View Full Version : Frozen 2

2019-02-13, 07:56 PM
I don't see a thread for this yet, but Frozen 2's teaser was released:


It seems to be a lot more action-y than I'd expected but I wouldn't say no to a Disney Princess Avengers. :smallbiggrin:

And the animation is gorgeous.

2019-02-13, 08:29 PM
I don't see a thread for this yet, but Frozen 2's teaser was released:


It seems to be a lot more action-y than I'd expected but I wouldn't say no to a Disney Princess Avengers. :smallbiggrin:

And the animation is gorgeous.

I have three questions:

1. What is the plot? Like, I don't need a full-on explanation, but.... something would be nice. Cuz right now all I have is a bunch of them walking around and a few action scenes. Nice action scenes, I guess, but nothing of real substance.

2. Why is Elsa not ruling? She's the Queen, isn't she? So why does this trailer give me the impression that she isn't ruling? Or did she abdicate for Anna?

3. How did Anna draw Christoph's sword from that angle? Seriously that just looks...awkward.

2019-02-13, 08:36 PM
I have three questions:

1. What is the plot? Like, I don't need a full-on explanation, but.... something would be nice. Cuz right now all I have is a bunch of them walking around and a few action scenes. Nice action scenes, I guess, but nothing of real substance.

2. Why is Elsa not ruling? She's the Queen, isn't she? So why does this trailer give me the impression that she isn't ruling? Or did she abdicate for Anna?

3. How did Anna draw Christoph's sword from that angle? Seriously that just looks...awkward.

I have no real answers to any of your questions, but I do have a theory for #1: They are going to look for their parents. The way Elsa kept charging at the ocean makes me think that they are going to try to cross it so they can try to find out what happened to them. Elsa is likely trying to find a way to quell the waves with her magic so she can save them if the ocean becomes to rough while they are sailing.

2019-02-13, 08:48 PM
I'm sure all over the world there are people groaning about this. It was going to happen. I don't think any company could have a property that big on their table and not use it. I liked Frozen. I also don't have tiny people in my house forcing me to rewatch it 1000 times like I forced my parents with 101 dalmatians when I was a kid.

It looks like Elsa is doing what her parents should have been having her do all her life. Train to use her magic. Although there are probably safer ways than this. I can't tell exactly what's going on here. Pink heart shaped rings over fire... Is that Hans getting thrown into the air by a gust of wind? I can't seem to pause on a frame with his face. But that girl doesn't look like Anna. Our hero's from the first film appear to be traveling though the wilderness and there is a strong focus on it being autumn.

I'm not terribly familiar with the fairy tale Frozen was inspired from. I could comb through that for hints... or I could wildly and blindly speculate. Yeah that sounds fun. Ummmm... there are other kids with nature powers themed around the seasons. Maybe one of them accidentally apocalypsed the world just like Else did in the first movie and they are off trying to investigate since they have first hand experience.

2019-02-13, 08:49 PM
I have no real answers to any of your questions, but I do have a theory for #1: They are going to look for their parents. The way Elsa kept charging at the ocean makes me think that they are going to try to cross it so they can try to find out what happened to them. Elsa is likely trying to find a way to quell the waves with her magic so she can save them if the ocean becomes to rough while they are sailing.

Elsa isn't equipped to do that and it looks like she's just training. Why? I have no clue as she was insanely powerful in the first movie, but freezing the ocean is a terrible idea in storm as you'd have to freeze so much water around you so as not to be crushed by moving ice that you'd freeze your ship in the process.

I mean, them finding their parents makes at least some sense, but they seem to just be wandering through the wilderness so I don't think thats it.

I'm sure all over the world there are people groaning about this. It was going to happen. I don't think any company could have a property that big on their table and not use it. I liked Frozen. I also don't have tiny people in my house forcing me to rewatch it 1000 times like I forced my parents with 101 dalmatians when I was a kid.

It looks like Elsa is doing what her parents should have been having her do all her life. Train to use her magic. Although there are probably safer ways than this. I can't tell exactly what's going on here. Pink heart shaped rings over fire... Is that Hans getting thrown into the air by a gust of wind? I can't seem to pause on a frame with his face. But that girl doesn't look like Anna. Our hero's from the first film appear to be traveling though the wilderness and there is a strong focus on it being autumn.

I'm not terribly familiar with the fairy tale Frozen was inspired from. I could comb through that for hints... or I could wildly and blindly speculate. Yeah that sounds fun. Ummmm... there are other kids with nature powers themed around the seasons. Maybe one of them accidentally apocalypsed the world just like Else did in the first movie and they are off trying to investigate since they have first hand experience.

Its based on Hans Christen Andersen's Snow Queen story, but only very superficially, as there is no troll or magical mirror and those are kind of important.

