View Full Version : Netfilx:Titans

2019-02-09, 10:03 AM
Has anyone seen it? reveiws are pretty good, but characters designs look awful.
I'd like to ask playgrounders for opinion.

2019-02-09, 10:15 AM
For me Titans was positive surprise and was one of the better superhero series. Though the costumes were horrible most of time. It is worth giving a chance.

2019-02-09, 01:00 PM
I never made it past first episode ... once again, DC trying to copy Marvel .. this time on their Netflix DD/Punisher/etc series .. going for the darker side of things ...

IMHO just didn't translate well .. *shrug*
To each their own I suppose :)

2019-02-10, 08:30 PM
Is this the Titans show where Robin (Batman's sidekick) drops an F-bomb? I'm still waiting until late February/Early March to renew my Netflix so can't comment on it. Once I do I'll post back with my thoughts.

2019-02-11, 06:07 AM
Teen soap blended in with really gloomy grimdark stuff. Didn't work for me. First few episodes I thought this could be dumb fun I could enjoy when there's nothing else to watch, but by about third or fourth episode... just, no. No. Can't take it. It's too "smallvilleish" teen soap that underestimates it's audience. I can easily imagine the production team going "it's good enough for the target audience".... No. It's not.

None of the costumes or special effects bothered me. They would have been fine, if the drama/writing/other stuff had worked.


2019-02-11, 08:54 AM
Is this the Titans show where Robin (Batman's sidekick) drops an F-bomb? I'm still waiting until late February/Early March to renew my Netflix so can't comment on it. Once I do I'll post back with my thoughts.

That's the one.

It was surprisingly decent. Unnecessarily edgy at times, some fight scenes on the gory side which made them look more cartoonish than serious.
Story in general and characters are nothing original but okay and mostly relatable. I did especially like the story of Dove and Hawk, including the nod to realism that life as a vigilante takes a toll over time when you are just a tough guy without any super powers.

Lost it at the dramatic reveal of Starfire's true name. Named like a herb, seriously?

2019-02-11, 11:05 AM
That's the one.

It was surprisingly decent. Unnecessarily edgy at times, some fight scenes on the gory side which made them look more cartoonish than serious.
Story in general and characters are nothing original but okay and mostly relatable. I did especially like the story of Dove and Hawk, including the nod to realism that life as a vigilante takes a toll over time when you are just a tough guy without any super powers.

Lost it at the dramatic reveal of Starfire's true name. Named like a herb, seriously?

Still waiting to renew my Netflix, but between the three Teen Titan shows that have existed (Go!, Titans, and the early 2000s cartoon) the original will probably always be my favorite...unless Titans does something really good.

2019-02-11, 12:10 PM
Watched and enjoyed it.

I'll keep my opinion spoiler free as much as possible.

The show is dark, but in a good way.
Something that feels like part of the story and not just because an executive somewhere said "we need to make it darker!" (might still be the reason, but it's still backed up by good writers)

I generally like the characters, and the plot of the season focuses mainly on one of them but develops and introduces the rest as well.

The main downsides I can think of is that a couple of episodes felt mismatched, like someone told a story and then interrupted in the middle with "and now for something completely different" for an entire episode.
The second problem is that the season just... Stops. Like they just needed 2-3 more episodes to finish the story.
You can understand why I found the combination of the two flaws extremely annoying.

2019-02-11, 12:37 PM
Still waiting to renew my Netflix, but between the three Teen Titan shows that have existed (Go!, Titans, and the early 2000s cartoon) the original will probably always be my favorite...unless Titans does something really good.

I should say that I never saw the other series or read any of the comics, so I can't speak about comparative quality.

Watched and enjoyed it.

I'll keep my opinion spoiler free as much as possible.

The show is dark, but in a good way.
Something that feels like part of the story and not just because an executive somewhere said "we need to make it darker!" (might still be the reason, but it's still backed up by good writers)

I generally like the characters, and the plot of the season focuses mainly on one of them but develops and introduces the rest as well.

The main downsides I can think of is that a couple of episodes felt mismatched, like someone told a story and then interrupted in the middle with "and now for something completely different" for an entire episode.
The second problem is that the season just... Stops. Like they just needed 2-3 more episodes to finish the story.
You can understand why I found the combination of the two flaws extremely annoying.

