View Full Version : Mixing WDH and LLK

2019-02-07, 09:46 AM

I just wanted to share a fun moment we had at our table. My group had cleared WDH and began working on the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish. After finally finding Kwalish I decided to expand his role a bit and offer his services as a crafter of magical artifacts. The party Sorlock had in his possession the Stone of Golorr and Staff of Defense (random encounter reward).

I decided that Kwalish recognized the staff as an earlier work of his and offered to enhance it! He identified the Stone of Golorr as a sort of pocket dimension "key" that led to the a demiplane where an Aboleth was imprisoned. This seemed to fit since so much of his work seemed focused on planar research. Kwalish offered to shunt the party into the plane so they could face the Aboleth and "master it" so he could transfer its power.

It boiled down to an encounter with the Aboleth right out of the MM with all the lair and legendary actions. Lots of charming and a couple of near-deaths. (barbarian failing wisdom saves 4 rounds in a row) The party did kill it and the new staff was forged as a re-flavored and tweaked staff of power:

Staff of Golorr

Staff, artifact (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)

This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and spell attack rolls.

Sentience. This staff is the prison to an Aboleth and is powered by draining the aberration of it's magic. As such the staff is Lawful Evil with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision out to 120ft. The weapon can speak, read, and understand common, and can communicate with its wielder telpathically. Its voice is quiet and almost slimy. The Aboleth understands every language you know.

Personality. The Aboleth's goal is to be free. To this end the entity will encourage the user to expend as much of the staff's stored power as possible daily. The Aboleth will also be quick to suggest breaking the staff to free itself, quietly omitting the vengeance it will inevitably seek.

The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters and the Aboleth within is freed. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges.

Evil Within. While attuned to this artifact all animals within 30 feet sense the presence of the Aboleth and are hostile toward you.

Power Strike. When you hit with a melee attack using the staff, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 1d6 force damage to the target.

Spells. While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: cone of cold (5 charges), shield (2 charges), mage armor (1 charge), hunger of hadar (5th-level version, 5 charges), levitate (2 charges),or lightning bolt (5th-level version, 5 charges)

Retributive Summon. You can use an action to break the staff over your knee or against a solid surface, setting free the evil within. The staff is destroyed and releases the Aboleth to the nearest unoccupied space. The Aboleth is hostile to all other characters but takes particular glee in vengeance against the attuned wielder of the staff.

PC's seemed happy (particularly the sorlock) and we moved into some new content. Just wanted to share! (couldn't remember if I posted the item yet or not)