View Full Version : A Faerie Affair Shorts: Giant Crocodile Tears

2019-02-12, 04:20 PM
Today is the 19th of Ches, the Spring Equinox, 1492. It is high noon.

Tiandra's magic hits you with terrible, irresistible force, ripping you from the Feywild body and soul and casting you across the planes at breakneck speed. Before you have time to think, you feel yourself hitting the ground, hard, in a forest that you've never seen before. Everything here is strange and dull. The trees do not sing, there's only one type of flower in bloom (they are narcissuses, you note) and you can't feel any wild magic at all. This must be the Material Plane.

The weather is clear and dry, with a gentle breeze blowing from... you're not sure which direction. You can't see or hear anyone around, but there seems to be a trail through the undergrowth nearby. Clearly people come through here sometimes. Just then, you catch the scent of something. It smells like blood.

2019-02-14, 08:50 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko shiver as she takes in a deep breath finding out where she is, how an ugly place this is.
Walking around a moment, she still see beauty, well, beauty relative to this foul place. She picks some narcissuses hoping to gift them to her mother as an apology.
I'm supposed to learn humility in a place like this, must be a joke.
She looks up, knuckle white in rage and scream I wont move from here mother! Please take me back home! Please...
But, she knows how futile it is, she curl and let her fox form take over, crying until her nose picks a scent. Blood? The thought makes her shiver but she decide still to move slowly towards it hoping for anything alive to help her.
She hides, slowly going towards the scent.

2019-02-15, 07:45 AM
No one answers your screaming, of course, not even the blackbirds that have gathered in the trees to watch you.

Following the scent, you creep through the undergrowth a while, until you come to a small river. There's a smear of bright, red blood on the bank, sending a thin curl of crimson downstream. You can't see any creatures around here, but there are plenty of places to hide...

Please make a Dexterity (Stealth) check.

2019-02-15, 07:59 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12
Fox form
As a fox, others get disadvantage on active perception if i'm hidden

2019-02-18, 06:00 PM
Akiko is hidden as she approaches the riverbank, but clearly your curiosity gets the better of you and you step out of cover to get a better look.

A few seconds later, you suddenly realise that you aren't hidden at all! However, nothing seems to happen. No creatures appear and everything is quiet.

2019-02-21, 12:22 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko slowly back away close to the trees and start preparing some food for the birds she saw earlier, hoping they'd answer.
Hey there, it's good, want it? Can you show me what happened there?
She points towards the river, the blood stain while holding some food for the birds.

Speak with animal as a ritual; how do we manage material component already?

2019-02-23, 08:10 AM
You prepare your ritual uninterrupted, and speak with the birds. They tell you that they saw a humanoid person here, badly injured. The person eventually regained some strength and left - the birds point out which way they went and you think you see a hint of some tracks - but the birds missed whatever caused the injury. They didn't arrive until afterwards.

Speak with animals doesn't have a material component. But you can generally assume that you can scrounge up simple, natural materials in the forest. Did you bring a focus with you?

2019-02-25, 08:02 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Thank you my friend
Akiko stays in the bushes a little longer, looking at the blood stain and the direction the person took.
She goes back as a fox and run, following as best as she can the tracks.

I do have a holy symbol.

2019-02-25, 05:58 PM
Setting off at high speed, you follow the tracks for about five minutes until you come upon the source: a drow elf. He's collapsed on the ground, not moving.

2019-02-26, 09:24 AM
What would Akiko know about drows? First thought would be to help this drow

2019-02-27, 08:16 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko gasp at the sight and run towards the drow, changing into her two-legged form and kneel beside him and gently lift his head, holding it close to her.
Who could've do this to you my friend. You can rest easy, you're safe, i'll keep you company until you regain your senses.
She goes to the river to bring back some water and start cleaning the wound to see if he'll really make it through.

If he needs stabilizing, Akiko will use her healer kit.

2019-02-27, 03:37 PM
The drow doesn't stir when you lift his head. He is breathing, but you realise he needs immediate treatment if he's going to stay that way. Using your healer's kit, you successfully stabilise him. It should be a matter of time before he comes round, now, you hope. Is there anything you want to do in the meantime?

[roll0] hour, to be exact.

2019-02-28, 08:29 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

After a short ritual, Akiko prepare a fire on the beach and put the drow in her bedroll close to the fire. She then goes to fetch food, hunting rabbits or foraging fruits.

