View Full Version : Crimson Peak (2015)

2019-02-02, 08:22 AM
I peeked at the very beginning of this Guillermo del Toro movie yesterday, and within the first two minutes or so we get a scene with a skeletal CGI monster ghost lady speaking in a monster ghost voice.

It's... not the most subtle way to start a movie. And horror in general needs a certain subtlety, especially ghost stories.

Is it even worth watching any further? I've generally felt that what del Toro makes up for in visuals he lacks in basically everything else as a director. But I feel like watching a horror flick tonight.

2019-02-02, 08:39 AM
I must admit I'd never really considered 'Crimson Peak' as a horror movie because it never really scared me in the slightest. I quite enjoyed it as a Gothic romance mainly on the strength of its three leads but I'd guess if you're not happy with it now its not going to do anything to change your mind

2019-02-06, 01:50 PM
Crimson Peak was incorrectly marketed I feel. Its much more a story with ghosts in it, than a Ghost Story. Gothic romance is a much better category for it, and the horror bits are more window dressing than anything. I'd even say its more mystery than horror as well. I quite like the movie overall though.

2019-02-06, 02:13 PM
It's probably not on anyone's "best movies ever" list, but it was worth watching once. So yeah, I'd finish watching it, it isn't horrible. It isn't a horror movie, as others said, don't think about it like that. But it is a nice, gothic supernatural period piece with some good actors.