View Full Version : Player Help How to survive a encounter which is heading toward a TPK?

2019-02-14, 11:18 AM
My party and I have reached the final encounter of our campaign, and we currently are heading toward a TPK. We alerted a group of Kobold guards (~12), and have been actively pursued by a amalgamation zombie (~40 zombies combined into one monstrosity). There are 3 casters of ~5th level, one cleric of death, and two wizard necromancers. My party is 4th level, and composed of a human rouge who is absurdly sneaky, a chaotic coward, and rolled insanely on stats (got a shortsword eaten by rust monster), a elf eldritch knight (magic arrows, archer), a Dwarf Cleric (not sure which domain), a Tiefling Bard (at one hitpoint and 2 spellslots left), a Dragonborn Paladin (possibly the best player in the group), and me, a human druid with nearly full spell slots and one wildshape left. We are currently in a cavern in between the two enemies, who are also enemies of each other. We think it might be possible to convince the kobolds to fight for us, but we are stealing their god-egg, which is a black and copper dragon egg (it will turn into one or the other depending on how we act). Our resources are running low, and we are in a cavern with no escape. Our DM is about 30% combat and 70% RP, and he is mostly RAW. Any ideas to escape with the egg or to use specific spells to get out? Or can we fight the encounter with most of us at about 3/4 HP?

EDIT: The encounter went off quickly, with me (the druid) rolling nat 20 on initiative and getting a spike growth down, killing 8 zombies/skeletons. The next action was the Paladin, who tried to convince the kobolds to attack the zombies. They refused to ally with us, but started a attack on the zombies, with our fighter (whose player was gone, dm controlled) charged in to a melee with the kobolds. He squished one, went down due to getting stabbed 18 times, and the highest level necromancer (lv 7) used phantasmal killer on the rouge. The other necromancer ran through the spikes and got slashed, the giant zombie and smaller zombies engaged some pcs and the kobolds, and our bard attempted to go into gaseous form (scroll) and jump into the lv 7 necromancer's nostrils (we called this guy Mr. Spooks) and failed. The zombies on the spiked flank moved in, I became a giant octopus, the paladin went into combat with the huge zombie, and the rouge almost went down, but threw a dagger at one of the apprentice necromancers, dealing 17 points of damage and nearly taking him down. The other necromancer cast fly, and flew up a bit. The bard succeeded at going into mr spooks' nose, turned back to humanoid form, and instantly died. Died. The necromancer's lungs were gone too, so he lost concentration and failed a con save against dying. The cleric shot a crossbow at the injured apprentice, and he went down, his other apprentice ran away, leaving the zombies uncontrolled. This went better then expected, and only one pc died, and one went down. Thanks for the advice guys!

2019-02-14, 11:26 AM
Fly, you fools!

If there is no way to get out with the egg, then try to get out without it. Whatever you need it for, you won't be using it if you are dead.

You can always come back later, and if you can't it will be up to the GM to decide what happens.

2019-02-14, 11:37 AM
Cast Pass Without Trace on everyone and hide til the coast is clear.

2019-02-14, 11:38 AM
The zombie monstrosity will probably only have one reaction. While it'll suck trying to get past, you can probably squeeze past the darn thing and sandwich it between you and the kobolds. Then just keep the kobolds from doing the same so they have to deal with the zombeast instead of you while you guys back out the way the zombie came from.

You could also trick the Kobolds by having the rogue steal the egg and book it past the zombie using his Cunning Action. The kobolds just might be zealous enough to charge after the rogue if they think he's making a run for it. Just make it clear that the Rogue "betrayed" you and the Kobolds might ignore you for the time being.

Lastly, you can attempt to broker a deal with the kobolds. The zombie monster is going to kill all of you and their precious egg. Get the Kobolds' help in taking down the zombie, or they get to see their egg become zombie lunch.