Akiko will use animal friendship as a ritual, ideally on a bird or squirrel in the hope of having someone as a lookout.

2019-02-28, 03:59 PM
You are able to find a few edible fruits nearby. They're not really ripe, but they're good enough to offer to a small animal - in this case a sparrow.

Wis save: [roll0]

Unfortunately, it's resistant to your charms.

After a while, the drow comes to. <Elvish> "Ugh... what? Where am I?" He notices you and scrambles backwards, pulling out a dagger. "Gah! Who're you?!"

2019-03-01, 07:49 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Not surprised at the drow confusion, Akiko simply stay calm and wait to answer.
<Elvish>I am Akiko, your savior, and daughter of Queen Tiandra. I advise you to put that away, you'd be dead if it was my intention. As for where we are, i'll have to say... on the shore of that river. Sorry, its my first time on the material plane so I don't really know where we are exactly. Could you tell me what put you in the aweful state I found you in? And your name?

2019-03-02, 07:57 AM
<Elvish> "Tiandra...? Where do I know that name?" He pushes himself up into a sitting position, but doesn't sheathe the dagger. "My name is Ildan T'ssorae. I was..." he looks down at the jagged, bloody wounds in his torso. "ugh, I got attacked by a giant crocodile. Say, do you have any healing magic? I'd rather not return to my comrades looking like this."

2019-03-04, 07:52 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Now she's the one surprised at the drow not knowing her mother.
<Elvish>What kind of place is this where a drow wouldn't know my mother name. Anyway, I wish to learn about you and your comrades and drows on the material plane. And we might want to keep clear from the water if there's a beast capable of doing this to a drow.
She points the dagger before continuing.
<Elvish>Not knowing my mother is one thing but I will not suffer being asked for healing by someone armed. Put that away, i'll heal you.


2019-03-05, 06:30 PM
He complies with your demand this time, accepting the healing with a measure of humility. Only a small measure, to be sure.

Ildan considers his options. "Well, if you want to come with me... I suppose we'd be safer together. There's something I need to do first, though. I seem to have lost something during my escape... probably near to where I was attacked. I'm going that way first."

2019-03-06, 07:59 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Pleased with the drow answer, she adds
<Elvish>Thank you Ildan, please lead the way. May I ask what you were doing away from your comrades?

2019-03-15, 03:46 PM
His eyes narrow - clearly he isn't happy being questioned. "I had a job to so, a solo mission. That's kind of... what we do in my company." Perhaps in an effort to stop you from asking any follow up questions, he asks: "So, what brings you to the Material Plane?"

2019-03-15, 08:42 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko smile at the drow displeased face.
<Elvish>Well, i've been punished and sent here to reflect. Ended up seeing you half-dead almost right when i got here. Anyway, my mother want me to learn to behave better with other fey.
A mischievous smile appear on Akiko face as she continue <Elvish>Need help on that solo mission of yours? Shouldn't you trust your savior a little more? I'm only a naive little fox out here, not knowing where to go. You wouldn't just let me here now, would you? She tries to lighten his sour mood with her giggles.

2019-03-23, 04:45 PM
"So, even other fey creatures see you as a troublemaker? Just my luck that I'd end up stuck with you here."

Please make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to see if you can get him to open up a bit more.

2019-03-25, 07:25 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko pout at the comment.
<Elvish>Oh, so "Mister" half-dead from a crocodile sees me as a troublemaker? See the irony? Fine, i'll go that way. She start walking toward where she found him first hoping he'll change his mind and come for her.

2019-03-25, 03:54 PM
He rolls his eyes and continues on his way without another word. Will you follow him, or wait here, or wander off elsewhere?

2019-03-26, 06:57 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Seeing as the drow let her go, she shift back as a fox and follows him as far as she can so that he doesn't see her.

2019-03-26, 07:13 AM
That definitely needs a Dexterity (Stealth) check.

Ildan is wary and cautious as he moves along the river's edge, doubly so because of his injuries. He tries to keep a careful watch about himself...

Ildan's perception: [roll0]
...Though his pain distracts him enough that you might be able to follow unnoticed...

2019-03-26, 07:43 AM
[roll0] and since Akiko is in fox form, others have disadvantage on perception to spot her.

2019-03-29, 05:19 PM
You follow the drow, unseen.

He goes to the place where he was attacked - where you first picked up the trail of blood - and roots around for a while, looking for something. Eventually, he finds... a short stick. You can't see any details from here, but you hear him cursing in a language you don't understand, so you can assume his search is over. Tired, he sits down by the river and begins to wash his wounds.

