View Full Version : [IC] Princess of Satarla [Barbarians of Lemuria]

2019-02-14, 01:45 PM
Princess of Satarla
aka "Those Sounds Aren't from Normal Monkeys!"


An in-character thread for a Barbarians of Lemuria (mythic edition) play by post.


Princess Maxima

Zero Prime
Crisus the Unconquered

Tamar the Slayer

Symmiel of the Sea Lords

Karim the Exiled

GM'd by roryb

Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?580356-Interested-in-some-fantasy-gaming-Barbarians-of-Lemuria)
IC Thread (this thread)
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?581030-OOC-Princess-of-Satarla-Barbarians-of-Lemuria)

Note that the title of the campaign is not meant to spotlight one character over the other. Simply, Rokku presented the first character to which Zero Prime attached a good connection. I think that some political intrigue and being hunted by rogue agents of Satarla, or even a worried King Tarv himself sending out searches for his beloved daughter, might make for an interesting backdrop.

I'm still intending to throw short episodic adventures your way without worrying too much about an over-arching theme, as per traditional sword & sorcery fiction. But still, its potential is there.

2019-02-14, 01:57 PM
Evading three war galleys had forced the Sea Wolf into unknown waters by night. A fell storm swept up the gulf precipitously, without warning, and raged with the full wrath of the Thunder Lord. The Sea Wolf tossed and heaved over the frothing swells. It had lost its pursuit, but at great cost...

Their efforts to navigate the small merchant vessel of only twenty oarsmen was ultimately futile. The storm was the hand of destiny itself. When morning broke and the storm dispersed by the will of Zalkyr's red orb, burning hot over Lemuria, the crew and its strange passengers found themselves beached and careened among an expanse of sandy shoals. The vessel was not badly damaged, but their predicament left them stranded until the tides saw fit to liberate them.

Before them was a dense jungle of leafy zannibal trees, veiling any predator that might lurk within them. It was not immediately clear whether their landfall portended a remote island or some unknown stretch of mainland. The jungle met their eyes in either direction around a sizable promontory or island curvature. Only a distant rocky cairn disturbed the continuity of the jungle's dark canopy some five hundred steps or more inland. The gray mass of bare stone cast a long shadow, looking forlornly out into the water like a testament to a fallen god.

Make an introductory post here. This is your current situation. You can attempt to gain your bearings with any sort of pirate or mariner careers to help you + mind. You'll need water, as Symmiel says, but cannot got off of the uncharted island/mainland until the tides come in. There's also the rocky plinth which can grant a -2 difficulty on any navigation rolls, and perhaps provide a source of water (water flows downhill), and a lookout point.

2019-02-14, 06:02 PM
"Damned useless rabble!" Symmiel shouted, shaking his fist at the gormless sailors who peeped at him over the gunwales of the run-aground galley he had leased at a bargain price (with the princess's purse) back in Satarla. It rested now half keeled-over, firmly stuck on the sandy beach of a nameless island. At least there were no holes, he frowned to himself. Still, it would be extremely hard work to get it back off the beach. That work would have to wait for the next high tide. Meantime, it was necessary to find fresh water because the main cask had spilled all over the deck. He had the crew at work now, hoisting the cask to the beach. Once a search party finds a spring, the clumsy b*ds can take turns carrying the cask to the spring and back, Symmiel thought with a cruel smile.

2019-02-14, 11:11 PM
Standing glistening on the beach, Princess Maxima made the half-drowned look work. She was wringing the seawater out of her hair as the captain barked orders at his crew.

"If anyone is injured," she says, "get over here. I won't have anyone dying of an untreated wound so early in our voyage."

Checking for injuries, treating if needed. [roll0]

2019-02-15, 11:58 AM
Indeed many bruises, abrasions, bumps, and even some cracked ribs were apportioned among the crew. These, the Princess attended with the practiced and comforting hand of even the greatest healers of Lysor. Each expressed their interminable gratitude in their own way.

Just curious if the princess would try to travel in guise or under an alias, or if the crew would know who she really is?

2019-02-15, 01:26 PM
Eventually, "Enough, you fellows," said Symmiel firmly. Turning to Maxima, he added, "Profound thanks are due to you for aiding the crew. They must get back to work now, if we are to ever get the galley off this desolate jungle shore. Meanwhile, maybe we should venture to that high cairn to better view the situation, while some of the crew refill our water casks and the rest rig to pull off the galley. What say you? Crisus? Tamar?"