2019-02-14, 11:42 AM
My party and I have reached the final encounter of our campaign, and we currently are heading toward a TPK. We alerted a group of Kobold guards (~12), and have been actively pursued by a amalgamation zombie (~40 zombies combined into one monstrosity). There are 3 casters of ~5th level, one cleric of death, and two wizard necromancers. My party is 4th level, and composed of a human rouge who is absurdly sneaky, a chaotic coward, and rolled insanely on stats (got a shortsword eaten by rust monster), a elf eldritch knight (magic arrows, archer), a Dwarf Cleric (not sure which domain), a Tiefling Bard (at one hitpoint and 2 spellslots left), a Dragonborn Paladin (possibly the best player in the group), and me, a human druid with nearly full spell slots and one wildshape left. We are currently in a cavern in between the two enemies, who are also enemies of each other. We think it might be possible to convince the kobolds to fight for us, but we are stealing their god-egg, which is a black and copper dragon egg (it will turn into one or the other depending on how we act). Our resources are running low, and we are in a cavern with no escape. Our DM is about 30% combat and 70% RP, and he is mostly RAW. Any ideas to escape with the egg or to use specific spells to get out? Or can we fight the encounter with most of us at about 3/4 HP?

If you, Druid, can: get egg and shapeshift flee after a pass without trace for everybody.

Bard then goes for persuasion check with offerings to the mighty, almost dragons, kobolds and bring news of how a cowardly undead/ghast/spider/whatever was seen leaving with the egg and that the enemy is now covering the escape with a platoon of soldiers.

Otherwise, get close to the invading necromancer army, Pass without Trace, Silent Image something big to hide in that they don't want to poke and watch one enemy army pass you to crush the other. Eat popcorn and enjoy. Maybe set traps for anyone trying to escape. Spiked growth is your best friend!

2019-02-14, 11:58 AM
What resources do you have? Does anyone have any illusion spells prepared? Can you make a fake egg?

2019-02-14, 12:21 PM
The zombie monstrosity will probably only have one reaction. While it'll suck trying to get past, you can probably squeeze past the darn thing and sandwich it between you and the kobolds. Then just keep the kobolds from doing the same so they have to deal with the zombeast instead of you while you guys back out the way the zombie came from.

You could also trick the Kobolds by having the rogue steal the egg and book it past the zombie using his Cunning Action. The kobolds just might be zealous enough to charge after the rogue if they think he's making a run for it. Just make it clear that the Rogue "betrayed" you and the Kobolds might ignore you for the time being.

Lastly, you can attempt to broker a deal with the kobolds. The zombie monster is going to kill all of you and their precious egg. Get the Kobolds' help in taking down the zombie, or they get to see their egg become zombie lunch.

Those all are great ideas, and the player for the paladin keeps talking about speaking to the kobolds about allying, so that should work great. Thanks for the great ideas!

2019-02-14, 12:22 PM
What resources do you have? Does anyone have any illusion spells prepared? Can you make a fake egg?

Nobody has really got into illusion, but I have minor illusion so that should allow for me to create a illusory replica.

2019-02-14, 12:26 PM
If you, Druid, can: get egg and shapeshift flee after a pass without trace for everybody.

Bard then goes for persuasion check with offerings to the mighty, almost dragons, kobolds and bring news of how a cowardly undead/ghast/spider/whatever was seen leaving with the egg and that the enemy is now covering the escape with a platoon of soldiers.

Otherwise, get close to the invading necromancer army, Pass without Trace, Silent Image something big to hide in that they don't want to poke and watch one enemy army pass you to crush the other. Eat popcorn and enjoy. Maybe set traps for anyone trying to escape. Spiked growth is your best friend!

Spike growth has been a great friend for getting past the zombie hordes outside, and I think that I could silent image for hiding the party. The area we're in is a open cavern with pillars around the center, where the egg is. The enemies have noticed us, but if they think we dissapeared or died due to traps around the egg, it should work.

2019-02-14, 12:32 PM
Great ideas everyone, and I really appreciate the help with strategy for this encounter. Thanks everyone!

2019-02-14, 02:12 PM
Another thing, do any of you think that crown of madness would work on the giant zombie abomination? Maybe that could help.

2019-02-14, 02:53 PM
Turn into a bat and fly out. It's not a TPK if you survive!

(Yes, my current party's motto is "You can't say Completely Dysfunctional without Fun!" )

2019-02-14, 03:04 PM
Turn into a bat and fly out. It's not a TPK if you survive!