2019-04-01, 07:16 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko walks out of hiding back to her humanoid form. oh, Ildan, what a coincidence, I decided to came around where I found you in hope to find that crocodile. Anyway, I demand that you bring me to the closest place where fey gather. Do this and your debt to me will be fulfilled. Not that bad of a deal, right?

2019-04-06, 05:40 PM
He frowns. "You demand, do you? What a strange creature you are, Akiko daughter of Tiandra." His eyes wander to the object he found (you can see now that it is a magic wand. It looks broken) and he sighs. "Alright, I suppose I am no position to refuse. There's a pixie village not too far from here. If I take you there, will you stop following me?"

2019-04-08, 06:49 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko looks at the wand I could mend it back together if you want, though the magic, not so sure.
She tilt her head to the right, circling the drow. I am true to my words, bring me to this pixie village and you wont see me until you do. I mean, I can't be sure faith won't reunite us in the future, but that wouldn't be my fault, I promise.

2019-04-16, 04:12 PM
"Then let's go."

Along the way, he explains that half of the wand is missing, probably swallowed by the giant crocodile during their fight. It can't be repaired until the missing part is found, and he clearly wants to repair it before taking it back to his masters.

You soon arrive at a small circle of trees. Ildan points upwards. "They're up there." You can see a couple of tiny tree-houses. Nervous looking pixies peek their heads out, and a few turn invisible right before your eyes.

2019-04-18, 06:50 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko looks IldanThank you and don't worry, I won't follow you this time.

She goes right in the middle of the clearing. Now, who's in charge here? I need to talk. I'm searching for the closest fey court on this plane.

2019-04-27, 04:23 PM
The pixies offer no response to your question. Ildan hovers nearby, frowning. His voice takes on a stern tone as he demands: "come out, pixies. I have need of you as well."

They don't answer him either, but you think you hear something suspicious...?

Please make a Wisdom (Perception) check.

2019-05-06, 01:58 PM
Perception check : [roll0]

2019-05-09, 04:24 PM
Round 1
Akiko's weapon of warning suddenly triggers, and you ready yourselves for action in the face of unknown danger!

22 Mysterious Attacker A
20 Akiko
12 Ildan
9 Mysterious Attacker B
Attack vs. Ildan: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] piercing
Con save: [roll3]

(possible future action)
Attack vs. Akiko: [roll4]
Advantage: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] piercing
If that's a hit, please make a Constitution saving throw.

Before you can do anything, a tiny crossbow bolt, no bigger than a sewing needle, comes flying down towards Ildan. It's a hit! "Ack, what in the Hells?!" He gasps, staggering back as the bolt sticks into his neck. He looks extremely faint, but just about stays standing.

Akiko's turn.

2019-05-15, 07:09 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko looks around and shouts Don't make an enemy out of me. Show yourselves and stop this nonsense.

She keeps her ground right in the middle of the clearing, challenging her attackers. She lower her voice and with an uncertain voice I come in peace?

2019-05-15, 12:58 PM
There is a brief pause, then a tiny voice emerges from the trees above you: "anyone who walks with a drow is already our enemy. Who are you, then, to come barging into our village?"

Meanwhile, Ildan tries to put a tree trunk between himself and the attackers. He loads a hand crossbow.

Round 2

Likewise, you hear a tiny crossbow being reloaded above you.

2019-05-15, 01:18 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Staying still, she answers I am Akiko, daughter of Tiandra. Though I was born here, the material plane is still foreign to me and this drow helped me get to you. I saved him from certain death, I'd ask of you to set aside your animosity toward him and let him go his way. If he stirs trouble, then do as you wish with him but for the moment, it doesn't appear that he did something bad enough to deserve this.

2019-05-16, 04:17 PM
Ildan continues to take cover, and the attackers still aren't revealing themselves. "Daughter of Tiandra, eh? That's a mighty big claim there. You got any proof of that? Because you know, I don't much care for liars..."

2019-05-17, 07:10 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Visibly annoyed, Akiko tries to remain calm Proof? I suppose your reluctance is justified. Would this ring be enough to tie me with my mother? Or her symbol that I carry with me? Or maybe a show of my training with her right hand, her friend and counsel? Or just a story as to why she sent me here perhaps? There's nothing tangible to completely prove this. I was born from her tears at a love that came to an end as abruptly as it came to be. Through the years, she had to apologies for my misbehaviour one too many time and here I am. If you have a way to know I'm not lying, i'll cooperate so that you know for sure. So please, this attack isn't needed, stop this.

