View Full Version : Path finding in Dark Sun - The Adventure Begins

2019-02-06, 10:52 PM
You awaken on the morning of what is to be an important match between the House M’Ke’s gladiators and House Teliken’s gladiators. The both of you are going up against House Teliken’s reigning champion gladiators. The Scion of House M’Ke even as come to visit your little hut. “You have won us a lot of money. Win today and youu will do so again, fail and I can guarantee you will wish you died in the arena”. Turning to your overseer he tells the man to get you both ready. Before you know it your attendant slave is finishing checking that you are ready for the fight ahead. She makes sure your weapons are in hand and that your ill-fitting leather armor is as adjusted to you as she can make it.

With the fanfare fit for a Sorcerer King as you walk into the arena. It seems that most of the city-state is present for this fight, but that’s not even the most amazing thing. The Sorcerer King, Kalak, is here on the arena floor along with his Head Templar Tithian, several Templar Guards, and House Teliken’s Champions. As you walk forward, Kalak turns to face you. In that instant one of the House Teliken Champions raises his wooden spear and stabs it through Kalak. Another moment later Kalak, the Head Templar, and the Champions from House Teliken disappear in a burst of bright light. The rest of the Templar Guard rush towards an open gate and disappear beyond it. The arena audience is in an uproar with shock and surprise. You, however, notice the gate the Templars left through is still wide open. Do you take your chance and escape or stay in the arena and wait?

2019-02-06, 11:16 PM
Urul did not flinch as the young scion threatened him. Why care for a life that is not his own? He knew nothing but the slave pits of House M'Ke and the arena. We will not fail you, Sire. He took to his preparations in silence and in the moment's where they were briefly alone, he intoned his defensive spells to reinforce the obsidian blade and to stow away his necklace strung with arcane-carved stones.

As they entered the arena, the unbearable sunlight causing him to squint, a wave of apprehension washed over the Mul. Krik, I do not like this. As the blow was struck, Urul took a half step back. We should- his words were drowned by the roar of the crowd and the ensuing chaos. He tugged on their bind, motioning towards the door they just entered from, while angling his terbjute towards their joined forearms.

2019-02-07, 11:45 PM
As the scion of House M'ke threatened him Krik-cha only stared back with his mandibles clacking together between the scion's words. He was here because he was the last of his clutch and sought death to the those that slew them and defiled their home. This pack he was now subject to had hunted him as he had hunted the despoilers and to his shame captured him. The words of this pack member,this scion grated on his nerves and angered him. But he would not act yet, Krik-cha will wait for the time to hunt these hunters and with the weapons they gave him too. His new pack needs to live until then, this Mul and lizard now precious to him and his wrath. With the scion done and Urul answering him, Krik-cha gives his own retort, "We fight. TIK Much experience to gain. KLAK Power from fallen foes. KIK We shall not fail." In their sparse private time before the match Krik-cha attends to his lizard companion pampering him with attention and ensuring he is health.

When the gate opens and they enter into the arena Krik-cha stands more rigid his antennae moving swiftly about. "I feel as if there is more on the hunt than us, CLACK something approaches." When the blow against the Sorcerer King is struck Krik-cha lowers into a stance ready danger feeling a sense of outburst from the crowd building. Hearing only a portion of his pack-mate's words the tug of the rope gives him his clue to move towards the door they had entered through. Giving a low whistle to his companion Cha'tiktik to follow him he advances after noding to Urul.

2019-02-10, 10:41 AM
As you run back through the door you entered from, you notice that the way to the slave pens has been closed. There are few other ways and choosing one at random you find yourselves moving through an unfamiliar part of the arena. The walls seem somehow nicer and the floor isn’t as dirty. Making more random choices, you run through what seems like a maze of hallways and corridors and even pass a well-dressed person. After a couple of minutes you both run outside into the light. However your joy at being out is short lived as you hear footsteps coming from the entrance way you just left.

Darting into the alley ways and side streets you end up at the West Gate where you bump into a man walking by. “Well, excuse you. If I wasn’t so busy I would have the Templar arrest you and throw you into the slave pits, but I am looking for…. You know what;” he raises and eyebrow and looks you up and down, “you both fit the bill for what I am looking for. I am Valis Avan of House Stel and this is my merchant caravan.” Valis points over his shoulder to the grouping for carts, beasts, and men. “You (looking to Kirk-Cha) have the look of a tracker to you, and you (looking at Urul) have the look study fighter. Perhaps, I can hire you as caravan guards. I am in great need of two guards to follow my orders to the letter and I mean to the letter (each word in the italics is stressed). I will pay your 4 silver pieces for the journey plus any supplies you may need. What do you say or shall I call the guards?”

