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2019-02-15, 09:40 AM

The way it begins is how it always begins, with being.

There is always nothing at first and then something. A Creator cutting his hand open and bleeding meaning into the universe, or a Creator tending to the fruits of her Garden of Purpose, or even Titans - making All through their conflict, loves and deaths.

The shift from negation to anything but was always momentous. How could it not be? Existence is momentous. And so worlds have come into being with a word and that word then echoes and speaks to those who come after.

This time there was no word, no echo.

It all came into being, but how and why and through what and for what was lost in the act of becoming. It all came into being in silence.

Just a sunless void now, but even a void is not anything - nothing is hard to comprehend. It's even the absence of void.

But suddenly, as if time had noticed that time was, not only a void - there is a jewel, a hard rock of motive, a seed of reason - a world. A whole world suspended in the center of Now.

An endless ocean devoid of color, reflecting back the emptiness that surrounded it, but it was there, it was here. It was justification, finally - where no cause existed previously. And such ideas take shape and bend around such intent and are born. Specks of expectations and design. Power where no power was.

And as they begin to flicker and coalesce, as they gather - they will recognize themselves as Lords of Creation - and one wonders, what will they do with it all.

What will they make?

2019-02-15, 09:51 AM
A Simple Stone: The First Land

Stories start at the beginning, but they also start somewhere as well. The First World, born in the Void, awash with water but something else. In its northern hemisphere stood a patch of land. The first land. It was small, to start, dominated by high topped mountains and low forested plains. The land was wracked with storms, viscious and violent and primal much like the stone and root that made their home. But there was more, for the world was born of powerful energies and these coalesced. The Elements. Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The first land was earth and the blood of the mountains was fire made physical. Water surrounded on all sides except above which was dominated only by clear and cool air.

Feet walked this ancient yet nascent earth, animals and birds and fish but more. The Elements were physical and their effects were as well. Flecks, small motes of elemental energies drifted through the land and where they wandered they breathed extra life into the primal wildlife. These beasts gave birth to monsters. Vagrants and Vagabonds, vast and minute hybids and chimera. Raven and Rollypolly, Bear and Beaver and stranger things, all spouting flame or dashing through waters as if they were made from it. Yes, the first land was raw and untouched.

Yet. Vast pillars etched with strange symbols rose like clawing fingers from the soil. Basalt walls in such disrepair lined the mountaintops and in a valley there lay A Single Stone. A basalt pillar like so many other. Had it always been there? It certainly couldn't recall, it had no mind to do so, yet stranger things could exist so why not a rock's dream? It dreamed of vast tendrils of raw elemental energies that ran beneath it like claws. Of storms tinged by these energies that wracked and warped mountainsides as boulders fell from the heavens as easily as raindrops and lighting was made like hail.

AP: 16
PAP: 0

Create Land (1AP) - First Land: The First Land is a mountainous and densly forested land pocked by basalt pillars with worn writing and ruined walls and forts.. [Nature (Elementals) 1/10]

Create Mythical Concept (4AP) - The Four Elements: All of Creation is bound by four constants. Fire, Earth, Water and Air. These four Elements can be found through the First World in their true forms but also their pure forms. These veins of pure elemental energy run deep in the world and are rarely exposed to the surface. The four Elements can warp and change the natural world, imbuing all they touch with their innate nature. [Nature (Elementals) 5/10]

Create Monstrous Life (1AP - Vagrants: Exposed to elemental energies, Vagrants are hybrid animals blended with various elemental powers. Vagrants have no set form in light of this, a Vagrant may well appear as a mix of snake and bird made of fire just as easily as they may appear as a bull and crocodile that have innate electrical properties. Vagrants vary in intelligence, from pack animals that often serve as the leader of mundane animals, to near mindless brutes. [Nature (Elementals) 6/10]

Create Monstrous Subrace (1AP) Vagabonds: If Vagrants stand above mundane animals, Vagabonds stand above Vagrants. Vagabonds are massive monsters blending all manner of animal into their form. These chimeric beasts lack sapiance but possess cruel cunning and much like Vagrants vary in social hierarchy and temperament. Also like their Vagrant cousins, Vagabonds are possessed of powerful elemental energies. Vagabonds embody the more destructive aspects of their Elements, giant thunderbirds and lion gorilla made of living flame are small examples. [Nature (Elementals) 7/10]

Create Monstrous Life (1AP) Fleck: Flecks are animate Elemental energy, appearing as small orbs and splotches of the element of their makeup. Flecks are unintelligent, they simply exist to spread their element and to exist for as long as possible.

Bless (1AP) - Elemental Seeding The first land is particularly blessed with deposits of pure Elemental Energies, running in giant tree like veins under its surface. [Nature (Elementals) 9/10]

Curse (1AP) - Elemental Storms The storms of the first land are potent and some are more dangerous than others. Storms of flame, stone and hail are not uncommon especially around the mountains and the deserts between. [Nature (Elementals) 10/10

Gain Domain - Nature (Elementals)

Create Land (1AP)
Create Mythical Concept (4AP)
Create Monstrous Life (1AP)
Create Subrace: Monstrous(1AP)
Create Monstrous Life (1AP)
Bless (1AP)
Curse (1AP)
2+4+1+1+1+1= 10AP

16AP - 10AP = 6AP

2019-02-15, 10:40 AM
The First Land: The Halls Beneath

Vicious life filled that single patch of land upon which rose a single stone. Hunting and haunting the upper caves for more of its like. How long must this state of affairs have gone by? With a thousand creatures born and slain in the claws and fangs of others, the bodies to litter the ground, fall into the creases and sink into the mud.

And the creases, the hollows, the holes. Stretching so far down, hungry maws of the dark deep. They hid a secret through all the land they covered, an unlit mausoleum for all that came before, and ever it demanded room for the upper world was set in its violent ways.

So the underground pushed the land aside. Growing it and cracking it, allowing the elements trapped free reign of the surface. Flame could jet to the sky, air could flow into the land, and water and earth could meld in forgotten places.

There were caretakers then, some might argue. Caring for the walls with soft limbs of clay and flecked with brown and green life alchemized of water and sludge and raised in flame. They steered clear of the upper world and gathered the corpses and buried them in walls and ceilings for reasons unknown, perhaps none.

These halls would come to be a great, verdant castle stretching wherever it could, The Fortress of Moss. Yearning for all that was and settling for the remains.

AP: 16
PAP: 0

Create Land (1AP) - The First Land: The first land is an expansive continent with deep roots and high activity. Many of its caves are lined with marks of being worked by unskilled hands, it contain many holes with deliberately placed objects and corpses. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 1/10]

Create Monstrous Life (1 AP) - The Caretakers: The caretakers are the ambling remains of dead vagrants and vagabonds, haunting the depths at the behest of some alien mind. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 2/10]

Create Monstrous Life (1 AP) - Deep Moss: The first plants. Growing on the light of magma flows and the jolts of electrical monsters. Deep moss clings to cadavers and manipulates the remains to make them move again, infusing dead minds with its own directives. These directives naturally drive them to make primitive mausoleums and museums and store things for The Fortress of Moss, things which also eventually become seedbeds for more moss and new caretakers. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 3/10]

Create Advanced Concept (2 AP) - Construction: Although caretakers and deep moss are far too simple to understand what they are doing, a great deal of knowledge can be gleaned from their instinctual work. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 5/10]

Create Advanced Concept (2 AP) - Fossilization: Regardless of if the caretakers take hold of the fallen remains or not, all death eventually returns to stone. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 7/10]

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Funeral Rites: More can be gleaned from the works of deep moss. Cleanness and health from the proper treating of the dead. Specially, if you keep them away from the moss. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 8/10]

Bless (1 AP) - The Shifting Land: It takes awhile, but the continent shifts and grows, although it may one day split. New environments appear in time. New opportunities for living things, new ways to fail and new canyons to fall into. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 9/10]

Curse (1 AP) - Tectonic Upheaval: But with all that opportunity comes the ever present threat of the trembling and bleeding world. [Undeath (Restlessness) - 10/10]

Gain Domain: Undeath (Restlessness)
Nothing ever fades from The Fortress of Moss

AP: 6
PAP: 0

Anubis Dread
2019-02-15, 10:53 AM
Tafeita: Shelter

The stage was set. The story began. But even a stage full of extras and scenery still needed characters to drive the plot. And it is the nature of both stories and life to bring forth exceptional individuals to fill any roles that are not unfulfilled. In this particular case the world was empty of divinity but for a single stone. The life that dwelled upon the world did not think or feel as god or men, but they were still there. They struggled, grew, spread and died. In a world that has none to care or tend for them these feelings good and bad had great power.

Tafeita was not entirely sure how those feelings had been brought together to form herself. Perhaps she had been a vagrant herself and been ascended, which would make sense given her appearance and that she'd come aware within a flock of the little ones. Perhaps she had simple popped into existence because existence needed her. Or perhaps she still wasn't here at all, and merely thought she was. After a moment the small beast shook her head, her large ears flopping at the movement. No, if she wasn't here then she couldn't help. And that just wouldn't be very good at all.

It was the nature of this land and its inhabitance to be cruel. Fire and lightning rained down from the sky. The creatures upon it, though wondrous, had been made to be powerful rather than gentle. They were doomed to live short and violent lives, and to forever be but a plaything or meal to a vagabond. Being a beast herself Tafeita understood the power of instinct, and the rule of nature. Some things were best left be. Simply clearing the land of the curse upon it? Giving the vagrants and other living things enough food and shelter to live out their lives in peace forever? It would bring nothing but stagnation and misery. Some danger, some suffering, was required for life to function. As loathe as she was to admit it.

Still, even if she couldn't change the whole world to her liking didn't mean she couldn't make her own little corner of it that acted as she liked.

It was little more than an effort of will for the land to sink around her, the vagrants around her surprised and panicked at their sudden loss of elevation. She almost began to begin the next step in her work, before seeing more vagrants in the distance. Leaving them outside her small slice of safety was unthinkable. The depression in the land deepened and spread far enough to include them, then further still when she noticed more that needed safety. Again and again she deepened the earth, until she was left was a crater a good third the size of the first continent itself. Deciding that was a good a place to stop as any before she caused the land to sink into the sea, mountains began to crop up around the lid of the depression of earth. And though the elemental storms continued to rage at the peaks, the mountains were so high that the storm could not rage over them. The air within the crater was still dark, and stale, and young, but it was also still.

Of course an empty crater of earth was no place to make a home! A vagrant could not eat dirt after all! Well, most of them couldn't. With a hum on her lips and smile in her heart the tiny divinity caused a great forest to bloom forth. That should provide more than enough food for even the most ravenous of creatures. Her vagrants seemed to be enjoying it. They feasted upon its fruits, and devoured the beasts of pure flesh that called it home. Some though were ignoring food and were digging their paws into the first. She supposed it was the nature of a child to try to imitate their parent. Chuckling to herself, Tafeita loped over to where the creatures were attempting to make a proper den. After all, it was also the nature of a parent to teach a child.

AP: 16

Alter Land (1AP) - The Caldera: A large crater of earth which holds a fertile rainforest. It is surrounded by mountains, making it both hard to access from the outside and providing a safe harbor from elemental storms. Vagrants live within it, but vagabonds do not. By nature, at least. Since it is made from the First Continent it still has many elemental treasures and dangers underneath its soil.[Earth (Shelter) 1/10]

Bless (1AP) - Sanctuary: The Caldera is not afflicted by Elemental Storms. Extremely powerful and violent creatures find it hard to cross the mountains surrounding it, though it not impossible. [Earth (Shelter) 2/10]

Create Mundane Concept (1AP) - Homes: Creatures no longer simply wander the land and sleep wherever they end up when they get tired. Instead den making and territories become the norm for most creatures. [Earth (Shelter) 3/10]

AP Spent

Alter Land (1AP)
Create Mundane Concept (1AP)
Bless (1AP)

16AP - 3AP = 13AP

Deja Who?
2019-02-15, 11:46 AM
Janika the Neverfail - The First Lands

Janika let out a scream of exuberant happiness suddenly and blinked in wonder.

What a joy it was to be alive!

Wait why hadn’t she noticed that before? It was of little concern. She was here and this was now and events were happening. The endless void of time before this was nothing.

“Words.. to speak... sounds break through this listless silence!” She shouted, enjoying her minor domination over the empty soundless space around her. Janika laughed again and started to take more stock of her surroundings. She was growing hungry and bored and knew great challenges lie ahead.

AP: 16

Curse (1 AP) - The Curse of Hunger: All mortals of lower than Mythical Life are required something that sustains them whether it be food, elemental energy, or the wizard magic that keeps a zombie going. All mortals desire something that keeps them alive, pushing them to sustain themselves. [Life (Hunting)]

Bless (1 AP) - Murder’s Delight: The goddess of murder loves when mortals kill each other. This could be a blessing or a curse. When a mortal kills another mortal they are honoring the lord of murder no matter why they did it. Pleasure, war or self-defense it all counts as murder. When it’s done the survivor feels amazing and takes a small bit of the dying parties skills and power unto themselves. [Life (Hunting)]

Life (Hunting) 2/10

AP: 14

2019-02-15, 11:49 AM
The First Land: The Storms Above

Fire arcing through the sky. Hail flattening the forests below. Lightning racing through dark clouds. The elemental storms of creation shrouded the First Land and illuminated its inhabitants in vivid bursts of color, punctuated by darkness and frightening noise. Off the shore of one of the lands rock-strewn beaches, more a sheer cliff than anything there was a school of blind fish. As the sky spewed its deadly ice, they scattered and sought the shelter of the coral reefs that had begun to breath and live around the continent.

Shelter and home, safety, the fish could sleep in relative peace. The coral slept with them, still but alive. It bloomed with iridescent color - even glowed in the darkness, such that from the shores of the great continent the horizon glowed an eery electric teal. As they rested they dreamed of a sinuous trail of mucous - sticky, trapping them in its wake. Many of them woke up startled, not having the emotions necessary for fear. They fled the coral in their schools and would return later to it when their memory subsided.

Eniym, swam among them, unassuming - there were, after all plenty of fish in the sea. Fish, sharks, eels - she actually did not so much swim as she let the strong currents take her. The currents grew stronger, turning into waves, crashing against the coral barrier. Various water sport tore into the sea, sometimes dragging the creatures of the sea into the air only to fling them onto land to die or already dead. The storms raged.

She looked up, languidly, and allowed herself to be taken by a tornado. She wore her slime like a coat and it quickly expanded to encompass the storm that had begun to take her into the sky. The tornado became torpid and slow, as if it was a machine and guck had gotten to its gears. Against all logic it didn't die, but instead became a slowly rotating spiral of viscous liquid as she ascended into the cloud and into the storms themselves.

AP: 16

Alter Land (1AP) - Coral Reefs surrounding the First Land. They are beuatiful and glow in the dark. THey also have a whole biome of underwater life. [Ocean (Turbulence) 1/10 ]

Curse (1AP) - Currents. The Oceans are full of strong and powerful currents now that also create large waves necessary for tsnumais that may batter the continents. The Coral reef does help in breaking the worst of the waves. [Ocean (Turbulence) 2/10 ]

Curse (2AP) - Every now and then an elemental storm may become torpid and stiff, and seem to stick in place. A tornado made of slime or even a lightning bolt that against logic just remains. A wall of fire that endlessly rains down. These torpid storms do not last forever, but simply seem to be slower and lazier than their kin. [Clouds (Languidity) 2/10 ]

16AP - 3AP = 12AP

2019-02-15, 12:04 PM
Looloodi: A Beautiful Birth

As the mysterious basalt tower grew towards the sky, spreading primal energy across the land it erected, a simple seed took root at the edge of the First Land.

As the decaying walls forged the land above and below, creating a cycle of life and decay, a small sprout began to grow towards the water of the Still Ocean.

As the loving beast dug a hole in the earth, creating a sanctuary for all those who cared for peace, a beautiful flower bloomed as the stone is grew upon broke free of the First Land, and became an island off of its coast.

As the flower grew and grew, it saw its reflection in the water, and knew it was beautiful. It continued to stare as it grew, becoming more and more beautiful with every moment.

One day, as she fully blossomed, the flower had the thought to look back at where she had come from. It turned and saw the horror that was the First Land. Hideous beasts tore through the scarred landscape, ravaging each other in the fleeting light of electricity and flames across the sky. Decay and violence permeated the land. She knew such hideousness could not be what is meant for this world she was born into. She must make this world as beautiful as she knew herself to be.

With her purpose now known, a power welled within her roots. Her stem began to rapidly grow, rising to the bare sky until she was twice as high as any mountain. From there her petals began to spread, growing into thousands of branches, each one ended in a brilliant jewel of a flowerbud. She then widened until the trunk of her base was nearly as thick the land she grew from.

This was not enough, she knew, for even at this tremendous size, she would be hard to see through all the storms and darkness. Her new formed branches began to sway, seemingly as though they were widening up. Similarly, the flowerbuds began to fully bloom, opening up. As each bud began to bloom, a soft warm glow began to emerge from the center of each one, blanketing the air with light.

Inwardly smiling, the flower feels herself shifting again, as though something was pushing her out of her body. From the topmost branch of her former body, the true form of the newborn Goddess comes forth. Somehow knowing without being told, two thoughts pop into her head. The Goddess, Looloodi and Ilianthos, the Tree of Light... "Those are, like, the perfect names....."

Started with 16/16
Create Land(2): An Unamed Island now sits just off the coast of the First Land.
Create Avatar(4): Ilianthos, the Tree of Light. This giant flower stands far taller than any (currently made) mountain and was the first body of Looloodi.
Bless(1): Light of Ilianthos. Whenever Ilianthos is in full bloom, it emits a warm light that promotes the growth of plants. It is bright enough to provide excellent lighting for most of the First Land.

Life(Beauty) 7/10

Ended with 9/16

Toxic Mind
2019-02-15, 12:24 PM
Marah: Glories and Songs

For many thousands of years, through the rise and fall of civilizations, empires, and the camps of madmen around fires, there would be the Debate. To many, the Debate was meaningless, for even in answer it affected nothing, yet for a great number the Debate was all-consuming. How did it all begin? That was the Question, and it was a part of the Debate, but not the entirety. Many would claim that their god was the First, or the Only, or the True One. All of these labels and ideas and wars and fights and decisions and even the Debate itself were, in the greatest irony of the cosmos, utterly meaningless. After all, time was a decidedly mortal concept, and what need had gods for such a silly idea.

Marah came about because the universe needed connection. It needed some things to be bound together; at least that’s what she told herself. Marah did not know the answer to the question, but she did know enough to decide for herself that reason was good enough for her. She needed no better answer, because that answer provided her with all that she needed.

So it was that Marah found a world with nothing, though already some had created. She filled this world first with herself, for that was all she knew to give, and how. A vast ocean, that was of her, but also not her. Was the ocean there before Marah, or did Marah fill the world with it? It was a moot point. There were things in it that others had made, things that floated in it, anchored to the ground. She watched them for a time, but did not find them pleasing to her eyes. They were simple things, creatures that formed brief, momentary connections, but knew nothing of the greater ones. Marah knew then that she would remedy this, and make things that knew more than just base desires.

The coral reefs fascinated her with their color, with their vibrancy. Such life! Surely all things should see such beauty! Marah sang then, a song without words, but deep with meaning, a song that would resonate within the hearts of all living things. In a way they could never adequately describe, even if they had the means to do so, living beings were drawn to the sea. They felt its call inside them, and wished to experience it for themselves. Marah knew that the Ocean was dangerous, shifting and petulent, and so she ensured that it would provide nourishment for those that sought it. No creature drawn would find itself bereft of water and life when they reached its shores.

Starting: 16/16
-1AP: Bless - Song of the Sea: Living creatures find themselves drawn to the Oceans, and thus are more likely to make settlements, dens, and other swellings near it. [Music (Song) 1/10]
-1AP Alter Land: Waters of Life - The Ocean water is drinkable by any species or creature. [Life (Nourishment) 1/10]

2019-02-15, 12:35 PM
The First Land: The Chryonic Desert

An infinitesimally small speck. A distant thought.

Nearing, the world grows in size until it encompasses all perception. Chryon is suddenly aware of their presence on the world. And as they took in their surroundings, a heat began to grow within them. This heat rippled through Chryon's existence and made them aware for the first time.


The proclamation felt right and necessary.

Taking a second moment to examine their surrounding, Chryon became aware that the land around them had become a desert. Trees and plants had been replaced by cacti and sand. And the fauna had adapted to these changes; more reptiles, smaller mammals, more burrowing and nocturnal living. In the presence of Chryon, life had to adapt and change.

Chryon realized that other parts of the world could be taught the truth of existence, so they pushed against the world, causing it to spin. In doing so, a piece of Chryon crystallized into a glass gem and buried itself into the center of the great desert they had created.

Chryon watched the world pass beneath them and found contentment that they could share their knowledge with the whole world.

AP: 16
PAP: 0

Alter Land (1 AP) - The Chryonic Desert: An extremely arid desert of vast size. [Chaos (Change) - 1/10]

Create Mythical Concept (4 AP) - Adaptation: Life will strive to survive in even the harshest conditions. And, as pain is measure of understanding, truly powerful creatures will be born from the harshest environments. [Chaos (Change) - 5/10]

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Day/Night Cycle: The world spins and experiences days when Chryon is watching and night when they are not. [Chaos (Change) - 6/10]

Curse (1 AP) - Chryon's Gaze: Days are painfully warm. Chryon wishes only to see creatures know existence through pain, not for comforts or security. [Chaos (Change) - 7/10]

Create Divine Favor (3 AP) - Heart of the Desert: A glass gem born from the melting of the desert sand as Chryon touched the world. It is said to be able to control the weather and is more powerful while controlling weather in a desert. [Chaos (Change) - 10/10]

Gain Domain: Chaos (Change)
Existence without change is meaningless.

AP: 6
PAP: 0

2019-02-15, 01:12 PM
The First Acts of Many-As-One

Deep in the recesses of space, far above the First Land, two eyes open. Then a thousand more do the same.

Many-As-One awakens in an endless expanse of blackness and ink, alone and yet very not alone. Many-As-One always have themselves, and so for company they will never be lacking. A thousand minds think, and one thought coalesces between them. A thousand beaked mouths open, and one victory cry of birth echoes across the darkness beyond them.

First steps are challenging. Many-As-One are unused to having a body, let alone a thousands bodies all acting in tandem. Their first manifestations are clumsy and formless, their first thoughts present but unvoiced. It is embarrassing and Many-As-One are grateful that their fellow Lords of Creation are busy elsewhere on the world far below. Gradually, clarity arrives. Form arrives. Many-As-One become a flock of a thousand crystalline birds, briefly assume the form of a humanoid, deem that form currently unnecessary and dissolve into a united swarm. After some time with this, they are ready. They are a god and a thousand gods. They are powerful and they are beautiful. No more dawdling. It is time to get to work.

Many-As-One observe the other Lords hard at work on the planet below, observes how they struggle and toil and subvert each others' abilities, introducing hardship and turmoil. So disorganized. Many-As-One counsel among themselves and choose to make a change against this. The flock disperses in all directions and get to work, for the first step is always the most critical.

Each individual bird that composes Many-As-One soars across the darkness of space, trailing behind it a primal thread of creative force. With a thousand working in unity, these threads weave together in an elaborate pattern, become tapestry, become creation. Hovering in this dark recess of space becomes a palace of gods, a place for the Lords of Creation to meet in peace and discuss their differences. And, perhaps, in the right circumstances, a deceased mortal may travel here to bargain their case with the gods, argue for a second chance at life. Many-As-One observe their creation, deem it acceptable, and dub it the Hall of Titans. The universe gains its first star.

Now, for the second. All mortal life eventually ends, Many-As-One know this to be true. But the lost souls of Creation have nowhere to travel to after death. Many-As-One set to work on creating their second star, likewise visible far above the soil of the earth. This star is a vast, empty city, waiting to be filled with the departed souls of inhabitants of the land. They will work there to organize the afterlife, ensure that all the departed souls will have a true resting place. Even now some birds depart from Many-As-One's flock, escorting the first deceased souls to their new homes in the second star of the universe, the Citadel.

In the last part of their first act, Many-As-One drag cosmic trails across the space between their two stars. In the wake of the flock a bridge forms, woven of colors that mortal kind will never have a name for. But brave souls will one day, when the time is right, cross this bridge and parley with their creators, and it will be good.

Start: 16/16 AP

Weave Plane- The Hall of Titans: The first star of the universe is created as a diplomatic grounds for the gods. When disputes arise, rather than it fall to pointless violence or wars of curses and blessings, Many-As-One invite their fellow Lords to parley at the Hall with their rival gods and come to a peaceful agreement. And when the time is right, mortal souls from the Citadel may travel to the Hall to bargain for a second chance at life. The Hall possesses a meeting room with a place for every deity that has and will be, and archives where artifacts may be kept and used by any deity who desires them. [4 AP] [4/10 Death (Afterlife)]

Weave Plane- The Citadel: The second star of the universe is an endless city where the deceased souls of the mortals of the First Land find their eternal rest. There, they become a celestial bureaucracy, helping still more departed souls find new homes and employment in aiding the still-living. All that lives in the First Land eventually finds its place in the Citadel, and that place will always be waiting and ready for them. 4 AP 8/10 Death (Afterlife)

Create Bridge- The Lordsbridge: This seemingly-endless expanse of light connects the Hall of Titans and the Citadel. Brave souls who have found their home in the Citadel may traverse this bridge to the Hall, where they may bargain with any deities present that they deserve a second chance at life, and obtain the possibility of being reincarnated in the First Land. 2 AP 10/10 Death (Afterlife)

Gain Domain- Death (Afterlife)

Weave Plane- The Hall of Titans (4 AP)
Weave Plane- The Citadel (4 AP)
Create Bridge- The Lordsbridge (2 AP)
4 AP + 4 AP + 2 AP = 10 AP

16 AP Begin - 4 AP - 4 AP - 2 AP = 6 AP Final

Anubis Dread
2019-02-15, 01:36 PM
Tafeita: The Tree of Light

A paw poked at the loose soil holding in place a wilting tree. A small muzzle snuffled at the roots, before dropping a coal of elemental fire into place and burying it. The tree soon looked a bit better, but was still rather gray and droopy. Mulling things over for a few moments, Tafeita eventually nodded to herself. The truth of the matter was that she simply did not know how to food. Or rather that the trees that she had made to provide food were simply not suited for the world as it was, but instead the world that she wished could be. They needed far more light and warmth than the dark world could provide. She would need to put more power into her project if it were to-

And suddenly it simply wasn't dark anymore. The Hearth Goddess let out a small squeal of surprise, her neck darting to the new source of light so quickly that she toppled over onto her back. A tree in the distance. One much larger and more beautiful than any of the one's she'd created. And the light from the tree had bathed over her own, causing the unhealthy gray trees to burst into greenery. And a few further ones also burst into redderry, bluery, and pink-with-yellow-spottery. Perhaps linking so many trees to elemental shards and leylines had more effects than she'd originally expected. Her children-by-surprise-adoption seemed to enjoy them though, even if the occasional fruit teleported them ten feed sideways or turned them into a ferret. So all in all a good day's work!

Day... now there was a new concept. And with a such a grand tree that grew so well it would surely provide Tafeita with brilliant new ideas for her own work! It certainly wasn't that the light was warm and would almost certainly be an absolute pleasure to nap in. Not at all. With a grout of flame the divine beast decided being where she was no longer ideal, and so was instead somewhere else. At the base of a beautiful bright tree that bathe the world in its light. Perhaps she should seek out its creator and compliment them... right after she curled up for a few moments.

AP: 13

Bless (1AP) - Sacred Plants: Numerous plants now exist in the Caldera that are magic in origin, due to a combination of Tafeita's experimentation and the natural chaos of the elemental earth. They range from the utterly mundane, such as bananas that taste of apple, to the utterly fantastical, such as herbs that grant immortality. [Civilization (Agriculture) 1/10]

AP Spent

Bless (1AP)

13AP - 1AP = 12AP

[Earth (Shelter) 3/10]
[Civilization (Agriculture) 1/10]

2019-02-15, 04:47 PM
Sololond's Emergence
Solitude. Endless solitude. It had been ages since the last time he had seen another. All he had was the empty void, endless and uninteresting. Lost in his endless solitude, Sololond almost missed the creation of the first world. Suddenly, a chunk of the void that was before empty, wasn't. Upon viewing the singular form of of the First World, Sololond felt something he thought he would never feel again, hope.
Sololond moved towards the First World, excited to no longer be alone. As tore along towards the first world, he saw many lights ignite into existence. As he grew even closer he saw all of the god's creations and creatures. Sololond flew among the many creatures and observed their fights and struggles. Desiring company, he reached out and brought some of of them into his presence. The energies of the Abyss that composed Sololond warped the creatures into creatures of the abyss. Feeling less alone with his new pets, Sololond decided to find some more conversational friends. From his body, ghostly figures emerged, and he sent them out to find other intelligent beings and bring them to him.

AP: 16
PAP: 0

Create Monstrous Subrace (1AP) Void Rovers: Vagrants exposed to the void energies of the Abyssal heart of Sololond. Their bodies were shrouded by clouds of void energy giving them a resistance to magical assaults. The Void Rovers are less aggressive than the regular Vagrants, and are always found in packs. [1/10 Magic(Void)]
Create Monstrous Subrace (1AP) Void Rambler: Vagabonds infused with void energies. Like the void rovers, they are shrouded in dark indigo clouds of void energies, leaving them with high magic resistance. Unlike the Void Rovers they aggressively attack high concentrations of magical energy, feeding upon it to grow even larger. They ignore non-magical creatures, finding no sustenance from them. [2/10 Magic(Void)]
Create Monstrous Life (1AP) Wraiths: Chained spirits, formed from the remains of the countless dead being from countless worlds lost to the void. They have a humanoid shape, shrouded in mist. Their bodies are covered in rags and wrapped with chains. They hunt for mortal souls to ensnare with their chains and bring to their master Sololoth. [3/10 Magic(Void)]
Create Mythical Concept (4AP) Void Magic: Powerful magic utilized by those touched by the abyss. Void magic offers a powerful defense against other magical attacks. It also easily destroys magical constructs and beasts. It does little against physical threats, only leaving a sense of emptiness to things with a mind. It can also summon creatures of the abyss to the user's aid. [7/10 Magic(Void)]

New AP Total: 9

2019-02-15, 05:32 PM
Caerox's Challenge

Deep within the ruins of a time long forgotten Caerox stirred from his deep slumber. Taking up his horn he set out to observe the creation of his peers, seeing first the moss going about their endless task. "Preserved, yet already forgotten" He mused as spectral visions of a glorious past flittered about him.
Leaving the Moss to their dreary task Caerox entered into the First land proper and gave three thunderous blasts on his horn, challenging any with the courage to approach him. Seeing the creatures flee in terror at the sound of his horn Caerox journeyed onward, repeating this routine thrice more before his challenge was answered, not by the mighty beasts of the forest or mountains, but the humble halfling.

Create Major Artifact(Utility Artifact: Raise Hero) The Horn of Valor (5AP): A modest horn capable of inspiring heroics from the unlikeliest of places.

Create Sapient Life (2AP) Halflings: A small, forest dwelling people, what they like in size they make up for in courage.

Raise Hero (1AP) Hunts-Alone: The first to answer Caerox's challenge, a halfling hunter of great courage and skill.

probably going towards a Halfling domain but still unsure on the portfolio
8/16 AP

2019-02-15, 06:35 PM
A Godly Sound

The loud sound of a massive horn drew Sololond's attention. He could feel the magic calling to him, telling him to meet the horns creator. "Quickly friends, let us find this horn blowing future friend." The wraiths follow the horn's sound, looking for the source of the challenge. They find a group of halflings and quickly surround them. They grab the diminutive halflings with their chains and begin to bring the halflings back to their godly master.

2019-02-15, 07:04 PM

She came into the world without fanfare; no heralds rang out her coming; no cataclysms nor earth-shattering cataclysms accompanied her. Where she once wasn't, she now simply was.

A wisp of consciousness, in the beginning more will than sapience or even perception. She traveled the first world gathering form as she went, starting in the depths of the one ocean where she felt the inexorable potency of the massive Plates as drifted toward the fulfillment of their destiny. T'was there that her tactile senses were made manifest through the alabaster skin of her tall, willowy feminine form. She drifted through the Waters of Life on strange, nearly sentient Currents feeling the Song of the Sea wash through her, and trailed her fingers blindly along the Coral Reefs. She felt the pulse...the need that was life.

Lifting her slender limbs she rode the waves upward, taking her first hesitant steps upon the First Land...naked, deaf, and blind. Here, though, there was a tumult...a riot of life and flurry of activity. Her steps grew more purposeful, and as she strode across the land her elfin ears were formed. She heard the various Vagrants and Vagabonds and felt the Flecks that perished upon her skin. The Elemental Storms lashed her skin so she wrapped herself in their energies, blending fire and air to weave a diaphanous, opalescent gown.

Without eyes to see all was dark, but alas so was the first world in its entirety. A rumble beneath her feet, stilled her endless trek as she contemplated the ponderous growth of the Shifting Land...but this was different as if a great force were pushing upward through the earth. Wishing to experience this wonder, twin turquoise eyes opened upon her face and blinked in wonder as Ilianthos bloomed the first light upon the world. She stood perfectly still and watched the majestic tree rise to towering heights and force the darkness into abeyance. Beneath her feat the Light of Ilianthos brought forth a multitude of plants and growing things.

All was a wonder to her, yet still the storms raged and the beast and plants of the First Land struggled to survive, stirring her heart and driving her onward. As she walked a great basin was formed and the storms were driven away, blocked by the encircling mountains. Climbing to the top of the peaks she looked down into The Caldera; the Sanctuary was a mercy...surely made manifest by a kindred spirit. And with that thought she became self-aware, fully cognizant of her purpose yet with little to no sense of her power.

She was nearly overcome with the desire to soak in all that the first world had to offer, and with that thought a thin, upturned nose sprouted from her face and she drank deeply of the multitude of scents. The lingering ozone smell of the fierce lightening and the softer, more subtle scent of the blooming flowers in Ilianthos' light. More....I must have more!

So she walked again, this time with great speed and purpose. A different smell called to her, one of death and acrid earth, so she went and there saw the Deep Moss and ambulant dead - the Caretakers. Though such things felt unnatural to her she forced herself to watch and learned of the mortality of living things, of their strange Funeral Rights. At a time when she was content with what she had learned she moved away, but had not traveled far when she heard a voice...the first she had ever heard; a voice of latent power. She felt the waves of Hunger sweep across the world, and bore witness to the tremendous import it had on all living things....she looked on in horror as Murder's Delight drove the beast into a frenzy of purposeless murder....and she fled.

With great haste she tore across the First Land, over mountains and through forests until a great light and wave of unbearable heat burst across her vision. She was there as the Chyronic Desert was born from the being of heat and pain. Hiding herself as best she could, it was her guiding hand that help the plants and desert creatures to adapt to their shockingly harsh environment. No, she did not create the ideas of Adaptation nor Sanctuary, but she held them both close to her and counted them dear. Her skin began to blister, but with a thought she bronzed it and steeled herself against the assault. A tumble of lustrous, auburn hair fell across her shoulders offering her further protection. The heat relented as the first world began to move beneath her feet...slowly....ponderously, and she bore witness to the first cycle of Day and Night.

A trio of thunderous horn blasts drew her ear and she left the desert to seek out the herald and what arrival it proclaimed. Within the forest of the First Land the Halflings came forth to answer the call, from where she did not know, but she sensed there was something of great import in this moment so she hid herself away to watch.

2019-02-15, 07:05 PM
The First Land: The Storms Above

Before storms - come the clouds, great behemoths of frozen water, thunder bursts refracted within. She swam through them as easily as if she swam through the water, and the slime expanded off her leathery skin to fill the volume of those giants. They would become something more solid than mere mist, like hard foam - both light and impossibly strong. Thunder still roiled within, the clouds still despoiled the earth with flame a stone. Wind battered the oceans and the land. Uprooted trees, flung wildlife.

The Halflings would look up to the sky and see the clouds as they eclipsed the pure light of Ilianthos and the small warm moving glow from the desert. They had no name for the actual gods, but they would worship the tree of light for people always worship the light - Ilianthos, the Goddess of Bright. And they would curse and fear the Storm. A nameless goddess, the jealous sister of Ilianthos. Myths would spring up - of how the envious sister of storm banished her brighter sibling from the city of Moss. Of how she turned her own sister into a tree but could not hide away her purity. And how their father, the City of Moss itself, cursed the other sister turning her into the angry storm itself. Sometimes in her misery she would send a single bolt against her sister - and hold in place for days and days - they could see the slime of her disgust drip from the electricity.

And they would look up and see her in the solid clouds - not knowing that it was Eniym's home, as the clouds congealed and became shapeable. In the greatest of such sinewy oozed cloud she formed a slight depression and fashioned it into a swamp which she filled with her muck, and there she continued to languidly swim while myths not of her were told far below.

12 AP

Create Land 2 AP - Cloud Mires, the clouds due to Eniym's slime have become sticky and solid - other than the fact that they feel like a mixture of clay and foam, they still act like clouds and the storms (torpid or not) still descend from them. At the top of such clouds - whole biomes can be found. Mostly wet sticky gross swamps, it is in one of these cloud mires where one could find Eniym. [Clouds (Languidity) 4/10 ]

12AP - 2AP = 10AP

The Succubus
2019-02-15, 07:23 PM
The Great Rat

It is a difficult thing to decide, where to begin a story, for there is always something before the beginning. Do we begin with a world, a small speck of creation in the infinite darkness, or the violent powers that shaped and wrought that speck into something new and wondrous? Perhaps a closer look, a deeper look, beneath the branches of the Great Tree and the stone and soil that nourish it, might show us a beginning of many, many stories....

The tunnels stretched away in countless paths, twisting, turning and looping until all sense of direction was lost. Even the many creatures that called Tanglenest their home rarely strayed too far from the familiar chambers where they foraged, mated and slept. Yet every once in a while, one of them would stray that little bit further, drawn by curiosity and find themselves in danger.

It sped along the tunnel, fear and panic driving it through the darkness. A rhythmic crunching sound followed hungrily behind it, as stone ground against stone. It felt a change in the air behind it and jaws slammed together, narrowly missing its tail. The tunnel ahead split into two paths and it raced down the lefthand path before its whiskers brushed up against a wall.

Trapped. Fear. No escape. Danger. Danger. Sound. Close. Pain? Death?


Sound. Quiet. Movement. Quieter. Quieter. Danger? Gone?


It walked cautiously forward, sniffing the air and watchful for the return of the creature. As it walked away, a pair of soft blue eyes watched from the darkness.


She lay on the leaves and grasses that lined the floor of the chamber, utterly exhausted. The labour had been hard and long and the pain almost overwhelming. The soft chitters and squeaks coming from the floor nearby told her that her brood had been large and healthy. She began to stir. One of her children was very quiet and very still. Too drained to even feel worry and panic, she reached for the child with her jaws and with extreme care, pulled it close.

Still. Quiet. No breath. She began to clean. Please. Life. Breath. She tried again. Please. Please. Help. Life.


Her child turned and touched its nose to hers. Safe. Alive. Joy. Content. Her children began to suckle and finally she allowed tiredness to overcome her. As her eyes closed and sleep came, she felt a comforting presence silently watching from the corner of the tiny cave.


Even below the ground, far from the storms and lights of the surface world, the tunnels and caves of Tanglenest were never completely dark. Fungi shed glowing spores here and there, giving some of the tunnels a soft blue green glow. In the pools of water that sustained them, tiny fish with glowing lures preyed on the insects that bobbed and floated near the surface.

Yet the brightest lights of all shone from the roots of the Tree that snaked through the tunnels and caverns of Tanglenest. They provided an important food source for the growing colony; insects were drawn to the roots and fed on the glowing sticky sap that flowed through them. In turn, they themselves were fed upon. The colony rarely touched the roots directly, save to gnaw on the ones that were sickly or damaged.

It scurried to and fro from chamber to chamber, looking for food. It had been two days since its last meal and lethargy was taking its toll. These chambers were close to the main nest and it seemed the insects were learning to avoid those areas where the colony dwelt.

Food. Hunger. Desperate.

Could it risk the deeper tunnels? Tanglenest could be a dangerous place; the tunnels stretched far and wide and plunged deep into the earth. There were predators that dwelt in the deep tunnels and other things as well.

Food. Risk. Fear. Death.


It turned. Noise. Tunnel. New? It sniffed. Food! It scampered towards the crevice where the noise had come from. The crevice opened up into an earthy chamber with a soil floor and a single large root in the centre, the soft light glowing like a beacon. Grubs wriggled and squirmed, casting shadows on the walls. Food!

As it fed, it failed to notice the large single pawprint that pressed into the floor of the cave...

Our story begins with a simple being, one born from the most basic of wishes and hopes. A god for a people without beliefs, a living idea with a simple name.


Create Land (2AP) + Create Portal/Bridge (2AP): Tanglenest: The home of the rats. It is a series of tunnels large enough to accommodate rats with a few larger chambers here and there but not really large enough for a humanoid to enter. The tunnels run in all directions and lead to all sorts of places - after all, if there's one thing that can be said about rats, it is that they get everywhere. The tunnels have a slightly magic quality to them in that they twist and turn and can be extremely difficult to navigate, even for the rats themselves. The further away from the central nest under the roots of Ilianthos, the more dangerous the tunnels tend to become, with vagabonds, vagrants and who knows what else dwelling in the dark. As for the central section, there is light from various sources, mostly from the roots of the tree but also various bioluminescent things like mushrooms, insects and so on. It generally provides enough food and water for the rats.

Create "Sapient"* Race (2 AP): Rats: The rats are very similar to the sort of rats you would find on Earth. Approximately 15-20cm long, not including the tail, with brown fur or black fur and fairly small. Tend to avoid fights as a rule but can be very aggressive when defending the nest or family or rarely when competing for mates. A fight between rats is usually just about inflicting enough hurt to make your opponent run away. Rats have never killed other rats. At present, they lack language or any communication save in very basic terms but The Great Rat is usually able to make them understand an idea or concept.

The Great Rat (Information): The Great Rat is something of a reflection of its people. It is quite intelligent, more than an average rat but still quite primitive for the moment. As its people grow and change, The Great Rat will grow and change with them - for example, if the rats learn agriculture, The Great Rat will bless crops to make them grow. If the rats learn the basics of speech, The Great Rat will be able to converse more easily with the other gods. The Great Rat watches over the rats and will do everything to keep them safe.

16AP - 6AP = 10 AP Remaining.
*Well, not sapient yet. It's a work in progress. :smallwink:

2019-02-15, 07:41 PM
Ilianthos, the top of the rose

Looloodi smiles in pleasure and self content as she looks upon her old body, its beauty still a reflection of her own. But she knew now was not the time to admire herself. Now she must turn her attention to the world beneath her petals. She looks past the glowing blooms that cover the branches and spies two curious sights beneath the Tree of Light.

The first was a cloud unlike any she saw before. It seemed thicker and clotted, as though one of the hideous beasts of below had sneezed into the sky. It was disgusting and ugly, and it was getting a little too close to her beautiful tree. It was certainly something she would have to take care of soon.

The other was far below, laying at the base of Ilianthos. It was hard to tell what it was, but it was a pleasing bright orange that stood out among the greenery.

Looking again to the cloud, Looloodi decided it was moving sluggishly enough that it could wait, while the orange thing was already there. She begins her descent, her new strange body fluidly moving with ease down her trunk at tremendous speed. Without her notice, many of the gems that grew upon her body fell off, the turbulent winds flinging them across the land and into the sea. Many creatures would come to find the jewels in the future, and become enamored with their brilliance.

Upon reaching the base, Looloodi finally has a better view of the orange blob, and is now realizing..."Oh...MY....TREE! You are, like, SO ADORABLE! Like, totally cute! I know this isn't, like, from my island, I would have, like, seen it before. But there's, like, NO WAY this cutie pie came from that hideous place. Totally GROSS! EEEE! Who CARES!" Looloodi exclaims as she unknowingly tackles a fluffy orange Goddess in a hug.

Started with 9/16

Bless(1): Looloodite.
This rare type of jewel comes directly from the body of Looloodi, and has been spread across the land and sea. A catch all term, Looloodite is actually many different types of gems and crystals of exceptional quality and beauty. One can always tell the difference between a regular gem and a Looloodite gem by the tiny soft glow in its center, and well as the inexplicable desire to look at it.

Life(Beauty) 8/10

Ended with 8/16

Anubis Dread
2019-02-15, 08:42 PM
Tefaita: Embraced

"Wha- hey!" the small beast protested, struggling in the plant woman's grip for a few moments in panic before her sluggish mind caught up to what had happened. It seemed as though a speaking creature of some kind had interrupted her nap. And judging by her radiant beauty it was none other than the one responsible for bringing light into the world and nourishing her plants. A fellow goddess no less. As both a beneficiary of her generosity and the young goddess' senior she had a responsibility to take care of her. And certainly shouldn't scratch her nose for interrupting her nap. No matter how tempting.

"Hello young one," Tefaita replied more calmly, still suspended in the air from the new goddess' embrace."I appreciate your words." After a moments thought a paw lifted its way out of their restraints and gave her a respectful boop of the nose. "I must compliment you in return. Your tree is a beautiful gift to the world.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-15, 08:58 PM
Marah: Life Beneath the Waves

The coral fascinated Marah. It looked like stone, yet it lived and breathed and made more of itself. Moreover, it was hardy, resistant to the tides and storms, and provided excellent protection from predators without preventing them from ever succeeding in hunts. Marah wished she could find the being that made them, for they were clearly most clever and thoughtful. She watched the animals among the coral, and saw that living things needed places of shelter, safety, from the smallest fish to the largest predator. Marah thought about this, and asked the coral if she could borrow a piece of its-self and grow it into something more. The coral did not speak, for coral could not do that thing, but she felt its desire to be more, create more, expand more. For Marah, that was enough. She broke a small piece of the coral, and placed it on her wrist, where it quickly grew into a banded piece of jewelry. She healed the scar on the reef that she had created with an excited whisper of thanks to the creature that had given of itself. Then, excitedly, she departed.

She swam a distance. As gods reckon such things it was minute, no space at all, but as mortals would measure, it was many kilometers from the shores of the First Land. There, the ocean was deep, so deep that the weak light of the celestial bodies above barely filtered. Stronger light would reach, but now it was the dark of almost-true-night. The storm-wracked waves were far above, and the currents flowed freely, untouched by the tempest. It was here, in an undersea desert, that she planted the coral. She poured power into the fledgling, singing softly of a place of safety, a place where creatures could learn and grow and be protected and come together all at once. The coral heard, and it shaped power into purpose. Tendrils spread beneath the sands, and soon an entire forest of coral populated the area. The currents that so strongly buffeted the area found themselves stymied by the coral trees, their strength dispersed and made far more bearable.

In the center of this Coral Forest was a structure unlike anything the world had yet seen. A palace of soaring spires and twisted colonnades, spiralling walkways and multi-hued halls. A ready-made fortress of coral and stone, living organisms bolstered with divine energy to be nigh-indestructible. The Tide Palace was, after all, more than a simple coral building. It was a place from which undersea civilizations would grow, a place where mortals could meet and grow stronger together. Inside, many of the halls and rooms were flooded with water, but not all, for Marah saw a time when creatures from the surface world, perhaps these strange short half-lings or some other new creation, might walk among the halls, communing with the creatures that made their home here.

Thinking about such things reminded Marah how empty it all felt. Everything was colorful, but none of it was truly vibrant. Everything was alive, but none of it truly lived. She thought back to when she had first beheld the ocean creatures, and decided that she would create things like them, but that could think and feel and reason. They would be able to feel pain, but also love, and companionship, and loss, and everything that Marah could feel. She made them tall and strong, with webbed feet and hands so they could swim faster and longer, and gills to breathe underwater without fear. She gave them eyes that could see in the brightest reflections, and the deepest trenches. Then, last of all, she gave them lungs, so that they could breathe upon land as well, for Marah was ever filled with sorrow when she saw the fish beached and dying, unable to breathe. They were her Mer, firstborn of the Sea. She gave them a home among the Tide Palace, that they might be safe and thrive.

Starting: 15/16
-2 Create Land: The Coral Forest - About a day's swim from the shore of the First Land stands the Coral Forest, a vast undersea garden of coral "trees". These growths help mitigate the strength of the tidal forces in the area, and are an ideal place for an early civilization. [Civilization (Community) 2/10]
-3 Create Minor Artifact: Tidal Palace (Create Mundane Concept) - A Twisting Undersea Palace of living Coral, this place imbues those within it with some small part of divine creative energy, allowing them to advance far more quickly than a civilization left alone. It also serves as a handy defense in case of attacks! [Civilization (Community) 5/10]
-2 Create Sapient Life: The Mer - Undersea Merfolk standard, can breathe land and underwater, strong swimming ability and water dark-vision. Primarily living in the Coral Forest and the Tidal Palace now. [Life (Nourishment) 3/10]
Remaining: 8/16

Civilization (Community): 5/10
Music (Song): 1/10
Life (Nourishment): 3/10

2019-02-15, 09:20 PM
Looloodi: At the base of Ilianthos

Looloodi sits stunned as the orange creature begins to speak, surprised at the being's incredible comprehension at such an early stage of the world. When the fluffy Goddess boops her nose, Looloodi's face turns an attractive red shade as she realizes she holds a sibling in her arms. "OMT! I am, like, SO sorry! I didn't realize you were more than, like, a totally adorable creature! You're, like, my older sis, right? Another Goddess?" Looloodi gently places the orange deity back onto the ground, then lays on her stomach so that the two of them are face to face."Like, Thank you about my Tree! Ilianthos is, like, the most beautiful thing around right? I mean obviously besides me of course, but it is SO much nicer than that gross land over there. I have, like, SO much work to do with that, you totally know what I mean, right? I'm, like, Looloodi by the way. What's your name, Sissy?" Looloodi beams an excited smile at her sister, clearly happy to meet a fellow deity that doesn't match the decaying landscape.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-15, 09:44 PM
Tefaita: Ilianthos

Say what you will about Looloodi's odd manner of speak, she was clearly a kindhearted deity of good taste and character. It was rather nice to know that her small pocket of the world wouldn't be the only part of it to see beauty and safety. "I am Tefaita. And your tree is certainly far nicer than the earth from which it sprouted," the goddess of the hearth agreed, her head twisting to look at the world which the plant goddess had deemed not nice. "Rather than unkind I'd go so far as to call it cruel. Creatures struggle for survival, both with each other and the world that has deemed life its enemy. And to change the world so utterly that such a thing is no longer the case... perhaps it is not above me," she conceded, "but I'm not the sort to destroy the lives of all that have found a place in this chaos simply so I can start again and make a world more to my liking."

Shaking off her melancholy, the beast goddess' gaze returned to her sister. "Still with your beautiful tree and my humble slice of safety there are still places in the world that nourish and give life. It would warm my heart, if it were capable of being cold," she chuckled. "When it comes to grand projects this wondrous tree would be beyond my ability. I am a nurturer, not an artisan. You have great talent. It is a shame there is still so little to behold its light."

2019-02-15, 10:07 PM

In the ruins of an ancient fort, there is a pedestal atop which an ancient tomb lies open. As the Lord's of Creation fill the First World with all they have to offer and bring about great works, the tomb awakens and waits. From it's perch it can see through the ruined walls towards the great and magnificent tree. The tree that was giving life to this world.

The tomb felt a connection to the tree and the life. It knew that they all shared one thing that brought their being into existence. A soul. As soon as the tomb thought this, it knew this to be true. It also knew that if it had a soul it was more than a mere tomb. It had a personage too it. It needed a name.

Then the wave of hunger washed over the land. Though the tomb needed no sustenance to survive, it was infused with a hunger for power. Then it decided that it's.... Her name would Nasigune. She would draw people to her so that she may use them to gain power for herself and for them.

Then the tree released the most beautiful stones and Nasigune looked upon those that came near her and knew how she would use them. They came from the life tree and therefore were perfect for storing life. She would use them to harness the power of life and creation, the soul.

Now that she had her bait, she would wait for someone to find her.

Starting AP 16
Create Mundane Concept (Soul): The knowledge that all of creation has a soul and that the true power of the universe comes from souls.
-Domain: Soul (Sacrifice) 1/10

Blessing: Nasigune has blessed thr Looloodite around her with the power to function as soul stones. As the blessed ones encounter others the blessings will sprread until all Looloodite is blessed. The concentration of power will also draw people towards them.
-Domain: Soul (Sacrifice) 2/10

Remaining AP: 14

2019-02-15, 11:06 PM
The World Beneath

Legend says that the Fortress of Moss yearns for everything, and so its reach goes far and wide. It began on the First Land, but never stopped.

There was a time, once, when a tunnel broke into another. And a rat fell from the claustrophobic burrows of Tanglenest into the quiet halls of the mossy deep, nameless through they might have been. What use for names have primitive plants and corpses after all?

The rat was clever and saw this open space with the caution it deserved, open ground was home to terrible vagrants and murderous vagabonds after all. And it wasn't long until the rat head the sounds of hooves and smelled the smell of death, so it fled back into the tunnel to hide and wait the vagrant to pass. It was a tall creature with an excessive neck and far too many iron tusks, but the rat noticed that its eyes were gone and its movements were slow, so it felt relief.

Up until the caretaker turned to its tunnel and approached its face to the small hole, brushing the small, still creature with its discolored tongue, dry but soft with some green cover. The encounter was brief, and the creature pulled back and went on its way, the rat, unharmed.

With the danger past, the rat jumped back into the hall and looked around, the walls were smooth, chiseled stone, sometimes bearing some marks in relief, not that the critter could make sense of any of it, drawings of things none had seen and words in languages none spoke. Against any better judgement, it went down the hall, the way the caretaker came of course, not the way it went. Not all better judgement was abandoned that day.

It could tell to some extent that the tunnel grew deeper as the air grew more stale, but at the same time it was rising up the slope of a hill or the foot of a mountain. It was on the dreaded continent, of storms and tremors, it knew for there was one of the later while it crossed the hall. But it was weak, so likely not far from the great tree.

In time it came upon a great chamber. Its walls filled with alcoves, and the alcoves filled with the scent of old corpses and wet ferns. The chamber had many columns and those too were smooth, and their bases and tops curved out to form smooth arches. And everywhere there was a brown and green moss growing, and in the center, the corpse of a terrible lizard crackling with azure lightning, still and half buried in moss, but still illuminating the room. The rat scurried about, checking the alcoves, keeping away from the lizard, for even dead its energy was dangerous and the bolts proved as much.

And then, it felt hunger. So it tested the moss to see if it was edible. Chewing a bit. There was a sound of shuffling. And a shifting of shadows.

The caretaker had moved. In life it was a vagabond, vicious and ravenous for ten lifetimes, but its time had passed, and before any lesser creature had been brave enough to feed on its remains, the land had split and swallowed it whole, delivering the body to the deep and the moss. It was nothing a rat should concern itself with, nor a thing that should concern itself with rats.

But the moss had concerns.

The rat wisely fled, hurrying into the tunnels and digging into a wall, and up. Up and up and out of these halls, away from the caretakers and into the light, hoping in its tiny heart that no storm raged above. Tanglenest delivered it into a decrepit fort facing the great tree, letting the critter bask in all of its glory for the first time in its life. From atop ruined battlements nobody built, to prevent the assault of forces that never had been. It was quite the common thing, a running joke between a Fortress and a Stone, perhaps.

But there was something else there for the rat. In that fort, there was a distant presence.

More importantly, in that fort, there was a book.

I decided to go with the rats first rather than the halflings, because it is funnier that way.

And this is Nasigune's fort that I am delivering a rat to!

The Succubus
2019-02-16, 04:35 AM
The Great Rat

The nest buzzed with energy, with excitement. The rats could sense it, something happening among the roots that reached ever upwards from the ceiling of Tanglenest. The faint breeze that wafted through the tunnels carried a scent the rats had never come across before. It was bestial, large, yet without the sharp coppery tang of blood that would mark it as a predator. There was also something else, something that marked this creature as more than just a simple animal.

The Great Rat followed the scent along the tunnel and slowly climbed the roots that led to the surface world. Its people tended to avoid the surface - the loud noises and flashes of light that came from far away, beyond the leafy cover of the Great Tree frightened them, as did the strange floating things that carried an odd, alien scent, detectable to their noses even all the way here.

Peeking out from a burrow, its small blue eyes locked on to the source of the scent that had been weaving through Tanglenest. It was indeed a beast, with orange fur yet it's form was hard to describe, seeming to share traits with many different animals. From the perspective of The Great Rat, it looked a little bit like a rat, except considerably larger. It was also asleep.

Another scent came to The Great Rat's nose, this one from far above. The scent was incredibly complicated, like a rainbow of smells, as if someone had gathered every flower in creation into one single bloom. It was fascinating and wonderful. The source appeared to be a strange flower moving down the trunk of the tree, with tiny glittering lights bouncing away from it with every movement. The Great Rat was puzzled. It was a flower, yet it was also a beast as well. The beast part did not have any fur, save for a long flowing clump that grew from the top of its head.

The flower-that-was-not-a-flower also appeared to have spotted the orange beast and was quickly heading towards it. The flower's graceful motions did not appear to be the cautious stealth of a predator waiting to pounce but more that of excitement and eagerness...


The flower emitted several loud and high pitched noises, then rushed to embrace the orange beast. The Great Rat started at the noise but continued watching as the beast made a shorter, different noise. It wasn't the sound of an animal in pain. Perhaps these two strange beings were mating? The Great Rat thought about it. Black furred rats and brown furred rats often mated with one another and a larger female would sometimes breed with a smaller male, if it had shown cleverness or to be quick.

The mating ritual complete, the flower and the beast separated, yet continued to remain close to one another. It was odd. The flower would make a series of high pitched shrieks and chitters, then the beast would respond with different sounds and the flower would begin again. Then they both turned and looked toward the distant land, far from the tree, far from the island, far from Tanglenest. The loud noises and flashes of light were more common there and that distant land also carried a scent.

It smelled of death.

2019-02-16, 10:27 AM

Nasigune watched the creature as it entered her fort. The furry little thing sniffed around an approached slowly and cautiously. There was something in it's eyes. Something not quite complete. As if the rat had a powerful soul but didn't understand what that means.

Nasigune began to turn her pages slowly, trying to grab the attention of the rat. Come closer. Come closer, she thought at it.

Slowly the rat cocked it's head sideways and inched forward. It sniffed the air with each step. There was no breeze. What was this thing moving? Was it alive? Finally when it was al the way against Nasigune's pedestal, it's nose touched a page. The beast's eyes went wide as understanding of what it meant to have a soul. Nasigune went still as she watched to see if the spark of awareness inside the rat would rage to life.

Deja Who?
2019-02-16, 11:11 AM
Janika the Neverfail - The Savage Lands

"Weak!" Janika declared as she dissipated the form of a Fleck she encountered. She'd been watching these things go through their routine for a while before she decided to try and destroy it. It didn't put up much of a challenge. "Garbage. That wasn't very much fun." She mumbled with a twinge of disdain in her voice. These lands didn't offer much variety of beasts yet.

With barely another thought she touched the ground where she stood in the First Lands and allowed her power to spread through it, and the land changed, and the land grew, and the sea retreated from it. In a matter of moments another great mass of land was formed connected to the First Lands making the continent even more massive. A great African-style Savanna whose boarders touched the Mountains, the Caldera, and the Great Desert. All manner of basic life sprang forth from the ether spawned from the godly energy of this act of life. Elephants, gazelles, lions, hyenas, rhinos... these words did not have meaning yet, but soon they would to describe this fantastical creatures that now roamed these lands.

"Looks pretty nice, if I do say so myself. And I do." Janika muttered smugly before exploring her new land. She watched as these creatures hunted for survival. Animals were forced to either hunt or starve, whether it be for flesh or for plants. She watched with elation as a lion took down a majestic gazelle and feasted upon it, the lion growing stronger as the slight god-spark that animated the poor creature drained along with it's life. The god of death nodded at this. Things live, and things die, and it continues onward. She followed the lions for a time watching as they hunted till something else took her fancy. A wildebeast had managed to survive a hunt and now ran, scared and bloodied, for shelter. Janika followed this creature as it reached the edge of the Savannah lands and ran downward to take shelther in the rain forests of the crater.

The goddess of war touched the trees of the jungle with glee. This was new. It was pleasing to her, much as her lands were. The Wildebeast knew it would find safely here, and now it lay on it's side, wounded, breathing heavily, trying desperately to cling to life. "You mortals. I've barely given you life, but it's all that you things desire now. You don't even know what else there is. You cling to this fledgling world like a baby bird that won't leave it's nest. You don't even know why you want to be alive so badly, do you?" She questioned the unknowing beast before quickly snapping it's neck. No need for the beastie to suffer. It's purpose was concluded.

"Why.. did you do that?"

Janika was startled for the first time in her life and her eyes snapped over to witness a Halfling in this Caldera for the first time. A creature that could talk. Facisinating. "You there. I've grow bored. Fight me."

"Fight.. you?"

"Yes." Janika replied, as if it was a simple request. This sentient creature may understand her more, but it sure wasn't any quicker on the uptake than the wildebeast. "This creature died because it was weak and if you're weak I'll kill every last one of you. End your existence. Unless you beat me."

A look of horror crossed the Halflings face before it was replaced by determination, the purported courage of the Halflings was not a lie. The short mortal approached the goddess cautiously and she smiled a horrible smile that spread from one side of her face to the other.


It wasn't a long engagement, and soon the Halfling lay dead, beaten to death by the rock next to his head. Janika frowned. This boy may have been a hunter, but he wasn't a very proficient warrior, or a killer. The goddess of death poked at the now lifeless form, examining it. She wouldn't really kill all these creatures. No point. They were garbage and weak. But maybe a creature with intelligence could get stronger.

That was it then. She would find the rest of these things and test their resolve in earnest.

AP: 14

Create Land - The Savage Lands (2 AP): A large mass of land that reminds one of the common African savanna, complete with new creatures you'd expect of that type. If you've seen the Lion King you'll know basically what is there. It's about the size of Africa as well, placed right up against the First Lands to expand that place into a massive land. It also touches both the Caldera and the desert if neither of those places simply falls within it's boarders anyway. There are plenty of new animals that live out their daily lives in the light of the flower sun day in and day out, hunting and killing each other. [Life (Hunting)]

Life (Hunting) 4/10

AP: 12

2019-02-16, 12:38 PM
Looloodi:At the base of Ilianthos

"That is, like, such a cute name Sissy Tafeita!" Looloodi says before listening to what her sister Goddess has to say about the First Land. "But, Sissy, isn't that, like, why we're here? We can totally, like, make more eyes to see. All those nasty creatures over there, maybe they, like, just don't know better. Maybe if they were, like, I don't know, shown by creatures who know what peace and beauty is like, maybe they too will, like, calm down and be willing to change."

Looloodi stares at Tafeita for a moment, then begins to gently stroke her fur. As she continues petting her sister, and idea forms in her head, a vision of what could be. With her free hand, Looloodi strokes the ground where they lay, petting the grass like she does to Tafeita's fur. With every stroke, the grass grows a little more, quickly growing flowers whose petals fall to the ground as soon as they sprout. When thousands of petals have fallen to the ground, Looloodi gently pats them, sending them flying into the air in a beautiful display. "You know Sissy, maybe, like, its ok that you're not an artisan like me. You can still, like, totally make things beautiful....just, like, on the inside instead." the petals dance in the air for a moment more before beginning to take a new shape, each one landing on top of another to help complete this new form. When the last petal lands, a new creature stand next to the Goddesses. It appears feline in nature, but instead of fur, thousands of multihued petals cover its body. It remains completely motionless, as though something is missing before it is able to come to life. "I think that's pretty special, don't you?"

Started with 8/16

Create Mythical Life(2): Unknown Creature. This plant based creature still appears incomplete, as though it awaits the power of another to fully give it life

Life(Beauty) 10/10 NEW DOMAIN!

Ended with 6/16

2019-02-16, 12:46 PM
One-Of-Many Meets Another

Unseen to any living thing present but Janika, a single crystalline raven alights on the chest of the corpse of the halfling she has just killed in combat. It examines the features of the body with softly glowing eyes, then, in one swift motion, plunges its beak into the corpse - no flesh or clothing is torn, the point simply passes into the halfling as if it weren't even there. The raven straightens, and clasped in its beak is a rounded glowing orb the size of a marble. The soul of the halfling that had just fallen. The raven swallows the orb, preparing to later deliver it to the Citadel, where the halfling make takes his place among his brothers and sisters in an eternal rest.

For now, though, this singular bird that makes up one of the many aspects of Many-As-One lifts its wings and alights on the shoulder of Janika as she moves away. It's weightless even as glass talons painlessly sink into her shoulder, anchoring it in place. "Bonekeeper," It asks, addressing its fellow Lord of Creation, "Explain something to us. We do not understand why you take the lives of Caerox's children. Is it not our duty to shepherd and enlighten them? You are merely wasting souls that may yet serve an important purpose."

Anubis Dread
2019-02-16, 12:58 PM
Tefaita: At the base of Ilianthos

"Outer and inner beauty, huh?" Tafeita muses, looking upon the creation her sister had brought into being. That was one way to think of it. It seemed... wrong, however. The light of Illianthos was not just beautiful, it was nurturing and wondrous. And her own Caldera was beautiful in its own way in form as well as function. Perhaps the divide was not so simple. A difference, rather than a lack.

Patting over to the still creature, the Hearth Goddess gently rested her paw on its forehead. Then breathed life into the wood. A warm heart of fire burned within it, as wood become flesh and flesh then became wood-yet-also-flesh. A beautiful scent engulfed her, a calming sensation that made all seem right in the world. And the first of the Penghou rose to its feet, a stunning green tiger as much plant as beast opening its eyes to behold the world.

Yet it would not be the last. Even as she wondered at the sight before her Tafeita saw seeds blowing out from its flowering mane. A rainbow of life setting sail upon the wind to take root elsewhere on the tree. Feeling a trifle greedy, the beast goddess' tail lashed out and curled around a stream of life. She had a great desire to plant them in her own garden.

"To create... yes, truly it is a wonder," Tafeita spoke quietly. "I have been far too focused on the wellbeing of others to create my own children. That shall need to change, if we are to bring goodness to this world."

AP: 12

Create Mythic Life (2AP) - Penghou: Powerful spirits of nature, the Penghou combine the aspects of both plant and beast. They vary in appearance, but they are all animals considered to be sacred, with plantlike aspects and are usually at least the size of an elephant. They're also a riot of colors, and are often bedecked by a multitude of shining flowers. Despite often being based off of predators Penghou need no food or drink, and nor do they make battle against any but those who would disturb the peace of the places they guard and call their home. This is rather infrequent, as the very scent of a Penghou's flowers stills rages and soothes the mind and soul. [Earth (Shelter) 5/10]

AP Spent

Create 2AP

12AP - 2AP = 10AP

[Earth (Shelter) 5/10]
[Civilization (Agriculture) 1/10]

2019-02-16, 02:16 PM
Sololond and the First Meeting
Sololond tore through the fabric of space-time quite happily. Next to him floated his entourage of wraiths, a few of which were half the night of the others. Sololond wasn't going to let the fact that the halflings had gone insane and died when exposed to the energies of the Abyss get him down, though it had instilled into him the need to find sturdier friends to talk to. And besides, they we're now his friends for all of eternity.
While debating sending out a signal like the horn he had sensed earlier, he happened across a massive green being. It was covered in bones and blood, and it seemed just the sturdy friend he needed. As he approached he saw a bird land on the shoulder of his future friend. When the bird spoke, his happiness doubled. "Hello there. My name is Sololond, and, if it is not too much trouble, I would like to learn yours."

2019-02-16, 02:31 PM
Amongst the halflings Caerox sensed it. Somewhere in the woods a halfling fell, beaten to death, elsewhere they cried out in despair amongst the rattling of chains, but amongst the despair was one who struggled still against his dark fate. "This soul" Caerox vowed "will not be dragged into the dark so easily". The chains broke easily, his wrath unleashed, fueled by Caerox's embrace he turns on the wraiths driving them away, buying his kin time to escape with his last breaths. His wounds mortal, his glory eternal; his spirit rises not as wraith nor wisp, but a guardian.

Form Society (2AP)Halfling tribes:The halflings have begun to gather together around the spirit guardians for protection.
Create Mythical Concept (4AP) Spirit Guardians: Those that answer Caerox's call often linger on past death, their spirit both a ward against danger and an inspiration to yet greater deeds.
8AP - 6 AP = 2 AP
Strength (Heroism)
Halfling (Leadership)
Death (Legacy) 4/10

Deja Who?
2019-02-16, 03:23 PM
Janika the Neverfail and the Meeting in Caldera

"Fascinating." Janika remarks, watching the corpse of the dead Halfling seemingly spawn a new life. As it plucks out the orb, Janika frowns, feeling as if she has missed something. The goddess of death moves to further investigate before the raven is upon her.

"You speak." She confirmed, not really surprised. Things that were smart enough to speak often did so and it mattered little to her. "Caerox? I know not this name." She continued, shaking her wild mane of hair out and moving through the woods once more as she spoke. "I desire.. a fight. It aches within me. I have not yet found a worthy challenge to be had, though I have tried. This fool has barely scratched the surface."

"Speak not to me of duties, for I care little for them, I will do as I wish. Now, answer me this, little bird, who are you, and what have you taken from the body of that mortal?"

"Friends of yours?" Janika questioned the bird before regarding the shadowy figure, one barely standing in this reality as if it's physical form wanted to be elsewhere. It looked like a worthy challenge.

"I am Janika the Neverfail, the greatest warrior whom will ever exist, the master of all I survey. And who are you? I will engrave it on your epitaph once our business has concluded. Forgive my eagerness, but you and your entourage look quite formidable, and I wish to begin. One or all of you fight me or prove yourself a coward."

2019-02-16, 04:11 PM
The First Mediation of Many-As-One

"We are one fragment of the beings that comprise Many-As-One," The bird replies in a calm lilt, "We are the one and the thousand that wove the stars in the sky." It gestures with its beak toward the two stars far above the First Land where the Hall of Titans and Citadel hover. "And by claiming the mortal lives of these souls, Bonekeeper, you do little more than slay them pointlessly. They will never compare against a Lord of Creation such as you or ourselves. Not unless we uplift them first." It regards her coolly with both eyes, the glowing light of the halfling's soul emanating rhythmically from its breast.

Then many things happen at once. Another god appears, wraith entourage in tow. A guardian spirit emerges and drives away wraiths. Greetings and threats of death and combat are exchanged. It is all so wasteful, and in the face of this violence and waste Many-As-One experience anger for the first time. It is not a pleasant feeling.

"Enough," The bird intones, directed at all the different forces present and converging. As it speaks, more of the flock that makes up Many-As-One begins to appear, perching on branches or hovering midair, and their voices join to the raven's. "We will condone no further conflict among the mortals of the First Land. If you wish to discuss your disputes, do so in the place we have specifically prepared for it." All of Many-As-One take to the air at once, flying in a loose circle around the direction of the star that represents the Hall of Titans - the safe space created specifically to mediate conflicts such as this.

Deja Who?
2019-02-16, 05:39 PM
Janika the Neverfail

"The Many-As-One? I applaud your work, Sky-Maker." The primal goddess grunted a quick compliment, her gaze for the first time turned upward to the painting of stars beyond the sky. "So you are the same as I. This had been evident to me, somehow, but I wanted to have it confirmed. Perhaps I then should challenge you, and bring this land low." Janika growled a little and cracked her knuckles menacingly.

"You want me to go up there? I have no desire to leave these lands as yet so meet that demand with blood or leave me. I take no orders." She threatened, eyeing the larger number of birds that had shown up. So many flying beasts. It would be difficult to punch them all. Perhaps if she devised some sort of long range..

"But if you have not the guts for it I will leave you. Both of you. It's no pleasure facing something too weak to pose a challenge. On one condition, you may have that.. bauble." She gestured towards the Halfling's glowing soul, still safe in the bird's breast.

"But I wish to examine it. Hand it here."

2019-02-16, 06:52 PM

As Nasigune watches the rat, which having only recently beginning to develop into sentience is unable to grasp the concept fully. There is a change though that the divine tome clings too. The rat begins moving around, suddenly looking into a nearby pool of water.

It slowly moved it's head from side to side, keeping its eyes on the water. Then it held out a paw to touch the water seeing that the image mirrored what it was doing. Another rat joined and suddenly thr first rat was faced with the realization that they were not the same. They are different and unique. The rat began to understand that there is a "me" beyond the "we". Only just began though. Unable to fully grasp or move forward from the concepts that have been thrust about it, both rats scurried off.

Nasigune called after them mentally to spread the awareness they have gained among their species and continue onward.

Once alone again with her thoughts, Nasigune began to contemplate where to go from here. A single piece of Looloonite lay at the foot of her pedestal. Focusing on it, she tried to transfer a small portion of her soul, her life energy, her existence, into the stone. The stone began to radiate with her energy, her soul. From here she could guide it where she needed but she had no need. She took her energy back from the stone and once again felt whole. Then she waited for another to enter. This time she hoped for one whom she could properly test.

Starting AP 14

Create Mythic Concept (4AP) - Enchanting - Enchanting is the process of controlling and storing the soul or life energy in a nonliving object. Doing this properly can have various magical affects depending on how one does it. Using Looloonite makes it easier as it is so compatable with the life energy of the soul. You may capture the souls of slain enemies using the stone and many will because if you remove all of your soul, your body will no longer have the life energy it needs and you will cease to exist.
-Domain: Soul (Sacrifice) 6/10

4 AP spent
Remaining AP: 10
Domain progress:
-Soul (Sacrifice) 6/10
-Create concepts Soul and enchanting, 5 AP
-Bless Looloonite 1AP

2019-02-16, 07:15 PM
Looloodi: At the Base of Ilianthos

Looloodi sits up suddenly, excitement clear on her face. "Then we should totally go to your safe haven! You can, like, show me around and, like, create some totally adorable babies of your own! It will be SO much FUN! We can, like, think about how to tackle that hideous mess over there after! Can we go now? PLEASE!" Looloodi quickly widens her eyes and pouts her lip, but it is obvious she already believes she will get her way.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-16, 07:30 PM
Tefaita: Caldera

Show Looloodi the Caldera? Tefaita's tail swished behind her as she thought. The world belonged to everyone, and her works were hardly secret. The only argument against showing her sister the paradise was that it was still woefully incomplete. In face of her excitement though mere embarrassment seemed petty.

"Alright then," the Hearth Goddess agreed, flames roaring out around her to cover the two goddesses and more besides. A few branches and animals might come along for the ride, but it wasn't as though the Caldera was dangerous aside from a few vagrants. "Though it's nothing special, yet at least." Then with a surge of the flame they were no longer there but instead elsewhere.

Not much had changed since she'd left. The rainforest still immersed them. Fruits still grew on trees. Beasts still stalked through the undergrowth. The hole in the mountain range was still- wait.

The divine beast blinked. "...what?" Where before the Caldera had been ringed by mountains there now seemed to be a hole in them that lead to an endless field of golden grass. Thankfully the ring had not been so heavily pierced that the storm could get inside, yet she could still see the endless rage of elements from the ground on which she stood. And were those... monkeys? Hairless monkeys that seemed to be... very, very aggressive and fighting against black mist. With a bigger white mist creature that- "No seriously, what?!"

She... wasn't entirely sure how to process that. On the one hand, she technically had a people within her land now, which was a step towards the advancement of her sanctuary. On the other hand they were far more brutish and bloodthirsty than she would have liked, and clearly already had some kind of twisted divine guidance.

The Succubus
2019-02-16, 08:34 PM
The Great Rat

The two beings were making their respective calls again, in the same back and forward pattern from before. The Great Rat noticed how with some of the sounds came movements towards different things. The flower-that-was-not-a-flower moved a paw towards the the trunk of the towering tree, whenever she emitted that high pitched sound that sounded like "Tree". Tree. Hmm.

The beast and the flower made a different noise as they looked at each other - "Goddess". Is that what they were? It knew itself as "rat". Were rats and goddesses similar? The beast looked a little like a rat but the flower did not. It had bare skin like a newborn rat. It was also bending over and touching the earth with its paw and where the paw moved, swift growing grasses and flowers appeared then faded, leaving behind a pile of petals. The petals surged upwards and took the form of a large creature without fur or flesh. The beast touched the petal-beast and it seemed to move.

The Great Rat felt a sense of satisfaction as it realised that its initial assessment had been accurate. The flower-not-flower and orange beast had mated, then the flower had bent over to give birth to their child. It certainly appeared a lot faster and easier for these creatures than it was for rats.

It turned away and headed back down one of the many, many tunnels that lead towards Tanglenest. As it did, something shot through the entire length of its being. A feeling, indescribable, powerful, overwhelming. It looked down and saw its paws in the soil of the tunnel, its fur touching the cold stone of the tunnel wall and felt a connection to every single rat in the entire world.

The Great Rat had awoken - and it scurried down into the dark to found out why it had.

Teach Mundane Concept - Language (1 AP): After watching the interactions between Tefaita and Looloodi, The Great Rat has grasped the basic idea of language and the rats have developed a very crude proto language comprised of squeaks, chitters and hisses called Rodent. At present, Rodent struggles with advanced concepts like time, spirituality, magic and so on but if another creature speaks very simply and slowly, the rats can get a rough idea of what someone is thinking. Just don't ask for a lecture on quantum mechanics or sociology.

Teach Mundane Concept - The Self and Others (1 AP): The rats now have an idea of the self, others and being an individual, following the wandering rat's discovery of the Book of Nasigune. They are slowly learning what this means and through the use of their new language, how to interact with one another. This does not extend to spirituality and souls yet but will evolve with time.

10AP - 1AP - 1AP = 8AP.

2019-02-16, 09:26 PM
The Storms Above - Cloud Mire

In the swamps on the clouds above the world, Eniym swam in lazy figure eights and complicated patterns that contained no logic. She looked from the scum pond down upon the storms and the meetings of the gods. The cloud mire prooved to be a botanical miracle - mushrooms, ever industruous, quickly colonized the great strata of the oozy clouds, great forests of various shapes sprung up and grew widely upon those fertile swamps. The mushrooms would grow in long travails that draped over the cumulous clouds, such that the clouds were said to be wearing the finest dresses made of button caps and other strange shapes. From below one would see the clouds and their trails as if great strange beasts just floating the sky. Birds would nest up there in the solid sky, some species never bothering to go below to the trees and soil of the savage land beneath.

When the storms came which they always did the clouds would collide and being sticky with Eniym's mucousy slime they would merge and stick together only to part with a loud squelch. A storm from below would be like storms that came before - elemental rage - except now the lightning would trail down the trails of mushrooms and fungus such that they resembled enormous jellyfish with tendrils wildly flapping in the winds. Creatures below would flee at the storm as being caught in the open had the additional danger of being electrocuted by the fungi. In the sky, a storm would be the equivalent of an earthquake as the squishy clouds and their swamps would crash and separate - forming smaller such goopy clouds with their mushroom forests in their wake.

More concerning was perhaps, that in these great storms, the mushrooms would release their spores which fell throughout the world like purple and green snow. Some days after a storm would find a haze of falling spores choking out the light of Ilianthos. During a torpid tornado, the conflux of wind would drag in the spores until the spores would clog it up such that the tornado would remain a solid pillar of mushroom and slime that would chain a particular cloud to the land upon which the tornado first touched the ground.

During these wild growths, Eniym did nothing. One would wonder for a goddess that may represent turbulence why she was content to stay still. Life seemed to go on - She looked on and life did go on. It went on without interruption. Meetings, growth, creation. Life went on with an inherent logic. Soil grew trees, Swamps grew shrooms, Ruins grew Moss. Life happened, and Eniym lazily smiled with her mouth which had no jaw. Her slime gluing the very storm together. Soon the winds would batter the neat progression of happenstance - eventually.

10 AP

Alter Land 1 AP - Mushroom Forests grow out from the Cloud Mires. The spores they release are just mushroom spores - nothing fancy or lethal - just more mushrooms. Enjoy. [Clouds (Languidity) 5/10 ]

10AP - 1AP = 9 AP

Toxic Mind
2019-02-16, 10:59 PM
Marah: A Stone's Throw Away

She left the Mer to their devices. They were growing on their own, exploring the Tidal Palace and living among it. Some had even taken to venturing beyond into the Coral Forest to hunt the fish that lived there, and gather plants and other edible sea creatures. Marah was pleased, but she also knew if she stayed, the Mer would never become anything more than pets, never develop independence. So she left.

She swam to the surface, avoiding storms and clouds, spores and lightning. She saw these things, but they were not what drew her. She saw a great land-anemone, its petals reaching far above the waves, but she passed this by as well. Something drew her, something inexplicable, to the Center. Not of the planet, but of the Land. It felt like a starting point, a place for beginnings. Marah is rained down onto the land. All around her are strange stone pillars, lifeless coral trees. One, though, is not so lifeless.

Mer theologians would debate what the first word that the Sea Goddess could have said. Some claimed it was their name, Mer, others that it was Ocean. The truth was rather more mundane.


2019-02-16, 11:52 PM

She watched in secret as the beings of tremendous power gathered. When the green warrior woman killed the halfling she fled and hid herself away.

Striding across the savanna of the Savage Lands under the garish heat of Chyron's Gaze, Selima happened upon a watering hole. She seated herself among the reeds and watched the animals suffering under the blazing light come to drink at great risk for the predators knew this place too it seemed.

As she day dreamed she traced her finger through the air gathering Fire Flecks. She watched a dragonfly skim across the water, darting this way and that in its hunt for larvae. There was something about the simple creature that made her smile so she called it to her. As it hovered and danced to and fro in front of her she absentmindedly reach out with her hand now ablaze with elemental fire. When the fragile creature erupted into flames, Selima discovered her true nature, her divinity....and power.

Consciously she tried to save the creature's life; subconsciously she poured elemental fire and raw divine power into the dragonfly. The simple insect was transformed into a being of pure light and flame, and she gasped as it landed on her wrist. As it slowly flexed its wings she noted that the light and flame was infinitesimally weakening; that it would not survive the day without something to sustain it. Her first thought was Chyron's Gaze, but as she turned her head upward and looked upon the searing light she knew she could not....would not subject this new being to a life of pain and torment. Then she turned to the horizon, where Ilianthos, the Tree of Light cast its warm glow. Yes...that will do nicely. Come little one.

Cupping her creation in her hands she moved swiftly across the land until she stood at the foot of the great tree. She opened her hands as she craned her neck to gaze upward at the great tree's towering height. It knew what to do, for it was somehow imprinted with the goddess's will, so it flew straight to the great bloom at the top of the tree and there it fed upon the purest light of the First World. Ilianthos did not dim, for its light was in fact infinite, but the creature grew steadily until its size surpassed that of the bloom upon which it fed. While it gathered its massive wings flexing them once then twice, it embedded an egg within the folds of the great blossom, then it launched itself into the air.

The enormous dragonfly of light and flame flew higher and higher, until it reached the point where the void touched the sky then set off on its course...its great migration.

Selima tarried there long enough to witness the nymph hatch and begin to feed on Ilianthos' light, and when the great dragonfly returned to the tree from the opposite direction from which it had departed it alighted on the bloom and dissipated in a flurry of embers. The now enormous second dragonfly laid its egg and launched itself into the air to perform its migration.

The goddess remained to implant a tiny imperfection in the next creature's migration, then passed her hand over Chyron's Gaze damping its harsh and painful glare. Soon the First World began to experience seasonal changes.

Beginning AP - 16 AP
Create Mythical Life (4 AP): Aurora-optera - Dawnflies live a short life of singular purpose, and only one may perform its migration at a time. The Dawnflies fly a slow circuit around the first world, traveling counter to the revolution of the planet. The imperfection that Selima created in the Dawnflies is that they fly slightly faster than they should if they desired to return to exactly the same point.
Thus their migrations are altered by 1 degree each day(which is roughly 24 hours). There would, therefore, be no true equator as the "sun's" path is altered slightly each day. A full cycle of the Dawnflies is therefore 360 days(roughly a year).
Create Mundane Concept (1AP): Seasons - Each successive Dawnfly grows in light and warmth until halfway through a full cycle, when their power begins to wane slightly until the cycle is complete. The effect of this is that the light and warmth provided by the Dawnflies are at their lowest at the end/beginning of each cycle(winter), and peaks halfway through a cycle(high summer).
Bless (1AP) - Selima's Wards: The Dawnflies lie under Selima's protection and therefore cannot be harmed without spending the appropriate AP.
Bless (2AP) - Counter Chyron's Gaze. The simple progression of days and nights is no longer painful to the living things of the First World.

Domain Actions: Sun(Dawn) 8/10 AP

Ending AP: 16AP - 4AP - 1AP - 1AP - 2AP = 8AP

2019-02-17, 05:41 AM
A Single Stone on the Engraved Plains

The Engraved Plans stretch for some time, carved mountain peaks piercing into the sky but they give way in time to smaller and far more complex pillars. Each seems to be arraigned with a purpose, as if each row of the four story tall basalt pillars was placed with care and forethought but of course...they simply grow from the ground. At the center of it all was A Single Stone, the same as many of its fellows yet the writing pulsed and writhed with Elemental power. No storms swirled here, only the dark skies above.

"Hello." The Sea Goddess's words are echoed back as three figures pulled themselves from behind several more pillars. In heavy robes, as if to protect from some ancient cold, they loomed even if they were much smaller than the Goddess, eyes of elemental fire burning in the dark recesses of their cowls. "Why have you come to this place?" whispers the first, the other two moving to A Single Stone, hands like spiders with spindly fingers working over letters. "To bare witness?"

With those words the earth shakes and the Earth trembles. Vast fissures split across the First Land and the Savage Lands and with a rending crack heard throughout the world, the Savage Lands departed into the oceans as they split into islands and continents of their own. "The last Oath is remembered, even if time forgets so many others. This realm is a prison, and none shall breach it." the three entone, A Single Stone's surface rippling with lightning. The Savage Lands were shattered and cast across the oceans and seas, vast lands and smaller islands moving and drifting until they formed a series of barriers around the First Land and where the tree Ilianthos sat. In tuth, Ilianthos sat at the center of it all.

Create Avatar (4AP) - The Gloam: Three robed figures, they speak in strange tongues and can read the markings on A Single Stone. These creatures do not display as Divine, and nothing is known to be beneath their robes.[Magic (The Fey) 4/10]

Alter Land (1AP) X2 - The Shattering: The First Land stands apart, no simple earth may touch it. The Savage Lands become The Shattered Lands as large chunks of the mega-continent are thrown into a series of islands and smaller sibling continents that ring the First World.[Nature (Decay) 2/10]

6AP - 4AP - 1AP - 1P = 0AP

Toxic Mind
2019-02-17, 09:28 AM
Marah: A Stone's Throw Away

"A prison; that must be very lonely." There is a great deal of sadness in her voice. She did not like the idea of things being apart. Marah did not understand why the being had shattered the land, but she was not sure it mattered whether she did anyway. In truth, islands would serve the Mer well, allowing them much easier access to the land-dwellers. She did not wish them to be isolated from the rest of the world. "I did not come for that purpose, but I have done so all the same, if that is what you wanted." Marah says solemnly. "I came to find the elements-maker. My people need fire, and earth-things, and I wish to borrow them. I borrowed some of the coral and grew a forest. Can you give me fire?"

2019-02-17, 09:48 AM
A Chance Meeting, As Expected: The Engraved Plains

The trio exchange a glance, knowing, silent.

"We cannot give you what is already yours. How can one look for the maker of things unmade? The Elements were here before you, Goddess, and they will remain after us all. If you have gone searching, you will have found its maker for it is the World." The first remains speaking though the other two join in time, shadows of shadows as their eyes continue to burn. "You may take fire, for fire is yours. Your coming was known and what you leave with as well. The Stone, it sees, it sees what has not and will not be. We cannot give you what is yours but we can give other things. Glimpses, for a Goddess."

Toxic Mind
2019-02-17, 11:05 AM
Marah: A Stone's Throw Away

"Glimpses of what?" She says, curious. She was pleased that creation could just be used as she wanted. Maybe the others were also like this! Perhaps existence was already bound together in solidarity.

2019-02-17, 11:14 AM
Dead in the Deep

A dead halfling was left behind by two and a thousand gods. Its life and its soul taken, nothing of interest to them left behind. Chryon and Illianthos eventually turned away from the jungle, and in the night, they came for the corpse. Caretakers, half-rotten and as such kept. No beast of the caldera willing to approach the things that came from the mountain's pores, nor indeed willing to approach those caves from which soft tendrils shyly crept.

A similar scene happened in the reefs. Night fell and the dead swam out of the holes left behind by the shattering of the land. Flooded tunnels hidden by the boiling curtains of fumaroles on the seafloor, around which swam unhindered great sharks with their guts replaced by worms and moss, old crab's shells filled with green and sludge, and squid strangely stiff and stained green over their pallor.

Now caretakers, they care only for the dead, who they ceremoniously take. An apt name. As long as there are bodies for them to drag to their caverns, they mind their own business. But some of them were hunters in life and though plants now, the brains remember the thrill of killing and deep moss is not picky about the age of the dead.

Even now, a fair man or maid of the mer folk swims through the night oceans and meets a great beast of the sea whose hunger is forever sated, but whose masters have needs of their own. Needs sated by teeth, pincer and tentacle.

In olden lands all proceeds as usual, but the caverns that surround the heart of the First Land - and in some other elementally active locales as well - are lined with great mounds of dead flecks. Heaps in which the deep moss rests in uncertainty and grows explosively.

The God Beneath carries on in silence as ever. Hopeful for what more will come to rest within its halls.

2019-02-17, 11:23 AM
Looloodi: Caldera

Looloodi looks around in wonder before seeing the sudden concern on Tafeita's adorable face. "What's wrong Sissy? Is something, like, different than you remember?" She tries to see deeper, to understand what is bothering her older sister, but sees nothing overly suspicious. Yes, it was a bit more violent than she was expecting....maybe that is what was bothering Tafeita?

In the distance, she spies the first thing that seems out of place. A tall, green creature with barely any petal or foliage stands with a strangely unique bird on her shoulder. What must be dozens of similar birds perch sporatically across the trees surrounding the beautiful thing. Across from her, utter blackness seems to swirl. These things by themselves are not what seemed strange to Looloodi, but the sense of tension in the air, as though one wrong move or word between these beings could radically change the landscape. Looloodi gently taps Tafeita, pointing in the direction of the creatures. "Do you know them Sissy?"

Anubis Dread
2019-02-17, 03:04 PM
Tafeita: Caldera

"No... no I do not," Tafeita admitted, following her sister's gaze. And frankly speaking she had no desire to get to know them at the moment. While she could accept the changes made her to sanctuary and appreciate new life even if violent there was still much work to be done. To teach these little monkeys the way of peace would be a great undertaking, not to mention ensuring that the stronger beasts of these Savage Lands would still be blocked from Caldera by her blessing. Then again, simply racing from one disaster to another would be a fool's errand. Perhaps gathering more information would be-

A sudden cracking of the earth sounded. And then said earth in front of her exploded. The Hearth Goddess' jaw dropped as the savannah in front of her, and yet another chunk of her jungle to boot, broke apart and started drifting away from each other. A situation that none of the creatures currently on said land seemed to enjoy. "Oh come on!" she huffed, stamping her paw and idly letting loose her precious Penghou seeds. They should keep things calm in her absence. "I apologize little sister, the tour will need to wait."

By the time she was no longer here but elsewhere the shattering of the continent had died down. Her own Caldera was mostly unharmed, now merely having a quarter of itself open to the ocean with no mountainous barrier, the rest still firmly attached to the main continent. The savannah though... well as much as she had disliked it the people upon it were very much a people. And people did not enjoy the world around them exploding. None seemed harmed - why would they if the divinity did not want them to be after all? - but it was not doing wonders for the order for their already rather violent and chaotic society. She would need to bring comfort to these lost souls. Perhaps she could teach them a new way of life to make things easier? Or perhaps empower their spiritual guardians such that-

The beast goddess' teeth bit into her tongue. No. Simply helping the small folk would do nothing in the long term. She was but a single divinity. If she used her power to help the people of this world every time one of the other divinities did something to harm them she'd be forever powerless, and the people would still suffer. She needed a more permanent solution. Something... self-sustaining. A one time cost that would forever help the people of this world. And she had been wanting to make her own children...

Nodding to herself, Tafeita sunk down to haunches and mused. The small folk were a good enough basis for her design. Yet to simply make her creation an absolute copy was unthinkable. She had her pride after all, and as much as she believed in function being greater than form that didn't mean she had no interest in form at all. What's more these were to be her first true creation of life! While making all of her creatures adhere to the ascetics of her own form would be the height of vanity, making her very first clearly her own children of body as well as cause was just common sense. It certainly wasn't that she wanted her first people to be cute, and couldn't envision something cuter than herself. At all. Really.

Earth would be their body. With dexterous paws the small beast stacked the loose dirt of the broken savannah into a crude idol of a small monkey. Then she added her own touches. She made them a trifle smaller, as strength was not a large concern, while enlarging its eyes and mouth to make a better smile. Then she added her own personal touches. Floppy ears and soft fur atop their head. A tail coming from their back. Some more fur on their hands and feet. When she was done she had to concede it looked more like they had been crossed with an especially fluffy dog rather than her own more mixed form. That was fine though. More important than the earth that made their body however would be the first that made their heart. Twisting her head, Tafeita bit into her chest and ripped out a golden flame. Gently she pressed her blood and heart into the idol's chest, until it sunk inside. And then with blood and heart beating within it the what instead became a who, and life was born.

The child, for adult in body it may be but new to the world it still was, looked around in wonder. Tafeita couldn't help but smile at the pure innocence of the Kobold she'd created. They would be the bringers of warmth, the ones who would seek out the people's of this world and build a hearth around which they could be safe and glad. They would build no cities of their own, nor seek war or wealth or glory. Work would be their joy, family their comfort and friends their currency. By teaching the other races of this world their skills, and performing their chores and labor they would bring peace. Why fight for food when it is grown for you after all? Why argue over who gets the best tools when more will be freely given? Survival would still be a challenge, but from outside threats alone would strife come. And when an outside threat came to a community they banded together rather than broke apart.

With a flick of her tail the Kobold was no longer a Kobold, but instead a kobold. One of their kind, rather than one of a kind. Her new people wandered across the plan, occasionally stopping to help the odd animal or sharpen a rock to give to one of its fellows. Soon they would find the smaller folk, and they would take great joy in making them tools and gathering them food. And so the small folk would need to fight less over resources, and would grow more peaceful. And as time went on being peaceful due to a lack of things to fight over would become being peaceful by nature, and the world would be a better place.

Unless the small folk population grew so quickly there were no longer enough kobolds to said them. Tafeita hoped that would not be the case. She'd set the kobolds to give birth to a dozen young in a single littler, which was about normal. Probably. And she doubted the small folk would give birth to too many more at once than that. They should grow mostly in parallel, with just enough kobolds left over they could seek out other races to help as well. It would be a perfect cycle!

(It would not be a perfect cycle)

AP: 10

Bless (1AP) - Jungle Guardians - Penghou spread across Caldera, further reducing the chaos and violence within the crater. Though given it rose with the advent of the Shattered Lands it's a bit of a wash. [Earth (Shelter) 6/10]

Create Sapient Life (2AP) - Kobolds: Doglike small humanoids who are naturally hard workers, skilled laborers and subservient. They love nothing more than to find a community or creature they can help, settle down and get to work. That said though they are naturally subservient they don't put up with abuse. Many a story would circulate of villages working their Kobolds too hard and causing them to leave, leading to the ruin of their oppressors. Though having their own distinct culture they seldom create cities or states of their own, instead either wandering the wilderness in tribes looking for work or building settlements within or attaches to those of other races. [Earth (Shelter) 8/10]

Create Concept (1AP) - Labor: The concept of teaming up with others to do things for the good of the group rather than doing jobs individually, and abandoning creating goods you need to survive to get better at crafting a specific good than anyone could become if they had to provide everything for themselves. By banding together, bigger things can be made. By providing for others, you gain better goods for yourself. [Earth (Shelter) 9/10]

Bless (1AP) - Allies - The halflings gain the service of the kobolds! While they still need to craft, hunt and gather for themselves to an extent the kobold greatly supplement all of these, significantly reducing hardships and scarcity. [Earth (Shelter) 10/10]

Gain Domain - Earth (Shelter!)

Alter Land (1AP) - The Caldera
Bless (1AP) - Sanctuary
Create Mundane Concept (1AP) - Homes
Create Mythic Life (2AP) - Penghou
Bless (1AP) - Jungle Guardians
Create Sapient Life (2AP) - Kobolds
Create Concept (1AP) - Labor
Bless (1AP) - Allies

AP Spent

Bless 1AP
Create Life 2AP
Create Concept 1AP
Bless 1AP

10AP - 5AP = 5AP

[Civilization (Agriculture) 1/10]

2019-02-17, 05:04 PM
QUOTE=Deja Who?;23713134]Janika the Neverfail

"The Many-As-One? I applaud your work, Sky-Maker." The primal goddess grunted a quick compliment, her gaze for the first time turned upward to the painting of stars beyond the sky. "So you are the same as I. This had been evident to me, somehow, but I wanted to have it confirmed. Perhaps I then should challenge you, and bring this land low." Janika growled a little and cracked her knuckles menacingly.

"You want me to go up there? I have no desire to leave these lands as yet so meet that demand with blood or leave me. I take no orders." She threatened, eyeing the larger number of birds that had shown up. So many flying beasts. It would be difficult to punch them all. Perhaps if she devised some sort of long range..

"But if you have not the guts for it I will leave you. Both of you. It's no pleasure facing something too weak to pose a challenge. On one condition, you may have that.. bauble." She gestured towards the Halfling's glowing soul, still safe in the bird's breast.

"But I wish to examine it. Hand it here."[/QUOTE]

"If it's a fight you want, then a fight you shall have. If that is your condition to begin our friendship, I will stive to meet it."

The Succubus
2019-02-17, 05:55 PM
The Great Rat

The tunnels of Tanglenest echoed with chitters and squeaks. The rats were learning quickly how to communicate with one another. Some emphasised the use of their voices and the fledgling language, others used a combination of sounds and movements but a few were still relying on scent markings and postures.

The Great Rat moved through the tunnels - an intangible presence, yet the rats were somehow aware of it and felt calmer, more secure and purposeful as it passed them by. Its ears pricked up - there were a series of sounds coming from one of the rats in the outer reaches of Tanglenest, sounds that were not the usual subjects of food, mating or space. They stopped and started as if the speaker was trying to describe something it had no words for. The Great Rat trotted over to listen.

"Far tunnel. Fall tunnel. Cave open. Beast not beast den. No life beast moving. Grass. Moss. Strange air. Beast not beast sniff. Lick. Not eat me. Large tunnel. Stone burrow. Strange thing. Flat tree many leaf many mark. Touch..."

At this point, the rat stopped. How could it describe the moment when it went from mindlessness to self aware? The strange sensations as though a thousand lights had sparked in its mind? The Great Rat paused for a moment, as the rat's companion left the chamber and headed back to the main nest. It sniffed and could detect the scent of moss on the speaker. This was an unusual rat - more resourceful and bold than many of its kind. It shared The Great Rat's curiosity of the world.

It reached out a paw and touched the head of rat before it. The rat looked up and saw a large ghostly rat before it, with soothing blue eyes and care and affection in every strand of fur and whisker. It spoke.

"Wander. See. Learn. Be safe. Be quick. Return to us. Teach."

The ghostly rat faded from sight and the wandering rat, feeling energised and purposeful, scurried away down one of the infinite tunnels of Tanglenest.

Raise Hero (2AP): The Wandering Rat: A rat that became the first semi-sentient member of its species, following its journey through the Fortress of Moss and its encounter with Nasguine. After eating a little of the moss that grows in the deep places of the world, its memory is considerably enhanced and learning speed improved. The Great Rat has blessed it with additional speed, agility and resilience. It does not need to eat very often but enjoys food as much as any other rat. From most perspectives, it doesn't look any different from a normal rat but to those with godly vision, they can see a glowing blue pawprint on the rat's forehead.

8 AP - 2 AP = 6 AP.

2019-02-18, 12:44 AM

She walked for a time with Ilianthos' at her back and so came she again to the encircling mountains. Climbing to the top she looked down upon the lands of The Caldera, and this time she descended into the sanctuary leaving behind the elemental storms and strange mushroom rain.

So it was that she came across the beautiful woman with diamond covered roots, and the orange furred animal of indeterminate origin both of which were wreathed in godly power. Where her courage had failed her earlier, this time she steeled herself and approached the two, "Greetings....sisters. I am Selima an admirer of both the Tree of Light and this sanctuary."

2019-02-18, 03:53 AM
Marah: A Stone's Throw Away

"Glimpses of what?" She says, curious. She was pleased that creation could just be used as she wanted. Maybe the others were also like this! Perhaps existence was already bound together in solidarity.

"Of much. Of Truth."

The Gloam moved closer, their hands weaving together to form a giant screen that ripples with magical power. The Mer swam beneath the waves, their Coral manse much changed as towers stretch to the surface of the waters. These towers are magnificent palaces above the waves as well, races and creatures foreign and alien to the Goddess walked and traded and all was connected. The world hummed and buzzed with languages and songs never again spoken and great vessels ply the skies as easily as they skimmed over seas.

But all is for naught. The skies above turn the color of blood, the winds blew up giant water spouts and whirlwinds and the world shattered. Not the First Lands, not the Shattered Lands. Not even the lands that the Mer Goddess would never walk upon. The World, the First World, rent asunder as magma and molten elemental fire and earth reign down as all is rent in twain. Gods, Gods long dead if they lived arose from beneath and lay all foundations to ash.

Deja Who?
2019-02-18, 04:31 AM
Janika the Neverfail Messin' up the Caldera

"Really? You'll fight me?" Janika said with excitement, her gaze leaving the soul bauble for a moment to regard the Welcoming Void. "..hmm.. How? Will you meet my fist from in that void?" The war goddess mused before stumbling as the Shattering occurred and her attention was once again called.

"What?! Who dares?" She called out, glancing about wildly before seeing that one side of the Caldera was now completely missing- spilling out into the ocean! Even more alarming, her primal lands beyond had been sundered. Janika tightened her hand into a fist and punched a nearby tree which uprooted it on the spot.

"Now I'm really itching for a fight! Taking all comers!"

2019-02-18, 08:40 AM
"Hmm. You are right, my intangibility makes our fight difficult. Perhaps we should fight with our creations instead of our fists? We could instill a fraction of our power into a mortal creature and see who comes out on top."

2019-02-18, 11:23 AM
The Cloud Mire - Mushroom Gardens

Life happens, it happens without the Gods - it can build itself. The primordial sludge on the clouds rippled with potential. Life begot life, the algae bubbling and burping, the smells of creation like sulfur rising into the cold air. Mushrooms bloomed and joined - they formed folded layers that resembled minds, they formed appendages to swim in the swamps, they formed limbs to crawl out. The lighting illuminating the floating spores.

Some of the crawling things would reach the edge of the sticky clouds, the edge from which trails of fungi would drape down like gentle cliffs. Some would fall and when they hit the ground below they would disintegrate into their disparate parts - a puff of mushrooms, just more spores during such storms. Sometimes they would clump, but any life beyond the life of the flowers that composed them would be gone. they would just be splats of lichen on the rocks below.

And yet - life happens, and its impossible to tell how long in those days, and it was impossible to tell if Enyim was a clockmaker or a designer, helping the process, or if the electricity and flame and the conditions in the Cloud Mire were such that the ripe fruits of the muck gave birth to intelligence. Mushrooms were joined together in symbiotic relationships - some acted as digestion, the stronger more fibrous ones acted as muscles. Instead of crawling they would begin to walk soon. Particular fungi acted like chords allowing them to speak to one another in the language of clouds and spores - it sounded like different breaths in quick succession.

On their backs, large thick petals grew furled but bloomed when the clouds breathed fire below. The mushroom petals melded together into permeable hollow wings. Eventually, these strange weird creatures would again, no longer crawling, reach the cloud edge and look upon the savage world below. One would step off, and unfortunately, they would plummet down, to strike the ground and in a plume of red would be converted to dead lichen again - a beautiful impact that would provide a beautiful fungal growth. Another would step off as well and try to flap the blooms on its back and it too would impact the ground and paint the soil in vivid greens and purples - soaking up the decay. And yet, a third would flap their blooms, and luckily catch an updraft of hot air, and would be taken up higher than the clouds upon which it was born and evolved from and then gently float down to the ground - its fibrous feet alighting upon a rock lightly.

From below, seeing these symbiotic fungal forms float down from the clouds - they would look like angels.

9 AP

Mundane Concept 1 AP - Evolution. This isn't fancy pants magic speed evolution - this is just the regular eon-long concept of evolution. If the gods leave the land alone - evolution would just take place. [Ocean (Turbulence) 2/10]

Create Sapient Life 2 AP - Angels. They are made of many symbiotic mushrooms working together - like a hydra or a Portuguese man of war (or a lichen). They are somewhat intellegent at this point, but not really much better than dumb animals. They cannot yet fly on their own power they can only glide on hot updrafts which they use to come to the land below and then ascend to the cloud swamps above. They do not yet have a purpose or reason in doing so - they are literally mushrooms that are accidentally figuring out how to be. [Clouds (Languidity) 7/10 ]

9AP - 3AP = 6 AP

2019-02-18, 12:51 PM
Daghir Born

Continents made and shattered as Vagavonds and Vagrants will to do, light for the world: from beauty and pain, from wings and combustion. The self, speech grasped by the highest of rodents and the lowest of halflings... A measure of unity, little helpers from bigger ones; sent to do good, barriers raised against... himself? is okay, they didn't exist anymore, not in a way that mattered... And like the everchanging constant he enjoyed of the small voices life changed, while still remaining life. All of this and more had passed in his absence, as he contemplated the first spoken words, those from the skull taker, those that awakened him; and its held meaning...

"Words... to speak... sounds break through this listless silence!"

joy in defiance? he ventured to guess, and decided to meet the word maker for her opinion. Unseen, he watched for a while, as she spoke with shadows and shining birds. similar, yet different beings to her and to himself. He retreated, incapable of approaching the godess...

Daghir, Caldera

It was a matter of trying, he thought and was now amidst the mountains that sought to keep him away, and he saw beauty and safeguard and mercy (or at least thats what he thought they would look like, had words a form), and as usual he passed their messages through him, divinity through god and back. Finally, he took a word for himself, one they had used in almost unison, and united will, that he had wondered about and now returned with his own spark, flowing out of thin air around the godesses as it would do if there was a source: "... Sisters?"

and the word reverberated, creating voices of their own, joyful even when transmitting anger or shame and with no knowledge but to repeat as they heard, he now had sisters of a sort around the globe and just a hint of what would be a smile if he had a face, that he should break through the listless silence...

-Create Monstrous Life, -1 AP (Echoes): untangible and formless, the Echoes are playful, if lacking the intelligence or drive to be malicious or deceitful. They appear where they may have, when Daghir spoke and enjoy near perfect emulation of other voices, mimicking what other races say with just the tiniest bit of variation denoting another being and perhaps a hint of a giggle when several echoes are together. [Magic (truenaming) 1/10]

domain acquisition:
-[Magic (truenaming) 1/10]
-[history (language) 1/10]

16 AP -1 AP: 15 AP left

2019-02-18, 02:01 PM
A Call To Action, and A Time to Wait

One-Of-Many has vanished from the Bonekeeper's shoulder, and the other members of the flock likewise depart. It sees no reason to involve itself further in her squabble with the First Warlock, violation of the sanctity of the soul as his actions may be. It will not convince them to turn back from their heinous acts or to see reason on this day. Another time, another season, Many-As-One will return with clearer heads and sounder arguments, and perhaps then something approaching a consensus can be reached.

For now, the flock is needed elsewhere. The First Land had been shattered, and the death and destruction that followed was immense. Many-As-One scatter in all directions across the landscape, collecting the lost, forlorn souls that await their final rest. Once they reach the Citadel they will know true peace, true enlightenment, true purpose. If only the other Lords would understand this fact as Many-As-One do. But, a time for reconciliation is not now. It will come, with patience and contemplation.

The work is immense, and at times almost seems to be too much. Many-As-One discourse with itself, decide on a plan of action - they will create a helper to assume the role of master over the cycle of death and reincarnation. One-Of-Many, the member of the flock that conversed with Janika, offers a viable candidate: the first mortal soul whose life was claimed and soul reaped, a simple halfling hunter but born with a vigorous spirit of bravery and loyalty. This soul is unraveled and rewoven, becomes something more, becomes First-Of-His-Name, the shepherd of the dead and guardian of the living.

Satisfied with this, Many-As-One retreat to the Hall of Titans for a time. Their strength falls at ebb, but it will return with time, and with every passing moment their comprehension of the universe grows. It is only a matter of time.

Create Avatar- First-Of-His-Name: This divine being, once a simple halfling hunter slain in battle by Janika, has been remade by Many-As-One to serve as their herald and the master over the conduction of lost souls to to the Citadel. Appearing as a hooded figure with glowing silver eyes and a pair of scales, it is present at the moment of every being's death and, in the event of reincarnation, their second birth. [4 AP] [4/10 Civilization(Heroes)]

Starting AP: 6 - 4 = 2 Ending AP
Domain Progress: 4/10 Civilization (Heroes)

2019-02-18, 05:46 PM
Tenebreon: The Designer is in Darkness Born.

In the deeps, Tenebreon awoke. Water ran off the folds of his cloak, and it dripped against stone, one drop at a time. The god caught the next drop before it fell, rolling it about in his unseen palm, feeling its dampness, its coolness. The god reached out and felt the stone walls of the tomblike chamber, cool and damp. The water came from a crack in the ceiling, over which a stalactite had grown. Tenebreon studied the stalactite and felt the minute depositions taking place. He felt the channel where the water flowed out of the chamber, and he understood his escape. He took a drop of water and threw it at the wall of the chamber. Then he did it again, and again. He cut a passage through the rock, one drop at a time, up and out until he broke through the surface of the ground. The light of the day struck Tenebreon's eyes, and he was in pain. He retreated back into the darkness and waited. When night fell, he returned to the surface once more. He had plans, and he would need a lot more water for them to work.
Tenebreon found a river and dived to its bottom. There, he struck the earth, breaking open a crack into which the river flowed. Tenebreon widened the crack until it was a great sinkhole, channeling the entirety of the river's flow downward. Tenebreon directed the water, carving out chamber after chamber beneath the ground, each more magnificent and elaborate than the last. These would be his workshops, these chambers shaped by the river which flows through them.
In one of the deepest laboratories, Tenebreon constructed a wall of stone sunbursts, each of which was capable of rotating into different positions. The river surged against the wall, and by aligning the sunbursts in different ways, the water would flow through the holes between them and carve the patterns the patient god wished into the wall behind. When he began to turn the pieces into position, however, Tenebreon encountered a problem. Some of the discs were too close together, and their rays caused them to turn together, rather than separately. But Tenebreon was inspired by this. He wiped the system away using a torrent of water and tried again. This time, the sunbursts connected together, so that when one was turned, they all turned to the desired position together, at once. He attached one more, with a stone handle for the ease of turning, and then returned the flow of water to the chamber. This time, it worked exactly as intended, and Tenebreon used it to carve out a perfectly cylindrical tunnel beyond the barrier.

Start: 16/16
Domains: Darkness (caves), Knowledge (planning)
Alter Land: The Tenebral Laboratories [1]
Beneath the land is a series of chambers, each more elaborately designed than the last, where Tenebreon experiments with water and stone, shaping the rock to his will by force of water.
[Craft (engineering) 1/10]
Create Advanced Concept: Clockwork [2]
By placing gears together, complex tasks with many moving parts can be undertaken simultaneously. This is a huge boon to Tenebreon, and to engineers who emulate him. Without more advanced materials than stone, its utility is somewhat limited.
[Craft (engineering) 3/10]

2019-02-18, 06:52 PM
[Clan Green Hands- Northwestern Caldera] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1AgHbD4WYY)

It had been seven generations since the clan had come to the Caldera, where they stayed for... Basically every conceivable reason, as the First Land outside was incomprehensibly horrible. They had moved in when a languid storm lingered over their hunting grounds for ten weeks and all game had fled, leaving only the vagrant piranha who swam in the rain and surely drowned when the weather turned to mushrooms.

It had in turn been five generations since the clan had found the caverns from which the caretakers walked. The ambling dead were frightening in the outer world, as was everything else, but here more of them were docile, and curiosity took the best of a brave halfling even when safety was not assured. Plus the shallower caves were a decent enough place to live. It was not unusual then, for the short folk to explore the caverns of the caretakers at night when they were away on their quests for bodies, and from these they learned of the alcoves where the corpses rested, and the smooth stone walls and the moss. They learned that the caretakers were protective of the moss, and someone even found that even the most vicious caretaker ignored a halfling covered in moss.

From that discovery the Green Hands earned their name, as they first covered themselves in moss to walk safely beside the caretakers. Then they took to letting it grow over the pelts they wore, and that was safer still. In time, they came to leave their dead at the mouth of the cave for the caretakers to claim and bury in their alcoves, a suitable end for a halfling's life, better than some beast's belly for sure.

It had been two generations now since the clan had welcomed its first kobolds, who took to the habits of the Green Hands as well, and let the moss grow on their fur, all the better to walk the deep halls and see the carvings on the walls, for what little sense could be made of unknown words and images.

It was in this place that these folk first whispered the name of the god beneath, from their smooth caves and safe behind their stacked stone walls.

There they paid their respects to Caerox and Tafeita and The Fortress of Moss.

2019-02-18, 08:03 PM
Looloodi: the Caldera

"That's ok Sissy! You can, like, just meet up later after you, like, take care of your babies. I can totally thi...." Looloodi says when a new voice suddenly startles her. She turns up towards the sound....did it call her sister?....to see a new strange sight. Perhaps Looloodi was seeing things, but the owner of the voice somehow seemed to be a lovely young woman, a hideously old lady, and an elegant, slender cat of some sort, all at once. Shaking her head slightly, Looloodi gives a shy smile to the newcomer. "Hello Selima, I'm, like, Looloodi. Oh! And this super cute Sissy is, like, Tafeita. She is, like, busy right now with her babies......So, like, how's it going?"

2019-02-18, 08:40 PM

The word "sister" danced upon the winds as if it had a mind of its own, dancing first closer then bounded farther away. She glanced over her shoulder warily thinking she had seen something moving on the edge of her vision, but the beautiful woman covered in vines and gems had answered her so she turned back.

"Looloodi and Tafeita...such beautiful names. I am curious Looloodi," motioning with her hand back over the mountains then looking back at the goddess, "is the great tree of light one of your.....children? There is a striking resemblance between you and the tree. Tafeita is this sanctuary yours? Who are these children of yours?"

Blushing, "I'm sorry, but I've so many questions. The world is both ancient and new all at the same time. I feel awash in its creation, and desire....friends."

2019-02-18, 10:27 PM
In the far north, Creation trembled. The seas boiled against the furthest shard of the First Land, their hissing fume choking out light both pure and profane. All life fled in desperation from the yawning pit that glowed in the deep, but to no avail. With a tortured scream, the land burst open, a gaping wound into the fiery heart of the planet itself. And in the wake of the scream came the searing life-blood of the world. Liquid fire clawed at the heavens in geysers that crashed back to earth in blind hammer blows. With every blow, the rising wall of molten rock took shape and form, rising into a mountain beyond any that had come before. Ash and noxious gas belched from its summit, poisoning the sky even as the land burned, until all was laid waste. With a last, merciful shudder, the onslaught finally ceased, a deathly quiet settling over the echoes of devastation.

And in that quiet, a heart began to beat.

There was a roar from deep in the earth, a desperate press in search of freedom, and the ashen peak of the great mountain exploded. Boulders of molten rock rained onto the ruined plain, and in their wake a surge of magma crested the lip of the crater. Only to reveal a gleaming hand as it flowed downhill. Black fingers tightened upon the rock, and with a victorious cry the imprisoned divinity broke free. Heaving himself atop the womb of his birth, he set his legs astride the crater, gazing down at the burning afterbirth that had once been fertile savanna, and knew it to be right. He touched his chest, gingerly at first, as if unsure of his own existence, until lungs that were no such thing drew in breath and whispered his first words.

"Nemesis. I am."

He stepped forward, heel grinding against solid rock as easily as if it were sand, and the mountain cracked open in his wake. The river of lava that followed engulfed him like a mother's embrace, and he laughed as it poured down around him. Reaching the foothills that had once been coastline, he saw the faint traces of what had been, the last flakes of crumbling bone that he knew at once to be life. In the knowing, a desire sprang to life in his breast, a certainty that if there was to be life then he should be its master. And if there was no more life to be found in his wake, then he would create beings worthy of his magnificence. Bending down to touch the solid wave of a lava flow, he thrust his hand downwards, into the fiery heart of the stone sea to draw forth pliant basalt. Looking down upon his perfection, he saw a pair of legs, a pair of arms, and so began to sculpt the rock in his likeness. Divine fingers moved with uncanny grace, and before the figure had fully cooled it lay complete at his feet. Nemesis lowered an outstretched finger, its tip wreathed in fire as he spoke the words that marked him as a Lord of Creation.


The dull grey figure spasmed, sculpted rock transfigured to adamant flesh, wet and newborn eyes gazing up at its maker. Its god. The first giant gaped dumbly in astonishment, and felt its father's displeasure.