2019-05-25, 04:51 AM
You hear some tiny whispering, before two sprites (armed) and a handful of pixies (not armed) appear. "I suppose that would explain your obnoxious attitude," one of the sprites growls, "and if you're not from around here, maybe you wouldn't know about the trouble we've been having with his kind."

An older pixie takes over. "Peace, Rocky. Soften your tone. What do you want from us, Akiko? We are but humble pixies, far removed from the politics of the Feywild."

You gain 200 XP for peacefully resolving the standoff!

2019-05-27, 07:03 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko gets off her guard when finally the tension drop Thank you for listening. My mother sent me here to learn to mingle appropriately with other fey. Would you kindly show me the way to the nearest enclave where I might start to make amend? And you speak of trouble, might I inquire on the nature of this trouble and is the one who helped me get here one of the drow you had trouble with?
Akiko turns around to where she last saw Ildan wondering if he was still there. She speaks out loud Ildan! I believe you are in my debt again, funny how things turns out.

Are you related to the trouble they speak of?

2019-05-28, 01:47 PM
The pixie chief sniffs dismissively. "Aye, there's a faerie enclave nearabouts. I've half a mind to show you the way; those blatherskites are meant to be protecting us from the likes of drow invasions, but we've been left high and dry out here." He sighs. "That wouldn't be right, though. I can't be the one to lead the drow to the enclave."

Once the pixie is finished Ildan hisses weakly: <Elvish> "I, uh... *cough* don't speak Sylvan. And if you intend to call in any more debts from me, I suggest you heal me before this cursèd pinprick bleeds me to death."

Ildan has a message for the pixie. "You know, pixie, you'd have a lot less 'trouble' from us if you did show us where the faeries are hiding." He stays behind cover as he says this. "It's not like we want to have to tear our way through every acre of this sun-drenched forest."

2019-05-28, 02:28 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko eyes widen a moment, looking at Ildan <Elvish>So you are related to the troubles here. Her mind wander a moment as she goes back to the pixie chief I am sorry to have brought someone who would harm you in your place. Would you kindly tell me what's happening between the faeries and the drow?
Akiko turns towards Ildan You're not that badly hurt for now, my magic is limited, i'll have your side of the story before I decide if I use it on you. My goal is to go to the faeries but not to bring them harm. If I'm not satisfied by your answer or if you wish to deviate the question again, you'll have to run from me.
Looking at the pixie chief with a wry smile And the pixies?

2019-05-30, 03:17 PM
The pixie doesn't know too much about what is going on at the faerie court. "All's I know is that the drow started coming up from their Underdark recently. Seems like they're preparing for a full-scale invasion, which is why I've hired a company of sprites to protect this village. As for the faerie courts, who knows? They like to say this whole forest is their territory, so I expect they'll be unhappy when they find out dark elves are trying to colonise it."

If you put this to Ildan, he is unrepentant. "We are only taking back what is rightfully ours. This forest was once home to thousands of drow, and those who drove us out last time are no longer here to press their claim."

2019-05-31, 06:51 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko soften a little <Elvish>If that's it then no worries.
To the pixie chief What if we bring him to the court? He could plea for his people and could come to a peaceful resolution, which would be good for you too.
Akiko turns towards Ildan <Elvish>Hold on, I prefer to hold on to my magic for now, maybe a little rest to tend to you wounds?
Looking at the pixie chief Could we take a rest before being on our way? He won't be a bother to you while I'm here.

2019-06-01, 06:51 AM
"Does this one have any authority to negotiate? I thought the leader of the drow was a woman...

But aye, you can rest here. I will trust you to keep an eye on him."

2019-06-03, 07:31 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Thinking He might not, but it could be seen as good faith if he return to his people unharmed and could also show the willingness of the fey to come to a peaceful end to this conflict.
Akiko looks to Ildan <Elvish>Come and rest, they will let us rest before being on our way. You did understood what I said with the pixies? How do you respond to this? Would you be my prisoner going to the fey and plea your case to stop this conflict and give the drow what they were wrongfully taken a long time ago? Peace is always an option for those who seeks it and if you wish for it, i'll protect you there.

2019-06-04, 01:59 PM
The pixie gives your plan a dubious look, and Ildan doesn't seem particularly interested.