2019-02-11, 12:18 AM
Err... uh, yes. Of course. Those terms are... agreeable. Are we leaving soon? Urul attempts to put on a friendly, agreeable smile that likely comes off as a grimace. Or possibly constipation. He quirked an eye at Krik, a brief tone of a bell echoes in his mind before Urul's words whisper directly into his mind. Leave quickly. Kill if need. Not safe here. Play along.

2019-02-11, 04:42 PM
Looking upon this man a feeling of aphrension dawns unpon Krik-cha. The echoing bell; though, eases his concerns slightly as Urul's pint is made. Noding to Urul Krik-cha addresses the man, "We go. KRIT Offer acceptable to pack. Will hunt for you, defend caravan. CLACK Come Cha-tiktik, much to do"

2019-02-11, 11:05 PM
“Good. Good. Glad to see we could come to an agreement. Follow me to our Quarter Master. He will set you up with some supplies”. Valis takes you both over to the Quarter Master and tells him to set you up with supplies for the journey. You are so be set up with a week’s worth food, some water, and whatever mundane supplies he feels you may need. The Quarter Master gets your supplies and tells you to be wary a Templar approaches. Just as your understand the meaning of his words, someone walks over to Valis. “Good Morning Templar Shaziva. We are just now getting ready to leave. Please let me introduce you to our master trackers,” turning to you both, “Come on now don’t be rude to the Templar, introduce yourselves.”

The Templar barely notices you and turns to Valis, “Master Valis, your brother assured me you could get me to Raam without issue. I trust you will make good. Please let us leave”. With that Templar Shaziva turns on her heel and walks away.

The Quarter Master as most mundane items and offers them free of charge per Valis’s orders. You are handed the following supplies per character.

A Backpack, A Bedroll, A Belt Pouch, A Stone Pot, A Mess Kit made of Horn, Stones for starting fires, 50ft of Rope, Torches (10), Trail Rations (7 days worth), 2 Water Skins, and A Desert Outfit and set of Leather Armor bearing House Stel’s Mark.

Kirk is given and extra set of Pet Trail Rations (7) and 2 Water skins.

2019-02-11, 11:39 PM
The Mul bowed stiffly, making a point of maintaining eye contact before and after the bow. Urul... Blackhand, at your service Templar. His pause was brief, but noticeable as he thought of a family name for himself. I agree with the Templar, Master Valis. I've heard troubling rumors and I believe the further we are from here, the better.

2019-02-15, 06:47 PM
Krik-cha nods to the quartermaster as he doles out the supplies clicking his mandibles together in thanks. As he hears the warning of the approaching Templar he partials turns to the newcomer and bows his head in greetings picking up on Urul's apprehension. "Greetings Templar. CLICK I am Krik-cha. CLACK My companion is Cha'tiktik. TIK we shall get you to destination. Leave soon, yes I sense a storm brewing in wind. CLICK Haste is good idea." With that Krik-cha dons his new armor and stows his gear quickly on himself, making his Cha'tiktik is close by his side and far from the templar.

2019-02-16, 12:36 PM
After the encounter with the Templar, Valis takes you over to the Caravan Master. “Here are two extra trackers I hired for the journey”. The Caravan Master looks you over and says, “I am Caravan Master Nolik of this House Stel Caravan. I expect you can follow orders. We recently lost our second team of trackers due to them being careless out in the desert. Your job will be to alternate every half day with the other team of trackers. We have a pair of crodlu mounts that you will use when it is your turn to ride ahead. The trip should take about a week as long as there are no major issues or sandstorms. However, there have been a lot of bandit actively along the road recently and I want this trip to go smoothly. Do you get me Trackers”? Without really waiting for an answer, “Good”.

It isn’t too much longer before Valis instructs the caravan to move out. The first day isn’t too bad. Though the season has been noticeably hotter than normal, but the caravan makes great time. You notice that the caravan is made of 5 covered wagons and the Templar’s personal covered wagon. There are about 20 other guards plus the two other trackers (a human female and a mul male). Your shift have been in the later part of the day and all as been quite so far. As the caravan makes camp at the end of the first day, a group of people approach the caravan. With their hands raised you see that they carry large hide bags and appear to be traders. When the people arrive at the camp some trading is done between the caravan and the traders. Really the only thing of note about these traders is that they don’t speak and have big noses for humans. But with the trading done they go about their business and leave. Heading in the direction of the way you came.

The following morning the other Trackers depart as normal. The day is hotter than the previous day. At mid-day you get ready to set out and switch with the other trackers, but they have not returned. The Caravan Master is very agitated, muttering something about wanting his last trip to go smoothly. Yelling at you both, he orders you to find the other trackers and send them back so he can beat some sense into them. With that you head out. As you travel along the hard-baked surface of the road reflects the sun’s heat in your face and the bitter winds line your throats with dust. Even the Thri-keen is feeling a thirst build. As you crest a small hill you notice a flat, reflective surface of a deep pool of water, not a two-hundred paces north of the road. What do you do? Head towards the pool of water or continue along the road?

2019-02-18, 07:27 PM
Urul clicks his tongue. Ignore it. What water sits in this sun and doesn't dry up? He continues onwards, unheeded by the mysterious pool of water.

2019-02-19, 09:37 PM
The appearance of the shimmering pool tempts Krik-cha as well as Cha'tiktik and he does stare longingly at it for a moment before he hears Urul click his tongue and he is forced to heel his scaled companion. "Pool tantalizing. CLICK but not mission, other trackers pay for making me desire this. CLACK Press on, find fools don't stop. Come. KRIK" Krik-chaproceeds to move abreast with Urul keeping his eyes steady on their surrounding looking for any tracks that may lead off the road.

2019-02-21, 07:51 PM
Bypassing the pool of water you set off down the road. The sun is still hot and the dust is thirst invoking, but you put that aside as your continue your search for the missing scouts After a little bit you hear something coming towards you and after a few seconds you see a crodlu approach. This crodlu you recognize as the one the human female was riding. As you approach the crodlu it becomes startled and takes off back the way you came. It keeps in front of you and being riderless it pulls away from you steadily; eventually getting out of sight. You don’t despair as the crodlu leaves tracks in the sand. After a few minutes you catch up to it at a pool of water. It is standing next to the pool drinking from it thirstily. You are about 50 feet from the crodlu and the pool.What do you do?

2019-02-22, 11:59 PM
Ride-beast, but no rider? That is unusual. Do you think you can approach it without it running further, Krik?

2019-02-26, 09:33 PM
Krik-cha stares at the animal judging its reactions and posture. "Beast appears flighty. KRIK Approach possible but slow. CLACK I will try to get beast" Krik-cha begins to approach the crodlu slowly and while trilling soothing noises as he gets close.

Handle Animal Check to soothe it [roll0]

2019-02-28, 08:37 PM
The crodlu looks at Krik-cha as he approaches but it does not flee. Krik-cha manages to get his hand on the crodlu and strokes its neck. The crodlu seems to have calmed down. While stroking its neck you notice that vegetation has been broken all around the crodlu. What do you do next?

2019-03-01, 10:07 PM
Urul grunted, shifting his tunic under the desert sun. It lost its rider. Lets bring it back and see if they want us to keep looking for them. It's a waste of time, honestly.

2019-03-02, 04:50 PM
Krik-cha soothes the crodlu a little more before leading it away from the water's edge back towards Urul. Once safely by both of this companions sides he hands the reins off to Urul, "Broken plants where ride-beast stood CLICK will take look for other tracks. CLACK Might find prints for other ride-beast. KRIK Will look not take long." Krik-cha will venture slowly back to were the crodlu stood and begin examining the ground and surrounding vegetation for any signs of other animals or people.

Survival check to look for tracks [roll0]

2019-03-05, 10:10 PM
After leaving the crodlu with Urul, Kirk-cha heads back down to the pool of water. Kirk-cha notices that there are four sets of tracks around the pool two sets are the crodlus and two most be of the other trackers. It appears that other trackers stopped here. Each set of tracks, save for one crodlus, ends at the pool of water. There doesn't appear to be any other sign of movement near the pool. The pool itself appears to be drying up as pools of water tend to do from time to time. Kirk-cha can see where the pool's water line once was. You spot an arm sticking out of the mud just below the water's surface.

Suddenly, a small dwarf like humanoid figure jumps out and swings at you. Just barely missing you.

Kirk-cha is next to the pool, while Urul and the three mounts are about 40 feet away with Kirk-cha's animal companion. Bog Wader is next to Kirk-cha.

