View Full Version : DM Help Ideas for a 'Room of Silence'

2019-02-11, 04:52 PM
Hi All!

I'm new to DM'ing, and ran my first session recently, which went pretty well. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but they got about half way through, so I'm doing a second/final session on it this week. It's mostly a puzzle dungeon, and I'm putting together some ideas for a couple of extra rooms, just in case they get through the stuff I already have too quickly.

I'd really like to do a 'room of silence' where the whole room is under the effects of the Silence spell, forcing the PCs to communicate in creative ways, but I can't think what would be the best puzzle/trap to give them in these conditions? Maybe something that would be obvious if you could hear it, or something that requires them to communicate with each other a lot...

If anyone has any cool ideas it would be very appreciated!


2019-02-11, 04:57 PM
I did a similar thing once, it was a puzzle inside a temple of Mystryl, and divine magic prevented players from talking about the puzzle. Thing was, the puzzle room was a hub conecting to many areas of the Temple, and depending which way you solved it which door it would open. When the first player figured it out, unadvertedly 3 players changed room, and the puzzle reseted, the other 3 players eventually replicated what the others did.

2019-02-11, 05:11 PM
In my 1st Wizard tower i created i had a Room of silence the walls and ceiling were mirrors.

2019-02-11, 05:34 PM
Nice. I like the idea that they simply can't talk about the puzzle. Did they try to communicate in other ways at all?

@Callak, I've also been toying with a hall of mirrors idea, combining the two is very nice! What was the puzzle in yours?

2019-02-11, 05:59 PM
Have the Silence affect all the players but one. He can hear clues but has to communicate them to the rest without speaking.

I had a room covered by Darkness, with scattered pits and braziers as hazards, and a few animated statues with Truesight. The Devil Sight warlock was the only one who could see, and had to rty to give everyone directions on where to go and which way to attack. It was quite amusing. Only one PC fell into a pit -- the warlock!

2019-02-12, 03:56 PM
Hmmm... I may be able to help. How do you feel about a puzzle or two that require the other senses? I ran this puzzle not too long ago and they worked really well and the players had a blast figuring it out... you should be able to easily slot them into your next game. Here is a link to the video:

a D&D puzzle that the players will need to solve using their sense of taste.
D&D Puzzle - Magic Mouth (https://youtu.be/yz9mBcyj8t8)

This one might also work... the players retrieving eyeballs to put into an obelisk...
D&D Puzzle - the Eyes of the Obelisk (https://youtu.be/kLYrIU-b6eQ)

or version two, into a statue of a beholder...
D&D Puzzle - the Eyes of the Beholder (https://youtu.be/eXQwvAOIaGk)

Hope these help! Good luck!