At once it understood, rolling up onto its knees and prostrating itself before Nemesis. This too he knew to be good, the proper order of all things, and he was pleased. So he plunged his hand again into the bounty of his mountain and sculpted another. And another. Soon, he was ringed by an army of worshipers, and Nemesis knew the boundless joy of worship. He began to climb once more, that he might address his gathered children, only to stop short. Deep in the wake of his own ascension, he felt a tug at the roots of his mountain. A strength that did not know itself, a greedy thing bereft of guidance. It was a debasement he could not tolerate. He raised his hand, suffused with power and might, and parted the pit of molten fire with a thought. Past even the mountain's heart he saw it, a chrysalis of every precious thing in the vaults of the earth, and with a gentle hand he raised it into the twilight of his dominion.

"Awaken, sister."

Free AP = 16

2 AP - Create Land: Karam-Kor, The Mountain of Power (Craft (Metalworking))
Standing at the northernmost point of Creation, Karam-Kar is the grandest peak ever to grace the planet. Rising to impossible heights, the fiery light of its beating heart illuminates the night sky, while the black clouds of its breath shroud the surrounding lands in gentle twilight.

4 AP - Create Mythic Life: Giants (Life (Giants))
Sculpted from living stone, the giants are a people unique in their uniformity. Each stands exactly fifteen feet tall, hairless skin grey as ash, nails and teeth black as soot. Only their shining eyes serve to differentiate one from the other, with hues ranging from golden amber to the ruddy brown of a dying coal. They possess tremendous strength and durability, as befits their elemental nature, and are proof against the ravages of time - death exists for them only as the result of violence or misfortune. Animated by Nemesis' rapacious will, they are both natural craftsmen and natural conquerors, and woe betide any mortal to stand in their path.

2019-02-19, 01:00 AM
Tenebreon: Inventions Uncounted*
*Not actually a large number. It's just that nobody's bothered to count them.

Tenebreon's work was coming along well. That was when he heard it. Far above in the upper chambers, delicate stones were being shattered, his hard work was being undone. He hurried up through winding passageways, ignoring his current project as he rushed to stop the destruction of his designs.
In the second chamber of the Laboratories, Tenebreon found the source of the disturbance. A Vagrant, a creature with a shell like a turtle and a head like a rhinoceros, had wandered into the cave and was breaking the elaborate speleotherms that the cavern god had spent so much time on. Tenebreon picked up the jagged shard of a stalactite and hurled it at the Vagrant, and for the first time, the river which fueled the entirety of the Laboratories was stained pink with blood. Tenebreon knew that this could not happen again. He began his greatest project of clockwork yet, retreating to the deepest laboratory to work. He connected blades of jagged stone and plates of rock together with stone gears and axles, laboring without stop until he was finished. The completed form was a lumbering thing, hunched over, and with its gears in its limbs exposed. Its two arms ended in wicked stone blades. Tenebreon took the blood of the Vagrant and poured it out into his creation. Then he willed life into it. It rumbled awake, and was given its orders. "You are to eradicate any thing, living or unliving, which damages my creations.' The first of the Reavers shuffled off to begin its endless patrol.
As time passed, Tenebreon's techniques grew more precise, and he began to attempt more complicated feats with his clockwork. However, he found it difficult to predict which ideas had merit before attempting them, because it was impossible to tell what was feasible and what wasn't. So Tenebreon began to work with counting. He began by stacking stones to measure quantities, then began designing smaller and less difficult ways of grouping objects. Sliding pebbles in empty channels proved an effective way of doing so; with a simple touch, Tenebreon could separate or unite groups of stones. Tenebreon worked with this design, and made many of them, connected together. He took the resulting abacus, infused with his power, and named it Quadram, his tool of divine engineering. Now, he was ready.
A group of Kobolds passed by the sinkhole which was the entrance to the Tenebral Laboratories. They carried gourds in order to gather fresh water from the river which fed the Laboratories. They passed, and in a voice like the soft rubbing of stone against stone, a voice beckoned, saying, "Come, little ones. I will show you how to make your tasks easy and your burdens light." Naturally subservient, the Kobolds entered the darkness, carrying torches against the gloom. They trembled at the sight of the creatures of moving stone, whose bladed arms were staying rust brown with blood, but the Reavers made no attempt to stop them. Instead, a presence guided them onward, a fluttering of dark cloth just outside the edge of their vision. They followed ever deeper, until they reached a point deep underground. They descended around a waterfall, which fed into a pool deep beneath the earth. There, an enigmatic device sat, a hollow stone cylinder with a corkscrew within it, connected by gears to a hand crank. There, Tenebreon met the Kobolds, coming into their light to speak with them. "Look over my design. It lifts precious water from below and brings it to a more reachable level. I can show you how to build this device and more like it, only stay near here and serve as my hands and feet in the world above."
The Kobolds agreed. They constructed their village on the edge of the gateway to the Tenebral Laboratories, and they were the first Scholars of Stone, learning the secret mechanisms from Tenebreon. Tenebreon sent some Reavers to the surface to protect them, and they flourished and spread. With the screw pump and the other clockwork devices they were given, they were able to bring water to much wider swaths of farmland and their growth only accelerated.

Start: 13/16
Create Monstrous Life: Reavers [1]
Reavers are stone constructs. They look like large, hunched-over humanoids with stone blades instead of arms. Stone gears are visible through gaps in their armor. The Reavers exist as guardians, assigned to protect specific places, people, or things by their masters.
[Craft (engineering) 4/10]
Form Society: The Scholars of Stone [2]
Tenebreon gathered a pack of Kobolds together as his servants in the sunlit world. They have constructed a city around the holy entrance to his domain, and have been granted the use of several Reavers for their protection. [Undecided 2/10]
Create Major Utility Artifact: Quadram, the True Abacus (Create Advanced Concept) [5]
The stone abacus is Tenebreon's chosen tool. In the hands of a trained user, it can make complex calculations in instants, allowing less time to be spent on math, and more on development.
[Craft (Engineering) 9/10]
Teach Advanced Concept: Clockwork to the Scholars of Stone [1]
The first to learn of Tenebreon's creations are his servants, naturally. He can only hope that they will spread his creations further for the betterment of all, rather than keep them a guarded secret.
[Craft (Engineering) 10/10]

End AP: 4/16

Claim Domain: Craft (engineering)
- Alter Land: The Tenebral Laboratories [1]
- Create Advanced Concept: Clockwork [2]
- Create Monstrous Life: Reavers [1]
- Create Utility Artifact: Quadram [5]
- Teach Advanced Concept: Clockwork to the Scholars of Stone [1]

Darkness (caves)
Knowledge (planning)
Craft (engineering)
Undecided [2/10]

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-19, 02:53 AM
Mamona & Nemesis
Somewhere in the North

The hungry spirit had lain in the womb of the earth for centuries now, suckling on veins of precious ores. When one ran dry, another would wind its way here. Like to like, the glittering lifeblood of the planet sustained and loved her. She had been purest fire once, a memory of a lost world preserved in living white flame. Mute and dumb after a millennia of isolation and wantonness, the fire of her soul had dulled to an ember encased in a corpulent, molten mass of gold and slag.

The thing did as bidden. Spurred by the name "sister", the roiling pool grew a pair of arms and clawed its way free of the cavern, laboriously hauling its bloated form to the surface. When liquid gold beaded off of it and fell away as she climbed, each drip lingered only a moment before slithering obediently back.

In Nemesis's presence, the faceless mass halted and used its hands to explore the godling. They grasped curiously at first, taking the measure of his body and the sculpted details of his countenance. Then the hands were longing, then confused and frustrated all in short order. Lurching away in anger, the golden thing strained to produce a torso to fit the arms. A crude protrusion meant to be breasts came first, followed by a pinched waist. Finally, yellow hot metal dripped away to reveal a facsimile of a woman's eyeless face and a rain of hair that melded with her back and shoulders.

Defeated, its whole form slumped and it gave Nemesis a piteous look. A wordless question bubbled up from her throat. Her hands clenched, then began to desperately pantomime either a looking glass or reflecting pool. Directions to the ocean would suffice.

Create Mythical Concept - Cosmic Scarcity & Intrinsic Value:

Gold, silver, and all precious metals have been made rare and intrinsically valuable on a cosmic scale. No magic can create these elements ex nihilo. Even the gods lack the ability to create gold from nothing and must expend some of their divine power to transmute precious metals from the ether (typically via Bless, Create Land or Weave Plane). Mortals may learn to transmute precious metals in the future by unlocking the secrets of alchemy or a similar arcane discipline. Appropriately, all the mortal races will desire such metals, knowing instinctually that they should be prized for their beauty and fungibility.

4 AP attributed for Trade (Currency).
12 AP remaining.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-19, 09:33 AM
Marah: A Stone's Throw

"Of much. Of Truth."

The Gloam moved closer, their hands weaving together to form a giant screen that ripples with magical power. The Mer swam beneath the waves, their Coral manse much changed as towers stretch to the surface of the waters. These towers are magnificent palaces above the waves as well, races and creatures foreign and alien to the Goddess walked and traded and all was connected. The world hummed and buzzed with languages and songs never again spoken and great vessels ply the skies as easily as they skimmed over seas.

But all is for naught. The skies above turn the color of blood, the winds blew up giant water spouts and whirlwinds and the world shattered. Not the First Lands, not the Shattered Lands. Not even the lands that the Mer Goddess would never walk upon. The World, the First World, rent asunder as magma and molten elemental fire and earth reign down as all is rent in twain. Gods, Gods long dead if they lived arose from beneath and lay all foundations to ash.

"I cannot, will not, accept that." Marah says vehemently. "We are gods, and we have the power to shape reality. There must be a way to alter this Fate." She looks past the Avatars, addressing the Stone directly. "Will you help me change this, so that all that we build is not lost?"

Mer: Becoming Mer Than They Were

Every day, Kyton prayed to the gods. He did not know their names, or their faces, but he knew they were real. His grandparents told him stories of the great storms, of the growing of the Forest, the raising of the Tidal Palace. The Palace was far off from Kyton, though. Kyton heard stories from the travelling Mer that sometimes stopped by of groups of Mer making settlements around the Tidal Palace, but he paid little mind to such rumors. He and his family lived near the edge of the Forest, hunting along the barrier. It was dangerous work to hunt the open oceans, but rewarding, and his family did good trade in bone tools and predator-teeth weapons. Kyton prayed for nothing much in particular - safety during the hunts, a bountiful harvest, perhaps even meeting another Mer to share his life with. Today, however, something happened that Kyton had not prayed for. As he was sitting preparing his cod and seaweed sandwich (an afternoon favorite), there came a hail from outside his dwelling. Kyton, like most Mer who lived outside the palace, lived in a burrow dug into the sand. He had a few dug along the Barrier that his family lived in at various times. He emerged from his dwelling to see two Mer, a male and female, both carrying bone-spears. Specifically, they were carrying his bone spears, he recognized the design. "Kyton of the Barrier" said the male with an officious tone "You are summoned to the Tidal Palace. Queen Adira has taken notice of your talents, and wishes to see them put to use for all the Mer. You will come with us." Kyton was shocked. He hadn't even been aware that there was a Queen, let alone that anyone noticed his ability.

Kyton was used to carrying his own burden, but he had to admit it was nice to swim without them. Two knives, two spears, and one longsword made from a whalebone were currently carried by the guard that had come to collect him. They would be tribute, and an audition of sorts, to this Queen Adira. As he approached the Tidal Palace, he realized it looked nothing like what the stories he had been told indicated it would. All around the structure, houses and other buildings had sprung up. He saw an area where many Mer had gathered, trading fish here for bone, or a particular type of sea grass, or even a desired hue of coral. It was fascinating to Kyton, who had at best given his scrimshawed tools away for favors, or just because they were needed.

Queen Adira was beautiful. Otherworldly so, Kyton thought. It was the beauty of a hunting shark, or a whale rising up from the depths to breach the surface, or a sea-storm held in semi-stasis while lightning raged through it. Kyton thought only in metaphor he could understand, but there was some truth in it. Adira, first of her name, seemed to draw the Mer to her. Kyton saw how those around her deferred to the Queen almost instinctively, as though they knew deference was appropriate without being told. He saw this because he felt it himself - he, a hunter who had not even known they had a Queen before two days ago. He presented his goods to her, and she inspected them carefully. Then, picking up one of the scrimshawed spears, she spoke. Her voice was soft, but carried through the water. "These are wonderful, Kyton." He felt like the goddess had just come to his house and declared herself his bond-mate. Nothing could be better than to hear her praise. "Can you make more?" She asks, staring at him. "Of course, my Queen." And Kyton began.

Starting: 8/16
-0AP Create Concept (Mundane): Tools- the Mer (and other races who come in contact with them) can make the right tools for the job, at least with Materials at hand. This means all non-smithing things, wood, bone, stone, flint, etc. The concept is closed for now, but that's just to encourage people to come visit (I'll open it up once a few people stop by).
-1AP Create Concept (Mundane): Trade - the Mer have discovered that people like things, and will give things for the things they want. Basic barter trading is now a thing. Consider the concept open, though as above I'd like people to come visit the Mer to get it (don't let that hold you back if you don't like fish people though) [Civilization (Community) 6/10]
-2AP Form Society: Mer Kingdoms - Mer society is organized around a single Ruler. This Queen or King rules primarily from the Tidal Palace, though such may not always be the case. A city has begun to form, as well as a few outlying towns. [Civilization (Community) 8/10]
-2AP Raise Hero: Mer Royalty - the Mer always have a Queen or King, and that ruler is divinely recognized by the Mer. They are instinctively drawn to them, towards deference in their presence. There is no guarantee that the heir will be born from the current monarch, but wherever they are, they will be recognized quickly. [Civilization (Community) 10/10]

Civilization (Community): 10/10
Music (Song): 1/10
Life (Nourishment): 3/10

2019-02-19, 09:34 AM
The Citadel

When do souls develop? When consciousness starts? Before? After? And what type of consciousness? The scuttling awareness of a rat? The peering eyes of the Mer from below the waves? The slavery of Moss or even the courage of halflings? What about Angels - as the bloom and grow in scum ponds above the sky - as the variety of fungi that make up their forms interact and agree on a single body? As democracy and compromise build them wings? As they whistle and pop their first sounds to the makings of a language? As they walk towards the cloud edge and take a step towards the open air - as they try to take flight?

Some fly and glide down to the ground below - but what about those that fall in an abrupt spiral, their petals failing to catch the updraft directly, they crash in the ground and explode into a plumage of mushrooms, coating the ground in sticky chalky spores of all colors. Did they have a soul?

Angels, their bodies just toadstools and lichen on the material plane, awake newly grown in the Citadel - finding themselves in a strange city built upon a star. They look around at alabaster walls, glass spires - and by look, it is meant that the mycelium that makes their bodies feels, spreads - it doesn't take root but instead inches across the walls like mildew. They stand still as more of their kind blossom in this strange land so far away from the swamp clouds upon which they are born. On the material plane - they commit accidental suicide as they still yet learn to fly, and yet here they are born with their fibrous petal wings newly stitched.

And thus they find themselves a malleable people, a people slowly hemmed together of these lost souls. The Citadel shares a role in their development, after all the point of the place was to shape mortals into a bureaucracy to manage other mortals - not to create a home, but instead a queue over the Lordsbridge to the Hall of Titans. The point of the place was the resurrection, and what understands the cycle of Birth and Death more than a mushroom? What understands the cycle more than an Angel?

However, the Citadel already had a master, The First-Of-His-Name, but a master needs servants. They did not seek servitude, but only because consciousness was just newly blooming right before their deaths, and a consciousness that did not share the umwelt of most other mortal forms - it was the consciousness of spores and slime, of decay and falling, of the beauty of the agreement of the body. And so the angels glided over the alleys, walked upon the streets and grew up on the walls of the divine city until they found the beacon of purpose that was The First-Of-His-Name.

They beseeched it with their almost language of whistles and pops, of flashing colors and dances - in short - they asked to help. Rebirth? It was what they were grown for, it was probably the secret impulse that made them step over the clouds to seek flight. This - in death they may have found their purpose - perhaps they needed to be mortal borne and mortal dead to fully understand the cycle. Perhaps they needed to be fungi to appreciate the cycle.

Perhaps, it was as Eniym wanted, as she swam out of the muck, her slime trailing across the afterlife - secretly following her accidental creations as they petitioned to become stewards of the dead. This was not how life was supposed to go, this was a connection made through adhesion and whim. The caprice of living does not have to be cruel - often caprice is a Nobel as nobility - that is, after all, the point.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-19, 12:34 PM
Tafeita: The Shattered Lands

Things had been progressing well since her kobolds had been introduced, though not quite as well as she'd originally envisioned. Even with her children hunting for the halflings and building them shelter the halflings still were more aggressive than she'd like. At least now said aggression was due to arguments and culture rather than raw necessity. Yet it was still clear that further intervention would be needed.

This was not her Caldera. Fire still rained from the sky, lightning struck out from the ground and rocks flew sideways on occasion. It was a hard life, with those hunting or gathering exposed. Yet at least now they were safe when they were resting, for the kobolds new of homes and labor and built domed dens that all could shelter in. The problem was that there was only so much food in any given area, and the dens could not be taken with a tribe when they moved on to new lands. The travel was dangerous in and of itself, with many a tribe running into mighty beasts or devastating weather on the way to fresh lands. Then when they found a good place to settle for a while they had to build a new home from scratch, which took some time and had everyone exposed in the meanwhile. Several tribes had been outright lost during this migration, with some of her kobolds losing their way and resorting to serving whatever beast came their way, abandoning their true path to simply be protected by the strongest creature they could find.

Things could not continue like this. They needed to find a way to continue to make food even when the land itself had been stripped bare. That way the halflings would no longer need to move, and with them her kobolds. What's more it would be yet another thing for the little monkeys to no longer fight about - if everyone had their own land, nobody would ever fight over what land belonged to who. Who would fight over land when it was already clearly owned after all?

And so Tefaita taught her children. She taught them that if they left seeds in the earth they would grow into plants once more. She taught them that if they were to capture creatures of flesh and milk rather than kill them they could drink their milk freely, and save them to eat for later rather than having to hunt every time they needed a meal. She taught them the importance of watering fields, and covering them when a great storm came to shield their yield. And all these things the kobolds would do, and have the halflings benefit.

AP: 5

Create Monstrous Subrace (1AP) - Boggart: When a group of kobolds go for too long without finding a good race to serve, or loses their chosen people and go mad with grief, they sometimes become feral. Rather than seeking out a village or town of good people to serve, they will instead languish in the wilds until they come across an especially powerful creature, which they will serve on hand and foot as an overlord. These are very valuable to wicked creatures and villains, as though weak and often simple they are completely loyal, and unlike proper kobolds would never voluntarily leave an overlord no matter how terrible they were.[Civilization (Agriculture) 2/10]

Create Mundane Concept: Agriculture: The ability to plant a seed and have it grow. While mundane in its own right, being able to permanently guarantee a good source is the backbone of any non-nomadic civilization.[Civilization (Agriculture) 3/10][/B]

Create Mundane Concept: Domestication: To use animals as a permanent source of meat and milk rather than merely hunting them. To have a bigger animal pull a load to move larger things than would ordinarily be possible. To train beasts to guard things or hunt vermin. Though not a necessity for a true civilization it's greatly helpful, and makes sapient races a true lord of lesser beings rather than simply being another one of them had happened to discover tools and speech. [Civilization (Agriculture) 4/10]

AP Spent

Create Subrace 1AP
Create Concept 1AP
Create Concept 1AP

5AP - 3AP = 2AP

[Civilization (Agriculture) 4/10]

2019-02-19, 12:46 PM
The First Guest
At the edge of The Caldera, a Halfling hunts. His tribes elders had warned him to stay close to the village and the protection of the spirits, but the best hunting spots were far away from the hustle and bustle of the village. Clinging to the safety the spirits provided would make him a coward, and he was no coward. Anyways, he thought that the tales of chained monsters grabbing little halflings was made up by parents to keep their kids inside. The real threat was from the massive beasts that roamed the region, and he was extra careful to avoid their territory. Two days into his hunting trip, a sudden downpour caused him to seek shelter. Seeing what looked like a cave in the face of a sheer cliff, he hurried towards the promise of shelter. Instead of a cave, he found a black door carved into the vertical stone of the cliff. Cursing his bad luck, he almost left to look for better shelter when a voice called out to him. "Welcome traveler. Come now and rest your weary bones for a while."

The black door swung open and reveled a brightly lit entrance hall. The halfling entered, marveling at the magical lights and opulent decorations. As he entered, he felt inclined to head to the front desk and enter his name, check-in, and check-out time. The wraith at the front desk handed him a key, marked with a stylized 1. Since there were only two rooms, 0 and 1, finding the room was easy. The room he entered looked just like his room at home, but the furniture was sturdier, the bed comfier, and the air warmer. Next to the bed was a nightstand and upon searching it, he found a black, leather-bound book. The characters on the cover seemed to be just squiggles to him, but he could understand the text on the inside cover. This book has been placed here by The Esoteric Order of Mefthil. While the characters on the pages were unknown to him, he seemed to be able to understand perfectly what was written on the pages. Magic spells and rituals were engraved into his mind, and as he slept he dreamed of strange beasts and how to summon them.
The halfling was awakened by the sound of chains and the morning breeze. He was standing outside of the door he had entered the previous night and his belongings were beside him, packed and ready to go. Feeling refreshed and ready to go, he whistled to his faithful hound, secured his favorite book, and continued his hunt.

Starting AP: 9
PAP: 0
Create Minor Artifact(Create Monstrous Life): Necromnicon (3AP): A book of rituals and magic. Reading it allows the user to learn how to control void magic and summon the creatures of the Abyss. The writing is of a strange, squiggly script, but all can easily read it. [10/10Magic(Void)]
Create Monstrous Life: Hunting Hound (1 Artifact Charge): At first glance it seems to be a large black dog. On closer inspection, something is off. The fur is far too black, and the eyes too large. The features of the hound seem to shift and squirm, as if they are unhappy with their current location and shape. The hound has an excellent sense of smell, making it impossible to hide from it. The hound single mindedly tracks its prey, unless called of by its master. If its master dies, it hunts down the last thing it was commanded and anything similar to it.
Weave Plane: The Hotel at the End of Eternity (4AP): A place of rest between time and space. It is staffed by wraiths. Each time a new guest enters, a new room is added. Each room is uniquely tailored to each guests wants and needs. Each guest must sign in at the front desk and specify their checkout time, otherwise they have a hard time finding the exit. As it expands more and more amenities are added. [4/10 Protection (Hospitality)]
Create Portal: The Black Door (2AP): A black door leading to the Hotel at the End of Eternity. Its location is different for all of its guests, but it always takes the form of a black boor waiting to be opened. [6/10 Protection (Hospitality)]
Remaining AP: 0
Domain Added: Magic(Void)

2019-02-19, 12:49 PM
Daghir, the caldera

The eternal messenger left, defeated. Anger flaring at his foolish approach, at his lack of knowledge and the constant remainder of his precious little echoes, repeating the action without malice...

In his hurry to leave The Caldera a new storm was born amidst the crannies and cracks that split the mountains.

An odd sense of calm took over him in the brutal landscape of the first land, as he tried to work out what went wrong, undeterred by seismic activity nor the profoundly odd fits of static wind.

He stayed alone, as much as he could be while working, until a particularly ugly vagabond caught his eye, one with the legs and beak of a duck the hind of a beaver and a four legged stance, air ran through its holed shape, taking the local life for its sustenance. And there was a candle lit in his brain , in a figure of speech.

He tried to model beauty, and with the wind as a tool carried leafs and earth and many colored flowers shaping them in mimicry, the result was pretty if unable to compare to the standards set by Looloodi. They joined and his eyes opened to the narrowness of that perspective, he'll get used to it. He danced and spun and fought the local beasties and the new body smiled: a good first step

He pondered the next one and came to the conclusion that the answer was in the words, the perfect inflexion, the perfect meaning and he'll discuss with the first speaker and his sisters as equals. He started looking back on all the talks movement and fight and constant disaster... It was no place to think and as if to make a point an angel fell with grace to his side, he noted the crude sounds that would one day be words. He had to carry a loud poof nearby and his new body now was filled with the remains of the dead. Another poof, and more spores joined his being, and he took pity on the beings so prone to explode, guarding their flight.

Daghir, First-Of-His-Name, the citadel

The leafs formed a smile as glowing birds picked up the souls, for they were the one who spoke of barter and peace and he could use the latter now. he followed them and saw the confused souls of the citadel, the fledgling bureaucracy which seemed as chaotic as the landscape below, he also saw a giant slimy eel who was similar, so that was something, but he knew it wasn't the promised peace.

He soon found the First-Of-His-Name, and to the herald he spoke with ease, for mortals knew no perfect words and and he needed them not to speak with them and "Where is the promised peace?" was his question.

Alter land, 1AP- the windy maze: a disturbed wind shared its fate with the mountains still surrounding The Crater, the many corridors and caves contrast with changing winds and a fire/moth attraction for Echoes to make the paths through the mountains a temple to the idea of losing yourself. [unknown 1]

bless (or curse depending on view) 1AP, fungal buffer: the wind beneath each slime-based ecosystem in the sky are unnaturally calm and benign, guiding the falling Angels away from storms and safely towards the ground and trees. [unknown 1]

Domain progress:
History (language) 1/10
Magic (truenaming) 1/10

2019-02-19, 06:01 PM

To Tafeita and Loolodi, "If it is too forward of me to ask, I beg your forgiveness, but the friendship I propose would be one of more than simple companionship. From your works and actions I can feel a certain...kindred spirit of creation, beauty, and preservation. I sense an opportunity for cooperation and possible collaboration. Would either or both of you be open to such a thing?"

Propose Forming a Pantheon 1AP pending

As she continued her wondering, she crossed the harsh and rugged Engraved Plains where the elemental storms raged and ravaged the landscape. There was an ancient and primal fierceness to the land as she entered a region of vast pillars etched with strange symbols. Broken and tumbled walls of basalt walls lining the mountaintops stood sentinel over a valley in which stood A Single Stone.

Approaching with much trepidation in heart she saw three robed figures with eyes of elemental fire glowing deep within their cowls standing before a beautiful female water spirit. No this was no spirit, it was a goddess and in this place resided another, of that she was certain.

It appeared as if they were conversing, but in truth she had heard none of it, and felt compelled to announce her presence lest they think she was attempting to eavesdrop, "Hello?"

2019-02-19, 06:39 PM
Marah, A Single Stone: The Engraved Plains

The three Gloam exchanged looks, then back to A Single Stone and then back to Marah. "It is but stone. A stone of somewhen else. Catastrophe has come and will come again. Do you not feel it? The Earth and Fire grieve, already we bare witness to cataclysm. A stone can no more stop the flow of the river than you with your own soft hands. But hark, Goddess, another approaches."

The three Gloam bow low as Selima enters the ring of stones. [B][FONT=System]"Hello." they great, remaining however by the pillar of stone at the center of the place. It was to be their greeting here after, to the Gods. "Two Goddesses, one day."

The Succubus
2019-02-19, 06:48 PM
The Great Rat (featuring Looloodi, Marah)

Of Mice and Mer

Many are the paths and tunnels of Tanglenest. Some stretch for hundreds of miles, yet feel considerably shorter to travel. Others, such as the one The Wandering Rat was travelling along, were a considerably more local affair. It had detected the scent of water - a *lot* of water and had chosen to investigate. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, growing brighter as the rat moved toward the exit. The tunnel ended on an embankment, in front of which was a small strip of sand stretching left and right. As the rat's eyes adjusted to the water, it gave an involuntary squeak of surprise. There was water here - it seemed endless, bigger than even the biggest pools in Tanglenest. Cautiously, it looked around for predators before trotting out onto the beach that girded the island. The Wandering Rat looked over its shoulder and saw The Great Tree behind. It was very big as well! The rat looked up and could just about see the beautiful petals at the top, glowing with their gentle yet powerful light. On the air was the same rainbow of scents The Great Rat had smelled from Looloodi, although The Wandering Rat knew none of this, save that the scent was wonderful.

So enraptured with the scent, it almost didn't see the figure stepping up from the ocean waves. It fought its initial instinct to flee, remembering the words of The Great Rat and the feeling of strength purpose it had felt at the time. This strange being carried something in its webbed paw and its skin seemed to be similar to that of a fish. Maybe it was a creature that could think, like the rats.The Wandering Rat thought carefully about how to speak to this being.


Deja Who?
2019-02-19, 06:58 PM
Janika the Neverfail in Caldera

“What? Yes.. perhaps.” Janika mused at the otherworldly god. Sololond had a good point. Here she was looking for a fight when she could just create one.

“Leave then, bird. Next time I eat you.” She said mirthfully, her idea still fresh in her mind. “I gots a good enough look at that shiny bauble anyway. It was a soul- a piece of pure god-spark. Creations made from ourselves. It was... I think I’ll steal this idea.”

And with that she let nothing distract her as she formed the energy in her hands and molded it anew into a new race. Better than the halflings, better than the kobolds, no simple boggart! This was a true goblin. These were the goblins!

“Yes, yes!” Janika shrieked joyfully as her creations took form. No larger than a kobold or halfling but twice as vicious, they were little monsters with sharp teeth and extremely long pointy ears. They were mostly shades of brown and dark green with hair of all sorts and colors, long and short, male and female. They snickered and prodded at each other for dominance.

“Enough! I am your god! This is your land! Or at least now it is.” She laughed darkly, remembering her own shattered lands. So she’d just steal this one.

“Now.. plunder!”

AP: 12

Create Sapient Life (2 AP) - Goblins: Goblins are based on halflings and kobolds so they are short and fast and well suited for life in the jungles of Caldera. They give life birth to liters of six and the entire clan raises the children. They are vicious, meat eating and naturally sadistic and cunning. They have short life-spans and many kids and never settle down with just a single mate. They’re green and bronze skinned skinny/spindly little Halfling looking monsters with wild crazy hair and bone necklaces and nose piercings with sharp teeth and comically long pointy ears. [Life (Hunting)]

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Raiding: The concept of going out and taking what others have instead of farming or hunting for yourself. Well, it’s a form of hunting. Goblins will go out and take the hard-earned spoils from any other races and split it among themselves. This includes things like tools or ships, they’ll take it back to their lairs and try to figure it out. Trade (Crime)

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Hunting: When all else fails you can always hunt a beast and take it down as a team. When goblins aren’t raiding they are hunting. [Life (Hunting)]

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Slavery Goblins often take captives back home to their lairs either to sacrifice or use as a slave to do the work they don’t want to do. They also press the unfortunate souls into their raiding parties to use as fodder at the threat of death or worse. Sure there are Boggarts and they are useful but it’s more fun to break a defiant soul. [Trade (Crime)]

Create Mundane Concept (1 AP) - Slings: This is a long range weapon that allows you to hurl rocks or other things really far and really hard. It’s a simple device but this slight weapon advantage will give the goblins an edge. Life (Hunting)

Create Advanced Concept (2 AP) - Bonecrafting: Taking not only meat from the dead animals they hunt they take in the bones as well creating various tools and jewelry and especially weapons. They specialize in huge bone clubs that they crudely assemble, but they will get more they can do in time. Life (Hunting)

Form Society (2 AP) - The Thirty Tribes: Who knows how many. Goblins have a lot of kids and they want to start their own tribes and then the tribes fight. No one really knows how many tribes there are. Goblin society is based primarily on warfare with, quite simply, the strongest goblin being in charge at it’s basic level and leads by fear and martial superiority. Slaves take care of some needs but goblins are known for forming hunting parties that then tackle large prey in a squad like a small village or a wildebeest. The team work usually only lasts till the thing is killed. Raiding parties have been known to come back with only one member who killed all the others in his hunger for the meat. With all the war and hunting and death it’s good that they have litters. Trade (Crime)

Life (Hunting) 10/10
Trade (Crime) 3/10

Gain Domain - Life (Hunting)
Curse (1 AP)
Bless (1 AP)
Create Land (2 AP)
Create Sapient Life (2 AP)
Create Mundane Concept (1 AP)
Create Mundane Concept (1 AP)
Create Advanced Concept (2 AP)

AP: 3

2019-02-19, 08:05 PM

Marah, A Single Stone: The Engraved Plains

The three Gloam exchanged looks, then back to A Single Stone and then back to Marah. "It is but stone. A stone of somewhen else. Catastrophe has come and will come again. Do you not feel it? The Earth and Fire grieve, already we bare witness to cataclysm. A stone can no more stop the flow of the river than you with your own soft hands. But hark, Goddess, another approaches."

The three Gloam bow low as Selima enters the ring of stones. [B][FONT=System]"Hello." they great, remaining however by the pillar of stone at the center of the place. It was to be their greeting here after, to the Gods. "Two Goddesses, one day."

Bowing to the three, "I am Selima, and I am much curious as to the nature of this place and these stones. Are you the keepers of these mysteries?"

2019-02-19, 08:22 PM

It has been quiet in the fort since the appearance of the rat. The knowledge that there are others out there made Nasigune nervous. Were there beings more powerful than her? Would they seek her destruction? She needed a place to hide. A place where she could grow her power in relative safety before making a mobe against the world.

She began manipulating the tunnels under her fort and several of the other ruins near by. She turned them into a winding maze meant to distract and confuse anyone who came by. As the tunnels moved, Nasigune and her pedestal sunk deeper into the earth until she was in the grandest chamber at the very end of her new series of interwoven tunnels.

This is where she would set to work. She focused her power to draw creatures in that would defend her and help her power grow. At the same time she focused on enchanting the entire structure with defenses.

This would hopefully keep her safe while she came to understand who she was and what she needed to do.

Starting: 10
Alter Land-The First Dungeon-Under a series of ruins on the first land lies the first dungeon. Filled with secret passages and twisting paths to get one lost. The ruins serve as entrances and at the bottom lies Nasigune.

Bless-Monstrous creatures or other life seeking a safe haven will be drawn to the dungeon to serve as defenders of the dungeon.

Curse- Traps such as pit falls, spike, or rock fall traps appear and activate in the prescence of those who would do harm to the dungeon or its occupants. As Nasigune's knowledge grows, the possible traps will increase.

Domain: Dungeons (Loot) 3/10

2019-02-19, 08:31 PM
A Stone Throw: Engraved Plains

The three glance once more between them, then extend an arm each towards the Stone and then about themselves and the Goddesses in conference. "These are ancient lands." Each intones. "The Stones were here before us, before you. We keep no mysteries, stones have no mouths and thus can share no secrets. But we were born with eyes to see oh yes, eyes of flame to pierce the shroud of darkness that surrounds all that which is Divine."

Each move to en-triangle the two Goddesses, fingers fresh with dust as they drag about the ground in stilted movements. "When we awoke, the Gods fell from the heavens like stars but we were given no powers. But in that moment we saw the Stone and our sight was rendered in flames. There was a world once, here, with vast castles and working hands. Forges made merry with the sounds of hammers and a people flourished in such a span to make enemies with the Gods out of envy. They erected these Stones and buried the ancient ones beneath. They are a prison, but the prison is empty. Your doom, their doom, is upon you now."

2019-02-19, 08:32 PM
The Ascension of the Angels

The Citadel gluts with souls as the First Land grows and life along with it. Halflings, kobolds, and now giants and goblins as well walk its avenues and populate its buildings. The Lordsbridge has become an endless queue of souls waiting to plead their cases for reincarnation. And then there were the angels - primal, overgrowing, full of life in a way that the other mortal races are not. Parts of the Citadel become a spore-spawned jungle as mycelium spreads and the angels stake their claim on the city. And then, in their own odd but well-meaning way, they proposed to lend aid in a way the other races could not, or would not.

First-Of-His-Name considers their case in the tallest palace of the Citadel, One-Of-Many perched attendant on his shoulder. He listens to their primitive language, then, after a period of contemplation, silently stretches out a beckoning hand. The closest angel steps forward, and with a flash of silver and gold it is condensed into a soul once more, a scintillating sphere of light and life that floats forward and falls into the clasped hand of First-Of-His-Name. The avatar places the soul into one end of the scales that make up his symbol. Placed into the other dish is a single crystalline feather, plucked from One-Of-Many. God and avatar, raven and halfling, watch as the scales tilt and balance, until the scales finally tilt in favor of the angel.

The shepherd nods, and the soul becomes an angel once more. Their case has been weighed and approved, and the angels become the core component of the afterlife's bureaucracy. By the next season their hives have taken over many of the temples and towers surrounding the palace of First-Of-His-Name, strands of fungi dangling from building to building like clothesline. The Citadel is full of beautiful lights and melodious noises, and Many-As-One feel a significant burden lifted, their attention freed to attend to other duties.

The rest of the flock is elsewhere, following a trail of cosmic slime that streaks across the darkness of space. Eniym is not alone; Many-As-One have arrived to parley with them. "Cloudmother," They ask in unison, voices clear and strong even in the absence of oxygen, "We are grateful for your aid. Tell us, what do you see from your place at the top of the sky?"

A Question of Peace

For the first time in history, another god has arrived in the Citadel. First-Of-His-Name levels a considering stare at the new arrival, calm even as angels flock the room, dripping slime from the ceilings and conversing with one another in whistles and squeals. First-Of-His-Name has been sworn to a vow of silence ever since his ascension to demigod-hood. He does not break this vow now, but instead sweeps an arm as if to say, Perhaps it is all around you.

One-Of-Many sweeps an unknowable gaze across the new arrival. It is a moment before it speaks. "Sky Whisperer," It finally says, "You have traveled far to come to this place. Why?"

2019-02-19, 09:18 PM
Looloodi: The Caldera

Looloodi gives the desert Goddess a wide smile. "I would totally love to do that! This is, like, SO awesome! With all of us working together, we can, like, TOTALLY make this wor...." She suddenly stops speaking, as though paralyzed. Something.....something is wrong......it feels as though.....something beautiful was just born into this world, without her help. While she doesn't know how she truly feels about this, Looloodi cannot help the sudden liquid that drips from her roots, a small wisp of purple vapor billowing up when it hits the bare ground. Many flowers and plants seem to grow more colorful the more liquid falls from her body.

"I-I'm sorry....I, like, have to go.....but I DEFINITELY want to team up! If you can get Sissy Tafeita to agree to it, I'm, like, TOTALLY yours Sissy Selima!" Looloodi says, snapping out of her strange funk. The strange liquid seems to have stopped as well, her diamond roots sparkling beautifully clean, as though nothing was out of sort. With a quick hug and a big kiss on Selima's cheek, Looloodi starts wandering North, towards where she could swear the strange sensation was drawing her.

Started with 6/16

Curse(1): Envy's Poison
This purplish liquid was created by Looloodi's unconscious Envy of something/one being as beautiful as her. Incredibly Toxic, this natural venom can easily kill most mortals and even make other deities sick if consumed. Plants of every type are outright immune to this poison however, with many of them capable of absorbing and reproducing it. [Used for Nature(Poison)

Life(Beauty) 10/10
Nature(Poison) 1/10

Ended with 5/16

2019-02-19, 10:01 PM
Selima - The Caldera

At Looloodi's kiss, Selima bowed at the goddess' parting. Lifting her hand to her cheek, she discovered a beautiful diamond gem from the Beauteous Bloom...a promise of sisterhood. Her heart soared, as for the first time in her existence she did not feel...alone.

Selima - The Engraved Plains

Timidity and humility flew from her as the words of doom were spoken...be they warning or be they folly. Her eyes flared a fierce turquoise, and the finely woven fire of her gown shimmered white-hot as she was liberated from her self-doubt. The journey here had been long, but a pilgrimage of self-discovering and actualization it had proven to be. A Single Stone had set her free, wittingly or not, it was impossible to know.

Turning to the water goddess, "Sister I name you, and sense in you a kindred spirit. Would thou hear these portents and proclamations and not be...moved?"

2019-02-19, 10:32 PM
Nemesis, Karam-Kor

Moved by the newborn god's frustration, Nemesis took her formless golden mass into his arms. Cradling her like a babe, he moved south, away from the steam-choked coast of his mountain and into the badlands only lightly touched by his birth. For a mortal, the journey would have been one of weeks, months, but the titan that was Nemesis made the trek in barely a day. With every shuddering step, he saw the lifeless vast that awaited his people, and grew wroth at its imperfection. But Nemesis was a creature of fire, and could not yet conceive of growing things. Finally, they reached the ocean, and he lay the being that would be Mamona down upon the sand. Heedless as his presence turned beach to glass, he spoke once more in gentle whisper.

"Make of yourself what you will. There is much yet beneath this sky that I must know, but I shall return to you."

Turning away, he tested the air. Life abounded beyond the horizon, of that he was sure, bearing the alien scents of salt and spring. That so many existed beyond his grasp only fueled Nemesis' quiet rage, a rage that demanded action. He strode forward, sinking beneath the water's surface with naught but devastation in his wake. Caustic gasses billowed from undersea vents, narrow fissures widened to disgorge liquid fire, and the oceans above him boiled. The Great Reef withered before such an onslaught, Nemesis' passage reducing a vibrant band of the coral wall to lifeless char. But even as it burned, he began to know it, and all it touched. The ocean floor rose towards the First Land, but rather than meet the sun Nemesis dove deeper still, parting the crust of the earth and forcing his way through.

He felt the tunnel networks all about him, warrens both meager and monstrous hidden away from the sky above. The edges of his fingers brushed against the domain of the rats, sending thousands scurrying for their lives as the air caught fire. He caught a caretaker between thumb and forefinger, its elephantine body little more than a gnat before him, and watched the animating moss burn with curious delight. The land rippled like air upon a summer's day, reshaping tunnel, hill, and mountain. Until finally Nemesis beheld the roots of the Tree of Light.

Of all he had seen in his ranging, Ilianthos enraptured Nemesis most of all. It was the first object in his long ranging to endure his touch, and as iridescent bark cracked against his touch he felt all that it touched. Caldera and Savage Land, God and Goddess, he was suffused with the stolen knowledge of the sacred tree. His anger vanished, for in knowing he gained understanding, only to be replaced by something far more dangerous - hunger. There was more upon Creation than he had dared dream in his northern sanctum, and he would have dominion over all of it.

He withdrew from the Great Tree, mind spinning with possibilities, and continued south. He emerged from the coastal cliffs with a crash, his terrible face looming over the Coral Forest. He smiled at the sight of it and the teeming multitudes of Mer thriving within, growing ever more joyous as he felt their sudden terror. Looming over the hapless mortals as they floated in stupefied horror, he slammed down upon one of their outlying villages, devouring every soul that lived within before receding into the earth.

Free AP = 10
Spent AP = 6

1 AP - Curse: The Inferno
Nemesis' passage wreaks havoc on the First Land. Above his winding path, earthquakes and volcanic activity bathe much of creation in an unintentional firestorm.

2019-02-20, 12:02 AM
[New Tunnels]

[The First Dungeon]

There was a ruin in the eastern hills, and in that ruin was a book. That was known to a rat or two and to the ruins themselves. And then, the ruins sank. Why? They certainly did not know.

All around Nasigune, a presence filled the walls. Maybe she had felt it shifting in the distant depths before, but now it flooded in and filled the ruined keep she had taken for herself, staining the walls with ancient muck.

But it said nothing.

[The Tenebral Laboratories]

A river had carved its way down in many chambers, and on occasion broken into the tunnels of the moss. It was now haunted by the sound of rocks grinding against themselves in circles and earthen feet stomping in rhythm.

The banks came to be covered in the old plants, and the presence came with it. Clinging to columns and seeping around floors. Looking about the works of the god within with curiosity.

But it said nothing.

[Nemesis' Way]

A molten tunnel was dug from north to southeast, the world's blood seeping into it, and a great many old things lost to the flames. Some more lost to the boiling seas where the tunnel began as well as where it ended. But much more gained. The depths were then bound to the First Land, now the way was open like never before, thrown wide by the striding giant. Was a thanks in order? Later, maybe.

A presence came to the north and seeped into the volcanic halls. Inspecting these young rocks.

A presence came to the south, amid kicked sand, and befell the palaces of the mer.

But it said nothing.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-20, 12:09 AM
Marah, Selina, A Single Stone

“Sister” Marah says, as though testing the word. “We are divine both, so the term seems accurate.”

“I have heard the words of this one. It speaks of doom and fate - a fate we cannot avoid. I cannot accept that, but perhaps that is fate too. All I can do is continue onward.”

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-20, 12:49 AM
Mamona, On the Shore of Karam-Kor

The golden bulk lumbered towards the sea, pausing once to turn its face back to Nemsis with a placid expression resembling gratitude. When the god had gone from sight, all pretense of elegance was cast off as the thing clambered down the beach and into the deep waters. For a time, the sea boiled as a mountain of gold was tempered beneath the waves.

Mamona emerged hours later, caked in salt and broken slag. Born of fire, the boundless treasures from the womb of the world and been forged, quenched and made glorious flesh. A monument to excess and desire itself, her body was overgenerous. Her visage was near harrowing in its exquisiteness, though still round and cherubic enough to create a veneer of innocence. It was difficult to hold her in your gaze, but it was a worse fate to look away. Her lips were ruin and her eyes burned with a cruel eagerness. A heavy pair of black horns formed a crown, curving from the sides of her head to just above her brow -- her only truly inhuman attribute, if the goddess could have been mistaken as human.

She plucked a bit of pumice free from her hip and let out a petulant sigh. The god who had delivered her was nowhere to be seen, nor were the brutes he'd fashioned. It was just as well. Apotheosis was exhausting and she lacked the strength to properly enjoy anything. Instead of pursuing them, she sat on the glassy shore and fashioned a golden comb to untangle her sea washed hair. When she'd finished, she stretched out to let the sun dry her and toyed idly with the only thing she wore or owned: a ruby pendant on a delicate gold chain.

Create Major Utility Artifact (5 AP, probably attributed to the Trade (Currency) domain. Give me a bit to decide.)

Amulet of Ardor & Avarice - Ardor takes the form of a pear cut ruby, nearly the size of a real pear. The gem is set in an elegant gold frame, suspended on a delicate looking byzantine chain called Avarice. While the gem produces no light of its own, it is masterfully cut and so brilliant as to mesmerize those who gaze into it. The greediest creatures are the worst for beholding it, driven near to madness to have glimpsed such opulent perfection that they can never possess. Mamora keeps the amulet safely concealed between her breasts to prevent her mortal visitors from being reduced to howling despair.

Though the chain is forged from the literal tons of gold and silver Mamora consumed in her embryonic state, Avarice is deceptively light. When worn by a good and charitable creature, the amulet grows heavier over time and the chain constricts until it the wearer is burdened to the point of immobility if not strangled first.

Thanks to the Ardor’s presence, the wearer’s charisma is greatly increased as they are assured of their leadership and imbued with sensuous grace. They grow in confidence and physical beauty, eventually developing humanoid and female characteristics, regardless of their original or preferred form.

Avarice has the ability to store and transmute precious things. Though no power can create gold from nothing, the chain can hold all the wealth of all the planes. First, the wearer can store and retrieve objects of value at will. Second, some of the accumulated value within the chain can be expended to transform objects, turning lead to gold or limestone to marble. Mundane things are rendered masterwork, lovingly wrought and sculpted by will alone.

As a Utility Artifact, the amulet reduces the cost of the Bless action by 1, contributing to the culture, prosperity, or even fertility of a civilization.

7 AP remaining.

2019-02-20, 09:23 AM
The rest of the flock is elsewhere, following a trail of cosmic slime that streaks across the darkness of space. Eniym is not alone; Many-As-One have arrived to parley with them. "Cloudmother," They ask in unison, voices clear and strong even in the absence of oxygen, "We are grateful for your aid. Tell us, what do you see from your place at the top of the sky?"

Birds and Hagfish

Connections were meant to be forged and glued and subsequently torn apart - the glue at the seems ripping along the edge, forcing a slight unevenness. What was once connected would never truly let go, potentially it will feel the loss of its missed connection, a slow grind of personality as it scratches the itch of what was once. The hag smiles with its fish mouth made with no jaw, its pinkish leathery skin wrinkling. Tit for tat, her slime had led to a connection in heaven, her storm should rend one on earth.

But here was an opportunity, another connection - a storm could be more than the battering of elements. It could be words. And so she speaks, for the first time, and it would not be a surprise to any future worshipers that her first words were a lie for no purpose other than wreckage. But entirely a lie lies mixed in with truth, and empty articles, such that if you would map the sentences they would appear as a tempest. She speaks, the lack of bones giving her a drawl, the slime that covered her providing a thin film that burped occasionally as the air left her windpipe.

Well met Lord of the Stars. And no need to . . . brrlplop (the slime catching the air, turning into a small bubble and poping) . . . thank me - I merely came to observe. I have come from the ocean and the clouds and just wanted to see how my light touches would work. Isn't . . . brrlplop . . . it interesting to see that when a fish flicks its tail in the ocean a tsunami covers the land far away from him? These little actions that build and build and then break. From my clouds, I see much of the land below and I've seen some such small action that in my peerage I sense the premonition that could endanger your works. I've . . brrlplop . . . seen two goddesses of beauty, one of the light of the world and one of its safe houses, meeting. They are no doubt innocent beings, but even innocence could lead to actions and into other actions and eventually the divine city breaks. If you would save the angels and everything you worked for then you would see to it that those . . brrlplop . . . two grow to hate or fear one another.

2019-02-20, 09:51 AM
[The First Dungeon]

There was a ruin in the eastern hills, and in that ruin was a book. That was known to a rat or two and to the ruins themselves. And then, the ruins sank. Why? They certainly did not know.

All around Nasigune, a presence filled the walls. Maybe she had felt it shifting in the distant depths before, but now it flooded in and filled the ruined keep she had taken for herself, staining the walls with ancient muck.

But it said nothing.

The earth was shaking. Something was going on with the world at large, beings throwing about immense power. Nasigune was not to be deterred. She had made it undergroud and as some tunnels shifted, shook, or even collapsed, she held on. She would build her power. When she emerged herself, she would be able to defend herself against such monsters. She continued her experiments and self reflection. They would respect her soon enough. All she needed was a worthy sacrifice and she could set out to properly begin her work in earnest.

2019-02-20, 09:59 AM
Selima, Marah, A Single Stone

Marah, Selina, A Single Stone

“Sister” Marah says, as though testing the word. “We are divine both, so the term seems accurate.”

“I have heard the words of this one. It speaks of doom and fate - a fate we cannot avoid. I cannot accept that, but perhaps that is fate too. All I can do is continue onward.”

Shoving aside one of the robed figures, Selima moved to stand before the Water Goddess, the fierceness of her gaze emboldened by Marah's words, "Yes Sister...onward....together. For what are these things that you hold dear? Life, Love, and Beauty are but fleeting....fragile and ephemeral without strength of will...determination, resilience and perseverance."

Opening her hand to reveal both a turquoise cat's-eye gem and a beautiful diamond, "Know you that there are others like us sister. Know that they, as I, would name you friend and ally," sweeping her other hand around, gesturing at the basalt pillars, "in this place of oaths."

2019-02-20, 10:34 AM
Tenebreon: Gathering Material and Seeking Minds

Time passed, and Tenebreon began to receive more materials for his work. First, the Scholars of Stone delivered to him a log of cedar as tribute. That night he appeared to the priests, carrying the timber and saying, "I want more like this." They delivered more timber to him, and he brought it into his laboratories to work.
At the same time, the passage of another god, far below, broke an opening leading between the lowest chambers to the heart of the planet itself. The molten blood of the earth bubbled up through the crack, and where it met the river which fueled the laboratories' mechanisms, new types of stone, never seen before, were formed. Tenebreon began to mine the black glassy strata and the porous, buoyant stones for their unique properties which could add to his designs.
And then something entered his chambers from below. He followed the presence and found a breeze blowing into an unfamiliar passage, lined with moss. Calling two of his Reavers forth, he stationed them at the entrance, and set off to explore the fortress, rendering himself unseen to it's inhabitants.

2019-02-20, 11:39 AM
Looloodi: Edge of the First Land, South of Karam Kar

Pain......that is the only word to describe the burning sensation Looloodi feels growing on her side. Something is attacking Ilianthos, her first and best creation, her BABY. She screeches in fury, the poison of before almost spraying out of her glorious root, spreading across a large portion of the ground beneath her. One of her diamond thorns drops from her body, still brimming with the venom of its former body, and pierces the ground.

Before Looloodi rushes off to her precious Tree of Light however, the burning sensation suddenly ceases. Suprised by this, Looloodi focuses her mind on Ilianthos, and senses no malevolent near her former body. Still angry, she returns her attention to the sensation of beauty she felt before, and begins her travel once more.

Started with 5/16

Alter Land(1): The Dasos Dilitirios.
This now lush and colorful section of forest sits on the most northern edge of the First Land. Do not let its inherent beauty fool you though. Every plant within its boundaries is incredibly poisonous, to the point that even breathing the air for too long can cause permanent damage, if not outright death, to nearly every mortal creature. It could be considered worth the risk, however, due to the rumor of a fantastically precious and beautiful treasure said to lay at its center.[Used towards Nature(Poison)]

Life(Beauty) 10/10
Nature(Poison) 2/10

Ended with 4/16

2019-02-20, 12:16 PM
A Question of Peace

For the first time in history, another god has arrived in the Citadel. First-Of-His-Name levels a considering stare at the new arrival, calm even as angels flock the room, dripping slime from the ceilings and conversing with one another in whistles and squeals. First-Of-His-Name has been sworn to a vow of silence ever since his ascension to demigod-hood. He does not break this vow now, but instead sweeps an arm as if to say, Perhaps it is all around you.

One-Of-Many sweeps an unknowable gaze across the new arrival. It is a moment before it speaks. "Sky Whisperer," It finally says, "You have traveled far to come to this place. Why?"

A bulb of spore and earth moved to be the body's eyebrows just so it could be raised at the avatar's gesture. Daghir looked around, there was no fighting to be certain, and there was something to be said for the monotony (or lack thereof) of the angels at work, it was a peace but not his.

The new body almost lost shape with the leafs threatening to scatter in pair with the startled god, but it held together and he paused, contemplating One-Of-Many and thinking what he would say to another of his kind "Peace, my sister..." he paused again, sister and its variants were easily the word most used amongst the gods when speaking to one another but it was off now, he was careless "...brother..." not any better, as far as he was concerned "...colleague?" and now he was questioning and seeking aid, not one minute after meeting a supposed peer, he became flustered and took a moment again, resenting his seeming eagerness to err.

And then he repeated, for a lack of a better idea "If you wish to discuss your disputes, do so in the place we have specifically prepared for it." "words... the perfect names it is in my interest to see,preserve, gift to the world, to know what else there is I need peace"

Curse 1 AP (shame): For things done which cannot be undone, deviance from what is considered right and basically all that is seen flawed in the self or its actions, almost as all-encompassing as hunger, it can cause in the wrong times far more pain and is now unleashed upon the world.[unknown 1]

domain acquisition:
-[Magic (truenaming) 1/10]
-[history (language) 1/10]

13 AP -1 AP: 12 AP left

Anubis Dread
2019-02-20, 01:10 PM
Tafeita: The Shattered Lands

Everything was on fire, and it was someone's fault.

The world had suffered many disasters before she was born, after she was born, and would suffer even more disaster when her divine spark faded and she ceased to be. They were simply something that happened, acts of gods and goddesses that were - and should be - outside of her control. She had come to peace with that. That did not make it any less frustrating when a wave of fire and hate greater than any other she'd yet to encounter blasted across the landscape and harmed the halflings and kobolds she were tending.

It was not as bad as it could be, truth be told. After all the little ones were familiar with earthquakes and elemental storms, and what was this but an exceptionally large one of them? It still resulted in many deaths and much suffering. She was tempted to help her peoples back to their feet. Yet had she not made her kobolds to help others, so she would not be needed? This would perhaps be their first great trial. She had faith that they were up for the task. More importantly as much as the kobolds could endure a fire in an open flame, a fire in a jungle was another matter entirely. Her Caldera could be damaged long before it came into its full purpose.

The Hearth Goddess was reluctant to part from her creations. Yet all children must leave their den eventually, and this was her kobold's time. And so with a flash of flame of her own Tafeita ceased to be here, and was instead there. In terms of damage her Caldera had been relatively unscathed. Despite her blessing having no effect the mountains themselves were still a barrier of stone, and much like a cliff blocks a wave of water so to did her mountains dampen the wave of flame. Much had slipped through cracks and crashed over the top however. Much of her jungle was burned and broken. It would return in time however. Indeed, many of the Penghou were already helping her plants grow once more, channeling the nourishing light of the tree of their birth.

Still as long as she was here she might as well see if any changes had been made in her absence. She needed rest, and her sanctuary seemed as good a place as any to do it. Strutting happily through the colorful trees groaning with magical fruit, enjoying the rather docile vagabonds that had enough plenty to become gluttonous and slothful, Tafeita sought a nice sunny spot to bask and nap. Then she came across the things. Small like halflings, green like slime and covered in blood. She watched in shocked horror as a gang of the abominations pounced upon a vagabond, beating it to incapacitation with clubs of bones before pulling out knives of stone and cutting it simply to watch it writhe in pain. With searing glare the creatures burned to dust before he gaze, but where there would be on there would be others. It seemed as though some opportunist had decided that since her Caldera was a safe place free of storms it would be a good place to spread their own small minded children, where they could bully the weak without fear of the strong.

No, this would not stand. She knew not where this creator was, but she knew she needed to find her. And so she did.

Bursting into existence, the small beast beheld a large green figure twenty fold times her own size, clad in the skins of beasts and bearing the brutish look of a pointless warmonger. "Greetings, sister," she spoke unto the new goddess, her teeth pulled back into a snarl as flames danced around her. "Care to explain why you have DEFILED my sanctuary?"

2019-02-20, 03:27 PM
[Tenebreon in the Deep]

The walls were smooth and lined with alcoves, many empty but for the moss, some holding a corpse as well. And ever so often a shambling caretaker moved past the god.

It was quiet.

Most unusual of all, along the corridors none could have build, were the murals that could sometimes be found amid the alcoves. They depicted images not of this world, events that certainly could not have been, although ever so often a familiar castle, in ruins seen before in the surface would appear. But these could be artistic liberties, more interesting were the murals bearing words.

A Single Stone rose from the depths in a maelstrom of activity. I was there too, beneath it. Gave it a foundation to stand. Dreamers always forget those.

There was this rat, once. It seemed smart. It found a way into the halls and did not make much of a mess. It went off to another tunnel after eating some moss. There was a Book where it arrived. Sadly, rats have little use for books these days.

There was a fabulous seed in the eastern dirt. It grew tall and beautiful. But she is quite noisy. I thought plants were silent.

What would a fulling be? What are these lings half of? Is it a short joke? Gods.

It's painfully hot up there. On occasion.

There is peace in the center, as much as there can be. Peace ends. All things do. Then, they start again.

Fire in the depths. I must review it.

Coral. Like rocks, but alive. What a notion. And full of fish. Interesting creatures, equally at home in the sea and the sky. I have obtained many.

Where do angels go when they explode? I feel something beyond. It is familiar, crafted. Something for later.

Gold has very few uses, and yet it is a constant fixation. Well, it makes for exceptional decoration. I want some.