This beast is a small, misshapen, dwarf-like creature with overlapping wrinkled skin that is gray and very thin. It has yellow and black bones that protrude through the skin on all sides with a pair of dorsal ridges that run down its back. It has a small, flat head and no nose, instead possessing a closeable breathing hole. It also has bent legs and webbed feet designed for leaping and swimming. Its hands end in sharp three-fingered claws, and it has a row of small teeth, designed for tearing, lining its mouth.

Kirk-Cha, Cha'Tiktik, Urul, Bog Wader

2019-03-05, 11:40 PM
Urul roars as he charges across the distance infusing magic into his terbutje, bringing down in a forceful swing at the creature.

Charging, spending a Arcane Point to make my weapon +1, using Power Attack -1:+3

2019-03-07, 02:30 PM
Seeing the monster attack his master Cha'Tiktik charges forward to defend Krik flanking the Bod wader.

Damage [roll1]

With his companion attacking the creature Krik'cha enters into outer sphere stance then striking with his Gythka as his weapon seems to disappear before striking.
Damage [roll]1d8+2d6+1


2019-03-11, 02:11 PM
The Bog Wader swings again a Krik'cha and misses. This second miss seems to enrage it more as it screams in frustration.

2019-03-11, 02:52 PM
Urul spat arcane words and electricity crackled down the length of his weapon, the onyx shards arcing with power. He spun, hoping to end this thing quickly before it could land a blow.

Use Spellstrike to channel Shocking Grasp into his terbutje. Now, until I hit (regular AC), my weapon has Shocking Grasp applied to it.

[roll1]+[roll2] electric

2019-03-19, 05:47 PM
Krik'cha attacks again, calling fir his companion to attack again.
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]

Damage [roll4]

2019-03-20, 07:44 PM
While Krik'cha's attack again misses, Cha'Tiktik's attack once again lands with a bite on the Bog Wader taking a chunk from it's side. The Bog Wader staggers to one side and crumbles to the ground. It lies motionless, with the pond water covering it's feet. As you move about the pond you notice the two other trackers's bodies and the other crodlu in the pond. The bodies are mostly buried in the mud where the Bog Wader had coming up out of the water.

2019-03-20, 07:53 PM
Urul snorted as the creature fell, muttering admiration for the scaled beast. Let's gather their gear; leave their corpses for the buzzards.

2019-03-26, 08:47 PM
Krik'Cha glances at Urul before wading into the water to gather the gear from the corpses lying beneath the surface. "We salvage KRIK gear TIK not go to waste CLICK. Cha-tiktik did well CLACK will reward later. TIKTIK Take head of beast back KRIK proof" After stripping the gear and removing the monster head Krik'Cha will signal for their return to the caravan.

2019-04-01, 08:19 PM
You loot a pair of leather armors and a bone battle axe and a bone longsword along with the crodlu’s head. You leave the oasis behind and head back out into the desert. The desert is a harsh enviroment as light wind whips past you. As you are heading back to the caravan to check in when you hear sounds of battle from up ahead. Over the next dune you see the battle between what appears to be House M’Ke soldiers attacking the House Stel caravan. You clearly hear the Caravan Master giving orders to his caravan. Valis sees you and begins gesturing you to attack the House M’Ke soldiers and protect him.

--Description of the Combat from what you can see—
It appears that this battle has been happening for some time. The Caravan has circled the 10 wagons and are putting up a good fight. House M’Ke soldiers (some on foot and some mounted) are attacking various wagons. There are bodies from both sides littering the ground. There appear to be about 50 House M’Ke soldiers of various races. There are also two more armored soldiers next to a robed person. After spurring your Crodlu forward at a run you are 40ft from the closest House M’Ke soldiers.

2019-04-07, 09:12 PM
Our lot is with House Stel. Only bindings find us with House M'Ke. With no more preamble, Urul charged into the fray, striking at a M'Ke soldier, hoping to break their ranks provide an opening for the Stel forces.

[roll0] Charging
[roll1]+[roll2] electric

2019-04-08, 11:59 PM
"Essence KRIK collect CRACK Kill Tik slavers, CLICK to battle" Krik'cha spurs his mount forward with Cha'Tiktik speeeding along side of him to engage House M'Ke soldiers.

