View Full Version : Converting 3.5 dhampir to 5e

2019-02-05, 02:23 PM
So I am looking into converting 3.5 race into 5e for a player and don't really like the homebrew already out for it

Ability scores.
Your choice of +2 dex +1 cha -1con
Or +2 cha +1 dex -1 con

Darkvision 60 feet
Speed 30

Dhampir resistance - advantage on saving throws against disease and mind affecting affects and spells

Poison resistance- you have advantage on saves against poison and resistant to poison damage

Maniupulative- you have proficiency in your choice of deception or persuasion

Resistance to cold and necrotic damage (lightning didnt make sense to me)

-Sunlight sensitivity disadvantage on attack rolls or perception checks that require sight on creatures in direct sunlight. This can be overcome through thin silk over eyes or a pair of dark stain glasses made by someone with proficiency in glassblower tools and tinker tools (80 gp)
The language of your mortal half
Common, elvish, Dwarvish, orcish.

And one language of choice

Base height

4"8 add 2d10

Weight modifier
Starting weight

What do you guys think

I am worried about all the resistances they have but also compared to drow they don't get magic or etc

Link I used https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dhampirs_(3.5e_Race)

Used this because it was dhampir stats I used in 3.5 so had an idea how they could relate.
Added sunlight sensitivity rules drows use in my world to balance it.

Any thoughts or changes ^.^?

2019-02-05, 02:45 PM
I'm using this point system found here

+2 one score
+1 one score
-1 score
Nets: 10 points

Common & choice of 1 Language
Nets: 1 point

Choice of two skill proficiencies: 5

Poison 5
Cold 3
Necrotic 3
Net: 11

Darkvision 60: 1
Sunlight Sensitivity: -1 (note, the chart says -3, but I'm reducing this since the race says it can be beaten with a piece of silk.
Net: 0

Mind Affecting: 4
Disease: 4
Net: 8

Total: 35
This puts it as really to powerful for most races. I would look taming it down some overall.

My problem here is that it doesn't seem to theme itself. You get a choice of ability scores, a choice of skills, a choice of language. Figure out what you are going for and run with it. Also from a feel perspective, it just seems to powerful to resist disease, poison, cold, and mind affecting effects all in one. I would diversify the effects some to make this race a little more unique.

2019-02-05, 02:55 PM
Mk ill look into it I was just trying to keep it as clpse to 3.5 without jist transferring over the
+2 to 2 -2 to con

If point wise its in top tier I think its ok and for silk it still needs to be specially made its not just using silk rope and it limits vision distance.

Ill have to look for alternatives

The idea to the interchangeable choices is to save from making 2-3 subtypes
U can just choose options that influenced character or that works best for what character is

I was mainly comparing it to drow
Which they both seem close especially after 5th where drow has all of its racial casting

2019-02-05, 02:56 PM
I think ill take out the mind affecting advantage cuz that steps on elf toes for E lven ancestry

2019-02-05, 03:00 PM
Maybe take out advantage on disease and instead do a thing like the Dwarven stone work feature

Any religion check toward knowledge of undead you have proficiency in and is made with double proficiency (expertise)