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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next New AC Formula For PCs

2019-02-13, 11:18 PM
And PCs only.

All PCs gain an additional formula for AC. This formula is:

9+Proficiency modifier=AC

Boom, bam, done.

This is to address the fact that AC doesn't scale without devoting specific resources to it (ASIs or money, or both) but doesn't let AC scale too high. It basically sets a floor for AC, so players are never THAT vulnerable, but doesn't raise the ceiling. For a lot of PCs, there won't even be an effect-the Heavy Armor Fighter is rocking 16 at level 1, and probably 18 by level 4 or 5. It mostly helps 1) those who care not for AC, like Wizards (but it's a minor boon-helps a lot at high levels against mooks, not so much against the BBEG) and 2) people who wear heavy armor and get caught without it.

2019-02-13, 11:28 PM
I certainly wouldn't object to playing in a game with this houserule, but I don't think it's ever likely to come up, because unless you've got a negative dexterity modifier and no heavy/medium armor proficiency it's quite rare to have an AC under 12 (which is the highest this would ever get at the levels I usually play).

2019-02-13, 11:32 PM
I certainly wouldn't object to playing in a game with this houserule, but I don't think it's ever likely to come up, because unless you've got a negative dexterity modifier and no heavy/medium armor proficiency it's quite rare to have an AC under 12 (which is the highest this would ever get at the levels I usually play).

8 Dex Fighter (or any other heavy-armor wearer), usually wears Chain Mail or better. Gets ambushed while they're asleep or any other situation where they can't wear armor.

I do agree the impact would be minimal-and that's kinda the point. I didn't want to hand out a massive powerup to everyone, just add some baseline AC competency.

2019-02-14, 09:34 AM
I would do 10 + prof. Basically the calculation for passive perception if you have no ability mod and it still stays behind those that invest in ac at all.

Level 1 assuming starting equipment:
10+prof: 12
Light armor(assuming some dex): 11+dex = 12-15
Medium Armor(assuming some dex): 13+dex = 14-15 +2 if you have a shield
Heavy Armor: 16 +2 if you have a shield
Mage Armor(assuming some dex): 13+dex = 14-15

higher levels:
10 + prof: 13-16
Light armor: 12+dex = 13-17
Medium Armor: 15-17 +2 if you have a shield
Heavy Armor: 18 +2 if you have a shield
Mage Armor(assuming some dex): 13+dex = 14-18

Most characters will be behind using that formula most of their career anyways and it seems more standard then 9 + prof.