View Full Version : How would you handle petitioners in 5e?

2019-02-16, 10:07 AM
I am playing Planescape: Torment for the first time. Cool game so far, though I still prefer Baldur's Gate. Anyhow, I recently made it past a sensate's lecture on how the afterlife works. And wow, petitioners have it even worse than I thought!

First, a departed soul loses all memories of its life, which remain in the Astral as a "memory core" pretty much only so resurrection spells can bring both the soul and the memories back. That bites.

Then, depending on the soul's beliefs during its life, it reaches either the realm of a deity or the outer plane that matches the soul's alignment (or both, if the deity's realm happens to be in that outer plane). There, a new body forms that resembles the one the soul had in life, with changes brought by the plane. Alright.

But here's the second kicker. The resulting petitioner is effectively more mortal than they were in life! Not only can they die in all the same ways as before, such as a dagger to the guts, but they henceforth can't ever be brought back to life or afterlife. They are dead, afterdead, done and gone. Presumably, they merge with the plane, something you can have the main character point out doesn't sound all that different from oblivion.

5e lore.

From the DMG, we know that the deity-or-alignment rule is still in place. Again, fine by me. Forgotten Realms is harder on the godless, but that's a Realmspace-specific problem.

The DMG, the MM and MToF make memory wipe a thing for souls that get transformed into fiends, typically a LE lemure, NE larva, or CE manes. Instead of memory cores floating in the Astral, we get memory sediment at the bottom of the River Styx, although that connection is only made clear for devils.

Other relevant pieces of lore:

From the DMG, the MM, and VGtM, we know that the souls of goblinoids and orcs battle each other in Acheron, at the calls of the evil gods Maglubiyet and Gruumsh.
In MToF, we learn that most elven souls are stuck in a reincarnation cycle that brings them back and forth between Arborea (specifically Arvandor) and the Material.
The DMG states that Arcadian dwarves and Arborean elves have the celestial type.
Also from the DMG, "one can imagine the perceptible part of the Outer Planes as a border region, while extensive spiritual regions lie beyond ordinary sensory experience".

My take.

I would give petitioners a break in the following ways:

Petitioners of the Upper and Lower Planes get either the celestial of fiend type, as appropriate.
Petitioners get to keep their memories unless they become devils, demons or larvae.
They all have lemure-style regeneration, i.e. they reform on their plane whether they die there or elsewhere, unless specific holy/unholy conditions are met.
It can take them days, weeks, months or years to reappear. Sometimes, they are considered to have permanently merged with the plane, which just means they have moved past its Material-like surface.
Some planes hasten this outcome, such as psychedelic Elysium or depressive Hades. Others have petitioners work toward it, as with the climb of Mount Celestia. And others delay it as much as possible, like Acheron or Ysgard.

2019-02-16, 11:15 AM
This pretty much matches exactly how they are described in the Planescape Campaign Setting box. The important additional detail there is that the petitioners are looking forward to becoming part of the plane and work towards that by trying to bring themselves in complete harmony with the plane. Though it does raise the question why they don't take the shortcut of killing themselves.

2019-02-16, 11:27 AM
Some devout folks merge with their God instead of the plane itself also

2019-02-16, 12:00 PM
The DMG states that Arcadian dwarves and Arborean elves have the celestial type.

Just to say, those refers to *living* dwarves and elves, which just happen to live in the Outer Planes.

2019-02-16, 12:07 PM
How do I handle petitioners? I don't.

Unless they are transformed into a specific creature, I just have the souls of the dead diffuse into the outer planes as part of their essence.

2019-02-16, 12:18 PM
Just to say, those refers to *living* dwarves and elves, which just happen to live in the Outer Planes.That's what I thought too, until I came across this bit of MToF.
When an elf's soul reincarnates, the elf might return to life on any world or on Arvandor. As a result, many elves alive today have latent memories of a previous life spent on Arvandor.

Now I am not so sure there is any distinction to be made between elves that are native to the plane and elves who are spending their afterlives there.

2019-02-16, 12:22 PM
How do I handle petitioners? I don't.

Unless they are transformed into a specific creature, I just have the souls of the dead diffuse into the outer planes as part of their essence.
That doesn’t work for me totally, the fantasy afterlife doesn’t seem complete without... well... afterlivers. Some of the Outer Planes don’t really work without them (Acheron especially, but arguably Ysgard, Elysium, and The Grey Wastes as well... and the lower planes just are not as ‘lower’ without people to torture

2019-02-16, 12:32 PM
That doesn’t work for me totally, the fantasy afterlife doesn’t seem complete without... well... afterlivers. Some of the Outer Planes don’t really work without them (Acheron especially, but arguably Ysgard, Elysium, and The Grey Wastes as well... and the lower planes just are not as ‘lower’ without people to tortureThis is exactly the angle I am coming from. Well put!

2019-02-16, 12:33 PM
That's what I thought too, until I came across this bit of MToF.

Now I am not so sure there is any distinction to be made between elves that are native to the plane and elves who are spending their afterlives there.

Millstone85, the text you quoted specifically says that the elves may *return to life* on Arvandor when their souls reincarnate. Meaning that they are alive and born there.

2019-02-16, 12:55 PM
Millstone85, the text you quoted specifically says that the elves may *return to life* on Arvandor when their souls reincarnate. Meaning that they are alive and born there.Yes, it is the reason why I quoted that text.

From old Planescape's petitioners to 4e's exalted and damned, it is my understanding that the Outer Planes aren't full of ghosts but instead of souls that have effectively been resurrected or reborn there. This is afterlife, not undeath.

And Corellon doesn't like elves planeshifting to his realm. I guess they could try settling somewhere else in Arborea, but I really doubt that's what the DMG was talking about with its celestial elves.