There is someone grinding gears here. I should check it.

Who are you, clockwork god? I am The Fortress of Moss. The name starts at the article.

None of these could have been carved recently. There is an age of disrepair over each.

[The First Dungeon]

Well, one could expect books and walls to not have much to say to each other, when you think carefully.

Maybe if we wait.

Deja Who?
2019-02-20, 05:14 PM
Backbiter Tribe, The Caldera

"Ha, didya see tha look on his face when I splatted him?" The squat creature cackled and waved his club which was still coated in a bit of blood and gore. Some of the other goblins muttered acknowledgements of agreement.

This hunting party of goblins were just returning to the relatively safety of the jungle from a successful raid. There was only about a half-dozen of them left afterwards but the rest of the clan would be well supplied. They also had several Halflings and Kobolds with them, captives that would be taken back and sacrificed in the name of Janika in front of the entire tribe. They had already been traveling for a weeks time from one of the outlying Halfling Villages.

"You didna splat him that good." Loud-And-Annoying said with derision, making the first goblin stop in his tracks and bash him good. This started a tussle in front of the prisoners which soon involved all six goblins which allowed several of the loosely-tied captives to slip away. When all was said and done, Loud-And-Annoying lay dead and their number was down to five.

"Take that!" Clubs-When-Provoked shouted down at the corpse while the other goblins shook their heads with annoyance.

"We should move... captives ran away while you were an idiot." Faster-Than-The-Others said in a nasally voice and than whooped in fear as he easily scampered away from the other goblin's strike.

"Not see why we take them back. This is how I worship the Lord of Murder!" Clubs-When-Provoked exclaimed before randomly clubbing one of the Kobolds over and over.

"Well at least we not having Halfling again tonight."

That was when the Penghou showed up.

"Ahhh bad thing! Bad thing!"

"Being serene is so lame!"

"The calmness hurts us!"

The goblins scampered off in a group as the Penghou quickly reduced their number to four and they ran back the way they came, leaving the unfortunate goblin to his fate to buy them some time. A few escaped Kobolds had come back to free the rest of the Halflings before returning to the jungle with them. But the goblins still had a few Kobolds left to sacrifice, not to mention the rest of the loot. Now with fewer to split it with!

The little monsters and their captives ran into the nearest shelter they could spy. A ruin covered in moss and tangles of jungle. This looked safe enough so, after a moment of argument, they went inside the First Dungeon.

Janika the Neverfail, The Caldera

"What? Who-" Janika questioned in confusion, her elation at spreading a plague of plunderers across this fertile land had not yet abated. Then she looked down. "Sis..ter. You mean you are like me. Haha. You look more like prey to me." She leaned down to the little rabbit or whatever it was and smiled. "But it is cute that you came to bare those teeth anyway. I respect that. But this land no longer is yours because I stole it far and square just a moment ago and I do as I please with what is mine."

Toxic Mind
2019-02-20, 06:22 PM
Marah, Selina, A Single Stone

Selima, Marah, A Single Stone

Shoving aside one of the robed figures, Selima moved to stand before the Water Goddess, the fierceness of her gaze emboldened by Marah's words, "Yes Sister...onward....together. For what are these things that you hold dear? Life, Love, and Beauty are but fleeting....fragile and ephemeral without strength of will...determination, resilience and perseverance."

Opening her hand to reveal both a turquoise cat's-eye gem and a beautiful diamond, "Know you that there are others like us sister. Know that they, as I, would name you friend and ally," sweeping her other hand around, gesturing at the basalt pillars, "in this place of oaths."

Marah takes the gem, turning over in her hand before pressing it to the coral band at her wrist. The coral grew quickly to surround and hold it in place. "When you gather them, you would be welcome among the Coral Forest. I have been away from my people for too long, and I fear for their safety with so much Chaos overtaking the world."

She turns to the Oracle-Avatar. "Thank you for your words, if only that they give me a clear picture of what to strive against. I will see that the Mer build a shrine to you, Speaker of Fate."

With that, Marah is gone, her physical form dissolving into water that quickly soaks into the soil below.

2019-02-20, 06:31 PM
Solace of Theology

Life in the Thirty Tribes is brutal. Competition is almost bred into them, but then again, it has to be - just living in this world is dangerous enough - but to hunt, and to lead? To take what is owed? Complaining about slavery was, after all, just a complaint from the weak, and the lesson was that one always had to be strong. Always.

It is not easy. The constant vigilance to be strong. One day her husband did not return from a raiding party - only two survivors came back - they spoke of a Large creature - halfling shaped but larger - of unbreakable hide that was surrounded by an inferno that burned even the elemental storms from above. He was surely another God. She wept for what that mean for her husband? He was dead - he was weak - but they were all weak compared to the Gods, did that mean that they were all their slaves?

She ran from the other Goblins, not wanting to continue crying in front of them. She felt Shame, a new emotion, and thought that her weakness would spread to her many children, that they too would be weak like their mother and apparently their father. She just wanted them to survive. She came to her shelter and sat in silence trying to control her grief.

Eventually, two of her family's slaves returned from their drudgery in the fields - a kobold and a halfling, and they see their mistress holding in tears. Now, one would think they would use this moment of weakness against her, she certainly would've, but instead, they moved to console her - perhaps it was their natural empathy, or more cynically it was a ploy to invoke in her future empathy and kind treatment.

The halfling told her that her husband was with the Tree of Light surrounded by Angels made of flowers. She laughed and said that everyone knew that if one died from being weak one would find themselves underground an eternal slave of the Moss. The kobold denied this, there was no such hell, hell instead an endless desert reserved for those who did not want to work - dry and boring. The kobold wondered why would heaven be in the tree of light? It was clearly underground in the never-ending clockwork of the God of Gears. What could be better?

The goblin wife shook her head - these fools, they didn't even know the right gods! They didn't even know the right afterlife! Of course, they were slaves! Then she had a sudden thought, her husband was killed by a god she knew nothing about and perhaps these slaves would know better. She asked about the Walking Earthquake.

The kobold was confused, for of course, the Walking Fire was the husband of the Goblin Queen, the God of Slavery herself? The goblin laughed and told the kobold that the Neverfail would never allow herself to be tamed by a man! That was why goblin tribes were matriarchal - men were good for hunting and breeding and not much else. Women though, women were tough. No, the Goblin God would never take a husband - a lover perhaps - but no husband.

The halfling though told her that the Iron Prince was the son of the storm queen. The storm queen was once the sister of Ilianthos. The storm queen grew jealous of her sister's beauty and banished her from the City of Moss and turned her into a tree. The Lord of the City of Moss himself turned the evil sister into the storm. After years of trying the storm found itself unable to harm her perfect sister so she gave birth to the Iron Prince, the rage of the storm to walk upon the earth to kill his aunt, Ilianthos, where heaven resided.

The goblin mistress didn't believe a word of these two - after all, the halfling's city of moss sounded a lot like the hell of the slavery of moss. The halfling's heaven was in the flower surrounded by flowers. She'd seen the creatures that came falling down from the sky - either exploding into pollen and spores or walking in a confused manner with no purpose only to fly back up to their homes. They were like dumb birds, dumber - and they couldn't even be eaten (a goblin tried and was poisoned for its troubles), and couldn't even be made into slaves (they could fly and didn't seem to understand instructions or pain, they just stood there and allowed themselves to be beaten back into mushrooms). How could they be angels?

She sent the two slaves away, back to work, their attempts at appeasement and basic decency giving them no mercy. The goblin all alone again began to cry about her husband, only now she was confused - she had no clue which god was real or what hell was fact. She just knew that she was weak. And that was not what she tried to teach her children. The lesson was that one always had to be strong. Always.

She dried her tears and left the shelter. The work of sorting the plunder did not rest.

2019-02-20, 07:11 PM

Turning back to The Gloam, she bowed low, "You have my sincerest apologies for my rudeness but there are certain....theatrics necessitated by timing." With an enigmatic smile, "I too thank you Oracle, for reasons not all together different than those of my sister. Now I must be away." A whirlwind of sand swept through the basalt pillars and she was gone.

Selima, Tafeita, Janika

The great desert lynx strode out of the trees, lean and supple, easily five times the size of any real caracal. Stalking forward with untold purpose, it plopped itself down on its haunches next to Tafeita and purred at the green goddess, "The right of might relies heavily upon one's measure of might, unless of course one....alone...can, in fact, be the mightiest."

2019-02-20, 07:56 PM

Again she felt a prescence creeping in. It was as if the walls themselves were staring. Glaring. She forced her will out toward the walls and tried to project a thought. Just to be safe she displayed the same thought on her pages. "Who are you? I am but a book. No power and no threat. I have little to offer you." She waited for a reply but felt another prescence enter her dungeon. A small army of creatures and she feared she had made a mistake.

2019-02-20, 08:11 PM
[Nasigune and Moss]

At last, speech. Or thoughts and writing. Works all the same. Nasigune was answered in kind on the walls.

I am but a ruin. You have been living in me for awhile now, little book. I was curious then when you made me sink and filled me with traps. That rat's coming was a fortuitous accident then, you won't have much luck finding readers if you hide like this.

The presence shifts towards the entrance before returning to the dungeon's heart.

Goblins coming from the Caldera. Quite harmless. But illiterate. All of them are, really. It is a good time, one of beginnings. Clueless, they tell interesting tales, and give us a slew of titles and epithets. I am fond of these.

Let it not be said that The Fortress of Moss does not play along.

2019-02-20, 08:13 PM
Tenebreon: Surrounded by Ruin

Tenebreon brushed one hand against the carvings. Old yet current, ancient beyond measure, yet asking him a question. A paradox. He needed to know how. He did not speak, instead he called forth water from nearby, focusing it into a thin, forceful jet. He carved his answer into the stone below the question in a steady, precise hand. "I am Tenebreon, master of mechanisms, crafter of caverns, and sculptor of speleotherms. What is your purpose?"

Anubis Dread
2019-02-20, 08:37 PM
Janika the Neverfail, The Caldera

"What? Who-" Janika questioned in confusion, her elation at spreading a plague of plunderers across this fertile land had not yet abated. Then she looked down. "Sis..ter. You mean you are like me. Haha. You look more like prey to me." She leaned down to the little rabbit or whatever it was and smiled. "But it is cute that you came to bare those teeth anyway. I respect that. But this land no longer is yours because I stole it far and square just a moment ago and I do as I please with what is mine."

Tafeita: Goblin Country

Tafeita's fur bristled, then ignited. She dared? SHE DARED! How dare this-

Calm. Calm. Taking a deep breath, the Hearth Goddess released it, the flames surrounding her dying as she glared up at the inconveniently tall war divinity. Anger was the path to many things best left alone. Besides, the easiest way to lose to an idiot was to be dragged down to their level, then beaten by their experience.

"Theft?" Tafeita asked with a gasp, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "I'm so sorry! If I knew you lacked the power, the intelligence and the sense to simply create your own land I would have prepared something for you! For as the mother bird must prechew their food for their bald, ugly, fat chick, so too must our elder gods take care of our lessers. To resort to theft though? You not only lack the talent to create, you lack the common sense to ask for help! Or perhaps you were afraid that we would not help you due to your form! I can assure you I love all children, no matter how much they throw a tantrum, how badly they smell or how ugly they look! I would have gladly assisted you in finding your boots- I mean, making a land for your own project. Which is very impressive for a child!" the beast nodded earnestly. "Truly! When my kobolds are young they're limited to spittle covered dirt crudely shaped. Yet your projects move! That's a huge step up! In that one aspect, at least."

[COLOR="#8B4513"]Selima, Tafeita, Janika

The great desert lynx strode out of the trees, lean and supple, easily five times the size of any real caracal. Stalking forward with untold purpose, it plopped itself down on its haunches next to Tafeita and purred at the green goddess, "The right of might relies heavily upon one's measure of might, unless of course one....alone...can, in fact, be the mightiest."

Tafeita blinked in surprise. Another sister? That was unexpected to say the least. Still she was nominally on her side it seemed. Considering how much she had put into her kobolds she might need the help if the brute turned violent.

2019-02-20, 08:37 PM

The First Land buckling behind him, Nemesis departed the realms of stranger gods, returning to Karam-Kor at a leisurely pace. Many souls had been extinguished in his quest for answers, and he had much to ponder until, finally, he emerged onto the black beaches of his home. Striding across the blasted plains, he frowned in irritation as he saw his Giants wandering blindly. Deaf to language and lacking prey to sustain their mighty forms, they had grown unruly and desperate in his absence. Their foolishness was an insult to his generosity, and several of his children perished in the flame of his ire. But Nemesis would not abandon his people - they simply required further guidance.

Climbing the precipitous face of his mountain of power, Nemesis at last beheld the lake of magma at its heart. It solidified at his footfalls as he made his way to its center, shining hands upraised in the hellish light. Invisible currents tugged at the liquid metal and stone, pulling it into a whirlpool that grew in speed and ferocity until Nemesis himself was almost lost in the storm. He clapped his hands together, and as one the tempest collapsed in upon itself, squealing its protestations as it came together in a mammoth pillar floating atop the magma’s surface. Smooth as glass, its sides bore the whirls and eddies of chaotic fundament, but the plane at its peak was smooth and flat as a mirror. It was his anvil, and as he raised one hand above it fire flowed into a hammer in his grip.

The first blow sent a tornado of embers whirling into the air, clashing and commingling with the ash clouds above to fall upon the plains like bright rain. But in place of fire, wherever these embers touched life sprang into being. Expanses of bone-white ghost grass ran into tangled forests of black pine, fed by rivers running red with the bounty of the earth. At the base of his mountain, in the crater where he had fashioned his Giants, a vast lake sprang into being, its surface a fitting mirror for the glory of Karam-Kor above. The land shuddered, and from the soil emerged great beasts, large and powerful enough to serve his people when they had the will and knowledge to tame them. His Giants fell upon the first of these aurochs in ravenous hunger, crying wordless praises to their creator as they at last knew a reprieve from hunger.

Nemesis paused over his Anvil, and smiled at his greatness. Yet for all his generosity, he intended far more. Hammer struck anvil once again, this time unleashing a pure and biting peal that echoed across the northlands. As his Giants heard it, they cried out in fear, as the echo rang to their very cores, suffusing them with terrible clarity. The loose horde that had dispersed across the island began to gather at their birthplace, collapsing to their knees as Nemesis descended from on high.

”You are my people, and this your land. Make of it a home worthy of my glory, and you shall be masters in my name!”

Free AP: 9
Spent AP: 7

5 AP - Create Greater Artifact, The Anvil of Creation (Utility: Create Major Artifact) (Craft (Metalworking))

1 AP - Bless (Karam-Kor) (Life (Giants))

1 AP - Create Basic Concept (Metalsmithing) (Craft (Metalworking))

2 AP - Form Society (Akkraul, The First City) (Life (Giants))

2019-02-20, 08:55 PM
Tenebreon: Surrounded by Ruin

Tenebreon brushed one hand against the carvings. Old yet current, ancient beyond measure, yet asking him a question. A paradox. He needed to know how. He did not speak, instead he called forth water from nearby, focusing it into a thin, forceful jet. He carved his answer into the stone below the question in a steady, precise hand. "I am Tenebreon, master of mechanisms, crafter of caverns, and sculptor of speleotherms. What is your purpose?"

There is a brief quake after the carving is done. And a blank wall colapses to reveal a large chamber with another mural.

Stone regrets. Stone forgets.
I remember.

I am what was. I am what is.
Stone's what will be.

We are old and wise. Trust us.
As rocks, we lie. Don't believe us.

Stone was the first, the dreamer.
I will be the last, the curator.

The walls of the chamber glow with the light of moss. More alcoves in this room, some filled. There is another exit. And a few caretakers along the walls, going about their business.

2019-02-20, 09:06 PM
[Nasigune and Moss]

At last, speech. Or thoughts and writing. Works all the same. Nasigune was answered in kind on the walls.

I am but a ruin. You have been living in me for awhile now, little book. I was curious then when you made me sink and filled me with traps. That rat's coming was a fortuitous accident then, you won't have much luck finding readers if you hide like this.

The presence shifts towards the entrance before returning to the dungeon's heart.

Goblins coming from the Caldera. Quite harmless. But illiterate. All of them are, really. It is a good time, one of beginnings. Clueless, they tell interesting tales, and give us a slew of titles and epithets. I am fond of these.

Let it not be said that The Fortress of Moss does not play along.


The goblins, as she now knew they were called, were moving progressively closer. Few had fallen to traps and they were slaying the few monsters and beasts that had managed to appear since the creation of the dungeon.

"Those who seek my secrets shall earn them. Those who seek my power will earn it. If these goblins arrive in my chamber, it matters not if they can read. I shall show them their options and they will do as I bid. As for you. I seek no harm to you, only safety for me. If you wish me gone, I ask only you let me finish my tasks here and I shall leave."

2019-02-20, 10:24 PM
Selima - Uncharted Territory

A whirlwind of sand spun across the unknown lands far to the south of the First Lands, out of which stepped the desert goddess. Spinning she threw out one hand raising up a string of mountains that divided the continent, while casting an open palm across the nearer lands leaching the lands, seas and air creating a savanna beneath her feet and a desert to the south and east where a great hooked peninsula formed a massive inland bay. With a smile she hurled the moisture and fertility that she had gathered and hurled them over the mountains where a great temperate forest instantly took root.

Strolling across the savanna she found the place where it yield completely to the desert, knelt, gathered a handful of sand and flung it into the air. The individual grains of sand danced upon the golden rays of the Dawnfly, multiplied and coalesced to form a tall, lithe female creature covered in tawny fur, a tail, turquoise feline eyes and disproportionately tall tuft ears. Selima raised her fingers to her lips then touched the figures lips granting it life. Taking the awakened being by the pawlike hand she led her into the desert, bent, plunged her hand into the sand and pulled out a male counterpart. Placing his hand in hers, the goddess beamed beatifically upon the two, faded and blew away in the desert sands with a tinkling of laughter.

Beginning AP = 8AP +1 Bonus AP
Alter Land (1AP) - CATAN: The Western Forest, the Dividing Range, and the Opal Desert.
Create Sapient Life (2AP) - Caracan: a race of caracal humanoids(catfolk). The caracan are perfectly suited for life both on the savannas and deserts of the First World. Females typically stand just over five feet tall and weigh just over a hundred pounds; their male counterparts typically approach six feet tall and weigh just over 150 to 170 pounds. While certainly not the strongest of races, the caracan are extraordinarily dexterous and exceptionally fast(over short distances). Caracan live on average 70 to 90 years. They've a strong sense of smell, are night-sighted, and make exceptional hunters, preferring to attack with their natural weapons(claws and bite).
Ending AP: 8AP - 2AP -1AP = 5AP + 1 Bonus AP
Light(Dawn) 8/10
Life(Caracan) 3/10

2019-02-21, 12:30 AM
Rhah Engulia: The Ocean

Unbeknownst to anyone, save for perhaps certain elder beings with nothing better to do and a few schools of fish, there lives a god on a mountain underneath the ocean. Far from any island or glowey tree, the only light to be found down here was that of the bioluminecent coral reefs that dotted the mountainside, as well as over a thousand colorful gems caught within their tentacles, their pale light adding to the reef's and illuminating the dozens of dead fish that littered the place. At the top of the mountain sits an emormous pile of gut-coated gems, and at it's center, a small eel, hovering slightly above it's nest as it nuzzled the last peice of Looloodite into place. With a pleasent shreik, the eel span around twice before lying down, bathing in the light of it's hoard...

And then the earthquake started.

If the eel had eyelids, they would have burst open as the first gem fel upon it's snout, then a second, then a fourth, a ninth--the eel quickly bolts from it's bed, it's head twitching about so that it might spy every angle of the catastrophie. From behind a curtain of bubbles and darkness came a second mountain, falling into the first much like a tired man falls into bed, if both the man and the bed were made of glass. Although the onlooking eel was not particuarly intelligent compared to the average sea-dwelling beast, it would be wrong to assume that it did not feel something akin to sadness or shame, as it screeched at the avalanche of rock, gem shards and coral bits that drifted down to the ocean floor. In a moment, it was all dust, and in another: darkness.

For a long time, the eel did nothing but stare into the abyss, it's form barely moving against the tides of the ocean. And then, at the edge of it's vision, light.

The eel tilts it's head, watching.

Time passes. The light grows brighter.

The eel watches. Time passes. The light grows brighter still

The eel watches. Time passes.

The light dims.

At the speed of want, the eel bursts up out of the ocean, surpassing the height of several mountains stacked on top of each other in but a few seconds. As it does so, it's skin begins to shine with a pale light not unlike the light that shined from within it's dozens of precious stones, now shattered and broken far below it. Rippling through the wind, it's fins light up reddish brown, and flashes of yellow flicker out from between it's scales--no, not scales, plates. Ablaze with gold, silver and copper, the eel lets out one last cry, it's scream intensifying as an overpowering whitness pours from it's mouth before becoming lost in the burning flesh of it's victim.

The Dawnfly, barely noticing this, continues it's treck across the skies toward it's destination as a tiny deity dangles from it's abdomen.

Rhah Engulia
Domains: Hunger (Light), Transmutation (Precious Metals)
Free AP: 15/16
Spent AP: 1

(- 1 AP) Blessing: Silverwind. A weather effect that happens rarely and at random, but is most likely to occur just after a storm hits. A mix of precious metals, predominantly silver, will blow through the area in the form of dust. This can happen anywhere on the first world as long as there is light and an open sky. [Undecided]

2019-02-21, 01:04 AM
Tafeita: Goblin Country

Tafeita's fur bristled, then ignited. She dared? SHE DARED! How dare this-

Calm. Calm. Taking a deep breath, the Hearth Goddess released it, the flames surrounding her dying as she glared up at the inconveniently tall war divinity. Anger was the path to many things best left alone. Besides, the easiest way to lose to an idiot was to be dragged down to their level, then beaten by their experience.

"Theft?" Tafeita asked with a gasp, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "I'm so sorry! If I knew you lacked the power, the intelligence and the sense to simply create your own land I would have prepared something for you! For as the mother bird must prechew their food for their bald, ugly, fat chick, so too must our elder gods take care of our lessers. To resort to theft though? You not only lack the talent to create, you lack the common sense to ask for help! Or perhaps you were afraid that we would not help you due to your form! I can assure you I love all children, no matter how much they throw a tantrum, how badly they smell or how ugly they look! I would have gladly assisted you in finding your boots- I mean, making a land for your own project. Which is very impressive for a child!" the beast nodded earnestly. "Truly! When my kobolds are young they're limited to spittle covered dirt crudely shaped. Yet your projects move! That's a huge step up! In that one aspect, at least."

Caerox, Tafeita, Janika

The Horn of Valor echoes over hill and plains as Caerox manifests, his essence drawn to the conflict as sure as a moth to flame. "The Beast has claws!" Caerox roars, his spectral form shaking with laughter "And the bark to match I might add!" he finishes, his tone growing more serious, if only so slightly "Only the most foolish of hunters stands between a mother and her cub"

Deja Who?
2019-02-21, 01:36 AM
Janika the Neverfail, Cant Stop Goblin Country

Janika watched the creature down below smugly. She took a small pleasure in that mystical hedgehog’s distress for a moment.

Then Janika’s nostrils flared and a red flush emblazoned her cheeks. What flame trick was this? A feeling of.. shame?

“You little vermin!” The goddess of war shouted before gripping her hand tightly into a fist. “I had a land, and it lay shattered all around us! That blasted earthquake be damned. I was forced to improvise. Luckily it was a simple matter to relocate since you weren’t here.” A big green vein on her head started to throb with menacingly. “You had best watch that tone! Maybe I’ll decide I want to taste what a sister-god is like. You’ll make a fine pouch when I’m done.” She continued to glare. “My spawn are the strongest. If mortals are weak to defend themselves don’t cry to me about it. Maybe you should have made them stronger.”

“Another sister? This one also looking for a place on my body. Janika sneered at this new cat. She could turn into a cat if she wanted to. So maybe you aren’t so cool. Even so, the war goddess was quite enamored with this new one. Selima was strong and beautiful, predator not prey, and the Lord of Murder dropped intro a more battle ready stance out of reflex.

“You are in luck. You have found, in fact, the mightiest. Gladly I’ll prove it if you want to fight me. Both of you.”

Backbiter Tribe, First Dungeon, Goblin Country

“Smash you!!” Clubs-When-Provoked eloquenty stated as he, indeed, smashed a monster of the dungeon. After the initial traps they’d managed to press further into the dungeon by persuading their kobold slaves to go first. But now they were running out of slaves.

“I say next time we use Faster-Than-The-Ack!” Clubs-When-Provoked exclaimed with surprise as he was tackled by one of the Kobolds that broke free of his loose bindings and went berserk. The feisty kobold wrestled the stocky goblin’s club away from him and bashed him good then rounded on the others who were whooping in panic and excitement.

Faster-Than-The-Others pulled out his stone dagger and rushed the kobold before giving him a few quick jabs in the ribs narrowly avoiding getting creamed by the revenge swing of his club. Warts-All-Over charged in like a madman and tackled the dogman.

Unfortunately they both triggered a spike trap and went falling to their death.

“Ah jeez.”

“Little.. you know. He got me. I ain’ even mad.” Clubs-When-Provoked muttered as he crawled back up on his feet. His head had a big gash where he was clubbed but otherwise seemed fine. The stocky goblin scratched his new wound and picked up his discarded club. Now they only numbered three goblins and two kobolds.

The way was clear again. They pressed on.

2019-02-21, 05:24 AM

Nasigune continued to track the goblins through her dungeon. As they got closer, she began to prepare her chamber. She began drawing diagrams and symbols on the floor with her power.

She didn't know if they would understand but she decided to forced out her instructions to supplement her written instructions and pictures. "Come. If you can make it to my chamber, power will be yours. As I grow you will grow. But first I need a worthy sacrifice. A sacrifice of soul and blood."

Starting AP: 8
Create Mythic Concept: Blood Ritual Magic- the use of blood, sacrifice, and other ceremonial actions and imagery to create powerful magic effects. Difficult to master due to the precision required. - Undeath (Vampires) 4/10

4AP remaining.

2019-02-21, 10:39 AM
Tenebreon and the Fortress of Moss

Tenebreon carves again, "You are an archivist
No, an archive.
This I understand.
You collect and safeguard knowledge for those who come later.
So they may read what was and learn from it.
He looks down the exit passage to see where it leads.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-21, 01:34 PM
Caerox, Tafeita, Janika

The Horn of Valor echoes over hill and plains as Caerox manifests, his essence drawn to the conflict as sure as a moth to flame. "The Beast has claws!" Caerox roars, his spectral form shaking with laughter "And the bark to match I might add!" he finishes, his tone growing more serious, if only so slightly "Only the most foolish of hunters stands between a mother and her cub"

Janika the Neverfail, Cant Stop Goblin Country

Janika watched the creature down below smugly. She took a small pleasure in that mystical hedgehog’s distress for a moment.

Then Janika’s nostrils flared and a red flush emblazoned her cheeks. What flame trick was this? A feeling of.. shame?

“You little vermin!” The goddess of war shouted before gripping her hand tightly into a fist. “I had a land, and it lay shattered all around us! That blasted earthquake be damned. I was forced to improvise. Luckily it was a simple matter to relocate since you weren’t here.” A big green vein on her head started to throb with menacingly. “You had best watch that tone! Maybe I’ll decide I want to taste what a sister-god is like. You’ll make a fine pouch when I’m done.” She continued to glare. “My spawn are the strongest. If mortals are weak to defend themselves don’t cry to me about it. Maybe you should have made them stronger.”

“Another sister? This one also looking for a place on my body. Janika sneered at this new cat. She could turn into a cat if she wanted to. So maybe you aren’t so cool. Even so, the war goddess was quite enamored with this new one. Selima was strong and beautiful, predator not prey, and the Lord of Murder dropped intro a more battle ready stance out of reflex.

“You are in luck. You have found, in fact, the mightiest. Gladly I’ll prove it if you want to fight me. Both of you.”

Tafeita: Goblin Lands

The small orange beast looked up at the giant green goddess. For a moment she merely stared at the warrior, her thoughts churning in her head. Then, she spoke. "No."

She let the word hang for a moment, before she decided that unpleasant or not the goddess was still her younger sister. She had an obligation to educate her. "While a fight can have a winner and loser, to fight at all is a loss in itself. To strike another is not a show of force, or a challenge, but a sign of weakness. It proves you have nothing of worth to give to them to make them happy. It proves you have no words of wit sharp enough to dissuade them. It proves you have no way to make your own path and must instead force another to take their own.

"Upon having your lands shattered your first response was to surrender them. To merely let them be and go elsewhere. Because otherwise, it would be too hard. My first response was to head out to them and spread my children to make them better. Granted much of them are also still here, on this core of land," she admitted. "But that is a choice of convenience, not lack, and the isolated broken apart by those Shattered Lands were my first priority. What does it say of your bravery, that your first reaction was to run, while mine was to advance?"

The beast sighed. "Honestly a part of me just wants to let you HAVE this thrice cursed place. But that in itself would be a surrender. I put much of my heart and love into it after all. Giving it to one who fails so hard to appreciate it would be a betrayal of it. So instead I will merely say this." Tafeita's eyes burned as she looked up at the war goddess. "This land WILL be for my people. They will take it with their own hands, without my aid, because they will become stronger than your goblins could ever even imagine. And they will do it not by enslaving others, or stealing strength. They will do it because they will grow, and change, and obtain the love of others."

The flames faded, and the small beast turned her scorn to her audience. "And you two, you shouldn't be encouraging this. I appreciate that you're on my side, but fighting is never the answer. You seem nice at least. Tafeita is my name, by the by. Ah, I don't even know yours yet come to think of it," the Hearth Goddess admits, her gaze returning to the green one. "Mostly because you sort of started ranting when I asked for it, but still. A little rude on my part."

2019-02-21, 03:12 PM
Sololond and the Big Orange God

"Well, since we are doing introduction, I am Sololond. Now if you think I go around fighting others for the sake of it, then you are wrong. This great green giant wanted a fight, and, as a friend, I tried to oblige. Sadly, due to my intangibility we could not come to blows and it seems they have vented that energy elsewhere. Now it seems that you and the bone-wearer are quite opposed to the idea of each other, but i hope that does not stop you from becoming friends with me. Now I hope this is not too forward, but may I touch you fantastically fluffy fur?"

Toxic Mind
2019-02-21, 04:06 PM
Marah: Destruction and Loss

She stood at the site, and Marah was overcome with sorrow. Her people had grown and changed and become greater in her absence, and she was joyous, but she could not feel that through the pain. Marah stared into the crater that had once been a thriving village. There was nothing left, a crater of stone and sand, already being filled in by time and tide. Marah could feel the suffering, the fear, the loss - she was the Ocean and the Ocean was her, and these were her people.

The Oracle had been right - fire and death had come to her people and she had not been there to stop it. Someone would suffer for this act. For the first time, Marah felt it, the call to destruction, the wrath of the Sea made manifest. Still, she was not so far gone, not yet. A crash of the storm-wrought seas above, and she was gone.

Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

The Hall of Titans was not familiar to Marah, but she had seen its creation from afar, knew its creators divine purpose. She crashes to the ground in the Hall, a ripple of divine power radiating outwards. "I demand satisfaction from the Lord of this Place." She calls out, her voice as deep and deadly as the Abyss from which she hails. "You claim to settle the disputes of gods. Then I will have Justice for my people, or I will lay waste to His in recompense."

2019-02-21, 04:31 PM
Birds and Hagfish

Connections were meant to be forged and glued and subsequently torn apart - the glue at the seems ripping along the edge, forcing a slight unevenness. What was once connected would never truly let go, potentially it will feel the loss of its missed connection, a slow grind of personality as it scratches the itch of what was once. The hag smiles with its fish mouth made with no jaw, its pinkish leathery skin wrinkling. Tit for tat, her slime had led to a connection in heaven, her storm should rend one on earth.

But here was an opportunity, another connection - a storm could be more than the battering of elements. It could be words. And so she speaks, for the first time, and it would not be a surprise to any future worshipers that her first words were a lie for no purpose other than wreckage. But entirely a lie lies mixed in with truth, and empty articles, such that if you would map the sentences they would appear as a tempest. She speaks, the lack of bones giving her a drawl, the slime that covered her providing a thin film that burped occasionally as the air left her windpipe.

Well met Lord of the Stars. And no need to . . . brrlplop (the slime catching the air, turning into a small bubble and poping) . . . thank me - I merely came to observe. I have come from the ocean and the clouds and just wanted to see how my light touches would work. Isn't . . . brrlplop . . . it interesting to see that when a fish flicks its tail in the ocean a tsunami covers the land far away from him? These little actions that build and build and then break. From my clouds, I see much of the land below and I've seen some such small action that in my peerage I sense the premonition that could endanger your works. I've . . brrlplop . . . seen two goddesses of beauty, one of the light of the world and one of its safe houses, meeting. They are no doubt innocent beings, but even innocence could lead to actions and into other actions and eventually the divine city breaks. If you would save the angels and everything you worked for then you would see to it that those . . brrlplop . . . two grow to hate or fear one another.
Birds and Hagfish

Her false prophecy and fraudulent warning given, the Intimate Upheaval did not wait for a reply. What was said was said and in order to remain interesting, the chain of events goes one way. To go backward would mean second chances and second chances mean that relationships could be repaired or meetings that should never have occurred avoided. There was nothing enjoyable about that.

And so as she was about to bid the bird god goodbye and good luck - to leave it with the meat of her words to chew over she heard the call for justice that the bird god surely felt as well. It was after all in its heaven, and while not invested in the mechanics of heaven despite how her scum born angels have found their niche here, she was interested in the meetings that would happen and felt that she needed to gum them up with her slime as it happens. And so she spoke to the bird god

Already you have calls for justice. I do not know if they stem from my warning . . brrlplop . . . towards you, even I do not know how a ripple in a pond would lead to a wave in the sea, but let us . . brrlplop . . . see . . .

And so she swam towards the Hall of Titans in a stream of muck and mire, sure that the Bird God would follow her home.

Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

The Hall of Titans was not familiar to Marah, but she had seen its creation from afar, knew its creators divine purpose. She crashes to the ground in the Hall, a ripple of divine power radiating outwards. "I demand satisfaction from the Lord of this Place." She calls out, her voice as deep and deadly as the Abyss from which she hails. "You claim to settle the disputes of gods. Then I will have Justice for my people, or I will lay waste to His in recompense."

She arrives at the Hall with its many pillars of many materials - they seemed to have grown to represent each of the Gods. Surely more would be erected and surely some pillars would fall. There was a Pillar of Light, a Pillar of Fire, a Pillar of Stone, of Moss, of Slime, of Salt, of Metal, of Gold, of Nothing itself. There were twenty pillars in total. There were no thrones, just a large space encircled by these pillars, a place of equals meeting, the dome overhead - crystal clear showing the void beyond - held up, only through the Gods' shared existence.

In the center of the room was a furious goddess. She appeared as water given shape - not water stuck in place as if Eniym had swum over her - the water was not stuck but instead moved within its own boundaries She wore a necklace made of bioluminescent coral. Eniym did not view it with nostalgia, she instead just saw it as an oppening.

She swam through the air which grew heavy to resemble the ocean water in which she was born, it being drawn together in such languidty through one of Eniym's aspects. She greeted the other goddess.

Ah, I see you are the new . . brrlplop . . . mistress of my Coral. I hope it has endured and grown under your care.

Decided to give the Hall of Titans some flavor - ElFi, let me know if you want me to spend AP on this in any way or if this description is fine.

2019-02-21, 04:47 PM
Looloodi: The Ocean, approaching Karam-Kor

In the distance, a boiling mountain with rivers of red cascading down its side sits upon a desolate and destroyed plain. Such a pathetic and disgusting place. And yet, upon its shores is where a supposed beauty that rivals her own sits. Looloodi feels disgusted, with herself and with whatever she feels coming from this blackened place. No true beauty could be born in such a horrendous local, and not be compelled to change it to something more pleasing immediately. This has been a waste of time. She should just turn back and find her sisters, who knows what....

A sudden change.....an explosion of ash and flame. Fire rains down upon this wretched land. But instead of destruction, the flames appear to create, as if they were burning away an ugly mask in order to reveal......well, she wouldn't call it stunning but it is certainly a great step in the right direction.

Encouraged by this new development, Looloodi proceeds forward. As she begins to clearly see the coastline, she spies a figure laying in the sand. She stops where she is, a sudden burst of the compulsion she felt overtaking her, before slowly slipping away......whoever that is lying on the beach, is the one she sought.

2019-02-21, 04:52 PM
Selima, Tafeita, Janika, Sololond

Tafeita: Goblin Lands

The flames faded, and the small beast turned her scorn to her audience. "And you two, you shouldn't be encouraging this. I appreciate that you're on my side, but fighting is never the answer. You seem nice at least. Tafeita is my name, by the by. Ah, I don't even know yours yet come to think of it," the Hearth Goddess admits, her gaze returning to the green one. "Mostly because you sort of started ranting when I asked for it, but still. A little rude on my part."

The great cat stood, stretched languidly then paced slowly around the assemblage of gods and goddesses. In a purely dispassionate feminine voice, "I am Selima, the Sand Maiden."

Pausing momentarily the enormous caracal inclined its head to Sololond and Tafeita, "You honor me with your names, a gesture I return freely." Approaching Tafeita, with her fierce gaze locked upon the goddess, "I recognize your restraint, and honor it as the demonstration of strength that it is sister."

Seating herself once again at Tafeita's side, Selima looks at Janika, "Know you, though, that certain others can not and will not see it for what it is. No, there will always be those that see your restraint as weakness. Worse still, to people like that, any weakness is a provocation...a call to...attack. No, you mistake me sister, I did not come to encourage a fight....no, I came to stand beside you because I see in you a kindred spirit. Know you now that if a fight comes, I will fight beside you, but if my presence in some small way deters such a fight....all the better I suppose. Alas, though, the decision is not entirely ours to make. I will not encourage nor instigate a fight, but I will see it through if a fight there is to be."

2019-02-21, 06:38 PM

The corridors continue, lined with murals.

That's one way to put it.

And you can talk if you prefer, I cannot speak, but I can listen.

The corridor opens briefly into a larger cave, filled with a foul-smelling pitch in which ancient bones linger, a number of mossy, stone bridges giving passage over the hot sludge, and caretakers shuffling about as ever.

What about you? I have been hearing your gears at work and your name in the kobold's prayers, but mortal legend is none too full of truth. Take that left and you will find the raunchiest tale one of their tribes tells between you and their maker.

Dare Tenebreon take that left?


The walls have scant few ways of showing surprise.

Oh me, no. Feel free to stay as long as you like. Forever, even. What is a fortress with nothing to defend. A dwelling with nobody to live in. A yard with no graves. A store with no goods. You will do what you do, and I will move on. It is a big world, and I have much to catalogue.

But do allow me the pleasure of watching you work. I will be quiet, and happy to oblige if you want advice.

And with that, the writing fades, but the moss remains.

Deja Who?
2019-02-21, 06:53 PM
Backbiter Tribe, Goblin Country, First Dungeon

“Oh dear Janika make me strong.” Clubs-When-Provoked said with a tremor in his voice as he clutched his club to him. “Ya heard that?”

“Aye.” Faster-Than-The-Others agreed from a step ahead. It had been a difficult journey but it looked like they were reaching the final chamber.

“Why didne’ we just go back huh? Stupid!” Sleeps-Past-Sunrise said with annoyance. She tugged along both the remaining Kobold slaves now that Warts-All-Over was dead.

“You stupid!”

“We all migtne be stupid!”

“So who we gonna pick huh?”


The goblins jittered amongst themselves and soon each one was holding a weapon. “You da sacrifice!” Clubs-When-Provoked declared before gesturing wildly.

The two kobolds, longsince Boggarts, watched in awe as the goblins spilled each other blood upon reaching the final chamber.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-21, 07:02 PM
Sololond and the Big Orange God

"Well, since we are doing introduction, I am Sololond. Now if you think I go around fighting others for the sake of it, then you are wrong. This great green giant wanted a fight, and, as a friend, I tried to oblige. Sadly, due to my intangibility we could not come to blows and it seems they have vented that energy elsewhere. Now it seems that you and the bone-wearer are quite opposed to the idea of each other, but i hope that does not stop you from becoming friends with me. Now I hope this is not too forward, but may I touch you fantastically fluffy fur?"

Tafeita: Goblin Lands

The Hearth Goddess blinked dumbly for a few moments, before shrugging. "Sure, go ahead. And I won't judge you for your taste in friends, must as I might disagree with it." She doubted Sololond would be quite as invasive with her petting as the plant goddess, and she hadn't minded it then. She'd give what little comfort she could where she could give.

Selima, Tafeita, Janika, Sololond

The great cat stood, stretched languidly then paced slowly around the assemblage of gods and goddesses. In a purely dispassionate feminine voice, "I am Selima, the Sand Maiden."

Pausing momentarily the enormous caracal inclined its head to Sololond and Tafeita, "You honor me with your names, a gesture I return freely." Approaching Tafeita, with her fierce gaze locked upon the goddess, "I recognize your restraint, and honor it as the demonstration of strength that it is sister."

Seating herself once again at Tafeita's side, Selima looks at Janika, "Know you, though, that certain others can not and will not see it for what it is. No, there will always be those that see your restraint as weakness. Worse still, to people like that, any weakness is a provocation...a call to...attack. No, you mistake me sister, I did not come to encourage a fight....no, I came to stand beside you because I see in you a kindred spirit. Know you now that if a fight comes, I will fight beside you, but if my presence in some small way deters such a fight....all the better I suppose. Alas, though, the decision is not entirely ours to make. I will not encourage nor instigate a fight, but I will see it through if a fight there is to be."

"Frankly I would rather have you let me be beaten then indulge in a senseless battle. I know enough to realize I'm odd in that regards however," Tafeita chuckled. This new sister seemed to be of good character at least. "Still I appreciate your offer."

2019-02-21, 07:19 PM
Chryon and the Dawnflies

Chryon felt a ripple in their reality. They had focused on watching the world for so long, that they had missed much of what had been happening around them. Their gaze shifted away from the world and soon found a new focus. These are creatures of truly great making and purpose. What Chryon had accidentally created, these creatures made manifest. Days and nights were now dictated by dawnflies and not the wavering observation of a deity.

Chryon felt there was something missing from these creatures. True, they did live lives full of purpose and they were aware of their own existence. But there was a lack of knowledge in their mythical lives. Each one would live solitarily and die just as the next would begin its own trek above the world. And as Chryon watched the first one complete their life's work, Chryon suddenly knew what was missing.

Chryon rushed to the next dawnfly as it began it's migration and gave the creature their gaze. The deific energies of Chryon's gift rippled through the protective powers surrounding the creature. The harshness of the gaze was stripped away as it finally found its way into the creature. What was left was only the idea, the thought, the desire to observe.

AP: 6
PAP: 0

Create Mythical Life (4 AP) - The Yrobios: A soul that passes from one dawnfly to the next as each migration begins and ends (a la The Avatar). It is a living memory of all things that happen on the world below as well as a sharing of experience from one dawnfly to the next. It exists as an extension of a dawnfly at any given moment. However, from a spiritual standpoint, it has its own thoughts and desires. The greatest of its desires is to know and understand, which is difficult considering it cannot interact with the world below.[Light (Observation) - 4/10]

AP: 2
PAP: 0

Toxic Mind
2019-02-21, 07:21 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

She turns, and the Water that is her form boils to a feverish tempest, a ripple-wave rising from the bottom towards her outstretched hand for a moment before shuddering to stop. The tempest abates, for the moment. This god is not the one she seeks. She has felt the destruction, the spoor left behind by divine interference. This one, though, is familiar. She has tasted it before, when she first brought the coral from the Reef to create a home for her Mer. "My people value your gift greatly." She says tersely, though without real ire. "It grows and is tended and tends to them. A bond made through mutual need." she finishes, more softly. "It suffered, as my people did, at the depredations of another of our kin. I mean to have justice for that sacrilege."

Deja Who?
2019-02-21, 07:46 PM
Janika and the Meeting of Gods

“No? Scared. I don’t blame you.” The jolly green giant replied with a toothy grin. “That is just what losers say. That someone strong should stand by and let those whom are weak just be themselves. You should be strong enough to defend what needs defending. Words will fail you but strength never will. If you knew you could win you would say striking first in the sensible thing to do.”

“I took a convenient shortcut but that is because I am strong enough that I can! Taking this place was a choice of convenience too.” She snorted as she continued to listen, “Stronger than my goblins? Yeah right! I’d love to see that! My goblinoids are just playing around honestly. Just having some fun. They play rough.”

“You can call me Janika the Neverfail.”

She looked from Tafeita to the other gods here, the new ones, Caerox and Selima.

“You are all against me? You must stand together because you all are garbage. But you are my siblings. If you are no good in a fight, how about a race? You look a little fast. Maybe if you beat me I let you have this place. A little competition for it is healthy, among us and the mortals. Admit it. You never would have advanced your kobolds without me.”

Anubis Dread
2019-02-21, 08:59 PM
Janika and the Meeting of Gods

“No? Scared. I don’t blame you.” The jolly green giant replied with a toothy grin. “That is just what losers say. That someone strong should stand by and let those whom are weak just be themselves. You should be strong enough to defend what needs defending. Words will fail you but strength never will. If you knew you could win you would say striking first in the sensible thing to do.”

“I took a convenient shortcut but that is because I am strong enough that I can! Taking this place was a choice of convenience too.” She snorted as she continued to listen, “Stronger than my goblins? Yeah right! I’d love to see that! My goblinoids are just playing around honestly. Just having some fun. They play rough.”

“You can call me Janika the Neverfail.”

She looked from Tafeita to the other gods here, the new ones, Caerox and Selima.

“You are all against me? You must stand together because you all are garbage. But you are my siblings. If you are no good in a fight, how about a race? You look a little fast. Maybe if you beat me I let you have this place. A little competition for it is healthy, among us and the mortals. Admit it. You never would have advanced your kobolds without me.”

Tafeita: Meeting

"...yes. Yes you are stronger than me," Tafeita drawled. "Just as I am blorp than you. I am blorp enough that I will take this land for my own one day, because I am the blorpest. Honestly," the beast sighed. "What does 'strength' have to do with us? We can create or destroy at will. Before that 'strength' is nothing. Merely an abstract concept some of us vaguely agree on that holds no real meaning. Yes, you could likely overpower me. I could also shatter this entire world and erase it from existence. One is significantly more impressive than the other. Not that you couldn't do the same, but that just puts your pride in your strength even more at odds with the nature of reality.

"Still, a race is something I can agree on. It's a trial far more to my liking. As for my kobolds... well it's true my path towards them will change, but I don't see that as a good thing," she conceded. "Now I must spend time and power that could be spent making them happy girding them for war. For even if I do not bring it to you, you shall bring it to me. And already have," she spits bitterly at the plight of her capture people.

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-21, 09:57 PM
On the shores of Karam-Kor

Abjectly incorrigible in her languor, the horned goddess had been days on the beach where she'd remade herself, engaged only in facile pleasures. The glassy beach had been transformed into a tiny palace for one. A dais of faceted, glittering glass was raised up with curving steps leading down to the surf. All around were columns of experimental designs. Scattered among them were sculptures of creatures that did not yet exist. Some were whimsical fancies. Many were utterly salacious, diabolic things and carnal pleasures given exalted form. Many still were merely copies of herself. One armored, winged creature looked to be power and elegance incarnate.

At the center of the pavilion was a shallow, steaming pool with a raised lip. Mamona dwelled there, spilling over the edge, continually amusing herself by pulling new designs of jewelry from her amulet. What she adored went on her. What she found lacking was cast into a growing heap of golden trinkets. She had nearly finished decorating her horns with hammered bands.

"Is someone there?" she called out. Her ears pricked, but she didn't search with her eyes. Her voice was honey poured over treachery.

"Oh, don't be afraid, darling. I don't bite."

2019-02-21, 10:23 PM
The Second Mediation of Many-As-One

The Citadel

One-Of-Many watches the Sky Whisperer curiously, listening to its whistling tones borrowed from half a dozen of its fellow Lords of Creation. The angels are likewise interested in this mysterious entity who acts and sounds so much like themselves; they gather around and attempt to make conversation in their unique almost-language of whistles, clicks, and strobing bioluminescence. For a moment the palace is alive with sound and color, then First-Of-His-Name nods and raises a hand for quiet, and absolute silence descends on the room.

Then, a call for action arrives in an icy clarion call through the invisible threads of cosmic power that connect One-Of-Many to the rest of the flock. "Sky Whisperer," It says quickly in its high-pitched and melodious tone, "If you wish to learn more of peace, you will follow us to the Hall of Titans, at the far end of the bridge of stars. We have obtained a dispute between our fellow Lords that we are called upon to mediate. Please accept our apologies for this abrupt leave of absence." Then, without another word, One-Of-Many spreads its wings and takes flight, leaving behind the palace and First-Of-His-Name, bound for the higher duty for which it and its flock were born.

The Hall of Titans

Many-As-One arrive only moments behind Eniym, gliding into the hall in a diffuse swarm that solidifies into a humanoid shape floating in midair. They regard the furious Marah for a moment, then speak in a unified, booming voice. "Tidecaller," They say to her, "We are grateful that you have come to this place to make use of it for the purpose we designed, many seasons ago. We assure you, we shall weigh your case fairly and assure that justice will be found, wherever it may lie."

The flock returns to a dissolute cloud of birds, which travel the length of the room until they settle at the far end of the circle. The Hall begins to reshape itself, structures blurring and solidifying acquiring a new sense of substance, hard lines and firm edges. At ninety degrees to either side of Many-As-One, a dais rises from the ground, ringed with runic symbols of copper and moonstone that carry a pervading glow of authority. Many-As-One gesture loosely to the dais to their right, saying, "Please, take your place until the accused has arrived."

Then, a single member of the flock separates and flutters out and away from the Hall, bound for the planet below and the being Marah seeks justice from.

Karam-Kor and the First City

One-Of-Many wings across the metal and molten city of Akkraul, absorbing the sights of the budding civilization with its unfeeling eyes. At any other time it would admire the hard work and ingenuity of the Lord of Creation that created this place, but this is not the day. Today is the day that Many-As-One act in their role as arbitrator and lawmaker, not observer and educator. It is unfortunate, but so are so many things about life.

The forge of Nemesis is no longer solitary. A single crystalline bird arrives, landing on the anvil as if it were not as hot as a thousand molten volcanoes, claws sinking into its surface as if it was not crafted of a thousand pounds of deific iron. One-Of-Many regards the god of forges and storms before them, and says, "Reforged King, your presence is requested in the Hall of Titans at the top of the world."

2019-02-21, 11:26 PM
Looloodi: On the Shores of Karam-Kor

Looloodi smiles softly to herself. While the voice was as sweet and light as the glow of Ilianthos, she can not help but hear a dark and bitter undertone. She will have to tread carefully, but tread forward she must. As she approaches the palace of glass, Looloodi takes notice of the numerous statues scattered across the beach. Certainly beautiful and charming, but lacking that spark of life, the inner beauty that shines from within. Perhaps if they were made of Looloodite.......

There! The owner of the sultry voice, the being who's existence compelled her to seek it out. Well then, her instincts were certainly correct about her beauty. The voluptuous maiden lay near bare within that basin of water, barely covered by the suds of her bath and the jewelry hanging off her body. What a strangely majestic material holding those common gems in place, it certainly must be as much a part of her as the gems are of Looloodi.

Focus Looloodi! That Isn't what you came here for, beautiful though it may be. Still your heart and act proper! "Greetings! I am, like, Looloodi, Goddess of Plants, Gems, and Beauty. May I, like, ask what you name is?"

2019-02-22, 12:40 AM
Chryon and the Dawnflies

Chryon rushed to the next dawnfly as it began it's migration and gave the creature their gaze. The deific energies of Chryon's gift rippled through the protective powers surrounding the creature. The harshness of the gaze was stripped away as it finally found its way into the creature. What was left was only the idea, the thought, the desire to observe.
Rhah Engulia: The Dawnflies

As Chyron stares into the depths of the Dawnfly's soul, something wriggled it's way into his peripheral vision. A very confused eel rolls down the side of the Dawnfly, having been deposited onto it's back after the previous Dawnfly gave it's life to hatch it's offspring. Furious, the eel lets out an ear-splitting roar, and strikes the side of the Dawnfly with it's tail, creating a ripple of white light that travels up and down the entirety of the firey insect several times, a sea's worth of metal streaming into existence within it's veins.

Not long after, the eel crashes into the tree below, it's superheated skin creating scorchmarks all around the enormous petal that caught it. The creature squirms there for a moment, repeatedly banging it's head against the ground--and launching itself into the air the fourth time. The eel squeals, and ceaces movement a few feet above the ground before falling and stopping yet again. It flips around on it's back, not used to flying, and turns to face Chryon, freezing when it catches sight of him. A low rumble begins to sound from the back of it's throat, the creature enamored by the light of the deity before it. It almost tries to approach, but something holds it back. Some base instinct, warning of iminent danger. Even with the intense majesty of radience beconing the eel closer, it hesitates, feeling the light force it's way between it's metalic plates. It realizes that this, this is not a comforting light. In fact, comforting would be the last word used to describe the being it now faced.

Rhah Engulia
Domains: Hunger (Light), Transmutation (Precious Metals)
Free AP: 13/16
Spent AP: 1

Dragon's Gold. A rare metal with a higher melting point than ordinary gold, dragon's gold is an incredibly light material that's as sturdy as iorn when properly refined. Furthermore, after being exposed to light, dragon's gold can radiate it's own light for a time, up to an hour depending on the intensity of the origional light source.

Dragon's Blood. Clumps of dragon's gold now run throughout the searing haemolymph in the circulitory systems of all future Dawnflies. Growths of dragon's blood may sometimes bubble to the surface of a Dragonflie's skin and eventually pop, sending the material down to the First World, usually cooling by the time it hits the ground. When a Dawnfly dies, it's gold dies with it, the divine essence within it's embers being imblazened into the next Dawnfly. The concentration of dragon's gold in their veins fluctuates up and down from Dawnfly to Dawnfly, due to a variety of unknown biological factors. As of it's inception, Dawnflies are the First World's only source of dragon's gold.

Action Log
(- 1 AP) Blessing: Dragon's Gold [Undecided]
(- 1 AP) Blessing: Dragon's Blood [Undecided](- 1 AP) Blessing: Silverwind [Undecided]

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-22, 12:58 AM
Mamona & Looloodi
On the shores of Karam-Kor

"Aren't you adorable?" The devilish woman smiled and it was only a little predatory. Intrigued, she slipped further from the pool to have a better look at the creature. The top half was familiar, but then it was all confusion and dubious functionality. She only had a distant memory of flowers or vines. There were none to be found in this blasted island her brother had raised from the sea.

"You may call me Mamona," she said, still gazing. It was a lush sound, that felt heavy in her mouth. Saying it delighted her, so she had decided it must be her name.

Suddenly rising from the water and revealing her plump hips, she offered, "Join me?" and retreated to the far, shallow end of the pool where she had shaped a reclining seat.

2019-02-22, 01:22 AM
Tenebreon and the Fortress of Moss

"No, it is better for my words to be graven alongside yours by my own hand so those who come after can see them." Tenebreon leaves his third carving behind and takes the left. He hopes that isn't a mistake, although it might be.

2019-02-22, 01:32 AM
“You can call me Janika the Neverfail.”

She looked from Tafeita to the other gods here, the new ones, Caerox and Selima.

“You are all against me? You must stand together because you all are garbage. But you are my siblings. If you are no good in a fight, how about a race? You look a little fast. Maybe if you beat me I let you have this place. A little competition for it is healthy, among us and the mortals. Admit it. You never would have advanced your kobolds without me.”

Caerox, A Jovial meeting

Caerox's laughter pauses for just a moment as he examines the Boisterous giantess before it resumes, louder than before "I shall take your word for it, for one garbed as thou must be well versed in garbage! Nevertheless I stand wherever there is need and cause for I am Caerox!"

2019-02-22, 02:30 AM
Shadows under the Earth: The Fortress of Moss

The Gloam gave their goodbyes in silence as both Goddesses departed and when the winds ceased to blow and the wet grounds beneath became dry there were only two. Deep, deep beneath the Earth of the First Lands one fled, or follied or perhaps simply flighted. There would be a hall within the Fortress no doubt that recorded the passing of a shadow where so little light remained, to be read by some alien eye but that was a tale for tomorrow and the shadows came today.

The robed figure found fortune in those dark places, but it was not the nature of Stone to remember. After all, what were the rocks for? It came with purpose for was it not that a single stone stood as the foundation of a mighty structure? What structure greater than a fortress? They'd been made together, when time wasn't time at all by hands that never held tools. The Stone had forgotten even that, but the rocks would remember when both were worn away with time, now that time was ticking.

"How now, does a Stone speak to a Fortress." the Gloam spake, surrounded by moss and rock. "But with lips of lightning and eyes of flame? Strange times are these that they could talk to one another at all. What will does a Stone have? What do the bones remember? The ache of winter, where there is no snow. The humid air of summer when the passage of seasons is marked by a tree? The touch of sunlight, where only dawnflies lazily trawl the skies? Such strange dreams to dream, where even windfish may wake and heroes find themselves in threes. We, the Gloam, do come to you for the message on the Stone is clear. How do we, dreams of simple stone and earth, find ourselves when Gods wage war?"

2019-02-22, 07:04 AM
Nasigune: The First Dungeon

For the first time, Nasigune felt humor as she watched the pathetic creatures fight not to be the first of her chosen. The blood spilled and began fill the grooves that had been created in the soil. The symbols filled with the blood of beings slowly. Then with a rush of blood, as "Faster-Than-Others" collapsed, the ritual was finished. Light began to shine from the lines on the floor. The two remaining goblins, beaten and bloody, tried to escape the chamber but they only managed to make it outside of the ritual itself before it's full activation. The light was blinding as the soul of the dead goblin was absorbed by Nasigune. She filtered it, purified the energy and returned it to the corpse with a small piece of her own soul energy.

The body of Faster-Than-Others began to mend and grow and improve. The new creature distinctly resembled the goblins but taller and fiercer. With a smile the new being bared it's new razor sharp teeth.

"You shall be the first of the chosen of the Great Nasigune. You shall defend me with the power I have granted You. You shall steal the souls of your victims and grow stronger. Most importantly, you shall serve me. You're old life is gone. From now on you shall be known as Reaper -Of-Souls."

Starting AP 4

Create Hero:Reaper-Of-Souls: The first Vampiric creation of Nasigune. Instead of feeding off blood, he feeds off life energy. He absorbs the souls of his victims. Domain: Soul (Sacrifice

Remaining AP: 2

Soul (Sacrifice) 8/10
-Create Mythic Concept: Enchanting
Create Mundane Concept: Soul
-Bless: Looloodite as Soul Stones
-Raise Hero: Reaper-Of-Souls

2019-02-22, 07:40 AM
Selima, Tafeita, Sololond, Janika

Tafeita: Goblin Lands

"Frankly I would rather have you let me be beaten then indulge in a senseless battle. I know enough to realize I'm odd in that regards however," Tafeita chuckled. This new sister seemed to be of good character at least. "Still I appreciate your offer."