2019-02-16, 02:34 AM
Mask clipped to his belt Tamar leaps to the beach, the sand under his books as he surveys the land. " Aye, leave them to their craft. The cairn may be more interesting. I say we spend the day away from the surf." The truth was Tamar was uneasy on the sea and glad to have firm earth beneath his feet. Besides, he had not killed anyone in days and cairns often contained wealth. He liked the sound of that.

Zero Prime
2019-02-16, 02:06 PM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus, stripped to leather breeches waded through the shoals towards the beach, his skin bronzed from years spent in Quintus' training grounds and upon the sands of the Arena, glistened with sea mist. Around his neck dangled a leather thong, a large wolf claw pendant hung heavy there, a gift from an opponent, a kinsman, of his unknown past. He had hoisted his sword belt across his chest, to keep it clear of the water, a pitted blade would be useless against any of the numerous predator's that waited beyond the veil of zannibal leaves. His shield strapped even to that, his helmet, like Tamar's, clipped to his hip. A small sack of rations, and a wine skin hefted in one calloused hand.

Once he approached the princess he dropped his small collection of arms, armament, and supplies. He absently plucked a frond of seaweed from her dark as night tresses, and dropped it to the sand. He then pulled on his cuirass, greaves and bracers, secured sword to hip, and shield to arm. The helm he left on his hip, he wished to have a wide field of vision should some jungle stalker begin hunting the party on their excursion. He took a swig of the wine, a bitter red, rinsed his mouth and spat it to the ground, where it splashed red against the seaweed that he had so recently picked from Maxima's hair.

He drew his sword, it's sudden withdrawal causing a steel rasp to sing across the beach, speaking for him. It pointed toward the rocky knoll.

2019-02-16, 10:27 PM
The four made ready to investigate their nameless landfall and the rocky foothill that overlooked its sandy shore. In the meantime, the crew went about seeing to the ship-worthiness of their capsized vessel. Simultaneously, a group of four oarsmen took up the cask. They quickly located a rivulet issuing merrily from the foliage through a shallow gully.

The four waded into the leaves to follow the rill to its source. Just as Maxima, Symmiel, Tamar and Crisus were making their final decision to strike toward the hill, a stifled cry came from one of the four bearing the cask. The direction marked the sound some fifty or sixty paces away into the jungle to their left. The rustle of branches immediately followed, but silenced almost as quickly as the disturbance came.

2019-02-17, 07:37 AM
Swiftly pulling his cheap bronze cutlass from its salt-spotted hanger, Symmiel turned toward the sound. "Ahoy! What's amiss?" he called to the crew. He was too experienced a pirate to charge blindly into unknown danger. Instead he would weigh the odds, and if needed, let the danger come to him. But on the other hand, he reconsidered, we really need that cask. The lives of the crew also were a concern.

Without waiting a response, the captain began to hew through the undergrowth toward the outcry.

Zero Prime
2019-02-17, 09:46 AM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus shifted his lithe body at the strangled scream, while he hadn't travelled with these men for a long period of time, they had, through their efforts, aided him in purchasing his freedom and reclaiming his heritage. He looked over his shoulder towards Maxima, "Princess," he hissed, a request, or a demand, it was not immediately clear to those who heard the low hiss, but there was sincerity and perhaps, concern, contained within that single word.

He moved quickly across the sandy shoals, moving towards the veil of zannibal leaves, his shield deflecting entangling branches and vines over his left shoulder, keeping his sword arm clear. That keen, fat, short blade he kept behind him, to the rear, to prevent it from becoming entangled, or knocked from his fingers by whatever threat had cut off the longshoreman's sudden screams.

2019-02-18, 06:56 PM
Maxima's hands immediately fell to the swords at her hips. She nodded to Crisus - they had enough understanding that words weren't necessary - and followed close behind him.

2019-02-18, 11:48 PM
Tamar dislikes the idea of danger at his back so he nods to Symmiel "It may be trouble" He drawls his well used sword, it fits into his palm like an welcomed old friend. He reaches to his held and raises his mask to his face before moving toward the sound.

2019-02-19, 02:26 AM
With Symmiel leading the way, the four quickly overcame the rivulet along which the crew had been following. In no great number of steps into the steaming jungle did they come to the cask laying in the stream. There were no visible crewmen, but there was a single rut that drew through the soft earth straight from the discarded vessel. It was four feet or so wide and tore up the vegetation along the peculiar track like a mighty spade. They heard no immediate sounds other than the distant surging sea, the wind through the trees, and the small bleating denizens of the endless green morass.

