View Full Version : Player Help A Golden nugget.

2019-02-13, 11:23 PM
First off, hi. This is my first time here, this Forum is awesome and from what I've read y'all are pretty friendly/helpful.
I need a bit of advice with this troublesome golden nugget I've stepped upon. My 5th lv Bugbear fighter has just been magically altered into a friggin Mindflayer. How you might ask? My DM took the concept of the ring of power from Lotr and turned that into a phylactery. Anyways....I am at a loss as to what to go for. Party wise I was the tank. My str and con were drained in my transformation and put into Int and Cha. also a bit into wis.
Char looks like Str 6
Dex 15
Con 7
Int 20
Wis 14
Cha 20

Any advice you might have would be awesome.

2019-02-13, 11:28 PM
How do you feel about it?

Because those... Those are not good fighter stats. I don't know what qualifies as 238.27 Kg of Au in your book, but that would NOT be it to me.

Did you get any other boosts, or just stat changes? Because, assuming JUST stat changes, if I were in your shoes, I'd talk to the DM about retiring this character and introducing a new one.

2019-02-13, 11:36 PM
My advice would be to go on a quest to get gauntlets of ogre strength and an amulet of health.

2019-02-13, 11:44 PM
My advice would be to go hexblade warlock at your next level up and look for a magic item to boost con. You'll be back in business then.

Did it have any other effects? Do you have mindflayer powers for example? Did you get to keep your earned levels or was it a straight swap to mindflayerdom?

2019-02-14, 07:47 AM
My advice would be to go hexblade warlock at your next level up and look for a magic item to boost con. You'll be back in business then.

This really would be your best bet if you want to stick in as a melee tank. A two level dip into War Wizard afterwards could be an interesting boost for you as well. That would give you the shield spell, the war wizard reaction, and some other sweet goodies.

2019-02-14, 08:53 AM
My 5th lv Bugbear fighter has just been magically altered into a friggin Mindflayer. How you might ask? My DM took the concept of the ring of power from Lotr and turned that into a phylactery. Anyways....

...that doesn't explain how at all. :smallconfused:

Pick up a ranged weapon, stay away from combat and use your newfound intellect to research ways to change back (assuming you want to continue playing the character). If its going to be perm you could consider multiclassing into Hexblade.