Really there's just a bunch of random images with very little context. Also I don't like her training. It just feels...really specific. Like, why is running on water with ice something you're training for? Just freeze the bloody thing and walk on the walkway you just made. And refrain from doing it on a storm tossed ocean.

2019-02-13, 08:55 PM
So this sequel will come out 6 years or so after the first one. If you were 5 then you will be 11 now, so I think it is natural to have a little more action in it even if it remains a child musical.

Just like Avatar the Last Airbender came out in 2005 and had a 12 year old protagonist so when its sequel / spin-off came out in 2012 it had a 17 year old protagonist and Korra was 21 at the end of the show (2014), which is 9 years after Airbender came out and 12+9=21.

A similar principle happened with the Harry Potter books, but I do not like speaking of the dark side. :smallwink:

2019-02-13, 09:58 PM
Just freeze the bloody thing and walk on the walkway you just made. And refrain from doing it on a storm tossed ocean.
She tried that, turns out when you try that on a roiling sea instead of a placid harbor your walkway just gets dashed to pieces.

And isn't the point of training to push against your limits instead of consoling yourself that you can still do the same thing you always could? Putting aside the fact that in the first movie Elsa was an emotional wreck lashing out with her powers as a manifestation of that, while here she's practicing their conscious application.

2019-02-13, 10:08 PM
1. What is the plot? Like, I don't need a full-on explanation, but.... something would be nice. Cuz right now all I have is a bunch of them walking around and a few action scenes. Nice action scenes, I guess, but nothing of real substance.

This is just a teaser. It just exists to generate buzz and get people talking. The actual plot won't be touched upon until the first full trailer is released.

2019-02-13, 10:10 PM
So I saw Frozen through bit's and pieces, and never as a single coherent movie. Based on elements I am seeing in this movie, I may actually make time to watch this one.

I liked that training montage. It looked cool.

2019-02-13, 10:15 PM
She tried that, turns out when you try that on a roiling sea instead of a placid harbor your walkway just gets dashed to pieces.

And isn't the point of training to push against your limits instead of consoling yourself that you can still do the same thing you always could? Putting aside the fact that in the first movie Elsa was an emotional wreck lashing out with her powers as a manifestation of that, while here she's practicing their conscious application.

That wasn't rolling, that was an active storm surf. My point about that is the fact that she isn't [ushing herself. Everything in that scene is like...10-20% of what she can do. Raw power was never Elsa's issue, control was, and she seemed to have that once she got her emotions under control if the tiny snow cloud is anything to go by.

Really her training should be trying to do little things, like freezing buckets of water without breaking them, because that would be her trying to learn fine control.

This is just a teaser. It just exists to generate buzz and get people talking. The actual plot won't be touched upon until the first full trailer is released.

I understand what a teaser is for, but what are we gonna talk about? How nice the autumn leaves look? (TBH they do look nice, but that isnt my point) Like, can I get a shot of the villain? That would generate a ton of buzz.

2019-02-13, 10:58 PM

Honestly, I saw Frozen and thought it was ok. Nothing I'd want to see again. I enjoyed the rather blatantly shooting down of love at first sight stories, but other than that not much I really found interesting, though it was competently made.

This, however, has me at least intrigued. It doesn't really look like the first movie did at all, and the animation on the ocean training montage is really good.

2019-02-13, 11:14 PM
...How did Anna draw Christoph's sword from that angle? Seriously that just looks...awkward.

No idea, but it looked really cool (and thank you @nightwyrm for sharing that trailer!).

I didn't see the first film, but this trailer worked on me, I want to see more!

Legato Endless
2019-02-13, 11:15 PM
A grimmer animated fantasy not infested by jokes would be wonderful and refreshing. I know the movie won't deliver that, but the illusion it paints here is nice.

2019-02-13, 11:35 PM
That wasn't rolling, that was an active storm surf. My point about that is the fact that she isn't [ushing herself. Everything in that scene is like...10-20% of what she can do. Raw power was never Elsa's issue, control was, and she seemed to have that once she got her emotions under control if the tiny snow cloud is anything to go by.

Really her training should be trying to do little things, like freezing buckets of water without breaking them, because that would be her trying to learn fine control.

I understand what a teaser is for, but what are we gonna talk about? How nice the autumn leaves look? (TBH they do look nice, but that isnt my point) Like, can I get a shot of the villain? That would generate a ton of buzz.

Well them in the ring of fire that she uses her magic on SEEMS to imply that its going to be a villain/antagonist that uses fire magic. Which would make sense.

2019-02-14, 06:11 AM
I will note that in the original fairy tale, the heroine's travels are divided rather firmly into seasons, and "autumn" involves a spoiled bandit princess. I hope the curly-haired girl is the spoiled bandit princess, I could really use that in my life.

Also, I guess it's a plot point that Elsa needs to cross the sea without benefit of vessel. That's something to work with.