2019-02-19, 09:29 AM
"By Shazzadion's salt rimed beard!" swore Symmiel. He slashed fiercely at the nearby foliage. "We must have water, and we must have a crew! No good sending more folk to haul water, while something big and fierce waits hungry in the jungle." He pauses, pirate cunning flaring in his mind. "But is it still hungry? And how soon may it hunger again?
Either way, we'll not get more crew into this jungle, until we can tell them that we've slain whatever beast. Let's follow," he concludes, the habit of sea command eclipsing his knowledge that his passengers might outrank him and have better judgment ashore.

2019-02-19, 10:25 AM
Hearing the sounds of the others thrashing through the underbrush, Karim rolled out of the underbrush he had concealed himself in. A slim, wiry man, he was wearing a pair of breeches held with a rope belt. His long, dark hair was held back in a sailor's queue. His back was striped with angry red lines, healing slowly. He slid the dagger he was holding back in his belt. "By Zalkyr's light, Captain. I am glad to see you," he whispered. "We were bringing the cask by your order. The others... blundered into some sort of entanglement. A net cleverly rigged to hoist its victims up. I managed to conceal myself in the brush here when.. they came. They was shaped like men yet utterly alien. Large and stooped, but powerful...easily stronger than the mightiest mortal. Even yon mountain of man o'er there." Karim jerked a thumb at Crisus. "There were a few of them, but one stood out. Their captain. It had long arms corded with great muscles, and the knuckles of its large groping hands nearly reached the ground. It was naked except the merest loin-skin, and was covered with short fur. It had a sloped forehead and sharply prominent brows shadowing deeply inset eyes that gleamed with a red, feral malevolence set in a bestial face. Sharp tusks protruded from its lower jaw. It must have sensed me, for it looked to where I was concealed, then it darted through the jungle with demonic celerity and stealth after its comrades."

2019-02-19, 10:38 AM
"An ill report, well delivered," quoth Symmiel grimly. "You're pretty competent, for a stow away. You could have shipped honestly, you know.
Any course, you've taken your lashes and I'll trust you for that."

Turning to the others, he added, "We will have a fight to win back our men. It's only a few hundred yards back to the ship.
Let's gather half the crew with clubs and swords, and hunt down the beast men who took their comrades hostage."

2019-02-19, 02:45 PM
"The stripes were a gift from my last patron," says Karim. "I would feel better if I had my weapons with me. I only hope our comrades can wait that long."

Zero Prime
2019-02-19, 07:40 PM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus' large calloused hand shot out and gripped Symmiel's forearm with an almost painful intensity, "No," he hissed. Shaking his head, his eyes wary, scanning the clearing. He'd fought beasts before, in the arena, half starved, mad, rabid, a spectacle of savagery, but this was not that. "These," he looked at the clearing, where their companion had witnessed the cunning ferocity of these beasts, traps, for what dark end??

"Beasts will track a large group, better if Karim returns and informs your crew to post watch, mark the shore with bonfires, and ensure anyone seeking entry is us." He released his grip, and moved towards the path into the deep wilderness, "Once Karim returns with blade and harness, we hunt."

2019-02-19, 08:36 PM
Maxima nodded.

"I defer to Crisus on this," she said, "he's experienced in various tactics. If he says we go small, we should go small."

2019-02-20, 03:33 AM
Not really in a hurry to push though this underbrush and fight some unknown beast anyhow, Tamar Nods "Yes, this sounds like an excellent plan. It will keep the men on guard and bring another blade. If the men are dead there is no hep for them. If not rushing in gains us nothing anyhow".

2019-02-20, 07:48 AM
"I have been in many boarding parties where the weight of numbers carried the victory.
But this is the shore, not a ship; and a hunt, not a boarding party. Maybe as you say, stealth is better than force.
In any case, the five of us should be able to handle a few ape men." Symmiel spoke confidently, but concern creased his face. He pulled absent mindedly at his long, Egyptian styled brown beard with his free hand. "Karim, I will return to the ship with you to order the crew."

2019-02-20, 09:49 AM
Karim nods, and points to the path that Crisus had blazed through the jungle. "It is a poor hunter who only sets one snare. Stay to the paths already trodden. We know them to be safe enough. For now." With that, he flies like the desert wind back to the ship. Climbs up the rope ladder, and down into the dark hold where the crewmen bunk. He recovers his javelins and leather curaiss from there, and arms himself. The crewmen look at him strangely as he does so, but he does not respond. With that, he runs back to where the others are waiting.

2019-02-20, 10:31 AM
Symmiel followed Karim more deliberately, and while the desert man armed himself, the ship's captain concisely explained his orders to the crew: they were to make weapons ready, stay out of the jungle, and continue rigging the ship to haul off at high tide. If the party do not return by high tide, the crew are to row out to swimming distance and anchor there, leaving a small boat ashore with oars for the return of the party and the water cask. Symmiel did not mention the disappearance of the water carriers.

