazy enough to do it they might do what we ask,” Darren replied, “I say go for it.”

2019-03-27, 10:27 PM
With expert skill, Velvet shuts down the active droids. At least those connected to the network. Someone with lesser skill would really have struggled with that.

"Sir," the engineers say and industriously begin sealing off the area, making sure that, for the time being, the door can't be opened at all.

Marl rubs his chin. "Hmm. Pirates." A dangerous glint enters his eyes. "Not very fond of pirates, meself."


"Yes sir. We have pretty much everything in the armory. We were fully stocked before coming here and haven't had to use more than the bare minimum of supplies," a trooper reports, "We can lead the way, if you don't know it yourself."

2019-03-29, 10:25 AM
"I would agree." Velvet tells Marl. "Now. What can we do while the others are busy with pirates? Charging in to deal with the hostile droids would be foolhardy."

2019-03-29, 08:35 PM
With expert skill, Velvet shuts down the active droids. At least those connected to the network. Someone with lesser skill would really have struggled with that.

"Sir," the engineers say and industriously begin sealing off the area, making sure that, for the time being, the door can't be opened at all.

Marl rubs his chin. "Hmm. Pirates." A dangerous glint enters his eyes. "Not very fond of pirates, meself."


"Yes sir. We have pretty much everything in the armory. We were fully stocked before coming here and haven't had to use more than the bare minimum of supplies," a trooper reports, "We can lead the way, if you don't know it yourself."

“Lead the way trooper,” Darren replied.

2019-03-31, 01:22 AM
Zhanty points to two of the troopers that have shown the most aptitude with tech "You two stay here and do what you can to get the bridge up and running. If they call try to patch them through to Lt Korr. Also If we can get firing control working and are able to get a shot off across their bow in the next minute or so give us a heads up and take it, they might think twice and leave. I want regular reports." She spins around and heads towards the door. "Lets move out."

2019-04-01, 12:26 AM
Marl taps his chin. "Not sure, exactly," he says, "Hmm." A wicked grin spreads over his face. "Alright, this might take some doin'. You know those critters eating our power? What if we gave 'em a clear shot a the pirate's much bigger reactor?"


The two technically minded troopers salute. "We'll hold here for reinforcements, sir."

And so the two members of the Inquisition soon step into a fully-stocked armory. Things are a little jumbled about, but all that they need is there. It has enough explosives in here to blow a hole in a hull. That's why the walls are all very well reinforced.

2019-04-01, 01:21 AM
Darren Korr

“Too bad we don’t have a sled to carry all this stuff,” Darren said. He picked up several concussion grenades and looked around for an e-web or other kind of heavy repeater which the troopers could use.

2019-04-01, 10:10 PM
Zhanty looks for some explosive charges and compatible remote detonators.

FYI: Planning on using these as a last resort, if they manage to take something from us and leave they will not get far.

2019-04-02, 11:15 AM
"How can we do that?" Velvet asks. He doesn't know how to create a tunnel between them, but Marl almost certainly knows the ship better than he does.

2019-04-03, 11:09 PM
OOC: Noted.

The troopers load up as well. They've got enough explosives between them to accomplish their objective, but there does not appear to be an E-web in the room. Odd, as the manifest states it should be here, but the space it was supposed to be in is missing.

In short order, a call comes from the infirmary. "Volunteers assembled. Shall we meet you at the hangar?"


"By breakin' every single safety regulation on the ship," Marl says, "We make a tunnel for 'em, right to the hangar. Open up a few doors that shouldn't be opened, close off a hallway, an' vent the entire thing. Straight path, right to the hangar. The critters will sense the power an' go after it."

2019-04-03, 11:18 PM
Darren Korr

“Copy that meet you there,” Darren said, “also, it looks like there’s an e-web missing from the armory. Keep your eyes open.”

2019-04-06, 12:48 AM

As an afterthought Zhanty looks for some stun grenades before moving out.

2019-04-06, 07:48 AM
Velvet didn't much like the idea of breaking safety precautions, but neither did he like the idea of being killed by pirates. "We'll have to make sure no crew is in those spots. Can we?"

2019-04-09, 01:07 AM
"Roger," the troopers say, "We'll keep an eye out for an ambush. You watch yourself too, sir."

Stun grenades! Now there are plenty of those around. More than Zhanty can carry, actually.

If that is all, the plan requires, it is time to move on.


Marl grins. "Then let's get started! This'll take a bit o' know-how." He leans over the console and begins to type away.

I will actually need you to roll for this one. Your take 10 is not high enough and, if you want it done in time, a take 20 would take too long.

2019-04-10, 01:52 AM
Zhanty grabs a half dozen stun grenades and heads to the hanger to assess the situation.

2019-04-10, 02:57 AM
Darren Korr

Darren also took anything that could help with fanfare, flags, capes, fancy pens, etc.

He talked while they hustled down to the hangar.

“What I’m thinking is getting the flags and desk set up while we have the troopers form an ‘honor guard’ of ranks they have to walk between to get to the desk. The at-ats can stay quiet until the shooting starts. If it’s feasible I’d like to storm their ship and if not, disable it. We’ll kind of have to wing it as we go since we don’t know how many there are. Try to follow my lead, I’ll leave my comlink open so everyone can hear everything.”