2019-02-14, 06:38 AM
Well them in the ring of fire that she uses her magic on SEEMS to imply that its going to be a villain/antagonist that uses fire magic. Which would make sense.

Or its a magical event of some sort. I would assume its an act by the villain, but that scene doesnt prove it to us.

I will note that in the original fairy tale, the heroine's travels are divided rather firmly into seasons, and "autumn" involves a spoiled bandit princess. I hope the curly-haired girl is the spoiled bandit princess, I could really use that in my life.

Also, I guess it's a plot point that Elsa needs to cross the sea without benefit of vessel. That's something to work with.

Who is this curly haired person you're talking about? i'm just seeing Anna with differnt hair.

Where is that from?

2019-02-14, 07:46 AM
Who is this curly haired person you're talking about? i'm just seeing Anna with differnt hair.

Where is that from?

1:24 on the video

Legato Endless
2019-02-14, 08:37 AM
For those without access to YouTube:


2019-02-14, 08:50 AM
I will note that in the original fairy tale, the heroine's travels are divided rather firmly into seasons, and "autumn" involves a spoiled bandit princess. I hope the curly-haired girl is the spoiled bandit princess, I could really use that in my life.

The snow-flake at the end of the trailer has 4 prongs each with a distinctly different mark/rune pattern on them. The same diamond-shaped/runed prongs feature heavily in the promotional material, at one point "raining" down around the bewildered-looking protagonists.

Since Elsa brought in endless winter and Frozen 2 seems to be going down the route of having a character attached to some kind of Autumn setting, I'm going to go out on a limb and expect that the "2 of 4" is significant and that we're going to meet 2 other girls, one for Spring and another for Summer, at some point.

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-14, 10:58 AM
Ummmm... there are other kids with nature powers themed around the seasons. Maybe one of them accidentally apocalypsed the world just like Else did in the first movie and they are off trying to investigate since they have first hand experience.

Frozen 2: This time, it's eternal autumn.

I can't wait until part 4 comes out.

My first reaction is that it looks very actionny. Sure, it's only a trailer, they only reflect what the producers want you to think about the movie, not what the director is making the movie about, but still, this looks more like How To Train Your Dragon than like Frozen. Now I love How To Train Your Dragon, and Moana, and Aladdin, and Brave, and Babar the Movie, and The Land Before Time, and any other adventure movie ever, I just like to think that the best parts about Frozen were the parts where they refrained from action. That's what sets the movie apart, its two main characters are to some extant quiet normal talkative indoors people, it's nice to have a movie with heroes like that.

But you know, even if this fails (for me) as a sequel to Frozen it could still be a very nice adventure movie in and of itself, so that's fine. Plus they might actually still pull off a faithful feeling sequel film if they go heavy on the adventury part of the action but lighter on the violence, and that describes this trailer pretty well.

2019-02-14, 11:19 AM
Am I the only one who saw no Olaf and was happy about that?

2019-02-14, 11:34 AM
I was just trying to wrap my ears around whatever the heck that music was supposed to be at 1:22 or so. That was just... odd. It sounded a bit like that kid who yodeled in walmart awhile back.

2019-02-14, 12:36 PM
Looks promising. I wasn't too found of the first film, but I'd be cool with a serious, darker take on the sequel. It has a high fantasy feel to it, and no jokes in the trailer. Obviously I'd have to wait to see more before taking a definite stance.

3. How did Anna draw Christoph's sword from that angle? Seriously that just looks...awkward.

Yeah. Where's the realism in this film series about ice magic, trolls, and a talking, animated snowman?:smallwink:

2019-02-14, 01:00 PM
Someone fitted the Avengers theme over the trailer and it works surprisingly well:


2019-02-14, 01:05 PM
I think they just released this as an emergency damage control after the general reaction to the horror that is the Alladin live-action trailler! :smallbiggrin:

2019-02-14, 01:23 PM
I think they just released this as an emergency damage control after the general reaction to the horror that is the Alladin live-action trailler! :smallbiggrin:

So what will they do when the live action trailers for Dumbo and the Lion King come out?

2019-02-14, 01:27 PM
Am I the only one who saw no Olaf and was happy about that?

Possibly, because I saw him. Also double checked while writing this, and he's in it twice. In the heart fire and on the cliff overlooking stuff.

Sorry to crush your dreams.

2019-02-14, 01:31 PM
So what will they do when the live action trailers for Dumbo and the Lion King come out?
Tangled II and Moana II? Or maybe they are counting on those traillers being at least slightly better than the abomination that is Blue Will Smith.

2019-02-14, 01:35 PM
So what will they do when the live action trailers for Dumbo and the Lion King come out?

The actual Frozen 2 trailers instead of this teaser.

2019-02-14, 01:48 PM
I have three questions:

2. Why is Elsa not ruling? She's the Queen, isn't she? So why does this trailer give me the impression that she isn't ruling? Or did she abdicate for Anna?