At Tafeita's words, the Caracal lowers her gaze, "You ask much....and more....Tafeita. A thing contrary to my nature. Such a fight would never be 'senseless'."

To the angry green thing Selima merely shakes her head, "I am no more against you than I am against the stars, the earth, or the wind. You simply....are, and I am not against your...being. It is, in fact, difficult to even conceive of such a thing. You seek enemies and opponents to define yourself, to measure your self-worth. You are what it is in your nature to be. Your words are like the wind that finds no purchase against the stone, but the wind is patient whereas I suspect you are not. Perhaps if you blow harder you shall find fulfillment."

2019-02-22, 09:10 AM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

She turns, and the Water that is her form boils to a feverish tempest, a ripple-wave rising from the bottom towards her outstretched hand for a moment before shuddering to stop. The tempest abates, for the moment. This god is not the one she seeks. She has felt the destruction, the spoor left behind by divine interference. This one, though, is familiar. She has tasted it before, when she first brought the coral from the Reef to create a home for her Mer. "My people value your gift greatly." She says tersely, though without real ire. "It grows and is tended and tends to them. A bond made through mutual need." she finishes, more softly. "It suffered, as my people did, at the depredations of another of our kin. I mean to have justice for that sacrilege."

The Hall of Titans

Many-As-One arrive only moments behind Eniym, gliding into the hall in a diffuse swarm that solidifies into a humanoid shape floating in midair. They regard the furious Marah for a moment, then speak in a unified, booming voice. [COLOR="#40E0D0"]"Tidecaller," They say to her, "We are grateful that you have come to this place to make use of it for the purpose we designed, many seasons ago. We assure you, we shall weigh your case fairly and assure that justice will be found, wherever it may lie."

The flock returns to a dissolute cloud of birds, which travel the length of the room until they settle at the far end of the circle. The Hall begins to reshape itself, structures blurring and solidifying acquiring a new sense of substance, hard lines and firm edges. At ninety degrees to either side of Many-As-One, a dais rises from the ground, ringed with runic symbols of copper and moonstone that carry a pervading glow of authority. Many-As-One gesture loosely to the dais to their right, saying, "Please, take your place until the accused has arrived."

Then, a single member of the flock separates and flutters out and away from the Hall, bound for the planet below and the being Marah seeks justice from.


Whether her words to the bird god had an effect, whether they would force their hand to certain action or if they would evoke nothing in her, did not matter to Eniym - she merely pushes a rolling rock one way, hopefully to crash with another rolling rock, but as long as they do not reach their destination it would be as if she had succeeded. She will try again later perhaps, sometimes a particularly large rock would need a particularly strong push. Regardless, that was for another time, now here was an occurence. And occurences that are supposed to happen, the Upheaval thinks, are distractions from the occurencens that should not. The question was whether this was the latter or former. Certaintly her hand did not create it, which meant this was all natural and normal. She felt compelled to intercede in some way.

If the Coral was damaged then justice belongs to . . brrlplop . . . me as well would you not agree. I will bear will witness for it to be done, and we shall share it. But before our Kin arrives to be judged - what . . brrlplop . . . is justice? What is it that we seek? I do not care for deprivations to be visited upon our Kin's own creations in equivilence, but . . brrlplop . . . I am the storm - destruction is part of the world. It is natural. It is the way of things. Is that what we want? Or do we seek the unnatural - something other than more harm and pain.

2019-02-22, 10:47 AM

The corridors continue, lined with murals.

That's one way to put it.

And you can talk if you prefer, I cannot speak, but I can listen.

The corridor opens briefly into a larger cave, filled with a foul-smelling pitch in which ancient bones linger, a number of mossy, stone bridges giving passage over the hot sludge, and caretakers shuffling about as ever.

What about you? I have been hearing your gears at work and your name in the kobold's prayers, but mortal legend is none too full of truth. Take that left and you will find the raunchiest tale one of their tribes tells between you and their maker.

Dare Tenebreon take that left?
The Romancing of Patience

The children were off to sleep after a hard days work, and the adults were beginning to stretch their legs. As these nights go usually they would wait till all the little ones closed their eyes and then . . . well . . . make more little ones. However, one of the little Kobolds stayed awake and wove between their legs as they stayed up drinking and telling each other stories and sights seen.

One of the Kobolds took the little one and placed him on a small stool so that he felt like one of the grown-ups. The hearth was roaring and the child felt this he was about to join the grown-up world. The kobold that picked up the little one was the boy's uncle, and it always seems like it would be an uncle to tell this tale. The kinship and love between a father and son are too strong for such bawdy tales, and this is the type of tale that only men tell each other.

The Uncle asked the Kobold child if he had ever heard the tale of how The Heart Warmer warmed the Heart of the God of Hard Work and convinced him to open up his workshops for her people as Heaven? The child shook his head - he hadn't heard the tale. The Uncle winked and began to speak, while the other adults laughed or rolled their eyes and went to sleep.

Once, he says, after the Heart Warmer created us but before any of us had known what death was, Tafeita had stumbled upon the desert. It was Hell. There was nothing to do, no one to help, just dry and light without the protection of darkness. There she wandered confused for she heard the sounds of passion and couldn't understand how anyone could make love in the full light of day instead of the gentle covers of darkness. There she saw the Desert Maiden and Chyron, the Lady and Lord of Hell themselves, making love in the sands.

Now our goddess is the goddess of love and lovemaking and so she felt that she had no choice but to bless this union. As the two gods of the dry hell were pushing into each other ravenously and hot - the heat of their gazes was what multiplied the desert, she announced herself and gave them her blessing. In states of undress and shocked at the interruption, the two gods turned around and angrily cursed her and said that they hated her love and her love of their love and that her people shall be forced to spend their days in their desert.

The Heart Warmer was heart broken and ran from the desert scared that she doomed her beloved kobolds to the wastes after their death. She was desperate to find them another home after their mortal forms had fallen into dust. And so as she ran she devised a plan for she knew of the Patient Designer and his halls of crafts beneath the earth. Such a place would be perfect for her beloved people. But how to convince him?

As in all things, our goddess is the goddess of love, and so she found a mirror and dressed in robes that she thought the great god of gears would find enticing. She wore an outfit that was like a puzzle. It was full of latches and strings and zippers and buttons. One could spend days taking it off. And dressed in this alluring ensemble she walked into one of the great tunnels and began her journey to find the God below.

Now Tenebreon, our lord of heaven, in those days was a lonely god - he sat by himself in the dark and thought of nothing but his machines. Suddenly he had a visitor in his workshop. He turned around and saw true beauty for the first time. It was our goddess - her dress, as complicated as it was, was still sheer and red. Without talking, she walked up to the Gear God and grabbed him and kissed him deeply. She bit his neck and whispered in his ear.

He tried to ask her who she was and she replied that she meant to be his lover, and he was red in the face - he hadn't imagined anything like this in his blueprints, and she told him to take off her dress. As the Uncle said, this dress was made specifically to entice him, and he marveled at its craft, falling in love with this goddess all the more so. For two days he untied strings and unclipped buckles, took off every button until the Heart Warmer stood naked and became the Loin Warmer. He felt naked before her power as well even though he was fully dressed.

It was if she knew exactly what he wanted for she looked around his workshop and saw that he had strong leather belts around - meant for pulley systems and other such mechanics. She took the leather and tied the God of Gears upon his own work tabel and then stood above him. She made him promise to take her people into his halls after they died. He did. She made him promise that each good Kobold who loved work would find a good home here, far away from the desert, for the Kobolds to find good work and to be treated with as much love as he had for her. He agreed - he would agree to anything, as she took him in throes of passion. And in such a way heaven was made.

The little boy stared at his uncle unsure what to make of the story - Kobold children were no strangers to sex, their shelters were small after all - but to think of their beloved goddess tying another god down? It was obscene. But then again, that was the point of a grown up tale. The boy though asked what was he to learn from all this?

The Uncle laughed and said - my boy, the important leasson is that a woman will always get what she wants.

And just then the kobold child's mother yelled at him to go to sleep. How true the boy thought, the lesson learned.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-22, 11:25 AM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

"Your claim is valid, for the Coral was yours before it was Mine, and it was harmed all the same." Marah says cautiously. This vengeance was her vengeance, and she did not wish an intrusion upon it. Still, she was the Goddess of Companions, of Bindings-Together, of Love-That-Is-Union, and that title came with its own flaws. So she relents, and accepts. "Gods should not fight mortals. A shell cannot fight the ocean - to attempt such is folly. It creates suffering for no purpose, the loss is needless and cruel. We are powerful, but we should not be cruel in that power."

2019-02-22, 12:04 PM
Mamona & Looloodi
On the shores of Karam-Kor

"Aren't you adorable?" The devilish woman smiled and it was only a little predatory. Intrigued, she slipped further from the pool to have a better look at the creature. The top half was familiar, but then it was all confusion and dubious functionality. She only had a distant memory of flowers or vines. There were none to be found in this blasted island her brother had raised from the sea.

"You may call me Mamona," she said, still gazing. It was a lush sound, that felt heavy in her mouth. Saying it delighted her, so she had decided it must be her name.

Suddenly rising from the water and revealing her plump hips, she offered, "Join me?" and retreated to the far, shallow end of the pool where she had shaped a reclining seat.

Looloodi hesitated for just a second. Something was....off, about this woman. While her outer appearance was certainly, compellingly, beautiful like her own, there was something dark beneath that almost screams at her to run.

But then.....it would be rude of her to turn down the kind offer without provocation. With a smile similar to Mamona's but far more innocent, Looloodi enter s the bath. A sigh of pure bliss escapes her lips when the water touches her roots. It feels pure and perfectly warm. As she nears the bare Goddess, dozens of her natural gems fall off her body, plinking into the water. The natural light produced by her Looloodite gives the entire bath a hauntingly beautiful glow. Now standing in front of her....could she be considered a sister? Looloodi does not yet know. Her mind feels slightly foggy, she does not know what to say, so only stands, her body nearly coming to contact with Mamona as she tries to think

2019-02-22, 12:11 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

"Your claim is valid, for the Coral was yours before it was Mine, and it was harmed all the same." Marah says cautiously. This vengeance was her vengeance, and she did not wish an intrusion upon it. Still, she was the Goddess of Companions, of Bindings-Together, of Love-That-Is-Union, and that title came with its own flaws. So she relents and accepts. "Gods should not fight mortals. A shell cannot fight the ocean - to attempt such is folly. It creates suffering for no purpose, the loss is needless and cruel. We are powerful, but we should not be cruel in that power."

The mudfish queries:

What should be the purpose of mortal suffering? If I am to let the winds . . brrlplop . . .blow and the clouds rain, should there be a reason? And if we judge that . . brrlplop . . . our . . brrlplop . . . kin committed unreason - what shall we have as reparations? More mortal . . brrlplop . . . suffering? Is the purpose of their suffering our justice against each other?

The upheaval swims in the air, slime dressing her like fine gossamear.

I do not wish to quell your rage - I understand the turbulence of the oceans as they are yours as I am of it, but before we judge . . brrlplop . . . we should know punishment and its purpose.

2019-02-22, 12:19 PM
Tenebreon and the Fortress of Moss

"No, it is better for my words to be graven alongside yours by my own hand so those who come after can see them." Tenebreon leaves his third carving behind and takes the left. He hopes that isn't a mistake, although it might be.

So many things I learn of you in the span of two choices.

This hall of stories extends quite far, but lets not get carried away here.

Shadows under the Earth: The Fortress of Moss

The Gloam gave their goodbyes in silence as both Goddesses departed and when the winds ceased to blow and the wet grounds beneath became dry there were only two. Deep, deep beneath the Earth of the First Lands one fled, or follied or perhaps simply flighted. There would be a hall within the Fortress no doubt that recorded the passing of a shadow where so little light remained, to be read by some alien eye but that was a tale for tomorrow and the shadows came today.

The robed figure found fortune in those dark places, but it was not the nature of Stone to remember. After all, what were the rocks for? It came with purpose for was it not that a single stone stood as the foundation of a mighty structure? What structure greater than a fortress? They'd been made together, when time wasn't time at all by hands that never held tools. The Stone had forgotten even that, but the rocks would remember when both were worn away with time, now that time was ticking.

"How now, does a Stone speak to a Fortress." the Gloam spake, surrounded by moss and rock. "But with lips of lightning and eyes of flame? Strange times are these that they could talk to one another at all. What will does a Stone have? What do the bones remember? The ache of winter, where there is no snow. The humid air of summer when the passage of seasons is marked by a tree? The touch of sunlight, where only dawnflies lazily trawl the skies? Such strange dreams to dream, where even windfish may wake and heroes find themselves in threes. We, the Gloam, do come to you for the message on the Stone is clear. How do we, dreams of simple stone and earth, find ourselves when Gods wage war?"

The walls carve themselves in front of the Gloam.

War is the best time to dream. To dream of victory and peace. To dream of glory soaked in horror. To dream of survival never to be obtained. Dreams are fleeting things, as mortal as the dreamers themselves. Even the ones that last lose themselves to age, as their contents become meaningless or reframed.

And war too is a great time for fortresses and bones. I yearn for the tales that I will carve and the mausoleums that will come. I would not worry.

Unless these old rocks hold premonitions? Well... Even then. There are spineless witches everywhere, and these can be trusted to confound others.

2019-02-22, 02:22 PM
Tenebreon and the Fortress: A Tale in the Telling

"Yet your nature is still a mystery to me. Why populate your halls with the dead and dying? Even as you fight to preserve knowledge for eternity, you embrace the decay which comes to all things."
Tenebreon reads the story.
"A curious tale. They see connections where none exist, but is that genius or insanity at work. There is not a grain of truth in its fabric, but that is not the point, is it? It is allegory, a tale to explain the machinery of their own bodies, which is beyond their comprehension."

2019-02-22, 02:46 PM
A secret passage opens next to Tenebreon, leading to another set of corridors.

Decay? Hardly. That's Stone's realm. A process of nature. Everywhere, with no regard for the living or the dead. Even your gears of rock grind themselves away, it is why we prefer to linger still. To last.

Decay is forgetting. It is when objects forget their form and beasts forget their past.
I remember.
I remember motion, and so the dead may move.
I remember wisdom, and so the mindless may tread with care.

A story begins, it grows, it ends. So does a creature. I would be remiss to abandon the bodies when I don't abandon the carvings. They are very similar, all of these things.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-22, 04:08 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword


The mudfish queries:

What should be the purpose of mortal suffering? If I am to let the winds . . brrlplop . . .blow and the clouds rain, should there be a reason? And if we judge that . . brrlplop . . . our . . brrlplop . . . kin committed unreason - what shall we have as reparations? More mortal . . brrlplop . . . suffering? Is the purpose of their suffering our justice against each other?

The upheaval swims in the air, slime dressing her like fine gossamear.

I do not wish to quell your rage - I understand the turbulence of the oceans as they are yours as I am of it, but before we judge . . brrlplop . . . we should know punishment and its purpose.

"A false comparison, sister - His act was not one of nature. The storms, the waves, the wind are all nature, they are created by us but not us. I am the Ocean, but I do not make the waves that crash into the shore during the storms. It was a deliberate act by a god's hand against mortals. Such things should not be. If we do not act through intermediaries, we risk the destruction of everything we build." There is little worry of Marah's lack of rage - her Ocean-Body roiled with barely contained fury once more. "As for punishment - it should be against the god themself. There is no purpose in continuing the cycle that began this. Banishment from his creations should suffice. It was for them that he committed this heinous act. The punishment befits the crime."

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-22, 06:06 PM
Mamona & Looloodi
On the shores of Karam-Kor

“Isn’t that lovely?” Mamona purred, trawling her fingertips through the pink hued water.

She continued to study the floral creature before her and was a long time in contemplative, pregnant silence. Struck suddenly by a delightful thought, she clapped and a jubilet sound escaped her. Using the power of her amulet, she commanded the pillars to grow and join together in a trellis overhead. Then, from the volcanic soil, grew a dozen vines to climb the columns. Meeting in the middle, they swelled with handfuls of red fruit and were soon so laden they swayed down into easy reach.

Mamona plucked a cluster of grapes from the vine with her diamond hard nails and held them over for approval.

Her true purpose became clear a moment later as she summoned up a golden chalice, so large as to be more bowl than drinking cup. She held a second and third bunch over the bowl and the grapes bled, transforming into a heady wine as it dripped down.

Mamona drank first, greedily. Taking mouthfuls at a time, much of the wine tumbled over her lips and made lazy rivulets down her throat and decolletage. At length, she offered the wine to her guest.

“I should leave this place," she sighed and reclined fully. "The soil is rich here, but the water is cold. There’s naught for pleasurable company -- only my brutish brother and his playthings. They’re all stone and fire and ash. They have no hearts, nor anything flesh. I can hear their hammers ringing from here, but they make nothing beautiful.”

Create Mundane Concept (-1 AP) - Wine/Alcohol. Trade (Currency) domain, I guess
6 AP remaining

Trade (Currency) domain claimed! See http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23715767&postcount=281 for accounting.

Mamona will also leave a parting gift for the giants in the form of coins bearing her likeness and golden idols. Using the Bless charge from her artifact for Week 1.

2019-02-22, 06:41 PM
Previously on...

Law and order: gods and Demis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP3MuUTmXNk)
mostly Daghir doing unrelated stuff actually

The playful imitation of the angels served to ease the god's tensions, charming as he found the creatures. They elicited a toothless smile, that showed nothing but the swirling dust and leafs at the back of his head.

When Many-As-One apologized, speaking of debate and problems he followed along with a hand wave to not worry about it, even as he thought that perhaps the majority was right, and peace was a fluke amidst he chaos. Despite (or because of) that thought he did not forget the angels and took a few with him at a speed they could handle.

He entered the room with care, eyeing the tasteful architecture, it was god-made alright. He watched the eel whose words he had borrowed and the tidecaller who he had only met through word. His stare lingered on the ocean for a moment, wondering if she was like him and made a body to fit in, and scarcely heard the discussion, one of the brought angels pulled him out of his trance and again he felt a hint of that curious emotion that was so common in him.

He nodded respect to the different gods and found his pillar. It was a turmoil of the speediest wind, and of the voices low and mighty with the giggle of an echo mixed in, he wondered how detailed it was in following his creations soon I'll know he thought, and a door formed at what would be his feet.

Happy that he could will the world to change similarly to his siblings in creation, Daghir set to work. The place started as a huge cube with manyfold rooms and crannies but after seeing the angels stumble or be locked away from most of the structure he worked on a redesign.

A rectangular hole of divine size falling for god knows how long, with passages upon passages leading to huge rooms resembling of libraries, detailing any conversation that had been through special echoes whose precense could now be felt in the (relatively) nearby hall. There flew a benign wind across the chaf, guiding the angels to where they wanted to go, once they had such a want. The decoration was spartan for such a holding, but he could care about it when he did.

And he tampered with Eniym's creations, first trying to leard their language, and then giving them the drive to seek more as he did, may they tend to his Records should he ever leave that place (he was beginning to doubt it).

And then he set to learning the perfection of words, their meaning and how to actually speak them in front of his peers and he debated with these Archons of the word in a language resembling that of what they were, for their words held new purpose now.

-1 AP Alter land (Word's keep [placeholder]): Daghir's private room within the Titan's hall, birthplace of the Word archons and home base of The Keepers. It holds the entirety of the world's conversations as far as Daghir could remember them, with a special gallery for each god, the most oppulent being that of the first speaker. [magic (truenaming) 2/10]
A rectangular hole of divine size falling for god knows how long, with passages upon passages leading to huge rooms resembling of libraries, detailing any conversation that had been through special echoes and a benign wind that guided the angels to where they wanted to go, once they had such a want. The decoration was spartan for such a holding, but he could care about it when he did.

-1 AP create sub race (word archons): Daghir chosen angels, they retain most charasteristics of their cousins, save for a more graceful flight and a keen ability for making distinct sounds (a bit of cultural advancement and shaping was similarly added, Daghir doesn't really have that kind of patience), similarly devout to the understanding of the world, they are not used to the need for survival aside from in a theoretical setting and less beefy than your average angel, aside from getting the first taste of true-naming they'll be pretty much defenseless. [magic (truenaming) 3/10]

-4 AP create mythical concept (True-naming): the use of personal power, ritual, knowledge of the given meaning of words and those cemented as "true", and proper speak to exchange the proprieties of objects situations or creatures (given a knowledge of their true name, the true-names of the gods are incredibly easy to learn, but useless, except maybe to call their wrath upon you), examples include the use of the word "rock" to turn dirt into granite or other craft material and the word "prrrl ffftrur" to turn a will-based distance of nearby air into slimy muck. [magic (truenaming) 7/10]

-1 AP teach mundane concept (language): no time to have the Archons go past simple signs the hard way. [magic (truenaming) 8/10]

-1 AP Bless (powerful words): the entirety of the Titan's hall is imbued with the magic of the words within, magic is excepcionally easy within it and force of will, a strong connection, knowledge, etc; can generally supply for sacrifices and such other things that are hard to come by within the plane. [magic (truenaming) 9/10] (I admit this one is a bit of a stretch)

-1 AP Create organization (the keepers): Believers in the word and in Daghir, they are fully formed by archons at the beginning and for now only work to expand their own knowledge of the word, tend to the Word keep, practice the new mystichal art and provide amicable conversation for their god. [magic (truenaming) 10/10]

Gain domain: magic (truenaming)
-1 AP Create Monstrous life (Echoes)
-1 AP Create organization (the keepers)
-1 AP Bless (powerful words)
-1 AP teach mundane concept (language)
-4 AP create mythical concept (True-naming)
-1 AP create sub race (word archons)
-1 AP Alter land (Word's keep [placeholder])

AP left:
12 - 9= 3 AP

Toxic Mind
2019-02-22, 08:18 PM
Rats and Fish

The Great Rat

Many are the paths and tunnels of Tanglenest. Some stretch for hundreds of miles, yet feel considerably shorter to travel. Others, such as the one The Wandering Rat was travelling along, were a considerably more local affair. It had detected the scent of water - a *lot* of water and had chosen to investigate. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, growing brighter as the rat moved toward the exit. The tunnel ended on an embankment, in front of which was a small strip of sand stretching left and right. As the rat's eyes adjusted to the water, it gave an involuntary squeak of surprise. There was water here - it seemed endless, bigger than even the biggest pools in Tanglenest. Cautiously, it looked around for predators before trotting out onto the beach that girded the island. The Wandering Rat looked over its shoulder and saw The Great Tree behind. It was very big as well! The rat looked up and could just about see the beautiful petals at the top, glowing with their gentle yet powerful light. On the air was the same rainbow of scents The Great Rat had smelled from Looloodi, although The Wandering Rat knew none of this, save that the scent was wonderful.

So enraptured with the scent, it almost didn't see the figure stepping up from the ocean waves. It fought its initial instinct to flee, remembering the words of The Great Rat and the feeling of strength purpose it had felt at the time. This strange being carried something in its webbed paw and its skin seemed to be similar to that of a fish. Maybe it was a creature that could think, like the rats.The Wandering Rat thought carefully about how to speak to this being.

"Greetings, small one" said Tamesis. For almost a month she has roamed from the edge of the Coral Forest to the various islands and atolls at the behest of Queen Adria. She was excited, though, because this was the first life she had met that had even attempted to communicate with her. Most of the other creatures had run away, or tried to kill her. Tamesis was no slouch though - the Queen knew her stuff - and Tamesis had claimed three lives with her bone daggers in the previous week. She lifts the Rat up to her face hoping it would be able to speak her language.

2019-02-22, 08:24 PM
The walls carve themselves in front of the Gloam.

War is the best time to dream. To dream of victory and peace. To dream of glory soaked in horror. To dream of survival never to be obtained. Dreams are fleeting things, as mortal as the dreamers themselves. Even the ones that last lose themselves to age, as their contents become meaningless or reframed.

And war too is a great time for fortresses and bones. I yearn for the tales that I will carve and the mausoleums that will come. I would not worry.

Unless these old rocks hold premonitions? Well... Even then. There are spineless witches everywhere, and these can be trusted to confound others.

The Gloam nods along as it reads, a thin sliver of sparks forming a mouth as if some rictus. "Is it the dreamer who dreams of such confusion or is it merely the nature of the dream itself, to be inscrutable to a point that those who came after can read what they will into it. Flames yet engulf the land, a premonition born from the hopes and dreads of the waves. Who are we to deny that for in time fetid waters may pool here."

The Gloam turns to a fresh wall so the words may not need be uncarved. "The Stone speaks yet of moss and mists, spread upon the surface by these flames. A promise, that the Deep will never lose that which it has hold of. I am here to reaffirm such agreements made in the voiceless words of what a Fortress may dream."

2019-02-22, 09:16 PM
The Gloam nods along as it reads, a thin sliver of sparks forming a mouth as if some rictus. "Is it the dreamer who dreams of such confusion or is it merely the nature of the dream itself, to be inscrutable to a point that those who came after can read what they will into it. Flames yet engulf the land, a premonition born from the hopes and dreads of the waves. Who are we to deny that for in time fetid waters may pool here."

The Gloam turns to a fresh wall so the words may not need be uncarved. "The Stone speaks yet of moss and mists, spread upon the surface by these flames. A promise, that the Deep will never lose that which it has hold of. I am here to reaffirm such agreements made in the voiceless words of what a Fortress may dream."

You should ask that of fish, I am not one for confusion. I store knowledge, and pride myself in separating the fact from the fiction, the lie from the deception, the truth from the reality.

The sense from the making.

As for water and flame, they make strong weather. Good for wreckages and floods. It is hard to stretch beyond this land of our own making, but I am taking the effort. And already I have new ruins to add to my collection. How exciting.

And worry not, little girl. I take good care of all that was. And soon enough, I will have even better caretakers.

2019-02-22, 11:40 PM
Tenebreon and the Fortress of Moss

"I see.
I have appreciated our discussion, but I must go now. I have other projects to work on, plans to complete.
Farewell, and may your halls grow rich with the knowledge of ages." Tenebreon returns to the caverns from whence he came, to work the stone once more, and to ponder.
One thing about the story irks him, a minor detail. He wonders about how disappointed his followers will be, that there is no heaven amongst the gears of his workshops.
He wonders, and he begins drafting blueprints...

2019-02-23, 12:20 AM
Tenebreon and the Fortress of Moss

"I see.
I have appreciated our discussion, but I must go now. I have other projects to work on, plans to complete.
Farewell, and may your halls grow rich with the knowledge of ages." Tenebreon returns to the caverns from whence he came, to work the stone once more, and to ponder.
One thing about the story irks him, a minor detail. He wonders about how disappointed his followers will be, that there is no heaven amongst the gears of his workshops.
He wonders, and he begins drafting blueprints...

Even as Tenebreon departed, the walls carved themselves further.

And so, the Clockwork God set out, intent on making reality out of fiction.

2019-02-23, 12:22 AM
Nasigune: The First Dungeon

Reaper-Of-Souls turned to the goblins that killed him. "Breathren. Thank you for what you have done for me. Now come here and I will teach you how to advance our people."

While the Goblins were distracted learning the secrets of rituals, Nasigune turned her attention to her new watcher. "I have found readers. Readers who have earned their rewards."

After teaching the two goblins the secrets of blood and power, Reaper-Of-Souls led them out of the dungeon to send them on their way. "Make sure you keep these secrets close to the clans. Your greatest strength is that your enemies do not understand your power."

2019-02-23, 05:28 AM
You should ask that of fish, I am not one for confusion. I store knowledge, and pride myself in separating the fact from the fiction, the lie from the deception, the truth from the reality.

The sense from the making.

As for water and flame, they make strong weather. Good for wreckages and floods. It is hard to stretch beyond this land of our own making, but I am taking the effort. And already I have new ruins to add to my collection. How exciting.

And worry not, little girl. I take good care of all that was. And soon enough, I will have even better caretakers.

"Aren't you? Aren't we all? We are all, each of us, the author to our own confusion. But fish know not the dream, they mistake it for the truth and are happy with it. How now would the Fortress deal with such delusion? Truth spoken plainly will often be left aside for a lie told sweetly. The lie was sweet then and is only sweeter now. Too many cooks spoil the pot." The Gloam bobs its head like some black bird, clicking teeth against mouth of which it had neither. "Of this we are certain, of this it has been told. In time, all in time."

The Gloam turns once more to a fresh wall, offering a bow and from within its robes two black candles and meat that glows and shimmers with the Elemental fury of the lands above in offering. "I leave now, have you anything for a Stone?"

Deja Who?
2019-02-23, 02:36 PM
Janika the Neverfail

"I feel that you are mocking me, both of you." She said dryly, looking at both Tafeita and Caerox. "Come on, sis-ter, you would stoke your anger at me for the sake of these mortals even still? They are nothing but droplets of our power." The war goddess said, shaking her head. She used a bit of her power to generate more goblins and in that same instant they all disintegrated back to dust as she waved her hand. "Strength is all that I am. I can be no more than that. My creations know only what I have given them. Taking what they can and surviving. Just like me since I was born just over there. Or at least became aware of myself. I proceeded in the only way that made sense. I'm here for.. fun."

"We must all define ourselves against each other. Do you not think? For in this world what can we judge but the values that each of our siblings bring forth... war and strength is all I can give them..." Janika said back to Selima, her voice faltering for a moment before it was replaced by her typical starry-eyed exuberance. "But if I was to measure my worth what worth would it be to kill all of you? If that is even possible. I feel like I can only truly myself or another when stuck in a heated battle. Nothing is passionate than a fight. Nothing more emotional."

"It is a good thing! You think me and my goblins will not learn from this meeting.. Tafeita?"

"For war?? Splendid! That shall be most great fun, will it not? Now as for this race."

The giantess scratched her back underneath the fur of some great beastie and took a look around. She licked her finger and held it up, for wasn't really sure what for. The stomped over to a nearby tree in the Caldera and gave it a swift punch putting a big hole in it and then she seemed like she was looking really far away.

"Okay, we have all seen the great desert over there? It extends to the sea where my lands used to be. First to the edge and back to this tree?"

Backbiter Tribe

"Smash smash smash!" Clubs-When-Provoked shouted as he brought his club down on Faster-Than-The-Others over and over again. The other goblin watched with interest but said nothing. They both stepped back, breathing heavily, as their former friend and comrade arose once more to menance them.

"Please, Faster-Than-The-Others! We didne mean nothing by it!" Clubs-When-Provoked begged when he found only the wall of the dungeon behind him.

"We known eac' other' since we was kids!" Sleeps-Past-Sunrise joined in, begging not to be feasted upon by this new monster. "You.. liked dying?"

"Well it was nothing really I been wantin' to kill ya for years!" Clubs-When-Provoked smiled and tried to give Reaper-of-Souls a pat on the shoulder.

"Will we ever see you again, Faster-Than-The-Others?" Sleeps-Past-Sunrise questioned, suddenly feeling a twinge of shame and sadness at so easily turning on her.. what was that word again.. she couldn't think of it.

The two goblins, battered and beaten and certainly hungry, went on their way with what was left of their spoils of supplies and their one remaining Boggart prisoner. The other had stayed in the dungeon knowing that Reaper-of-Souls was the strongest one around. It was another days journey before they got back to the muddy little puddle where the Backbiter tribe lived. It was far enough away from the Rockbreaker Tribe that life had been pretty okay lately.

"Damn that was. I don' kno what to do with what I know." Clubs-When-Provoked sighed out, nursing his many wounds. They'd been welcomed back as heroes. The tribe would survive a little longer and wouldn't die out like the Pondskimmer Tribe. Clubs-When-Provoked remembered his old tribe fondly and even started to tear up a little. Useless sentimentality. "Lays-By-The-Rocks.." He muttered, a great deal of regret in his voice. Life was brutal.

"I can not stay here. With this power I could do more than sack villages. I could help all goblins. Maybe it be a stupid idea." Sleeps-Past-Sunrise mused while eating a charred bit of rabbit they'd stolen from the Halfling Village. She sat next to the only other goblin that could understand her experiences and passed him some. He took it and ate greedily before answering.

"But yer my only.. uhh.."

"Uhh.. oh I was tryin' to think of this earlier! Friend!"

"Friend! Yeah!" Clubs-When-Provoked smiled with a mouth full of roasted rabbit, then felt a little bad. "If you leave.. but I understand why. Is not a stupid idea. And I should know cause' I have many. But Clubs-When-Provoked will stay here 'cause this tribe needs it."

"I will miss you. I miss all the ones we leave behind."

Sleeps-Past-Sunrise gave Clubs-When-Provoked a quick hug and wasn't even bashed good for her efforts. And with that she gathered whatever the Backbiter Tribe could spare and left the only home she'd ever known.

AP Roller: 4
AP: 7

2019-02-23, 07:29 PM

Sefina and Mahana had grown old together, old enough to see their grandchildren's children come into the world. Their love for each other was a strong as the day the Desert Maiden had placed his hand in hers. Together they had explored and come to know that unspoiled paradise that was Catan. Together they had known beauty and joy, sorrow and loss. There dedication to one another had seen them through nearly a hundred years together. Their children and grandchildren were many, and in their declining years they had referred to one another affectionately as "Grandmother" and "Grandfather". No one was surprised when their time together came to an end that Sefina passed from this world mere hours after her soul mate Mahana, for it was as the Desert Maiden had bidden. Their oldest son Akamu saw to it that their bodies were prepared and carried deep into the Opal Desert to be laid to rest. The funeral procession was small, just Akamu and his four sons. Akamu would swear his sons to secrecy, but legend among the Caracan tells of an ethereal oasis within the vast desert...a paradise, which is the final resting place of First Mother and First Father. It is also said that Akamu's sons were much changed upon their return. They were driven, industrious, and fiercely protective of their people. They were often heard telling their children and grandchildren that it was not enough to merely live and enjoy the fruits of the paradise that was Catan, but that they need to settle the land and be strong, that to do otherwise was an insult to all that The Sisterhood had provided to their people.

So it was that when reports of the strange fish-folk reached the ears of the Sons of Akamu they were anxious to treat with the Mer and learn of their ways.

Beginning AP = 5AP +4AP(roll over) + 1 Bonus AP
Create Society(2AP) - The Settlers of Catan: An emerging feudal society of caracan(catfolk).

Ending AP = 9AP +1 Bonus AP - 2AP = 7 +1 AP
Light(Dawn) 8/10; Life(Caracan) 5/10

Toxic Mind
2019-02-23, 08:27 PM
Trading In Catan

Llyr was not doing well. He had been attacked by no less than three predator-beasts in the last day, and though he had driven them off, one had bitten him badly on his leg, and that wound was burning in a way that told Llyr that something had gotten into his blood. He needed help, or at least a place to rest, but he was so far away from his village that going back would be suicide. So it was that Llyr stumbled from the surf on the island of Catan, half delirious from the infection and pain, and collapsed in the sand. He had no thoughts for the paradise surrounding him, and his normally cool body was burning with fever.

Starting: 7/16

Music (Song): 1/10
Life (Nourishment): 3/10

2019-02-23, 08:34 PM
Mamona & Looloodi
On the shores of Karam-Kor

“Isn’t that lovely?” Mamona purred, trawling her fingertips through the pink hued water.

She continued to study the floral creature before her and was a long time in contemplative, pregnant silence. Struck suddenly by a delightful thought, she clapped and a jubilet sound escaped her. Using the power of her amulet, she commanded the pillars to grow and join together in a trellis overhead. Then, from the volcanic soil, grew a dozen vines to climb the columns. Meeting in the middle, they swelled with handfuls of red fruit and were soon so laden they swayed down into easy reach.

Mamona plucked a cluster of grapes from the vine with her diamond hard nails and held them over for approval.

Her true purpose became clear a moment later as she summoned up a golden chalice, so large as to be more bowl than drinking cup. She held a second and third bunch over the bowl and the grapes bled, transforming into a heady wine as it dripped down.

Mamona drank first, greedily. Taking mouthfuls at a time, much of the wine tumbled over her lips and made lazy rivulets down her throat and decolletage. At length, she offered the wine to her guest.

“I should leave this place," she sighed and reclined fully. "The soil is rich here, but the water is cold. There’s naught for pleasurable company -- only my brutish brother and his playthings. They’re all stone and fire and ash. They have no hearts, nor anything flesh. I can hear their hammers ringing from here, but they make nothing beautiful.”

Looloodi basks in the feeling of the water, the pinkish liquid tingling delightfully against her foliage. It was almost enough to be able to ignore the awkward, stagnant silence that fell between them. I mean, it certainly wasn't easy. How do you go about telling someone that you sensed their birth and felt compelled to seek them out? It sounds crazy and mildly offputting, certainly not something that gives proper appearance.

Thankfully, the golden haired Goddess breaks the stillness and demonstrates her creativity. Such a lovely archway, the natural vines bearing fruit truly giving it that delicate touch. Perhaps it could be used during some sort of ritual. The fruit itself was extrodinary, dozens of tiny berries of deep red conjoined together to form one fruit certainly is a beautiful appearance. When Mamona offered the fresh squeezed juice of her creation, Looloodi gladly accepted, and delicately took a sip.

Wow......a beautiful Goddess she certainly is, but clearly, Mamona does not have a gift with plants. The juice was distasefully sour, with a bitter aftertaste that clung to the back of Looloodi's throat. It took of of her willpower not to simply spit the overly strong liquid out, how rude would that be! A moment after the drink is finished, the most delightful sensation is felt, despite the taste. Looloodi's body somehow relaxes even more, her face turning a bright shade of pink as she feels herself warm. Oh if only it tasted as good as it felt! She would never want to stop drinking.

Giggling, Looloodi listens to Mamona complain of her horribly brutish brother, and has some delightful thoughts. "Hehehe....the world, like, doesn't need any more brutish people. It is already, like, TOTALLY hideous. It needs more things like us, beautiful. I'm, like, gonna make this world beautiful one day! Hehehehe, you should, like, help out! You obviously, like, are beautiful too and have the talent. You could totally make this whooooole island worthy of our appearances. You can totally come to my birthplace for, like, inspiration if you want......you should come! And bring some more of this drink! Hang on........ooooone sec." Looloodi reaches up toward the trellis and gently pets the vine. The vine reaches out, growing towards the outstretched arm, gently curving around the delicate appendage until it approaches Looloodi's face. With some quiet whispers and a gently kiss, the vine turns from green to gold, the change racing towards all the other vines intertwined with the first. "There! So much healthier! And the coloring suits you much better Mamona!"

Started with 4/16
Rollover +4
Create Mythical Concept(4): Druidspeak
This Mystical Magic allows the user to drastically alter all forms of plants. Whether it is used to change their size, shape, or composition, those who truly care about plants and know the language can control them at will. Concept Closed Used towards [Pending Suggestions]Life(Rebirth)

Curse(1): Aphrodisia
Inspired by the pleasurable feeling Looloodi gained from Alcohol, this poison warms the body, heightens the senses, and leaves one pleasantly light headed. In higher or more concentrated doses, it can leave one open to suggestions of any sort.
Used towards Nature(Poison)

Life(Beauty) 10/10
Nature(Poison) 3/10
Life(Rebirth) 4/10

Ended with 3/16

2019-02-24, 07:37 AM
The First Lands: The Deep

The Gloams words were true, in the deep spaces where the Caretakers traveled within verdant halls change had come. Time is master to all, changing things even minutely, and the Deep Moss was no exception. In dark passageways where the flames of war had yet to reach, the Deep Moss grew ready. Flame excited the spores of the Moss, causing propegation on a grand scale. These Mosses too found purchase in the living Rats that lived within halls of the Fortress, harmless but waiting.

The Halls of Titans: The Gloomwild

With meetings and trials, the Halls were alive but no more so than its outer environs. With so little life still on the First World the streets awaiting the feet of the dead overgrew and a section of the outer city fell to ethereal creepers and ghost willow, plumbing broke and rivers were formed and where they piled in dammed courtyards lakes were born. Where there was life, there were the Elementals. Flecks finding their way to the furthest star on the backs of dead souls found a home in the Gloomwild where the skies were bruised with twilight.

The planar energies seemed to excite these creatures and where they gathered were born larger and more complex creatures. More than Flecks, these Blotches were vaguely humanoid in shape though large and incredibly hostile in their native planar environments. Blotches would even war with one another, Flame Blotches attacking and destroying Lightning Blotches and such forth until regions of the Gloomwild were ruled by cadres of Elemental monsters. Far too simple to create culture however, Blotches instead imitated what they saw the Dead do.

Roll Over +4

Alter Land (1AP) - The Gloomwild: Some areas of The Halls are a bit more alive than others, even if a bit more run down. The Gloomwild is a large stretch of primevil forest where Flecks and other Elemental beings congregate. [Magic (The Fey) 5/10]

Create Monstrous Subspecies (1AP) - Blotches: Blotches are larger, more hostile forms of Elemental Energy. Like Flecks they are non-sapient however Blotches are clever enough to mimic the actions of those they see. Blotches are incredibly hostile to non-Blotches and even more hostile to opposing Elemental Energies. [Magic (The Fey) 6/10]

Bless/Curse (1AP) - Bonfire Birth: Deep Moss grows more rampant in fire, accelerating and exacerbating its life cycle. [Nature (Decay) 3/10]

Bless/Curse (1AP) - Deep Moss Endurance: Deep Moss can now grow in living creatures, incubating until their death. This causes no apparent harm to the living being. [Nature (Decay) 4/10]

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = 4AP

AP: 0

The Succubus
2019-02-24, 09:47 AM
The Great Rat (featuring Many-As-One, Nemesis)

It is a terrible event, when something that has always been a haven becomes a hell. The rats had been aware of a tremor running through the tunnels and caverns of Tanglenest but the earth had always done such things, ever since they had come into being. This was different. It was...purposeful. Much as the appearance of the two goddess had generated excitement beneath their feet (or roots), this new apparition brought with it a very different feeling.


The tunnels shook with every footstep as the unknown being approached the Great Tree, the weaker tunnels collapsing as the earth crashed down upon the rats. Desperate squeals for help and warnings to flee filled the air as they ran, heading for the central chambers of Tanglenest where the stone stood strongest. Pressing tightly together, the rats waited silently, the roots of the Great Tree dimming slightly, as though some dark shadow was drawing the light from them.

The further tunnels were a vision of chaos and horror. Chunks of stone blocked the tunnels, dividing families and sealing them off from the central chambers. The panicked rats barely had a moment to think before a new calamity filled the passages behind them.


Although the twisting ways of Tanglenest were largely wrought of stone and soil, a great many of them were lined with leaves and bits of twig, the fires leaping and dancing between them. The carefully gnawed-off roots of the Great Tree seemed especially flammable, each one bursting into a huge ball of flame, as if the fire were tapping in to some hidden energy source deep within them. The trapped rats died in their thousands, from fire, from choking black smoke that filled the tunnels or from tunnel cave ins. The Great Rat felt each death, heard every pleading squeak and squeal. Yet it could do nothing for them, for it was only a rat. It lingered in the main chamber with the bulk of the colony, The Great Rat's presence the only thing keeping the rats from dissolving into chaos and anarchy. It felt the departure of the presence that had caused so much suffering and death and only once it had moved beyond the sense of The Great Rat, did it allow itself to fall unconscious.


The rat remembered the shaking, the stone falling down around it and the strange orange light that filled the tunnel. Strange, it thought. It remembered being completely trapped and everything becoming hotter and hotter, yet everything was still, cool and quiet and there was a tunnel here. The tunnel seemed to change from rough stone and soil to little pieces of smooth stone, laid out in regular steps. There was a clear white light at the end and the tunnel opened up into a enormous chamber. There were flying creatures, beasts that walked on four legs, some that walked on two, insects, all heading away into different small chambers and passages. Yet for all its busyness, it had an air of calmness and peace to it that the rat felt very welcoming. One of the flying creatures gently floated down towards the rat.

"You seem lost, little one." The rat wasn't sure whether the creature was actually speaking or if it was hearing it as a sound in its head. It squeaked. The floating creature indicated to one of the carved passages nearby.

“I ask a favour. There is another like me further along. Would you give him this message for me?”

The floating creature passed the rat something that felt like strange leaf with markings on. Grasping it gently between in its jaws, the rat scurried away down the corridor towards an unknown future.


The Great Rat was formed from the dreams and thoughts of its people. It was filled with hopes for the future. The love and compassion of family. An inquisitiveness for the world it lived in. In the desolated tunnels that had felt the touch of Nemesis, something else began to form. A creature born from the dying breaths of countless rats, from the frantic scrabbling of the entombed and the agonies of those that had been burned alive. Its fur was clumped and matted, bare patches of flesh mingling with scorched and blackened fur, its ears tattered. Jaws like daggers stretched from a head where two glowing red orbs burned with a dark, seething light. At the end of its tail, a flame burned constantly, unable to be extinguished in the deepest of waters or coldest of nights. One single thought echoed throughtout its mind.


Create Avatar (4 AP): The Nameless Rat: Born from the deaths of countless rats, the Nameless Rat is a creature of unrestrained fury and violence. It possesses many similar traits to the Great Rat, such as selecting its size in relation to whatever it is “interacting” with, usually via the medium of frantic biting and clawing. The ever burning flame on its tail can be used to attack but cannot summon special fiery attacks such as fireballs or flamethrowers. Much like The Great Rat, the Nameless Rat still has a lot to learn about its nature and what it can do.

6 AP - 4 AP = 2 AP.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-24, 01:35 PM
Janika the Neverfail

"I feel that you are mocking me, both of you." She said dryly, looking at both Tafeita and Caerox. "Come on, sis-ter, you would stoke your anger at me for the sake of these mortals even still? They are nothing but droplets of our power." The war goddess said, shaking her head. She used a bit of her power to generate more goblins and in that same instant they all disintegrated back to dust as she waved her hand. "Strength is all that I am. I can be no more than that. My creations know only what I have given them. Taking what they can and surviving. Just like me since I was born just over there. Or at least became aware of myself. I proceeded in the only way that made sense. I'm here for.. fun."

"We must all define ourselves against each other. Do you not think? For in this world what can we judge but the values that each of our siblings bring forth... war and strength is all I can give them..." Janika said back to Selima, her voice faltering for a moment before it was replaced by her typical starry-eyed exuberance. "But if I was to measure my worth what worth would it be to kill all of you? If that is even possible. I feel like I can only truly myself or another when stuck in a heated battle. Nothing is passionate than a fight. Nothing more emotional."

"It is a good thing! You think me and my goblins will not learn from this meeting.. Tafeita?"

"For war?? Splendid! That shall be most great fun, will it not? Now as for this race."

The giantess scratched her back underneath the fur of some great beastie and took a look around. She licked her finger and held it up, for wasn't really sure what for. The stomped over to a nearby tree in the Caldera and gave it a swift punch putting a big hole in it and then she seemed like she was looking really far away.

"Okay, we have all seen the great desert over there? It extends to the sea where my lands used to be. First to the edge and back to this tree?"

Tafeita: Race

The Hearth Goddess sighed, her ears slumping as she dipped her head. Her sister was truly a disgusting creature, who reveled in depravity and disdained any who did otherwise. There would be no arguing with her, and hadn't she already made her decision to take back her Caldera through force? There was no reason to argue further when her words wouldn't reach.

The race seemed waste of time to Tafeita. She could be at the tree in an instant, then be back at the start line just as quickly. As could any other divinity she was certain. Space was a trifle to one of the gods. However... if Janika could sate her thirst for conflict through simple competition, wasn't it her duty to indulge her? Perhaps she would pass that love onto her children, so they would cease to raid and enslave others and instead befriend them so they could challenge them to games. An impossible dream, perhaps, yet she still gained more from accepting than refusing.

"Fine," the beast divinity replied, patting over to the finish line before settling on her haunches. "I'll accept your challenge. There and back again it is."

2019-02-24, 06:23 PM
The Great Godly Gallop
With all the talk of a race, Sololond felt a little left out. Lacking legs, he could not run with the other gods. While fluffing Tafeita's divine tail, Sololond was struck with an idea. "While I cannot participate in the footrace, I can make sure it is concluded fairly. I shall make sure there is no spacial distorting, no shortcuts taken, and no outside interference. I will be at the finish line and will declare the winner." Sololond sent out his wraiths to line the course and two of them spread out a chain to mark the start and finish line.

2019-02-24, 06:52 PM

Trading In Catan

Llyr was not doing well. He had been attacked by no less than three predator-beasts in the last day, and though he had driven them off, one had bitten him badly on his leg, and that wound was burning in a way that told Llyr that something had gotten into his blood. He needed help, or at least a place to rest, but he was so far away from his village that going back would be suicide. So it was that Llyr stumbled from the surf on the island of Catan, half delirious from the infection and pain, and collapsed in the sand. He had no thoughts for the paradise surrounding him, and his normally cool body was burning with fever.

Le'li grabbed her net and ran with all her might...something had stumbled out of the surf and collapsed on the beach. She ducked behind a dune and thought about sprinting back to the village, but as with all caracan...her curiosity got the best of her....maybe just one peak.

One peak turned into two, three, four and then slowly she slunk down the beach to investigate...emboldened by the unmoving nature of the strange thing. Now she bent over the figure and saw that it was some sort of fishman and it was breathing...shallowly, but breathing. There was a terrible wound on its lower body, and Le'li somehow knew that if she left it here it would die....I cannot carry you though, you're much too big.

Making up her mind she rose and sprinted back to her village, fetching her cousins and imploring their aid.

So it was that Llyr awoke some time later, in a simple open-sided thatch hutch with two older catfolk women looking down at him. His wounds had been treated with some foul smelling poultice. A disapproving male stood over the shoulder of the two women with his arms crossed over his chest. Seeing Llyr's eyes flutter open, he leaned in close, motioned to his mouth with his clawed hands, "Do you speak fishman?"

2019-02-24, 08:45 PM

Content before his anvil, Nemesis took a long moment before turning his attention towards the strange interloper. His hammer struck true once, twice, and with the third blow fire coruscated into still and steely life. It was a hammer unlike any before, clearly unsuited for the smith's art, its neck long and topped by a twisted and brutish head. Nemesis' lips curled into a scowl at the sight of it, and with a violent heave he banished it into the lava below. Looming above the glossy surface of his blank canvas, he rumbled a response.

"How strange, to be graced with a visitor in my home. You are diminished, but no doubt divine."

He turned to give his full attention to the crystalline bird perched on the lip of Karam-Kor, head tilting to one side as though appraising the craftsmanship.

"And only the second of our kind I have seen. My sister should hear of this - come."

Confident that no more needed to be said, Nemesis rose from his forge and descended the mountain of power. His step was sure and confident, yet as he reached the foothills of his people he stopped short. The furious heat that announced his presence had set the ghost grass ablaze, a wall of flame ripping towards his newly sculpted forests and rivers, sweeping all manner of life before it. Nemesis frowned, and with upraised hand banished the fire with a thought. He glanced down upon his sculpted body, at the rippling waves of heat playing from the molten glass of his limbs, and his frown deepened. His eyes closed, and all around the molten god the air erupted into billowing steam. Head snapping up towards the heavens, his mouth opened in a scream that unleashed a whistling torrent of hot air, punching through the ash clouds above and roiling into stormy life in the firmament. The first rain fell upon Karam-Kor as the mists cleared, revealing the looming statue of Nemesis. Blazing skin had cooled to smooth and glossy obsidian, and though fire still beat in his breast and shone from his eye he strode the land without leaving devastation in his wake. It was in this new form he approached the glass manse of his nameless sister, and with a thought reduced himself to enter without annihilating all within.

Nemesis halted in the archway of the glistening bathhouse, taken aback by the profusion of life and color that bathed the interior. More than that, though, the presence of a second divinity filled him with surprised delight. He recognized the ravenous, fleshy creature at once as his gold-born blood, but the second was a stranger to him, though the light of her countenance was vaguely familiar.

"Sister. I promised I would return."

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-24, 09:06 PM
Mamona & Looloodi
On the shores of Karam-Kor

Mamona wore a naked look of annoyance at having been one-upped in her own purview. Her expression softened as she ate of the golden grapes. To her dismay, they were delicious, but so laden with laden with aphrodisiacs that she she soon forgot the slight.

"Not this island," she pouted. "I do not think it is worthy of my visage. Though, as a parting gift I shall leave these giants with graven images. One day, perhaps, they will properly appreciate the female form and worship me as I deserve."

"I will carve out my own realm, a palace of indulgence with creatures more suitably shaped for my needs." Her eyes danced with lecherous thoughts, but the look faded quickly with a feigned expression of hopeful innocence.

"For now, you will introduce me to the others? I want to meet them and see what playthings they've made. I'm so eager to make improvements." She gestured to the golden vine as an example.

"But before we depart, we will make love, won't we? I doubt you came all this way just to compliment me and... play with my grapes."

Create Mundane Concept: Sensual Arts - Everything done for pleasure instead of procreation is in some small way an act of worship and exalts Mamona. The goddess of lust receives credit for provocative dancing and virtually every creative act done in the bedroom. Or in the bath. Or on the kitchen counter.

+4 AP from Week 2
-1 AP Create Mundane Concept - Nobility (Decadence) Domain
9 AP remaining


Some time later, she was interrupted by her brother's appearance. Exasperated at the disturbance, she rose from the pool and placed her hands firmly on her hips. She said nothing, but pursed her lips and waited for further explanation.

Deja Who?
2019-02-24, 09:48 PM
Janika the Neverfail and the Race

"You will do it, then? Yes! Haha I worry that if you get too far in front I may forget about the race and start hunting you. You are so small." Janika laughed before making her dark threat, and then laughed once more. "Once the rules have been set I would never dishonor them." She added, changing her voice into a mocking bad impression, presumably of Tafeita.

The goddess of goblins stood up as tall as she could and put her hand over to shield her eyes. "Never been as far as the desert since I was born." She mused idly while doing a few warm-ups.

"Yes.. that gives me some inspiration. Keep things 'fair'." Janika smiled widely and nodded at Sololand. Then she looked over at Caerox and Selima. "Will you be joining us?"

Regardless of the answer, she gave Sololand a signal indicating everything was ready and set off at a steady pace by foot towards the glare of Cyron's Gaze. The race had begun.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-24, 10:07 PM
Trading in Catan

Le'li grabbed her net and ran with all her might...something had stumbled out of the turf and collapsed on the beach. She ducked behind a dune and thought about sprinting back to the village, but as with all caracan...her curiosity got the best of her....maybe just one peak.

One peak turned into two, three, four and then slowly she slunk down the beach to investigate...emboldened by the unmoving nature of the strange thing. Now she bent over the figure and saw that it was some sort of fishman and it was breathing...shallowly, but breathing. There was a terrible wound on its lower body, and Le'li somehow knew that if she left it here it would die....I cannot carry you though, you're much too big.

Making up her mind she rose and sprinted back to her village, fetching her cousins and imploring their aid.

So it was that Llyr awoke some time later, in a simple open-sided thatch hutch with two older catfolk women looking down at him. His wounds had been treated with some foul smelling poultice. A disapproving male stood over the shoulder of the two women with his arms crossed over his chest, and seeing his eyes flutter open. He leaned in close, motioned to his mouth with his clawed hands, "Do you speak fishman?"

Llyr was shocked that the creature before him could speak his language, though he supposed it was within the goddess' infinite wisdom to give all living things the ability to communicate - Her words spoke of community and togetherness. He was more surprised at the creatures in front of him. They had the fur of seals long out of the water, and whiskers like the catfish that fed among the reefs, and eyes like the great predators, suited for seeing in low lights and hunting. "Yes, I speak. I am Llyr, and I am not a fish-man - I am Mer. And... thank you, for saving my life." He pauses, tries to sit up, then groans at the pain and slumps down again. "Where am I?"

2019-02-24, 10:30 PM
Looloodi: Mamona's Pool

Looloodi feels slightly woozy, the effects of the bath, the drink, and now the grapes making her feel warm all over. Especially her flowers. If Looloodi didn't know any better, she would say the blossoms by her navel and the foliage around her chest were alight in flames. It was all such a strange sensation. "You wish to meet others? I can, like, introduce you to my sisters, if we can, like, find them again. My Sissy, Tafeita, was totally in the middle of something though when I left, so she, like, might not have time to talk. And I have no idea where my Sissy Selima could be. Maybe if we, like, went back to my island, we can, like, go to the top of my baby and look from there?"

Make Love? Looloodi tilts her head in confusion. Isn't Love a feeling? There is a way to make it? Perhaps it is a godly power she simply doesn't know she has. She blushes, embarrassed by Mamona's words. "W-well....you see.....the thing is....." Looloodi is suddenly hushed by Mamona delicately placing her hand on her cheek. "Shhhh....its ok.......let me show you....... Mamona quickly, but gently places her lips against Looloodi's, sucking them softly while her hands pet through Looloodi's long, red filaments. Looloodi, overtaken by the pleasurable sensations, returns the kiss wholeheartedly, wrapping her arms around Mamona's beautiful neck as she embraces the moment. Mamona's hands travel down from Looloodi's hair, her fingertips barely brushing the outline of her body all the way to her waist before traveling up again and resting against her armpits, her fingers pushing against the top of her foliage. Purring softly into Looloodi's ear, Mamona whispers "Let's see what kind of fun we can have, yes?" Looloodi's only response is a pleading look in her eyes, nearly begging for the sweet taste of Mamona's lips once again......

.................................................. ....................................

Some time later, Looloodi pants softly as she tries to regain her breath. The effects of the amazing experience she just had still buzz throughout her entire body. She isn't entirely aware when Mamona suddenly stands up, nor does she seem to notice the large brutish God that now stands before them, or the familiar looking bird that appears latched to his shoulder. All Looloodi currently knows is that it was a good idea to follow her senses to this place, even if those same senses also gave dire warnings.

2019-02-24, 10:38 PM
Tenebreon: What is a World?

Tenebreon descended into the depths of his caverns. He toiled for many months, not even stopping to gather the sacrifices left for him at the mouth of the sinkhole, which was becoming a grand temple in his honor. Then, at long last, his work was complete. He had constructed an intricate puzzle box, the likes of which had never before been seen and never would be seen again. For within the box was an entire world, crafted by his hand, and the rooms of that world linked together and formed the cogs of the box. One could wander for an eternity amidst the gears, through palaces and temples each more wondrous than the last, through libraries stocked with thousands of scrolls, stone tablets, and books, and through beautiful underground gardens filled with burbling streams and elegant speleotherms. But to those who can navigate the maze and escape, the most cunning of all, Tenebreon offers the ultimate reward: to return to the land of the living once more.
The souls of Tenebreon's dead servants went into the box, their eternal reward earned.

