View Full Version : Player Help Optimizartion PF

2019-02-03, 03:18 PM
Good afternoon everyone, I come to place an order, I need ideas or constructions for a character in PF, the intention or purpose of this character? kill the rest of the party, I know that many may be cursing at this time but everything has its because, in another post posed certain inconveniences with a game to which I was invited if you are interested to know what this is coming.
We speak of a Pv lvl 7 or more if you can not reach your task immediately, races as possible restricted to the core although it is a matter of speaking it, class and role does not affect me, those who want to collaborate will be grateful.

PD: I clarify that he has overcome it is a gunslinger that every time respects the rules, an elemental ally that invokes his elementals with ready combat equipment, a Magus that uses his pool as if it were infinite, and I need another member that I believe is a oracle.

The Glyphstone
2019-02-03, 04:55 PM
Any chance you've got a friend who is...a bit more conversant in English to reword that? It looks like you've posted something that was run through Google Translate (I'm assuming from Spanish) - all your words are spelled right, but the grammar and sentence structure is extremely jumbled. People might be willing to help, but trying to figure out what you are asking is almost impossible.

EDIT: Or maybe not. Your other thread is perfectly coherent, which makes this all the more confusing.

2019-02-03, 06:50 PM
Yeah, the english here is a bit... strange.

Ah, well, anyways. Point being, your fellow players seem to run their characters on something that is, well, so far from the rules as can be, with a GM that disregards any kinds of limits. The answer here would possibly be to hand you a character that is good by RAW and ludicrous good when played under similar conditions like those of your fellow players. IMHO, that would mean creating a (bad touch/offensive) Warpriest and treat anything in regards to that class similar to your Magus.

2019-02-03, 09:28 PM
Excuse me if the previous text was confusing, the reality is that the rest of the group plays by circumventing or modifying the rules and the DM does not give importance. My intention is to make a character "broken" to kill its members and then surrender my soul to Satan.

2019-02-03, 11:02 PM
If they modify the rules arbitrarily it is difficult to see what would work. Whatever you use could be instantly negated by any other player saying they have a special power that negates it.

2019-02-04, 01:10 PM
I thought about that too, but I do not see many useful options, I tried to talk to the DM and there was no response or reaction.

2019-02-04, 01:20 PM
This sounds like a terrible idea unless you have the DMs explicit permission to murder the rest of the party. If you do not, this will likely end with you getting thrown out of the group and them ignoring whatever happened with your party. If you don't like the way they play, then you should just not play with them.

2019-02-04, 02:32 PM
What do you think will happen after you kill all the rest of your party? What problem will it solve? Meanwhile how will your fellow players react? Will they make new characters that are just as broken but now have reason to resent you?

2019-02-04, 06:43 PM
Thanks for your time and advice.