2019-04-11, 11:50 AM
"Please help me with this." Velvet requests of one of the engineers. Technically, he doesn't need to use manners, considering his role and the scenario. But, he likes to. He sets about doing the job as soon as the engineer joins him.

For 30.

2019-04-14, 10:28 PM
"We're with you, sir," the troopers say to Lorne as they run along.

Upon arriving in the hangar, they receive some very good news. A group of pilots had taken refuge in a nearby safe-room and have joined up. With them at the controls, the AT-ATs will be very dangerous indeed.

As for the hangar itself, the place is a wreck. Tie Fighters lie in pieces all around and one of the AT-ATs fell into its neighbor. Nothing will be launched out of here anytime within the next few hours. However, the debris forms a sort of rampart, preventing the pirates from easily reaching the AT-ATs.


Overriding hard-coded safety protocols is no joke, but with some help to keep an eye on things, Velvet is able to do just that. The doors along the intended path slide shut. The ones to the hangar open. All it will take is one button press.

2019-04-14, 10:43 PM
Darren Korr

Darren was focused on a few things, whether the modified dreadnaught would fit, how to open the hangar doors, and whether it was feasible to move some of the debris so they could accommodate the pirate crew with approproate pomp to lay the trap.

2019-04-15, 07:43 AM
Velvet sends a message up to his colleagues to let them know what he and Marl have set-up.

2019-04-15, 11:16 AM
Velvet sends a message up to his colleagues to let them know what he and Marl have set-up.

Darren Korr

“You want to do what?” Darren asked, “because we’re in the hangar... I hadn’t planned on getting eaten today.”

2019-04-15, 11:45 AM
"Then get out of the hangar." Velvet says, simply. "This will solve two problems."

2019-04-15, 07:26 PM
"Then get out of the hangar." Velvet says, simply. "This will solve two problems."

“Yeah but it doesn’t solve the main problem, that we’re stranded in Force knows where on a ship with no life support and no propulsion and no communications, surrounded by hostile aliens,” Darren replied.

“I mean, I can see the attraction, normally I’m all for blowing up some pirates, but given the circumstances, why would we destroy or disable a perfectly good ship if we don’t have to?” Darren asked, “there is no guarantee we can repair the Omen, and this dreadnaught could be our only shot at all of us getting back to civilization.”

2019-04-15, 07:29 PM
"The creatures here are what's preventing us from supplying power to this ship." Velvet says. "Once they are gone, we will have life support, propulsion, and life support. And whether we take the ship or keep this one, we'll have to fight all of the raiders or all of the creatures or both. Let them wear each other down and our job will be easier no matter which option we choose."

2019-04-15, 07:49 PM
"The creatures here are what's preventing us from supplying power to this ship." Velvet says. "Once they are gone, we will have life support, propulsion, and life support. And whether we take the ship or keep this one, we'll have to fight all of the raiders or all of the creatures or both. Let them wear each other down and our job will be easier no matter which option we choose."

“Well, when you put it that way,” Darren replied, wondering if Velvet could hear his smirk, “I’ve always wanted to have double life support. We’ll set up outside the main hangar entrance to contain whatever tries to get out.”

“Change of plan boys,” Darren said to the troopers with him, “inquisitor Velvet’s gonna sic the aliens on the pirates. We only need to keep them from escaping.”

2019-04-15, 08:04 PM

"We should secure anything that is still operational in case we need decompress entire hanger. If it looks broken ignore it. Somebody get up the the hanger control room and see if we can start pumping the atmosphere into storage, we need to save all the air we can.

Can we stall for a few minutes and tell them that the hanger doors are jammed ... Has anybody checked to see if the hanger doors are even working right now?"

2019-04-16, 12:08 AM
The troopers look sideways at each other. "If...if you say so, sir," their leader says, He turns to the new recruits. "Right. You know how this place works. Get on those pumps. I want this place ready to depressurize."

The troopers salute and scatter. The hangar will be ready in five minutes. Unfortunately, the pirates arrive in four. They will slip in through the open hangar on the bottom and attach themselves to the docking ports that extend from the wall. Currently, they are maneuvering up alongside and preparing to dock. The Omen seems to be rotating slowly through space, which makes it a difficult approach.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the hangar doors are in perfect working order.

2019-04-17, 08:57 PM
Velvet waits for the chance to push the button.

2019-04-17, 09:02 PM
Darren Korr

“Four minutes ain’t long enough to pump all this air out,” Darren said, to Zhanty, “and I don’t intend on being around when whatever it is Velvet is sending comes into the hangar.”

“Hell, it’s barely enough time for us to clear out of the hangar and lock the door,” he added, “especially the pilots in the AT-ATs.”

2019-04-18, 12:01 AM

"Lets do what we can. I would like to have the option of venting whatever is coming into space with minimum losses."

Into com to Starling "Any chance that we might be able to have one of our ships maneuvering thrusters 'malfunction' and buy us some time as our visitors struggle to dock?"