The moment where Anna is in a balcony with many creepy diomond looking things makes me belive they may go with the Goblin and evil mirror plot of the original book this movie was based on.

But I could be wrong.

Edit: This moment:


2019-02-14, 01:55 PM
Possibly, because I saw him. Also double checked while writing this, and he's in it twice. In the heart fire and on the cliff overlooking stuff.

Sorry to crush your dreams.

And on Valentine's Day, you monster! :smallbiggrin:

2019-02-14, 02:21 PM
So what will they do when the live action trailers for Dumbo and the Lion King come out?

The Dumbo trailers aren't already out? I found out about it from the 'upcoming movies' segments when I went to see Infinity War.. (also, yes, it looks bizarre.)

2019-02-14, 02:25 PM
Tangled II and Moana II? Or maybe they are counting on those traillers being at least slightly better than the abomination that is Blue Will Smith.

I don't know. I saw some still images of the live action dumbo character. There's some creepy uncanny valley stuff going on with that elephant. Hopefully as a result the pink elephants alcohol sequence will be creepier than one thousand Freddy Kruegers.

Also does Olaf just not need a snow cloud over his head anymore to exist in warmer weather?

2019-02-14, 04:21 PM
I don't know. I saw some still images of the live action dumbo character. There's some creepy uncanny valley stuff going on with that elephant. Hopefully as a result the pink elephants alcohol sequence will be creepier than one thousand Freddy Kruegers.

Also does Olaf just not need a snow cloud over his head anymore to exist in warmer weather?

I couldn't believe it when I saw the Dumbo movie. I feel that is a movie that just isn't needed. Here's hoping the movie is at least interesting from a technical level to apply those lessins foreward.

Also, maybe Elsa found a way to make Olaf "permenantly" cold without the cloud. I don't really care what the explanation is, only that there is one.

2019-02-14, 06:22 PM
For those without access to YouTube:


Ah, thank you. Ya, thats not Anna, unless her face got smushed.

Yeah. Where's the realism in this film series about ice magic, trolls, and a talking, animated snowman?:smallwink:

Yes, because once we introduce magic, swords can be drawn in unnaturral and weird looking ways. Seriously, that thing would have to be a pool noodle for her to draw it like that. Also, why not let Christoph draw it? Hes clearly the one trained in its use if he's carting it around. And if Anna is trained in it, why doesnt she have one of her own?

Really that entire sequence just feels off.

The moment where Anna is in a balcony with many creepy diomond looking things makes me belive they may go with the Goblin and evil mirror plot of the original book this movie was based on.

But I could be wrong.

Edit: This moment:


Ya, I figured that the diamond things are someone elses magic. No idea who's or what they do though, which isnt surprising.

2019-02-14, 06:29 PM
Yes, because once we introduce magic, swords can be drawn in unnaturral and weird looking ways. Seriously, that thing would have to be a pool noodle for her to draw it like that.
We are talking about the sequel to a film that had a braid phase through a shoulder because it helped the animation look more fluid, right?

Also, why not let Christoph draw it? Hes clearly the one trained in its use if he's carting it around. And if Anna is trained in it, why doesnt she have one of her own?
I'm gonna leave this argument alone. I know gender-baiting when I see it.

2019-02-14, 07:38 PM
I never did get around to watching Moana. I probably should. Maybe rewatch Tangled. That lantern scene was breathtaking when I saw it in theater.

2019-02-14, 07:40 PM
Also is it just me or does this trailer seem more like a Star Wars movie than the official Star Wars movies made by Disney? You have Elsa training to hone her mystical ability kind of like Jedi training. Then there's these young people going off on an adventure. Furthermore Olaf could pass as a comic relief in the Star Wars universe.

2019-02-14, 08:57 PM
Yes, because once we introduce magic, swords can be drawn in unnaturral and weird looking ways. Seriously, that thing would have to be a pool noodle for her to draw it like that.
Futirama is probably my favorite show ever. Easily my favorite comedy, that's not even close. One thing I really appreciate about it is the commentary on every single episode. When I first got the DVDs back in the early aughts, that blew me away. The commentary cast varies - its always got the writer, usually the director, and then voice actors and other people come in and out.

But the one constant was David X. Cohen. This guy sounds like the epitome of the nerd stereotype - slightly high pitched, nasally voice, ya know? Dude could do a nerd character without even changing his voice at all. At first it was a slightly grating, but after the third episode or so I just wanted to hear commentary of David X. Cohen with David X. Cohen and a few other David X. Cohens rotating in and out. The man's a genius, I'll watch anything he puts out, I'm a fan for life.

One of the many things that make him so awesome is just how much I learned from him. Little things, not really useful, usually devoid of context, but he loves explaining and teaching little trivia bits. And that leads me to the point of this incredibly roundabout post.