Start: 4/16
Rollover: +4
Weave Plane: Pompeius, the Labyrinthine Palace [Society (ingenuity) 6/10]
An infinite labyrinth of palatial chambers, each designed to stimulate the intellect and bring pleasure to scholars and craftsmen. The entire plane is contained within a clockwork box of unbelievable complexity, which Tenebreon keeps under close guard in his deepest workrooms. Although one could spend an eternity in Pompeius, those who can navigate to the hidden exit of the labyrinth are rewarded with a second chance at mortal life.
End: 4/16

Deja Who?
2019-02-24, 10:49 PM
Bonechewer Tribe, Darkest Simbani

Back before the shattering goblins had lived on the lands that were known as savage. They were born in the relative safety of the Caldera, of course, but they soon spread out due to natural curiosity, resource scarcity, or outright war. The constantly shifting number of tribes that most simply referred to as The Thirty Tribes, for ease, was hard to keep track of, to say the least. Tribes would change leaders, all of them would be killed, tribes would fold into another making yet a new tribe. A constant working cycle of life and death.

The goblins in the Caldera hadn't had to deal with The Shattering. Not really. There was the threat of Penghou inside the rainforest and the storms outside, but a life in the Savage Lands had been a life free. Many died when the islands split and only the very oldest now remember the stories that their Elders used to tell of a great Oneland. But kids these days listen about as well as the Elder One's listened when they were kids. Always worried about impressing a mate, crafting the best club, or hunting the ultimate prey that'll make you noticed by Janika. The rush of the kill.

Not all the remaining islands were infested by goblins and new life sprang forth on some, like in sweet Catan to the south. A land ripe for the spoils to a goblin that doesn't fear water. For if only they knew of what little land separated them from a brutal menace they couldn't imagine. In the harsh lands of the savanna there was ofttimes a slight aberrance in the birth of a child. These.. monstrous children were born goblins just like normal but something was different. You could always tell when it was by the fangs. They have them in the bottom jaw- two jutting fangs, perfect for tearing flesh. Makes them look scary too.

But that isn't the worst part. They have a capacity for ferocity unlike any Goblin before. They don't stop growing. They are the perfect killing machines with unlimited stamina. Perfectly suited to running across the savanna rather than crawling through thick jungle. From what I can tell you about a quarter of all goblin children end up being one of them these days.

They say if you are born an orc than you're destined for great things.

AP: 7

Create Sub-Race (1 AP) - Orcs: Orcs are a sapient race that are randomly born into Goblin families. For all intents and purposes they are considered Goblins and anything affecting Goblins would generally do the same to them. They are still shades of green and brown, and have the trademark extremely long pointy ears of a goblin. They have a much stronger jawline and two jutting bottom fangs in addition to their normal goblin sharp teeth for a stronger grip on a bite. Orcs stand at about 6'0", on average, and are made of rippling muscles. This genetic aberration is a great born to any goblin born with it, without question, and those who are born Orcs usually end up leading their clan. [Nature (Savagery)]

Bless (1 AP) - Bloodlust: Orcs have heightened senses beyond that of an ordinary mortal, sometimes able to track and locate wounded prey by scent alone. An orc has a higher fertility than any other goblin and will often have several times the children of a regular goblin, but these kids will generally be goblins of lesser stock. They also have a certain capacity to numb their pain in the midst of battle and keep fighting past normally crippling damage. In addition to this if an Orc is reduced to a near-death state but survives than that orc will become even stronger upon recovering, akin to having murdered someone as with the Murder's Delight Bless. [Nature (Savagery)]

Alter Land (1 AP) - Simbani: The lands of Simbani in the south contain the largest part of the Caldera that broke from the main land, now a wild and untamed jungle dominating the left of the island. The other half of the land is Savanna full of the same life that once dominated the Savage Lands. The three islands around Simbani are also infested with Goblins who live a life closer to the sea. They're close enough to swim to from the mainland of Simbani. [Nature (Savagery)]

Trade (Crime) 3/10
Nature (Savagery) 3/10

AP: 4

2019-02-24, 11:43 PM
A Prelude To A Trial

The Hall of Titans

"You speak in riddles, Cloudmother," Many-As-One say contemplatively to the hagfish that was also a Lord of Creation as it banters with the Tidecaller, "We are curious to understand whether you truly possess some stake in this trial or if you simply wish for companionship. If the latter is what you desire, this may not be the appropriate time or locale for such a longing-"

The cluster of deific birds abruptly cuts off mind-sentence, distracted as information flows into their collective mind from other locales of the Hall. This place of peace and council is the first star, and as the god of stars Many-As-One are uniquely suited to know when other deities attempt to invoke changes on their stellar children. The influences of the Sky Whisperer and the Prophet in Stone could be tangibly felt; elemental forces and distortions of spacetime that altered the rigid, orderly designs Many-As-One had originally created for the place. It would not do for the other gods to wantonly interfere with the Hall, and Many-As-One confer among themselves while waiting for One-Of-Many to return with the accused.

An accord is reached shortly - the Hall of Titans is a place for all gods, and therefore why should it not have a place for each god? The thousand minus one birds of the flock raise their thousand minus one beaks in a simultaneous arc and sing a cosmic song of creation, ethereal and haunting, and as their song builds and vibrates in pitch and rhythm, the Hall shifts and changes once more, acquiring new substance. From the central room occupied by the soon-to-be trial, hallways now lead off in every possible direction, one for each Lord of Creation in existence, each emblazoned with their unique symbol. One hallway marked with Daghir's arrow-split cross leads to the Sky Whisperer's infinite holds of knowledge and memory, another bearing the basalt square of the Prophet in Stone holds the gateway to their garden of elementals and blotches.

As Many-As-One finish their latest work, a signal spreads across the cosmos, touching the mind of every deity - If you desire a place to create safely and unmolested, there is a home for you in the Hall of Titans at the top of the world.

"Now," Say Many-As-One to Marah as if nothing had just happened at all, "Is there anything we must know as arbitrator of this trial before it begins?"

The Baths of Mamona

One-Of-Many flies after the Reforged King at a measured pace as he made his destructive path towards his so-called sister. Did the Lords of Creation have families as did the mortal creatures? And what did it imply - that they could produce children, that their children could in turn produce more children? This was a fact that had been hidden from Many-As-One, and when a god of secrets encounter something they do not know or understand, it becomes profoundly troubling. But it was a thought to be examined more thoroughly, and meditated upon, at a later date.

They arrived, and One-Of-Many regarded the two goddesses from atop its perch on Nemesis' shoulder. The Reforged King had not lied, then, for even at a glance the deific, no, the familial connection that bound them close was obvious. "Greetings, fellow Lords of Creation," It intoned to the two, "We are One-Of-Many that waits in the Hall of Titans for a trial soon to be conducted." Focusing on Mamona in particular, it says, "Scarlet Seductress, we have requested the presence of your brother at this trial, for he stands accused by one of our fellow Lords. You may accompany him, if you so choose."

Starting AP: 2 + 4 Rollover = 6 AP

Alter Land - A Home for Every Lord: The Hall of Titans now has a wing individually devoted to every god that is currently or ever will be in existence. Each wing is particularly suited to being shaped and experimented on by the powers of the god it is designated for. (1 AP) [1/10 Planes (Travel)]

Final AP
6 Starting - 1 = 5 AP

Domain Progress
4/10 Civilization (Heroes)
1/10 Planes (Travel)

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-25, 12:46 AM
"Seductress? That's nearly flattering. But the 'scarlet' part is mere affectation and circumstance." She patted the floral goddess on the head and climbed out of the bath. Much of the blush drained from her alabaster skin, but her lips remained as lavishly flush as ever.

Ignoring the newcomers, she was a moment drying herself with a warm breeze, then banishing the heap of gold and jewels to her amulet for safekeeping. The pavilion too faded away, leaving no trace of Mamona's idle opulence except for the shallow pool in the blackened rock of the beach, and Looloodi still catching her breath and holding an armful of grapes. The glass would be reused later when she'd decided on a permanent dwelling place. Waste not.

Minutes crept by as she primped with the aid of a conjured mirror and comb. When she'd restored her hair to its proper elegance, she set to work crafting a dress and girdle. The dress was wrought in pale silver rings as maille, but so fine as to be silken and light to the touch. The girdle was formed from wide plates of gold set with rubies and managed to slightly narrow her already hourglass figure.

The fallen gems from Looloodi's body were repurposed into a bracelet. Mamona returned these to their rightful owner with a tender smile as a keepsake.

"You may call me Mamona. Now, of what is Nemesis accused?" She returned her haughty attention to the bird-spirit-crystal-thing. "And who is his accuser? And for that matter, by what sovereignty is he bound and by what authority do you call him to trial?"

She went to stab Nemesis in the chest with her diamond tipped nail. It was meant to be playful. "Silly thing. Entering into compacts and swearing fealty while your clever sister is in the bath. Well, well, let's hear all about your new liege and this law that you've broken. Spit it out."

2019-02-25, 02:57 AM

Looking down at Mamona's hail as it struck home against his chest, Nemesis smiled back.

"Mamona? It suits you."

Eyes flicked towards the bird on his shoulder.

"I am yet unlearned in the customs of other gods, songbird, but you choose a strange jest. You worry my sister with talk of trials and accusations."

2019-02-25, 09:31 AM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

"A false comparison, sister - His act was not one of nature. The storms, the waves, the wind are all nature, they are created by us but not us. I am the Ocean, but I do not make the waves that crash into the shore during the storms. It was a deliberate act by a god's hand against mortals. Such things should not be. If we do not act through intermediaries, we risk the destruction of everything we build." There is little worry of Marah's lack of rage - her Ocean-Body roiled with barely contained fury once more. "As for punishment - it should be against the god themself. There is no purpose in continuing the cycle that began this. Banishment from his creations should suffice. It was for them that he committed this heinous act. The punishment befits the crime."

The hagfish speaks in goopy words from the depths.

Are . . brrlplop . . . we not nature ourselves?

But our wait for justice and the delay themselves are the issue - who are we, who are our kin, if they or we submitted to one another so meekly. Our kin does not seem to want to . . brrlplop . . . come . . brrlplop . . . to bend the knee or expose his neck or belly to us to deliver justice. So I would offer you something besides my coral, let me speak with this offender - outside this court for justice does not need scales and a tribunal. It could be an apology or an atonement, it could be our justice. Let me alone parlay with the offender and if their excuses and amends and recompense are . . brrlplop . . . inadequate I will join you to seek harsher retribution.

2019-02-25, 10:42 AM
[Moss, Everywhere]

A Stone's gift to ancestral ferns caused a rumbling unlike any other. Moss has always been fond of flame and grown on the light of magma and elemental lightning or flame bound in the bodies of the dead. But now it bloomed, and there was a verdant flood underground, it crashed against itself and crushed its own kind, but moss is a vicious thing and death bodes ill for anything it touches, even itself.

Spurned by the uncontrolled growth, the caretakers dug. In all directions these decrepit vagrants and vagabonds tunneled, and their talons were joined by the molten sludge of the most ancient dead, beast and plant alike and even moss itself. Dark, formless titans rising from gurgling, fetid pools beneath the world, the spores embedded in their oleous forms urging them towards light and heat.

East they dug, to the roots of the great tree Illianthos around which great, toxic forests grew. There the moss grew along the roots towards the surface, yearning for that endless light. And spreading on the backs of the many rats that dwelled there. So abundant it was and so lacking in caretakers fit for the tunnels of Tanglenest that it could not even avoid the critter's fangs.

South, into the undersea lands of the mer, fissures opened from which dark water scurried upwards in thick, toxic tendrils, some of them far too willing to grab at passerbys. The once marginal danger of the wandering dead had come to the heart of the Tidal Palace and a green carped not at all comprised of algeae expanded from new fumaroles around the ruins of Nemesis' devastation.

All around the islands of the shattered lands, the distant earthquakes trembled once with unheard of might and then returned to normal, but henceforth sinkholes would on occasion appear out of seemingly nowhere, and from them the moss would expand, and the dead would rise.

And in Karan-Tor, the diggers hit a lava flow, one of many, and the moss erupted as the mountain would. Cracking through the island's south and spreading like a plague over the land.

The underworld was in disarray, buried within a tsunami of green.

Somewhere, beneath a mass of newly formed vegetation, there was a mural nobody would ever read.

I am not sure how I feel about this gift.

6 AP + 4 AP: 10 AP

Alter Land- Illianthos, The Shattered Lands, The Tidal Palace, Karam-Kor (1 AP x4): The tunnels of the underworld spread beyond the First Land, to all other lands. With it comes a torrent of deep moss unlike anything that came before, and will follow the expansion of caretakers. Worse yet, once the moss is cleared, vagrants, vagabonds and flecks will be almost guaranteed to escape the First Land through the tunnels (the tunnels will naturally clear over time). Time (Eternity) [4/10]
Create Monstrous Race - The Tar Lords (1 AP): A tar lord is no more than a flammable mass of fossilized, liquefied plants (specially moss itself), animals, fungi and flecks reanimated by the moss. These gigantic things flow across the land in search of light and heat to stimulate growth in the spores they carry and scatter. Fire causes the spores mixed into the tar lord to grow explosively, effectively destroying the creature but also causing a crushing tide of moss, which will bury itself and eventually cause a new monstrosity to arise (well, that is a very long eventually, of course).
Few things in the world are as dangerous as a Tar Lord, but without interference the horrors take millennia to form at the earliest, and much longer in non-ideal conditions.
These creatures also go by other names, including Pitch Fiends and Oil Krakens. Time (Eternity) [5/10]

5 AP

Anubis Dread
2019-02-25, 01:26 PM
Tafeita: The Race

The race, it seemed, was on. Yet no sooner had Tafeita began to spring forth than she was knocked back down to the ground as the very world trembled. For a moment she considered simply ignoring the devastation she could feel through her earthen mantle and the abomination against her grasp of life and continuing on with the race. The protection and comfort of the world was proving a heavy burden after all, and if all was ultimately meaningless before diving power than why should she care? It would be so much easier simply to... not. To just do what she wanted to do like the more selfish gods she'd met. Yet to do so would be so violently against her nature she would likely destroy herself with her own apathy. She was the hearth, the child, the joy. To be otherwise was to not be.

Besides, she doubted Janika would even notice she was gone. She could probably head off then come back by the time she'd gotten to the beach and back and simply claim to have fallen too far behind. Or if she wanted to mess with her claim she'd been so fast that she'd gotten there and back faster than the war goddess could comprehend. Their judge would call her on it no doubt, but it might be worth it for the brief satisfaction of her frustration.

"I have business to attend to," the beast spoke to those who remained, her eye turning to look at the desert goddess in particular. Perhaps... well she'd intended to cooperate with her siblings for some time. She could certainly do worse than tying her fate to one of the good ones. "But I thank you for your aid. Here," Tafeita flicked a flame of power to Selima with a wave of her tail. "I'd be happy to work together with you again sometime."

AP = 2 + 4 for new week = 6

Form Pantheon 1AP (deferred)

Remaining AP = 5

Toxic Mind
2019-02-25, 02:29 PM
For Queen and Country

The village of Seng had long been under guard, after the devastation wrought by the hateful god. Mer did not speak His name, for He was the destroyer, and anything He touched was cursed. When the moss exploded from the Seng Rift, the guards saw it coming. It availed them little; most were consumed in an instant, but some of the farther out members of the Queens-guard had time to take action. A few tried to flee, which accomplished little beyond prolonging their lives for a few more seconds, but most sacrificed themselves in an attempt to give warning to the other mer, selling their lives for their country dearly.

The echoes of the warning blasts resonated through the halls of the Tidal Palace. Danger was coming, and whatever it was, it had caused all of the Northern Guards to blow their alarm. Nothing natural could have caused such an outcry, and so Queen Adira assumed the worst - another attack by the destroyer, or one of his minions. When the Moss burst from beneath the sand, the Mer were ready, hacking down the growths with razor sharp bone. They quickly discovered that the scythes used for harvesting kelp allowed great swathes of moss to be cleared quickly, at less danger to the wielder. Eventually, at great loss of Mer life, the moss was driven back out of the Tidal Palace, and out of the city to the border of its coral walls. Here, the coral was most fortuitous, as the mucous that it excreted, long adapted to by the Mer, trapped the Moss in great clumps, far easier to deal with. Outside the city, the Coral was less dense, and made containment much more difficult.

So came the Scar. Running South from the village of Seng to the border of the Tidal Palace, it was a place of death, barely held in check by Mer warriors and the surrounding coral trees, which kept it from expanding too quickly to be checked. Its point of origin told the Mer all they needed to know - the Moss was from the Destroyer, and thus to be hated and crushed wherever possible. The creatures that came from it were abominations, to be cut down without mercy or hesitation. So it was written.

Starting: 7/16
-1AP Alter Land: The Scar - a long line leading south through the Coral Forest to the border of the city surrounding the Tidal Palace. The Scar is the place where the Moss enters the Ocean from below, and the Mer avoid it like the plague. It is constantly guarded against incursion, and anything from the Scar is assumed to be evil. [Life (Nourishment) 4/10]
-1AP Bless: Containment - The Coral structure of the Tidal Palace and the surrounding city helps contain the moss and keep it out of the city. The coral mucous gathers and traps the moss before it can expand. [Life (Nourishment) 5/10]

Ending AP: 5/16
Music (Song): 1/10
Life (Nourishment): 4/10

Toxic Mind
2019-02-25, 02:55 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword


The hagfish speaks in goopy words from the depths.

Are . . brrlplop . . . we not nature ourselves?

But our wait for justice and the delay themselves are the issue - who are we, who are our kin, if they or we submitted to one another so meekly. Our kin does not seem to want to . . brrlplop . . . come . . brrlplop . . . to bend the knee or expose his neck or belly to us to deliver justice. So I would offer you something besides my coral, let me speak with this offender - outside this court for justice does not need scales and a tribunal. It could be an apology or an atonement, it could be our justice. Let me alone parlay with the offender and if their excuses and amends and recompense are . . brrlplop . . . inadequate I will join you to seek harsher retribution.
"Perhaps a messenger is not sufficient. You may go in my stead, who are more removed. He will come here and face justice though, whatever you say to bring him." Marah addresses the others now. "If he does not, I will take matters into my own hands." The tempest within her form made it clear what that retribution would entail.

2019-02-25, 03:11 PM

In the barren and devastated lands of the north, Creation moaned. Then it sighed in relief as if passing the most agonizing of kidney stones, the ground trembled, pulsated, and in one final undulating motion the earth split itself wide to reveal a massive noxious toxic miasma. And so it stayed for quite some time, a disgusting boil upon the dreary yet opulent glory of Karam-Kor, and a sight that repulsed all who would lay eyes on it. It remained in such a way for a time none could count, or perhaps more accurately none would care to count, and as life is want to do when presented with the undesirable it merely ignored the presence of such a blight. That is until finally a bubble formed upon its surface, a giant wart upon realities face, and popped with the resounding clap of a thunderstorm and the satisfying hiss of filthy grease upon a hot rusty pan.

Freed of its prison, the creature slowly felt itself rise upon the surface of the tarry pit, and with vagrant eyes of dimmest coal did see the earth close its wound and heal itself. The monster hissed at the notion, yet did nothing to stop it, and merely laid in place long enough for the process of healing to complete. Like a scab upon a fresh wound it remained, staring dimly at the poisonous sky above, and its mouth did burble and gurgle nonsensical noise. It stared at a point long enough to notice it drift and in its curiosity it raised a finger to point at it and follow its movement. It did not question why it had hands or fingers only knowing that it now did. So this loiterer did stay for some time until one day an entity capable of thought came upon it. It was a statuesque creature, beautiful yet plain to behold, and its size was brobdingnagian in scale. The Giant looked down upon the strange creature born upon its land, bent a knee to examine it closer, and soon found itself swallowed halfway whole.

Though it had never felt anything before the creature suddenly felt within itself an aching that had always been there, a hunger that would never be sated, and one that it had simply ignored or been constantly nurturing in the womb of its subterranean past. Swallowing the Giant whole, the creature was sated for a moment, and suddenly it rolled over in agonizing pain. It was not enough. Nothing was enough. Feet rose to carry the beast on high and it opened its mouth fully to release a pained and agonizing screech to shatter hearts or ears. Its incessant whining was answered by the sight of another such Giant and the creatures dim eyes sparked with revelation just as one of them slowly slipped free from its socket and lost itself in the earth below.

"Brother? Where are you brother?" It called as it stomped around the barren wastes. Its eyes settled upon the blighted monster surrounded by withering nothingness and noted its gleam of intelligence "Who are you? That which stands upon my Lords holy land? Speak. I am Abil-Kkan and I seek my brother as we have scavenged these lands far and wide in search for something to please our God and hasten his return. Have you seen him a figure such as I?"

Though it had never spoke the beast understood and though it never had been given a name it knew it already "I am Enkidan. I have not seen your brother but I think, perhaps, he has abandoned you. Left you astray to work whilst he lays about and takes your hard worked reward. But I do have in my possession something that will please your master if you but bring me back from whence you came. I am full of wonders and have beheld even more such things and all I require is the smallest of offerings."

Abil-Kkan nodded his head knowingly and consented to Enkidan's offer, his face wracked with pain at his brothers treachery, and solemnly did he bring his cart over to carry the godling from his birthplace and towards Akkraul. "Why do you seek such things?" Enkidan inquired as it was cradled from the ground and placed within its transport, disgusting oily fingers slipping through the cracks inquisitively "Your brother seems most wise in his action I think. To leave another indebted by oath or bond to complete that which you desire. Should not you have something as so? Have you not toiled long enough as is? This all seems a bit much and you seem more fit to speak and command than labor or scrounge. Should you not merely wait for your lords return, accrue what you can, and be all the more prepared to please them as they would actually see fit? All you do in truth is labor for the idea of your Lord, not what he truly desires, and demands of you or your brother. He is the wiser one indeed."

Abil-Kkan thought on this as he brought his cart along the ruined earth to the great city of Akkraul and it perturbed his mind. So greatly was he vexed by Enkidan's musing that he hardly noticed the disgusting wart vomiting upon itself, eating the remains, and absent mindedly snatching useless things off of the road to eat or examine. The load upon his mind far greater than the ever increasing pile of garbage accumulating behind him in a mound of degeneracy.

1 AP Create Mundane Concept: Treachery

1 AP Create Mundane Concept: Theft

1 AP Create Mundane Concept: Lying

1 AP Create Mundane Concept: Piling things up in mounds to store them

2 AP Create Advanced Concept: Bureaucracy

6/10 AP towards Theft (Efficiency) Domain.

10 AP remaining.

2019-02-25, 03:36 PM

Trading in Catan

Llyr was shocked that the creature before him could speak his language, though he supposed it was within the goddess' infinite wisdom to give all living things the ability to communicate - Her words spoke of community and togetherness. He was more surprised at the creatures in front of him. They had the fur of seals long out of the water, and whiskers like the catfish that fed among the reefs, and eyes like the great predators, suited for seeing in low lights and hunting. "Yes, I speak. I am Llyr, and I am not a fish-man - I am Mer. And... thank you, for saving my life." He pauses, tries to sit up, then groans at the pain and slumps down again. "Where am I?"

The look upon his face was one of befuddlement, then a nod of appreciation and acceptance. He tested the words on his lips, "Mer? Mer are people of the oceans and seas?"

As Llyr, slumps back down, he leans in closer, "We are the caracan. I am called Kauri. For now you must rest."

Over the next few days Kauri returned to visit with Llyr frequently, at first he was clearly concerned with the merman's health, but then it became evident he was very much curious about the things Llyr carried as well as his armor and weapons.

2019-02-25, 03:46 PM
"Seductress? That's nearly flattering. But the 'scarlet' part is mere affectation and circumstance." She patted the floral goddess on the head and climbed out of the bath. Much of the blush drained from her alabaster skin, but her lips remained as lavishly flush as ever.

Ignoring the newcomers, she was a moment drying herself with a warm breeze, then banishing the heap of gold and jewels to her amulet for safekeeping. The pavilion too faded away, leaving no trace of Mamona's idle opulence except for the shallow pool in the blackened rock of the beach, and Looloodi still catching her breath and holding an armful of grapes. The glass would be reused later when she'd decided on a permanent dwelling place. Waste not.

Minutes crept by as she primped with the aid of a conjured mirror and comb. When she'd restored her hair to its proper elegance, she set to work crafting a dress and girdle. The dress was wrought in pale silver rings as maille, but so fine as to be silken and light to the touch. The girdle was formed from wide plates of gold set with rubies and managed to slightly narrow her already hourglass figure.

The fallen gems from Looloodi's body were repurposed into a bracelet. Mamona returned these to their rightful owner with a tender smile as a keepsake.

"You may call me Mamona. Now, of what is Nemesis accused?" She returned her haughty attention to the bird-spirit-crystal-thing. "And who is his accuser? And for that matter, by what sovereignty is he bound and by what authority do you call him to trial?"

She went to stab Nemesis in the chest with her diamond tipped nail. It was meant to be playful. "Silly thing. Entering into compacts and swearing fealty while your clever sister is in the bath. Well, well, let's hear all about your new liege and this law that you've broken. Spit it out."


Looking down at Mamona's hail as it struck home against his chest, Nemesis smiled back.

"Mamona? It suits you."

Eyes flicked towards the bird on his shoulder.

"I am yet unlearned in the customs of other gods, songbird, but you choose a strange jest. You worry my sister with talk of trials and accusations."

Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

"Perhaps a messenger is not sufficient. You may go in my stead, who are more removed. He will come here and face justice though, whatever you say to bring him." Marah addresses the others now. "If he does not, I will take matters into my own hands." The tempest within her form made it clear what that retribution would entail.

Slime, Steel and Gold

The hagfish swims away from the Hall, swimming through planes in the lazy serpentine that similar fish and creatures would swim through the sea, the currents of deep time and metaphor breaking across her leathery skin. Her slime leaves the reply to Marah as she leaves:

We shall see.

She traces the breaking ripples of following the herald of Many-Of-One, not so much a Herald but the small aspect the god. Divine, but a fragment - and she wondered what such fragment said about the gods? Divisible?

Regardless she swam back to the Mortal realm and saw that it was in great upheaval, which suited her, not that she was an agent of chaos but that such upheaval and chaos gave her the chance to see how ripples would crash - which butterfly wings would beat the wind only to cause oil spouting from some great beast underground. In short, the world looked unexpected now, which gave her the idea that she should leave it only to regain this new perspective of surprise.

She then traced the raven flight of her lord of heaven's single bird and eventually swam quietly lazily to the shallow pool in the blackened rock of the beach where the goddess of the tree whom she spied from her clouds was lounging with her eyes closed and holding grapes. With this goddess, she saw the avatar of the bird of trials as well as two other interesting gods. A brother of steel and a sister of gold.

The fire that seeped off the brother indicated him as the god whom Marah had sworn her ill-defined justice. He was pierced with a nail. Interesting. The sister's relationship with the goddess of the light was equally interesting. Eniym arrives not so much as fanfare but a squelch.

Answering the Lord of Steel, the upheaval responds first without introduction

The customs of the Gods are . . brrlplop . . . still young.

Eniym swims, and while swimming the phelpmy clouds of her doing start to creep closer - the moss that had begun to erupt from underground met with a gentle snow of spores, each of them illuminated by lighting - potentially signifying importance, potentially signifying nothing at all. It is always hard to understand what is a portent and what is useless noise.

Eniym turns to the avatar of Many-of-one:

Go back to your perch and we shall join you in due time. Justice may not . . brrlplop . . . wait but it may as we learn proceed as if swimming in a swamp of muck. While you fly . . brrlplop . . . think of my previous words and consider . . brrlplop . . . what company they keep.

Finally, without waiting for the aspect of those who wait in contemplation to leave, although clearly expecting it to leave before saying anything of import, she turns her attention to the two royal siblings.

Greetings, you may call me Eniym.

Somehow managing to get that sentence across without her words catching and snagging on her ooze.

2019-02-25, 04:22 PM
Looloodi: Mamona's Bath

What is going on? Looloodi doesn't really know, but she is starting to take notice of all of the various deities suddenly converging at this spot. Were they all drawn to Mamona as she was? Perhaps the combined beauty of the two echoed out like a siren to them all. She swims over, gently resting her head on the edge of the bath as she tries to refocus her mind. Let's see....we of course have Mamona standing tall and proud, the almost perfect picture of beauty(second only to herself of course). Swimming just ahead of her is.....UGH! What a disgusting fish! Its all slimy and gross! If it wasn't clearly a God of some sort, Looloodi would immediately have to do some work on it. Now lets see....oh! That bird again! I guess it isn't the creation of that green woman from earlier. And it seems to be sitting on.....

Looloodi gasps on recognition, the memory of burning pain returning to her as she lays eyes on the bare naked man whose eyes burn with hatred and power. There is no doubt in her mind....the is the one who hurt of poor, beautiful Tree. It is a good thing no other God lies with the bath, as Looloodi's anger and hatred cause her venom to leak out, changing the bright and clear pink water into a deep and ominous purple. "YOU! HOW.....DARE YOU!!!!!" She screams as she leaps out of the water, straight at the brute.

Started with 3/16

Initiate Combat(2)


Ended with 3/16

2019-02-25, 04:27 PM
Daghir, Hall of kings

Daghir had spent enough time pondering the nature of the world. He hadn't actually, no, in his mind the task would never be done, in reality as well (if both weren't the same thing for a god).

But he had a change of heart or an impulse to be clearer. Born out of a fancy of emotion, a wish for more experience in the field (a paradox of a phrase for a god who was between every sound) and a profoundly uncomfortable fluttering of his self in surprised response at the heavenly moans and exaltations he had transmitted not too far along.

And so he left The Keep, with a few archons in tow who were as eager to see what they heard as was their master. He stared with a pleasant surprise at the hallway that he now traversed to reach the hall of kings and with a smile of his shape (now a lot more fungal as he hardly cared enough to keep the leafs alive) he adressed a god or more precisely Many-As-One for the first time without breaking down immediately, that last one being the key word today. "I enjoy the changes" he said with a nod of approval, the symbol next to his hall intrigued him, it held no particular meaning to him though the archons by his side may have gotten a new idea...

And then he looked at the being whose body was similar to the one he formed and the andger held within her and decided to make small talk while waited for the trial (which he was very much interested in) "I am Daghir, though One-Of-Many sees Sky Whisperer as the best way of expressing me. Is your justice a retribution of roughly twice and a half times the offence?" that was the usual definition amidst the bloody lands they witnessed, though there were ideas of divine justice running around that far exceeded what he'll personally do.

3+4=7/16 AP left

2019-02-25, 04:33 PM
Looloodi: Mamona's Bath[/color

What is going on? Looloodi doesn't really know, but she is starting to take notice of all of the various deities suddenly converging at this spot. Were they all drawn to Mamona as she was? Perhaps the combined beauty of the two echoed out like a siren to them all. She swims over, gently resting her head on the edge of the bath as she tries to refocus her mind. Let's see....we of course have Mamona standing tall and proud, the almost perfect picture of beauty(second only to herself of course). Swimming just ahead of her is.....UGH! What a disgusting fish! Its all slimy and gross! If it wasn't clearly a God of some sort, Looloodi would immediately have to do some work on it. Now lets see....oh! That bird again! I guess it isn't the creation of that green woman from earlier. And it seems to be sitting on.....

Looloodi gasps on recognition, the memory of burning pain returning to her as she lays eyes on the bare naked man whose eyes burn with hatred and power. There is no doubt in her mind....the is the one who hurt of poor, beautiful Tree. It is a good thing no other God lies with the bath, as Looloodi's anger and hatred cause her venom to leak out, changing the bright and clear pink water into a deep and ominous purple. [Color=pink]"YOU! HOW.....DARE YOU!!!!!" She screams as she leaps out of the water, straight at the brute.

Started with 3/16

Initiate Combat(2)

Ended with 1/16

The lounging god of the light suddenly lept and in that instant a ploy, an opportunity for more stones to throw into the ocean of possible connections, bloomed like a button cap in Eniym's mind, she swam with surprising momentum to intercept, her slime coating her and creating a sort of curtain between the two gods, for in that instant she recognized that if she would crash relationships together which should not have been and tear apart those that have been and are - she would need to put her own leathery skin into the game.

AP 6 + 4 Rollover AP = 10 AP

1 AP Assist in Combat

9 AP Left


Toxic Mind
2019-02-25, 05:31 PM
Trading in Catan

The look upon his face was one of befuddlement, then a nod of appreciation and acceptance. He tested the words on his lips, "Mer? Mer are people of the oceans and seas?"

As Llyr, slumps back down, he leans in closer, "We are the caracan. I am called Kauri. For now you must rest."

Over the next few days Kauri returned to visit with Llyr frequently, at first he was clearly concerned with the merman's health, but then it became evident he was very much curious about the things Llyr carried as well as his armor and weapons.
It takes Llyr a few days to recover, the first two simply because the caracan did not quite grasp Mer physiology and just how much water they require to stay healthy, much less when recovering. Still, Llyr did recover, and talked to his rescuers eagerly about his armaments. Like all Mer Scouts, he wore a breastplate of predator-hide, taken from past kills. Llyr regaled Kauri and his kin of his own hunt and the beast from which his hide had come from; a monster of the deeps that Llyr had stalked for 4 days before finally bringing down. He spoke also of his weapons, his spear that had been broken in the fight to reach safety, and his daggers, which remained by his side. He showed the Caracan the carvings into the bone, depicting hunts and stories and offerings and prayers to the goddess. They were intricate, as much works of art as deadly killing implements.

Finally, the day came when Llyr was well enough to walk on his own. "Kauri - where is your leader? I have seen nothing of them here, and I would speak to them on behalf of my Queen."

The Succubus
2019-02-25, 06:23 PM
The Great Rat (featuring Marah, Nemesis)

Rats and Fish

"Greetings, small one" said Tamesis. For almost a month she has roamed from the edge of the Coral Forest to the various islands and atolls at the behest of Queen Adria. She was excited, though, because this was the first life she had met that had even attempted to communicate with her. Most of the other creatures had run away, or tried to kill her. Tamesis was no slouch though - the Queen knew her stuff - and Tamesis had claimed three lives with her bone daggers in the previous week. She lifts the Rat up to her face hoping it would be able to speak her language.

The Wandering Rat listened carefully to the noises the creature made. They were very different to the language of the rats but something about it reminded the Wandering Rat of the interactions between its own kind, an initial squeak to announce a presence, followed by a shorter one as a name. It tried to speak.


It would be difficult to talk like this. The rat's mouth was ill suited for complex words and sounds, unlike those of the being. A thought struck it and it stepped on to the outstretched paw the creature offered and was slowly lifted to the creature's face. It waited for a moment, then pointed at itself and moved the tip of its tail randomly across the creature's paw, meandering this way and that. It pointed to the burrow it had come from and imitated going to sleep. The Wandering Rat again pointed to the burrow and moved its paws in a wide motion, as if suggesting many of something.

It turned to look up at the Mer, pointing at it before turning to look at the sea and again making the sleep imitation. Finally, it made a small gesture with its paws, followed by a large gesture.

"Squeak?" it asked inquisitively.



Thrashing in the darkness, the nightmarish creature clawed its way through the stone and soil of Tanglenest, heading higher and higher. Every once in a while, it would pass the body of a rat, which only served to increase its manic digging. The stone lining the surface of the peninsula began to quake violently, then shattered as the Nameless Rat burst through the surface, boulders hurtling through the air as it clawed out from the crater. It was about the size of an elephant, except few elephants were covered in fur, had burning tails or the fiery glare of insanity in their eyes. It let loose a scream that was halfway between a shriek and a roar before its glowing red eyes focused on the earth before it. The land had been heavily burned and cracked and as it sniffed once, twice, The Nameless Rat turned to look along the cracked and fiery path. This was it. This was the path of the Destroyer. The Desolator. The one that had killed so many of its kind.

Without even a backward glance across the water to the island that held Ilianthos and the home of the rats, it charged away with unnatural speed towards its target. It ran toward Karam-Kor.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-25, 06:56 PM
These Hands Were Made for Talkin'

The Great Rat

The Wandering Rat listened carefully to the noises the creature made. They were very different to the language of the rats but something about it reminded the Wandering Rat of the interactions between its own kind, an initial squeak to announce a presence, followed by a shorter one as a name. It tried to speak.


It would be difficult to talk like this. The rat's mouth was ill suited for complex words and sounds, unlike those of the being. A thought struck it and it stepped on to the outstretched paw the creature offered and was slowly lifted to the creature's face. It waited for a moment, then pointed at itself and moved the tip of its tail randomly across the creature's paw, meandering this way and that. It pointed to the burrow it had come from and imitated going to sleep. The Wandering Rat again pointed to the burrow and moved its paws in a wide motion, as if suggesting many of something.

It turned to look up at the Mer, pointing at it before turning to look at the sea and again making the sleep imitation. Finally, it made a small gesture with its paws, followed by a large gesture.

"Squeak?" it asked inquisitively.
Tamesis understood, or at least thought she did, well enough. She places her free hand upon her chest. "Tamesis" Then, she mimics the motions for sleep, then points to the ocean. Then, she makes the motion for swimming. She points to the light overhead, and motions it going over the horizon. She repeats this three times. Then, the large gesture around herself. "Mer." Her explanation done, she looks back at the creature in her hand, and tilts her head inquisitively towards the ocean. Would it like to come visit?

2019-02-25, 07:20 PM

Trading in Catan

It takes Llyr a few days to recover, the first two simply because the caracan did not quite grasp Mer physiology and just how much water they require to stay healthy, much less when recovering. Still, Llyr did recover, and talked to his rescuers eagerly about his armaments. Like all Mer Scouts, he wore a breastplate of predator-hide, taken from past kills. Llyr regaled Kauri and his kin of his own hunt and the beast from which his hide had come from; a monster of the deeps that Llyr had stalked for 4 days before finally bringing down. He spoke also of his weapons, his spear that had been broken in the fight to reach safety, and his daggers, which remained by his side. He showed the Caracan the carvings into the bone, depicting hunts and stories and offerings and prayers to the goddess. They were intricate, as much works of art as deadly killing implements.

Finally, the day came when Llyr was well enough to walk on his own. "Kauri - where is your leader? I have seen nothing of them here, and I would speak to them on behalf of my Queen."

Kauri sat each day with Llyr, clearly hanging on every word...there was something much more to this conversation, and that soon became obvious to the merman. He studiously asked how such items were made and seemed taken aback by the casual nature with which Llyr described them and how common they were among the Mer. In truth he was both amazed and a little ashamed by the seeming backwardness of his people. After sleeping on it, he decided to ask Llyr if he would share the secrets of what he could only describe as 'the making' of such things. That afternoon, however, the conversation turned to Llyr's "goddess" and prayers....this was an area that Kauri was much more comfortable with. He regaled the merman with tails of the Desert Maiden, and the offerings his people made for her continued blessings. He chuckled and casually said, "Your goddess sounds as if she could be The Desert Maiden's sister"....and the conversation halted awkwardly for a moment, for there was a portent to that observation that neither were fully aware of at the moment.

When Llyr asked about the "leader" of the caracan, Kauri sat and contemplated for a moment, "I know not what a Queen is, and I suppose you could describe me as the 'leader' of these people," he motioned to the handful of men, women, and children of the village. "However, I could take you to my father....Akamu, he is my father and the oldest of us. He doesn't live here though, he lives much farther inland in the cliff-town."


Tafeita: The Race

The race, it seemed, was on. Yet no sooner had Tafeita began to spring forth than she was knocked back down to the ground as the very world trembled. For a moment she considered simply ignoring the devastation she could feel through her earthen mantle and the abomination against her grasp of life and continuing on with the race. The protection and comfort of the world was proving a heavy burden after all, and if all was ultimately meaningless before diving power than why should she care? It would be so much easier simply to... not. To just do what she wanted to do like the more selfish gods she'd met. Yet to do so would be so violently against her nature she would likely destroy herself with her own apathy. She was the hearth, the child, the joy. To be otherwise was to not be.

Besides, she doubted Janika would even notice she was gone. She could probably head off then come back by the time she'd gotten to the beach and back and simply claim to have fallen too far behind. Or if she wanted to mess with her claim she'd been so fast that she'd gotten there and back faster than the war goddess could comprehend. Their judge would call her on it no doubt, but it might be worth it for the brief satisfaction of her frustration.

"I have business to attend to," the beast spoke to those who remained, her eye turning to look at the desert goddess in particular. Perhaps... well she'd intended to cooperate with her siblings for some time. She could certainly do worse than tying her fate to one of the good ones. "But I thank you for your aid. Here," Tafeita flicked a flame of power to Selima with a wave of her tail. "I'd be happy to work together with you again sometime."

The great Caracal sat and cocked her head, watching curiously as the two gods race off. No sooner had the God Race started, however, than a tremendous spasm shook the earth, and Selima leaped to her feet trying to steady herself. While the green goddess seemed unconcerned, Tafeita paused then turned back....quitting the race. Her heart soared at her sisters words of acceptance and cooperation! This, it seemed, had not been a waste of time!

With that the desert lynx dug her claws into the earth, and sprang to catch up with the Goblin God, "I accept your challenge! Do not look back you great big green lumbering beast, for I will surely pass you if you do!"

Toxic Mind
2019-02-25, 08:52 PM
Trading in Catan

Kauri sat each day with Llyr, clearly hanging on every word...there was something much more to this conversation, and that soon became obvious to the merman. He studiously asked how such items were made and seemed taken aback by the casual nature with which Llyr described them and how common they were among the Mer. In truth he was both amazed and a little ashamed by the seeming backwardness of his people. After sleeping on it, he decided to ask Llyr if he would share the secrets of what he could only describe as 'the making' of such things. That afternoon, however, the conversation turned to Llyr's "goddess" and prayers....this was an area that Kauri was much more comfortable with. He regaled the merman with tails of the Desert Maiden, and the offerings his people made for her continued blessings. He chuckled and casually said, "Your goddess sounds as if she could be The Desert Maiden's sister"....and the conversation halted awkwardly for a moment, for there was a portent to that observation that neither were fully aware of at the moment.

When Llyr asked about the "leader" of the caracan, Kauri sat and contemplated for a moment, "I know not what a Queen is, and I suppose you could describe me as the 'leader' of these people," he motioned to the handful of men, women, and children of the village. "However, I could take you to my father....Akamu, he is my father and the oldest of us. He doesn't live here though, he lives much farther inland in the cliff-town."

Llyr promises that though his people have no knowledge of the Desert Maiden, he will return with it to the Mer, and they will grow a temple to her within the City. There were only two gods, he tells Kauri, that the Mer spoke of - Marah, The Tidecaller, Mother of the Seas and Binder of Hearts; and The Destroyer, the Beast whose fire lays waste to all. He has, Llyr informs the caracan, no name, for a being so evil deserves none.

"If you have no leader, then who decides where the people will go?" Llyr asks. He does not understand the concept of not-having a king or queen to provide guidance. He does not know how these people get anything done at all. How do they build their towns, hunt for food, guard their land? Still... "If you can take me to Akamu, I will teach what I can of our tools and how we make them. It is the least I can do after you saved my life. And when I return to the City, I will see to it that Queen Adira sends more Mer here, that we might Trade for what you have, and you for what we provide. The Mother says that it is the destiny of all noble races to be one community - surely she will bless me for binding our two together."

2019-02-25, 11:13 PM

Though Llyr was on the mend, it was decided that it would be best that he not travel and stay near the water so word was sent to Akamu. It was late the next evening when the elder caracan arrived and greeted his eldest son Kauri. It had grown increasingly evident to Llyr that the family unit was incredibly important to the caracan, and so it was no surprise that Akamu spent the last hour of fading light with his grandchildren. A humble meal was set around the small fire, more for light than heat, in Kauri's hut and introductions were made.

Praise was given to the Desert Maiden for the meal, and much to his father's surprise Kauri added a brief word of thanks to The Tidecaller for bringing forth from the sea a friend such as Llyr.

Over the course of the meal and discussions deep into the night, Akamu revealed himself to be a thoughtful and deliberate patriarch, cautious but quite open to the idea of friendship.....even partnership with the Mer people.

2019-02-26, 02:07 AM
The First Battle

Bemused by the divine songbird’s talk of divine justice, Nemesis was blind to the darkening waters of Mamona’s pool. The shriek from the verdant goddess within was scant warning as she leapt from that warm refuge, and in his shock Nemesis could only watch as suddenly-taloned fingers rushed towards his throat. But in the heartbeat between scream and strike, the air dividing the two gods was suffused with torpid ichor, and his body moved with instinctual precision. With one hand Mamona was shoved free of danger, while the other stabbed through the falling slime to catch Looloodi by the throat.

”Who dares!?”

Indignant rage flared to life in Nemesis’ eyes as his voice echoed through the air, but if he received no answer. For though iron fingers held Looloodi at arm’s length he had stumbled into her trap. The lush cascade of her roots was as much a part of the goddess as her arms, and they sprang to life in her defense. Thorny vines wrapped tight around the arm holding her, and as Nemesis reached to tear it free another sprang out to encircle his throat. He opened his mouth, no doubt to make another demand, but as he did so Looloodi swung the fullness of her body against him. His footing wavered, only to snag against the sudden thicket surrounding him, and Nemesis tumbled headlong into the poisoned mire at his feet.

Purple water surged as Looloodi forced the destroyer god’s face deep into her toxic bower, vengeance and hurt warring on her face even as she strained against his thrashing limbs. Thorns of looloodite screeched against obsidian flesh, a tearing chorus that seemed almost a death wail. Nemesis’ movements slowed, and she began to dream herself triumphant, but as the rage cleared from her eyes she finally perceived the bubbling cauldron the pool had become. A familiar burning sensation began to race along the many vines constraining her enemy, and even as she bit back against the pain he forced his face back to the surface.


A wave of fire erupted from him, resolve and restraint cast aside as a plume of ash struck Looloodi full in the face. She recoiled, gasping for air, and with a twisting crack Nemesis tore an arm free of her deadly embrace. His backhand struck her midsection like an avalanche, launching her skyward to strike the glass floor of Mamona’s former pool. Nemesis staggered to his feet, boiling blood at war with the caustic venom seeping from his wounds, and though her vision was swimming Looloodi spied an opening. She wobbled to her feet, but before she could regain her footing her arm was entagled in a gobbet of nisome slime. Her eyes snapped up to where the burbling hagfish god floated above the fray, and for her trouble was blinded by a spray of excrement.


The goddess of gems gagged as the rancid stench flooded her nostrils, a canvas of sweet-smelling flowers exploding to vibrant life in her hair in an attempt to banish the miasma. Heady perfumes cut through the stench like a knife, and she brushed away the last remnants of the assault in time to see Nemesis’ black fist flying towards her. The blow struck her full in the temple, sending her skidding along the ground in a deep furrow of ash and broken glass. Blood, or perhaps sap, filled her mouth, and this time there was no pause. An iron-hard knee banished the breath from her body, and the destroyer’s fingers closed once more around her throat.

”You are beaten! Submit, or you will force my hand.”

Toxic Mind
2019-02-26, 11:48 AM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

Daghir, Hall of kings

Daghir had spent enough time pondering the nature of the world. He hadn't actually, no, in his mind the task would never be done, in reality as well (if both weren't the same thing for a god).

But he had a change of heart or an impulse to be clearer. Born out of a fancy of emotion, a wish for more experience in the field (a paradox of a phrase for a god who was between every sound) and a profoundly uncomfortable fluttering of his self in surprised response at the heavenly moans and exaltations he had transmitted not too far along.

And so he left The Keep, with a few archons in tow who were as eager to see what they heard as was their master. He stared with a pleasant surprise at the hallway that he now traversed to reach the hall of kings and with a smile of his shape (now a lot more fungal as he hardly cared enough to keep the leafs alive) he adressed a god or more precisely Many-As-One for the first time without breaking down immediately, that last one being the key word today. "I enjoy the changes" he said with a nod of approval, the symbol next to his hall intrigued him, it held no particular meaning to him though the archons by his side may have gotten a new idea...

And then he looked at the being whose body was similar to the one he formed and the andger held within her and decided to make small talk while waited for the trial (which he was very much interested in) "I am Daghir, though One-Of-Many sees Sky Whisperer as the best way of expressing me. Is your justice a retribution of roughly twice and a half times the offence?" that was the usual definition amidst the bloody lands they witnessed, though there were ideas of divine justice running around that far exceeded what he'll personally do.
"My retribution is to see that he suffers for the harm he has caused, and will not do so again. There is no numerical metric upon which to judge such things." Marah says, tersely. It had been too long, and nothing had come of this... circumstance.

Trading in Catan

Though Llyr was on the mend, it was decided that it would be best that he not travel and stay near the water so word was sent to Akamu. It was late the next evening when the elder caracan arrived and greeted his eldest son Kauri. It had grown increasingly evident to Llyr that the family unit was incredibly important to the caracan, and so it was no surprise that Akamu spent the last hour of fading light with his grandchildren. A humble meal was set around the small fire, more for light than heat, in Kauri's hut and introductions were made.

Praise was given to the Desert Maiden for the meal, and much to his father's surprise Kauri added a brief word of thanks to The Tidecaller for bringing forth from the sea a friend such as Llyr.

Over the course of the meal and discussions deep into the night, Akamu revealed himself to be a thoughtful and deliberate patriarch, cautious but quite open to the idea of friendship.....even partnership with the Mer people.
Llyr would spend two more weeks among the Caracan, teaching them how to create fine tools from bone and wood and stone, tied together with fibers from trees or muscle. The land animals the caracan hunted were not so different than the ones in the sea, when it came to their innards. He taught them how to carve their stories and conquest into the bone. In the end, however, it came time for him to leave. He was a scout, not a diplomat. He promised to return with other Mer, and with proper gifts.

The Caracan have access to Tools and Trade

2019-02-26, 03:31 PM
The First Battle

Bemused by the divine songbird’s talk of divine justice, Nemesis was blind to the darkening waters of Mamona’s pool. The shriek from the verdant goddess within was scant warning as she leapt from that warm refuge, and in his shock Nemesis could only watch as suddenly-taloned fingers rushed towards his throat. But in the heartbeat between scream and strike, the air dividing the two gods was suffused with torpid ichor, and his body moved with instinctual precision. With one hand Mamona was shoved free of danger, while the other stabbed through the falling slime to catch Looloodi by the throat.

”Who dares!?”

Indignant rage flared to life in Nemesis’ eyes as his voice echoed through the air, but if he received no answer. For though iron fingers held Looloodi at arm’s length he had stumbled into her trap. The lush cascade of her roots was as much a part of the goddess as her arms, and they sprang to life in her defense. Thorny vines wrapped tight around the arm holding her, and as Nemesis reached to tear it free another sprang out to encircle his throat. He opened his mouth, no doubt to make another demand, but as he did so Looloodi swung the fullness of her body against him. His footing wavered, only to snag against the sudden thicket surrounding him, and Nemesis tumbled headlong into the poisoned mire at his feet.

Purple water surged as Looloodi forced the destroyer god’s face deep into her toxic bower, vengeance and hurt warring on her face even as she strained against his thrashing limbs. Thorns of looloodite screeched against obsidian flesh, a tearing chorus that seemed almost a death wail. Nemesis’ movements slowed, and she began to dream herself triumphant, but as the rage cleared from her eyes she finally perceived the bubbling cauldron the pool had become. A familiar burning sensation began to race along the many vines constraining her enemy, and even as she bit back against the pain he forced his face back to the surface.


A wave of fire erupted from him, resolve and restraint cast aside as a plume of ash struck Looloodi full in the face. She recoiled, gasping for air, and with a twisting crack Nemesis tore an arm free of her deadly embrace. His backhand struck her midsection like an avalanche, launching her skyward to strike the glass floor of Mamona’s former pool. Nemesis staggered to his feet, boiling blood at war with the caustic venom seeping from his wounds, and though her vision was swimming Looloodi spied an opening. She wobbled to her feet, but before she could regain her footing her arm was entagled in a gobbet of nisome slime. Her eyes snapped up to where the burbling hagfish god floated above the fray, and for her trouble was blinded by a spray of excrement.


The goddess of gems gagged as the rancid stench flooded her nostrils, a canvas of sweet-smelling flowers exploding to vibrant life in her hair in an attempt to banish the miasma. Heady perfumes cut through the stench like a knife, and she brushed away the last remnants of the assault in time to see Nemesis’ black fist flying towards her. The blow struck her full in the temple, sending her skidding along the ground in a deep furrow of ash and broken glass. Blood, or perhaps sap, filled her mouth, and this time there was no pause. An iron-hard knee banished the breath from her body, and the destroyer’s fingers closed once more around her throat.

”You are beaten! Submit, or you will force my hand.”

Shame, Sadness, Fury. All of these emotions can be summed up together in the look Looloodi has on her face. Beaten and torn, her immaculate beauty ripped from her by this horrid brute. Tears stream down her face in glistening rivers. But no, she would not submit. Not to this beast, not to any hideous brute on this world. She would be the one to make it beautiful. And so, will a clear look of defiance, Looloodi musters up the last of her breath, and spits a bloody, venomous bile on the hated God of Conquest. Nemesis looks back, unflinching at the intended insult. With a grip as hard as the earth itself, Nemesis squeezes tightly against the throat of the now thrashing Goddess, cold, hard determination set of his face. In no time at all, the weakened plant goddess begins to fade, her movements becoming sluggish, until they stop completely. And still the raging God keeps a firm grip, as the others watch on in silence.


Deep beneath the Earth, at the epicenter of the Tanglenest, thousands of rats scurry back and forth in a great panic. Their terrified chiggers and squeaks fill the tunnels, till the Great Rat herself took notice. The Goddess who didn't know she was a Goddess did her best to listen to the tiny voices screaming throughout her domain. Only one thing could be heard clearly in all the confusion. The Roots

The Top of Ilianthos

The Dawnfly lay atop the branch of his birth, it watched the egg it just later with pride, knowing its own life would soon be over. As it took the last of its breath, and its many eyes began to close, it noticed something strange. With no time to ponder it, the Dawnfly let the thought pass with him to the afterlife. I mean, the Light of Life couldn't possibly have dimmed, right?

Across the First Land

Most of the Mortal creatures have never experienced true Darkness. Between the luminescent moss and coral, the ever present storms of fire and lightning, and of course, the warm and constant glow of Ilianthos, most beings who live above the ground have never been without light. It has been as such as far as any of the races can remember. And so it was with great confusion, awe, and terror when the world around them began to dim. Many a mortal looked to the Tree, their greatest source of light, and while all would think of many reasons why, one thing is agreed upon by all. On this day, Ilianthos, the Tree of Light, went Dark.

Started with 3/16

Create Major Utility Artifact(2): Sunstone Chain
This golden collar was forged by Nemesis, out of the pure divine essence of the defeated Looloodi. When worn, in binds the wearer to a beautiful ring by an endless chain of fire, preventing them from harming or escaping the ringbearer.[Used towards Life(Rebirth]

Life(Beauty) 10/10
Nature(Poison) 3/10
Life(Rebirth) 6/10

Ended with 1/16

Toxic Mind
2019-02-26, 04:18 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

The light dimmed, flickered, and went out. Marah hissed, a sound like the sea-foam tide receding from a rocky shore. "Anathema" she says softly to the other gods. "You see what he is? What he has done?" Marah is near to shouting now, the words crashing like thunderous breakers. "He is beyond a monster - our sister suffers under his hand, and the world suffers for it." Marah remembered a promise made long ago, and placing a hand on the gem in her bracelet, she disappears from the Hall.

Deja Who?
2019-02-26, 05:41 PM
Straight Outta Caldera

"Ha! No match, Tafeita?" Janika called back mockingly, unaware of that one's abandonment of the race. It was true that she likely would be able to teleport back- their impartial judge non-withstanding, of course. Janika was the strongest but she wasn't the smartest.

"Wha- hey!" The jolly green giant laughed in delight and speed up to try and match Selima. It seemed this would be a fresh challenge afterall! "You'll make a fine pelt, cat!"

But then it was odd. Something seemed a little off. And then Janika tripped over a root and slammed into the ground with a thud. She lay there for a moment. Only it wasn't a root.. it was.. a construction, a building, or more like a ruin of some odd kind.

"Who turned off the lights?"

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-26, 05:46 PM

"That's enough, let her go before you squeeze the life out of her," Mamona sighed. Having been shoved clear of the fray, she picked herself off and went to the two. She leaned forward to kiss the hand that held Looloodi, adding a quiet, "please?" with a fawning look up at her brother. Her arms then curled protectively around the goddess and she pressed her lips to her crown.

"That was rash, darling. Deserved, perhaps, but rash. You're no good to the world dead."

2019-02-26, 05:59 PM
Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

"My retribution is to see that he suffers for the harm he has caused, and will not do so again. There is no numerical metric upon which to judge such things." Marah says, tersely. It had been too long, and nothing had come of this... circumstance.

[QUOTE=Toxic Mind;23736459]Marah: Justice, by Law or Sword

The light dimmed, flickered, and went out. Marah hissed, a sound like the sea-foam tide receding from a rocky shore. "Anathema" she says softly to the other gods. "You see what he is? What he has done?" Marah is near to shouting now, the words crashing like thunderous breakers. "He is beyond a monster - our sister suffers under his hand, and the world suffers for it." Marah remembered a promise made long ago, and placing a hand on the gem in her bracelet, she disappears from the Hall.

Also, all of the first fight

Daghir, Hall Of Kings then Karam-Kor

The coiling leafs trembled but a millimeter, only a god would be able to tell, yet such nerves were not a secret in a world such filled with them.

They were nerves born out of thrill and ingenuity, for he was happy to speak with his peers, excited to meet someone so similar to himself whose shape was as emotionally ephemeral, her rage as clearly notable in her waves as his interest was in gentle breeze with no path.

He thought for a moment of the proper response, and it took but a moment... He took a split longer carrying them this time, sweet sounding anger, the brief sound of a predator on the pounce, and the language of his own archons or something similar at least, then grunts and cracks and nothing but the cacophony of battle... It took a few seconds.

The one she spoke with left him to words of storm, they were similar, yes; too similar the thought slipped by amidst scenes of his own rage, it was becoming less thrilling.

Before he could even think he was struck with the herculean idleness that were a million more panicked screams and squeals than normal. Daghir's mushy eye sockets opened the slightest bit at the disturbance and closed in an instant, he couldn't go out into the world like this.

He sighed and took a moment to relax and listen to his favorite phrases. Finally, with a calm mind, a mind for debate; he spoke a single word to the approving comments of the archons: "Trail" and as he finished there was a gash on reality lending them a view of the red goddess'* back. Daghir crossed without hesitation, The archons followed right behind; confident on their god and his ability to protect them from a world they spent generations studying, yet barely knew.

as in angry, totally still trailing Marah

2019-02-26, 06:01 PM

The Great Caracal bounded past Janika effortlessly, pride swelling in her breast, "Come on you tusked cucumber, try to keep up!" Glancing back over her shoulder at Janika, she saw the light of Ilianthos falter and fade. Skidding to a halt, her claws digging canyon scars across the plains of the First Land, she seamlessly transformed into a towering feminine figure of pure flame, white-hot with fury and.....worry. Striding purposefully she stood over Janika, her eyes still locked upon the faded and lifeless bloom of the Great Tree.

Eyes ablaze she looked down, then lowered a hand to the fallen green goddess helping her to her feet, "Come.....sister, let us see what has happened here!"