<Elvish> "Don't be ridiculous. I won't be your prisoner, and we aren't here to make peace with a bunch of faeries. No, I think it's time to cut my losses and leave you to your madness."

He starts walking out of the village, back the way you came.

"Good riddance. Hopefully the wolves will do for him," says the sprite guard.

2019-06-05, 06:56 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko looks at the pixie chief Peace would really be that foreign a concept? It's sad.
Looking toward Ildan Well, its his choice I suppose.
She stretch a little bit Since he might be following us later, do you have any ideas to get me there unseen? Or maybe have someone come fetch me since you can turn invisible and he wouldn't be able to follow? I could help keep this place safe while I wait.

2019-06-07, 02:22 PM
"I do not think there is much risk of you being followed. You are a kitsune, no?" (He can probably see it in your shadow) "You should be able to go unseen if you are careful. Here, directions to the Palace of Jewels." He explains the way, giving details of various secret signs and landmarks that only a fey creature would know.

"I assume they aren't expecting you, which means you'll need to wait until dusk, when they open the portal to general traffic. And, uh... be careful around the faeries. They can be a little... touchy."

2019-06-10, 07:04 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Thank you for your hospitality, you've helped me a lot.
Akiko goes toward the edge of the clearing. Good bye everyone!
She then turns back into a fox and storm toward he goal to wait close to the entrance at the opportune time.

2019-06-12, 03:24 PM
It takes you most of the rest of the day to get to the place where the faerie court is hidden. It's an unremarkable patch of forest, but there are quite a few fey creatures assembled here: pixies and sprites, satyrs and dryads. They are bunched up in clusters, talking quietly or listening to the soft notes of a pan flute that one of the satyrs is playing.

The sun is low on the horizon and bats are swooping through the air, hunting for their evening meals.

2019-06-13, 09:23 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

As a fox, Akiko goes slowly, while changing her form (in front of everyone), toward the satyr playing his pan flute.
She then sit and listen to the tune from the pan flute.

2019-06-15, 03:37 PM
He's a talented musician, there's no denying. The various fey creatures continue about their business; some make small talk with you, but nothing of note happens until...

A rainbow-coloured portal opens in the air nearby. An older faerie, bald and bearded, glides out. He's wearing a gorgeous silver robe covered in red embroidery, and speaks with authority: "welcome, travellers, to the Palace of Jewels. Please step this way and prepare your bags for inspection. Quickly now, I don't have all night."

2019-06-17, 06:53 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko ready her bag and step closer to the faerie while mumbling why must I suffer this kind of inspection... wouldn't happen if they knew me... anyway, calm down, calm down, it's just a formality anyway...
She takes a large inspiration to calm herself then step to the faerie, holding her bag as the other did.

2019-06-20, 12:51 PM
After a quick check of your stuff, the faerie waves you into the enclave. Immediately, you feel more aware, sensations feel sharper, and you can almost taste the magic in the air. It's clear that you're back in the Feywild. well-dressed faeries are everywhere, enjoying the evening twilight, and colourful lights twinkle through the sky.

At the centre of the enclave, you can see the beautiful towers of the King's palace, which looks almost like it's studded with gemstones thanks to its hundreds of stained glass windows. What would you like to do here?

2019-06-21, 07:02 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko goes towards the castle, running.
She wants an audience with the king, she needs to learn proper etiquette in a faerie court, so, straight to the king. If she gets to the castle, she enter and goes straight for the king without hesitation. Though I'm pretty sure she won't make it, not sure who or where she'll be stop though. :smalltongue:

2019-06-23, 08:07 AM
You charge through the streets, attracting a fair bit of attention. No one else seems to be in much of a hurry. You are able to pass freely into the lobby of the palace, but the king isn't there. Just a handful of courtiers and nobles milling around, chatting, waiting for friends, reading books. A seneschal sees that you are agitated and approaches. "Good evening miss. May I be of assistance?"

2019-06-25, 07:25 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko slows down as the seneschal approach her.
Oh, hum, hi?
She start fidgeting anxiously looking around her Mmm, it's not really the best place for me but I was sent to mingle with other noble and I honestly don't know where to start...
Thinking a moment, eyes closed Well, no, not really, my name! Yes! That's where I should start, can I start over? Of course I can, hold on.
Akiko puts her back straight before introducing herself Hi, I am Akiko, daughter of Tiandra, I would like an audience with the king to properly introduce myself and to join this court temporarily.
Her stomach start growling audibly Is there food? There's always food, I'm hungry.