"Cheating" is apparently a term in animation for a character or thing moving in a way that is not actually possible in real life as a way to preserve the shot. I can't remember the episode he talks about it in, or what it specifically was referring to, but that and Zim's example of the hair going through the shoulder are examples. The animators know, but they (or the director) wanted a certain shot to look a certain way, so they didn't care. They cheated to get the shot, and that happens in animation a lot. It's rarely noticed, and when it is, its honestly not a big deal. It's a small detail in a much larger overall work. It's no more jarring than a continuity error, like a glass of water being at different heights in different shots in the same scene.

Anyway.point is, you should watch more Futurama. That's never bad advice.

I never did get around to watching Moana. I probably should.

Moana is one of my favorites, though that may be because I am heavily biased towards the tropical theme.

2019-02-14, 09:12 PM
I'm gonna leave this argument alone. I know gender-baiting when I see it.

I'm not gender baiting, I'm legitimately wondering what is the point of her drawing Christoph's sword? Why not just have both of them have swords? Is she somehow less princess-y or something if she has a sword on her hip? I don't think so. I like Mulan (though she technically isn't a Princess) and she has a sword and armor. Meridia in Brave has a bow and was very enjoyable to watch.

Really this is a thing that extends from the fact that I find it annoying when someone uses someone else's weapon. Get your own weapon!


Ah, that's fair then.

2019-02-14, 10:39 PM
I understand what a teaser is for, but what are we gonna talk about? How nice the autumn leaves look? (TBH they do look nice, but that isnt my point) Like, can I get a shot of the villain? That would generate a ton of buzz.
Well, for reference, here's the Incredibles 2 trailer, which has approximately zero film content:


So I don't think Disney sees the point of a teaser trailer as getting people to talk about movie content. It's just to get the fact of the sequel out there, and give film industry journalists images they can splash on top of articles about UPCOMING FROZEN SEQUEL. Considering we're still 10 months out, that's fine. Imagine how fatigued we'd be of Frozen discussion if we'd been picking trailers apart all year.

2019-02-14, 10:51 PM
....t...you know this entire sequence in that teaser trailer for Incredibles 2 is IN the film, right?

2019-02-14, 11:00 PM
Pretty decent looking trailer without really giving anything away. The scene with the frozen wave/walkway breaking is absolutely insane animation.

Listening Here
2019-02-14, 11:21 PM
I'm not gender baiting, I'm legitimately wondering what is the point of her drawing Christoph's sword? Why not just have both of them have swords? Is she somehow less princess-y or something if she has a sword on her hip?

I think they were going for intensity. Like ‘what would cause lovable, peaceful Anna to suddenly grab a sword and immediately attack’ sort of intensity. By not having her with her own sword it indicates she feels comfortable enough to be unarmed. Grabbing someone else’s sword and immediately attacking indicates she is really angry at her intended target.

Could be wrong...

2019-02-14, 11:42 PM
I think they were going for intensity. Like ‘what would cause lovable, peaceful Anna to suddenly grab a sword and immediately attack’ sort of intensity. By not having her with her own sword it indicates she feels comfortable enough to be unarmed. Grabbing someone else’s sword and immediately attacking indicates she is really angry at her intended target.

Could be wrong...

I think it was more "feels threatened" than "is angry". Although there may be significant overlap.

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-15, 02:19 AM
Swords are heavy, when three people travel they need like one or max two swords between them. Doesn't matter who carries them.

You know, like in Lord Of The Rings. When Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas travel light, only Aragorn carries any swords.


2019-02-15, 03:29 AM
....t...you know this entire sequence in that teaser trailer for Incredibles 2 is IN the film, right?
And I'm sure all the stuff in the Frozen 2 trailer will be in the movie, but that's not the movie content that was being asked for, so I'm meeting the question on its terms.

2019-02-15, 03:34 AM
I will note that in the original fairy tale, the heroine's travels are divided rather firmly into seasons, and "autumn" involves a spoiled bandit princess. I hope the curly-haired girl is the spoiled bandit princess, I could really use that in my life.

Also, I guess it's a plot point that Elsa needs to cross the sea without benefit of vessel. That's something to work with.
well whats next introduction of Salem and oz from rwby in 5th movie I can understand the reason for the second film for Moana and maybe frozen as half of the plot was missing despite the rocks bombastic acting style hey if I was creator of frozen 2 or 3 I definitely put rock in one of the main cast roles like cousin of Elsa and Anna with free reign to go balls deep in acting with option to his character performing hulk hogan taunt and peoples elbow for giggles sake. even kingdom hearts can't fix the first movie's lack of main plot besides Elsa's rebellion phase.

2019-02-15, 07:56 AM
And I'm sure all the stuff in the Frozen 2 trailer will be in the movie, but that's not the movie content that was being asked for, so I'm meeting the question on its terms.

