View Full Version : Suggestions for monsters in an abandoned, underground library

2019-02-15, 03:53 AM
Esteemed Playgrounders! I am (re)stocking a dungeon under Ravens Bluff in the Forgotten Realms. The area is an abandoned complex that was under construction by dwarves. The particular level is the library area, which was mostly finished. Hence, there are some books, scrolls, and various tablets. Any monsters placed by the dwarves ought to (have the capacity to) be clean and dry, and preferably with the delicacy of touch to look after old, precious parchments and papers.

The area has been infiltrated by drow from further below, including a mercenary/slave tribe of orcs, but it may be that the library level is largely untouched, if the dwarves placed sufficiently impressive guardians and contraptions.

The CRs I am looking for are 12 at the high end; the PCs are ECL 8, albeit slightly overequipped on average. Suggestions for traps are very welcome as well.

2019-02-15, 05:10 AM
Half golem owl bears.

2019-02-15, 05:36 AM
Esteemed Playgrounders! I am (re)stocking a dungeon under Ravens Bluff in the Forgotten Realms. The area is an abandoned complex that was under construction by dwarves. The particular level is the library area, which was mostly finished. Hence, there are some books, scrolls, and various tablets. Any monsters placed by the dwarves ought to (have the capacity to) be clean and dry, and preferably with the delicacy of touch to look after old, precious parchments and papers.

The area has been infiltrated by drow from further below, including a mercenary/slave tribe of orcs, but it may be that the library level is largely untouched, if the dwarves placed sufficiently impressive guardians and contraptions.

The CRs I am looking for are 12 at the high end; the PCs are ECL 8, albeit slightly overequipped on average. Suggestions for traps are very welcome as well.

A beholder reading a bunch of books simultaneously. Defeating or interacting with him players find that every book he's reading is a romantic novel.

2019-02-15, 06:36 AM
A Warforged librarian with amazing stealth skills (and Darkstalker) who follows the PCs around once they enter, but only attacks if they damage or misplace the books.

2019-02-15, 07:02 AM
The library is a labyrinth made out of bookcases and a minotaur wizard is the librarian.
A Sphinx might be interested in the knowledge contained in the library, or maybe a dragon.
The hall of necromancy contains the skulls and jawbones of revered sages. A Speak with Dead enchantment allows the skulls to answer any question you might have.
One of the books is actually an intelligent item that desperately wants to be read. It's filled with ogre smut from cover to cover. (Make a will save!)

2019-02-15, 07:39 AM
There's a creature in "magic of the faerun" which specifically lives in & guards libraries; the CR 7 scalamagdrion. It's a dragon that pops out of a book or scroll page through an extra-dimensional space.
Other things that make sense are gargoyles, maybe a spectre or banshee if you want the old woman from the first Ghostbuster's movie library scene, and animated objects.

2019-02-15, 08:18 AM
Advanced paper golems made of the old, precious, parchments and papers? Then they can look after themselves.

2019-02-15, 09:03 AM
Advanced paper golems made of the old, precious, parchments and papers? Then they can look after themselves.

Paper golems are really low CR. But you could awaken them, give them levels of wizard or archivist and then loremaster to make them really librarian-ish.

2019-02-15, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! :smallsmile:

mabriss lethe
2019-02-15, 02:29 PM
A random smattering of animated objects wouldn't go amiss.

2019-02-15, 03:06 PM
ink ooze?
animated lamp

2019-02-15, 03:24 PM
Take a look at a contract devil.

2019-02-15, 10:26 PM
Spectators (Lords of Madness) might be appropriate.

Also, dunno offhand if there’s a non-homebrew monster that works exactly like this, but now I’m picturing constructs that are basically big magic Roombas. They might not be especially relevant combatants unless you do something weird with them, but I like the image.

2019-02-16, 01:34 AM
IIRC, an old abandoned library is a suggested location for Shadows. Maybe upgrade them to Greater Shadows, but even the weaker kind would be a dangerous and potentially creepy drain on the adventurers' resources.

2019-02-16, 04:43 AM
Mimics everywhere.

Individual books try to eat your face when you open them. Carpets underfoot suddenly close up and entangle you. Entire bookshelves that suddenly lean forward and shower you with heavy tomes of lore before toppling forward and pinning you to the floor.... or another carpet-mimic.

Lecterns, doors, desks, chairs, candelabras... Mimics. :smalltongue:

Also, Rust Monsters. Apart from a few very rare books with gilted titles that might need locking away for safety, they'd have no interest in the books and would exclusively go after the intruders. Protecting the library as well as preserving what's in it, in effect.

2019-02-16, 02:01 PM
Thanks again! I'm getting a lot of good input here, really appreciate it. :smallsmile: