View Full Version : Roleplaying I need a God. (Very slight possible Curse of Strahd spoilers?)

2019-02-09, 09:39 AM
So, my Druid just died. Now I have a Cleric. Its a homebrewed Domain, but very close to Tempest. Thunder and Lightning, all that.

We're playing Curse of Strahd, and I was hoping to be able to get some connection to the world around me. The Morninglord, Lathander, is heavily featured in CoS.

My characters alignment is... good...ish. Good in the sense that he's set out to destroy evil. Good-ish in that he's also kind of a, "I am willing to do harm to a decent person if it means I can save five." Where many Clerics are the shield that protects their flock, I am the proverbial sword which goes into the den of evil to strike it down.

I'm allowed to homebrew a deity if I must, but I was hoping for one with some established lore. Preferably one that's an ally to the Morninglord.

So.... Essentially, does anyone know a Deity that fits the following description:

Good (Mostly?) Deity
Can fit with either Thunder & Lightning or just magic in general
Can get along with Lathander / The Morninglord
Is OK with me being kind of a jerk, so long as I help the greater good

EDIT: Note, it doesn't have to be from the same pantheon. Doesn't have to be from the same world. It can be from Greyhawk, or Eberron, etc. Just lore-wise, I'd really like that this God and Lathander would get along. At least have mutual respect for eachother.

2019-02-09, 09:49 AM
Valkur. Forgotten Realms' Chaotic Good god of sailors and naval combat. A War/Thunder/Lightning god. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Valkur

You could also do Thor. (Hey, if D&D/Forgotten Realms can swipe Tyr from the Norse, they can do the same with Thor.)

2019-02-09, 09:51 AM
Thor would be good. Zeus or Jupiter might also work well.

If you want the Faerunian Pantheon, perhaps Shaundakul (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Shaundakul)? A tempest-like thunder and lightning domain wouldn't be entirely out of character for the Rider of Winds. He's CN, but allied with Mielikki, Selune, and Tymora, as well as some elven deities, making him a goodish neutral. While not directly allied with Lathander, he is opposed to Shar, the Darkness, so an alliance with Lathander isn't out of the question, especially in a buddy cop way.

2019-02-09, 10:23 AM
Kord, maybe?

2019-02-09, 11:31 AM
I like Kord, but I'm not exactly Strength-oriented. Like his dogma, scorn cowardice and exemplify bravery, but I can't bench press a Goliath, unfortunately. Not sure how much he'd welcome my scrawny butt.

Shaundakul... The Rider of Winds? Not bad. Unfortunately not much written about him from what I can find, but perhaps that's a blessing as it allows me to sort of fill in the gaps as I like.

Thor... Honestly I can't come up with much as far as D&D Lore goes, I'm not finding much of anything. Am I to assume its essentially the same lore as the real world? (Marvel aside, of course)

Valkur... Not much sailing going on in Barovia. However, I do like the dogma. Really like it. Loyalty to your crew, Valkur helps those that help themselves, go out and explore, live life to the fullest. Not bad.

While scrolling through deities, I did come across one that I think fits well personality wise. However, not much to do with thunder and lightning... Horus-Re. Here's the part of his dogma really caught my eye: "Make no hasty changes or decisions, as their consequences are always suspect and may undermine the steadfast rule of eternity. Protect the weak and avenge all wrongs. Smite traitors with righteous vengeance." Would he work at all, or no?

2019-02-09, 11:45 AM
Thor... Honestly I can't come up with much as far as D&D Lore goes, I'm not finding much of anything. Am I to assume its essentially the same lore as the real world? (Marvel aside, of course)

Yep. The PHB has an appendix with charts of a few mythological pantheons, including the Norse.

You can read it online here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-b-gods-of-the-multiverse#TheNorsePantheon

Thor is listed as a Chaotic Good Tempest/War deity, whose symbol is a hammer.

