View Full Version : Need Help! Slightly post modern/ post apocalyptic game

2019-02-13, 04:16 AM
Hello everyone! New to the whole forum posting thing, but could really use some help. I have a couple of players that are looking to play a post-modern, post-apocalyptic game. Could really use some help. I'm looking for something that is Neo-Tokyo (may that game concept rest in peace) like.

Some of the things I want to include are:
Powered armor; mobility & stealth suits, advanced combat armor, mild enhancements that would come from any on-board systems.

Current firearms but with a mild twist (I went crazy a couple of nights back, made my own modern firearms system. Kinda proud of how it turned out!)

Some way of making electricity accessable, but rare.

Maybe some big fun enemies to throw them at.

That's the list of things i need help finding.

Things that are (still) prevelant:
Magic is around, so are some/many of the OG monsters from the MM
The event that cause apocalypse is something of a chaotic merging of our (like literally OUR) plane and D&D's.
Most (probably all) of the PCs will be human (to keep in theme) but other races are allowed per the event.

The hardest part is including the post apocalyptic part. I have a good "cause event" planned, but no good way to balance it and make it fun...

SO in conclusion, does anyone know of any good supplements/threads/materials to use? Would prefer free, as this might not be a re-accuring setting. Just need some sort of guide lines to go off of.

Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks!

(P.S. this was all done on a phone so apologies in advance if this isn't the cleanest post out there!)

2019-02-13, 12:01 PM
Check out RIFTS by Palladium for some inspiration. The mechanics of the system were messy and unbalanced as hell, but the world and the narrative is incredibly fleshed out.

For a brief summary, Earth was fairly peaceful and flourishing for a long time when we found an ancient energy and realized we could tap into it by sparking it. Unfortunately, the spark exploded all of the dormant mana in earth, caused a massive portal to surround Earth and allowed all sorts of demons and monsters to enter at will.

Several millennia later, Earth isn't recognizable. England has become home to all manners of mystical fey and dragons. Russia builds cheap and dangerous bionic implants on their soldiers to combat a constant tide of demons in the surrounding areas. Vampires inhabit Mexico. North America's population is reduced to 1/10, and most live under a tyrannical society rivaling the Nazis.

Generally, the heroes play in the barren areas surrounding the Coalition (Nazis) in North America, which is convenient, as there's a lot of open space to run to when the players come across something they can't take (and when dinosaurs, demons, and a robot army are all possible, that's a good option to have).

It does fit a lot of what you're looking for. Electricity is generally rare, as the Coalition has placed a bounty on anyone who expresses knowledge of such things. They hold a monopoly on all of the things needed for safety and survival (refrigeration, security, food, etc) in order to strong arm all nearby settlements to join the Coalition for resources. The Coalition also has a bounty for any magic-users (who they claim are monsters), non-humans (also monsters), and anyone to aids them (who are just as bad as monsters).

It's a lot of fun. Check it out.

2019-02-14, 12:06 AM
THANK YOU! From what i can tell, it's perfect for everything that i need, i will probably use it for everything but the rules (like you said, pretty bad at first glance) and some weapons.

Much appreciated!

2019-02-14, 12:56 AM
5e + Rifts sounds absolutely delicious.

The savage rifts version is pretty fun...

I was gonna throw out there the works of Kevin Crawford. Specifically Other Dust and Stars Without Number.
Both are based on 1e type rule sets and can help you flesh out your world with a TON of great tools and generators. There is also a neat settlement and faction settings system that allows the GM to play sort of a board game between sessions that generates plot hooks and world events for the Players.

Mid to late game, players can directly influence or even participate in the settled development and faction turns.
It’s good stuff you can at least cherry pick a few tools from.