2019-02-20, 12:34 PM
Alerted that something was amiss, the crew nonetheless began carrying out their orders quickly. In moments, Symmiel and Karim rejoined their companions. The Beshaari took the lead through the foliage.

How quickly the sounds of the shore and the crew were swallowed by the oppressive jungle! The air was still, the clime close and humid. Buzzing flies sortied the faces of the five heroes as they made their quiet and slow advance.

The trail was not difficult to follow where the track continued to plow through the foliage. The tracker found no traps along this way, but knew that nets might be set from above, or wooden stakes could by triggered to catapult into position. None of these he found; but upon lowering himself to the ground as experienced hunters do, he had a better look at the tracks of the bestial men. While in this position, he could see a narrow darkened channel under the dense undergrowth to the right and to the left. In this way, he chanced to see the stealthy passing of an unknown number of figures to either side some thirty paces distant.

They were being followed...and likely led into some sort of ambush.

2019-02-20, 04:54 PM
Karim saw the shapes from the corner of his eye. He stopped and raised his empty waterskin, pretending do drink as the others caught up. "They are surrounding us. We should strike now, either side, before they are ready to spring upon us," he whispered.

2019-02-20, 11:48 PM
Tamar brings his shield forward, stifling in armor under the humid and oppressive jungle heat. "Agreed, we shoudl not allow them to take the initiative and surround us. It is best we strike first, before they are ready"

2019-02-21, 01:32 AM
"Quickly and quietly then," whispers the princess.

2019-02-21, 02:57 AM
The five stood in roughly single file along the rut which paralleled the bubbling rivulet. The thick boughs of two massive zannibals stood at the fore and rear of their position leaning over the trail at twenty paces apart. The track was nonetheless only wide enough for a single hunter to stand and maneuver. On either side of the path, the foliage was extremely dense, and the footing uncertain. Cutting through with a stout cutlass was feasible, but vines and roots threatened to ensnare the hapless hewer. Furthermore, fast movement was nearly impossible. An almost complete canopy of brown and green shadowed their heads, while the trickle of water and the shrill song of insects continued to resonate.

Since the majority has decided to take action here, I’m giving a bit more of a picture for you to describe your tactics.

The tree boughs can provide some cover. Thrown or ranged weapons against those utilizing this stout cover will impose -2 difficulty to the attacker. They’re also there if you want to put your backs to them to limit the number of enemies able to surround you. Doing so means you’ll never face more than two at a time. (Normally, I’ll leave up you to make creative use of your surroundings.)

Fighters remaining on the track can use heavy weapons and move forward and back without obstruction. Entering directly into the foliage will slow movement, vision, and impose a -2 difficulty on any weapons not of small size or designed for use in dense spaces. Daggers and so forth suffer no penalty.

Spotting things in the jungle incurs -2, while hiding grants +2.

I’ll let you know (exceptionally) that these are rabble. Since Karim’s tracking spotted them, there’s really no way unless you roll snake-eyes on your initiative rolls that you’d go last. So we’ll forgo the need for those.

This will be to give you all a little taste of combat. With rabble and play-by-post, sometimes I like to let each of you handle your own vignette, running a few rounds of combat each asynchronously (and rolling enemy attacks on their turn). We don’t have to do this if you’re not all comfortable with it...and maybe for this first battle, that’s throwing too much at you all at once. But know that you’ll have the initiative to act first.

As usual, BoL rules recommend careers rarely to be used directly in combat. There’s a strong case to be made for Gladiator to see use once or twice when the description is colorful or using the environment or dirty tricks is particularly creative. Generally, you’d do those sorts of maneuvers anyway because you’ve got that career. It doesn’t necessitate getting a Career bonus to the roll. Likewise, Assassin will grant a bonus when attacking from concealment the first time. Assuming I won’t say no unless you’re really making a weak case of career use or trying it more than twice.

Also in BoL, I like to have players make their own rolls. It can help you decide if and when you want to use your Hero Points. In pbp, I feature a fair number of rabble battles, because they’re simple and straightforward, and generally fast. Assume a standard roll of 9 does the trick. I will try to provide a sample of situational modifiers (like the cover and weapon choice in dense vegetation, above). I will probably miss something you might think of. To keep things moving, assume a 9 succeeds.

2019-02-21, 07:26 AM
Symmiel assessed the situation. "Meseems that here we must wait for them to come to us," he said casually. "When they do, whoever stands at the front will face them first, because it is unlikely they will struggle through this undergrowth to meet with us.
If they try to, we will have at least the advantage of a first strike as they vie for solid footing. But I think somewhere ahead there must be a clearing where they intend to meet us. If there is such a space, there we could spread out and all of us engage them at once."