Dimensional Stirke vs Flat-footed [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]
Cha'Tiktik Charges [roll3]
Dino Damage is [roll4]

2019-04-11, 07:54 PM
As Urul charges forward on foot, Krik'cha spurs on his mount with Cha'Tiktik. Krik'cha kills a House M'Ke soldier as he ride by with his Gythka. Only by be dismounted from his ride when another of House M'Ke takes the legs off off of his mount a mount later. Taking a minor injury, Krik'cha rolls to his feet ready for the next attack. Cha'Tiktik see its master taken down by the soldier and charges the soldier. Leaping into the air, Cha'Tiktik knocks him to the ground and begins biting at the soldier damaging him severely. The soldiers are stunned by the sudden charge into their flanks when a House M'Ke sergeant beings to rally the soldiers. However, Urul charge takes the sergeant's head off in a clean sweep has he rushes by.

The soldiers not attacking the Caravan being to surround the you, as the robed person extends his hands towards the Caravan. With the sand turning grey beneath his feet, One of the wagons explodes into a ball of green flames. More House Stel and M'Ke soldiers fall and several swing at Urul, Krik'cha, and Cha'Tiktik. All miss as they are clearly still in a little shock by their. One soldier calls to Urul, "I know you. You are the gladiator know as Urul, one of House M'Ke's best fighters. I have allows wanted to test me skills against you. Come at me if you dare." The challenging soldier (who is a Mul) readies his massive hammer. You notice the wind has picked up quite a bit.


Krik'cha, Cha'Tiktik, and Urul are surrounded by 5 House M'Ke soldiers. Cha'Tiktik is still on top of the solder it knocked down and the soldier is struggling. The robed figure and the two armored figures about 20 feet further away. One of the House Stel wagons is on fire and the others are being defended as the House M'Ke soldiers press forward. The wind has picked up quite a bit.

2019-04-15, 11:47 PM
Urul snorted, spinning his terbjute defensively as he worked a simple spell. You won't live long enough to regret it. He jabbed one hand forward, releasing a torrent of flame over the challenging soldier and any of his allies directly behind him, while a sloppy slash from the crude blade followed it up.

Using Spell Combat, I cast Burning Hands Defensively. I take an additional attack penalty equal to my Int mod to gain the same amount to my defensive casting.
[roll0] DC 17
[roll1] Fire damage, 15-ft cone. DC 14 Ref-half

2019-04-19, 05:47 PM
Cha'Tiktik continues to attack the soldier he is on top of clawing and biting him.
Bite: and damage [roll1]
Claw 1:[roll2] and damage [roll3]
Claw 2"[roll4] and damage [roll5]

Surrounded by enemy soldiers, Urul attacking, and his companion mauling its prey Krik-cha sees an opening to turn the tide of battle in their favor. Looking to balance the scales he begins casting a spell on Urul. "Spirits that sleep KIRK Echos long past TIK Lend aid of ancients might CLACK To rise the present to your height KRIK."
[/spoiler=Defenisvely Casting enlarge person] Concentration check: 1d20+5 DC:17

2019-04-20, 08:00 AM
As Krik'cha's spell sparks and fizzles, the Mul Soldier avoids Urul's spell but one soldier behind him burns to death. The Mul soldier takes the swing from Urul as he makes a swing of his own own dealing some damage. Cha'Tiktik finishes off its soldier. Two soldiers swing at Cha'Tiktik but only one connects with his swing. The robe figure turns its head in your direction and you can see nothing under it's hood. Suddenly a pair of green fire alight were a normal person's eyes should be as more sand turns to grey. A few more House Stel and M'Ke soldiers die but their battle seems to have slowed down in intense as a stalemate seems to happen. The wind, however, picks up in intensity as your are now only able to see only 15 feet in front of you (though you are still somehow able to see the robed figure's eyes). Someone yells, "SANDSTORM!" as the common soldiers (that you can see) turn to find what cover they can. The Mul Soldier is still staring at Urul, "This wind does not scare me," as he prepares for the next round.

Krik'cha takes 2
Urul takes 6
Cha'Tiktik takes 4

Due to the sandstorm blowing sand everywhere your visibility is one 15 feet. Krik'cha is about 10 feet from Urul and Cha'Tiktik is only 5 feet away. There is only three other soldiers that have stood their ground with the Mul Soldier the rest have run off. One is next to Krik'cha, two next to Cha'Tiktik, and the Mul soldier is next to Urul. The robe figure's eyes are still visible in the sand 20 feet away.

