View Full Version : What's your favorite TTRPG TT Channel?

2019-02-05, 01:20 PM
I'll kick things off with my favorite, it's a small one called 20 Sided Knight. They mostly do Starfinder stuff but also some good ol' bad ol' 5e. I mostly like them because they seems like guys I'd have at my table and not something super fancy like Critical Role or WebDM also they do monthly giveaways. What about you folks? youtube.com/20sidedknight

2019-02-25, 08:03 AM
URBAN KNIGHTS is my favourite

2019-03-08, 07:23 PM
DravenSwiftbow (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbewR6SV4YBmfGWsjzSqrw). I've been watching his channel for a few years and almost exclusively for two years before this year. Being now that I have my own game channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_uJx7cDtx9jKVLjmaxRXw), of the same name as my handle here, I am looking to be an active member of the RPG Brigade on YouTube and interacting more with other members in the brigade.