View Full Version : Feat for a level 17 Paladin

2019-02-04, 12:46 AM
I just recently hit level 17 with my V Humant OotA Paladin in my campaign. I have max Strength, max Constitution, and max Charisma, and I have the Sentinel feat, and I have 197 hp, and I have a Sun Blade.

Any good suggestions for feats?

We know we are going to be fighting a very powerful lich in our near future, so I was considering mage slayer, but I also thought Resilient Dex or Con would be a good choice. Any suggestions or arguments for any specific thing?


Blood of Gaea
2019-02-04, 01:13 AM
Outside of the general suggestions like Lucky/Resilient(Con)/Polearm Master/Great Weapon Master, Inspiring Leader is a nifty boost to your party.

2019-02-04, 01:15 AM
Inspiring Leader would probably be my first choice.
Lucky is always a great late pick for every character.
Magic Initiate is always good too to add some utility and something like Find Familiar
Alert is great for anyone.
Mage Slayer is great when you get to use it, but I don't feel like that would be very often so I normally avoid it.

Why are you taking a feat at level 17? Did you take a 1 level dip in something? Please don't say Hexblade hahaha

2019-02-04, 01:21 AM
Inspiring leader would be a nice buff that extends to your party, but Mage Slayer looks pretty dang good.

Warcaster might be something to think about. Resilient Con is a waste if you have it maxed already. Resilient Wis would be better, but you're already immune to fear, and you get your +Cha anyway. Still might be worth it, though. NVM, brain fade.

Edit: ninja'd hard!

2019-02-04, 01:47 AM
Inspiring leader does look really good, but the way my DM plays we dont get a lot of short rests, we mostly have singular titanic battles so its less valuable.

Also I realize now its weird that I'm getting a feat at level 17, its only because at the end of the campaign now we are playing through a gigantic, super long, multiplanar dungeon monstrosity and every time we complete one "wing" we go up two levels.

2019-02-04, 02:16 AM
Inspiring leader does look really good, but the way my DM plays we dont get a lot of short rests, we mostly have singular titanic battles so its less valuable.

Also I realize now its weird that I'm getting a feat at level 17, its only because at the end of the campaign now we are playing through a gigantic, super long, multiplanar dungeon monstrosity and every time we complete one "wing" we go up two levels.

Paladins are crazy OP in "singular titanic battles"

and Lucky sounds even better

2019-02-06, 08:51 AM
I'm surprised no one mentioned the shield master feat. You could also get the battle master feat that gives you superiority dice.

2019-02-06, 08:59 AM
I mean... you get the feat of ‘waiting until level 19 for my next feat choice’? Unless you have an unspent one from earlier levels

2019-02-06, 09:01 AM
-Defensive Duelist would be pretty great since you are using a sunblade, although it does lock you into a finesse weapons
-Healer is a great feat at any time, although probably less so for your nova battle play style.
-Magic Initiate is always great. You can pick up sorcerer or warlock to get Hex or Shield. EB, Firebolt, and a utility cantrip
-Mobile would help you move around more with a greater move speed and less AoOs if you need to get to the back lines quickly
-Ritual Caster is a good utility feat if you don't have a wizard in the party.
-Menacing is nasty if it is allowed
-Prodigy is also a pretty decent utility feat.

2019-02-06, 09:19 AM
Yeah, you got a Sun blade, defensive duelist, + 6 A.C. when you need it.

Lucy is awesome, and mage slayer

Human prodigy... expertise athletics... +17

I think you could get eldritch blast from a few sources