3E's "Deities and Demigods" included more background info on the various deities from mythological pantheons. Thor's church is described as:

God of Thunder, Guardian of Asgard
Greater Deity
Symbol: Hammer
Home Plane: Asgard
Alignment: Chaotic good
Portfolio: Storms, thunder, war
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, farmers and other commoners, dwarves, half-orcs


Thor’s cult believes that the measure of a person lies in how that person faces and handles challenges. The cult’s focus on self reliance and individuality often makes them the last to throw their support behind an endeavor, but it also makes them first to congratulate the successful, member and nonmember alike. Those who succeed without the cult’s aid often find the cult singing their praises loudest. The cult also teaches that violent storms are a necessity, since they sweep aside weak structures and wash away detritus. The destruction of a big storm can reveal new resources. In battle, physical prowess is foremost, and Thor’s cult often challenges Sif ’s cult to mock battles and other contests in the neverending argument of power versus skill. Nothing challenges people like combat, according to the cult, so it promotes military readiness and encourages its members to seek martial training of all sorts. Thor’s cult is popular among soldiers, and communities welcome the cult for its strong role in local defenses.

Clergy and Temples

Thor’s clergy are most likely seen wearing armor and carrying warhammers. They often patrol their communities, on the alert for any threat. Their earthy natures and straightforward demeanor make them popular with the common folk. Half-orcs often find acceptance in human communities as Thor’s clerics. Like Odin’s temples, the interiors of Thor’s temples are raucous places where beer, mead, and ale flow freely, hot food is plentiful, and physical challenges are constant entertainment. Also like Odin’s temples, Thor’s temples quickly transform into sturdy forts. They generally contain an armory, a bell tower for sounding local alarms, and when they don’t contain a smithy, there’s generally one nearby. Rooms are set aside for quiet offerings to appease and pray for Thor to moderate his storms. Thor’s temples are common in mountainous regions, shared between human and dwarf communities. Parishioners greet visitors to Thor’s temples by challenging them to a drinking contest, a foot race, or a wrestling match. Greetings are always boisterous, and many visitors find the noise and confusion daunting. Both clergy and faithful are quick to respond if visitors bring news of threats to the community.

2019-02-09, 12:16 PM
A little editing for order

Shaundakul... The Rider of Winds? Not bad. Unfortunately not much written about him from what I can find, but perhaps that's a blessing as it allows me to sort of fill in the gaps as I like.

Valkur... Not much sailing going on in Barovia. However, I do like the dogma. Really like it. Loyalty to your crew, Valkur helps those that help themselves, go out and explore, live life to the fullest. Not bad.

Prime sources for them would be a bit older... 2e's Powers and Pantheons (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/17535/Powers--Pantheons-2e?affiliate_id=315505), and 3e's Faiths and Pantheons. (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/28544/Faiths-and-Pantheons-3e?affiliate_id=315505) But if your DM is cool with you making things up a bit (perhaps Valkur's faith is a bit different in Barovia, since there's so little sailing to do, he's latched onto other sorts of associations?), then I think the thumbnails from Forgotten Realms Wiki should be enough to get you started.

Thor... Honestly I can't come up with much as far as D&D Lore goes, I'm not finding much of anything. Am I to assume its essentially the same lore as the real world? (Marvel aside, of course)

TBH, aside from what RogueJK posted, you might just say "Screw it, I'm worshiping Movie Thor." Mix him up. Make him have 1 eye. Loki is his brother who he loves but fights with. Odin is dead. Obfuscate some of the other Marvel aspects (instead of Hulk, he's friends with a powerful Storm Giant... they're green and the strongest of giants). He has a shield maiden known as Valkyrie, whom he greatly admires.

Go ahead and play the worship seriously, but also use it as license to make jokes that break the 4th wall, without your character breaking that wall, themselves.

2019-02-09, 08:22 PM
Valkur might be a god of gypsys rather than sailors in barovia. Still traveller's in their own way

2019-02-10, 01:55 AM
One of the fun things about divinity in a fictitious setting is that you get to decide the nature of your relationship with that god. Movie or comics Thor could be a hoot. Odin would also be a good fit for what you are after. I've always liked the Dresden Files and American Gods versions.

2019-02-10, 06:23 PM
TBH, aside from what RogueJK posted, you might just say "Screw it, I'm worshiping Movie Thor." Mix him up. Make him have 1 eye. Loki is his brother who he loves but fights with. Odin is dead. Obfuscate some of the other Marvel aspects (instead of Hulk, he's friends with a powerful Storm Giant... they're green and the strongest of giants). He has a shield maiden known as Valkyrie, whom he greatly admires.

A note on this: The Storm Giant? He should be a barbarian. Maybe something like a 3e Rage Mage... to allow him to Hulk Out AND allow him to be Bruce Banner Smart.