I have no idea what you're talking about because your original post said "here is a teaser trailer with exactly 0% film footage" and then linked on that does have it.

2019-02-15, 08:13 AM
To be fair, they wrote "content", not "footage".

Presumably with the implication that "content" is about the actual storyline.

2019-02-15, 08:15 AM
As for drawing the sword, there are numerous possible reasons. Just off the top of my head, anna could have been rescued and so doesnt have any gear of her own. She spotted a threat, or just something she really doesnt like, and grabbed for his blade rather than go, "Hey you, sword dude, there is a danger behind you in this specific direction!" Then have him turn around, spot the danger, react to it, and draw his sword. As for the ocean freezing thing, for some reason the scene that pops into my head is aladdin being sent to the edge of the world by jafar. If elsa got sent away in exile to an island, she needs to get back somehow, and this is her plan at that point. Maybe after this fails she builds herself an ice galleon. Or maybe she intends to create said boat once she is past the breakwater.

2019-02-15, 10:02 AM
I have no idea what you're talking about because your original post said "here is a teaser trailer with exactly 0% film footage" and then linked on that does have it.

IIRC, the Anchorman trail or I saw had 0% film footage. Which shame, since they apparently used all their funny jokes in that trailer. Im still angry that they advertised a movie I did not see.

2019-02-15, 04:31 PM
I'm not gender baiting, I'm legitimately wondering what is the point of her drawing Christoph's sword?

Off the top of my head: she doesn't want to have to carry the sword long distances, and Kristoph doesn't mind carrying it for her, but is still her sword. Like a golf caddy.

Grey Wolf

2019-02-15, 09:37 PM
If elsa got sent away in exile to an island, she needs to get back somehow, and this is her plan at that point. Maybe after this fails she builds herself an ice galleon. Or maybe she intends to create said boat once she is past the breakwater.

Looks like she's wearing formal garments in the style she's accustomed to, so if it is an exile, it'd be a pretty impromptu one. But we do have to account for her being left to herself. I vote that it's the result of some chain of action-y disasters that got her separated from Anna et al, but she is left with a clear knowledge of where to go and how very important it is that she get there.

(I really wouldn't count on anything so technically nautical in a Disney picture.)

Draconi Redfir
2019-02-15, 09:46 PM
Those look like Maple leaves... Are they going to Canada?

2019-02-15, 10:00 PM
Those look like Maple leaves... Are they going to Canada?
Canada, most anywhere in Europe, China. . . (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ad/Map_genus_Acer.png)

Draconi Redfir
2019-02-16, 01:19 AM
Canada, most anywhere in Europe, China. . . (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ad/Map_genus_Acer.png)

... I've been lied too my entire life...

Mando Knight
2019-02-16, 02:53 AM
Even as a non-Canadian who grew up with maple trees around, I didn't realize the tree was quite that far spread, but then again oaks and pines are also similarly widespread (at the genus level).

2019-02-16, 03:31 AM
The starting scene (Elsa on the stormy beach) doesn't really strike me as much as a training session but rather her someone getting shipwhecked on an island, and trying to get off it

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-16, 11:59 AM
The starting scene (Elsa on the stormy beach) doesn't really strike me as much as a training session but rather her someone getting shipwhecked on an island, and trying to get off it

There's probably more to it though. In the first movie Else conjured free standing staircases, entire castles and living creatures out of thin air. It doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch for her to create any kind of thing that would let her travel over the tops of the waves. Even if she can only do it with cold air, she seemed pretty good at conjuring that up out of hot air as well.

2019-02-16, 12:06 PM
There's probably more to it though. In the first movie Else conjured free standing staircases, entire castles and living creatures out of thin air. It doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch for her to create any kind of thing that would let her travel over the tops of the waves. Even if she can only do it with cold air, she seemed pretty good at conjuring that up out of hot air as well.

I think the problem is the power of the ocean. She can create a castle on a flat unmoving surface sure, but the constantly moving ocean with its untold tons of weight behind it, I would imagine it would take a rather extreme amount of power to freeze the entire stretch of ocean with its constant waves. Before it has time to thicken the water is moving, twisting, and shoving the ice, shattering it with ease.

Legato Endless
2019-02-16, 12:29 PM
It's rather probably since Elsa's out of control power was the antagonist of the first film, her blunt power gets nerfed for the sequel now that she has control so she doesn't steamroll the adventure they're going on. Either in overall potency or it gets specific restrictions introduced. A lot of sequels do this.

2019-02-16, 12:59 PM
Last time I clicked on a Frozen2 trailer, I got rickroll'd by Wreck-it Ralph

The Glyphstone
2019-02-16, 01:13 PM
Last time I clicked on a Frozen2 trailer, I got rickroll'd by Wreck-it Ralph

Wouldn't that be Ralph-Rolled?