Zero Prime
2019-02-21, 07:34 AM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus took a step forward to the canopy that concealed the damnable savages from their prey, he spoke softly, "Form a wedge behind me, shields preferably, when they charge, stand firm, unbalance them. Those that fall underfoot, slit their throats, stand with me and we shall not fall."

He turned then, considered his option, he was a free man now, however, as in his youth, the cost of his life, his freedom, was to be paid with the lifeblood of his foes. So be it, it wouldn't be the first time he had climbed to victory atop a mound of stinking, corpse-flesh, nor would it be the last.


OC: Rolling Appeal+Gladiator to challenge, infuriate, and intimidate the rabble. Seems appropriate, play to the crowd and all. I want them off balance and clumsy as we break their charge. [roll0]. Let's see how this works!

2019-02-21, 09:27 AM
Symmiel shrugged and grimaced, shifting his grip on the hilt of the cutlass and pulling his dagger from its sheath. "They will come from both sides," he said. "There is no front or behind here. And no space to form a wedge. But let them come, thrashing through this jungle of branches and vines - our blades will cast them down, blood-gurgling, to the hells of Nemmereth."

OC Rolling first attack [roll0]. Defense 3 for parrying dagger.

2019-02-21, 02:35 PM
Karim drew one of his javelins and readied his shield. "No room for a proper shieldwall. No room for a proper skirmish. You guard my back, Captain, I'll guard yours."

Once the enemy shows themselves he will fling a javelin at the nearest. [roll0], dmg [roll1].

2019-02-21, 05:55 PM
Maxima reflexively falls back-to-back with Crisus, blades in her hands almost reflexively.


2019-02-22, 04:48 AM
Tamar says nothing, let the other talk, no its time for killing and that is not a business to carry out yelling like some untrained thug or petty entertainer trying to amuse the masses.. He readies has shield and as soon as a foe gets within range he will handle it with his blade.

if I am doing this right it is 3d6, take the two best and +4 for my agility and melee

[roll0] +4

2019-02-22, 12:54 PM
The hoots of the enemy came in unison response to Crisus’s challenge. Leaping wildly through the foliage was a mob of hairy ape men, jaws agape, each wielding some crude instrument of war — a bone club or stone-tipped spear. Due to the champion’s bravado, their advance was uncoordinated and clumsy. Whatever advantage they held was thrown away in their haste to try and overwhelm their enemy.

Near the front came a handful. The first of these Karim struck down with a well-aimed throw of his javelin. The remainder of the beast-men leapt past their fallen comrade. Karim came face to face with two, while Symmiel at his back exchanged a hasty blow with one. The savages swung wildly, keeping the two on their toes within their confined space on the muddy track.

Tamar's familiar blade vanquished the first brute that leapt within reach. Two others attempted to flank him. Their clumsy blows were nonetheless effective in keeping the assassin in check with little place to maneuver.

In the back of the group, five of the creatures overwhelmed Crisus. Being most vulnerable of all, the Princess found herself facing three. Maxima lunged urgently, missing the first savage that stepped within reach. Crisus easily turned aside the attacks of his two assailants, but Maxima was hard-pressed against her many antagonizers. One clubbed her mightily with a brutish overhand attack using two powerful limbs. She parried as Crisus had taught her. The force of the blow sent pain up her arm, numbing her entire side with angry waves of hot pain. Nonetheless, she deflected the killing blow. How many more such blows could she take? Pressed up against Crisus, the Princess had no ground to give up to her more numerous enemies.

Giving the enemy -1 to all rolls due to Crisus’s intimidation.
Due to your back-to-back stance, Symmiel and Crisus will face only two foes at a time each; all others face 3 due to being at either end (Karim and Maxima) or being not against someone's back (Tamar).

Also, to keep things moving along, all rabble will have only 1 LB, so no damage rolls are needed. A hit takes them out in what way you see fit. Also, for those fighting back-to-back, you can swap positions whenever you wish.

@dojango, note that your trademark weapon does normal damage, even if you roll an extra die for attack.

4 attacks: 2 each on Karim and Symmiel (-1/+1) (http://orokos.com/roll/705467): 4#2d6 7 4 11 5 2#2d6l1 5 1 2#2d6l1 4 6. Both miss. (note: I rolled too many attacks here; I'm taking only the first two rolls)

Attack on Tamar (+1/-1) (http://orokos.com/roll/705469): 2d6 9 2d6l1 3, Thanks to that point of Defense, they miss.