I think I know which episode you mean. I liked it but it did feel very much out of place.

2019-02-14, 01:48 PM
It was sort of okay, but not so great that I care about resolving its cliffhanger ending. (Apparently, the episode in which that gets resolved is already filmed, and was going to be their finale - but they're making it the start of season 2 instead.)
I actually fell asleep during a couple of the episodes.
Too much of it seemed disjointed, out of place, and trying too hard to be edgey and cool - like having your night out being spoiled by an annoying balding geography teacher trying to pick up teens in his out of date cybergoth clubbing outfit.

I guess it serves as a sort of origin story for Teen Titans Go! ...

2019-02-14, 01:50 PM
So, I’m not seeing the show on Netflix? I guess it’s a region thing?

2019-02-14, 05:37 PM
So, I’m not seeing the show on Netflix? I guess it’s a region thing?
It's only on Netflix outside the US.

2019-02-15, 07:34 AM
Netflix has the annoying habit of branding Netflix exclusives in a country as 'Netflix Original'. Which can lead to some confusion ...

2019-02-16, 12:30 AM
I thought it was ok.

Felt a little put off by the maladjusted **** Grayson. I don't remember any other portayal of him being that socially awkward; he always seemed to be the chill guy to contrast Batman. Maybe that's just me.

Raven and Beast Boy are ok, considering the stage of their lives the show starts them at.

Starfire seemed a little...murderous? Violent? How would a person respond after accidentally incinerating someone? Not like that, I don't think. Maybe that fits her comics portrayal but I'm not sure.

Draconi Redfir
2019-02-16, 01:24 AM
google images and previews are giving me mixed responses when it comes to the "Beast Boy being Green and Starfire being orange" thing. In some images it looks like they have normal human skin-tones but with coloured hair, and in others it looks like they were given the proper pigmentation.

what's the end result in the show itself? I'm assuming the images that don't show them as green / orange are just "cast in costume" images and the added colours are done in post rather then makeup.

2019-02-16, 04:28 PM
Watched the first episode or two and left it going "... eh."

It just felt sort of... well, bluntly, dumb. Teen soap nonsense, Starfire turning up cliche... er, amnesiac... Robin being in some weird adolescent perma-snit mode that was jarringly out of place with his apparent age- actually, thinking about it, it felt like someone had taken a few details of **** Grayson's backstory and then stuffed early-career Damien into them.

Starfire and Beast Boy had normal skin tones and funky hair in the show itself, which also felt slightly pointless, but whatever.

The desperate, flailing attempts at edginess were so ludicrous as to come off as funny, at least to me, although that might also be because I'm familiar with the comic incarnation of the New Teen Titans, who had some of the most ridiculously tragic backstories ever committed to paper. Seriously, the least-tragic backstory of comics Titans was Cyborg, who was 'only' horrifically maimed in the lab accident that killed his mother. Or possibly sucked her into Hell, my memory's a bit fuzzy on that point.

2019-02-28, 03:34 PM
That's the one.

It was surprisingly decent. Unnecessarily edgy at times, some fight scenes on the gory side which made them look more cartoonish than serious.
Story in general and characters are nothing original but okay and mostly relatable. I did especially like the story of Dove and Hawk, including the nod to realism that life as a vigilante takes a toll over time when you are just a tough guy without any super powers.

Lost it at the dramatic reveal of Starfire's true name. Named like a herb, seriously?

Just wait until next season, when she's joined by her cousin Mary Wanna (I kid)

Lacuna Caster
2019-02-28, 10:03 PM
Teen soap blended in with really gloomy grimdark stuff. Didn't work for me. First few episodes I thought this could be dumb fun I could enjoy when there's nothing else to watch, but by about third or fourth episode... just, no. No. Can't take it. It's too "smallvilleish" teen soap that underestimates it's audience. I can easily imagine the production team going "it's good enough for the target audience".... No. It's not.
Yeesh. Tough crowd.

I watched a couple of episodes and didn't think it was my cup of tea, but I didn't find it actively painful at any point. I do wonder to what extent it's compensating for TTG, though.

2019-03-01, 10:09 AM
I do wonder to what extent it's compensating for TTG, though.

If Titans were one point, and TTG were another, the line between pretty much encompasses the entire wacky hijinx/grimdarkdark spectrum.