2019-04-23, 12:09 AM
Urul made a threatening twirl of his blade and in the opening it gave him, took a defensive leap backwards, as a clang of metal on metal rang through the air despite nothing making contact with anything, metallic or not. The wind is not who you should fear. A slight distortion crawled its way in front of the Mul and his blade started to shimmer slightly.

5-ft step back
use Force Screen to gain +4 AC (23 AC)
Use Arcane Pool to make my Terbjute a +1 magic weapon.

2019-04-25, 06:16 PM
Krik-cha seeing the tides of battle shifting like the brewing sandstorm decides that the situation requires a re-centering of himself in these new conditions. "Friend, KIRK change in pace required CLACK Hold I shall recenter essence CLICK then join the fray anew." Using his inner hands Krik-cha preforms a few hand gestures and strides backwards out of the combat completing his movement in a pose of readiness.

Krik-cha will spend a full-round action to recover all expended maneuvers, gain a +4 insight to his AC until his next turn, and will move back 15 feet from the combat.

Cha'tiktik dislikes being attacked and lets out a trilling screech as it attacks the soldier who struck him in anger.
Bite Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Claw 1: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Claw 2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2019-04-28, 12:43 PM
Cha'tiktik slaughters another House M'Ke soldier as the sand picks up. Seeing Urul reading for an attack the Mul soldier beings an attack of his own only to stop at the apex of his. The roaring is so sudden, so powerful, it is as if the world has exploded. Powerful winds suddenly buffet your body, hurling stinging sand into your face. The mounts of those soldiers on them scream and bellow in panic, and fear blossoms in everyone's chests. As the roaring of the wind increases and more and more sand flies into your face, your realize that this is Athas's most terrifying beast: a sandstorm. Somehow Cha'tiktik manages to find its way to Krik-cha. You can't see anything and sound has been completely drowned out, but then as quickly as it had started the sandstorm fades.

You find yourselves in the middle of the desert but, it appears, not where you were. The wagons, bodies, and people are all gone. Only the three of you remain. You all have a slight thirst and hunger and checking your supplies your supplies your have very little left of your rations and water. Not really enough to sustain you more then a half day. Somehow the sand got into your bags and spoiled most of your rations and water. The sun is almost to its highest point in the sky and the heat seems to be getting worse. You know you cannot remain still for long. After a few moments you hear a sound of something coming form over the next dune. Do you go see what it is or do you choose another direction?

2019-05-02, 12:22 AM
Urul whipped around, confused and scared at their sudden transposition to this new local. He tried to keep panic from rising in his voice but it crept through all the same. Kirk... we need.... we need to get moving. Find shade. Water. He motions towards the sound they heard. Lets see if anyone else was deposited here by the sandstorm.

2019-05-06, 10:51 PM
Krik-cha manages to center himself in the roaring sandstorm but feels something off as it dissipates leaving them all lone in a new location. Trying to grasp the new situation Cha'tiktik is called to side side with a few clicks as Krik-cha begins taking in his new surroundings and the noise carried across the desert. " Not where before.CLICK Must find new location. CLACK Follow noise to new essence. CRICK Friend, Foe matters not new heading found."

With that said Cha-tiktik takes the lead as he calls Cha'tiktik to follow and beckons Urul to his side as they make for the noise across the dunes.

2019-05-14, 08:03 PM
After walking over a few dunes you spot a young Drik stuck in a trap. It is struggling to free itself. You know that Driks are prized as war mounts and that they are few wild ones left due to over trapping of the species. The young Drik is making the noises that you had been hearing. You get the sense that the Drik is frightened as it keeps struggling. What do you do?

2019-05-23, 06:51 PM
Seeing the Drik struggling and it frightened appearance about spotting the group Krik-cha begins to slow down his pace to crawl ashe waves his hand in a signal for Urul to stop. Slowly he approaches the Drik in the most nonthreatening way he can manage cooing and clicking soft noises. "Hush cries KRIK little one Clack no harm we mean CLICK free you I shall. GRICK Hush freedom yours TIK" Once Krik-cha reaches the trapped Drik he will further attempt to calm it and if successful will call Urul over to help release it.


2019-07-09, 06:45 PM
While you know that the Dirk is young in age it is still the size of a small two wheel wagon, however you successfully calm the young Dirk and notice that the leg of the Dirk has been cut pretty deeply by the trap. The trap doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to disarm. You also get the feeling that the young Dirk hasn't had any food or water or many days.