Crisus has used his action for the turn. I'll roll for the Princess. I'm assuming she's using her blades for best effect. Against rabble, doing extra damage or higher attack is less effective than getting a boost to the defense. So +1 Defense, -1 attack. Attack: -1 maneuver, +1 agility, +1 melee (http://orokos.com/roll/705471): 2d6+1 6. That's a miss

Attack on Maxima (+2/-1) and Crisus (+1/-1) (http://orokos.com/roll/705472): 2d6+1 10 2d6l1 2 2d6 5 2d6l1 2. The maneuver worked for Maxima, boosting her Defense to 11 this turn, barely turning aside the attacks. They miss Crisus.

Okay, that ends the first round. You'll keep your initiative for each round. Go ahead and roll now that you are getting the hang of it. Getting a 9 will vanquish a foe. If you happen to get boxcars, your damage will determine how many you kill if you select the "rabble killer" option for a Mighty Success in combat. If you want to spend a Hero Point on a normal success, you can get yourself a Mighty Success. Again, you each face two, except Maxima, who has three. Narrate your successes as you see fit.

If you spend Hero Points or take damage, put your vitals at the top of your posts to track them.

If I've made a mistake, please let me know.

2019-02-22, 02:29 PM
Symmiel lifeblood 10 hero points 5

Symmiel felt the Beshaari's shoulderblades brush against his lightly armored and heavily sweating back as they two traded blows with the ape men confronting them.

Iron dagger in his left hand, bronze cutlass in his right, the sea captain hewed mightily at one of the bestial savages while trying to parry the other's club by stabbing at its forearm. He succeeded in parrying the club, and the glistening black obsidian tip of the other simian's menacing spear barely grazed his bare upper sword arm.

"Karim!" cried the captain. "Trade places with me, I'd rather try my luck on your opponents."

2019-02-23, 01:09 AM
As the beasts closed in, Karim drew his dagger for close fighting. Hearing the Captain cry out, Karim turned to help him... and then felt a sudden jerk as one of the beasts grabbed the case of javelins strapped to his back. He turned again to fight it off, and the beast gave a mighty jerk, ripping the thing off him. The strap gave way, and the beast roared in triumph as it held up the weapons. Karim tried to jab back at it with his dagger, but the thing remained out of reach...

2019-02-23, 03:26 AM
Tamar fall back toward the rear to help the princess, he curses himself because he should have known better than to leave the rear wide open like that. What was he thinking, ugh. He turns on the beasts with his shield up for protection and cuts into them, hoping its not to late

I forgot to roll my damage last time.

Zero Prime
2019-02-23, 10:11 AM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

He felt the narrow shoulders of the Princess pressed to his back, however, given his shield and his experience he had the advantage while three pressed the lioness, and despite her deadly claws he would not leave her to a danger worse than he, himself, had need to bear. "Roll Princess." Simple words, however, given their brief time together, there was an almost unspoken bond between the two, as he felt her body weight shift to her right, he too spun, coming in low, now facing the three bestial savages who thought they were facing the woman.

He swung his body low, the edge of his shield slamming into his foes knee, buckling him, Crisus then rose to his full height, the savage he slammed into pin wheeling through the air, even as the massive Valgardian's broadsword bloomed from the savage's chest, spraying the air with a thick ichor. As the body landed with a dull, lifeless thump, Crisus, shuffled to the side, so that, in death, his vanquished foe would not steal him of his footing, providing his relentless allies with an opening to end his life.

OOC: Switched with the Princess, leaving her with my two, giving me her three, my 11 kills one of the three. Leaving me with two. Retalitory attacks [roll0]; [roll1]. Ist Attacker +2 for two allies; -1 for Intimidation, -1 for Small Shield; Second Attacker +2 for 2 Attackers, -1 for Intimidation.

Let's see how this goes for Crisus!

2019-02-23, 02:53 PM
Now at the front, Symmiel ducked and pivoted to avoid the onslaught of three fiercely grimacing savages. He lashed out fiercely with his cutlass, but to no avail. Then the tip of a massive femur, heavily swung, bounced off his thick leather breastplate. He gasped at the impact, already feeling the bruises on his ribs.

Symmiel lifeblood 10 hero points 5

2019-02-24, 05:23 AM
Maxima trusted Crisus implicitly, and so she did as he said - but there was still a moment's hesitation. After a lifetime of being deferred to something deep inside her was galled at taking such a command, and that gave her pause. And so when she came around it was a moment too slow, and her strike at one of the beasts went wide. Cursing, she raised her blades to defend against their attacks.