2019-02-26, 07:55 PM
Avatar the First Fleshbender

While the other gods were straying from the race track, Sololond had begun a new project. Tired of being limited in his interactions with the material world, Sololond began to construct a new form. Instead of being made of intangible void energy, this creation would be made of flesh and bone. The main obstacle in creating this new form was that Sololond had trouble making the materials needed. Instead of making the flesh himself, Sololond decided to shape already existing flesh to the form of his fancy. Sololond started the process by sending out wraiths to all corners of the world to collect the various living creatures of the world. The wraiths would go after only those alone and in places away from the gods he had already introduced himself to. The other gods seemed very protective of their creations, and might get mad about his reshaping of their mortals. Sololond waited in the shadow of the caldera, with his ever growing pile of halflings, giants, goblins, mer, cats, kobolds, and various beasts. Sololond wanted a rather large and noticeable form, so he needed quite a large amount of ingredients. Some of the various beings had begun to squabble and fight among them selves, but Sololond put an end to their complaints by removing their souls and turning the severed souls into new wraiths.

2019-02-26, 07:56 PM
Tenebreon: In the Darkness

And darkness descended upon the world. Tenebreon heard the panicked cries of his mortal worshippers and gathered a force of Reavers a hundred strong and went out to defend his flock.
Tenebreon saw that the great tree of light was itself darkened. He sent the Reavers away to guard the city, and set out across a land no longer too bright for his eyes, in search of anything of interest, carrying his abacus Quadram at his side.

And he saw a creature of mist carrying off a kobold and followed it, into the space beyond the world.

2019-02-26, 09:08 PM
Avatar the First Fleshbender, pt II

While sorting through the various bodies in his growing pile, Sololond noticed something different. One of his wraiths seemed oddly different. The cloth of its body was a dark black, and it had none of the usual chains. The being was also infused with strange energies that he had never encountered before. Maybe it was an altered form of one of his own wraiths, charged with divine energy and reshaped to its makers whims. Hopefully, thought Sololond, it would be able to talk and he could add it to its list of friends. "Hello there visitor, what brings you to here. Have you come to help me with my project?"

Toxic Mind
2019-02-26, 09:20 PM
Marah: The Fury of the Deep

Selina, Janika, Marah

Her arrival was announced by the horizon moving. To the naked eye, it would almost appear as though the horizon line itself were growing, higher into the sky. Then, a realization - it was one massive wave, a singular force of almost inevitable destruction. And the two goddesses, paused in their race, would see a figure striding before it, a roiling mass of sea-foam and fury. She strode across the surface of the ocean, and in her wake, the Tidal Wave followed like a child follows its mother. Marah reaches the two, and pauses. Impossibly, the wave stops as well, hanging in the air with none of its destructive fury abated, merely... paused. "Sisters. I mean to bring vengeance to the Taker of the Light. Join me, or step aside."

2019-02-26, 09:21 PM
Nasigune: The Ruins

Reaper-Of-Souls returned to his master and awaited instructions. He waited and waited, needing no food but craving souls. Finally his master spoke. "The first of my followers. You shall be my carrier. We shall go and see what the world had to offer. Now lead me to ruin."

In minutes they had exited the dungeon. "We have an intruder."

Reaper-Of-Souls approaches the intruder from behind. "Who dares trespass on our ground? Are you strong enough to face the consequences?"

2019-02-26, 09:58 PM

His face a mask of disdain, Nemesis slowly released the mad goddess as Mamona embraced her. Straightening from atop her crumpled form, he raised his eyes to a darkened sky. The light from atop Karam-Kor still lit the horizon in bloody tones, but to the south twilight had descended. That left little doubt that the goddess at his feet was the creator of the Great Tree, but it gave little hint to her hostility. Was she mad, or simply wild? He could conceive how a coupling with his sister might have robbed her of her faculties, but it was no excuse for the insult done his divine person. The malformed thing that had come to his defense floated in that shadowed sky, and earned a nod of thanks.

"My thanks, torpid one. I am Nemesis, the master of these lands, and I would know the name of my protector. We can speak once I have passed sentence on this wild thing."

He glanced down once more, before turning to the glittering bird at the edge of the battlefield.

"You spoke of justice, did you not songbird? I will show you justice."

He knelt down, intent on taking Looloodi up in his scarred arms.

"What did you mean, sister, when you said her attack was deserved? Have you some insight into this being's quarrel with me?"

2019-02-26, 10:10 PM

His face a mask of disdain, Nemesis slowly released the mad goddess as Mamona embraced her. Straightening from atop her crumpled form, he raised his eyes to a darkened sky. The light from atop Karam-Kor still lit the horizon in bloody tones, but to the south twilight had descended. That left little doubt that the goddess at his feet was the creator of the Great Tree, but it gave little hint to her hostility. Was she mad, or simply wild? He could conceive how a coupling with his sister might have robbed her of her faculties, but it was no excuse for the insult done his divine person. The malformed thing that had come to his defense floated in that shadowed sky, and earned a nod of thanks.

"My thanks, torpid one. I am Nemesis, the master of these lands, and I would know the name of my protector. We can speak once I have passed sentence on this wild thing."

He glanced down once more, before turning to the glittering bird at the edge of the battlefield.

"You spoke of justice, did you not songbird? I will show you justice."

He knelt down, intent on taking Looloodi up in his scarred arms.

"What did you mean, sister, when you said her attack was deserved? Have you some insight into this being's quarrel with me?"
A Whole Big Mess

The whole event had been invigorating to Eniym, on some level it reminded her that while she was the god of languid muck and goop she was also the goddess of the raging storms, infinite in their meaningless violence. In acknowledgment to Nemesis' attention, she raises a fin as if to say that she would wait her turn. Already she was trying to figure out how close this brother and sister were. Their connection was something that itched her skin as leathery as it was. Their connection was supposed to be. Familial and divine. Divinely familial. It was something that should be washed away and cut in half. But that all would have to wait, even in her own mercurial nature, impulsively selfish, naive and feckless, she knew that this moment demanded that she still her tongue and seal her lips with slime.

2019-02-26, 10:14 PM
Tenebreon and the God of Flesh

Tenebreon is rather taken aback. This entity is clearly a fellow god, but whereas the Fortress of Moss had been reasonable, this one is clearly not so much. "Help? What... No! That's disgusting!" Tenebreon pokes at one of the wraiths. "Are these things meant to steal souls? What are you doing?"

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-26, 10:14 PM
Mamona knelt, cradling the unconscious woman to her bosom. The gesture was perhaps more possessive than protective, but she did hate to see beautiful things spoiled by rough hands.

"Pillow talk," she explained. "The tree in the east is part of her. She said it had felt it singed. You are fire. That must be why she flew into a rage and attacked you. Was it you?" She gave him a pointed smirk.

2019-02-26, 10:26 PM
A Trial, Collapsed

One-Of-Many darted off of Nemesis' shoulder as the combat began between the Reforged King and the Dawnbringer. It watched the goddess of beauty and light gain the initial advantage, battling the god of forging with her flora and poisons, watched the Cloudmother interfere in their own puzzling, unpredictable day, watched the King emerge victorious and demand his prize. It protested in a clear, deep voice, but even its ringing tones could not be heard over the din of battle and passion. "Fellows Lords of Creation, please," It protested, even knowing that its words would be lost in the chaos, "Remember what you are! Remember the debt we owe to each other!" But it was futility, and all of Many-As-One knew this.

Even now, the strands of the cosmos were plucking uncertainly across Many-As-One's borderline-omnipresent senses, informing them of conflicts emerging all over the world. Of the deaths wreaked by the Reforged King. Of the deaths still to come when the Tidecaller sought her vengeance. Of pantheons forming, gods coming together and drawing apart, of death and conflict, as First-Of-His-Name bore witness to each new atrocity as they claimed every lost soul. The Citadel glutted with new arrivals, the angels now joined by their seraphic counterparts and creatures of tar and moss. And then, the tree of light falls to gloom, and darkness descends.

In desperation, a god and a thousand gods divide, trying to hew order from chaos.

Birds of glass swarm the baths of Mamona, calling out in a dozen, a hundred voices at once, each lost to the next as the combined mind of Many-As-One attempt to formulate a coherent argument and fail, again and again and again. They splash through steaming water, tear whirls of petals from Looloodi's blossoms, scratch and bite at the form of Nemesis even though their beaks and talons pass through his body as if he weren't even there.

A flock traces the path of the Tidecaller across the First World, watches the destruction she wreaks in her wake, pluck the souls of mortals as seawater poisons their lungs and pressure crushes their bones. One-Of-Many, in the shape of a long-feathered robin, calls to Marah in attempts to reason, but its words are lost in the oncoming tide.

A dozen crystalline ravens swoop towards Sololond and his new project, screeching incoherently in desperation and rage. The horde of wraiths battle them away even as they desperately attempt to quell this horrific massacre of souls.

A single bird alights atop a roof in a Caracan settlement, watching in dismay as the residents fall to panic as night descends for perhaps the first time in their lives.

One and a thousand gods attempt to stop the destruction, and fail. Connected as one being, they converse across the world. They know they cannot stop this alone or together, they lack the power, Pride has convinced them that the Lords of Creation can see reason, will act in accord with the desires of Many-As-One. This is false, has always been false, and Many-As-One comprehend this only now. If this persists, the mortals will never survive in such a world. They need guidance that Many-As-One cannot provide alone or in one accord, not yet. And so, a thousand and one gods flap their wings in one accord, and leave the earth of the First Land behind.

They return to the infinite blackness of the Void, feel the power of their native domain surge through their one and thousand bodies. A single bird leaves the flock, and with a final chord, vanishes into the void, body fragmenting into a cloud of feathers which collapse back into themselves, become light, become a star. Many-As-One feel the loss as if it were all-encompassing. They would cry, but they are not mortal, and this single sacrifice must be repeated a thousandfold. Another bird detaches from the flock, sacrifices itself, becomes another star. It happens again, and again, and again. Until a thousand stars populate the canvas of the Void like blots from a master painter. A faint luminescence falls upon the First World, just sufficient to see in the darkness of night, but it is enough.

And then suddenly, everything living on the First World, mortal and deific, experiences a presence come upon them. Not quite mortal and not quite divine, but undeniably and certainly there. It is tied to the stars, and it is the remembrance and the presence of Many-As-One. It is light and hope and memory.

A single, final bird flutters weakly across the now-illuminated Void to the Citadel, where it enters the tallest palace and crumples into the outstretched arm of First-Of-His-Name. It waits there, to regain power. It waits for an opportunity.

Starting AP: 5

Weave Plane- The Stars of the Void: The Void is now populated with a thousand stars, each the remembrance and final testimony of one member of Many-As-One's flock. Even in the darkest of nights on the First Land, they provide enough illumination to give the capacity to act and the willingness to move on for the mortal races. [4 AP] [Planes (Travel)]

Blessing- A Thousand Stars, A Thousand Eyes: Whenever a resident of the First Land gazes upon one of the stars created by Many-As-One, they know instinctively that there is someone, somewhere, that is looking out for them and is determined to provide them with a better life, somewhere in the future. [1 AP] [Law (Justice)]

Ending AP: 5 Starting - 5 = 0 AP

Domain Progress
4/10 Civilization (Heroes)
5/10 Planes (Travel)
1/10 Law (Justice)

2019-02-26, 10:27 PM
Looloodi: Barely Conscious on a Bare Naked Lap

Light........there needs to be Light.......Light shines on the beauty of things......without her Light, the world can't become beautiful.......

Looloodi coughs violently in the lap of the fair Mamona, blood with spots of venom dripping from her lips. Oh what a sight she must be.......so weak......must regrow.......beauty is everything.......
"Unprovoked.......Pain.........Your Fault........*cough*......my baby.......hurt*cough*me.........hate..........." Jeweled stems begin to slowly grow on Looloodi's broken body, covering the worst of her wounds in glittering flora. And still the sky remains void of the Light of Ilianthos.

2019-02-26, 10:41 PM
[Karam-Kor, Southeastern beach]

A fair distance away from where gods war, and likely hidden from sight by this newfound darkness and the torpid tempest above, maybe even the mycelium of a brand new fungal forest, who is to say, regardless, out of immediate sight of the divines on the island.

There's moss.

A mass of it, crawling out of the sea, coming from the very depths of Nemesis' stroll around the world. A carpet of green in this land of ash.

And there is also moss growing out of crevices further in, indicating that tunnels have been dug, and there the vegetation floods steadily, for it has found lava and heated subterranean water on which to feed. It roils in great mounds and crushes itself to death. And from death it rises, a young tar lord wrought of peat, highly flammable and without a measure of self preservation.

Ahead of it, its goal. The great volcano. And in its way, the glorious city of Akkraul, and its giant inhabitants. Giants, sure, by the measure of apes, but formless horrors of dead vegetation, oh those are as much large as they are unthinking, and the least of them are the size of giants. And they want light to shine on their dark sludge and fire to warm their dead hearts.

There is moss southeast of Karam-Tor, primitive plants, surely on a warpath as the flowering goddess suffers at the hands of this land's lord. And there is more coming from further southeast, from Ilianthos, her light snuffed.

Elsewhere, the moss has slowed down, but not here. Here, The Verdigris advances.

Deja Who?
2019-02-26, 11:25 PM
Janika at the Ruins

"Yeah! Lead on, sis- hey, what a second, where is Tafeita?" Janika questioned as she prepared to follow her dryest sister, looking around in confusion before looking a bit annoyed. That blasted badger had flaked!

Janika groped around in the darkness just to make sure. It was very dark and Tafeita was very small, after all. Nope, no sign of her.

"Impressive! You are the keeper of those blue parts? Hey- I've got a great idea. Why don't you fight me?" The war goddess propositioned Marah when she arrived. It had been quite the pretty show. "Vengeance? Oh you mean you seek to find what happened to the Light, well we-"

She quickly turned around and punched Reaper-of-Souls straight in the face to send him reeling. This creature that came from behind her seemed to be a goblin, of a sort. "Strong enough? Dare you speak to your god with such words?" Janika mocked as she pressed an attack trading a few blows with the transformed goblin. "Whatever has made you this strong I approve. I know not whether to scatter your soul to the winds or applaud your spirit in fighting me."

2019-02-26, 11:34 PM

The pure white liquid flames of Selima's gown dimmed as Marah rolled out of the sea, and she bowed her head in acknowledgement of sea goddess' fury. "I know not what has happened to the great tree of light....recall you the diamond I offered to your hand at our last meeting? Know you that Ilianthos is her creation, t'is her light that illuminates the world. Without the Great Tree, the Dawnflies will perish and the world will be plunged into darkness and chaos. We must see what has happened there first...we must investigate the tree and find our sister Looloodi...I fear for her safety."

Turning her head at the commotion, "Marah this is Janika...Janika this is Marah."

Toxic Mind
2019-02-26, 11:50 PM
Marah: The Fury of the Deep

Selina, Janika, Marah

"I do not fight without purpose, and there is no purpose in fighting you." Marah says, surprisingly evenly given the massive wall of water waiting behind her. "To the Tree, then, but with haste. Whatever has happened must be stopped, and quickly, or all life on this world will perish." She looks to Janika then "Join us, or you will have nothing to fight but the ashes of a dead world."

2019-02-27, 02:00 AM

Understanding followed swiftly after Mamona's words, and as the goddess in her lap mutter feverish assent Nemesis' brow quirked. The world was his by right, but he had not intended any hurt upon the light of the world, and he saw now that the goddess' madness was born of ignorance. He placed a hand over her heart, fingers of black glass resting lightly against flawless skin.

"You need not hate me, Lady. My encounter with your shining child was no attack, but a youthful indiscretion. For in my search for glory beyond Karam-Kor, where else could I go? The fire of my touch was born of ardor, not hate. Still, you are owed recompense."

Ruby light flowed from Nemesis' fingertips, flowing into the manifold wounds suffered by the light-giver. Suffused in crimson aurora, her wounds closed in moments, bound together by an infinitesimal line of glowing cinder. Across the world, every child of Looloodi scoured by fire glowed in kind, new leaves and branches budding forth, stronger somehow for having survived the crucible of creation.

"My gift, to you and your children. But as I repay my debt, so too must you."

He pulled back his hand, and it rose it trailed a stream of looloodite upon a golden vine. The bud slid from her body as if cut by a scalpel, coming to rest in Nemesis' palm as he closed his fingers tightly around it. At the heart of the great mountain, the Anvil of Creation flared to life, and the fragment of Looloodi dissolved in a stream of opal iridescence. His grip loosened, fingers playing along the molten radiance as it spun into a wide ring in the air. His other hand moved in a counter motion above it, weaving the alloy of jewel and divine essential into a thin collar of iridescent metal, a perfect sphere of crimson looloodite at its center. A star glowed from the gem's core, the eternal light of the goddess.

"Here is your punishment, the mark of your shame and proof of my supremacy."

The collar parted along an invisible seam, and he lowered it down to her hands, his voice rising with terrible compulsion.

"Accept it."

Free AP: 4
Spent AP: 16

1 AP - Bless, The Crimson Embrace (Corruption (Ambition))
Channeling his divine power through the insensate Looloodi, Nemesis touches the plants of Creation that are her children. While they are not proof against fire or devastation, those that survive bounce back with surprising speed. If anything, these regenerative burns leave the local plant life more vital and robust than before. If, perhaps, a shade darker and more imposing.

2 AP + 2 AP (Looloodi) - Create Major Artifact, The Sunstone Chain (Utility: Curse) (Craft (Metalworking))
Forged in the shape of a collar for the defeated Looloodi, the Sunstone Chain is bound by ephemeral cord to Nemesis' hand. The Chain leaves her incapable of standing in opposition to Nemesis' will, and draws her inexorably to answer his summons.

Nemesis gains the Craft (Metalworking) Domain!
>2 AP - Create Land: Karam-Kor, The Mountain of Power (Craft (Metalworking))
>5 AP - Create Greater Artifact, The Anvil of Creation (Utility: Create Major Artifact) (Craft (Metalworking))
>1 AP - Create Basic Concept (Metalsmithing) (Craft (Metalworking))
>2 AP - Create Major Artifact, The Sunstone Chain (Utility, Curse) (Craft (Metalworking))

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-27, 02:11 AM
"You mean to have dominion over her?" Mamona scowled and her eyes burned with defiance, but she dared not deny the fierce king his prize. "She is yours to take, though I would enjoy her much more unbound. What of this? You can have her, yes, but then you will never have me."

Her smile was almost coy. "I give willingly, eagerly. She would resent you, always. You cannot have us both."

2019-02-27, 02:33 AM

His brow quirking at Mamona's ultimatum, Nemesis met her smile with one of his own.

"What you would give, dear sister, is far more than I desire of her. She has wronged me - wounded me - and I will have recompense. But do not imagine her your rival in her servitude."

He turned his smile, in all its terrible weight, to Looloodi.

"For all that she will be mine, she will remain yours to entice at your leisure. There is little virtue to a vassal lacking in their own will. Freedom makes their surrender all the sweeter."

2019-02-27, 06:14 AM
Nasigune in the Ruins with Janika

Reaper-Of-Souls fought his hardest but he was no match for the intruder. Nasigune began to lose patience. "If you cannot handle one intruder, then perhaps I have made a mistake."

Catching his breath, Reaper-Of-Souls began to realize who he was fighting. He dropped to a kneed and bowed before his creator. "Great Mother-Of-Goblins. Forgive me. I have been made new and must defend my new master.

"You treat this intruder with more respect than even I. Who is this person?"

2019-02-27, 06:47 AM
Daghir, and the sisters

Marah, Selima, Janika the neverfail, Nasigune.

A calm and somber wind raced in contrast behind the mightiest of waves, the chaos of the world seemingly not affecting it as what was likely the calmest breeze that had touched the constant storm that was the first land.

Then tempest broke out at his destination, the first speaker was there and he was nowhere near ready. His first conversation was a bust, one of his partners on a warpath and the other splattering the sky with distant cinders, he hid behind the wave and observed, his archons did not.

Drop they did, far from their master's attention and they approached the being they had been thought to study more than anyone else. With glistering colors they inclined their humanoid forms and uttered with a spine that their god currently (and always if you want to get technical) lacked "Words... To speak... Sound break through this listless silence!... Who got the inflections better, first speaker?" they asked, expectant of the godess who knew them not.

2019-02-27, 08:28 AM
Tenebreon and the God of Flesh

Tenebreon is rather taken aback. This entity is clearly a fellow god, but whereas the Fortress of Moss had been reasonable, this one is clearly not so much. "Help? What... No! That's disgusting!" Tenebreon pokes at one of the wraiths. "Are these things meant to steal souls? What are you doing?"
"I am not stealing the souls, I am protecting them from those carrion crows that seem to delight in eating the souls of the freshly dead. Thankfully, it seems as if they have left for the time being. Now for your second question, I am creating a new body, one of flesh and blood, to interact with the world. Too long have I watched the others with their tangible bodies and physical creations. Too long have my works been treated as not being there, just because they are made of nothingness. Soon all will tremble before my new creation, and all will see my genius. All the God's will go "Oh Sololond, join my pantheon" "No join my pantheon, we need a strong, smart god like you". Now all of you will see my godly might. So floating cloak creature, will you play a part in the greatest creation in history, or will you tremble it the shadow of greatness?"

2019-02-27, 12:50 PM
A Primer in Astrology

In the moment when Ilianthos closed its petals and turned off its light, when the God of Glares closed his eyes, the dawn fly went to sleep, when the torpid clouds and their dangling forests parted with soft squelches and the mortals took a rest from the encroaching moss they looked up to the sky and saw stars for the first time.

They were like jewels scattered by an angry lover in the void, like milk spilled by a petulant slave, like flower blossoms among the storm - in short, not only did mortals look up and know instinctively that there was someone, somewhere, that was looking out for them, they looked up and saw patterns. For the stars were like fertile soil for the artists, vivid inspiration for oracles, and for a secret code for lovers.

Of course, each society would interpret each sign differently. Of course, the signs themselves were different in Catan as they were for the Mer as they were for the Giants. But generally, a sort of consensus settled through cultural diffusion or chance (or perhaps Eniym simply decided that it should be so for some mercurial reason or another).

To practice astrology is to say which signs were visible at the place of birth. Clouds, Storm, and Light, mostly obscured all but one or two. But it's also to say how visible each sign was and what was the relation of each sign to which. In general, though let's go over the main signs - the sign that was the most visible in the sky upon birth - and their straight forward meanings.

The bone (although some cultures describe it as the club, or sword or spear, either way being three or sometimes seven stars in a long line) means strength, grudge-bearing, and courage. It is hard to tell when this sign means that a person would grow to become a bully or someone to defy destiny and protect others. The sign in either interpretation meant hardship - although it was hard to tell whether it was a hardship that one sought through ambition or hardship that one would diligently suffer through.

The fortress (oddly enough it was the same in each culture - a small cluster of five stars that if one could imagine a parapet one could barely see it) means Aloofness, hard-working, and intelligent. A coveted sign, however those born underneath it were said to be arrogant and obsessive. Many craftsmen and collecters were born underneath this sign.

The stone (also one of those symbols that were the same in each culture - it was three stars in a line all close together. It was easy to tell it apart from the bone) means: to be dreamy and mysterious. Some would call those born underneath unreliable or artists. Most future oracles were strangely born underneath this sign and it would be considered the cardinal sign.

The empty circle (although some cultures describe it as the square or octagon, either way, it is a simple shape of three or even ten starts that leaves a gaping window into the void between) means nothing - this sign was a cipher. Those born underneath it would be forced to rely on other methods to predict their lives - for example the elements (it was one thing to be born underneath the circle under spore, fire, water or lightning, as those elements helped point to other signs or lessen the effects of the circle, but being born under the circle and earth would be an ill omen as many sociopathic killers were born under those conditions).

The flower (although some cultures called it the angel, and others even called it the goddess (some darker ones called it the slave and others still called it the Mistress), was a loose configuration of twenty stars that could appear to look like a rose bloom) means: luxury-loving, sensitive, charismatic as well as family-minded. Those born underneath this sign were said to love beauty, but it was always a danger that one might love beauty too much.

The rat (with some cultures using the name of any small four-legged animal (some even calling it the insect) - the goblins even calling it the kobold and giants have been known to refer to it as almost any four-legged creature - sometimes different creatures in the same story, is a line made of four stars with four stars in random lengths and angles below it) means: survival, in all cultures - strangely the animal in question was always a prey animal, usually even a main food source, but the idea that the prey was always there year after year, always surviving despite the hunt meant those born underneath this sign would be said to have lucky lives. Another characteristic is that those born underneath may be dreamers or idealistic.

The fire ( this symbol is always known as some type of fire either the volcano or the hearth, the fire from the clouds or even a campfire. Some cultures call it the torch. It is a field of twelve stars that are arranged in a diagonal ladder): is a complex symbol - it could mean the fire of the home or the fire of war and the earth. All types of warriors - brawlers, soldiers, tyrants - were all born underneath this sign.

The Book (as it would come to be known, but most cultures called it something else entirely - some called it the fangs or even the Contract. Some at the time didn't even know what it was supposed to be so called it the window. It was a field of ten stars, four stars forming a square and the other stars in neat rows in between) means wisdom, reliable and fair. This was the sign of justice and scales, those born underneath it being said to be trustworthy people

The Spiral (sometimes called the storm or the whirlpool by the Mer, this was what it was clearly, a spiral of eight stars) means impulsive, tactless, dynamic. Those born underneath being untrustworthy and mercurial - almost mad. However, this sign had the other characteristic of being the sign of communication and language - almost as if madness and speaking were related. Many singers and politicians would be born under this sign (and what does that say about their mental health?)

There are other signs, but those are some of the main ones, and all we have time to discuss for today. The general science and art of astrology, however, were more complex (since Eniym was the goddess of relationships not meant, if she did have a hand in it she made it needlessly complex).

For example, depending on the visible sign an astrologer would even need to know what the storms were doing at the time - what element they rained down (the classical five elements of course: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Water, and Spores).

Earth weather meant that the sign was more stable, Fire meant that it was more mutable, Lighting meant that the main sign should be shared with the associations of the sign that the lighting pointed to, Water means that the sign was more gentle in its power over the person and Spores meant that the sign could evolve into another sign later in life.

There was, of course, the torpidity of the various storms to consider. The slower the storm the more the element mattered, for example, a quick shower of fire only meant a small mutability, while a curtain of aerial magma meant that the person would oscillate between their star sign's characteristics almost four times a day.

And it only gets more complex from here. But that will all be covered in advanced astrology next semester.

9 AP
Create Mundane Concept 1 AP: Astrology.

2019-02-27, 01:17 PM

The Desert Maiden approached Marah, spotting the delicate bracelet upon her wrist, "Promises made. Promises to be kept Sister." Reaching out, she placed her hand over the bracelet and smiled beatifically. When she loosed her grip, the bracelet now displayed many gems....a diamond, an imperial topaz, a turquoise cat's eye, and an enormous pearl. A perfect match of that bracelet materialized upon the right wrists of Selima, Looloodi, and Tafeita. With a slight bow to Marah, "Lead on Sister."


The caracan benefited greatly from their alliance with the Mer as trade between the two societies grew. The introduction of tools inevitably led to the acceptance of and application of agricultural practices and domestication. Within caracan society there grew much more formalized methods and practices to give thanks and praise to The Desert Maiden, Marah, and their sisters. Women who were married and with children came to be the leaders of spiritual matters among the caracan and adopted formal customs of rituals and hierarchical organization . They were known simply as the Matron Mothers within Settler society.

Beginning AP = 7AP+1 bonus AP
Form Pantheon(1AP) -Sororitas
Members: Marah, Tafeita, Looloodi, and Selima
Leader: Marah
Sphere: Life
Motto: There is beauty in all things that flow from the love of life.

Create Organization(1AP): Matron Mothers. Within Settler society, secular(government, law enforcement, economic affairs, etc...) matters are largely handled by the men along patriarchal lines. Matters of home, hearth, and faith fall under the sphere of female influence. From the tiniest village to the largest towns and cities, the women of child-bearing age meet weekly to discuss these matters. Maidens are unwed women of age and though they attend these organizational meetings they are only there to listen and learn. Married women of age are allowed to participate in discussions and debates, but may not vote. Married women with children are automatically granted full membership, and they vote for the leadership roles. One Matron Mother is chosen as the exemplar of each of The Sisters, and given titles. They are tasked with the implementation and enforcement of both formal and informal policy decisions of the Matron Mothers. They preside over the weekly meetings as well as the rituals and ceremonies of Settler society especially the Feast Day celebrations of the faith.
Leadership Positions

Sister of Life - exemplar of Selima: First of The Sisters - Chosen from the wives of the nobility or governmental leaders, and as such acts as the liaison between matters of faith and secular governance
Sister of Beauty - exemplar of Looloodi: Chosen from among the Matron Mothers as the embodiment of beauty and light, presides over most ceremonial functions
Sister of Love - exemplar of Marah: Defaults to the longest married member; presides over wedding ceremonies and plays a critical role in arranging marriages among the nobility
Sister of Fertility - exemplar of Tafeita: Often chosen from the women with the most children or the midwives, also presides over ceremonies blessing crops and good harvests
Sister of Victory - exemplar of Janika: Chosen from the strongest and most skilled at arms as the embodiment of victory, presides over blessings of the hunt and war

Ending AP: 7AP +1 Bonus AP - 1AP - 1 Bonus AP = 6AP
Light(Dawn)8/10; Life(Caracan) 7/10

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-27, 02:02 PM

Mamona trembled with indignation. She let Looloodi down to the beach gently, then recoiled, screaming, "Have your pride then! Heap your vainglory and recompense upon the scales. Weigh them against a pound of my flesh. Let them keep your bed warm!"

"Hurt her, mar her, and I will see that you never know pleasure," she warned, conjuring a crystal athame from her amulet. She made a swift, low cut with it in the air, then dashed it upon the rocks. As suddenly as her outburst came, she was gone, stepping backwards through a wreath of golden flames, vanishing to elsewhere in creation.

2019-02-27, 02:10 PM
Looloodi: Between the Flaming Hot Gods

Pain flares once again through Looloodi's body as the piercing heat of her enemy's touch stitches her verdant form back to health. Noise fills the ears of the fallen beauty as the two siblings begin to speak, drowning out their voices and her own moans of distress. The brother, the hated one, seems to reach towards her. A sharp new pain introduces itself, and then, all is blissfully numb. He appears to be making something, turning shattered remains of her body into something new.....something.....beautiful..... On his completion, he holds out to her the most stunning necklace Looloodi has ever seen. Such a trinket could only have been made by the pieces of one as gorgeous as herself. A gift? Still deaf to his words, Looloodi is confused by the look he gives. Did Mamona tell him about his cruelty to her most precious tree? Perhaps he is sorry and wishes to make amends? She did attack him without explanation, of course he would defend himself if he didn't realize who she was. Maybe she could forgive him since he made such a wonderful gift for her. She reaches out slowly to accept the bejeweled band of gold, when a shining light surrounds her wrist before her fingertips could even brush her gift. A coral bracelet, decorated with 4 gems now dangles of her wrist, the life energy of 4 goddesses bursting from the jewelry. Looloodi pulls her arm back to take a closer look. A weak but knowing smile appears on her face. "My Sisters.......They're on their way......." she says just barely above a whisper. Then, Darkness overtakes her as she falls unconscious once more.

Started with 1/16

Join Pantheon(1): Sororitas [Used towards Life(Rebirth)]

Life(Beauty) 10/10
Nature(Poison) 3/10
Life(Rebirth) 7/10

Ended with 0/16

2019-02-27, 02:22 PM
A Whole Big Mess

The whole event had been invigorating to Eniym, on some level it reminded her that while she was the god of languid muck and goop she was also the goddess of the raging storms, infinite in their meaningless violence. In acknowledgment to Nemesis' attention, she raises a fin as if to say that she would wait her turn. Already she was trying to figure out how close this brother and sister were. Their connection was something that itched her skin as leathery as it was. Their connection was supposed to be. Familial and divine. Divinely familial. It was something that should be washed away and cut in half. But that all would have to wait, even in her own mercurial nature, impulsively selfish, naive and feckless, she knew that this moment demanded that she still her tongue and seal her lips with slime.

Mamona knelt, cradling the unconscious woman to her bosom. The gesture was perhaps more possessive than protective, but she did hate to see beautiful things spoiled by rough hands.

"Pillow talk," she explained. "The tree in the east is part of her. She said it had felt it singed. You are fire. That must be why she flew into a rage and attacked you. Was it you?" She gave him a pointed smirk.

A Trial, Collapsed

One-Of-Many darted off of Nemesis' shoulder as the combat began between the Reforged King and the Dawnbringer. It watched the goddess of beauty and light gain the initial advantage, battling the god of forging with her flora and poisons, watched the Cloudmother interfere in their own puzzling, unpredictable day, watched the King emerge victorious and demand his prize. It protested in a clear, deep voice, but even its ringing tones could not be heard over the din of battle and passion. "Fellows Lords of Creation, please," It protested, even knowing that its words would be lost in the chaos, "Remember what you are! Remember the debt we owe to each other!" But it was futility, and all of Many-As-One knew this.

Even now, the strands of the cosmos were plucking uncertainly across Many-As-One's borderline-omnipresent senses, informing them of conflicts emerging all over the world. Of the deaths wreaked by the Reforged King. Of the deaths still to come when the Tidecaller sought her vengeance. Of pantheons forming, gods coming together and drawing apart, of death and conflict, as First-Of-His-Name bore witness to each new atrocity as they claimed every lost soul. The Citadel glutted with new arrivals, the angels now joined by their seraphic counterparts and creatures of tar and moss. And then, the tree of light falls to gloom, and darkness descends.

In desperation, a god and a thousand gods divide, trying to hew order from chaos.

Birds of glass swarm the baths of Mamona, calling out in a dozen, a hundred voices at once, each lost to the next as the combined mind of Many-As-One attempt to formulate a coherent argument and fail, again and again and again. They splash through steaming water, tear whirls of petals from Looloodi's blossoms, scratch and bite at the form of Nemesis even though their beaks and talons pass through his body as if he weren't even there.

A flock traces the path of the Tidecaller across the First World, watches the destruction she wreaks in her wake, pluck the souls of mortals as seawater poisons their lungs and pressure crushes their bones. One-Of-Many, in the shape of a long-feathered robin, calls to Marah in attempts to reason, but its words are lost in the oncoming tide.

A dozen crystalline ravens swoop towards Sololond and his new project, screeching incoherently in desperation and rage. The horde of wraiths battle them away even as they desperately attempt to quell this horrific massacre of souls.

A single bird alights atop a roof in a Caracan settlement, watching in dismay as the residents fall to panic as night descends for perhaps the first time in their lives.

One and a thousand gods attempt to stop the destruction, and fail. Connected as one being, they converse across the world. They know they cannot stop this alone or together, they lack the power, Pride has convinced them that the Lords of Creation can see reason, will act in accord with the desires of Many-As-One. This is false, has always been false, and Many-As-One comprehend this only now. If this persists, the mortals will never survive in such a world. They need guidance that Many-As-One cannot provide alone or in one accord, not yet. And so, a thousand and one gods flap their wings in one accord, and leave the earth of the First Land behind.

They return to the infinite blackness of the Void, feel the power of their native domain surge through their one and thousand bodies. A single bird leaves the flock, and with a final chord, vanishes into the void, body fragmenting into a cloud of feathers which collapse back into themselves, become light, become a star. Many-As-One feel the loss as if it were all-encompassing. They would cry, but they are not mortal, and this single sacrifice must be repeated a thousandfold. Another bird detaches from the flock, sacrifices itself, becomes another star. It happens again, and again, and again. Until a thousand stars populate the canvas of the Void like blots from a master painter. A faint luminescence falls upon the First World, just sufficient to see in the darkness of night, but it is enough.

And then suddenly, everything living on the First World, mortal and deific, experiences a presence come upon them. Not quite mortal and not quite divine, but undeniably and certainly there. It is tied to the stars, and it is the remembrance and the presence of Many-As-One. It is light and hope and memory.

A single, final bird flutters weakly across the now-illuminated Void to the Citadel, where it enters the tallest palace and crumples into the outstretched arm of First-Of-His-Name. It waits there, to regain power. It waits for an opportunity.

Starting AP: 5

Weave Plane- The Stars of the Void: The Void is now populated with a thousand stars, each the remembrance and final testimony of one member of Many-As-One's flock. Even in the darkest of nights on the First Land, they provide enough illumination to give the capacity to act and the willingness to move on for the mortal races. [4 AP] [Planes (Travel)]

Blessing- A Thousand Stars, A Thousand Eyes: Whenever a resident of the First Land gazes upon one of the stars created by Many-As-One, they know instinctively that there is someone, somewhere, that is looking out for them and is determined to provide them with a better life, somewhere in the future. [1 AP] [Law (Justice)]

Ending AP: 5 Starting - 5 = 0 AP

Domain Progress
4/10 Civilization (Heroes)
5/10 Planes (Travel)
1/10 Law (Justice)

Looloodi: Barely Conscious on a Bare Naked Lap

Light........there needs to be Light.......Light shines on the beauty of things......without her Light, the world can't become beautiful.......

Looloodi coughs violently in the lap of the fair Mamona, blood with spots of venom dripping from her lips. Oh what a sight she must be.......so weak......must regrow.......beauty is everything.......
"Unprovoked.......Pain.........Your Fault........*cough*......my baby.......hurt*cough*me.........hate..........." Jeweled stems begin to slowly grow on Looloodi's broken body, covering the worst of her wounds in glittering flora. And still the sky remains void of the Light of Ilianthos.


Understanding followed swiftly after Mamona's words, and as the goddess in her lap mutter feverish assent Nemesis' brow quirked. The world was his by right, but he had not intended any hurt upon the light of the world, and he saw now that the goddess' madness was born of ignorance. He placed a hand over her heart, fingers of black glass resting lightly against flawless skin.

"You need not hate me, Lady. My encounter with your shining child was no attack, but a youthful indiscretion. For in my search for glory beyond Karam-Kor, where else could I go? The fire of my touch was born of ardor, not hate. Still, you are owed recompense."

Ruby light flowed from Nemesis' fingertips, flowing into the manifold wounds suffered by the light-giver. Suffused in crimson aurora, her wounds closed in moments, bound together by an infinitesimal line of glowing cinder. Across the world, every child of Looloodi scoured by fire glowed in kind, new leaves and branches budding forth, stronger somehow for having survived the crucible of creation.

"My gift, to you and your children. But as I repay my debt, so too must you."

He pulled back his hand, and it rose it trailed a stream of looloodite upon a golden vine. The bud slid from her body as if cut by a scalpel, coming to rest in Nemesis' palm as he closed his fingers tightly around it. At the heart of the great mountain, the Anvil of Creation flared to life, and the fragment of Looloodi dissolved in a stream of opal iridescence. His grip loosened, fingers playing along the molten radiance as it spun into a wide ring in the air. His other hand moved in a counter motion above it, weaving the alloy of jewel and divine essential into a thin collar of iridescent metal, a perfect sphere of crimson looloodite at its center. A star glowed from the gem's core, the eternal light of the goddess.

"Here is your punishment, the mark of your shame and proof of my supremacy."

The collar parted along an invisible seam, and he lowered it down to her hands, his voice rising with terrible compulsion.

"Accept it."

Free AP: 4
Spent AP: 16

1 AP - Bless, The Crimson Embrace (Corruption (Ambition))
Channeling his divine power through the insensate Looloodi, Nemesis touches the plants of Creation that are her children. While they are not proof against fire or devastation, those that survive bounce back with surprising speed. If anything, these regenerative burns leave the local plant life more vital and robust than before. If, perhaps, a shade darker and more imposing.

2 AP + 2 AP (Looloodi) - Create Major Artifact, The Sunstone Chain (Utility: Curse) (Craft (Metalworking))
Forged in the shape of a collar for the defeated Looloodi, the Sunstone Chain is bound by ephemeral cord to Nemesis' hand. The Chain leaves her incapable of standing in opposition to Nemesis' will, and draws her inexorably to answer his summons.

Nemesis gains the Craft (Metalworking) Domain!
>2 AP - Create Land: Karam-Kor, The Mountain of Power (Craft (Metalworking))
>5 AP - Create Greater Artifact, The Anvil of Creation (Utility: Create Major Artifact) (Craft (Metalworking))
>1 AP - Create Basic Concept (Metalsmithing) (Craft (Metalworking))
>2 AP - Create Major Artifact, The Sunstone Chain (Utility, Curse) (Craft (Metalworking))

"You mean to have dominion over her?" Mamona scowled and her eyes burned with defiance, but she dared not deny the fierce king his prize. "She is yours to take, though I would enjoy her much more unbound. What of this? You can have her, yes, but then you will never have me."

Her smile was almost coy. "I give willingly, eagerly. She would resent you, always. You cannot have us both."


His brow quirking at Mamona's ultimatum, Nemesis met her smile with one of his own.

"What you would give, dear sister, is far more than I desire of her. She has wronged me - wounded me - and I will have recompense. But do not imagine her your rival in her servitude."

He turned his smile, in all its terrible weight, to Looloodi.

"For all that she will be mine, she will remain yours to entice at your leisure. There is little virtue to a vassal lacking in their own will. Freedom makes their surrender all the sweeter."


Mamona trembled with indignation. She let Looloodi down to the beach gently, then recoiled, screaming, "Have your pride then! Heap your vainglory and recompense upon the scales. Weigh them against a pound of my flesh. Let them keep your bed warm!"

"Hurt her, mar her, and I will see that you never know pleasure," she warned, conjuring a crystal athame from her amulet. She made a swift, low cut with it in the air, then dashed it upon the rocks. As suddenly as her outburst came, she was gone, stepping backwards through a wreath of golden flames, vanishing to elsewhere in creation.

Looloodi: Between the Flaming Hot Gods

Pain flares once again through Looloodi's body as the piercing heat of her enemy's touch stitches her verdant form back to health. Noise fills the ears of the fallen beauty as the two siblings begin to speak, drowning out their voices and her own moans of distress. The brother, the hated one, seems to reach towards her. A sharp new pain introduces itself, and then, all is blissfully numb. He appears to be making something, turning shattered remains of her body into something new.....something.....beautiful..... On his completion, he holds out to her the most stunning necklace Looloodi has ever seen. Such a trinket could only have been made by the pieces of one as gorgeous as herself. A gift? Still deaf to his words, Looloodi is confused by the look he gives. Did Mamona tell him about his cruelty to her most precious tree? Perhaps he is sorry and wishes to make amends? She did attack him without explanation, of course he would defend himself if he didn't realize who she was. Maybe she could forgive him since he made such a wonderful gift for her. She reaches out slowly to accept the bejeweled band of gold, when a shining light surrounds her wrist before her fingertips could even brush her gift. A coral bracelet, decorated with 4 gems now dangles of her wrist, the life energy of 4 goddesses bursting from the jewelry. Looloodi pulls her arm back to take a closer look. A weak but knowing smile appears on her face. "My Sisters.......They're on their way......." she says just barely above a whisper. Then, Darkness overtakes her as she falls unconscious once more.

Started with 1/16

Join Pantheon(1): Sororitas

Ended with 0/16

A Whole Big Mess

Eniym continues to unenergetically, or even to some eyes, flaggingly, swim in the air, her congealed slime making a sort of hazy curtain so that the proceedings within could proceed with some sort of dignified privacy. She watches the avatar of many-of-one leave without a word or acknowledge of her false warning. Interestingly enough - her warning appeared to contain some truth - she wondered if a lie may be transmuted to truth or if it was always a lie.

She saw the connection between brother and sister seemingly sever without her doing and again that itch . . . she felt the compulsion to bring them back together in a union of siblings. Perhaps even incest? Unclear to her yet.

She saw this new strange bond being formed between the accuser and accused - victim and victor - and its chains and ties and also itched to break it. Freedom or reversal. Also unclear to hear yet.

She saw the bracelet made of her coral - a sisterhood symbolized and yearned to have those sisters scratch each other's faces. That at least was clear.

And yet, she still did nothing. A stone tossed to produce ripples needed a still pond and the situation too hectic - convulsing like one of her storms - evolving like a mushroom from one of her swamps. She kept silent waiting to see what relationship formed and broke apart so she would know what to try to stitch back together and what to unsew.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-27, 02:42 PM
Tafeita: In a Hole

To say that Tafeita failed to understand the logic behind what she was investigating would be an understatement. She knew she had to understand the new threat that had ripped itself up from the underworld in order to combat it. She knew that not all divines though the same as Looloodi and herself - Janika was proof enough of that. Yet she could not even begin to comprehend the logic that went into the creation of this thrice damned moss.

Even as she mused yet another wave of plant collapsed from above, unable to cling to the stone under its own growing weight. The Hearth Goddess sighed, before smashing it back into place with a pillar of earth. There was nothing in this tunnel but the moss itself and the bodies it animated. What's more the moss sought to do nothing but spread itself an animate more corpses. It sought to make no children, did not build upon anywhere it spread and was nothing but an unthinking blight. It couldn't even be called alive really. It was a hazard, rather than a creature, and why would someone create a hazard that brought no form of value to the world? What's more it had been intentionally spread since it's inception. It was pure insanity.

Still despite being madness made manifest it was not the mad genius of an erratic mind, but the predictable madness of an insensate dullard. It would be easy enough to combat. It would even be possible to eradicate it completely if she were to invest enough of her energy into the matter. To do so would take more than she had to give right now though, and clearly SOMEONE cared for this nonsense enough that they would simply recreate it if she sought to eliminate it entirely. No, to do more than to cease it's spread as much as possible and turn it to better aims would bring her into a battle she couldn't win, if only because whatever god had done this clearly had little other aim than the spread of it's spawn while she had many other things vying for her attention.

A simple threat required a simple solution. Tearing a lump of moss from the wall, Tafeita squished it together to form a roundish lump. Then she merely changed it's affinity for the dead for an affinity for the living. In an instant the dark green moss became a bright blue ball of gelatin. Letting the ball splat to the ground, it immediately wriggled away to begin consuming the moss. A humble creature, but one perfect for the job. The slime would eat the moss, and other poisonous things aside, and purify the mass in its body to become a panacea for the living. The dead on the other hand, the primary form of defense the moss had, would be harmed by the purified toxins as though it were the most scorching of acids. A practically invincible predator that while unspeakably dangerous to its prey was little more than a treasure chest to be opened for her people.

Tafeita began to swish her tail, intent to send the slimes to her Caldera to see how they reacted to her numerous blessed plants, before pausing midmotion. That was right. Her Caldera was no longer her own. Instead being possessed by brigands and slavers. When facing the goddess who had caused her woes head on she'd been blasé, merely promising she would get her land back for her people. Yet now that she had to acknowledge what she had lost it was a pang in her heart. With a sigh, she instead limited the spreading of her creature to the outside of The Holes and the tunnels that lead to them. It was doubtful even they could survive the heart of this monstrosity after all.

Just as she was musing as to what to do next a blinding light cause the Beast Goddess to flinch back. Her paw was illuminated for a moment, before the light formed into a rather beautiful bracelet. Instantly she knew what it meant - it was a pledge of friendship and power. A mark of her bond with Looloodi, Marah and Selima. A part of her was taken aback by the gesture. Touched by the gift. A much larger part of her had a very important question she'd need to seek the answer to.

"Who the heck is Marah?"

AP = 5

Create Monstrous Race (1AP) - Slimes: Small creatures that are little more than a nuisance for most races, they live in places with toxic plant matter. They eat the plants to sustain themselves, purifying within their membrane the substance and converting it into a healing elixir. When a slime grows large enough from feed it splits into a new slime. They tend to small, varying from one foot to three feet high and just as round depending on where in their life cycle they are. While having to resort to weak slamming against living things, against undead a slime can engulf them and burn them with their healing innards. [Civilization (Agriculture) 5/10

AP Spent

Create Race 1AP

5-1 = 4AP

[Civilization (Agriculture) 5/10]

2019-02-27, 02:51 PM
Chryon and Ilianthos: True Night

A stillness filled the ever changing god of chaos. Though their light was not diminished, they could now see the world in a way they never had before.

They had spent so much energy and focus on the dawnflies, to see the world from above and to record the mortal world below, they had gone blind to everything else. The interactions between the many deities was unnoticed but Ilianthos suddenly going dark was impossible not to head.

Having just watched Yrobios transfer from one dawnfly to the next, Chryon turned their attention to the unlit world. For the first time, they realized that they were only ever seeing half the world. Their attention was only ever half what it could be. Chryon approached the flower that once glowed continuously. Chryon reached out to touch it.

In that moment, the avatar of Looloodi revealed the pain that its goddess had experience. Chryon knew this pain, but had never felt it before. They had always been the one to share pain, never to have it shared with them. This was an all encompassing pain.


As Chryon's words reverberated through the avatar, a silver drop began to form at the tip of the sleeping flower. It was a tear, born from pain and understanding. Chryon took the droplet and carried it into the sky.


With those words, the droplet increased in size a thousand fold to create a dimly lit floating bubble of water in the sky. The bubble then opens to reveal a green eye that shines a gently green light on the darkened world below.

AP: 2+4
PAP: 0

Create Mythical Concept (4 AP) - The Evening Eye, Ilystear: A heavenly body of light that stays opposite the dawnflies. It provides nights with a gentle green light, even for those places that might not receive Ilianthos' light normally. It is also an observer that can see not just what happens at night, but even what happens below the ground and in the heavens above. Like Yrobios, it retains the knowledge of what it sees. [Light (Observation) - 8/10]

AP: 2
PAP: 0

2019-02-27, 03:14 PM

Nonplussed by Mamona's fit of pique, Nemesis spent a long moment staring at the fading sparks of her departure. He sighed, and with him the entire island shook in confusion. Much of the nature of his fellow Lords of Creation remained a mystery to him, but he had at least seen the gleam in his conquest's eyes when she beheld her chain. Conscious of the weakness that burdened her limbs, the forge god was moved to an act of kindness, fitting the collar securely around the goddess' waiting neck. The seam at the back vanished as it found purchase on divine flesh, creating an unbroken band of metal so fine and singular it clung like taut silk, and as it closed a ring of fire snaked around the middle finger of Nemesis' right hand. He rose to his feet, and in his wake the glass crater around Looloodi reformed into a smooth divan to cradle her insensate form.

"Your patience is admirable, nameless one."

His face rose to meet Eniym's gaze.

"But now we may speak without interruption."

Nefarion Xid
2019-02-27, 04:06 PM
The humans’ tales of creation were many, for they enjoyed themselves most of all.

As they had always worshiped Mamona, one story said they had been lovingly carved by her hand from stone or gold, or made of clay and given hearts of fire. They returned to the earth in death, so it seemed reasonable that they came from earth. They observed pottery and saw that bowls were vessels to be filled. Their purpose it seemed was to be filled too, with drink and food and with other humans. It was very likely that they too were clay.

Less popular accounts said they had been halflings once. They called the small folk as such for they were half their height and hadn’t been made whole. Mamona had found them lacking and took them to her breast until they were fully grown. The process was repeatable, they observed. At least it worked on small humans. Tiny, new humans grew to be full humans when nursed. It did not make halflings any taller, though clever and naughty halflings did encourage them to try.

Another telling claimed humans were born in the conventional way, more or less. After some tryst, Mamona had grown so gravid that she was forced to down on an island to rest and birthed the whole human race. Humans did not venture to guess who had fathered them. There was a devilish mystery in that. Perhaps they had many fathers. Or perhaps Mamona’s fecundity was so great that she needed no man. The proudest humans would go as far as to say Mamona had delivered the entire world. This was a childish notion, but it appealed to many more than the notion of the world crawling its way out of moss and stone.

In truth, Mamona had forgotten that she had made humans at all. To her knowledge, they were just another race that sprang up among the weeds on some distant island in the west. Admittedly, it had been the same island she’d chosen to drink herself into a stupor, but she fails to acknowledge the tenuous connection.

Create Sapient Life (2AP) [Nobility (Decadence)- Humans: You are one of these.
Bless (Artifact Charge) Humans

Humans appear the most distant western island. For now, their lives are close to idyllic. They exist on fruit, wine, and the milk of their most sacred animal: the cow. They worship the golden idols left to them by Mamona, but lack the knowledge to extract gold from the earth and the ability to create jewelry. Should any race encounter them, humans are clever and eager traders, offering wine, pearls and ancient coin.

3/10 AP for Nobility Domain
7 AP remaining

2019-02-27, 04:37 PM

Nonplussed by Mamona's fit of pique, Nemesis spent a long moment staring at the fading sparks of her departure. He sighed, and with him the entire island shook in confusion. Much of the nature of his fellow Lords of Creation remained a mystery to him, but he had at least seen the gleam in his conquest's eyes when she beheld her chain. Conscious of the weakness that burdened her limbs, the forge god was moved to an act of kindness, fitting the collar securely around the goddess' waiting neck. The seam at the back vanished as it found purchase on divine flesh, creating an unbroken band of metal so fine and singular it clung like taut silk, and as it closed a ring of fire snaked around the middle finger of Nemesis' right hand. He rose to his feet, and in his wake the glass crater around Looloodi reformed into a smooth divan to cradle her insensate form.

"Your patience is admirable, nameless one."

His face rose to meet Eniym's gaze.

"But now we may speak without interruption."
Kings and Hags

The hagfish slowed her swim and twisted her eel-like shape to face the king and his new prisoner. She swam closer until Looloodi could perhaps almost feel the slime that Eniym wore like a second skin. Perhaps it even dripped down. Probably not an onslaught, but a tiny speck. Was it to remind her of her degradation or an accident - even Eniym was not sure. In any case, she addresses the King in Iron.

My name . . brrlplop . . . is Eniym

And in this instance, she had decided to don the trappings of royalty to gain the King's respect

I am the Queen of Storms.

Almost as if trumpets blaring but certainly by chance there was a thunderclap.

I had come to you with a message between Royals, but it seems that . . brrlplop . . . the message has now become moot. Instead, from the words of your new pet, I know that another is seeking you. When you burned the tree this one grew fearful and angry. And yet when you burned the ocean another grew aroused. Your sister . . brrlplop . . . said you would never know pleasure but it is not so, someone has fallen in love with you with such fiery passion that she has convinced herself that you are to be destroyed. She will hound you and try to crush you . . brrlplop . . . secretly hoping to submit.

At this point, Eniym looked at Looloodi

The one I speak of is the Queen of the Oceans and the Salt therein, she is the . . brrlplop . . . sister by the bond of this one, and she will come with the rest of them. She, however, will not try to rescue you - she will be jealous of your relationship with the King in Iron.

And she turned to Nemesis again

As Queen of the mercurial storms I wish to warn you . . brrlplop . . . that women are more unknowable than the skies. I have come to . . brrlplop . . . wish you fortune.

2019-02-27, 04:39 PM
Tenebreon and the Thief of Souls

Tenebreon counts the wraiths, adding them up with his abacus, measuring their souls in order to judge what is going on. "Few of them even served you. Why would anyone appreciate you if you devour their servants to build your body and bind the souls of their worshippers as your slaves? No, I will not aid you." Tenebreon's cloak shifts, and an obsidian lance slides out of its folds. He grips it, and strikes out at the nearest wraith, shattering its chains and dispelling it to the afterlife. "Your actions are foul. I demand that you release these souls."

2019-02-27, 05:04 PM
Akkraul, The First City

Dragged along Abil-Kkan’s cart, Enkidan observed the wonders of the First City, and gurgled in displeasure at what they saw. Giants toiled and hunted for food, chasing after massive beasts of varying shapes and sizes, and dragging them back beaten and skewered upon blades and spears of mythic proportion. Forges and homes were one and the same, each Giant carving a hole within the massive frame of Nemesis’ mountain. At the heart of each of these homes was an anvil. Carved meticulously to the proportion and design of their gods but each with their own unique personal flourishes or visual declaration of accomplishment or skill. Giants toiled endlessly on these large flat tools creating weapons, ate upon them, and placed offerings upon it of gold silver and iron whilst extolling praise to their vacant Tyrant. They screeched his praises, their voices ringing in harmony with the clamor of heavy hammers striking, and beseeched him for gifts and blessings of all kind. It was a machine, orderly, composed, and tirelessly working.

It was repulsive.

Enkidan felt themselves slam against the floor as Abil-Kkan emptied his cart within what was ostensibly his own forge, and without a moment of respite he began to sift through the refuse Enkidan had collected. Single hand groping for garbage the other wielded a hammer as Abil-Kkan knelt beside his anvil and whispered prayers.

”What are you doing?”
“Praying. What are these wonders you promised me, Enkidan?”

Craning its neck to behold the grand anvil the so called Nemesis used Enkidan scratched its temporarily exposed warty bark throat and croaked in displeasure.

“You say these things and do this work because you want something from your God?” It inquired.
“I do it because it is my place and my due to give upon him what he has given to us.”
“But not onto each other.”

The Giant paused at the unprompted thought. Its hand slowly withdrew itself from the garbage pile as the hammer ceased its precise tapping. He pulled the creature’s head around in an attempt to stare it in the eyes (Or dark rock and a gold coin it had somehow stolen whilst being carted along in this case). “What do you mean?” He asked.

“Why not take from your neighbor what it is you seek to make? Your Lord will be equally pleased with the product and you will gain the glory of two instead of one.” It stated plainly whilst clawing at its stomach pathetically. It’s distended gut rumbled and bubbled like the birth place it had escaped from not too long ago and all efforts of jamming further garbage or dirt in it proved fruitless. Abil-Kkan considered the theft for a long pregnant silence, examined his hammer, and glared at the Tarry Beast warily. “Were I to perish in this struggle or worse we both fall upon our hammers simultaneously my Lord will be most displeased by the depletion of his servants. He wishes us to make this home as great as he.”

Enkidan waved off the doubt with a dripping and rapidly collapsing hand “Fear not. I will handle your neighbor while you loot your conquest. You need only bring him to me and his rewards and craftsmanship shall be yours to claim.” Assured of his guests capabilities Abil-Kkan left his forge unattended and entered his neighbors forge. Enkidan, left to their own devices, began to examine the forge in greater detail. It was a simple spartan circular homestead. A slab of stone carved into the wall served as a bed, an anvil dominated the center with tools and varying metals strewn about it, and in the corner a peculiar golden statue with excessively round protrusions on it stared at the mossy and rotten God with what could for a fraction of a second be perceived as scorn.

Enkidan ceased thinking about it after devouring the statue whole.

Abil-Kkan spoke to his neighbor of the hunt, the new stars (That clearly their Tyrant had taken the sparks of his forge and discarded to the sky), and of their newest sacrificial anvils they worked upon to offer up for their god. He enticed his kin with a wondrous sight unlike any seen before and urged them to enter his forge. It was only a few steps and wonders awaited. Staring into the hole Abil-Kkan claimed as their own, the poor soul saw no wonders, and no forge at all. No all they saw was an endless gaping black pit that swallowed them whole. Whilst the Traitor Giant looted and plundered, Enkidan digested, and contemplated within the barren hole in a wall. That is until its stomach began to rumble and shake violently before disgorging its contents.

