View Full Version : How much does this archetype affect Rogue's "balance"?

2019-02-07, 01:14 AM
I found Spectral Infiltrator (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/spectral-infiltrator), from Spheres of Power, which is incredibly interesting in that it gives incorporeality (if temporarily) from level 1. I mean, not true incorporeality (herein referred to as Ghost, because buck that word), in that he can't go through solids, nor fly, but in all other ways... And in exchange for not having true flight, he can still move his full movespeed on any surface, vertical or horizontal.

This does just seem like incredibly nice and convenient for many of the things a rogue would like to do outside of combat....it is less useful in combat since you can't physically attack...with a martial character class. Now, you can take the sphere feats: Basic/Advanced Magical Training to turn the rogue in to a low caster, but that would be talking about casting, and not the archetype itself, since the feats affect both rogue and spectral rogue equally....although Ghost is much more useful for casters than martials.

At 4th level, he finally gains a rogue talent, one of them being a touch attack for (CL)d6 damage "magical aging" touch attack....which seems pretty nice. Not a whole hell of a lot that are immune to that damage type. It is effectively costing 2 rounds per attack, since he must also be Ghosted while doing so...but in exchange for that requirement...he is Ghosted. That's a good thing. Sure fort save for half, but at minimum, it's 1d6 less damage than your sneak attack if they save. Whoop dee doo.
Oh. Shoot. I just realized that these are actual incorporeal touch attacks. Not natural attacks or standard actions. You might actually be able to full attack with these. ...Then again, having just checked the Ghost, with the touch attack of the same name, and flavor text, and damage type, I think it is a "standard action: do something" effect.

I'd say that's roughly equivalent to the Major Magic rogue talent...which isn't great. But Touch of Corruption actually does scale past level 5. Also, you don't simply feel like a half-assed sorcerer for having picked up the talent. Which is double plus good, in my books.

At 6th level, he gains the ability to stab things while Ghost. So...yay. It's not a monk-like situation where none of the abilities synergize at all. I mean, at least by the time you're almost done with the character, if you started at level 1. I don't find campaigns to last for all that many levels.

So, in the end, I'd probably give it a "Eh, it's cool" rating.

It shoots up to being a caster who gives up substantial casting power for pretty neat defenses and scouting ability if you take Basic and Advanced Magical Training and take the class at least to level 4 so you can get access to Extra Rogue Talent, to get Extra Ghostwalk. That lets you convert spell points to Ghost rounds at a 1 for 2 ratio. This makes Extra Spell Points and Extra Rogue Talent equivalent for this duration increase, which is nice. It means you never need to take the latter to get Ghost rounds.

It becomes equivalent to a full caster in a single sphere if you take the appropriate trait for shoring up 2 lost caster levels, and then get out by level 4, and take actual full caster levels afterwards. Then again, so do the other low casters. But I do find this to be slightly better to the rest of the low casters, because its gimmick is actually pretty nice for just general casting Especially when the gimmicks of other low casters are much less useful for general casting.