View Full Version : Gnome Monk idea

2019-02-11, 11:21 AM
I'm always thinking about my next character and I came up with the idea about a little Gnome Monk. I'd probably choose Forrest Gnome because Minor Illusion is just too awesome.

I was thinking 8 Str, 16 Dex, 14 Con, 12 Int, 15 Wis, and 8 Cha and bumping Wis with the 4th level ASI no matter what whether I choose Observant or +2 Wis. I even thought about +1 Wis and Dex and then at level at, taking the Fade Away feat which adds +1 Dex and lets me go invisible after getting attacked. I think it's be really flavorful to just be able to disappear like that. I do think I'd need Mobile at some point though.

Two big questions here.

1. Which Monk subclass would be best/coolest for a little Gnome? I'm partial to Long Death, but I've been itching to play Shadow, and Open Hand would be especially hilarious.
2. Would YOU allow a Gnome Monk to "run up" enemies because that is exactly what I'm imagining with this little guy. Would I need to wait until 9th level for this for Unarmored Movement Improvement?

I just like the idea of him running up an enemy and then Flurrying of Blows it's face(like Dash did that guy in Incredibles 1 lol)

I wonder if I don't need Expertise in Acrobatics since I can see this guy flipping around all over the place possibly even jumping from one enemy to another whenever possible.

This is one of those builds I wish I could roll up some great stats for so I could concentrate on feats like Mobile, Fade Away, and maybe even Squat Nimbleness or Acrobat.

I think Open Hand would be great if I could run up and enemy, FoB him, and knock him down with me riding him down as he falls lol

2019-02-11, 02:29 PM
I'd do +1 to wisdom and dex, and then take fade away at the ASI after that.

1) For subclass, shadow monk would be flavorful in combination with minor illusion and fade away. But that's just me

2) So in my game, I'd let you flavor anything however. So your gnome going up and making his attacks could be "runs up the enemy's torso and punches their face before doing a backflip off." Unless you have a mechanical benefit you'd want attached to that? Either way, I'd say to take acrobatics just for when your backflips are actually important.

2019-02-11, 02:38 PM
1) For subclass, shadow monk would be flavorful in combination with minor illusion and fade away. But that's just me

Agreed, with the slight drawback of a small redundancy. Namely that both Forest Gnomes and Shadown Monks get the Minor Illusion cantrip.

2019-02-11, 09:42 PM
Which just means that if you decide to go shadow, you should maybe be a rock gnome instead. At least, if Minor Illusion was your only reason to go forest, but Dex is probably better than Con on a monk, too, and talking with animals can also be fun.

Alternately, you could go with a halfling, which has a very similar feel to a gnome, but which has better stats for a monk.

2019-02-11, 09:52 PM
eh I thought about being a Ghostwise Halfling Monk since the stats line up perfectly, but I've already been a Halfling Beserker Barbarian, Vengeance Paladin, and Tempest Cleric so I didn't want to be a Halfling again. I wanted to give Gnome a try plus they're even smaller which is fun.

2019-02-11, 09:58 PM
If you get to monk 14 combos with the gnome racial so well

Joe the Rat
2019-02-11, 10:09 PM
I'd poked around the idea, and liked shadow the best for the thematic synergy. Post Xany, I'd be tempted by Drunken Master as well.

My version was an Entertainer - a jester on the run who decided to prank the wrong wrinkly old man. Now he's the little smiling man.

2019-02-12, 02:07 AM
Aside from the +2 to intelligence and +1 dex, why not deep gnome?

Could be cool? Obviously a shadow monk, but a Sun soul deep gnome monk could be interesting

2019-02-12, 02:21 AM
Aside from the +2 to intelligence and +1 dex, why not deep gnome?

Could be cool? Obviously a shadow monk, but a Sun soul deep gnome monk could be interesting

Yeah mechanically would work the same. The Svirfneblin feat is pretty good too. Deep Gnomes are a little too emo though. Extended Dark Vision would fit Shadow Monk best.

2019-02-12, 02:36 AM
You could play him as a freed drow slave. A former pit fighter. A spy.

I might not classify them as emo, but harassed, living between drow and duergar who want to conquer them.

Could be bitter shadow monk, a happy Sun soul monk, or a drunk.

2019-02-12, 04:02 PM
If you just wanted a small race in general, grung or kobold could also be cool. But to each their own.

2019-02-12, 07:25 PM
No I like Gnome for this.

2019-02-12, 09:16 PM
Squat Nimbleness is good for this. An extra proficiency (you do want both Athletics and Acrobatics, especially with an 8 Str), more movement and advantage on grapple escapes... yes please. You could take that at 4 and +1 Dex/Wis at 8 or vice versa.

Also, Sun Soul would be a blast...

Gnome Saiyan?