View Full Version : Awakened Assassin Vine BBEG

2007-09-25, 05:42 PM
OK, so I'm not actually DMing a game right now, but I had this idea.
Awaken an Assassin Vine and give it class levels, perhaps a template or two as well.

So my question is what class(es) and/or template(s) should I go with.

Maybe it would be cool to give it some skeleton minions (the remains of it's victims).

2007-09-25, 05:56 PM
First off, I don't know if it's possible to Awaken a Plant. You'll need the Fiendish template for that (or Celestial, but I'm guessing you'd prefer the former). It now has an Int of 3. The Phrenic or Half-Dragon templates boost its mental scores (Int +2 for both), so it now has an Int of 5 (there are probably more templates out there that would work for this). Give it a +5 inherent bonus somehow (it doesn't really matter how; maybe it just read a tome) and it's got human-level intelligence (Int 10). If you want it to be even smarter, Half-Fiend gives it an Int of 14.

Or you could just handwave it.

2007-09-25, 06:10 PM
The spell Awaken gives it an Int of 3d6 so I could either roll or arbitrarily decide on a number between 3 and 18 depending on what class I give him.

Speaking of classes I think Assassin is an obvious choice of PrC whatever else I go with.

2007-09-25, 06:40 PM
The spell Awaken gives it an Int of 3d6 so I could either roll or arbitrarily decide on a number between 3 and 18 depending on what class I give him.

If you're referring to the core spell Awaken, that only works on animals and (oddly enough) trees.

2007-09-25, 07:16 PM
Yes I was referring to that spell.
I suppose you're right. It does not explicitly state that the spell works on any type of plan besides a tree.

However it does, in the SRD, refer to "an awakened plant" at one point in the spell description.
Also I've always had the spell be usable on pretty much any plants. In fact I've never even thought to declare it as a "house rule" per se because it seems so obvious to me.
I did have a DM once who ruled that a plant had to be at least Tiny sized to be awakened. I don't think I've ever encountered a situation where anyone (myself included) wanted to Awaken a plant that was smaller than Tiny.

As a DM I think I would stick to the at least Tiny ruling, but otherwise Awaken away.