2019-06-27, 09:11 AM
The seneschal's eyebrows rise as you fumble over your introduction, but then her eyes narrow when you say your name. "Well now, Akiko, daughter of Tiandra, his grace King Soren shall be pleased to consider your petition at the next available opportunity." She consults a diary. "I can make an appointment for three days hence, if you wish...?

In the meantime, until your membership of the royal household is confirmed, you will need to provide for your own food and lodgings. Might I suggest you enquire with one of the guilds? I believe the Guild of Righteous and Intrepid Mercenaries might be suitable for one such as yourself."

Aww, is Akiko nervous? That's cute. You gain inspiration!

2019-06-27, 09:32 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Thank you and more than nervous I would've said awkward socially instead though both can be close to one another. :smalltongue:

Akiko take a step back from the seneschal.
Thank you, I will do as you suggest. Where might I find this guild?

She thanks him again and storm out of the palace toward the guild.

2019-06-29, 10:44 AM
When you enter the GRIM guildhall, you find it to be a plain and businesslike place. The decoration in the entrance lobby is spare, mostly consisting of empty suits of armour standing in the corners and banners hanging from the wall. Behind the counter sits a middle aged faerie lady with her hair in a bun, dressed in a ridiculously gaudy red-and-gold robe that looks terrible on her.

"Welcome to the Guild of Righteous and Intrepid Mercenaries," she says, "what do you need?"

2019-07-02, 07:13 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko barely cover her disdain of the place.
Hi, I need to find food, lodging and work, especially in that order.

2019-07-04, 01:04 PM
"Well, that can be arranged," she begins, "if you're willing to work. You certainly look the part..." she takes in your martial arts uniform. "But can you back that up when it matters? Say, what style are you trained in?"

2019-07-05, 08:08 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko smile with a hint of incredulity.
Oh, send me someone who isn't afraid of taking some hit and i'll show you what I can do. I was train by my mother, Tiandra, old master. I was also a scout with Tiandra's knights before focusing on my training instead. When it matters, i'll be a beacon of light for those in needs.
She goes to her pouch and fondle a couple of pieces. So, what about food? Food comes first and I can pay. Or I can show you what I'm made of before though don't get comfortable, it won't take long and I'm hungry.

2019-07-06, 02:16 PM
"You know Queen Tiandra's style, hm?" You can tell she doesn't believe you about being related to an archfey. "The... Summer Sun Technique, right? I've never actually seen anyone using that before.

Well anyway, you're a little late for dinner, so it'll take the chef a few minutes to get something ready for you. In the meantime, I think a little test of strength would be a good idea." She nips into the back room for a few seconds and exchanges words with people inside. "Okay, Liv's going to fetch us some boards. Let's get started on the paperwork while we wait..."

She hands you a paper asking you to enter various information. Name, age, birthplace, that sort of thing. You fill it in and she countersigns it. Her name, apparently, is Gina Clearsky, and she holds the rank of 'Highwind Huntress'. With that out of the way, a muscular elf woman appears out of the back room carrying a stack of fireclay tiles, 10 in total. She sets them up in the middle of the room and stands aside. "You sure, Gi? She don't look like all that much."

Gina shrugs. "Shapechanger, Liv. You never know." She gestures for you to demonstrate your strength by breaking the tiles.

Please make a damage roll for an unarmed strike. Also, roll a d20 to see if you get a critical hit.

2019-07-08, 06:54 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Unimpressed, Akiko simply look to the clay tiles then back to the elvish woman.
This is boring...
Without getting closer to tiles, she spins a kick letting go of a bolt of energy.

For crit : [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
Is that enough? I would've prefer a live target but if you don't have anyone worthy enough, I suppose that will do.

2019-07-09, 03:54 PM
Your energy bolt shatters seven of the tiles, sending broken pieces of ceramic flying in all directions. Gina is impressed, saying to her elven companion "ha! That's why you don't judge a book by its cover. I keep telling you Liv, you need to learn to read people's ki..."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Call me when there's work to do." The elf heads into the back room again.

"Ignore her, Akiko. You'll get on fine here. Let's go see what the chef has managed to scrounge up for you."

It turns out the other guild members had pigeon pie this evening. The leftovers are enough to make a decent stew, and there's a couple of pieces of (somewhat tough) bread that would be whole loaves to a faerie. Luckily, there are plenty of other medium-sized creatures in this guild, so they're well equipped with seats, cutlery and ceiling heights that are suitable for your humanoid form.