A river of garbage and vile refuse washed its way out of Enkidan’s toothless mouth. Lumps and clumps of flesh, metal, stone, blood, acid, and more rolled free upon the forge ground. Rubbing its gold eye clean Enkidan beheld that some of the clumps began to shift before scampering away skittishly. Lazily grabbing the closest one Enkidan began to eat it again and when examining it in closer detail for a moment spotted a horse of warts and bodily features upon the creature. Far too many to come from even one or two giants, the scrambling monstrosity had a host of mouths, fingers, and eyes with which to behold its final moments of newly found life. The other clumps scampered away and escaped from the Slothful god’s greedy reach which provoked not ire but apathy and remorse. Shrugging its bony shoulders Enkidan reclined in its throne of refuse and filth whilst watching with unmatched glee as Abil-Kkan returned to his forge with an extra anvil, weapons, and an assortment of treasures to the huge race. So great was their shared pleasure he paid no mind to the foul stench within his forge or the further scattered state it had come upon. Victory was easily ceased for him. And now, with newly claimed anvil set beside his bed, Abil-Kkan prepared himself dinner with a pile of food he had secreted away underneath the earth of his bed, and ate upon his new table.

Enkidan croaked in unamused surprise.

But from this forge a miasma began to spread throughout all of Akkraul. This scene played itself out over and over again, a shift was evident in the air itself, and the fetid haggard beasts spewed forth from Enkidan heralded this. A malevolent intelligence suffused the giants who inhaled a waft of Enkidan’s putrid work, spurring the darkest corners of the mind, and yet slugging the soul and the body.

2 AP Create Mythic Subrace of Giants (Trolls): Trolls are slightly smaller than Giants proper but are no less their kin in nature. Massive to behold they are repulsive in ever sense of the word and are nearly impossible to kill save for the digestive processes of consumption common to the living races. Anything less than their total consumption will only result in the lazy and brutish creature willfully ignoring the wound and miraculously healing from it. Their minds are riddled with superstition and doubt, their thoughts far cruder and less capable then their kin, and as of such they understand in an almost instinctual sense that they are inferior to their Giant kin and must serve them. Unlike Giants Trolls are capable of sexual reproduction being blessed with occasional forms that evoke the same purposes Mamona’s statue would entail. Fire harms not only the flesh but the mind of Trolls and they fear it and revere it in equal measure. Continued exposure to flame will drive a Troll mad beyond their normal cruel disposition and as of such they are further useless within a Forge and thus cut low within Giant society. They reek of the swampy pits of Enkidan’s birth and lurk predominately on the outskirts of Akkraul where Enkidan was born as they can survive for extreme periods of time with no food or sustenance and merely consume swampy earth and dirty water disregarding edibility.

2 AP Create Mythic Subrace Giants (Ogres): Rotund and pudgy in disgusting measure Ogres morbid obesity is only matched by their profound stupidity or gluttonous obsession with consumption. Smaller than Giants they are still quite large in scale and easily reduce trees to splinters when accidentally leaning against them after tiring. Unlike Giants they are capable of reproduction blessed with occasional forms that accidentally mirror those of the statue Enkidan devoured and digested. Greedy and hungry little creatures, Ogres take whatever they can, and bash aside those who would get in the way of what they desire. These squabbles are normally purely contained within their own for as any casual observer could see that a Giant would quickly fell a single Ogre. Indeed they are often used as simple laborers, hunters, and attendants at the forge where their extensively flabby skin provides ample space for storing tools, sweat to cool the fire, and an extra pair of (albeit clumsy and untrained) hands in the case of precise work.

1 AP Bless Giants (Intelligence): The Giants are blessed with a cunning that goes beyond most mortals, a scheming mind of strategy, deception, philosophy, and iron discipline.

1 AP Curse Giants (Lazy Cruelty): The Giants are cruel and xenophobic, their hearts gripped by the toxic claws of Enkidan’s utter apathy, and often find themselves in deep extended mental plots or self absorbed glory seizing schemes of a time scale inconceivable to the races restricted by their mortal coils crumbling.

2 AP Create Advanced Concept: Forgery. Giants have evolved their forge craft to include the forging of deceptive offerings and tools. Mimicking others signatures and presenting gold filled with silver or lead instead of its purest contents.

Theft (Efficiency) Domain Claimed!

Ogres and Trolls contribute to new Domain of Consumption (Waste) 4/10.

2 AP Left

2019-02-27, 05:19 PM
Tenebreon and the Thief of Souls

Tenebreon counts the wraiths, adding them up with his abacus, measuring their souls in order to judge what is going on. "Few of them even served you. Why would anyone appreciate you if you devour their servants to build your body and bind the souls of their worshippers as your slaves? No, I will not aid you." Tenebreon's cloak shifts, and an obsidian lance slides out of its folds. He grips it, and strikes out at the nearest wraith, shattering its chains and dispelling it to the afterlife. "Your actions are foul. I demand that you release these souls."

Sololond laughed at the fashion accessory's outburst. "Who are you to make demands of me? You act as if these souls are yours. Where is your name written on them? Anyways, the souls are of little use to me, but I feel it is only right I keep them from being eaten by those foul flying fiends. I was planning on making bodies for them once this creation is complete. Now if you have a safe place to store them, I have no qualms with giving them to you, but I would like to give them new homes eventually, one's better than their old ones."

2019-02-27, 05:28 PM
Tafeita: In a Hole

To say that Tafeita failed to understand the logic behind what she was investigating would be an understatement. She knew she had to understand the new threat that had ripped itself up from the underworld in order to combat it. She knew that not all divines though the same as Looloodi and herself - Janika was proof enough of that. Yet she could not even begin to comprehend the logic that went into the creation of this thrice damned moss.

Even as she mused yet another wave of plant collapsed from above, unable to cling to the stone under its own growing weight. The Hearth Goddess sighed, before smashing it back into place with a pillar of earth. There was nothing in this tunnel but the moss itself and the bodies it animated. What's more the moss sought to do nothing but spread itself an animate more corpses. It sought to make no children, did not build upon anywhere it spread and was nothing but an unthinking blight. It couldn't even be called alive really. It was a hazard, rather than a creature, and why would someone create a hazard that brought no form of value to the world? What's more it had been intentionally spread since it's inception. It was pure insanity.

Still despite being madness made manifest it was not the mad genius of an erratic mind, but the predictable madness of an insensate dullard. It would be easy enough to combat. It would even be possible to eradicate it completely if she were to invest enough of her energy into the matter. To do so would take more than she had to give right now though, and clearly SOMEONE cared for this nonsense enough that they would simply recreate it if she sought to eliminate it entirely. No, to do more than to cease it's spread as much as possible and turn it to better aims would bring her into a battle she couldn't win, if only because whatever god had done this clearly had little other aim than the spread of it's spawn while she had many other things vying for her attention.

A simple threat required a simple solution. Tearing a lump of moss from the wall, Tafeita squished it together to form a roundish lump. Then she merely changed it's affinity for the dead for an affinity for the living. In an instant the dark green moss became a bright blue ball of gelatin. Letting the ball splat to the ground, it immediately wriggled away to begin consuming the moss. A humble creature, but one perfect for the job. The slime would eat the moss, and other poisonous things aside, and purify the mass in its body to become a panacea for the living. The dead on the other hand, the primary form of defense the moss had, would be harmed by the purified toxins as though it were the most scorching of acids. A practically invincible predator that while unspeakably dangerous to its prey was little more than a treasure chest to be opened for her people.

Tafeita began to swish her tail, intent to send the slimes to her Caldera to see how they reacted to her numerous blessed plants, before pausing midmotion. That was right. Her Caldera was no longer her own. Instead being possessed by brigands and slavers. When facing the goddess who had caused her woes head on she'd been blasé, merely promising she would get her land back for her people. Yet now that she had to acknowledge what she had lost it was a pang in her heart. With a sigh, she instead limited the spreading of her creature to the outside of The Holes and the tunnels that lead to them. It was doubtful even they could survive the heart of this monstrosity after all.

Just as she was musing as to what to do next a blinding light cause the Beast Goddess to flinch back. Her paw was illuminated for a moment, before the light formed into a rather beautiful bracelet. Instantly she knew what it meant - it was a pledge of friendship and power. A mark of her bond with Looloodi, Marah and Selima. A part of her was taken aback by the gesture. Touched by the gift. A much larger part of her had a very important question she'd need to seek the answer to.

"Who the heck is Marah?"

AP = 5

Create Monstrous Race (1AP) - Slimes: Small creatures that are little more than a nuisance for most races, they live in places with toxic plant matter. They eat the plants to sustain themselves, purifying within their membrane the substance and converting it into a healing elixir. When a slime grows large enough from feed it splits into a new slime. They tend to small, varying from one foot to three feet high and just as round depending on where in their life cycle they are. While having to resort to weak slamming against living things, against undead a slime can engulf them and burn them with their healing innards. [Civilization (Agriculture) 5/10

AP Spent

Create Race 1AP

5-1 = 4AP

[Civilization (Agriculture) 5/10]

[Tafeita in the Underground]

A pile of moss falls away as a wall of stone shifts next to Tafeita, revealing an almost pristine tunnel. There is still moss there, that is certain, but much less, and the area is flooded with dark water up until a halfling's waist.

And there are murals in the walls. Writen long ago.

Our lady Marah took a piece of coral from the shores of the dreaded continent, and with it she grew a forest to gift to our queen, and through her to us all.

Beneath the mural there is an alcove in which rests the body of a mer, decades dead but preserved by the moss.

There is a divine presence in this corridor.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-27, 05:37 PM
Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

Tafeita felt her fur rise as the divine presence washed over her. This was... different. Much, much different than any other divine she'd encounter. Even Janika, as much as she disagreed with her, was understandable. She was a physical being, she spoke, and she had a set of values that she could comprehend if not agree with. This being on the other hand... even if her burning heart continued to blaze, the rest of her felt chilled to the bone.

"...greetings," the beast spoke hesitantly, eyes darting around in a vain attempt to find a 'body' for the 'somebody' she spoke to. "Thank you for the information. It's... it's very helpful. I am Tafeita. Who am I speaking to?"

Toxic Mind
2019-02-27, 05:53 PM
Marah: Fury of the Deep


The Desert Maiden approached Marah, spotting the delicate bracelet upon her wrist, "Promises made. Promises to be kept Sister." Reaching out, she placed her hand over the bracelet and smiled beatifically. When she loosed he grip, the bracelet was now contained multiple gems....a diamond, a imperial topaz, a turquoise cat's eye, and an enormous pearl. A perfect match of that bracelet materialized upon the right wrists of Selima, Looloodi, and Tafeita. With a slight bow to Marah, "Lead on Sister."


The caracan benefited greatly from their alliance with the Mer as trade between the two societies grew. The introduction of tools inevitably led to the acceptance of and application of agricultural practices and domestication. Within caracan society there grew much more formalized methods and practices to give thanks and praise to The Desert Maiden, Marah, and their sisters. Women who were married, with children came to be the leaders of spiritual matters among the caracan and adopted formal customs of leadership and hierarchy. They were known simply as the Matron Mothers within Settler society.

Beginning AP = 7AP+1 bonus AP
Form Pantheon(1AP) -Sororitas
Members: Marah, Tafeita, Looloodi, and Selima
Leader: Marah
Sphere: Life
Motto: There is beauty in all things that flow from the love of life.

Create Organization(1AP): Matron Mothers....details to follow

Ending AP: 7AP +1 Bonus AP - 1AP - 1 Bonus AP = 6AP
Light(Dawn)8/10; Life(Caracan) 7/10[/QUOTE]
Marah looked down for a moment at the bracelet with its many gems, feeling connections to goddesses she had never met, other sisters, and one who needed her most of all. "To the Tree, then. It darkened, perhaps it will provide some clue as to where She lies." In an effort to keep unnecessary destruction to a minimum, Marah releases the wave, allowing it to gently sink back into the ocean. She was the Tidecaller, she could summon another one when it was needed. Inundated in her own element, surrounding by the Ocean, she heads quickly towards the Tree, not truly heeding who follows, though she feels the energy of Selima close behind.

Ilianthos, Darkened
Marah despaired at the darkness upon the Flower-Tree. It was covered in burn scaring, sap ichor oozing from various wounds. Its roots were covered in moss, the very same that burst forth to threaten her Mer from the Destroyer's wounds in her land. If that was not damning enough, it seemed the path of moss led directly to the Destroyer's island-creation. It was all the proof she needed. She turns to Selima. "He is there. If he does not have our Sister, he knows where she is. We should crush him, bind him to tell us where she is and what he has done."

Starting AP: 4/16
-1AP Join Pantheon: Sororitas [Life (Nourishment 5/10]

Music (Song): 1/10
Life (Nourishment): 5/10

2019-02-27, 06:17 PM
Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

Tafeita felt her fur rise as the divine presence washed over her. This was... different. Much, much different than any other divine she'd encounter. Even Janika, as much as she disagreed with her, was understandable. She was a physical being, she spoke, and she had a set of values that she could comprehend if not agree with. This being on the other hand... even if her burning heart continued to blaze, the rest of her felt chilled to the bone.

"...greetings," the beast spoke hesitantly, eyes darting around in a vain attempt to find a 'body' for the 'somebody' she spoke to. "Thank you for the information. It's... it's very helpful. I am Tafeita. Who am I speaking to?"

The presence focuses on a wall, and it carves itself as if eroding over an epoch.

I don't have a name. Names discern who we are, but I am what I am. And what I am is The Fortress of Moss. You can call me that. I am these walls, and these halls. Everywhere beneath these stones. I keep old things so that they may one day be recalled.

How about you? Tell me. The halflings and kobolds say much of you, Tafeita. But mortals are prone to untruths. I have many a tale written in these walls that I ought to mark as fiction, before anyone misunderstands.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-27, 06:28 PM
The presence focuses on a wall, and it carves itself as if eroding over an epoch.

I don't have a name. Names discern who we are, but I am what I am. And what I am is The Fortress of Moss. You can call me that. I am these walls, and these halls. Everywhere beneath these stones. I keep old things so that they may one day be recalled.

How about you? Tell me. The halflings and kobolds say much of you, Tafeita. But mortals are prone to untruths. I have many a tale written in these walls that I ought to mark as fiction, before anyone misunderstands.

Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

The Fortress of Moss... such a strange creature. Tafeita still couldn't help but feel flattered that her children and those they helped seemed to hold her in such esteem, even though she'd done so little for them. Though for some reason the idea of tales written about her filled her with an odd sense of foreboding. It was probably nothing.

"Whether it is your name or not I greet you, Fortress of Moss," the Hearth Goddess replied, stating it more as a name followed by a place rather than a title or an object. "I thank you for your kind words. I cannot say whether what they have said is true or not, but I gave life to the kobolds and sent them to aid the halflings. I taught them to sow seeds from the land, and build dens upon flat earth. I gave them the ability to bear great numbers of children and a desire to spread across the world. Beyond that I have done little for them. ...may I ask a question of my own?" she went on hesitantly. "You say that you keep hold of the old so that they can be returned. That seem admirable. Yet your moss seems only to consume the still new to spread itself further. How does that further your cause? I have done things that are frivolous or wasteful," she admitted. "Yet I could not imagine making something that is actively detrimental to furthering my view of this world."

The Succubus
2019-02-27, 06:48 PM
The Great Rat (featuring Fortress of Moss, Marah, Looloodi, Enyim, Nemesis)

Of Mice and Moss

Darkness filled the tunnels and chambers of Tanglenest. The roots that once shone with their gentle light had first dimmed, then faded completely. What had happened? Had it been connected to the earthquakes and fires from earlier, or was this some new horror to be visited upon them? The Great Rat did not know. At the very least, the fires and rockfalls had ceased and in their place had come a strange rustling sound. Although they did not know it, the rustling heralded a huge change in the lives of the rats.

The rat slowly limped into the chamber, supported by its nest mate. Pain shot through it with every step - it was only through some minor miracle that the falling rocks had not crushed it but instead had "only" landed a blow on its hind quarters.

"Pain. Much pain. No help to make pain leave," it said, in the curious language the rats used.

Its nest mate looked downcast, sad that there was nothing it could really do. At least the floor of this cave looked soft, covered as it was in a strange green plant-like substance. "Rest, sleep, will heal with time," it squeaked, although it was secretly doubtful its friend would ever walk properly again.

Laying down on the moss, the rat closed its eyes and dreamed. It dreamed of a large cavern, bigger than anything it had ever seen. It dreamed of strange clusters of rocks, that seemed almost to have been carefully put into their places, as though laid out by a very tidy-minded cave in. Some of the rocks were covered in the same green moss it had seen in the cave. The rat had the feeling it was being watched.

There gaps in the rocks that led to tunnels. Tunnels wound and twisted, leading through open areas and chambers that smelled of dust and time. After some time, that may have been a few minutes or an eternity, the rat found itself in a large open courtyard. That watchful presence was at its strongest in this place.

"Why are you here?"

The voice came from everywhere and nowhere. It spoke with an air of curiosity, as if it had discovered something unexpected but not necessarily unwelcome. The rat thought for a while before it decided to settle on the truth.

"Do not know. Strange place. Talking without voice," the rat replied. "....would like to know."

The Fortress of Moss was ancient and inscrutable, yet those with divine senses might have picked up the faintest trace of amusement in the voice that echoed along the timeless ruins.

"You have chosen well. Return to this place in sleep and you might know many things in time. Wake, little one, with my blessing."

The rat started and looked around at the chamber it had fallen asleep in. The moss lining the floor felt reassuring and experimentally the rat flexed its muscles. The pain had gone! It rose up on its hind legs and in the gloom of the cavern, it looked down at itself. Its fur had changed, becoming shorter, thicker....greener? It looked almost the same as the moss it had slept on.

It would return here tomorrow and maybe find many new things to know.

Create Advanced Concept: Mosspeaker (2AP): The Mosspeakers are rats that have developed a close affinity with the moss now growing throughout the tunnels and caves of Tanglenest. The initial Mosspeakers were rats that were injured in Nemesis' attack on Ilainthos and after resting with the chambers where the moss grew, found that their dreams took them to the Fortress of Moss. As they walk through it, they listen to what it tells them of the past and the present. They learn about the world around them (in an easy to understand version, nothing overly complicated) and their communication is now close to that of an intelligent human. They serve as elders and guides for the other rats but at present lack any form of "magic". Their "fur" is very similar to the moss itself, feeling much like normal rat fur to the touch but in appearance and colour much more moss like. When a Mosspeaker reaches the end of its slightly lengthened life, it will travel to the physical embodiment of the Fortress of Moss and sleep for the final time amongst the ruins.


Of Mice and Mer

Tamesis understood, or at least thought she did, well enough. She places her free hand upon her chest. "Tamesis" Then, she mimics the motions for sleep, then points to the ocean. Then, she makes the motion for swimming. She points to the light overhead, and motions it going over the horizon. She repeats this three times. Then, the large gesture around herself. "Mer." Her explanation done, she looks back at the creature in her hand, and tilts her head inquisitively towards the ocean. Would it like to come visit?

The Wandering Rat squeaked approvingly. This "Mer" and itself were understanding one another. This creature lived in the water rather than tunnels and caves and it would certainly be very interesting to learn about this place where they had their nest. The rat turned to look at the ocean, the waves reaching out toward the beach they stood on. There was rather a lot of water and while rats could swim through the tiny stream and pools that occasionally flowed through Tanglenest, it was unsure if could swim as far as the Mer could.



Of Mice and Murder

The hagfish slowed her swim and twisted her eel-like shape to face the king and his new prisoner. She swam closer until Looloodi could perhaps almost feel the slime that Eniym wore like a second skin. Perhaps it even dripped down. Probably not an onslaught, but a tiny speck. Was it to remind her of her degradation or an accident - even Eniym was not sure. In any case, she addresses the King in Iron.

My name . . brrlplop . . . is Eniym

And in this instance, she had decided to don the trappings of royalty to gain the King's respect

I am the Queen of Storms.

Almost as if trumpets blaring but certainly by chance there was a thunderclap.

I had come to you with a message between Royals, but it seems that . . brrlplop . . . the message has now become moot. Instead, from the words of your new pet, I know that another is seeking you. When you burned the tree this one grew fearful and angry. And yet when you burned the ocean another grew aroused. Your sister . . brrlplop . . . said you would never know pleasure but it is not so, someone has fallen in love with you with such fiery passion that she has convinced herself that you are to be destroyed. She will hound you and try to crush you . . brrlplop . . . secretly hoping to submit.

At this point, Eniym looked at Looloodi

The one I speak of is the Queen of the Oceans and the Salt therein, she is the . . brrlplop . . . sister by the bond of this one, and she will come with the rest of them. She, however, will not try to rescue you - she will be jealous of your relationship with the King in Iron.

And she turned to Nemesis again

As Queen of the mercurial storms I wish to warn you . . brrlplop . . . that women are more unknowable than the skies. I have come to . . brrlplop . . . wish you fortune.

It was at this point that the black sand of the beach fountained up into the air, the hard volcanic stone beneath splitting into chunks and crashing down along the shoreline and into the pool of water the two goddesses had been enjoying only a short while earlier. A sandstorm obscured the crater for a few moments, before clearing just enough to reveal the crazed, nightmarish features of The Nameless Rat.

Blood streamed down its face and snout from where it had battered through the bedrock and the rat violently shook itself to clear the blood away from its eyes. It screamed the same terrifying cry it had made when it first caught the scent of the being that had attacked its home and slaughtered so many of its people. It sniffed the air, the beautiful rainbow scent of Looloodi meaning as little to it as the strange alien scent coming from the floating fish creature. There was only one scent it sought after and it slowly turned its head toward the source of it and the Nameless Rat's eyes bored into the King of Iron, the fires of murder burning deep within them.

2019-02-27, 07:09 PM
Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

The Fortress of Moss... such a strange creature. Tafeita still couldn't help but feel flattered that her children and those they helped seemed to hold her in such esteem, even though she'd done so little for them. Though for some reason the idea of tales written about her filled her with an odd sense of foreboding. It was probably nothing.

"Whether it is your name or not I greet you, Fortress of Moss," the Hearth Goddess replied, stating it more as a name followed by a place rather than a title or an object. "I thank you for your kind words. I cannot say whether what they have said is true or not, but I gave life to the kobolds and sent them to aid the halflings. I taught them to sow seeds from the land, and build dens upon flat earth. I gave them the ability to bear great numbers of children and a desire to spread across the world. Beyond that I have done little for them. ...may I ask a question of my own?" she went on hesitantly. "You say that you keep hold of the old so that they can be returned. That seem admirable. Yet your moss seems only to consume the still new to spread itself further. How does that further your cause? I have done things that are frivolous or wasteful," she admitted. "Yet I could not imagine making something that is actively detrimental to furthering my view of this world."

The presence shifts, Tafeita will have to move to follow the murals.

Moss is vegetation, a plant. Like grass it grows, like fungal storms it spreads its spores. I gave it the means to puppet the dead as it lacks the hands and feet with which to move, and it would have been cruel to puppet the living, and complex to puppet things that move by other means, that is a trick we have only learned recently.

As for the bloom, it is honestly not my doing. Stone blessed the moss after the flames came from the north and made it grow faster in the heat. But there was lava all over the deeper tunnels, and this followed. Although I will admit I do not regret expanding my reach. There is much out there beyond the First Land we raised and stretched.

Any thing that lives, given the means, will grow beyond control. Plant or animal, so it has happened. It is a lesson to recall. On the value of predators, perhaps, and more.

The Fortress appears to not mind the slimes then.

What is your view for the world?


Murderous Rodents

Moss steadily follows the wake of the Nameless Rat.

2019-02-27, 07:18 PM

With a simple gesture and inclination of her head Selima communicated with Janika that she should follow. The green goddess, however, was engaged with business of her own and the Desert Maiden did not tarry to ascertain as to whether or not her invitation had been accepted.

For the first time in her young existence Selima's heart knew despair for it wasn't merely that the light of Ilianthos had faded, but the great tree itself was wounded and scarred. The white-hot liquid fires of her gown dimmed, reduced to a pale flicker of feeble light as she searched for the nymph of the Dawnfly. In the distant night sky her eyes settled upon Ilystear, and though she knew not the story of its incarnation, she recognized her Sister's pain and her fires were rekindled.

Turning sharply at Marah's proclamation of woe upon this defiler, he who would lay hands upon their sister Looloodi, her visage grew fey and malevolent. Her gown burned a sickly and malignant amber-hue. She had no words, only a feral scream as she flamed across the darkened sky following the trail of moss.

Her heart overtaken by darkness, she neglected the Dawnfly nymph....her second careless betrayal. The poor creature withered and waned, but did not die, rather becoming a pale reflection of what it had once been - its life fire greatly diminished.

While The First Land grew cold during its first night, the rest of the world suffered worse still. Where the seasonal turns of the cycle of years had once been mild - autumn and winter a short respite of harvest and dormancy yielding ever to the vibrancy of spring and high summer - now the life-giving warmth of the world plunged precipitously and blankets of heavy snow were driven across the Shattered Lands on boreal winds.

2019-02-27, 10:19 PM
Daghir and the First speaker

Janika, Daghir and the archons.

His cover shed, he stood static, She had surely seen him. it was not the right time, and he couldn't run, thanks to his archons who so carelessly spoke ahead of him, his temper flared to the sound of razor leaves, he should unmake them. The thought hanged in the air before it actually elicited a response; surprise, shame and a hint of fear of what'd been if the words were made manifest as they often did.

A deep breath shook the sea around him, crashing waves seemingly fighting over usurping their fallen eldest; this must end

Ominous wind shattered the archon's wait for a reply from the godess, the elemental mayhem and jungle of the first land joining the tempestuous form of the Daghir until it was the size of Janika, renewed with leaves and mush and fire to its name. The swirling shape stoppping eye to eye to she who had never failed "Hi" it was more than he thought he'll muster.

Warlords in the Caldera

"It had been half a dozen generations..." Thus said the sages when teaching the myth of the Queila, and they pantomimed by the hearth fire. From the moment that Miwa was born he had heard this and others, the countless fights amidst the gods; those of fire, who made the moss grow strong and kept them warm, she who created them her mate and the prodigious family that ran straight to him; then the gods of their winding maze of a habitat, who kept them safe and lifted the beast's wind, yet chased the fire and instilled a cold that killed. This time the story was special, muweil was born, and he embraced the youngling as she slept through this tale for the first time.

"...A time, when our people were chased into the mountains, by the coiling devils. And the vigilant dead shattered our bonds as lighting on a mighty tree, trunk was intact..." The goblin looked in silence, disciplined as little of their race was, his skin showed the scars from before he was compliant. The siblings played merrily, building structures out of polished blocks, the awed Muweil trying to mimic Miwa's blessedly sturdy structures.

"... And we withered in the solitude, with families afraid of venturing for food if they lost the sight of home, but the great Tholtec came, and saw the paths that the wind and the dead had laid for us..." Miwa stared pointedly at the shades that flew past outside their lodgings, as he was prone to do. His father scolded him severely as well, as he was prone to do. The matters of administration was not something he wanted, but such was his call "even if you haven't heard it" as his father used to say. An unknown voice screamed for his father, and the elder halfling called enraged for her daughter with the thunderous voice reflecting many times along the house. A mounting falcon flew past the window and Milwa shared a brief smile with his sister. It was too bad his father had grown wary of her mimicry but at the very least it was a distraction.

"...and as the mountains gave to his might, he carved us homes and sought our strayed kin so they too may taste victory upon our foes..." The wind gnawed at her skin as the night took form, a single loolodite hung on her neck by thick strands, most would be overjoyed about such a gift but not her... Such was the sign of high priesthood, and she would wish it all upon her worst enemy is she had any, her father was almost senile, there was no other cause to condemn her to a life of looking at the stars and helping children to nod off with stories of unfathomable bore. She cursed the wind below her and patted her falcon, qui, to a shriek of approval. she heard the wind curse back as only it could.

"... Time and again he used cunning to eradicate the tide of fanged filth, luring them to the mounts we made ours and trouncing them most definitely, so that they learned their place. And our flock flourished as it never had before, our warriors chase the cowed enemies, trained our predators and the fire and storm blessed us at every turn, we are the Queila and you carry the flame of Tholtec in your heart child, honor his legacy""don't worry" Said Miwa, and Muweil stood for a moment, as she finished strapping their captive to qui, it was just like him; she smiled faintly and answered with a steady "sure".

The brothers flew into the night, the task was easy enough and completely out of bounds, had their father's mind not become muddied with age. A tribe of goblins had grown big and bold in the recent years, and the young warriors took it upon themselves to scare them off. Qui and Ahlit (Miwa's falcon) stood on a strong branch, silent as the night, the tribe was near enough, as they could tell by their fires but they weren't suicidal enough for a direct assault. They trailed four as they split further to their encroachment, then they threw the lure: Splats-gruesomely did as her parents predicted, and the split party couldn't help but search, the slings were a formality as rocks fell from the trees against them, they took a couple of pieces today and left the corpse pile for the goblins to see, may they fear the dark.

The windy maze had gotten colder as the world did, the threat of frostburn realm as the night went, they found a cave outside the Queia dominion, set a light and rested, or at least Miwa did. Muweil was as the dead vigilant yet silent, she didn't know how long she'll been staring at her brother with anger unconcealed, she tried to remember when last she had enjoyed his company, when last they has laughed and she was sincere but all she could find was bile and frustration; loved relinquished and injustice, betrayal and favor, and Miwa had to see as well, or either be ignorant of all plight, and that would not stand. She pondered through the night, and as the sun rose broke, along with her brother's skull.

It took but a rock upon it and it stood as strong as an egg would have,Ahlit woke and put up a fight but it was outnumbered and heartbroken, it didn't stand a chance.

She felt exalted for a moment, then nothing. As she rode Qui her legs trembled, and she second guessed for the first time. Memories she couldn't find were flowing freely through her and she threw up digested moss and bits of goblin. She stopped her flight without thinking and upon a familiar rock she stood, an Echo speaking as if her very presence had startled it "don't worry" she dropped to her knees and wept wildly for the last time, as she would not allow it, not anymore. It was her carrying the flame of Tholtec and she would honor his legacy, forged in bloodshed as it was.

-2AP create society, The Queia kingdom: A union of many halfling tribes making their living in the windy maze surrounding the caldera, masters of finding their way through the by design unintuitive landscape, power is as centralized as it can be, given the rough terrain and weird borders of their kingdom even if the taming of fast warhawks allows for fast arrival of messages; and state affairs are lead by a monarch chosen from the blood of their founder: Tholtec . The Queia avoid open conflicts, using superior mobility and natural defenses to assert dominance over the nearby tribes and fuel the servant caste, mainly for the rough work of excavating their mountain homes. A priestly caste covers the spiritual needs with a pantheonic religion formed on the two neutralish groups of gods related to fire and wind. Festivals include:

* the great hunt: in which children and adults both don masks and play hide and seek through the nearby maze in mimickry of Tholtecs earlier battles.

Da Fai's home: in attendance to the gods, people will Fast in their door's home until late night, generally guided by a local priest, when the morning is about to come a great heart is fed in every household, and a magnificent feast (by each houses' standard) and spent the next day replenishing energies in whatever way they may please. [War (skirmish) 3/10][War (skirmish) 3/10]

Pardon any mistakes, writing this sort of posts on my phone is hell

Edit: reminder to myself to actually edit it someday.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-27, 11:17 PM
[QUOTE=Draken;23739584]The presence shifts, Tafeita will have to move to follow the murals.

Moss is vegetation, a plant. Like grass it grows, like fungal storms it spreads its spores. I gave it the means to puppet the dead as it lacks the hands and feet with which to move, and it would have been cruel to puppet the living, and complex to puppet things that move by other means, that is a trick we have only learned recently.

As for the bloom, it is honestly not my doing. Stone blessed the moss after the flames came from the north and made it grow faster in the heat. But there was lava all over the deeper tunnels, and this followed. Although I will admit I do not regret expanding my reach. There is much out there beyond the First Land we raised and stretched.

Any thing that lives, given the means, will grow beyond control. Plant or animal, so it has happened. It is a lesson to recall. On the value of predators, perhaps, and more.

The Fortress appears to not mind the slimes then.

What is your view for the world?

Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

Tafeita glared at the water, so shallow to some but so deep to her. She considered evaporating it for a moment, before reluctantly concluding that would be rude. So she plunged into the icy cold liquid, doggy paddling along to keep up with Fortress's words.

Which in all fairness may well have been worth the discomfort. Despite its unnerving aura and seemingly opposing elements they were fascinating in a way. She'd thought much the same at times, in her own way. The world was as it was. To change it overmuch would be wrong, and not just because it wound anger the other gods. She also sought to spread her children across the world, and longed to have them grow. Yet at the same time...

"I don't think growing is the important part," Tafeita mused, finding her stride enough to keep her muzzle above the water. "Nature expanding is a good thing, but only because it benefits the children of the world. Them growing is good too, but only if doing so would make them happy. That's what is truly important I think. To bring children to this world, teach them to care for themselves, and ensure they have the tools to make their own happiness. As well as jumping in when they need a stronger hand to shield them from the evils of the world," she admitted. "I suppose the part I find confusing and somewhat unnerving about your moss is not that I can't comprehend putting so much effort into something that..." she blushed, looking away for a moment "well for want of a better term something that cannot love you. Or itself, or anything else for that matter. People, thinking people who can speak and love and live, deserve to exist. And they deserve to have that existence be as safe as is reasonable, and as happy as they can make it. That's what I think."

2019-02-28, 04:35 AM

The claims of the floating goddess were mad. That any of their number would be moved by the fates of a handful of mortals, much less to naked violence, seemed beyond the pale. And yet, his recent prize had reacted with violence first over a blind grievance. Perhaps this Marah was a simple creature, ruled by animal passions above all else. It would certainly explain the rest of Eniym's tale.

"Well met, Eniym, and welcome again to Karam-Kor. Your travels have clearly taken you far, and your insight is appreciated. However, you need not concern yourself - if she is sister to this blossom, then I have taken their measure. There is little to fear..."

He paused, eye drawn away from Eniym's languid gyrations and towards the midnight beach. The sand shuddered to a foreign heartbeat, and as he watched something furious and feral burst free of the earth's embrace. It was unlike anything Nemesis had yet encountered, but its mien was reminiscent of his own divinity.

"A moment, Eniym. It seems I have visitors without end."

He stepped between the hunched thing and Looloodi's bower, a hand raised in greeting.

"I would have your name, creature, if you are to set foot upon my land."

2019-02-28, 06:59 AM
He'd promised.

It was a terrible idea, but he couldn't say no to her. Big, brown eyes like hot chocolate and lips that said words like a potter molds clay. He'd been a sucker for her since their professor introduced them over thirty years ago. He'd been younger then but age had a way of distilling things, crystallizing them, a crucible like the one that sat on his desk merrily bubbling away. She'd fallen sick, a consumption deep in her lungs gained from some far off island that floated in the sky.

Those islands hung outside his window now. They'd moved over those thirty years. Some said they were the curse of a God, some Fox Lord that dared to steal the Pantheon's ancestral land away. Some a Rabbit, born of bloody lust who trampled the long shattered continent in search of iron to make more weapons of war. Others still an owl, jealous of its brothers and sisters in the Pantheon, who took the land to make a roost before it was struck down. Whatever the reason, and he suspected it was no more divine than the planes or the various other old and distressed lands that dotted the globe, the lands were a blight. Nothing more. Storms raged upon them and the islands that floated in the sky...he dare not dwell on the venom they produced. All it did was remind him of those beautiful eyes, rheumy now from the infection.

But he'd promised.

He'd stayed by her side, the infection was slow. He'd watched for years as it ate away are her, replacing her milk white flesh with mottled green and brown, her eyes turning sallow and unfocused before filming over completely. The physical changes he could have handled, he'd worked with cadavers and worse in dark laboratories long before his studies with the infection, he'd seen the walking dead, he'd gazed upon the devils and demons from The Cacophony. He'd even had chance to walk in that realm of Elemental Chaos, the visions haunted him still. But none of it had prepared him for the worst of the infection. The voices. The dreams.

She wasn't the first to contract it. On the contrary there were races that willingly subjected themselves to the Green as so many called it. The goblins were the first, as far as their records showed but many and more fell to it. They'd cut contact with any race they felt had become too infested, burned their ships and bodies but that only helped the spread. The Green was insidious like that, the flames only made it grow stronger, faster. The coasts fell almost instantly after the first fires. Their airships were next, she'd been on the last of them, had a resistance to the Green or so he guessed. It was a full three years before she began showing the signs. Others followed suit. The Green had grown. Had become smart. They'd heard stories that the Green was more than just some bacteria or parasite but with its high infection rate few had documented its root cause. When she showed the first signs, he'd put her in quarantine. He'd promised her that he'd cure her.

"I know you will my love."

He'd contracted it too, with every cough more moss came forth. It was a race against the clock through sucking mud. He chronicled each stage as they overtook him, when he was able. He had taken to using the milk of the red moon to dull the pain that welled up inside him. To quite the voices. To silence the dreams. It had been years since he'd gone to her but he could always hear her voice. Taunting, pleading, cajoling. She was a demon and an angle. Ever mocking their promise, their life, their fate. But hers was not the only voice. There was something else within The Green. Something Divine. He'd come to know it, intimately. She'd been jealous but even this seemed an act by some grave mind deep within the infection. It had a name once but it had dropped it, The Rat and the Raven and so many others had come and together they were something new. Something different. Something powerful enough to unify the world. Before the milk, he'd heard all of their voices. Deafening, he'd almost lost himself.

It pushed him, that voice, dragging him to a cure he knew well enough he'd never reach. The last vial sat over a burner, the crucible burnt black from the heat. The Green could survive direct heat, it made it stronger, made it grow. A defense mechanism it had learned from the Raven. Fire was its fear once but no longer. Fire fed it forever now and the world would be engulfed first in flame and then in verdant forests when the ashes settled. He saw it clearly, dreamed it as his nose filled with smoke. There was no race, no time, no hate, no freedom in this evergreen world. There was only The Greenscape and it alone was whole. In the flames he saw her, dancing as she had all those years ago. She wore a green dress that hung to the floor and from her frame. Had she always been so frail? He could hardly recall, too many memories of too many men and too many dances that all vied for his attentions. They shared the memory together and with a jolt he was awake.

There was no window, no walls. He hung in a tree, a small goblin once but now merely one with the Green. He'd never had a woman with eyes like dark oak or a voice as clear as crystal glass. But it mattered not, for he was part and parcel with the Green and the memories belonged to him just as much as they had a doctor who lived and died seeking a cure when it had always been before him. In the end, the little goblin remembered. He'd walked up the stairs where he had once chained his beloved. She was frail like in the dream but the Green provided nourishment enough. He lay with her and let the Green wash over him.

He'd kept his promise. He'd cure her, with his own mind within the Green...she was cured. She was no longer as lonely as she had been, waiting all those years for him to come.

2019-02-28, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=Draken;23739584]The presence shifts, Tafeita will have to move to follow the murals.

Moss is vegetation, a plant. Like grass it grows, like fungal storms it spreads its spores. I gave it the means to puppet the dead as it lacks the hands and feet with which to move, and it would have been cruel to puppet the living, and complex to puppet things that move by other means, that is a trick we have only learned recently.

As for the bloom, it is honestly not my doing. Stone blessed the moss after the flames came from the north and made it grow faster in the heat. But there was lava all over the deeper tunnels, and this followed. Although I will admit I do not regret expanding my reach. There is much out there beyond the First Land we raised and stretched.

Any thing that lives, given the means, will grow beyond control. Plant or animal, so it has happened. It is a lesson to recall. On the value of predators, perhaps, and more.

The Fortress appears to not mind the slimes then.

What is your view for the world?

Tafeita: The Fortress of Moss

Tafeita glared at the water, so shallow to some but so deep to her. She considered evaporating it for a moment, before reluctantly concluding that would be rude. So she plunged into the icy cold liquid, doggy paddling along to keep up with Fortress's words.

Which in all fairness may well have been worth the discomfort. Despite its unnerving aura and seemingly opposing elements they were fascinating in a way. She'd thought much the same at times, in her own way. The world was as it was. To change it overmuch would be wrong, and not just because it wound anger the other gods. She also sought to spread her children across the world, and longed to have them grow. Yet at the same time...

"I don't think growing is the important part," Tafeita mused, finding her stride enough to keep her muzzle above the water. "Nature expanding is a good thing, but only because it benefits the children of the world. Them growing is good too, but only if doing so would make them happy. That's what is truly important I think. To bring children to this world, teach them to care for themselves, and ensure they have the tools to make their own happiness. As well as jumping in when they need a stronger hand to shield them from the evils of the world," she admitted. "I suppose the part I find confusing and somewhat unnerving about your moss is not that I can't comprehend putting so much effort into something that..." she blushed, looking away for a moment "well for want of a better term something that cannot love you. Or itself, or anything else for that matter. People, thinking people who can speak and love and live, deserve to exist. And they deserve to have that existence be as safe as is reasonable, and as happy as they can make it. That's what I think."

There is a click in the walls and the sounds of pulleys and great machinery, and the water begins steadily draining, it is still there, but Tafeita should be able to walk now.

The Fortress has learned a trick or two from Tenebreon.

I am what I am, and that is nothing too kind, nor particularly demanding of those around me. Selfish and selfless in equal measure. Moss is my tool, in this I am like Tenebreon who lives that way.

There aren't really any directions given. But Tafeita can feel the presence shift in the direction of the Umbral Laboratories before returning to normal.

I would think many of us who come from beneath are like this. Fond of things, fond of ideas, not really so keen on the lives of others. I mostly meddle when those lives end, to make it so that they will not be forgotten. And that if any ever wish, I will have their stories to tell, or their bones to show, ideally both. Maybe in an inscribed box, or ashes in an urn. A token of a time long gone. This land straddles on such things.

The tunnel ends into a large cavern, bearing the ruins of some primitive society of halflings and kobolds, they must have died centuries ago, and their settlement was swallowed by an earthquake. Glowing moss illuminates it all in a fashion equally eerie and solemn.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-28, 04:52 PM
Tafeita: Tomb

The world below was significantly more interesting than she'd imagined. Multiple gods dwelled within it, creations spread across it and in general it was lacking compared to the world above only in that the world above had had more divine attention. Even the irritants could be easily overcome, Tafeita mused as she shook herself dry. Perhaps she should spend more time down here herself? Ah, but then she could not spend the time spreading her children and taking back the Caldera. On the other hand dwelling on that particular subject had given her no end of worries and stress. Perhaps she needed something new to clear her mind before she could continue forward? And anything she created down here would be far safer than anything above, if only because they had to worry about earthquakes only rather than both earthquakes and storms, and nothing else lived making conflict with living things impossible.

Then she was shown the dead village. And though her heart panged at the loss of her children, she understood why she was of above rather than beneath.

"I don't think I could ever think like that," Tafeita admitted, slowly padding among the ruins of the village. "Life is the ends and means, the purpose and the way to achieve that purpose. A world without life, true life, is no world at all. Just a rock filled with baubles and old bones." The beast hopped onto an overturned vase, idly balancing on it as though it were a ball. "You see this village and you see something to preserve. Something of value. I do not. I feel loss at the sight of the dead, but their bodies? Their works? Their ideas? They hold no meaning to me, except that they may have passed onto the living somewhere else and made their lives better. If the entire world were to be destroyed this very instant I would be enraged beyond measure, and mourn for an age, but I would likely try something new rather than try to recreate or preserve the old. Once something no longer lives it's... well that's it, it's a thing then. And things only have value if you assign value to it, as opposed to thinking life that always have value because they can give it to themselves."

The goddess sighed. Was she strange, for clinging to the past so loosely? Or was Fortress of Moss strange for holding it in such high regard? Was life itself worth upholding, or was it no more meaningful than the undead animated by moss? She knew what she felt, but thinking she was right wasn't the same as being it. "Despite how little I can value what you hold dear I can appreciate your efforts," she tried to assure the god. "It doesn't harm others, and you clearly try hard to do what you feel is right. I can respect that immensely."

2019-02-28, 06:58 PM
[Tafeita and The Frotress of Moss]

If we all had the same thoughts, some of us would be quite superfluous. I can't imagine I would enjoy it much if there were another god inching on my work, I can only see such a thing going poorly.

The presence flows along the ruins, there are no bodies strewn about, the caretakers were true to their name and lined the bodies in well ordered alcoves somewhere. Where the presence flows, ahead of Tafeita, the moss lights up in a road, eventually leading to a tunnel that surely leads back up and out.

You asked of Marah when you arrived, did you not? I can see her among the roots of the great tree Ilianthos, besides the desert maiden, Selima. This tunnel will lead you there, if you like. But be warned that conflict brews in their path, should you have no wish to partake.

Has Tafeita truly walked so far underground that she has gone from the Caldera all the way undersea and to Ilianthos? Maybe The Fortress of Moss has learned a trick or two from a rat.

Anubis Dread
2019-02-28, 07:42 PM
Tafeita: The Broken Tree

Ah, but to be as open minded as Fortress of Moss. Tafeita would very much like it if other gods thought the same way she did. Then again, Fortress was rather safe from interference down in the depths of the world. He might reconsider that opinion if the differences of the other gods caused them to meddle in his works.

"Selima huh? That'd be everyone but Loolodi. Perhaps they're having a party," the Hearth Goddess chuckles, nerves in her voice. Truth be told if conflict awaited then it was far more likely they were girding themselves for war. Which despite her own feelings she'd be honor bound to participate in. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She doubted any battle they waged would be unjust, and yet... a battle was unjust by virtue of simply existing. Sometimes it was less so than the alternative. That didn't mean she looked forward to it.

Tafeita knelt down on her front paw. "Thank you for your help. Maybe I'll make something down here sometime to show you the true value life has," she offered, before racing up the tunnel.

It was surprisingly short. Of course length held little sway when ones speed was 'as fast as one wished, reality be damned', but it was still something to note. It felt like barely an instant before the goddess emerged from the roots of the great tree, right by a pair of goddesses. Which she would have paid more attention to at least acknowledge who they were if the entire tree wasn't dark and twisted. "What."

...in retrospect, perhaps she should avoid spending quite so much time underground in the future.

Toxic Mind
2019-02-28, 08:09 PM
Marah: Fury of the Deep


With a simple gesture and inclination of her head Selima communicated with Janika that she should follow. The green goddess, however, was engaged with business of her own and the Desert Maiden did not tarry to ascertain as to whether or not her invitation had been accepted.

For the first time in her young existence Selima's heart knew despair for it wasn't merely that the light of Ilianthos had faded, but the great tree itself was wounded and scarred. The white-hot liquid fires of her gown dimmed, reduced to a pale flicker of feeble light as she searched for the nymph of the Dawnfly. In the distant night sky her eyes settled upon Ilystear, and though she knew not the story of its incarnation, she recognized her Sister's pain and her fires were rekindled.

Turning sharply at Marah's proclamation of woe upon this defiler, he who would lay hands upon their sister Looloodi, her visage grew fey and malevolent. Her gown burned a sickly and malignant amber-hue. She had no words, only a feral scream as she flamed across the darkened sky following the trail of moss.

Her heart overtaken by darkness, she neglected the Dawnfly nymph....her second careless betrayal. The poor creature withered and waned, but did not die, rather becoming a pale reflection of what it had once been - its life fire greatly diminished.

While The First Land grew cold during its first night, the rest of the world suffered worse still. Where the seasonal turns of the cycle of years had once been mild - autumn and winter a short respite of harvest and dormancy yielding ever to the vibrancy of spring and high summer - now the life-giving warmth of the world plunged precipitously and blankets of heavy snow were driven across the Shattered Lands on boreal winds.
Marah places a hand on Selima's shoulder, or as near to it as she can get. "We cannot let suffering consume us - we cannot become like Him." She gently touches one of the roots of Ilianthos "even in darkness," a blue-green light shines faintly beneath her hand "life will always shine through". All across the first world, the plant life glows faintly - its life force shining as dim light. Underwater plants glow to guide the Mer, Halflings and Kobolds hopelessly lose in the forests find light to guide them free, even Giants find their nightly journeys less treacherous.

"See sister? Together, we are stronger; together, we can make a difference in this world." She points to the moss path, now faintly illuminated even beneath the waves around Ilianthos. "Come, let us meet Him."

It was at that moment that Tefeita emerged from the roots, and Marah, her fancy words spent, could only respond with the first greeting: Hello.
Starting AP: 3/16 PAP: 1/1
-1PAP: Blessing - When All Other Lights... - Living plants exhibit bio-luminescence. The stronger their life, the greater the light, though no plant ever shines above dim light. Sphere (Light) 1/10

Of Mice and Mer
The Wandering Rat squeaked approvingly. This "Mer" and itself were understanding one another. This creature lived in the water rather than tunnels and caves and it would certainly be very interesting to learn about this place where they had their nest. The rat turned to look at the ocean, the waves reaching out toward the beach they stood on. There was rather a lot of water and while rats could swim through the tiny stream and pools that occasionally flowed through Tanglenest, it was unsure if could swim as far as the Mer could.

Tamesis gestures to herself and to the Wandering Rat, then makes the motion for swimming, and moves the small creature to her shoulders. I will swim for both of us. It would not be difficult to stay on the surface - slower, perhaps, but not difficult. Even with the darkening, she could guide by the ocean currents and the stars above; all Mer scouts could. She gestures to herself, and breathes in. Then the Rat, and nods while pointing off on the horizon. You can breathe in my nest. She hoped in came across. The logistics hopefully decided, she points toward the horizon and raises a questioning brow-ridge. Time to go?

Anubis Dread
2019-02-28, 08:43 PM
[QUOTE=Toxic Mind;23742225]Marah: Fury of the Deep

Marah places a hand on Selima's shoulder, or as near to it as she can get. "We cannot let suffering consume us - we cannot become like Him." She gently touches one of the roots of Ilianthos "even in darkness," a blue-green light shines faintly beneath her hand "life will always shine through". All across the first world, the plant life glows faintly - its life force shining as dim light. Underwater plants glow to guide the Mer, Halflings and Kobolds hopelessly lose in the forests find light to guide them free, even Giants find their nightly journeys less treacherous.

"See sister? Together, we are stronger; together, we can make a difference in this world." She points to the moss path, now faintly illuminated even beneath the waves around Ilianthos. "Come, let us meet Him."

It was at that moment that Tefeita emerged from the roots, and Marah, her fancy words spent, could only respond with the first greeting: Hello

Tefaita: The Moss Road

It was bizarre, seeing Marah for the first time. She was a complete stranger, yet the bracelet bound to her foreleg insisted she was a trusted friend. Not just a trusted friend, but one she could allow to rule her. Even if only in minor matters, and still leaving room for disagreement. It was creepy to say the least, but between her aura of friendliness and hear obvious actions to help whatever had happened to Loolodi's pride and joy it was an easy mental barrier to leap over.

"Hello, Marah," Tafeita bowed her head, stepping towards the pair even as her neck craned back and forth to survey the damage to the tree. "I wish we could meet under better circumstances. What happened here? Wait, let's walk and talk," she amended, stepping forward onto the highway of moss. "Whatever happened it seems urgent to say the least."

Deja Who?
2019-03-01, 09:37 AM
Janika the Neverfail

"So you finally see." Janika said in response, stopping just short of smearing Reaper-of-Souls against this place. "No need to bow to me. You proved your tenacity when we crossed fists." The big lumbering green gal was intrigued, which didn't happen often. "Made anew? This is the secret of that new power. You little pragmatist."

"My own words that broke the silence? Now echoed back to me." Janika mused, pondering the new Archon creatures that had come up to her. This world was becoming more odd every day. Did these things come now that the light was missing? "Who are you? You who have plucked my words from space and carried them back to me to an unknown end."

As the sisters departed, Janika watched after them, the race all but forgotten in the harsh darkness. Daghir appeared to her soon afterwards. "Greetings to you. Are you the master spoken about by this one, one whom has carried my words, or some other yet unknown beastie?" Greeny said, gesturing back to Reaper-of-Souls. "Curiosity demands that I find out the source of this darkness, tho it grows less every moment."

Taking Selima's suggestion, Janika took off at a decent pace towards the Great Tree, Ilianthos, where light once lived. The sisters may be moving on along the path of moss but Janika could still see them as she approached the tree. She whistled in appreciation as the sight unveiled before her. Truly it was one of the greatest creations upon this world. It would take a legend to fell this tree. Perhaps that was why it was damaged and all now knew night. A new contender, trying to make a name for themself. The Queen of Games could respect that.

They just made one mistake. This was her legend.

Bonechewer Tribe, Darkest Simbani, The Darkest Day

It had been a difficult hunting season even before the light left. The tribes leader or "Khan", Listens-to-the-Ocean, had been trying to keep moral up but the other tribes around had made things difficult. The Fleshspittle Clan had been slowly easing into their territory over the last few weeks at the behest of their Khan, Eats-Goblins, still fat over their victory over the Junglerunner Tribe. It was only this darkness that kept them back. Every clan considered it a bad omen.

But for the Bonechewer Tribe this crisis brought a new hope. The tribe clung together out of desperation and were rewarded with a closeness few clans could achieve. In the long days since they had first acquired domestication from the slaves they conquered and the animals they took a new bond had formed. The local Hyenas were laughing and jittering scavengers but Listens-to-the-Ocean watched them and offered them stock from her meats. This seemingly insane action lead to a more permanent bond, and the Bonechewer tribe now relied on the Hyenas for their enhanced senses in tracking and hunting in the darkness.

This proved to be a great advantage that allowed the Bonechewer Tribe to thrive and strike the Fleshspittle Clan at it's most weak. Friendship, it seemed, had made them stronger.

2019-03-01, 10:53 AM
Selima, Marah, and Tafeita

Marah's words and Tafeita's appearance did little to appease her ill-temper, and though she slowed to match their pace she spoke little. Her countenance remained one of genuine malice. She greeted Tafeita with a stilted nod, "Is good you've come."

2019-03-01, 10:56 AM
Nasigune: The Great Tree

Reaper-Of-Souls and Nasigune watch as the others pass the ruin by off to discover who had taken the light. "Follow them. We shall not be left in the dark." Together book and servant take off towards the great tree, only to realize that their path is blocked by water. After some quick searching of the coast, they discover a path underground which seems to lead under the ocean towards where the others had gone. Their journey was slowed greatly as they waded through masses of disgusting moss.

2019-03-01, 11:40 AM
Atmospheric Mixology

As the moss pervaded and paraded throughout the world mortals would constantly confuse it for the spores and fungi that rained down from the clouds. Moss though is not a mushroom of any type - not even a lichen - it is a flower. A very thin flower, but a flower - and one thing about flowers (not that the same could not be said about mushrooms, but alas) is that they wilt and die. But what happens when the flower dies, and another grows on top of it, and then that flower dies, and another grows on top of it, and then that flower dies, and another grows on top of it and so on and so on. The dead flowers get compacted into the soil, enriching it with their fallen blossoms. And this goes on and on until the soil becomes black as muddy as brown and brown and dark as black. In fact, this deposit pushes the soil down further taking its place like a changeling.

And torpid storms push from the dangling mushroom forests below and touch ground in this waste of secret treasure - and the storms drag colonies of moss into the air and such turf with them, the very land being taken into the sky. The Cloudmires were an ideal place for the moss to thrive - but it wasn't alone. The Clouds were the domain of button caps and their court, it was the home of the angels. But in the swamps of the clouds were an ideal location for evolution - the same evolution that created the angels from the myriad of fungal species. The moss encouraged algae to bloom through the scum of the cloud mires and the algae and the mushrooms came to an agreement. And thus lichen spread. Lichen, regular old lichen, like the angels is an entity in cooperation. Whereas the angels were an amalgamation of thousands of mushrooms working towards the cause of consciousness, the lichen was the union of algae and two different fungal species working towards the goal of simply being. But enough about Lichen. the moss and the turf. . .

And so the hurricanes and tornadoes of moss and soil, working backward from the deluges of fire and lightning that assaulted the first world deposited all this into the sky - and there it remained while lichen grew. There, however, quite seperatly, a miracle. Perhaps Eniym in her whims or perhaps chance, but the waters of the swamps filtered through some phlemy cloud and moss into some occasional pure streams. These streams, again, either through chance or Eniym's capricious actions, were mixed with mushrooms that resembled long reeds of wheat and barley, and the yeast in the air - cousin of Angels themselves - and then time. And thus pools of bubbling fermenting liquid developed among the cloudmires. These pools congregated within enclaves of the moss and turf that was brought into the sky - and then! The storms - lighting would race along the mushroom trails - sometime the dangling gardens would catch fire from the magma spewed by the angry clouds - and that fire would race along the lines of the mushrooms to surround these pools until the turf would catch fire.

And this turf - made from dead flowers compacted over years was Peat - and the smoke - peat smoke - and the fermenting liquid would be arrested in its fermentation and would drain from one pool of the sticky cloud into another pool of such cloud, and develop into a dark honey colored clear liquid. This was the secret jewel of the clouds. Whiskey. Sometimes, in rare ocassions such whiskey would be freed from the clouds in a particluarly bad storm and the clouds would open with a sad squelch and rain this liquid gold upon the first land. Mortals would look into the sky and close their eyes and open their mouths for the smoky taste of this rare rain. They would go home happy that storm.

Apart from this process, the lichen - like the mushrooms before them, developed and evolved and eventually contracted other mushrooms and lichen until it grew legs and arms. Unlike, its brother these creatures did not develop wings and were thus cloud-bound. They looked like human skeletons made of grass and moss - but instead of bones, it was lichen woven into helix structures that were as strong as iron. These were the lichen-liches. And while they could not fly like their angel kin they were sentient and intelligent like the wisest of mortals on the land below. Unlike angels that would only fully develop if they died and joined their kin the bureaucracy in heaven, the lichen-liches knew the world from the moment their sightless eyes (being made of lichen) first opened. While they could speak the language of the angels and the spores - if a mortal ever journey to the clouds they would find that the lichen liches would be able to speak their tongue.

And as was said, the lichen-liches knew their purpose and that was to manage the treasure of the clouds. They became the keepers and brewmasters of the cloud-whiskey, ensuring the process continued, managed the fires of the peat, and even began to refine the flavor and taste of the various pools. As there was no such thing as a young or old lichen-lich they were all born equal and the same, each such entity was a master brewer and tender. They even began to organize, not rule (but certainly could seem that way) their brothers the angels and asked them to fly down to the ground below to grab more turf and moss if the clouds were lacking. And as such at least for some portions of the first land the onslaught of moss was moderately abated by scores of angels flying from the clouds with their hands forming into scythes and cutting down the moss to bring back into the sky for the lichen-liches to keep making their drams.

8 AP

2 AP - Create Sub Race: Lichen-Liches
1 AP Curse - Moss over the First Land: to be sucked into the sky by the storms and converted into whiskey, in the complicated fantasy esque way described in the post. Angels too are coming down from clouds to essentially farm the moss.
1 AP - Mundane Concept; Scotch/Whiskey

4 AP