2019-02-16, 02:22 PM
Last time I clicked on a Frozen2 trailer, I got rickroll'd by Wreck-it Ralph

Was it this one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)?

2019-02-16, 04:59 PM
So real question. Elsa created life, Elsa created Olaf out of nothing.

So does this mean that Olaf is now part of the Arendelle line of succession?

The Disney Metaphysics and Political Constructs in me needs to know!

The Glyphstone
2019-02-16, 05:16 PM
So real question. Elsa created life, Elsa created Olaf out of nothing.

So does this mean that Olaf is now part of the Arendelle line of succession?

The Disney Metaphysics and Political Constructs in me needs to know!

If she used water from herself to create him, he might legally be an heir of her body. If he was built entirely from ambient moisture in the air, he's ineligible.

2019-02-16, 05:59 PM
So real question. Elsa created life, Elsa created Olaf out of nothing.

So does this mean that Olaf is now part of the Arendelle line of succession?

The Disney Metaphysics and Political Constructs in me needs to know!

Why is this the first time this thought has crossed my mind? Now I'm having flashbacks to futurama when Fry became king of the planet of liquid people...

2019-02-16, 06:13 PM
If she used water from herself to create him, he might legally be an heir of her body. If he was built entirely from ambient moisture in the air, he's ineligible.

I was going to suggest an adopted child could be heir but at least in England that is very much so a big NO. "To have succession rights, you have to be a Protestant descendant of the Electress Sophia." So unless her nation has different laws of succession even someone who could technically be considered an adopted child could not take the throne.

2019-02-16, 06:50 PM
I was going to suggest an adopted child could be heir but at least in England that is very much so a big NO. "To have succession rights, you have to be a Protestant descendant of the Electress Sophia." So unless her nation has different laws of succession even someone who could technically be considered an adopted child could not take the throne.
Wasn't the country in Frozen based on like Norway or Denmark or something though? I would look at their succession laws instead.

2019-02-16, 07:05 PM
Wasn't the country in Frozen based on like Norway or Denmark or something though? I would look at their succession laws instead.

Not just the location but the time as well. Succession law has a habit of changing over the centuries depending on what the powerful figures want at any given time.

In this case, Frozen is in some made up spot. But a quick google search tells me the art was taken from 1840s Norway. So that’s probably the closest you’d get.

And as luck would have it, Norway in 1840 was ruled by Charles III first of house Bernadotte, adopted son of the last king who had no other heir.

He wasn’t even born in Norway.

2019-02-16, 07:35 PM
So real question. Elsa created life, Elsa created Olaf out of nothing.

So does this mean that Olaf is now part of the Arendelle line of succession?

The Disney Metaphysics and Political Constructs in me needs to know!

Not at all. Non-humans cannot hold regency.

2019-02-16, 07:43 PM
Not at all. Non-humans cannot hold regency.
Hey, if things keep going like this... (https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/drive/duke-the-mayor/9462268)

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-16, 07:50 PM
I think the problem is the power of the ocean. She can create a castle on a flat unmoving surface sure, but the constantly moving ocean with its untold tons of weight behind it, I would imagine it would take a rather extreme amount of power to freeze the entire stretch of ocean with its constant waves. Before it has time to thicken the water is moving, twisting, and shoving the ice, shattering it with ease.

I'm not doubting the power of the sea, I'm doubting her questionable decision not to work around it. Maybe build like a diving board overhanging the sea and sort of glide on frozen air from there, or build a bridge with its pillars behind the surf, or breathe life into a giant snowbird, or... She's doing some very basic freeze magic there.

Although Legato could be right, maybe she just plain can't do those things now for the entire movie, no dramatic arc needed.

2019-02-16, 08:19 PM
I'm not doubting the power of the sea, I'm doubting her questionable decision not to work around it. Maybe build like a diving board overhanging the sea and sort of glide on frozen air from there, or build a bridge with its pillars behind the surf, or breathe life into a giant snowbird, or... She's doing some very basic freeze magic there.

Although Legato could be right, maybe she just plain can't do those things now for the entire movie, no dramatic arc needed.

Honestly, im going to want to see a pretty detailed explanation behind the physics of "she just creates a giant ice platform over the sea".

Seas tend to be big. Even if she has the power to create such a platform, its going to collapse under its own weight well before it gets any useful distance for walking.

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-17, 03:40 AM
Honestly, im going to want to see a pretty detailed explanation behind the physics of "she just creates a giant ice platform over the sea".

Seas tend to be big. Even if she has the power to create such a platform, its going to collapse under its own weight well before it gets any useful distance for walking.

