View Full Version : Player Help Question on battlemage [race, class, subclass]

2019-02-07, 12:35 PM
For those that have made a battlemage, what combinations of race, class, and subclass have you used? It can be with and without melee capabilities. Greatly appreciated in advance for sharing your ideas.

2019-02-07, 12:59 PM
I made a Barbarian/Stone Sorcerer Fire Genasi that uses 'lava magic' to augment melee combat. Emphasis on versatility in combat and crowd control (thunderous smite, wall of fire and erupting earth). Not sure if this is what you mean by a battlemage, but it is a gish character.

I am not saying this is good or optimal, but it is a ton of fun. I love melee combat but I also like versatility (spells with saving throws so you don't only target AC). The rest is roleplay and makes it my favorite character I've created so far.

2019-02-07, 01:37 PM
I wouldn't have considered Barbarian&Sorcerer a battlemage but that is still cool. How did you roleplay it? Was it similar to the totem warrior that just reeks of mythical power as he rages throughout the battlefield?

Guy Lombard-O
2019-02-07, 01:43 PM
For those that have made a battlemage, what combinations of race, class, and subclass have you used? It can be with and without melee capabilities. Greatly appreciated in advance for sharing your ideas.

Tried a Dwarf War Magic wizard. He had good Con and Str, and got his AC from medium armor (saved the spell slot on armor), and used a battleaxe during tier 1. I was actually a bit underwhelmed with him overall. The reaction armor bonus was okay during tier 1, but fell off afterward because I found myself wanting to cast actual spells (not just cantrips), and had enough slots to Shield for real when it was important. The +4 save bonus was nice, though.

2019-02-07, 01:55 PM
I wouldn't have considered Barbarian&Sorcerer a battlemage but that is still cool. How did you roleplay it? Was it similar to the totem warrior that just reeks of mythical power as he rages throughout the battlefield?

In this case the rage came from a 'previous life' as a Zhentarim agent, tasked with hunting welchers and making them pay, one way or another. The magic happened later and is intentionally separate from the rage. My intent was to make a modal character that has a built-in switch in the Rage ability to swap between close-quarters spellcaster and defensive melee powerhouse. In play the name of the game is to judge whether a fight will benefit more from a spellcaster or a brawler.

2019-02-07, 04:53 PM
Highly dependant on what you consider "a battlemage".

Eldritch Knight? Hexblade warlock? Bladesinger wizard? War magic or evocation wizard? Blast-focused sorcerer? Fighter/abjurer in full plate? Even valor bard fits some definition.

2019-02-07, 04:54 PM
Highly dependant on what you consider "a battlemage".

Eldritch Knight? Hexblade warlock? Bladesinger wizard? War magic or evocation wizard? Blast-focused sorcerer? Fighter/abjurer in full plate? Even valor bard fits some definition.

It doesn't really have any limits. It's whatever you guys think a battlemage is.

2019-02-07, 11:21 PM
For those that have made a battlemage, what combinations of race, class, and subclass have you used? It can be with and without melee capabilities. Greatly appreciated in advance for sharing your ideas.

Fighter 2 /adj wizard 18 is always fun at the time I was playing nothing but Vhuman

I had a ferbolg arcane cleric he was fun. A cleric is one of my favorite class for a battlemage feel. You get weapon& armor prof, decent hp pool, and nice spell selection. I can heal, buff, and do damage with spells and weapon. What more do you want oh and the cherry on top is the great domains to choose from. You not going to be the top DPR but you are not going to feel like your not contributing.

I tryed a Vhuman hexblade when it came out as a UA. He didn't last long Thank to the party and shty players. He was a great sword user I used Vhuman feat to get heavy armor prof he also carried a S&B backup or really need AC.