View Full Version : Campaign Idea

2019-02-08, 12:11 PM
I have an idea for an overarching plot to a campaign, tell me what you think

In this campaign world, Tiamat and Bahumat were once a single god of dragons and one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse until some strange event split them into the gods we know and love today. The plot here is that Tiamat is seeking a way to merge both of them back together with her personality as the dominant one. She sends her cult to retrieve materials needed to use cast this ritual, which could include the blood of one of every good dragon and/or an artifact created by the aboleths or some other evil power to steal the power of a god. The players would get involved with these events and eventually learn of Tiamat's plan. They would need to seek out a way to stop it or, if that fails, a way to weaken Tiamat enough to destroy her (probably with a god weakening artifact like the one Tiamat might be seeking out for her ritual, maybe the aboleths were trying to create more than one and the players or one of their allies could help complete an unfinished version that Tiamat didn't take). If they fail, Tiamat would wreak havoc across the multiverse.

2019-02-08, 12:18 PM
I have an idea for an overarching plot to a campaign, tell me what you think

In this campaign world, Tiamat and Bahumat were once a single god of dragons and one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse until some strange event split them into the gods we know and love today. The plot here is that Tiamat is seeking a way to merge both of them back together with her personality as the dominant one. She sends her cult to retrieve materials needed to use cast this ritual, which could include the blood of one of every good dragon and/or an artifact created by the aboleths or some other evil power to steal the power of a god. The players would get involved with these events and eventually learn of Tiamat's plan. They would need to seek out a way to stop it or, if that fails, a way to weaken Tiamat enough to destroy her (probably with a god weakening artifact like the one Tiamat might be seeking out for her ritual, maybe the aboleths were trying to create more than one and the players or one of their allies could help complete an unfinished version that Tiamat didn't take). If they fail, Tiamat would wreak havoc across the multiverse.

Well, there are actually a few ways you could go about this:

Make BAHAMUT the dominate one.
Poison one of the artifacts to kill both Bahamut and Tiamat (or at least, send them away for a long time). Bahamut may help you do this.

It's not a terrible idea, the main concern with large overarching plans like this is the scale from 1-20. Make it too epic too early, and it'll end early. Make it slow and it'll be hard to tie in the minor events to the large ones (so the players won't even think there WAS a main plotline).

Make sure you have it evenly laid out where you want the players to go every 3 or so levels.

2019-02-08, 02:36 PM
Is it possible to stop the ritual by permanently destroying any part of the artifacts / ritual materials?

2019-02-08, 03:49 PM
I suppose that could work, though I would rather have a climactic confrontation with Tiamat at the end instead of the party just stopping the ritual and then bugging out

2019-02-08, 05:36 PM
I suppose that could work, though I would rather have a climactic confrontation with Tiamat at the end instead of the party just stopping the ritual and then bugging out

That was kind of what I was thinking, but PC mentally would go for the most clever and obnoxious route.

2019-02-09, 01:54 AM
I suppose that could work, though I would rather have a climactic confrontation with Tiamat at the end instead of the party just stopping the ritual and then bugging out

You're probably better off not planning anything at all for the ending yet. Instead, as the campaign unfolds, keep asking yourself what's the very next thing that each of the major factions will do. In many cases, that will be affected by what the PCs just did, which makes the NPCs seem more like people and less like preprogrammed robots. It also keeps you from wasting time planning out multiple steps, only to have to change it all when the PCs do something you didn't expect.

2019-02-09, 01:33 PM
It's a solid concept. I've seen this Rick and Morty episode. :smallbiggrin:

2019-02-09, 01:43 PM
In faerune lore didnt tiamat and Bahamut at one point a single dragons god ?

2019-02-09, 01:44 PM
In this campaign world, Tiamat and Bahumat were once a single god of dragons and one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse until some strange event split them into the gods we know and love today.

(Insert pokemon black and white theme song)

jk. This is a really cool idea. convince two of the characters to be paladins/clerics of bahamut and tiamat and dont tell the other person.