Gina goes back to the front desk once you're settled in, but there are a few other warriors around if you want to talk to someone.

2019-07-10, 06:58 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

She smile at her host comment.
Thank you
Looking at the food as she settles in.
Looks decent enough, i'll have to thank the chef since it was after dinner I suppose.
Akiko start eating with an ogre appetite and a slightly messy eater though she makes sure to pick up what falls to eat it. No waste!
Mouth full, she looks around.
Anyone knows about King Soren? How is he with everyone? Benevolent or not?

2019-07-11, 02:52 PM
Asking such a bold question to the room produces a long moment of stunned silence. Eventually a satyr with a pair of flashy-looking scimitars on his belt plunks himself down opposite you. He gulps down some beer, then looks you in the eye. It's a good few seconds before he speaks. "Evenin', missy," he chirps. "How's about we start with introductions, eh? I's Monkey-boy McManus. Pleased to meet ye!" He's wearing a big toothy grin, but his gaze is steely and intense.

2019-07-15, 07:06 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko frown at the satyr behavior
Monkey-boy, pretty fitting for a punk. Keep away until I finish eating, food is going to get bad.
She takes a bit of her stew.
My name is Akiko and your smile is getting on my nerve. If you're the one I'm fated to talk to, please let me finish eating before.
Whispering to herself and hoping to be heard by the satyr None would've dare talk to me that way, bastard. If you don't know who you talk to, be polite! You wouldn't want to anger someone you don't know.

2019-07-15, 12:49 PM
"O-ho! That how ye wanna play it, new girl?" He booms. "I may be drunk -"

"Ye're always drunk, Monkey-boy!" Someone shouts from across the room.

"- aye, well... aye. But I ain't drunk enough to let ye impugn me ma's honour without a fight! So how's about ye finish up yer bowl an' meet me down in the gym? Me an' the boys was a-wantin' to see what ye was made of anyhow."

2019-07-15, 01:01 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko smile
Monkey-boy the drunk
She looks into the satyr eyes
Lets take it up a notch, a little bet perhaps? If you lose, you'll follow me for a while then sing about my exploits. Would that be good? Looking at you, it seems to be something you'd enjoy. Now, what would you want if, though pretty unlikely, I were to lose? Do keep in mind my mother name, if you were to exaggerate in your demands, you might be on Tiandra bad side.
Akiko quickly finish her bowl.
What's your answer Boy? Can't wait to see what you're made of.

2019-07-15, 03:41 PM
"I should warn ye," he grins, "I's a lucky drunk. Here's the skinny: if'n I win, ye're cleaning Ol' Rick's room for a month!"

A crusty-looking boggart sitting at another table lifts his hand and gives a big thumbs up. Lords and ladies, you can smell his armpit from here.

2019-07-16, 07:05 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko smile wear off looking at the Boggart
Alright but no monkey business
She winks at the Satyr
Pun definitely intended
She gets up and stretch
Show me the way so we can get this started. Any rules? What about magic?

2019-07-18, 04:38 PM
He takes you down to a gym. It is much like the training rooms at the various Feywild monasteries you've visited, but smaller and less decorative.

McManus explains the rules: "standard stuff: no magic, no strikes to the eyes or groin, blunt weapons only." He hands his swords to Ol' Rick and picks up a pair of tonfa from a rack. "We'll fight for 30 seconds. One point for a clean hit, two for a knock-down. Minus one for each time you step out of the ring. All good?"

2019-07-19, 07:07 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12

Akiko takes her stuff and sword and put it beside the wall then goes in the middle of the ring.
I would've prefer to keep that sword on me but, oh well, rules seems good to me. Win or lose, this is going to be fun I hope. Ready?

I suppose I should start with initiative? [roll0]

Quick question : Akiko radiant sun bolt is a range spell attack, I just want to confirm that there's no problem in doing this in melee

2019-07-19, 02:57 PM
Round 1


Akiko, Tiandra's Tear

Monkey-Boy McManus

You step into the ring (a 30-foot circle) and bow, then get into your fighting stances. Monkey-boy is swaying like a drunkard... he wasn't doing that a minute ago, so you have to assume this is his usual technique. He seems to be taking a defensive approach, which gives you the opportunity to strike first!

Note that, during this fight, both fighters will regain 1d4+2 hit points at the end of each round.