(Yes, my current party's motto is "You can't say Completely Dysfunctional without Fun!" )

Brings me back to my WoW days "It's not a wipe, the hunter (with Feign Death)/rogue (Vanish)/paladin (bubble) survived!"

2019-02-14, 03:09 PM
Another thing, do any of you think that crown of madness would work on the giant zombie abomination? Maybe that could help.

Nope. Target gets a save at the end of every turn. Sure, it's a zombie and its WIS probably sucks, but there's too much risk there. If you've got Pass Without Trace, it lasts for an hour. HIDE. Nobody moves, nobody talks, and let all the bad guys beat each other up. When everyone's distracted, if you have a shot at the egg, you go for it, otherwise, you run and deal with it later.

2019-02-15, 08:29 AM
It seems like the egg had the power here, so egg as valuable hostage negotiating tool? Let us out of here our we break the egg. We’ll do it, I swear we’ll do it!

2019-02-15, 08:59 AM
The Paladin, who's a dragonborn, should persuade the kobolds to "Protect the egg from the undead trying corrupt the unborn dragon", then when the zombies have been deal with have the kobolds follow the group as an "honor guard" for the egg while you take it to a safer place.

2019-02-15, 09:53 AM
Sounds like it's time for out-of-the-box thinking! I love this stuff...

Cast invisibility on the egg - explain that the zombies took it from you, and that it's in the center of the abomination. Alternately, a minor illusion covering a corner of the cavern where you've hidden the egg would accomplish the same function, though less versatile.
Cast Levitate on a PC holding the egg, and hold it hostage ("or we'll drop it!") until the kobolds can kill the zombie thing; then turn on the weakened kobolds
Force the attackers on one side through a choke point, preferably a greased area, improving your odds by taking on only a handful of enemies at a time
Cast enlarge on a PC with a shield, then have them trample their way through enemies two size categories smaller than them (the kobolds), clearing a path for your escape. Alternately, have the enlarged PC shove the zombie abomination out of the way, or even cause a cave-in to either side (then clean it up with their improved size)


2019-02-15, 05:58 PM
My party and I have reached the final encounter of our campaign, and we currently are heading toward a TPK. We alerted a group of Kobold guards (~12), and have been actively pursued by a amalgamation zombie (~40 zombies combined into one monstrosity). There are 3 casters of ~5th level, one cleric of death, and two wizard necromancers. My party is 4th level, and composed of a human rouge who is absurdly sneaky, a chaotic coward, and rolled insanely on stats (got a shortsword eaten by rust monster), a elf eldritch knight (magic arrows, archer), a Dwarf Cleric (not sure which domain), a Tiefling Bard (at one hitpoint and 2 spellslots left), a Dragonborn Paladin (possibly the best player in the group), and me, a human druid with nearly full spell slots and one wildshape left. We are currently in a cavern in between the two enemies, who are also enemies of each other. We think it might be possible to convince the kobolds to fight for us, but we are stealing their god-egg, which is a black and copper dragon egg (it will turn into one or the other depending on how we act). Our resources are running low, and we are in a cavern with no escape. Our DM is about 30% combat and 70% RP, and he is mostly RAW. Any ideas to escape with the egg or to use specific spells to get out? Or can we fight the encounter with most of us at about 3/4 HP?

Probably a stupid question but, are you in a dungeon/cavern which your DM would agree can be workable with the right form/tools? If so, cast Conjure Animals to get burrowing creatures, use them together with your own Wild Shape to go faster and dig underground or in wall some place to hide.
Tack some illusion or Mold Earth/Druidcraft onto the entrance if needed (obviously requires you to be in human form then wild shape as a burrowing beast and go elsewhere or dig your way from another end). Only then a particularly adept could track you on sight (checking walls), only smell *may* give you away.

This is not a great idea if objective is simply to flee, but it could be enough to get you at least some time to rest, possibly a long rest, and you may also simply continue digging a tunnel outside for party as Wild Shape.

Otherwise, what are your currently prepared spells?

2019-02-16, 01:00 PM
What exactly is the necromancers' objective, and which group do they hate more?

2019-02-16, 08:08 PM
Are you Moon Druid or another type of druid? A Moon Druid can turn into something big enough to carry the party (think Giant Spider).