2019-02-10, 06:33 PM
He has a shield maiden known as Valkyrie, whom he greatly admires.

A shield maiden wears blue, white and red, bears a star upon her enchanted shield, and is known to her friends as "Hat".

2019-02-10, 07:15 PM
Which world does the cleric come from, if I may ask?

Because if he is Barovian, he basically just knows the Morninglord and the Nightmother (light and dark, good and evil, day and night). Other deities do not hold sway over the realm of Barovia, their call is bit an echo of its former glory.

So basically you can use any god that was ever printed or written up for D&D since you can be sucked into Barovia from any other realm.

2019-02-10, 08:24 PM
A shield maiden wears blue, white and red, bears a star upon her enchanted shield, and is known to her friends as "Hat".

I was thinking Valkyrie (https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Valkyrie), not Sam Wilson (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Samantha_Wilson_(Earth-65))... though I could totally see Tessa voicing Sam, if she every shows up in the Spider-verse.

2019-02-12, 08:50 AM
I'm wondering if I should kinda go for more of a Retribution or Wrathful deity, and try to plug in the Lightning and Thunder aspect after that.

I did a bit of investigating... Does the Silver Flame of Eberron fit this? Certainly an 'ends justify the means' organization, they don't tolerate evil whatsoever and expect ruthlessness from its followers. That's certainly fitting for the character I'm going with.

So my question is... would the Silver Flame and Lathander (hypothetically, of course, different worlds) have respect for one another? Or at least, be willing to become temporary allies against something like Strahd and the Dark Powers?

2019-02-12, 08:59 AM
Which world does the cleric come from, if I may ask?

Because if he is Barovian, he basically just knows the Morninglord and the Nightmother (light and dark, good and evil, day and night). Other deities do not hold sway over the realm of Barovia, their call is bit an echo of its former glory.

So basically you can use any god that was ever printed or written up for D&D since you can be sucked into Barovia from any other realm.

Well, there are some who worship Strahd...

2019-02-12, 09:20 AM
Ezra may be the one you are looking for.

While The Morninglord is the main deity of Barovia, Ezra is the main deity of Ravenloft in general.



2019-02-12, 10:00 AM
Ezra may be the one you are looking for.

While The Morninglord is the main deity of Barovia, Ezra is the main deity of Ravenloft in general.




2019-02-12, 10:57 AM
Ezra may be the one you are looking for.

While The Morninglord is the main deity of Barovia, Ezra is the main deity of Ravenloft in general.



You know who would be Better than Ezra? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acK0KH2uJGc)

2019-02-12, 03:29 PM
So, my Druid just died. Now I have a Cleric. Its a homebrewed Domain, but very close to Tempest. Thunder and Lightning, all that.

We're playing Curse of Strahd, and I was hoping to be able to get some connection to the world around me. The Morninglord, Lathander, is heavily featured in CoS.

My characters alignment is... good...ish. Good in the sense that he's set out to destroy evil. Good-ish in that he's also kind of a, "I am willing to do harm to a decent person if it means I can save five." Where many Clerics are the shield that protects their flock, I am the proverbial sword which goes into the den of evil to strike it down.

I'm allowed to homebrew a deity if I must, but I was hoping for one with some established lore. Preferably one that's an ally to the Morninglord.

So.... Essentially, does anyone know a Deity that fits the following description:

Good (Mostly?) Deity
Can fit with either Thunder & Lightning or just magic in general
Can get along with Lathander / The Morninglord
Is OK with me being kind of a jerk, so long as I help the greater good

EDIT: Note, it doesn't have to be from the same pantheon. Doesn't have to be from the same world. It can be from Greyhawk, or Eberron, etc. Just lore-wise, I'd really like that this God and Lathander would get along. At least have mutual respect for eachother.

St. Cuthbert?

"I'm wanna help destroy evil!"
"Awesome! How?"
"By burning the heretics!"
".... Less awesome. You did say you're good, right?"
"Nope. Just destroying evil."

2019-02-12, 03:46 PM
St. Cuthbert?

"I'm wanna help destroy evil!"
"Awesome! How?"
"By burning the heretics!"
".... Less awesome. You did say you're good, right?"
"Nope. Just destroying evil."


We have a winner!

Precisely what I’m looking for!