View Full Version : AL magic items

2019-02-07, 11:16 AM
I've never played AL, but I understand there's some kind of system to purchase magic items with points or something like that, rite? Can anyone point me to where I can find that?


2019-02-07, 11:33 AM
Not from my phone

It is in one of the files in the starter pack you download. I read it at the weekend.

You get 4 treasure points (give or take) as you advance each level. You then spend 8 or 16 treasure points on an item from the base unlock list or from the adventures you have been on.

From what I saw Bag of Holding costs 8; Sword +1 is 16 so you will not have a lot when you get to level 5.

2019-02-07, 11:40 AM

eventually, they will point you to:

basically you no longer get gold or XP.
for every 2 hours of playtime (hardcover) or 2 hours of printed adventure (modules) you get Adventure Points (AP) and Treasure Points (TP)
4 Adventure Points = 1 level for levels 2-5, the rest of the levels 8 AP = 1 level...

Treasure Points can be used to buy magic items. the # of TP depends on which table the magic item is on in the DMG...

Additionally, you can only select magic items from the season 8 table, the "evergreen" table, or if it is "unlocked" (discovered) in the adventure

sounds even dumber when i try to explain it.

2019-02-07, 11:48 AM
The pack of AL documents is a free download.


Typically, you will get roughly one treasure point/hour of play in tier 1 and tier 2 and 2 treasure points/hr in tier3 and tier4.

You receive adventure check points to advance in level. Typically 1/hr of play. Tier1 requires 4ACP to advance a level and tier2+ is 8ACP/level.

Most of these rewards are limited to 4 hours of play for a 4 hour DDAL module. Season 8 modules award ACP and TCP for both play time and specific goals achieved which usually works out to about 4 if you complete all the challenges.

Magic items available come from three sources.

1) There is an "evergreen" list of items that will always be available for purchase. These are divided by tier so you can't buy a +3 weapon in tier1 or 2 for example.

2) There is a season list. These are items that are unlocked for purchase but only during this season of AL play. This list will presumably change as AL move into the next season.

3) When you complete a module, most but not all will also unlock a magic item that appears in that module for purchase. This allows everyone playing the module to purchase the item if they are interested. (in previous seasons this item would typically have been awarded to one of the players involving random distribution to the characters with the least number of magic items ... this caused some problems and frustration for some players so the new system was introduced which is a bit less realistic but a bit more fair to everyone playing the game).

Common magic items if you have unlocked them are typically 2TCP
Utility items are usually around 8TCP
Most tier1,2 uncommon and some rare items are 16TCP
Most tier3,4 are 20 to 24 TCP.

TCP earned at lower tiers can't be used to purchase higher tier magic items. For example, you can't use your 16TCP earned in tier1 to purchase a +2 sword which is a tier2 item. You can use them for a +1 sword. You record the tier TCP are earned at on your AL log sheet.

2019-02-07, 12:02 PM
sounds even dumber when i try to explain it.
I don't know a single person in my local game community who likes it. We get the idea behind it, it's just so poorly done and is so unrealistic that it keeps infecting the game on a meta level ("Oh hey, she'll give us two treasure vouchers for helping her!"). Not that I want a Monty Haul loot hunt, but there's zero enthusiasm for exploration when you know you can't take it with you. Really hope they're rethinking it for next season.

2019-02-07, 02:13 PM
Thx All!

I've been checking the AL documentation, but there's a lot to sort.

One thing I'm not sure about, let's say we fight an evil party and loot their +1 weapons, we can't keep them unless we pay with "treasure points"??

Another thing, I think I have this one right, its just... weird... "story items cannot leave hardcover adventures", that means that the sunsword, cant be used outside CoS, and i've seen a list of things to trade it for, 24 points, sun blade, something else. However, as I understand it, multiple people in the same party could have a copy of Kavan's blood spear, since it is "unlocked after the adventure", right?

Also, when are we supposed to change our points? During downtime I assume?

I'm asking because we do a similar thing in my party with magic items, we don't normally buy or sell rare or rarer magit items for gold, and instead value them in points, and trade with the points system. But now checking this, I wanna see if there's some more stuff I could incorporate (getting multiple copies of what should be unique items is something I surely won't do).