2019-02-17, 12:38 AM
Are you Moon Druid or another type of druid? A Moon Druid can turn into something big enough to carry the party (think Giant Spider).

I am a moon druid.

2019-02-17, 02:13 AM
Probably a stupid question but, are you in a dungeon/cavern which your DM would agree can be workable with the right form/tools? If so, cast Conjure Animals to get burrowing creatures, use them together with your own Wild Shape to go faster and dig underground or in wall some place to hide.

He is level 4, so Conjure Animals is not an option.

He could however Wildshape into a Giant Badger, which has a 10 feet burrow speed. That's probably good enough.

2019-02-18, 12:33 AM
He is level 4, so Conjure Animals is not an option.

He could however Wildshape into a Giant Badger, which has a 10 feet burrow speed. That's probably good enough.

That's a great idea, for the Badger, but I'm not sure we'd be able to keep the enemies away while I dig. Especially the zombie.

2019-02-18, 05:45 AM
He is level 4, so Conjure Animals is not an option.

He could however Wildshape into a Giant Badger, which has a 10 feet burrow speed. That's probably good enough.
Dang, forgot about that. Good catch.

That's a great idea, for the Badger, but I'm not sure we'd be able to keep the enemies away while I dig. Especially the zombie.
How much time would you have in your opinion before the zombie comes into vicinity? Would nobody else have means to create obstacles or reduce perception otherwise?

Is there no place where you could hide party with a Pass Without Trace?
Alternatively, wouldn't it be fast enough to just dig a small tunnel and have party follow immediately after you, with the guy on last position having a Mold Earth or even just a tool to create a quick cave-in?

That way your party is hidden quickly enough. The big risk however is being trapped for good (if enemies still perceive you) or oxygen management.
I'm not sure how much "space" the Giant Badger could create in a few turns...

A quick and dirty evaluation of how much time required to make a 20/20 feet space around 10 feet underground would be around 15mn. No idea how accurate or off-track this is though. Opinions people? How would you evaluate really?

2019-02-18, 09:59 PM
Dang, forgot about that. Good catch.

How much time would you have in your opinion before the zombie comes into vicinity? Would nobody else have means to create obstacles or reduce perception otherwise?

Is there no place where you could hide party with a Pass Without Trace?
Alternatively, wouldn't it be fast enough to just dig a small tunnel and have party follow immediately after you, with the guy on last position having a Mold Earth or even just a tool to create a quick cave-in?

That way your party is hidden quickly enough. The big risk however is being trapped for good (if enemies still perceive you) or oxygen management.
I'm not sure how much "space" the Giant Badger could create in a few turns...

A quick and dirty evaluation of how much time required to make a 20/20 feet space around 10 feet underground would be around 15mn. No idea how accurate or off-track this is though. Opinions people? How would you evaluate really?

I could probably convince my Dungeon Master to make the badger Large, maybe at the cost of some speed (so I'd dig a 4 times larger hole), and someone collapsing the tunnel might help.

2019-02-18, 10:49 PM
I love the brainstorming going on in this thread. Go Playground!

But to answer the question:
How to survive a encounter which is heading toward a TPK?
Order pizza, right away, with DM's favorite toppings. :smallbiggrin:

2019-02-19, 03:20 AM
I love the brainstorming going on in this thread. Go Playground!

But to answer the question:
How to survive a encounter which is heading toward a TPK?
Order pizza, right away, with DM's favorite toppings. :smallbiggrin:

You forgot beer. I'd suggest a Belgian triple blonde. Deceptively strong. Taste like beer, hits like wine. If you start early he might forget all about the big zombie monster and at least half of the spells at his disposal.

I can't remember if Enlarge/reduce works in this version. If it does: combine it with your Badger for some next level tunnel digging.

2019-02-19, 05:46 AM
Does the Bard know Rope Trick?

2019-02-20, 09:58 AM
You forgot beer. I'd suggest a Belgian triple blonde. Deceptively strong. Taste like beer, hits like wine. If you start early he might forget all about the big zombie monster and at least half of the spells at his disposal.

I can't remember if Enlarge/reduce works in this version. If it does: combine it with your Badger for some next level tunnel digging.

Big Badger Time! The session's today, so all the ideas that have come up are really useful. Thank you all, and I'll share what happens at the end.