She only needs to get past the surf. A hundred meters, maybe 200. After that she can basically just walk on water. It's a similar distance to the gap she thoughtlessly bridged while singing the first time she was free to use her powers since she was 8. There's a lot of things she could try for that. Maybe create a semi-immortal giant ice monster to carry her through the surf? My point is that we've seen her do much more powerful, much more complicated ánd much cleverer magic than this. Combining those aspects should give her a way past the surf.

2019-02-17, 04:54 AM
Maybe the sea has its own magic and it's more resistant to Elsa's powers than the pliable waters of Arendelle. Maybe Elsa has a mental block about the ocean because he parents died in a shipwreck. Maybe something in the plot is interfering with her powers. Maybe they just left out the part where Elsa solved the problem with ice magic because it's not suitable trailer material. Etc.

Lvl 2 Expert
2019-02-17, 07:01 AM
Maybe the sea has its own magic and it's more resistant to Elsa's powers than the pliable waters of Arendelle. Maybe Elsa has a mental block about the ocean because he parents died in a shipwreck. Maybe something in the plot is interfering with her powers. Maybe they just left out the part where Elsa solved the problem with ice magic because it's not suitable trailer material. Etc.

Well, yeah, exactly. And that's why I started this line of conversation with "There's probably more to it though".

2019-02-17, 08:16 AM
She only needs to get past the surf. A hundred meters, maybe 200. After that she can basically just walk on water. It's a similar distance to the gap she thoughtlessly bridged while singing the first time she was free to use her powers since she was 8. There's a lot of things she could try for that. Maybe create a semi-immortal giant ice monster to carry her through the surf? My point is that we've seen her do much more powerful, much more complicated ánd much cleverer magic than this. Combining those aspects should give her a way past the surf.

Also something to keep in mind is, as anyone who is a fan of comics will agree, the characters often do BAFFLING things when we as readers are aware of the scale of their powers and how they could theoretically end a problem. And again, the gap she bridged wasnt being forcibly shoved by hundreds or thousands of tons of water, it just had to support its own weight with no other stresses. We quite literally saw her try to freeze a path, it lasted less than 2 seconds before the movement of the water broke it. As for making a giant ice abomination, for all we know she doesnt do that anymore because creating life that depends on staying frozen to survive is kinda crappy of a thing to do. Considering how well ice floats on water, it may not be viable to create a ice monster to carry her out to sea. And again, these are waves that are like, 20-30 feet high going by the one she tried to freeze, not counting how deep the water itself is there. Creating a 60 foot tall monster thats solid enough to resist the force of the waves and mobile enough to carry her through them till she leaves the surf behind is no small feat. Yes yes she made a tower. Again, a solid tower of ice that had to do nothing but not collapse under its own weight versus a moving ice creation 6 stories tall or more fighting against the power of the sea.

2019-02-21, 09:30 AM
The snow-flake at the end of the trailer has 4 prongs each with a distinctly different mark/rune pattern on them. The same diamond-shaped/runed prongs feature heavily in the promotional material, at one point "raining" down around the bewildered-looking protagonists.

Since Elsa brought in endless winter and Frozen 2 seems to be going down the route of having a character attached to some kind of Autumn setting, I'm going to go out on a limb and expect that the "2 of 4" is significant and that we're going to meet 2 other girls, one for Spring and another for Summer, at some point.

Well, somebody at the Disney animation office has been watching too much RWBY.

More seriously, it looks interesting. Somehow, I got vague HtTYD vibes from it, which was peculiar.
My immediate thought was that they were reigning quite happily at the beginning of the movie, and some unknown magic force appears and threatens the kingdom, and they have to venture out to defeat it.
Also, the original Frozen made ice look fairly easy to walk on, but in this trailer Else literally runs up a slope of ice in bare feet. Does that seem off to anyone else?

And finally, I just can't take that reindeer scene seriously. I mean, that guy now raising an army of reindeer (which is what I'm pretty sure has happened) is the moment when the trailer completely jumped the shark for me. Not quite enough to ruin it, mind, but... boy, oh boy...

2019-02-21, 11:12 AM
Well, somebody at the Disney animation office has been watching too much RWBY.

More seriously, it looks interesting. Somehow, I got vague HtTYD vibes from it, which was peculiar.
My immediate thought was that they were reigning quite happily at the beginning of the movie, and some unknown magic force appears and threatens the kingdom, and they have to venture out to defeat it.
Also, the original Frozen made ice look fairly easy to walk on, but in this trailer Else literally runs up a slope of ice in bare feet. Does that seem off to anyone else?

And finally, I just can't take that reindeer scene seriously. I mean, that guy now raising an army of reindeer (which is what I'm pretty sure has happened) is the moment when the trailer completely jumped the shark for me. Not quite enough to ruin it, mind, but... boy, oh boy...

Elsa's an definitely an Ice Witch, so I would accept that stunt as her feet sticking to the ice without bother her because of it being ice.

My question is how she gets back to shore.