2019-02-24, 02:23 PM
In the rear of the group, Maxima struggled to keep up with the shifting steps of battle. She missed a turn of her wrist to parry an incoming blow from her flank and found a club in her abdomen, knocking the wind from her lungs. Crisus took out one of the three while barely turning aside their attacks.

Tamar, seeing the need for his trusty blade where it was most needed began to cut a path backward, but his singular remaining foe (having dropped one with another efficient thrust) blocked his way with wild swings of its club.

At the fore of the line, Karim was nearly put off balance as his weapons were ripped from him, but managed to evade an ensuing spear tip aimed for his breast. Symmiel’s counter attack took them all by surprise, and soon all the beast men engaged with Karim and Symmiel lay sprawling dead or dying. Karim’s sheaf of javelins was fetched up from the dead apeman’s grasp by one of its companions beyond the perimeter. There were several more of the creatures keeping their distance now, watching as the interlopers cut them down, and weighing the risks of their involvement in the fray.

We’ll see if I can keep things straight (from back to front).

Crisus took out one and avoided their attacks. Maxima missed, faces two now, and now must face an attack:

Attacks against Maxima (+2 rabble/-1 intimidate) (http://orokos.com/roll/706127): 2d6+1 11 2d6l1 6. They needed an 11 (Defense 10 + Shield) and got it. Max damage! Ouch! After protection, Maxima takes 5 damage.

Tamar takes out one, and faces one attack from a single Grooth. Attack against Tamar (http://orokos.com/roll/706128): 2d6-1 4 1d3 3. That’s a miss.

Symmiel (less 1 Hero Point) heroically takes out all the forward end’s threats. However, before that happens, one gets a chance to attack poor Karim, who is now without his sheaf of javelins. (Ruling that the second was the one who got those weapons, so is not attacking this turn.) Attack against Karim (http://orokos.com/roll/706129): 2d6-1 2 1d3 2. Total miss.

So there are five left: one facing Tamar, two each against Crisus and Maxima.

2019-02-25, 03:46 AM
Tamar is yet unable to reach the princess. He watches he foe fall, blood glinting on his blade, the smell of death filling the air and moves to take out his last foe so he can reach the others


2019-02-25, 09:33 AM
"Hold fast," Symmiel shouted to Karim. "We must keep the laggards off the backs of our comrades." Holding his weapons loosely, he warily eyed and counted up the savages who hung back from the fray. Blood speckled his face and beard, dripped from his cutlass, and coated his dagger and the thick brown leather gauntlet that gripped it; that hand briefly had plundered the guts of a Grooth.

2019-02-25, 05:09 PM
In a sudden fury, Crisus fell into a feral rhythm. His sword drank from the nectar of the enemy's lifeblood. To the outside observer, it was as if a wild animal gorged itself on the unfortunate within a nest of green. When all was finished, the apemen all lay at his feet. With Tamar's remaining foe vanquished, he hastened to the Princess's side. But the battle was already won.

Those beast men around the perimeter quickly lost their will to fight, even though they still outnumbered the five. With shrill jabbering like panicked laughter, the circle withdrew. Karim and Symmiel could hear the progress of their hastened steps through the foliage toward where they surmised the rocky mound to stand. Feeling now safer, the five were able to compose themselves. With a quick examination of her bruised abdomen, Maxima was able to determine that very little lasting damage was done.

There's your first taste of battle here. If anyone has any follow-up questions, post them in the OOC.

Healing can take place, depending on how much time you want to take. You all get half your Lifeblood back (rounded up), +1 (not exceeding your maximum) if Maxima gets a chance to attend to you. She has a rank in physician, which works best with first-aid. That should restore the Princess to almost her maximum. Post if you need her assistance, or vote on whether or not you want to linger so long (each hero she is asked to attend will add 10-15 minutes here).

Alternatively, you can spend a Hero Point to get your second wind, rolling a d6 for a number of Lifeblood back.

2019-02-26, 12:47 AM
Karim looks down at the fallen foe and carefully prods one of the bodies with his foot. Not so fearsome now, stretched out dead on the jungle floor, eh? He takes a closer look at the beast, racking his mind for what he can glean from the body, trying to recall hunter's tales about such strange beasts...

[roll0] Gonna roll hunter + mind to see what lore I can recall of these beasts

2019-02-26, 01:30 AM
Nice roll!
These, indeed, were grooth — beastial men that gathered in crude settlements. Cruel, primitive, and cannibalistic, few knew by what means such depraved beast men were allowed to propagate across the jungles of Lemuria. Some said them to be the outcome of sadistic experiments by the Sorcerer-Kings of the previous age. Where man thrived and grew among the few jewels of civilization in arts and engineering, the grooth did not. Most lived in secluded and primitive villages deeper within the jungles. Fewer roamed the coasts and river deltas where man more frequently traveled.