2019-07-22, 07:05 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 27/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12; KI : 2/3

Akiko starts with a quick display of her radiant bolts sending three towards the Satyr. Then steps right beside him.

Attack action : Sunbolt
bolt 1 : [roll0]
Use 1 ki
2 sunbolt as bonus action
bolt 2 : [roll1]
bolt 3 : [roll2]

damage :
bolt 1 : [roll3]
bolt 2 : [roll4]
bolt 3 : [roll5]
Move to be at 5' of the Satyr, as close to the center of the ring as possible.

2019-07-22, 02:38 PM
He dodges your first shot, but the second two strike true! He seems a little rattled; he didn't expect you to hit him so early.

Monkey-boy reacts quickly though, aiming a jab towards you head, then a low kick, finally letting rip with a ki-enhanced strike to your chest. He stays close-in, circling slightly to your left.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1] bludgeoning
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3] bludgeoning
Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5] bludgeoning, and you must make a DC12 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of Monkey-boy's next turn.

Round 2


Akiko, Tiandra's Tear

Monkey-Boy McManus

2019-07-22, 02:40 PM
You both regain [roll0] hit points.

2019-07-23, 07:24 AM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21148548&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 11/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12; KI : 2/3

Akiko receive the satyr hits, unable to predict how the drunkard moves. Trying to block the kick, she fails to deviate it correctly and get hit straight in the chest. Though still up, she moves and speak as the drunk should be in her mind. blep... wolth? Awil... youn awt?

Rolled DC12 constitution roll on OOC, a nice 2...

Traduction : "Heu, what? Is this all you've got?" :smalltongue:

2019-07-23, 01:29 PM
"Whoa now, I don't wanna ken what ye think about Auril an' Ioun! Reckon it's time I beat some sense into ye... take this!"

He unleashes a rapid succession of blows that you have great trouble in blocking...

Attack 1: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2] bludgeoning
Attack 2: [roll3]
Advantage: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5] bludgeoning
Attack 3: [roll6]
Advantage: [roll7]
Damage 3: [roll8] bludgeoning
Attack 4: [roll9]
Advantage: [roll10]
Damage 4: [roll11] bludgeoning
(Total damage 31)

The savage combo knocks you to the ground!

You recover [roll12] hit points and are no longer stunned.

Round 3


Akiko, Tiandra's Tear

Monkey-Boy McManus

2019-07-23, 01:54 PM
https://pm1.narvii.com/6666/34a3a6100299e0283f6b4816b9e4e80f24b4484a_hq.jpg (-----)
Akiko, tiandra's tear (https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ABpkVMHipR%2DlYlc&cid=9EA147E8CA950186&id=9EA147E8CA950186%21151546&parId=9EA147E8CA950186%21148518&o=OneUp)
Level 1 Nature Cleric/ Level 3 Sunsoul Monk; HP 11/27; AC 15; Passive perception 12; Save DC 12; KI : 2/3

On her back, eyes wide in stupor What?
She sits and hold her rib cage in pain and lift one hand I... I... yield. Akiko gets back on her back trying to take back her breath Couldn't last a minute, weren't you just a drunkard?
She manage a smile I'll have a rematch another time, I'd hate to win that way too but I know when I'm beat.

2019-07-24, 03:47 PM
He lowers his guard and accepts your submission. "Aye, so, what was that about not wanting to anger someone ye didn't know?! Ye's a lot to learn if'n ye wanna get along round 'ere..."

"Startin' with rethinkin' yer notions o' what the worst smell in the world is! Heh heh!" Says a shellycoat as she slaps you on the back. Ol' Rick is smiling toothily.


Over the course of the next few days, you settle into a routine. Most of your time is spent at the guild, training, eating, sleeping or doing small jobs (and cleaning Ol' Rick's room). Once you've been formally introduced to the Court, you are allowed to socialise with the nobles as well, so you spend some time in the Palace. It's hard to get much time with the King; there are a lot of people vying for his attention; but you do get a good feel for what's going on at Court, the latest fashions and hot gossip. There are plenty of opportunities to observe proper faerie etiquette.

Nothing especially notable happens for the next 48 days...

Your work earns you some credit in the enclave to the tune of 35gp.
Your training grants you experience to the tune of 480 XP.
You make one friendly contact among the nobility.
A complication: you have been challenged to a duel by a noble faerie. Details to be agreed at a later date.
Work: [roll0]
Socialising: [roll1]
Complications? [roll2]