View Full Version : How Would You Fix "Aerial Avenger"?

2019-02-09, 12:36 AM
This class has a lot of problems. It can't make up its mind on what party role it really wants to fill or advance. Even at the one thing it's absolutely sure about, it gives mediocre bonuses so slowly that when I asked about this class in One Sentence Fixes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?538218-One-Sentence-Fixes-(3-5)) a few years back, the answer I got was "make it two levels long, or two feats". So...how would you fix it, change it, make it do what it wants to do but better?

Personally, while I've more than a handful of things I'm thinking about myself, there's one thing I think fits the idea of this PrC better than anything else: whatever it is that this class would naturally grow out of, it needs to be worse at that thing than an equal-level PC while on the ground, but better than an equal-level PC while in the air. If it's a meleer, a Fighter 10/Aerial Avenger 10 should get beat by a Fighter 20 on the ground, but beat that same fighter if they're both flying.


2019-02-09, 12:43 AM
Well first off I would change swoop so that it gave a progressive penalty for each additional target, not a flat penalty equal to the number of targets. So instead of -10 to all attacks if you attack 10 enemies, it would be -0, -1, -2...-10.

Secondly, it needs an entirely new capstone, as the current capstone is pretty much trash for a class that up until level 10 seems to be focused on weapon combat. As to what that should be that would be a complicated thing to decide.

Third, it needs full BAB.

2019-02-09, 12:50 AM
Advance your base class features at each level above 1st, a la uncanny trickster.