If you’re fishing for something specific, let me know.

2019-02-26, 05:56 AM
"Are you hurt badly Princess?" Tamar asks pulling up his helm. The fight was short but brutal and the heat of the day did not improve the beasts smell.

2019-02-26, 07:35 AM
Symmiel chuckled and shuddered, rolling his shoulders. Then he knelt down and began trying to wipe his blades clean with the foliage. Over his shoulder, he said: "The track does not end here. Stealth no longer is an issue, but speed may be. Let's hasten to find our missing crew, before worse things than capture befall them." Having cleaned off the most of the gore, he stood again and tucked the cutlass under his muscular but somewhat pudgy arm, getting blood stains on his sheer poofy blouse in the process. Pulling a bandanna from within the chest part of his leather armor, he began to more thoroughly clean off the iron dagger. "We should move soon," he added. "This great rut is not hard to follow."

2019-02-26, 09:24 PM
"Aye. These beastmen sometimes leave their prey alive for later feasts... but oftimes they do not. We should keep moving. I can't imagine they must have many more warriors... they tend to travel in small groups."

Zero Prime
2019-02-27, 06:41 AM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus nodded, unclasping the helm from his hip, he dropped it over his tangle of blond hair. He motioned towards Karim, who had shown himself an observant scout and capable combatant. "Lead the way." He kept his shield raised, but not so high as to interfere with his already diminished field of vision, his sword arm was ready, he knew the Princess was hurting, taking such a blow was damaging to one's body, and to one's pride.

She continued to use two blades, an option Crisus himself never affected, he much preferred a solid defense to outlive, and outlast his opponents. As such he made sure he stayed to her off hand side, that his shield, his body, would protect Maxima and not grant these savages further openings to injure, or kill his companion.

2019-02-27, 05:45 PM
"I'll be fine," says Maxima,"just give me a moment to treat the wound. Is anyone else significantly injured?"

2019-02-28, 10:03 AM
"A few of these beasts may be seriously injured and playing dead, but I doubt they will sit still for treatment." While she was binding her wounds, Karim took a few moments to scavenge amongst the dead. He picked up one of the spears. Crude, in that it was an obsidian head lashed to a hardwood shaft, but the binding was secure and the obsidian had been knapped to a razor's edge. It would suffice for now. Once everyone is ready, Karim will lead the way again, scouting ahead for more traps or ambushes.

[roll0] (hunter + mind) to scout ahead again. Also, will 'borrow' one of their spears....

2019-02-28, 12:53 PM
Once Maxima's wound was dressed, the five continued along the path. The way was not difficult to follow. And presently, they came to a place where the rut deviated from the course of the water, the former veering sharply to the right, and then again around a thick bend of vegetation gently to the left. Straight ahead, through the verdure, Karim spied a sunbeam breaching through the jungle canopy.

Ogling with greater scrutiny, there appeared a small clearing ahead around which their ill-fated crew had mindfully been dragged around rather than straight through, as seemed the most direct course. It wasn't more than thirty or more paces across, and at its center was a small hut of grass and vine. It appeared not to be occupied; for the jungle was quickly reclaiming the small glade, and parts of the hut wrestled with numerous thorny creepers. Whether or not a denizen lay hid within or not, the place was possessed of an unwholesome tenor. The trickle of water passed through the center of the clearing just beside the small shelter.

That test was short of the mark, @dojango, but not completely useless. The rules also talk about using tasks for degrees of success. It wasn't a solid success, but neither was it abject failure. I'll save this task to reveal something should you use it to do tracking/searching in and around the hut.


Princess Maxima (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23708189&postcount=3)

Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Tamar the Slayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23711839&postcount=15)

Symmiel of the Sea Lords (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23707998&postcount=2)

Karim the Exiled (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23715280&postcount=20)

2019-02-28, 05:59 PM
"The beasts dragged our comrades around this place and further into the jungle. We should keep moving, this place is empty."

2019-02-28, 11:10 PM
"I'd prefer we quickly check the hut, just to make sure nobody's waiting to ambush us."

2019-03-01, 05:15 AM
"I agree we should clear the hut first. Let us not leave more foes behind us."

Zero Prime
2019-03-02, 01:09 PM
Crisus the Unconquered (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23712672&postcount=17)

Crisus grunted, "No need, it's abandoned, and the savages avoided it, likely superstitious because they've never lived under a roof in their **** stained lives." He wandered beyond the hunt following the trail, "Any delay and our crew gets closer to their thrice damned cooking pots!"