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2019-02-11, 02:09 PM
Sorry if this seems like a stupid question. I started with 5e, which has very different concentration rules.

If I understand correctly, to maintain concentration on an effect, I need to spend a standard action each round, unless I have the Easy Focus boon, in which case I only need to spend a move action. A few questions:

If I don't have Easy Focus, can I still spend my move and swift actions to do things I normally could do (e.g. move around)?
If I do have Easy Focus, can I spend my standard action on things that I could normally do (e.g. attack)?
If the answers to the above questions are yes, could I, on my first turn, cast a spell and concentrate on it, then on my second turn, spend my move action concentrating, cast a second spell with my standard action, and cast a third, quickened spell with my swift action?
If I have Easy Focus, can I concentrate on two spell effects at the same time, one with my standard action, and one with my move action?

Additionally, some SoP spells (talents?) say that I can concentrate to avoid spending a spell point, but I can "always" spend a spell point (as a free action) to have the effect continue without concentration. A few more questions:

Suppose that the effect says that spending a spell point allows the spell to last for 1 round/caster level, and I'm CL 5. Can I concentrate on the spell indefinitely without spending a point? Additionally, say I concentrate for 3 rounds before spending a spell point. How much longer does the spell last?
Some talents say that I can "always" spend the spell point, some say only say that I can spend the spell point (no "always"). Does that change the answer to the above question?

Thanks for any help.

2019-02-11, 04:00 PM
So, at a base level Concentration in Spheres of Power works the same as standard Pathfinder. Definitely read up on that, because it can be tricky. There is concentration for making sure you don't lose a spell due to distraction as you cast it, which doesn't take an action on your part, and then there is concentration as a duration, where every turn you spend your standard action to keep the spell going (and make a concentration check if anything tries to interrupt that.)

The big difference is that in Spheres when you need to make a Concentration Check (to see if you are distracted from your spell) you use your Magic Skill Bonus instead of your caster level.

That kind of establishes the base expectation, so here's the answers to your questions with that in mind:

Q) If I don't have Easy Focus, can I still spend my move and swift actions to do things I normally could do (e.g. move around)?
A) Yes, you can use your other actions.

Q) If I do have Easy Focus, can I spend my standard action on things that I could normally do (e.g. attack)?
A) Also yes. Concentrating does not preclude other action types.

Q) If the answers to the above questions are yes, could I, on my first turn, cast a spell and concentrate on it, then on my second turn, spend my move action concentrating, cast a second spell with my standard action, and cast a third, quickened spell with my swift action?
A) Yes. In Pathfinder's normal concentration you can't cast another spell while concentrating, BUT it has been clarified that Easy Focus is meant to allow that. I don't have the source for that specifically.

Q) If I have Easy Focus, can I concentrate on two spell effects at the same time, one with my standard action, and one with my move action?
A) Yes and you make separate concentration checks for each spell if something interrupts.

Q) Suppose that the effect says that spending a spell point allows the spell to last for 1 round/caster level, and I'm CL 5. Can I concentrate on the spell indefinitely without spending a point? Additionally, say I concentrate for 3 rounds before spending a spell point. How much longer does the spell last?
A) You can concentrate indefinitely on a spell until you trigger and fail a concentration check or unless the spell has a limit, such as the Creation sphere's Create ability. If the spell allows for concentration then you can concentrate for however many rounds like and then once you spend the spell point, that's when the clock starts. So in your example you'd have 3 rounds of concentration and then 5 rounds without, for 8 rounds total.

Q) Some talents say that I can "always" spend the spell point, some say only say that I can spend the spell point (no "always"). Does that change the answer to the above question?
A) I don't think there's a distinction between the always and not always word usage, but I'd need to see more text to understand the context.

2019-02-11, 04:19 PM
Thank you so much! I think that answers all my questions, even the ones that I forgot to ask.